Esempio n. 1
void World::growSpiralTree (v3di_t position) {

  block_t *pBlock = mWorldMap->getBlock (position);
  if (pBlock != NULL &&
    pBlock->type != BLOCK_TYPE_AIR)

  int blockType = BLOCK_TYPE_ALIEN_SKIN3;

  v3d_t top;

  top.x = position.x;
  top.z = position.z;
  double bottom = getTerrainHeight (static_cast<int>(floor (top.x)),
    static_cast<int>(floor (top.z))) - 4.0;

  v3d_t pos;

  double percent;
  double angle;
  int numSteps = 50;

  double sphereRadiusStart = 1.5;
  double sphereRadiusEnd = 1.0;
  double sphereRadius;

  double radius = r_num (1.0, 2.0);
  double totalRotation = r_num (2.0, 4.0) * 1.5;
  double height = r_num (10.0, 20.0);

  top.y = bottom + height;

  BYTE uniqueLighting = LIGHT_LEVEL_MIN; //static_cast<GLfloat>(r_num (-0.3, 0.0));

  for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) {
    percent = static_cast<double> (step) / static_cast<double>(numSteps - 1);
    angle = percent * totalRotation;

    pos.x = top.x + radius * cos (angle);
    pos.y = lerp (bottom, top.y, percent);
    pos.z = top.z + radius * sin (angle);

    sphereRadius = lerp (sphereRadiusStart, sphereRadiusEnd, percent);

    mWorldMap->fillSphere (pos, sphereRadius, blockType, uniqueLighting);
Esempio n. 2
void TerrainManager::setTerrainDecal(Ogre::ManualObject* decal, Ogre::Real x, Ogre::Real z, Ogre::Real rad)
	Ogre::Real x1 = x - rad;
	Ogre::Real z1 = z - rad;
	int x_size = 4;  // number of polygons
	int z_size = 4;
	Ogre::Real x_step = rad * 2/ x_size;
	Ogre::Real z_step = rad * 2/ z_size;
	// redefine vertices
	for (int i=0; i<=x_size; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<=z_size; j++)
			decal->position(Ogre::Vector3(x1, getTerrainHeight(x1, z1) + 1, z1));
			decal->textureCoord((float)i / (float)x_size, (float)j / (float)z_size);
			z1 += z_step;
		x1 += x_step;
		z1 = z - rad;
	// redefine quads
	for (int i=0; i<x_size; i++)
   		for (int j=0; j<z_size; j++)
   			decal->quad( i * (x_size+1) + j,
   						 i * (x_size+1) + j + 1,
   						(i + 1) * (x_size+1) + j + 1,
						(i + 1) * (x_size+1) + j);

Esempio n. 3
v3d_t World::getStartPosition(void) {
  if (mIsPlayerStartPosSet) {
    return mPlayerStartPos;

  bool foundAcceptableStartingLocation = false;
  int numAttempts = 0;

  double limit = 100.0;

  v2d_t searchPos;
  searchPos.x = mPeriodics.mPrng.getNextDouble(-10000.0, 10000.0);
  searchPos.y = mPeriodics.mPrng.getNextDouble(-10000.0, 10000.0);

  v3d_t pos;

  while (!foundAcceptableStartingLocation) {
    pos.x = mPeriodics.mPrng.getNextDouble(-limit, limit) + searchPos.x;
    pos.z = mPeriodics.mPrng.getNextDouble(-limit, limit) + searchPos.y;

    pos.y = getTerrainHeight (static_cast<int>(pos.x), static_cast<int>(pos.z)) + 2.0;

    if (pos.y > 1.0 && pos.y < 20.0) break;

    if (numAttempts++ > 10000) break;

    limit += 4.0;

  pos.y += 30.0;

  v3d_print ("player start position", pos);
  printf ("numAttempts: %d\n", numAttempts);

  mPlayerStartPos = pos;
  mIsPlayerStartPosSet = true;

  return pos;
Esempio n. 4
BYTE Periodics::generateBlockAtWorldPosition(v3di_t worldPosition) {
  int terrainHeight = getTerrainHeight(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.z);
  return generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, terrainHeight);
Esempio n. 5
void initScene()
	// load map.bin
	away::ByteArray mapBytes;
	readFileToByteArray("map.bin", &mapBytes);

	// parse map.bin
	MapBinParser parser;

	// load heightmap
	away::ByteArray heightBytes;
	readFileToByteArray("heightmap.dat", &heightBytes);

	// load blend texture
	away::ByteArray* blendBytes = new away::ByteArray();
	readFileToByteArray("blendmask.atf", blendBytes);
	away::ATFTexture* blendMap = new away::ATFTexture(blendBytes);

	// load surface textures
	std::vector<away::ATFTexture*> surfaceMaps;
	std::vector<SurfaceData>& surfaces = parser.getSurfaceData();
	for (SurfaceData& surface : surfaces)
		away::ByteArray* surfaceBytes = new away::ByteArray();
		std::string diffuseMapPath = surface.m_diffuseMap + ".atf";
		readFileToByteArray(diffuseMapPath.c_str(), surfaceBytes);
		surfaceMaps.push_back(new away::ATFTexture(surfaceBytes));

