int main( int argc, char** argv )
  // initialize ROS
  ros::init(argc, argv, "lwr_hw_interface", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);

  // ros spinner
  ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);

  // custom signal handlers
  signal(SIGTERM, quitRequested);
  signal(SIGINT, quitRequested);
  signal(SIGHUP, quitRequested);

  // create a node
  ros::NodeHandle lwr_nh;
  std::string robot_namespace = lwr_nh.getNamespace();
  ROS_INFO("kuka_lwr_hw_rt_node -> **** node handle namespace = '%s'",robot_namespace.c_str());

  // Remove the first two characters.
  std::string robot_namespace_param;
  int nb_char_to_remove = 2;
  robot_namespace_param = robot_namespace.substr(nb_char_to_remove,robot_namespace.size()-nb_char_to_remove);

  ROS_INFO("kuka_lwr_hw_rt_node -> **** node handle robot_namespace_param = '%s'",robot_namespace_param.c_str());

  // If robot_namespace is "kuka_lwr_left" the Robot Hardware need to open the fri driver file contains in ros param : fri_driver_file_left
  // If robot_namespace is "kuka_lwr_right" the Robot Hardware need to open the fri driver file contains in ros param : fri_driver_file_right
 std::string file;
 if ("//kuka_lwr_left") == 0)
	lwr_nh.param("/fri_driver_file_left", file, std::string(""));
	lwr_nh.param("/fri_driver_file_right", file, std::string(""));

  ROS_INFO("fril node -> driver file = %s, namespace = %s",file.c_str(),robot_namespace_param.c_str());

  // Get the the general robot description URDF XML from the parameter server
  // Be careful ! the 'robot_description' parameter is set inside a 'group' (a namespace) in the launch file.
  // so don't forget to concatenate the namespace !
  std::string urdf_string = getURDF(lwr_nh, robot_namespace + "/robot_description");

  // construct and start the real lwr
  lwr_hw::LWRHWFRIL lwr_robot;
  lwr_robot.create(robot_namespace_param, urdf_string);
    ROS_FATAL_NAMED("lwr_hw","Could not initialize robot real interface");
    return -1;

  // timer variables
  struct timespec ts = {0, 0};
  ros::Time last(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec), now(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec);
  ros::Duration period(1.0);

  ROS_INFO("Before controller_manager::ControllerManager !");

  //the controller manager
  controller_manager::ControllerManager manager(&lwr_robot, lwr_nh);

  // run as fast as possible
  while( !g_quit ) 
    // get the time / period
    if (!clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)) 
      now.sec = ts.tv_sec;
      now.nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
      period = now - last;
      last = now;
      ROS_FATAL("Failed to poll realtime clock!");

    // read the state from the lwr, period);

    // update the controllers
    manager.update(now, period);

    // write the command to the lwr
    lwr_robot.write(now, period);

  std::cerr<<"Stopping spinner..."<<std::endl;

  std::cerr<<"Stopping LWR..."<<std::endl;

  std::cerr<<"This node was killed!"<<std::endl;

  return 0;
// Overloaded Gazebo entry point
void GazeboRosControlPlugin::Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr parent, sdf::ElementPtr sdf)
  ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Loading gazebo_ros_control plugin");

  // Save pointers to the model
  parent_model_ = parent;
  sdf_ = sdf;

  // Error message if the model couldn't be found
  if (!parent_model_)
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("loadThread","parent model is NULL");

  // Check that ROS has been initialized
    ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. "
      << "Load the Gazebo system plugin '' in the gazebo_ros package)");

  // Get namespace for nodehandle
    robot_namespace_ = sdf_->GetElement("robotNamespace")->Get<std::string>();
    robot_namespace_ = parent_model_->GetName(); // default

  // Get robot_description ROS param name
  if (sdf_->HasElement("robotParam"))
    robot_description_ = sdf_->GetElement("robotParam")->Get<std::string>();
    robot_description_ = "robot_description"; // default

  // Get the robot simulation interface type
    robot_hw_sim_type_str_ = sdf_->Get<std::string>("robotSimType");
    robot_hw_sim_type_str_ = "gazebo_ros_control/DefaultRobotHWSim";
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("loadThread","Using default plugin for RobotHWSim (none specified in URDF/SDF)\""<<robot_hw_sim_type_str_<<"\"");

  // Get the Gazebo simulation period
  ros::Duration gazebo_period(parent_model_->GetWorld()->GetPhysicsEngine()->GetMaxStepSize());

  // Decide the plugin control period
    control_period_ = ros::Duration(sdf_->Get<double>("controlPeriod"));

    // Check the period against the simulation period
    if( control_period_ < gazebo_period )
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Desired controller update period ("<<control_period_
        <<" s) is faster than the gazebo simulation period ("<<gazebo_period<<" s).");
    else if( control_period_ > gazebo_period )
      ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Desired controller update period ("<<control_period_
        <<" s) is slower than the gazebo simulation period ("<<gazebo_period<<" s).");
    control_period_ = gazebo_period;
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Control period not found in URDF/SDF, defaulting to Gazebo period of "
      << control_period_);

