Esempio n. 1
bool UniPAX::PublicationXref::merge(PublicationXref& object)
	if (!object.getYear() != 0)
		if (!getYear() != 0)
			if (getYear() != object.getYear())
				std::cerr << "Error during merging: UniPAX::PublicationXref::year not equal ..."
						<< getYear() << " != " << object.getYear() << std::endl;
				return false;
		std::set<std::string> tmp(getUrls().begin(), getUrls().end());
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getUrls().begin(); it != object.getUrls().end(); it++)
		getUrls().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
	if (!object.getTitle().empty())
		if (!getTitle().empty())
			if (getTitle() != object.getTitle())
				std::cerr << "Error during merging: UniPAX::PublicationXref::title not equal ..."
						<< getTitle() << " != " << object.getTitle() << std::endl;
				return false;
		std::set<std::string> tmp(getSources().begin(), getSources().end());
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getSources().begin(); it != object.getSources().end(); it++)
		getSources().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
		std::set<std::string> tmp(getAuthors().begin(), getAuthors().end());
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getAuthors().begin(); it != object.getAuthors().end(); it++)
		getAuthors().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());

	return UniPAX::Xref::merge(object);
Esempio n. 2
void evaluateProFile(const ProFileEvaluator &visitor, QHash<QByteArray, QStringList> *varMap,
                     const QString &projectDir)
    QStringList baseVPaths;
    baseVPaths += visitor.absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("VPATH"), projectDir);
    baseVPaths << projectDir; // QMAKE_ABSOLUTE_SOURCE_PATH
    baseVPaths += visitor.absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("DEPENDPATH"), projectDir);

    QStringList sourceFiles;
    QString codecForTr;
    QString codecForSource;
    QStringList tsFileNames;

    // app/lib template
    sourceFiles += getSources("SOURCES", "VPATH_SOURCES", baseVPaths, projectDir, visitor);

    sourceFiles += getSources("FORMS", "VPATH_FORMS", baseVPaths, projectDir, visitor);
    sourceFiles += getSources("FORMS3", "VPATH_FORMS3", baseVPaths, projectDir, visitor);

    QStringList vPathsInc = baseVPaths;
    vPathsInc += visitor.absolutePathValues(QLatin1String("INCLUDEPATH"), projectDir);
    sourceFiles += visitor.absoluteFileValues(QLatin1String("HEADERS"), projectDir, vPathsInc, 0);

    QDir proDir(projectDir);
    foreach (const QString &tsFile, visitor.values(QLatin1String("TRANSLATIONS")))
        tsFileNames << QFileInfo(proDir, tsFile).filePath();

    QStringList trcodec = visitor.values(QLatin1String("CODEC"))
        + visitor.values(QLatin1String("DEFAULTCODEC"))
        + visitor.values(QLatin1String("CODECFORTR"));
    if (!trcodec.isEmpty())
        codecForTr = trcodec.last();

    QStringList srccodec = visitor.values(QLatin1String("CODECFORSRC"));
    if (!srccodec.isEmpty())
        codecForSource = srccodec.last();


    varMap->insert("SOURCES", sourceFiles);
    varMap->insert("CODECFORTR", QStringList() << codecForTr);
    varMap->insert("CODECFORSRC", QStringList() << codecForSource);
    varMap->insert("TRANSLATIONS", tsFileNames);
Esempio n. 3
dbitvec Search_by_item::getGrammarStem_sources() { //just for stems
    if (type == STEM) {
        return getSources("stem", id);
    } else {
        _warning << "getGrammarStem_sources() does not work for PREFIX or SUFFIX\n";
        return INVALID_BITSET;
Esempio n. 4
CustomSource::CustomSource(QObject *parent, const QStringList args)
    : AbstractExtSysMonSource(parent, args)
    Q_ASSERT(args.count() == 0);
    qCDebug(LOG_ESM) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;

    extScripts = new ExtItemAggregator<ExtScript>(nullptr, QString("scripts"));
    m_sources = getSources();
Esempio n. 5
void solver::solveCircuit(circuit C)
    if(!C.goodCircuit()) throw "Circuit is not well formed";

