Esempio n. 1
 * Produces a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[Z|[+|-]hh:mm]
 * @param dest Destination to write the timestamp string
 * @param maxSize Maximum size of the destination, at least TIMESTAMP_STAMP_SIZE
 * @return The size of the timestamp string
int getTimestamp(char *dest, int maxSize) {
  time_t epochTime = time(NULL);
  struct tm *currentTime;
  int offset = 0;

  if(maxSize < TIMESTAMP_STAMP_SIZE) {
    return FAIL;

  currentTime = localtime(&epochTime);
  offset = strftime(dest, maxSize, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", currentTime);
  getTimezone(dest + offset, maxSize - offset);

  return strlen(dest);
Esempio n. 2
std::string terrama2::core::DataStoragerTiff::replaceMask(const std::string& mask,
    std::shared_ptr<te::dt::DateTime> timestamp,
    terrama2::core::DataSetPtr dataSet) const
    return mask;

  long year = 0;
  long month = 0;
  long day = 0;
  long hour = 0;
  long minutes = 0;
  long seconds = 0;

  if(timestamp->getDateTimeType() == te::dt::TIME_INSTANT)
    auto dateTime = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<te::dt::TimeInstant>(timestamp);
    //invalid date type
      return mask;

    auto date = dateTime->getDate();
    year = date.getYear();
    month = date.getMonth().as_number();
    day = date.getDay().as_number();

    auto time = dateTime->getTime();
    hour = time.getHours();
    minutes = time.getMinutes();
    seconds = time.getSeconds();
  else if(timestamp->getDateTimeType() == te::dt::TIME_INSTANT_TZ)
    auto dateTime = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<te::dt::TimeInstantTZ>(timestamp);
    auto boostLocalTime = dateTime->getTimeInstantTZ();
    //invalid date type
      return mask;

    std::string timezone;
      //get dataset timezone
      timezone = getTimezone(dataSet);
    catch(const terrama2::core::UndefinedTagException&)
      //if no timezone is set use UTC
      timezone = "UTC+00";

    boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr zone(new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone(timezone));
    auto localTime = boostLocalTime.local_time_in(zone);
    auto date =;
    year = date.year();
    month = date.month().as_number();
    day =;

    auto time = localTime.time_of_day();
    hour = time.hours();
    minutes = time.minutes();
    seconds = time.seconds();
    //This method expects a valid Date/Time, other formats are not valid.
    QString errMsg = QObject::tr("Unknown date format.");
    TERRAMA2_LOG_ERROR() << errMsg;
    throw terrama2::core::DataAccessorException() << ErrorDescription(errMsg);

  //replace wildcards in mask
  std::string fileName = mask;
  size_t pos = fileName.find("yyyy");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 4, zeroPadNumber(year, 4));

  pos = fileName.find("yy");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(year, 2));

  pos = fileName.find("MM");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(month, 2));

  pos = fileName.find("dd");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(day, 2));

  pos = fileName.find("hh");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(hour, 2));

  pos = fileName.find("mm");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(minutes, 2));

  pos = fileName.find("ss");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName.replace(pos, 2, zeroPadNumber(seconds, 2));

  //if no extension in the mask, add extension
  pos = fileName.find(".tif");
  if(pos != std::string::npos)
    fileName += ".tif";
  return fileName;