bool MGMap::mouseScrollingUpdate(int x, int y) { if(m_MouseScrollingOngoing) { int setY = getScrollY() + m_MouseScrollingYClick - y; int setX = getScrollX() + m_MouseScrollingXClick - x; if(setY > getTopEdge()) { setY = getTopEdge(); } else if(setY < getWindowHeight() - getHeight() * getTileHeight() - getBottomEdge()) { setY = getWindowHeight() - getHeight() * getTileHeight() - getBottomEdge(); } if(setX > getLeftEdge()) { setX = getLeftEdge(); } else if(setX < getWindowWidth() - getWidth() * getTileWidth() - getRightEdge()) { setX = getWindowWidth() - getWidth() * getTileWidth() - getRightEdge(); } setScrollOffset(setX, setY); } return m_MouseScrollingOngoing; }
void TiledMap::setColTiles() { int width = getTileWidth(); int height = getTileHeight(); int tilesetID(0); int tileID(-1); for (int y(0); y < static_cast<int>(currentTMXMap_->getLayer()[0]->data.size()); ++y) { for (int x(0); x < static_cast<int>(currentTMXMap_->getLayer()[0]->data[0].size()); x++) { tilesetID = getTilesetID(currentTMXMap_->getLayer()[0]->data[y][x]); if (tilesetID > -1) { tileID = currentTMXMap_->getLayer()[0]->data[y][x] - currentTMXMap_->getTileSet()[tilesetID]->firstgid_; // +firstGID_[tilesetID]; if (currentTMXMap_->getTileSet()[tilesetID]->getTilePropertyName(tileID) == "blocked" && currentTMXMap_->getTileSet()[tilesetID]->getTilePropertyValue(tileID) == "true") { blocked_[y][x] = 1; } else { blocked_[y][x] = 0; } } else { blocked_[y][x] = 0; } } } std::cout << blocked_.size() << " - " << blocked_[0].size() << std::endl; }
void tmx::Tileset::tell() { std::cout << "Name: " << getName() << "\n" << "Source: " << getSource() << "\n" << "First gID: " << getFirstGid() << "\n" << "Tile Width: " << getTileWidth() << "\n" << "Tile Height: " << getTileHeight() << "\n" << "Spacing: " << getSpacing() << "\n" << "Margin: " << getMargin() << std::endl; }
void HeightMipmap::getTile(int level, int tx, int ty, float *tile) { int tileSize = min(topLevelSize << level, this->tileSize); for (int j = 0; j <= tileSize + 4; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i <= tileSize + 4; ++i) { tile[i + j * (this->tileSize + 5)] = getTileHeight(i + tileSize * tx - 2, j + tileSize * ty - 2) / scale; } } }
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimImageSource::getTile(const ossimIpt& origin, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { ossimIrect tileRect(origin.x, origin.y, origin.x + getTileWidth() - 1, origin.y + getTileHeight() - 1); return getTile(tileRect, resLevel); }
rspfRefPtr<rspfImageData> rspfImageSource::getTile(const rspfIpt& origin, rspf_uint32 resLevel) { rspfIrect tileRect(origin.x, origin.y, origin.x + getTileWidth() - 1, origin.y + getTileHeight() - 1); return getTile(tileRect, resLevel); }
void HeightMipmap::buildMipmapLevel(int level) { char buf[256]; int nTiles = max(1, (baseLevelSize / tileSize) >> (maxLevel - level)); int nTilesPerFile = min(nTiles, 16); printf("Build mipmap level %d...\n", level); currentLevel = level + 1; reset(baseLevelSize >> (maxLevel - currentLevel), baseLevelSize >> (maxLevel - currentLevel), min(topLevelSize << currentLevel, tileSize)); for (int dy = 0; dy < nTiles / nTilesPerFile; ++dy) { for (int dx = 0; dx < nTiles / nTilesPerFile; ++dx) { sprintf(buf, "%s/%.2d-%.4d-%.4d.tiff", cache.c_str(), level, dx, dy); if (flog(buf)) { TIFF* f = TIFFOpen(buf, "wb"); for (int ny = 0; ny < nTilesPerFile; ++ny) { for (int nx = 0; nx < nTilesPerFile; ++nx) { int tx = nx + dx * nTilesPerFile; int ty = ny + dy * nTilesPerFile; int off = 0; int currentTileSize = min(topLevelSize << level, tileSize); for (int j = -2; j <= currentTileSize + 2; ++j) { for (int i = -2; i <= currentTileSize + 2; ++i) { int ix = 2 * (tx * currentTileSize + i); int iy = 2 * (ty * currentTileSize + j); /*float h1 = getTileHeight(ix, iy); float h2 = getTileHeight(ix+1, iy); float h3 = getTileHeight(ix, iy+1); float h4 = getTileHeight(ix+1, iy+1); short sh = (short) ((h1 + h2 + h3 + h4) / 4);*/ short sh = (short) (getTileHeight(ix, iy)); tile[off++] = sh & 0xFF; tile[off++] = sh >> 8; } } TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, currentTileSize + 5); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, currentTileSize + 5); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 16); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_DEFLATE); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); TIFFSetField(f, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK); TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(f, 0, tile, (currentTileSize + 5) * (currentTileSize + 5) * 2); TIFFWriteDirectory(f); } } TIFFClose(f); } } } }
