Esempio n. 1
 * Function:	PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower
 * Overview:	For legacy and HY OFDM, we must read EEPROM TX power index for
 *			different channel and read original value in TX power register area from
 *			0xe00. We increase offset and original value to be correct tx pwr.
 * Input:       NONE
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
 * Revised History:
 * When			Who		Remark
 * 11/05/2008	MHC		Simulate 8192 series method.
 * 01/06/2009	MHC		1. Prevent Path B tx power overflow or underflow dure to
 *						A/B pwr difference or legacy/HT pwr diff.
 *						2. We concern with path B legacy/HT OFDM difference.
 * 01/22/2009	MHC		Support new EPRO format from SD3.
void rtl8723a_PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower(struct rtw_adapter *Adapter, u8 *pPowerLevel, u8 Channel)
	u32 writeVal[2], powerBase0[2], powerBase1[2];
	u8 index = 0;

	getPowerBase(Adapter, pPowerLevel, Channel, &powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0]);

	for (index = 0; index < 6; index++) {
		getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(Adapter, Channel, index,
			&powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0], &writeVal[0]);

		writeOFDMPowerReg(Adapter, index, &writeVal[0]);
Esempio n. 2
 * Copyright(c) 2008 - 2010 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
 * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the
 * file called LICENSE.
 * Contact Information:
 * wlanfae <*****@*****.**>
// ****************************************************************************
// History:
// Data			Who		Remark
// 09/25/2008	MHC		Create initial version.
// 11/05/2008 	MHC		Add API for tw power setting.
// ***************************************************************************/
#include "r8192U.h"
#include "r8192S_rtl6052.h"

#ifdef RTL8192SU
#include "r8192S_hw.h"
#include "r8192S_phyreg.h"
#include "r8192S_phy.h"
#include "r8192U_hw.h"
#include "r819xU_phyreg.h"
#include "r819xU_phy.h"

//---------------------------Define Local Constant---------------------------*/
// Define local structure for debug!!!!!
typedef struct RF_Shadow_Compare_Map {
	// Shadow register value
	u32		Value;
	// Compare or not flag
	u8		Compare;
	// Record If it had ever modified unpredicted
	u8		ErrorOrNot;
	// Recorver Flag
	u8		Recorver;
	u8		Driver_Write;
//---------------------------Define Local Constant---------------------------*/

//------------------------Define global variable-----------------------------*/
//------------------------Define global variable-----------------------------*/

//---------------------Define local function prototype-----------------------*/
void phy_RF6052_Config_HardCode(struct net_device* dev);

RT_STATUS phy_RF6052_Config_ParaFile(struct net_device* dev);
//---------------------Define local function prototype-----------------------*/

//------------------------Define function prototype--------------------------*/
extern void RF_ChangeTxPath(struct net_device* dev,  u16 DataRate);

//------------------------Define function prototype--------------------------*/

//------------------------Define local variable------------------------------*/
// 2008/11/20 MH For Debug only, RF
static	RF_SHADOW_T	RF_Shadow[RF6052_MAX_PATH][RF6052_MAX_REG];// = {{0}};//FIXLZM
//------------------------Define local variable------------------------------*/

//------------------------Define function prototype--------------------------*/
// Function:	RF_ChangeTxPath
// Overview:	For RL6052, we must change some RF settign for 1T or 2T.
// Input:		u16 DataRate		// 0x80-8f, 0x90-9f
// Output:      NONE
// Return:      NONE
// Revised History:
// When			Who		Remark
// 09/25/2008 	MHC		Create Version 0.
//						Firmwaer support the utility later.
extern void RF_ChangeTxPath(struct net_device* dev,  u16 DataRate)
// We do not support gain table change inACUT now !!!! Delete later !!!
#if 0//(RTL92SE_FPGA_VERIFY == 0)
	static	u1Byte	RF_Path_Type = 2;	// 1 = 1T 2= 2T			
	static	u4Byte	tx_gain_tbl1[6] 
			= {0x17f50, 0x11f40, 0x0cf30, 0x08720, 0x04310, 0x00100};
	static	u4Byte	tx_gain_tbl2[6] 
			= {0x15ea0, 0x10e90, 0x0c680, 0x08250, 0x04040, 0x00030};
	u1Byte	i;
	if (RF_Path_Type == 2 && (DataRate&0xF) <= 0x7)
		// Set TX SYNC power G2G3 loop filter
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G2, bMask20Bits, 0x0f000);
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G3, bMask20Bits, 0xeacf1);

