int CWaitingList::getTableQueueUpdate(int length, char*& buf) { pdu_queuedelta data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); int numDeltas = 0; TableList& tableList = getTableList(); for (TableList::iterator ti = tableList.begin(), te = tableList.end(); ti != te; ++ti) { if (length + (numDeltas + 1) * sizeof(pdu_queuedelta) >= MAXBUFFERSIZE) { Sys_LogError("CpduQueueUpdate::sendAllTables: buffer size too small!\n"); break; } numDeltas++; data.queueNumber = htons(getQueueNumber()); data.reason = htons(CpduQueueUpdate::QUEUEDELTA_TABLE_ADD); strncpy(, (*ti).table_->getTitle().c_str(), PDU_STRINGSIZE); memcpy(buf, &data, sizeof(data)); buf += sizeof(data); } return numDeltas; }
bool CWaitingList::addTable(u_int16_t gameType, CTable* table) { bool rc = false; // As additional checks, make sure the table is // not in the list already TableList& tlist = getTableList(); TableList::iterator tpos = find_if(tlist.begin(), tlist.end(), same_socket(table->getSocket())); if (tpos == tlist.end()) { tpos = find_if(tlist.begin(), tlist.end(), same_number(table->getNumber())); } if (tpos == tlist.end()) { // okay its not in the list, add it tlist.push_back(TablePtr(*table)); rc = true; } else { char s[128]; sprintf(s, "CLounge: Table is already in waiting list: type %d hi: %d lo: %d", gameType, table->getLo(), table->getHi()); Sys_LogError(s); } return rc; }
void moveAll(char *srcDb, char* destDb) /* Rename all gbLoadRna tables from database to another. */ { struct slName *tables, *tbl; struct sqlConnection *conn; struct dyString* sqlCmd = dyStringNew(256); char *sep; gbVerbEnter(1, "moveAll"); conn = hAllocConn(srcDb); gbLockDb(conn, srcDb); gbLockDb(conn, destDb); copyChromInfo(conn, destDb); /* using one does rename atomically */ tables = getTableList(conn); dyStringAppend(sqlCmd, "rename table"); sep = " "; /* before first table arg */ for (tbl = tables; tbl != NULL; tbl = tbl->next) { dyStringPrintf(sqlCmd, "%s%s to %s.%s", sep,tbl->name, destDb, tbl->name); sep = ", "; /* before other table arg */ } sqlUpdate(conn, sqlCmd->string); dyStringFree(&sqlCmd); slFreeList(&tables); gbUnlockDb(conn, destDb); gbUnlockDb(conn, srcDb); hFreeConn(&conn); gbVerbLeave(1, "moveAll"); }
void copyAll(char *srcDb, char* destDb) /* Copy all gbLoadRna tables from database to another. */ { struct slName *tables, *tbl; struct sqlConnection *conn; gbVerbEnter(1, "copyAll"); conn = hAllocConn(srcDb); gbLockDb(conn, srcDb); gbLockDb(conn, destDb); copyChromInfo(conn, destDb); /* copy each table */ tables = getTableList(conn); for (tbl = tables; tbl != NULL; tbl = tbl->next) { copyTable(conn, destDb, tbl->name, tbl->name); } slFreeList(&tables); gbUnlockDb(conn, destDb); gbUnlockDb(conn, srcDb); hFreeConn(&conn); gbVerbLeave(1, "copyAll"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* work with singly aligning SNPs only */ /* load oldTable subset into list */ /* load newTable subset into hash */ { char *snpDb = NULL; struct weightList *oldTableList = NULL; struct hash *newTableHash = NULL; char *oldTableName = NULL; char *newTableName = NULL; if (argc != 4) usage(); oneToOne = 0; oneToTwo = 0; oneToThree = 0; twoToTwo = 0; twoToOne = 0; twoToThree = 0; threeToThree = 0; threeToOne = 0; threeToTwo = 0; snpDb = argv[1]; hSetDb(snpDb); oldTableName = argv[2]; newTableName = argv[3]; // check that tables exist if (!hTableExists(oldTableName)) errAbort("no %s table in %s\n", oldTableName, snpDb); if (!hTableExists(newTableName)) errAbort("no %s table in %s\n", newTableName, snpDb); oldTableList = getTableList(oldTableName); newTableHash = getTableHash(newTableName); logFileHandle = mustOpen("snpCompareWeightLog.out", "w"); processSnps(oldTableList, newTableHash); carefulClose(&logFileHandle); countFileHandle = mustOpen("snpCompareWeightCounts.out", "w"); fprintf(countFileHandle, "oneToOne = %d\n", oneToOne); fprintf(countFileHandle, "oneToTwo = %d\n", oneToTwo); fprintf(countFileHandle, "oneToThree = %d\n", oneToThree); fprintf(countFileHandle, "twoToTwo = %d\n", twoToTwo); fprintf(countFileHandle, "twoToOne = %d\n", twoToOne); fprintf(countFileHandle, "twoToThree = %d\n", twoToThree); fprintf(countFileHandle, "threeToThree = %d\n", threeToThree); fprintf(countFileHandle, "threeToOne = %d\n", threeToOne); fprintf(countFileHandle, "threeToTwo = %d\n", threeToTwo); carefulClose(&countFileHandle); return 0; }