void IsoMapTile::render() { SDL_Rect rect; if (getImage() == NULL || getScreen() == NULL) return; int xOff = 0, yOff = 0; yOff = -(TILE_HEIGHT / 2); if (getLocation().getY() % 2 == 0) xOff = -(TILE_WIDTH / 2); rect.x = getLocation().getX() * TILE_WIDTH + xOff; rect.y = getLocation().getY() * (TILE_HEIGHT / 2) + (TILE_HEIGHT - getTileHeight()) + yOff; rect.w = getTileWidth(); rect.h = getTileHeight(); SDL_BlitSurface(getImage(), NULL, getScreen(), &rect); }
int MGMap::getTileIndex(int clickX, int clickY) { MGFLOG_INFO("MGMap::getTileIndex(" << clickX << ", " << clickY << ")"); if( clickX > getLeftEdge() && clickX < (getWindowWidth() - getRightEdge()) && clickY > getTopEdge() && clickY < (getWindowHeight() - getBottomEdge())) { int x = (clickX - getScrollX()) / getTileWidth(); int y = (clickY - getScrollY()) / getTileHeight(); if(x < getWidth() && y < getHeight()) { return y * getWidth() + x; } } return -1; // Click outside of map }
void ossimLasReader::initTile() { const ossim_uint32 BANDS = getNumberOfOutputBands(); m_tile = new ossimImageData(this, getOutputScalarType(), BANDS, getTileWidth(), getTileHeight()); for(ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < BANDS; ++band) { m_tile->setMinPix(getMinPixelValue(band), band); m_tile->setMaxPix(getMaxPixelValue(band), band); m_tile->setNullPix(getNullPixelValue(band), band); } m_tile->initialize(); }
void TiledLayer::createBox2DTileWorld(Game *game, b2World *world) { //Definitions for the tile body b2PolygonShape boxShape; boxShape.SetAsBox(64.0f, 64.0f); b2FixtureDef boxFixtureDef; boxFixtureDef.shape = &boxShape; boxFixtureDef.density = 1.0f; b2BodyDef myBodyDef; myBodyDef.type = b2_staticBody; //change body type if (this->hasCollidableTiles()) // For all the collidable tiles only { int cols = getColumns(); int rows = getRows(); int height = getTileHeight(); int width = getTileWidth(); Tile *tile; // create a box2d b2Body for each collidable tile for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < rows; k++) { tile = getTile(k, j); if ((*tile).collidable) { float32 tX = k * width / 64.0f; float32 tY = j * height / 64.0f; myBodyDef.position.Set(tX / 2, tY / 2); b2Body* staticBody = world->CreateBody(&myBodyDef); staticBody->CreateFixture(&boxFixtureDef); } } } } }
bool TiledMap::initaliseMap() { if (currentTMXMap_) { mapBounds_.x = static_cast<unsigned> (currentTMXMap_->getWidth()); mapBounds_.y = static_cast<unsigned> (currentTMXMap_->getHeight()); tileSize_.x = static_cast<unsigned> (currentTMXMap_->getTileWidth()); tileSize_.y = static_cast<unsigned> (currentTMXMap_->getTileHeight()); firstGID_.resize(currentTMXMap_->getTileSet().size()); tileCount_.resize(currentTMXMap_->getTileSet().size()); blocked_.resize(mapBounds_.y); //resize the first dimension of the blocked map vector to the map bounds for (int i(0); i < static_cast<int>(blocked_.size()); ++i)//Initialise the 2nd dimension with the right size blocked_[i].resize(mapBounds_.x); for (int i(0); i < static_cast<int>(firstGID_.size()); ++i) { firstGID_[i] = currentTMXMap_->getTileSet()[i]->firstgid_; tileCount_[i] = currentTMXMap_->getTileSet()[i]->tileCount_; } tempText.loadFromFile("res//tiles//tilesheet.png"); initVertexArrays(); setColTiles(); for (int i(0); i < 8; ++i) { collisionArea_[i].collider.width = static_cast<float>(getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[i].collider.height = static_cast<float>(getTileHeight()); } } else return(false); return(true); }