	// load lightmap textures
	std::vector<away::ATFTexture*> lightMaps;
	std::vector<LightMapData>& terrainLightMaps = parser.getTerrainLightMapData();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < terrainLightMaps.size(); i++)
		char name[16];
		sprintf_s(name, 16, "terrain%d.atf", i);
		away::ByteArray* lightMapBytes = new away::ByteArray();
		readFileToByteArray(name, lightMapBytes);
		lightMaps.push_back(new away::ATFTexture(lightMapBytes));

	// triangle indices
	unsigned short idx0, idx1;
	int sectorGrid = parser.getSectorGrid();
	int blockGrid = parser.getBlockGrid();
	float vertexSpace = parser.getVertexSpace();
	float sectorSize = sectorGrid * vertexSpace;
	int numVertexPerRow = blockGrid + 1;
	unsigned short* indices = new unsigned short[blockGrid * blockGrid * 6];
	for (int row = 0, i = 0; row < blockGrid; row++)
		for (int col = 0; col < blockGrid; col++)
			idx0 = numVertexPerRow * row + col;
			idx1 = idx0 + numVertexPerRow;
			indices[i++] = idx0;
			indices[i++] = idx1;
			indices[i++] = idx0 + 1;
			indices[i++] = idx0 + 1;
			indices[i++] = idx1;
			indices[i++] = idx1 + 1;

	// read walkgrid.dat and draw walkgrid to bitmap
	away::ByteArray walkGridBytes;
	readFileToByteArray("walkgrid.dat", &walkGridBytes);
	int gridSize = parser.getWalkGridSize();
	int bmdSize = away::TextureUtils::getBestPowerOf2(gridSize);
	away::BitmapData* walkGridBmd = new away::BitmapData(bmdSize, bmdSize, false);
	int margin = (bmdSize - gridSize) / 2;
	for (int y = 0; y < gridSize; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < gridSize; x++)
			if (walkGridBytes.readUnsignedByte() & 0x80)
				walkGridBmd->setPixel(x + margin, y + margin, 0xFF0000);
				walkGridBmd->setPixel(x + margin, y + margin, 0x00FF00);

	away::TextureProjector* projector = new away::TextureProjector(new away::BitmapTexture(walkGridBmd, false, false), false);
	static_cast<away::OrthographicLens*>(projector->getLens())->setProjectionHeight(sectorSize * bmdSize / gridSize);
	method = new away::ProjectiveTextureMethod(projector, away::ProjectiveMode::MULTIPLY, false);

	// read walkmesh.dat and build WireframeTriangles
	away::ByteArray walkMeshBytes;
	readFileToByteArray("walkmesh.dat", &walkMeshBytes);

	away::Vector3D point;
	walkableMesh = new away::WireframeTriangles(0x0000FF);
	unsigned int numMeshes = walkMeshBytes.readUnsignedInt();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++)
		unsigned int numPoints = walkMeshBytes.readUnsignedInt() * 3;
		walkMeshBytes.setPosition(walkMeshBytes.getPosition() + 24);
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++)
			point.m_x = walkMeshBytes.readFloat();
			point.m_y = walkMeshBytes.readFloat();
			point.m_z = walkMeshBytes.readFloat();

	// build blocks
	int blockId = 0;
	int numBlockPerRow = sectorGrid / blockGrid;
	for (BlockData& blockData : parser.getBlockData())
		// build terrain
		std::vector<away::ATFTexture*> layerMaps;
		std::vector<float> layerTilings, distMaskStrengths;
		for (int index : blockData.m_surfaceIndents)

		BeastData& beastData = blockData.m_terrainBeast;
		int frameIndex = beastData.m_frameIndex;

		TerrainMesh* terrainMesh = new TerrainMesh(blockGrid, vertexSpace);
		terrainMesh->buildGeometry(heightBytes, sectorGrid, parser.getMinHeight(), parser.getMaxHeight(), indices, blockId);
		terrainMesh->buildMaterial(blendMap, layerMaps, layerTilings, distMaskStrengths, lightMaps[frameIndex], beastData, terrainLightMaps[frameIndex], numBlockPerRow, blockId++);

	// build blockGrid
	segmentSet = new away::SegmentSet();
	float x, z, blockSize = blockGrid * vertexSpace, halfSectorSize = sectorSize * 0.5f;
	for (int i = 1; i < numBlockPerRow; i++)
		x = i * blockSize - halfSectorSize;
		for (int j = 0; j < sectorGrid; j++)
			z = j * vertexSpace - halfSectorSize;
			away::Vector3D start(x, getTerrainHeight(i, j / blockGrid, numBlockPerRow, x, z), z);
			z += vertexSpace;
			away::Vector3D end(x, getTerrainHeight(i, (j + 1) / blockGrid, numBlockPerRow, x, z), z);
			segmentSet->addSegment(new away::Segment(start, end, 0xffffff, 0xffffff));
	for (int i = 1; i < numBlockPerRow; i++)
		z = i * blockSize - halfSectorSize;
		for (int j = 0; j < sectorGrid; j++)
			x = j * vertexSpace - halfSectorSize;
			away::Vector3D start(x, getTerrainHeight(j / blockGrid, i, numBlockPerRow, x, z), z);
			x += vertexSpace;
			away::Vector3D end(x, getTerrainHeight((j + 1) / blockGrid, i, numBlockPerRow, x, z), z);
			segmentSet->addSegment(new away::Segment(start, end, 0xffffff, 0xffffff));