		// Change TX AGC gain table
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)					
			PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
						RF_TX_AGC, bMask20Bits, tx_gain_tbl1[i]);

		// Set PA to high value
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G2, bMask20Bits, 0x01e39);
	else if (RF_Path_Type == 1 && (DataRate&0xF) >= 0x8)
		// Set TX SYNC power G2G3 loop filter
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G2, bMask20Bits, 0x04440);
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G3, bMask20Bits, 0xea4f1);

		// Change TX AGC gain table
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
						RF_TX_AGC, bMask20Bits, tx_gain_tbl2[i]);

		// Set PA low gain
		PHY_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, 
					RF_TXPA_G2, bMask20Bits, 0x01e19);
}	// RF_ChangeTxPath */

// Function:    PHY_RF6052SetBandwidth()
// Overview:    This function is called by SetBWModeCallback8190Pci() only
// Input:       PADAPTER				Adapter
//			WIRELESS_BANDWIDTH_E	Bandwidth	//20M or 40M
// Output:      NONE
// Return:      NONE
// Note:		For RF type 0222D
void PHY_RF6052SetBandwidth(struct net_device* dev, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH Bandwidth)	//20M or 40M
	struct r8192_priv 	*priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
#ifdef RTL8192SU  //YJ,test,090113	
	//if (IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192S(dev))
			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20:
				priv->RfRegChnlVal[0] = ((priv->RfRegChnlVal[0] & 0xfffff3ff) | 0x0400);
				rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, RF90_PATH_A, RF_CHNLBW, bRFRegOffsetMask, priv->RfRegChnlVal[0]);

			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40:
				priv->RfRegChnlVal[0] = ((priv->RfRegChnlVal[0] & 0xfffff3ff));
				rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, RF90_PATH_A, RF_CHNLBW, bRFRegOffsetMask, priv->RfRegChnlVal[0]);

				RT_TRACE(COMP_DBG, "PHY_SetRF6052Bandwidth(): unknown Bandwidth: %#X\n",Bandwidth);
//	else
	u8	eRFPath;
	for(eRFPath = 0; eRFPath <priv->NumTotalRFPath; eRFPath++)
			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20:
					//PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, RF_CHNLBW, (BIT10|BIT11), 0x01);				
			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40:
					//PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A, RF_CHNLBW, (BIT10|BIT11), 0x00);
					RT_TRACE(COMP_DBG, "PHY_SetRF8225Bandwidth(): unknown Bandwidth: %#X\n",Bandwidth );

// Function:	PHY_RF6052SetCckTxPower
// Overview:	
// Input:       NONE
// Output:      NONE
// Return:      NONE
// Revised History:
// When			Who		Remark
// 11/05/2008 	MHC		Simulate 8192series..
extern void PHY_RF6052SetCckTxPower(struct net_device* dev, u8	powerlevel)
	struct r8192_priv *priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
	u32				TxAGC=0;
	bool			TurboScanOff=false;

	if ((priv->EEPROMVersion >= 2) && (priv->EEPROMRegulatory != 0))
		TurboScanOff = true;

	if(priv->rtllib->scanning == 1 || priv->rtllib->be_scan_inprogress == true)
		TxAGC = 0x3f;
		TxAGC = powerlevel;

		TxAGC = powerlevel;

	//cosa add for lenovo, to pass the safety spec, don't increase power index for different rates.
		TxAGC = powerlevel;

	if(TxAGC > RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR)
		TxAGC = RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR;

	//printk("CCK PWR= %x\n", TxAGC);
	rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rTxAGC_CCK_Mcs32, bTxAGCRateCCK, TxAGC);