void tmx::Tilemap::tell() { std::cout << "==MAP==" << "\n\n" << "Version: " << getVersion() << "\n" << "Orientation: " << getOrientation() << "\n" << "Width: " << getWidth() << "\n" << "Height: " << getHeight() << "\n" << "Tile width: " << getTileWidth() << "\n" << "Tile height: " << getTileHeight() << "\n" << "Background color: " << getBackgroundColor() << "\n" << "# of tilesets: " << mTileset.size() << "\n" << "# of layers: " << mLayer.size() << "\n" << "# of objectgroups: " << mObjectGroup.size() << "\n" << "# of imagelayers: " << mImageLayer.size() << "\n\n" << "==TILESETS==" << "\n" << std::endl; for(std::vector<Tileset>::size_type i = 0; i != mTileset.size(); ++i) { mTileset[i].tell(); } std::cout << "\n==LAYERS==\n" << std::endl; for(std::vector<Layer>::size_type i = 0; i != mLayer.size(); ++i) { mLayer[i].tell(); } std::cout << "\n==OBJECT GROUPS==\n" << std::endl; for(std::vector<Objectgroup>::size_type i = 0; i != mObjectGroup.size(); ++i) { mObjectGroup[i].tell(); } std::cout << "\n==IMAGE LAYERS==\n" << std::endl; for(std::vector<Imagelayer>::size_type i = 0; i != mImageLayer.size(); ++i) { mImageLayer[i].tell(); } }
bool isSolidAtCoord(const glm::vec2 &pos) { return getTile(pos.x / getTileWidth(), pos.y / getTileHeight()).isSolid; }
bool isSolidAtCoord(float x, float y) const { return getTile(x / getTileWidth(), y / getTileHeight()).isSolid; }
bool TiledMap::isCollided(sf::FloatRect collider, const sf::Vector2f& moveVector) { /* Collision Area order = left-up = (-1,-1) up = (0,-1) right-up = (1,-1) right = (1, 0) right-down = (1,1) down = (0,1) left-down = (-1,1) left = (-1,0) */ sf::Vector2i gridLoc(static_cast<int>(collider.left / getTileWidth()), static_cast<int>( / getTileWidth())); collisionArea_[0].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x - 1]; //left-up tile collisionArea_[0] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[0].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[1].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x]; //up tile collisionArea_[1] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[1].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[2].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right-up tile collisionArea_[2] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[2].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[3].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right tile collisionArea_[3] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[3].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[4].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right-down tile collisionArea_[4] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[4].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[5].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x]; //down tile collisionArea_[5] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[5].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[6].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x - 1]; //down-left tile collisionArea_[6] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[6].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[7].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y][gridLoc.x - 1]; //left tile collisionArea_[7] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[7].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); for (int i(0); i < 8; ++i) { if (collisionArea_[i].blockedValue == 1) { if (collisionArea_[i].collider.intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + moveVector.x, + moveVector.y, collider.width, collider.height))) return(true); } } return false; }
sf::Vector2f TiledMap::getCollisionVector(sf::FloatRect collider, const sf::Vector2f& moveVector, const int id) { assert(p_player_); sf::Vector2f moveBy(moveVector); //Get the grid location of the player sf::Vector2i gridLoc(static_cast<int>(collider.left / getTileWidth()), static_cast<int>( / getTileWidth())); /* Collision Area order = left-up = (-1,-1) up = (0,-1) right-up = (1,-1) right = (1, 0) right-down = (1,1) down = (0,1) left-down = (-1,1) left = (-1,0) */ collisionArea_[0].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x - 1]; //left-up tile collisionArea_[0] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[0].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[1].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x]; //up tile collisionArea_[1] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[1].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[2].