Esempio n. 1
void notevisitor::print (ostream& out) const
		if (isGrace()) out << "grace ";
		if (isCue())   out << "cue ";
		int type = getType();
		if (type == kUndefinedType)
			out << "type undefined";
		else if (type == kUnpitched) {
			out << "unpitched note - duration " << getDuration() << " ";
		else if (type == kRest) {
			out << "rest - duration " << getDuration() << " ";
		else if (type == kPitched) {
			out << "note " << getStep();
			int alter = int(getAlter());
			float diff = getAlter() - alter;
			if (diff >= 0.5) alter++; 
			else if (diff <= -0.5) alter--; 
			while (alter < 0) { out << 'b'; alter++; }
			while (alter > 0) { out << '#'; alter--; }
			out << getOctave() << " (" << getMidiPitch() << ")";
			out << " - duration " << getDuration() << " ";
		else out << "unknown type " <<  type << " ";
		if (inChord())	out << "in chord ";
		if (getTie() & StartStop::start)	out << "- tie start ";
		if (getTie() & StartStop::stop)	out << "- tie stop ";
		string instr = getInstrument();
		if (!instr.empty()) out << "instrument " << instr << " ";
		if (getDynamics() >= 0) out << "dynamics " << getDynamics();
Esempio n. 2
 * Writes a string that can be used in Fit.IFunction to create a copy of this
 * IFunction
 * @return string representation of the function
std::string IFunction::asString() const {
  std::ostringstream ostr;
  ostr << "name=" << this->name();
  // print the attributes
  std::vector<std::string> attr = this->getAttributeNames();
  for (const auto &attName : attr) {
    std::string attValue = this->getAttribute(attName).value();
    if (!attValue.empty() && attValue != "\"\"") {
      ostr << ',' << attName << '=' << attValue;
  // print the parameters
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
    const ParameterTie *tie = getTie(i);
    if (!tie || !tie->isDefault()) {
      ostr << ',' << parameterName(i) << '=' << getParameter(i);
  // collect non-default constraints
  std::string constraints;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
    const IConstraint *c = getConstraint(i);
    if (c && !c->isDefault()) {
      std::string tmp = c->asString();
      if (!tmp.empty()) {
        if (!constraints.empty()) {
          constraints += ",";
        constraints += tmp;
  // print constraints
  if (!constraints.empty()) {
    ostr << ",constraints=(" << constraints << ")";
  // collect the non-default ties
  std::string ties;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); i++) {
    const ParameterTie *tie = getTie(i);
    if (tie && !tie->isDefault()) {
      std::string tmp = tie->asString(this);
      if (!tmp.empty()) {
        if (!ties.empty()) {
          ties += ",";
        ties += tmp;
  // print the ties
  if (!ties.empty()) {
    ostr << ",ties=(" << ties << ")";
  return ostr.str();
Esempio n. 3
 * Prepare the function for a fit.
void CompositeFunction::setUpForFit() {
  // set up the member functions
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nFunctions(); i++) {
  // unfortuately the code below breaks some system tests (IRISFuryAndFuryFit)
  // it looks as if using numeric derivatives can give different fit results
  // to fit with analytical ones
  // if parameters have non-constant ties enable numerical derivatives
  // for(size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); ++i)
  //  ParameterTie* tie = getTie( i );
  //  if ( tie && !tie->isConstant() )
  //  {
  //    useNumericDerivatives( true );
  //    break;
  //  }

  // instead of automatically switching to numeric derivatives
  // log a warning about a danger of not using it
  if (!getAttribute("NumDeriv").asBool()) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParams(); ++i) {
      ParameterTie *tie = getTie(i);
      if (tie && !tie->isConstant()) {
        g_log.warning() << "Numeric derivatives should be used when "
                           "non-constant ties defined.\n";
Esempio n. 4
/** Remove a function
 * @param i :: The index of the function to remove
void CompositeFunction::removeFunction(size_t i) {
  if (i >= nFunctions()) {
    throw std::out_of_range("Function index (" + std::to_string(i) +
                            ") out of range (" + std::to_string(nFunctions()) +

  IFunction_sptr fun = getFunction(i);
  // Reduction in parameters
  size_t dnp = fun->nParams();

  for (size_t j = 0; j < nParams();) {
    ParameterTie *tie = getTie(j);
    if (tie && tie->findParametersOf(fun.get())) {
    } else {

  // Shift down the function indeces for parameters
  for (auto it = m_IFunction.begin(); it != m_IFunction.end();) {

    if (*it == i) {
      it = m_IFunction.erase(it);
    } else {
      if (*it > i) {
        *it -= 1;

  m_nParams -= dnp;
  // Shift the parameter offsets down by the total number of i-th function's
  // params
  for (size_t j = i + 1; j < nFunctions(); j++) {
    m_paramOffsets[j] -= dnp;
  m_paramOffsets.erase(m_paramOffsets.begin() + i);

  m_functions.erase(m_functions.begin() + i);
Esempio n. 5
 * Writes a string that can be used in Fit.IFunction to create a copy of this IFunction
 * @param fmt :: Formatting flag. Set to true to ctreated formatted output.
 * @return string representation of the function
std::string IFunction::asString(bool fmt, size_t level)const
  std::string nl = fmt? "\n" : "";
  std::string padding = fmt && level ? std::string(level*2,' ') : "";
  std::string padding2 = padding + "  ";

  std::ostringstream ostr;
  // write function name
  ostr << padding << this->name() << "(" << nl;
  bool needComma = false;

  // write function attributes
  std::vector<std::string> attr = this->getAttributeNames();
  for(size_t i=0;i<attr.size();i++)
    std::string attName = attr[i];
    std::string attValue = this->getAttribute(attr[i]).value();
    if (!attValue.empty())
      if (needComma)
        ostr << ',' << nl;
      needComma = true;
      ostr << padding2 << attName << '=' << attValue;

  // write function parameters
  for(size_t i=0;i<nParams();i++)
    if (needComma)
      ostr << ',' << nl;
    needComma = true;
    ostr << padding2 << parameterName(i) << '=' << getParameter(i);

  // write constraints
  std::string constraints;
  for(size_t i=0;i<nParams();i++)
    const IConstraint* c = getConstraint(i);
    if (c)
      std::string tmp = c->asString();
      if (!tmp.empty())
        if (!constraints.empty())
          constraints += ",";
        constraints += tmp;
  if (!constraints.empty())
    ostr << ",constraints=(" << constraints << ")";

  // write ties
  std::string ties;
  for(size_t i=0;i<nParams();i++)
    const ParameterTie* tie = getTie(i);
    if (tie)
      std::string tmp = tie->asString(this);
      if (!tmp.empty())
        if (!ties.empty())
          ties += ",";
        ties += tmp;
  if (!ties.empty())
    ostr << ",ties=(" << ties << ")";
  ostr << nl << padding << ")";
  return ostr.str();