Esempio n. 1
void CtrlSliderBg::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    if( m_pImgSeq )
        if( m_bgWidth > 0 && m_bgHeight > 0 )
            // Compute the resize factors
            float factorX, factorY;
            getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

            // Rescale the image with the actual size of the control
            ScaledBitmap bmp( getIntf(), *m_pImgSeq,
                 m_bgWidth * m_nbHoriz - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                 m_bgHeight * m_nbVert - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );

            // Locate the right image in the background bitmap
            int x = m_bgWidth * ( m_position % m_nbHoriz );
            int y = m_bgHeight * ( m_position / m_nbHoriz );
            // Draw the background image
            rImage.drawBitmap( bmp, x, y, xDest, yDest,
                               m_bgWidth - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                               m_bgHeight - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );
Esempio n. 2
bool CtrlSliderBg::mouseOver( int x, int y ) const
    // Compute the resize factors
    float factorX, factorY;
    getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

    return (m_rCurve.getMinDist( (int)(x / factorX), (int)(y / factorY),
                                 factorX, factorY ) < m_thickness );
Esempio n. 3
void CtrlSliderBg::onResize()
    if( m_pImgSeq )
        // Compute only the new size of an elementary image.
        // The actual resizing is done in the draw() method for now...

        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

        // Size of one elementary background image (padding included)
        m_bgWidth = (int)((m_pImgSeq->getWidth() + m_padHoriz) * factorX / m_nbHoriz);
        m_bgHeight = (int)((m_pImgSeq->getHeight() + m_padVert) * factorY / m_nbVert);
Esempio n. 4
void CtrlSliderCursor::refreshLayout()
    if( m_pImg )
        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

        notifyLayout( (int)(m_rCurve.getWidth() * factorX) + m_pImg->getWidth(),
                      (int)(m_rCurve.getHeight() * factorY) + m_pImg->getHeight(),
                      - m_pImg->getWidth() / 2,
                      - m_pImg->getHeight() / 2 );
Esempio n. 5
void CtrlSliderBg::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) != string::npos )
        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

        // Get the position of the control
        const Position *pPos = getPosition();

        // Get the value corresponding to the position of the mouse
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        int x = rEvtMouse.getXPos();
        int y = rEvtMouse.getYPos();
        m_rVariable.set( m_rCurve.getNearestPercent(
                            (int)((x - pPos->getLeft()) / factorX),
                            (int)((y - pPos->getTop()) / factorY) ) );

        // Forward the clic to the cursor
        EvtMouse evt( getIntf(), x, y, EvtMouse::kLeft, EvtMouse::kDown );
        TopWindow *pWin = getWindow();
        if( pWin && m_pCursor )
            EvtEnter evtEnter( getIntf() );
            // XXX It was not supposed to be implemented like that !!
            pWin->forwardEvent( evtEnter, *m_pCursor );
            pWin->forwardEvent( evt, *m_pCursor );
    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != string::npos )
        int direction = ((EvtScroll&)rEvent).getDirection();

        float percentage = m_rVariable.get();
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            percentage += SCROLL_STEP;
            percentage -= SCROLL_STEP;

        m_rVariable.set( percentage );
Esempio n. 6
void CtrlSliderCursor::onPositionChange()
    // Compute the position of the cursor
    int xPos, yPos;
    m_rCurve.getPoint( m_rVariable.get(), xPos, yPos );

    // Compute the resize factors
    float factorX, factorY;
    getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );
    xPos = (int)(xPos * factorX);
    yPos = (int)(yPos * factorY);

    const Position *pPos = getPosition();

    int x = pPos->getLeft() + xPos - m_pImg->getWidth() / 2;
    int y = pPos->getTop() + yPos - m_pImg->getHeight() / 2;

    m_currentCursorRect = rect( x, y, m_pImg->getWidth(), m_pImg->getHeight() );
Esempio n. 7
void CtrlSliderCursor::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    if( m_pImg )
        // Compute the position of the cursor
        int xPos, yPos;
        m_rCurve.getPoint( m_rVariable.get(), xPos, yPos );

        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );
        xPos = (int)(xPos * factorX);
        yPos = (int)(yPos * factorY);

        // Draw the current image
        rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImg, 0, 0,
                             xDest + xPos - m_pImg->getWidth() / 2,
                             yDest + yPos - m_pImg->getHeight() / 2 );
Esempio n. 8
bool CtrlSliderCursor::mouseOver( int x, int y ) const
    if( m_pImg )
        // Compute the position of the cursor
        int xPos, yPos;
        m_rCurve.getPoint( m_rVariable.get(), xPos, yPos );

        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );
        xPos = (int)(xPos * factorX);
        yPos = (int)(yPos * factorY);

        return m_pImg->hit( x - xPos + m_pImg->getWidth() / 2,
                            y - yPos + m_pImg->getHeight() / 2 );
        return false;
Esempio n. 9
void CtrlSliderBg::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    if( !m_pImgSeq || m_bgWidth <=0 || m_bgHeight <= 0 )

    // Compute the resize factors
    float factorX, factorY;
    getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

    int width = m_bgWidth * m_nbHoriz - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX);
    int height = m_bgHeight * m_nbVert - (int)(m_padVert * factorY);

    // Rescale the image with the actual size of the control if needed
    if( !m_pScaledBmp ||
            m_pScaledBmp->getWidth() != width ||
            m_pScaledBmp->getHeight() != height )
        delete m_pScaledBmp;
        m_pScaledBmp = new ScaledBitmap( getIntf(), *m_pImgSeq, width, height );

    // Locate the right image in the background bitmap
    int x = m_bgWidth * ( m_position % m_nbHoriz );
    int y = m_bgHeight * ( m_position / m_nbHoriz );

    // Draw the background image
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    rect region( pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop(),
                 m_bgWidth - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                 m_bgHeight - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h );
    rect inter;
    if( rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) )
        rImage.drawBitmap( *m_pScaledBmp,
                           x + inter.x - region.x,
                           y + inter.y - region.y,
                           inter.x, inter.y,
                           inter.width, inter.height );
Esempio n. 10
void CtrlSliderCursor::refreshLayout( bool force )
    // Compute the position of the cursor
    int xPos, yPos;
    m_rCurve.getPoint( m_rVariable.get(), xPos, yPos );

    // Compute the resize factors
    float factorX, factorY;
    getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );
    xPos = (int)(xPos * factorX);
    yPos = (int)(yPos * factorY);

    const Position *pPos = getPosition();

    int x = pPos->getLeft() + xPos - m_pImg->getWidth() / 2;
    int y = pPos->getTop() + yPos - m_pImg->getHeight() / 2;

    rect region( x, y, m_pImg->getWidth(), m_pImg->getHeight() );

    if( !force &&
            region.x == m_currentCursorRect.x &&
            region.y == m_currentCursorRect.y &&
            region.width == m_currentCursorRect.width &&
            region.height == m_currentCursorRect.height )

    rect join;
    if( rect::join( m_currentCursorRect, region, &join ) )
        m_currentCursorRect = region;
        notifyLayout( join.width, join.height,
                      join.x - pPos->getLeft(),
                      join.y - pPos->getTop() );