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y - 1][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right-up tile collisionArea_[2] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y - 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[2].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[3].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right tile collisionArea_[3] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[3].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[4].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x + 1]; //right-down tile collisionArea_[4] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[4].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x + 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[5].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x]; //down tile collisionArea_[5] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[5].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[6].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y + 1][gridLoc.x - 1]; //down-left tile collisionArea_[6] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y + 1) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[6].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); collisionArea_[7].blockedValue = blocked_[gridLoc.y][gridLoc.x - 1]; //left tile collisionArea_[7] = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.y) * getTileHeight()); collisionArea_[7].collider.left = static_cast<float>((gridLoc.x - 1) * getTileWidth()); for (int i(0); i < 8; ++i) { if (collisionArea_[i].blockedValue == 1) { //if there is a horizontal collision if (collisionArea_[i].collider.intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + moveVector.x,, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.x = 0.f; } //if there is a vertical collision if (collisionArea_[i].collider.intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left, + moveVector.y, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.y = 0.f; } } } EnemyManager* eManage(EnemyManager::Get()); assert(eManage != nullptr); if (id != 0) { if (p_player_->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + moveVector.x,, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.x = 0.f; } if (p_player_->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left, + moveVector.y, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.y = 0.f; } for (int i(0); i < eManage->getEnemyCount(); ++i) { Enemy* e(eManage->getEnemy(i)); assert(e != nullptr); //sanity checks if (i + 1 != id) { if (e->getAlive()) { if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + moveVector.x,, collider.width, collider.height))) { e->collidedX_ = true; moveBy.x *= -1.f; if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + (moveVector.x + moveBy.x),, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.x *= -1.f; } } else { e->collidedX_ = false; } if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left, + moveVector.y, collider.width, collider.height))) { e->collidedY_ = true; moveBy.y *= -1.f; if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left, + (moveVector.y + moveBy.y), collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.y *= -1.f; } } else { e->collidedY_ = false; } } } } } else { for (int i(0); i < gconsts::Gameplay::MAXENEMIES; i++) { Enemy* e(eManage->getEnemy(i)); if (e->getAlive()) { assert(e != nullptr); //sanity checks if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left + moveVector.x,, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.x = 0.f; } if (e->getCollider().intersects(sf::FloatRect(collider.left, + moveVector.y, collider.width, collider.height))) { moveBy.y = 0.f; } } } } return(moveBy); }