void Schema::resetTablesVertically2() { populateSchemaTables(); QList<Table*> table_list = getTableList(); foreach(Table *table, table_list) { if(mainwin->getSearchBox()->isVisible()) table->getSearchTerm(mainwin->getSearchBox()->text()); table->verticalPosition2(); } scene()->setSceneRect(QRectF()); }
void Schema::populateSchemaTables() { foreach (Table *table, getTableList()) delete table; this->table_list.clear(); this->setTableCount(0); QList<Table*> table_list; QSqlQuery table_query(parent_database->getDatabaseConnection()); QString table_query_string = "SELECT 0, tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='"+this->getName()+"' ORDER BY 1,2"; table_query.exec(table_query_string); setTableCount(table_query.size()); if(table_query.lastError().isValid()) { QMessageBox *error_message = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Database error"), tr("Unable to retrieve schema tables.\n" "Check your database connection or permissions.\n"), QMessageBox::Cancel,0,Qt::Dialog); error_message->setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); error_message->show(); return; } while ( { QString table_name = table_query.value(1).toString(); Table *table; if(table_query.value(0).toInt() == 0) { table = new Table(parent_database, this, table_name, table_list.size(), QColor(100,50,50)); table->setView(false); } else return; table->setSearched(true); if(mainwin->isColumnView()) table->verticalPosition2(); else table->defaultPosition(); QObject::connect(mainwin->getSearchBox(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), table, SLOT(getSearchTerm(QString))); QObject::connect(mainwin, SIGNAL(showColumnView()), table, SLOT(verticalPosition2())); QObject::connect(table, SIGNAL(expandTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*)), mainwin, SLOT(showTableView(Database *, Schema *, Table*))); QObject::connect(table, SIGNAL(designTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*)), mainwin, SLOT(showDesignView(Database *, Schema *, Table*))); //QObject::connect(table, SIGNAL(rename(Database *, Schema *, Table*)), mainwin, SLOT(renameTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*))); QObject::connect(table, SIGNAL(clearTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*)), mainwin, SLOT(clearTableView(Database *, Schema *, Table*))); QObject::connect(table, SIGNAL(dropTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*)), mainwin, SLOT(dropTable(Database *, Schema *, Table*))); table_list.append(table); if(!parent_database->tableNamesList().contains(table_name)) parent_database->appendTableName(table_name); } setTableList(table_list); }
bool CWaitingList::removeTable(int tableNumber) { bool rc = false; TableList& tlist = getTableList(); TableList::iterator tpos = find_if(tlist.begin(), tlist.end(), same_number(tableNumber)); if (tpos != tlist.end()) { rc = true; tlist.erase(tpos); } return rc; }
void dropAll(char *database) /* Drop all gbLoadRna tables from database. */ { struct slName *tables, *tbl; struct sqlConnection *conn; gbVerbEnter(1, "dropAll"); conn = hAllocConn(database); gbLockDb(conn, NULL); tables = getTableList(conn); for (tbl = tables; tbl != NULL; tbl = tbl->next) sqlDropTable(conn, tbl->name); slFreeList(&tables); gbUnlockDb(conn, NULL); hFreeConn(&conn); gbVerbLeave(1, "dropAll"); }