}	/* PHY_RF6052SetCckTxPower */

// powerbase0 for OFDM rates
// powerbase1 for HT MCS rates
void getPowerBase(
	struct net_device* dev,
	u8*		pPowerLevel,
	u8		Channel,
	u32*	OfdmBase,
	u32*	MCSBase,
	u8*		pFinalPowerIndex
	struct r8192_priv *priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
	u32			powerBase0, powerBase1;
	u32			Legacy_pwrdiff=0, HT20_pwrdiff=0;
	u8			i, powerlevel[4];
	for(i=0; i<2; i++)
		powerlevel[i] = pPowerLevel[i];
	// We only care about the path A for legacy.
	if (priv->EEPROMVersion < 2)
		powerBase0 = powerlevel[0] + (priv->LegacyHTTxPowerDiff & 0xf); 
	else if (priv->EEPROMVersion >= 2)
		Legacy_pwrdiff = priv->TxPwrLegacyHtDiff[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1];
		// For legacy OFDM, tx pwr always > HT OFDM pwr. We do not care Path B
		// legacy OFDM pwr diff. NO BB register to notify HW.
		powerBase0 = powerlevel[0] + Legacy_pwrdiff; 
		//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, (" [LagacyToHT40 pwr diff = %d]\n", Legacy_pwrdiff));
	powerBase0 = (powerBase0<<24) | (powerBase0<<16) |(powerBase0<<8) |powerBase0;
	*OfdmBase = powerBase0;
	//printk(" [OFDM power base index = 0x%lx]\n", powerBase0);
	//MCS rates
	if(priv->EEPROMVersion >= 2)
		//Check HT20 to HT40 diff		
		if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20)
			for(i=0; i<2; i++)	// rf-A, rf-B
			{	// HT 20<->40 pwr diff
				HT20_pwrdiff = priv->TxPwrHt20Diff[i][Channel-1];
				if (HT20_pwrdiff < 8)	// 0~+7
					powerlevel[i] += HT20_pwrdiff;	
				else				// index8-15=-8~-1
					powerlevel[i] -= (16-HT20_pwrdiff);
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, (" [HT20 to HT40 pwrdiff = %d]\n", HT20_pwrdiff));
	powerBase1 = powerlevel[0];	//use index of rf-A
	powerBase1 = (powerBase1<<24) | (powerBase1<<16) |(powerBase1<<8) |powerBase1;
	*MCSBase = powerBase1;
	//printk(" [MCS power base index = 0x%x]\n", powerBase1);
	//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, (" [Legacy/HT power index= %lx/%lx]\n", powerBase0, powerBase1));

	//The following is for Antenna diff from Ant-B to Ant-A
	pFinalPowerIndex[0] = powerlevel[0];
	pFinalPowerIndex[1] = powerlevel[1];
		case 3:
			//The following is for calculation of the power diff for Ant-B to Ant-A.
			if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)
				pFinalPowerIndex[0] += priv->PwrGroupHT40[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1];
				pFinalPowerIndex[1] += priv->PwrGroupHT40[RF90_PATH_B][Channel-1];
				pFinalPowerIndex[0] += priv->PwrGroupHT20[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1];
				pFinalPowerIndex[1] += priv->PwrGroupHT20[RF90_PATH_B][Channel-1];
	if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)
		RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "40MHz finalPowerIndex (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", pFinalPowerIndex[0], pFinalPowerIndex[1]);
		RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "20MHz finalPowerIndex (A / B) = 0x%x / 0x%x\n", pFinalPowerIndex[0], pFinalPowerIndex[1]);

void getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(
	struct net_device* dev,
	u8		Channel,
	u8		index,
	u32		powerBase0,
	u32		powerBase1,
	u32*		pOutWriteVal
	struct r8192_priv *priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
	//u16 RegOffset[6] = {0xe00, 0xe04, 0xe10, 0xe14, 0xe18, 0xe1c};
	u8	i, chnlGroup = 0, pwr_diff_limit[4];
	u32 	writeVal, customer_limit;
	// Index 0 & 1= legacy OFDM, 2-5=HT_MCS rate
		case 0:	// Realtek better performance
				// increase power diff defined by Realtek for large power
			chnlGroup = 0;
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", 
			//	chnlGroup, index, priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index]));
			writeVal = priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index] + 
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("RTK better performance, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));
		case 1:	// Realtek regulatory
				// increase power diff defined by Realtek for regulatory
			if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)
				writeVal = ((index<2)?powerBase0:powerBase1);
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Realtek regulatory, 40MHz, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));
				if(priv->pwrGroupCnt == 1)
					chnlGroup = 0;
				if(priv->pwrGroupCnt >= 3)
					if(Channel <= 3)
						chnlGroup = 0;
					else if(Channel >= 4 && Channel <= 8)
						chnlGroup = 1;
					else if(Channel > 8)
						chnlGroup = 2;
					if(priv->pwrGroupCnt == 4)
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", 
				//chnlGroup, index, priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index]));
				writeVal = priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index] + 
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Realtek regulatory, 20MHz, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));
		case 2:	// Better regulatory
				// don't increase any power diff
			writeVal = ((index<2)?powerBase0:powerBase1);
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Better regulatory, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));
		case 3:	// Customer defined power diff.
				// increase power diff defined by customer.
			chnlGroup = 0;
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", 
			//	chnlGroup, index, priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index]));

			if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("customer's limit, 40MHz = 0x%x\n", 
				//	priv->PwrGroupHT40[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1]));
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("customer's limit, 20MHz = 0x%x\n", 
				//	priv->PwrGroupHT20[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1]));
			for (i=0; i<4; i++)
				pwr_diff_limit[i] = (u8)((priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index]&(0x7f<<(i*8)))>>(i*8));
				//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("pwr_diff_limit[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, pwr_diff_limit[i]));
				if (priv->CurrentChannelBW == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40)
					if(pwr_diff_limit[i] > priv->PwrGroupHT40[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1])
						pwr_diff_limit[i] = priv->PwrGroupHT40[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1];
						//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Use customer's limit, 40MHz, pwr_diff_limit[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, pwr_diff_limit[i]));
					if(pwr_diff_limit[i] > priv->PwrGroupHT20[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1])
						pwr_diff_limit[i] = priv->PwrGroupHT20[RF90_PATH_A][Channel-1];
						//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Use customer's limit, 20MHz, pwr_diff_limit[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, pwr_diff_limit[i]));
			customer_limit = (pwr_diff_limit[3]<<24) | (pwr_diff_limit[2]<<16) |
							(pwr_diff_limit[1]<<8) | (pwr_diff_limit[0]);
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Customer's limit = 0x%x\n", customer_limit));

			writeVal = customer_limit + ((index<2)?powerBase0:powerBase1);
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Customer, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));
			chnlGroup = 0;
			writeVal = priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index] + 
			//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("RTK better performance, writeVal = 0x%x\n", writeVal));

	*pOutWriteVal = writeVal;

	//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Reg 0x%x, chnlGroup = %d, Original=%x writeVal=%x\n", 
		//RegOffset[index], chnlGroup, pHalData->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[chnlGroup][index], 

void setAntennaDiff(
	struct net_device* dev,
	u8*		pFinalPowerIndex
	struct r8192_priv *priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
	s8	ant_pwr_diff=0;
	u32	u4RegValue=0;

	if (priv->rf_type== RF_2T2R)
		ant_pwr_diff = pFinalPowerIndex[1] - pFinalPowerIndex[0];
		// range is from 7~-8, index = 0x0~0xf
		if(ant_pwr_diff > 7)
			ant_pwr_diff = 7;
		if(ant_pwr_diff < -8)
			ant_pwr_diff = -8;
		//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Antenna Diff from RF-B to RF-A = %d (0x%x)\n", 
		//	ant_pwr_diff, ant_pwr_diff&0xf));
		ant_pwr_diff &= 0xf;
	// Antenna TX power difference
	priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[2] = 0;// RF-D, don't care
	priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[1] = 0;// RF-C, don't care
	priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[0] = (u8)(ant_pwr_diff);		// RF-B
	//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Antenna Diff from RF-B to RF-A = %d (0x%x)\n", 
		//ant_pwr_diff, pHalData->AntennaTxPwDiff[0]));

	u4RegValue = (priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[2]<<8 | 
				priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[1]<<4 | 
				priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[0]	);

	rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rFPGA0_TxGainStage, 
		(bXBTxAGC|bXCTxAGC|bXDTxAGC), u4RegValue);