  // Get parameters/settings for controllers from ROS param server
  model_nh_ = ros::NodeHandle(robot_namespace_);

  // Initialize the emergency stop code.
  e_stop_active_ = false;
  last_e_stop_active_ = false;
  if (sdf_->HasElement("eStopTopic"))
    const std::string e_stop_topic = sdf_->GetElement("eStopTopic")->Get<std::string>();
    e_stop_sub_ = model_nh_.subscribe(e_stop_topic, 1, &GazeboRosControlPlugin::eStopCB, this);

  ROS_INFO_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control", "Starting gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: %s", robot_namespace_.c_str());

  // Read urdf from ros parameter server then
  // setup actuators and mechanism control node.
  // This call will block if ROS is not properly initialized.
  const std::string urdf_string = getURDF(robot_description_);
  if (!parseTransmissionsFromURDF(urdf_string))
    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control", "Error parsing URDF in gazebo_ros_control plugin, plugin not active.\n");

  // Load the RobotHWSim abstraction to interface the controllers with the gazebo model
      (new pluginlib::ClassLoader<gazebo_ros_control::RobotHWSim>

    robot_hw_sim_ = robot_hw_sim_loader_->createInstance(robot_hw_sim_type_str_);
    urdf::Model urdf_model;
    const urdf::Model *const urdf_model_ptr = urdf_model.initString(urdf_string) ? &urdf_model : NULL;

    if(!robot_hw_sim_->initSim(robot_namespace_, model_nh_, parent_model_, urdf_model_ptr, transmissions_))
      ROS_FATAL_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Could not initialize robot simulation interface");

    // Create the controller manager
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("ros_control_plugin","Loading controller_manager");
      (new controller_manager::ControllerManager(robot_hw_sim_.get(), model_nh_));

    // Listen to the update event. This event is broadcast every simulation iteration.
    update_connection_ =
      (boost::bind(&GazeboRosControlPlugin::Update, this));

  catch(pluginlib::LibraryLoadException &ex)
    ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control","Failed to create robot simulation interface loader: "<<ex.what());

  ROS_INFO_NAMED("gazebo_ros_control", "Loaded gazebo_ros_control.");
    bool loadControllerManagerFromURDF()
      std::string urdf_string = getURDF(robot_description_);

      // initialize TiXmlDocument doc with a string
      TiXmlDocument doc;
      if (!doc.Parse(urdf_string.c_str()) && doc.Error())
        ROS_ERROR("Could not load the gazebo_ros_control plugin's"
                  " configuration file: %s\n", urdf_string.c_str());
        return false;

      // debug
      //std::cout << *(doc.RootElement()) << std::endl;


      // Pulls out the list of actuators used in the robot configuration.
      struct GetActuators : public TiXmlVisitor
      std::set<std::string> actuators;
      virtual bool VisitEnter(const TiXmlElement &elt, const TiXmlAttribute *)
      if (elt.ValueStr() == std::string("actuator") && elt.Attribute("name"))
      else if (elt.ValueStr() ==
      std::string("rightActuator") && elt.Attribute("name"))
      else if (elt.ValueStr() ==
      std::string("leftActuator") && elt.Attribute("name"))
      return true;
      } get_actuators;

      // Places the found actuators into the hardware interface.
      std::set<std::string>::iterator it;
      for (it = get_actuators.actuators.begin();
      it != get_actuators.actuators.end(); ++it)
      std::cout << " adding actuator " << (*it) << std::endl;
      //pr2_hardware_interface::Actuator* pr2_actuator =
      //  new pr2_hardware_interface::Actuator(*it);
      //pr2_actuator->state_.is_enabled_ = true;

      // Find joints in transmission tags
      TiXmlElement *root = doc.RootElement();

      // Constructs the transmissions by parsing custom xml.
      TiXmlElement *xit = NULL;
      for (xit = root->FirstChildElement("transmission"); xit;
      xit = xit->NextSiblingElement("transmission"))
      // Get <transmission type=""> property
      std::string type(xit->Attribute("type"));  // \todo error check this?

      Transmission *t = NULL;
      try {
      // Backwards compatibility for using non-namespaced controller types
      if (!transmission_loader_->isClassAvailable(type))
      std::vector<std::string> classes = transmission_loader_->getDeclaredClasses();
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i)
      if(type == transmission_loader_->getName(classes[i]))
      ROS_WARN("The deprecated transmission type %s was not found.  Using the namespaced version %s instead.  "
      "Please update your urdf file to use the namespaced version.",
      type.c_str(), classes[i].c_str());
      type = classes[i];
      t = transmission_loader_->createClassInstance(type);
      catch (const std::runtime_error &ex)
      ROS_ERROR("Could not load class %s: %s", type.c_str(), ex.what());

      if (!t)
      ROS_ERROR("Unknown transmission type: %s", type.c_str());
      else if (!t->initXml(xit, this)){
        ROS_ERROR("Failed to initialize transmission");
        delete t;
      else // Success!


      return true;