void SDL_TMXMap::Populate_Map(SDL_Renderer *Render) { if( MapSurf || getMapFile().length()) { if (!MapSurf) { std::ifstream *in_xml = new ifstream(getMapFile().c_str(), ifstream::in); if(!in_xml->is_open()) { std::cout << "No way to Populate Map. Quitting..." <<endl; return; } std::stringstream *ss_xml = new std::stringstream; *ss_xml << in_xml->rdbuf(); char *xml_data = new char[ss_xml->str().length()+1](); strcpy(xml_data, ss_xml->str().c_str()); in_xml->close(); delete ss_xml; Load_Map(xml_data); MapSurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, getWidth()*getTileWidth(), getHeight()*getTileHeight(), 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); } string ResDir = "Resources\\"; SDL_Surface **TileSurf = new SDL_Surface*[getNumTilesets()]; for ( unsigned int fn = 0; fn < getNumTilesets(); fn++) { //eventually, there will be a means to load multiple images per tileset. TODO: Make a loop that allows it. //TODO: Write it so that it also works with string Filenname = ResDir + getTileset(fn).getImage(0).getFilename(); TileSurf[fn] = IMG_Load(Filenname.c_str()); if (!TileSurf[fn]) return; } unsigned long color = getTileset(0).getImage(0).getTrans(); SDL_Color CKey; CKey.r = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16; CKey.g = (color & 0x00FF00) >> 8 ; CKey.b = (color & 0x0000FF) ; SDL_SetColorKey( MapSurf , SDL_TRUE , SDL_MapRGB(TileSurf[0]->format , CKey.r , CKey.g , CKey.b)); SDL_Rect SrcRect; SDL_Rect DstRect; DstRect.h = getTileHeight(); DstRect.w = getTileWidth(); unsigned char **in_data = new unsigned char* [getNumLayers()]; unsigned char **out_data = new unsigned char* [getNumLayers()]; unsigned int **tiledata = (unsigned int **) out_data; for(unsigned i = 0; i < getNumLayers(); i++) { in_data[i] = new unsigned char [getLayer(i).getData().getData().size()]; out_data[i] = new unsigned char [getWidth()*getHeight()*4]; memcpy( in_data[i] , getLayer(i).getData().getData().c_str() , getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() ); unsigned char *dec_data = new unsigned char[( getLayer(i).getData().getData().size())]; TMX_Decode( in_data[i] , dec_data , getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() ); TMX_Uncompress( dec_data , out_data[i] , ( getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() ), getWidth() * getHeight() * 4, getLayer(i).getData().getCompression().c_str()); } delete[]in_data; for (unsigned l = 0; l < TMX_Map::getNumLayers(); l++) { LayerSurf.push_back(SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, getWidth()*getTileWidth(), getHeight()*getTileHeight(), 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)); SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(LayerSurf[l], getLayer(l).getOpacity() * 255); for(unsigned int y = 0; y < getHeight(); y++) { DstRect.y = y * getTileHeight(); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < getWidth(); x++) { if(tiledata[l][y*getWidth()+x]) { DstRect.x = x * getTileWidth(); unsigned tilesetindex = findTileset(tiledata[l][y*getWidth()+x]); unsigned srcindex = tiledata[l][y*getWidth()+x] - getTileset(tilesetindex).getGID(); SrcRect.h = getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileHeight(); SrcRect.w = getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth(); float Float_TPL = (float) getTileset(tilesetindex).getImage(0).getWidth() / (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing()); unsigned long Tiles_Per_Line = (long) ceil(Float_TPL); SrcRect.x = srcindex % Tiles_Per_Line * (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing()); SrcRect.y = srcindex / Tiles_Per_Line * (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing()); if( SDL_BlitSurface(TileSurf[tilesetindex], &SrcRect, LayerSurf[l], &DstRect) ) { cout << "SDL_BlitSurface Failed: " << SDL_GetError() << endl; // if for some reason the application does not implode and instead run this code, we need to know why it crapped us. exit (-2); } } } } if(getLayer(l).isVisible()) SDL_BlitSurface(LayerSurf[l],NULL, MapSurf, NULL); } delete[] tiledata; for (unsigned l = 0; l < getNumTilesets(); l++) SDL_FreeSurface(TileSurf[l]); MapTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Render, MapSurf); SDL_FreeSurface(MapSurf); } else std::cout << "No way to Populate Map. Quitting..." << endl;
bool isInterestingAtCoord(float x, float y) const { return getTile(x / getTileWidth(), y / getTileHeight()).isInteresting; }
bool isInterestingAtCoord(const glm::vec2 &pos) { return getTile(pos.x / getTileWidth(), pos.y / getTileHeight()).isInteresting; }
SDL_TMXMap::SDL_TMXMap(const char *Filename) :TMX_Map(Filename) { MapSurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, getWidth()*getTileWidth(), getHeight()*getTileHeight(), 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); }