	//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("Write BCD-Diff(0x%x) = 0x%lx\n", 
	//	rFPGA0_TxGainStage, u4RegValue));

void writeOFDMPowerReg(
	struct net_device* dev,
	u8		index,
	u32		Value
	struct r8192_priv *priv = rtllib_priv(dev);
	u16 RegOffset[6] = {0xe00, 0xe04, 0xe10, 0xe14, 0xe18, 0xe1c};
	u8 i, rfa_pwr[4];
	u8 rfa_lower_bound = 0, rfa_upper_bound = 0, rf_pwr_diff = 0;
	u32 writeVal=Value;
	// If path A and Path B coexist, we must limit Path A tx power.
	// Protect Path B pwr over or under flow. We need to calculate upper and
	// lower bound of path A tx power.
	if (priv->rf_type == RF_2T2R)
		rf_pwr_diff = priv->AntennaTxPwDiff[0];
		//RTPRINT(FPHY, PHY_TXPWR, ("2T2R RF-B to RF-A PWR DIFF=%d\n", rf_pwr_diff));

		if (rf_pwr_diff >= 8)		// Diff=-8~-1
		{	// Prevent underflow!!
			rfa_lower_bound = 0x10-rf_pwr_diff;
			//printk("rfa_lower_bound= %d\n", rfa_lower_bound);
		else if (rf_pwr_diff >= 0)	// Diff = 0-7
			rfa_upper_bound = RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR-rf_pwr_diff;
			//printk("rfa_upper_bound= %d\n", rfa_upper_bound);

	for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		rfa_pwr[i] = (u8)((writeVal & (0x7f<<(i*8)))>>(i*8));
		if (rfa_pwr[i]  > RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR)
			rfa_pwr[i]  = RF6052_MAX_TX_PWR;

		// If path A and Path B coexist, we must limit Path A tx power.
		// Protect Path B pwr over or under flow. We need to calculate upper and
		// lower bound of path A tx power.
		if (priv->rf_type== RF_2T2R)
			if (rf_pwr_diff >= 8)		// Diff=-8~-1
			{	// Prevent underflow!!
				if (rfa_pwr[i] <rfa_lower_bound)
					rfa_pwr[i] = rfa_lower_bound;
			else if (rf_pwr_diff >= 1)	// Diff = 0-7
			{	// Prevent overflow
				if (rfa_pwr[i] > rfa_upper_bound)
					rfa_pwr[i] = rfa_upper_bound;
			//printk("rfa_pwr[%d]=%x\n", i, rfa_pwr[i]);


	writeVal = (rfa_pwr[3]<<24) | (rfa_pwr[2]<<16) |(rfa_pwr[1]<<8) |rfa_pwr[0];

	rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, RegOffset[index], 0x7f7f7f7f, writeVal);
	//printk("Set 0x%x = %08x\n",RegOffset[index], writeVal);

// Function:	PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower
// Overview:	For legacy and HY OFDM, we must read EEPROM TX power index for 
//			different channel and read original value in TX power register area from
//			0xe00. We increase offset and original value to be correct tx pwr.
// Input:       NONE
// Output:      NONE
// Return:      NONE
// Revised History:
// When			Who		Remark
// 11/05/2008 	MHC		Simulate 8192 series method.
//01/06/2009	MHC		1. Prevent Path B tx power overflow or underflow dure to
//						A/B pwr difference or legacy/HT pwr diff.
//						2. We concern with path B legacy/HT OFDM difference.
// 01/22/2009	MHC		Support new EPRO format from SD3.
extern void PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower(struct net_device* dev, u8* pPowerLevel, u8 Channel)
	u32 writeVal, powerBase0, powerBase1;
	u8 index = 0;
	u8 finalPowerIndex[4];