    // Need to check sources frequencies, impedace depends on it
Esempio n. 6
 std::vector<T> getModelObjectSources(IddObjectType iddObjectType) const {
   std::vector<T> result;
   std::vector<WorkspaceObject> wos = getSources(iddObjectType);
   for (const WorkspaceObject& wo : wos) {
     // assume iddObjectType is valid for T
   return result;
std::vector<openstudio::IdfObject> PhotovoltaicPerformance_Impl::remove()
  std::vector<openstudio::IdfObject> result;

  if (getSources(GeneratorPhotovoltaic::iddObjectType()).empty()){
    result = ModelObject_Impl::remove();

  return result;
Esempio n. 8
    virtual bool run(OperationContext* txn,
                     const string& db,
                     BSONObj& cmdObj,
                     int options,
                     string& errmsg,
                     BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        const std::string ns = parseNs(db, cmdObj);
        if (nsToCollectionSubstring(ns).empty()) {
            errmsg = "missing collection name";
            return false;
        NamespaceString nss(ns);

        // Parse the options for this request.
        auto request = AggregationRequest::parseFromBSON(nss, cmdObj);
        if (!request.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, request.getStatus());

        // Set up the ExpressionContext.
        intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtx = new ExpressionContext(txn, request.getValue());
        expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp";

        // Parse the pipeline.
        auto statusWithPipeline = Pipeline::parse(request.getValue().getPipeline(), expCtx);
        if (!statusWithPipeline.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, statusWithPipeline.getStatus());
        auto pipeline = std::move(statusWithPipeline.getValue());

        auto resolvedNamespaces = resolveInvolvedNamespaces(txn, pipeline, expCtx);
        if (!resolvedNamespaces.isOK()) {
            return appendCommandStatus(result, resolvedNamespaces.getStatus());
        expCtx->resolvedNamespaces = std::move(resolvedNamespaces.getValue());

        unique_ptr<ClientCursorPin> pin;  // either this OR the exec will be non-null
        unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;
        auto curOp = CurOp::get(txn);
            // This will throw if the sharding version for this connection is out of date. If the
            // namespace is a view, the lock will be released before re-running the aggregation.
            // Otherwise, the lock must be held continuously from now until we have we created both
            // the output ClientCursor and the input executor. This ensures that both are using the
            // same sharding version that we synchronize on here. This is also why we always need to
            // create a ClientCursor even when we aren't outputting to a cursor. See the comment on
            // ShardFilterStage for more details.
            AutoGetCollectionOrViewForRead ctx(txn, nss);
            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();

            // If running $collStats on a view, we do not resolve the view since we want stats
            // on this view namespace.
            auto startsWithCollStats = [&pipeline]() {
                const Pipeline::SourceContainer& sources = pipeline->getSources();
                return !sources.empty() &&

            // If this is a view, resolve it by finding the underlying collection and stitching view
            // pipelines and this request's pipeline together. We then release our locks before
            // recursively calling run, which will re-acquire locks on the underlying collection.
            // (The lock must be released because recursively acquiring locks on the database will
            // prohibit yielding.)
            auto view = ctx.getView();
            if (view && !startsWithCollStats()) {
                auto viewDefinition =
                    ViewShardingCheck::getResolvedViewIfSharded(txn, ctx.getDb(), view);
                if (!viewDefinition.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, viewDefinition.getStatus());

                if (!viewDefinition.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    ViewShardingCheck::appendShardedViewStatus(viewDefinition.getValue(), &result);
                    return false;

                auto resolvedView = ctx.getDb()->getViewCatalog()->resolveView(txn, nss);
                if (!resolvedView.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, resolvedView.getStatus());

                // With the view resolved, we can relinquish locks.

                // Parse the resolved view into a new aggregation request.
                auto viewCmd =
                if (!viewCmd.isOK()) {
                    return appendCommandStatus(result, viewCmd.getStatus());

                bool status = this->run(txn, db, viewCmd.getValue(), options, errmsg, result);
                    // Set the namespace of the curop back to the view namespace so ctx records
                    // stats on this view namespace on destruction.
                return status;

            // If the pipeline does not have a user-specified collation, set it from the collection
            // default.
            if (request.getValue().getCollation().isEmpty() && collection &&
                collection->getDefaultCollator()) {

            // Propagate the ExpressionContext throughout all of the pipeline's stages and
            // expressions.

