Esempio n. 1
void LLAssetStorage::_cleanupRequests(BOOL all, S32 error)
	F64 mt_secs = LLMessageSystem::getMessageTimeSeconds();

	request_list_t timed_out;
	S32 rt;
	for (rt = 0; rt < RT_COUNT; rt++)
		request_list_t* requests = getRequestList((ERequestType)rt);
		for (request_list_t::iterator iter = requests->begin();
			 iter != requests->end(); )
			request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
			LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
			// if all is true, we want to clean up everything
			// otherwise just check for timed out requests
			// EXCEPT for upload timeouts
			if (all 
				|| ((RT_DOWNLOAD == rt)
					&& LL_ASSET_STORAGE_TIMEOUT < (mt_secs - tmp->mTime)))
				llwarns << "Asset " << getRequestName((ERequestType)rt) << " request "
						<< (all ? "aborted" : "timed out") << " for "
						<< tmp->getUUID() << "."
						<< LLAssetType::lookup(tmp->getType()) << llendl;

				iter = requests->erase(curiter);

	LLAssetInfo	info;
	for (request_list_t::iterator iter = timed_out.begin();
		 iter != timed_out.end();  )
		request_list_t::iterator curiter = iter++;
		LLAssetRequest* tmp = *curiter;
		if (tmp->mUpCallback)
			tmp->mUpCallback(tmp->getUUID(), tmp->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
		if (tmp->mDownCallback)
			tmp->mDownCallback(mVFS, tmp->getUUID(), tmp->getType(), tmp->mUserData, error, LL_EXSTAT_NONE);
		if (tmp->mInfoCallback)
			tmp->mInfoCallback(&info, tmp->mUserData, error);
		delete tmp;

Esempio n. 2
// virtual
bool LLAssetStorage::deletePendingRequest(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt,
											LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
											const LLUUID& asset_id)
	request_list_t* requests = getRequestList(rt);
	if (deletePendingRequestImpl(requests, asset_type, asset_id))
		llinfos << "Asset " << getRequestName(rt) << " request for "
				<< asset_id << "." << LLAssetType::lookup(asset_type)
				<< " removed from pending queue." << llendl;
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 3
// virtual
bool LLHTTPAssetStorage::deletePendingRequest(LLAssetStorage::ERequestType rt,
											LLAssetType::EType asset_type,
											const LLUUID& asset_id)
	// Try removing this from the running list first.
	request_list_t* running = getRunningList(rt);
	if (running)
		LLAssetRequest* req = findRequest(running, asset_type, asset_id);
		if (req)
			// Remove this request from the running list to get it out of curl.
			// Find this request in the pending list, so we can move it to the end of the line.
			request_list_t* pending = getRequestList(rt);
			if (pending)
				request_list_t::iterator result = std::find_if(pending->begin(), pending->end(),
										std::bind2nd(ll_asset_request_equal<LLAssetRequest*>(), req));
				if (pending->end() != result)
					// This request was found in the pending list.  Move it to the end!
					LLAssetRequest* pending_req = *result;

					llinfos << "Asset " << getRequestName(rt) << " request for "
							<< asset_id << "." << LLAssetType::lookup(asset_type)
							<< " removed from curl and placed at the end of the pending queue."
							<< llendl;
					llwarns << "Unable to find pending " << getRequestName(rt) << " request for "
							<< asset_id << "." << LLAssetType::lookup(asset_type) << llendl;
			delete req;

			return true;
	return LLAssetStorage::deletePendingRequest(rt, asset_type, asset_id);