	getPowerBase(dev, pPowerLevel, Channel, &powerBase0, &powerBase1, &finalPowerIndex[0]);
	setAntennaDiff(dev, &finalPowerIndex[0]	);
	for(index=0; index<6; index++)
		getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(dev, Channel, index, 
			powerBase0, powerBase1, &writeVal);

		writeOFDMPowerReg(dev, index, writeVal);
}	/* PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower */
Esempio n. 3
 * Function:	PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower
 * Overview:	For legacy and HY OFDM, we must read EEPROM TX power index for 
 *			different channel and read original value in TX power register area from
 *			0xe00. We increase offset and original value to be correct tx pwr.
 * Input:       NONE
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
 * Revised History:
 * When			Who		Remark
 * 11/05/2008 	MHC		Simulate 8192 series method.
 * 01/06/2009	MHC		1. Prevent Path B tx power overflow or underflow dure to
 *						A/B pwr difference or legacy/HT pwr diff.
 *						2. We concern with path B legacy/HT OFDM difference.
 * 01/22/2009	MHC		Support new EPRO format from SD3.
extern	void 
	struct net_device* dev,
	u8*		pPowerLevel,
	u8		Channel)
	u32 writeVal[2], powerBase0[2], powerBase1[2];
	u8 index = 0;

	getPowerBase(dev, pPowerLevel, Channel, &powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0]);

	for(index=0; index<6; index++)
		getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(dev, Channel, index, 
			&powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0], &writeVal[0]);

		writeOFDMPowerReg(dev, index, &writeVal[0]);
Esempio n. 4
 * Function:	PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower
 * Overview:	For legacy and HY OFDM, we must read EEPROM TX power index for 
 *			different channel and read original value in TX power register area from
 *			0xe00. We increase offset and original value to be correct tx pwr.
 * Input:       NONE
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
 * Revised History:
 * When			Who		Remark
 * 11/05/2008 	MHC		Simulate 8192 series method.
 * 01/06/2009	MHC		1. Prevent Path B tx power overflow or underflow dure to
 *						A/B pwr difference or legacy/HT pwr diff.
 *						2. We concern with path B legacy/HT OFDM difference.
 * 01/22/2009	MHC		Support new EPRO format from SD3.
	IN	u8*		pPowerLevel,
	IN	u8		Channel)
	//HAL_DATA_TYPE	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
	u32 writeVal[2], powerBase0[2], powerBase1[2];
	u8 index = 0;

	getPowerBase(Adapter, pPowerLevel, Channel, &powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0]);

	for(index=0; index<6; index++)
		getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(Adapter, Channel, index, 
			&powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0], &writeVal[0]);

		writeOFDMPowerReg(Adapter, index, &writeVal[0]);
Esempio n. 5
 * Function:	PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower
 * Overview:	For legacy and HY OFDM, we must read EEPROM TX power index for 
 *			different channel and read original value in TX power register area from
 *			0xe00. We increase offset and original value to be correct tx pwr.
 * Input:       NONE
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
 * Revised History:
 * When			Who		Remark
 * 11/05/2008 	MHC		Simulate 8192 series method.
 * 01/06/2009	MHC		1. Prevent Path B tx power overflow or underflow dure to
 *						A/B pwr difference or legacy/HT pwr diff.
 *						2. We concern with path B legacy/HT OFDM difference.
 * 01/22/2009	MHC		Support new EPRO format from SD3.
	IN	u8*		pPowerLevel,
	IN	u8		Channel)
	u32	writeVal[2], powerBase0[2], powerBase1[2];
	u8	index = 0;

	//DBG_871X("PHY_RF6052SetOFDMTxPower, channel(%d) \n", Channel);

	getPowerBase(Adapter, pPowerLevel, Channel, &powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0]);

	for(index=0; index<6; index++)
		getTxPowerWriteValByRegulatory(Adapter, pPowerLevel, Channel, index, 
			&powerBase0[0], &powerBase1[0], &writeVal[0]);

		writeOFDMPowerReg(Adapter, index, &writeVal[0]);