            // The pipeline must be optimized after the correct collator has been set on it (by
            // injecting the ExpressionContext containing the collator). This is necessary because
            // optimization may make string comparisons, e.g. optimizing {$eq: [<str1>, <str2>]} to
            // a constant.

            if (kDebugBuild && !expCtx->isExplain && !expCtx->inShard) {
                // Make sure all operations round-trip through Pipeline::serialize() correctly by
                // re-parsing every command in debug builds. This is important because sharded
                // aggregations rely on this ability.  Skipping when inShard because this has
                // already been through the transformation (and this un-sets expCtx->inShard).
                pipeline = reparsePipeline(pipeline, request.getValue(), expCtx);

            // This does mongod-specific stuff like creating the input PlanExecutor and adding
            // it to the front of the pipeline if needed.
            PipelineD::prepareCursorSource(collection, pipeline);

            // Create the PlanExecutor which returns results from the pipeline. The WorkingSet
            // ('ws') and the PipelineProxyStage ('proxy') will be owned by the created
            // PlanExecutor.
            auto ws = make_unique<WorkingSet>();
            auto proxy = make_unique<PipelineProxyStage>(txn, pipeline, ws.get());

            auto statusWithPlanExecutor = (NULL == collection)
                ? PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), nss.ns(), PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL)
                : PlanExecutor::make(
                      txn, std::move(ws), std::move(proxy), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL);
            exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue());

                auto planSummary = Explain::getPlanSummary(exec.get());

            if (collection) {
                PlanSummaryStats stats;
                Explain::getSummaryStats(*exec, &stats);
                collection->infoCache()->notifyOfQuery(txn, stats.indexesUsed);

            if (collection) {
                const bool isAggCursor = true;  // enable special locking behavior
                ClientCursor* cursor =
                    new ClientCursor(collection->getCursorManager(),
                pin.reset(new ClientCursorPin(collection->getCursorManager(), cursor->cursorid()));
                // Don't add any code between here and the start of the try block.

            // At this point, it is safe to release the collection lock.
            // - In the case where we have a collection: we will need to reacquire the
            //   collection lock later when cleaning up our ClientCursorPin.
            // - In the case where we don't have a collection: our PlanExecutor won't be
            //   registered, so it will be safe to clean it up outside the lock.
            invariant(!exec || !collection);

        try {
            // Unless set to true, the ClientCursor created above will be deleted on block exit.
            bool keepCursor = false;

            // Use of the aggregate command without specifying to use a cursor is deprecated.
            // Applications should migrate to using cursors. Cursors are strictly more useful than
            // outputting the results as a single document, since results that fit inside a single
            // BSONObj will also fit inside a single batch.
            // We occasionally log a deprecation warning.
            if (!request.getValue().isCursorCommand()) {
                RARELY {
                        << "Use of the aggregate command without the 'cursor' "
                           "option is deprecated. See "

            // If both explain and cursor are specified, explain wins.
            if (expCtx->isExplain) {
                result << "stages" << Value(pipeline->writeExplainOps());
            } else if (request.getValue().isCursorCommand()) {
                keepCursor = handleCursorCommand(txn,
                                                 pin ? pin->c()->getExecutor() : exec.get(),
            } else {

            if (!expCtx->isExplain) {
                PlanSummaryStats stats;
                Explain::getSummaryStats(pin ? *pin->c()->getExecutor() : *exec.get(), &stats);
                curOp->debug().nreturned = stats.nReturned;

            // Clean up our ClientCursorPin, if needed.  We must reacquire the collection lock
            // in order to do so.
            if (pin) {
                // We acquire locks here with DBLock and CollectionLock instead of using
                // AutoGetCollectionForRead.  AutoGetCollectionForRead will throw if the
                // sharding version is out of date, and we don't care if the sharding version
                // has changed.
                Lock::DBLock dbLock(txn->lockState(), nss.db(), MODE_IS);
                Lock::CollectionLock collLock(txn->lockState(), nss.ns(), MODE_IS);
                if (keepCursor) {
                } else {
        } catch (...) {