Status INotifyEventPublisher::restartMonitoring() { if (last_restart_ != 0 && getUnixTime() - last_restart_ < 10) { return Status(1, "Overflow"); } last_restart_ = getUnixTime(); VLOG(1) << "inotify was overflown, attempting to restart handle"; // Create a copy of the descriptors, then remove each. auto descriptors = descriptors_; for (const auto& desc : descriptors) { removeMonitor(desc, true); } { // Then remove all path/descriptor mappings. WriteLock lock(mutex_); path_descriptors_.clear(); descriptor_paths_.clear(); } // Reconfigure ourself, the subscribers will not reconfigure. configure(); return Status(0, "OK"); }
TEST_F(PlistBenchmark, bench_parse_plist_content) { // using LOG(ERROR) as a quick hack so that gtest displays the log line even // when the test passes LOG(ERROR) << "Starting: " << getAsciiTime(); LOG(ERROR) << "Performing " << FLAGS_iterations << " iterations"; int time = getUnixTime(); for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_iterations; ++i) { std::string content = getPlistContent(); pt::ptree tree; auto s = parsePlistContent(content, tree); EXPECT_TRUE(s.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(s.toString(), "OK"); EXPECT_EQ(tree.get<bool>("Disabled"), true); EXPECT_THROW(tree.get<bool>("foobar"), pt::ptree_bad_path); EXPECT_EQ(tree.get<std::string>("Label"), ""); std::vector<std::string> program_arguments = { "/System/Library/CoreServices/" "FileSyncAgent_sshd-keygen-wrapper", "-i", "-f", "/System/Library/CoreServices/" "FileSyncAgent_sshd_config", }; pt::ptree program_arguments_tree = tree.get_child("ProgramArguments"); std::vector<std::string> program_arguments_parsed; for (const auto& argument : program_arguments_tree) { program_arguments_parsed.push_back(argument.second.get<std::string>("")); } EXPECT_EQ(program_arguments_parsed, program_arguments); } LOG(ERROR) << "Ending: " << getAsciiTime(); LOG(ERROR) << "Benchmark executed in " << (getUnixTime() - time) << " seconds"; }
void WatcherRunner::createWorker() { { WatcherLocker locker; if (Watcher::getState(Watcher::getWorker()).last_respawn_time > getUnixTime() - getWorkerLimit(RESPAWN_LIMIT)) { LOG(WARNING) << "osqueryd worker respawning too quickly: " << Watcher::workerRestartCount() << " times"; Watcher::workerRestarted(); // The configured automatic delay. size_t delay = getWorkerLimit(RESPAWN_DELAY) * 1000; // Exponential back off for quickly-respawning clients. delay += pow(2, Watcher::workerRestartCount()) * 1000; pauseMilli(delay); } } // Get the path of the current process. auto qd = SQL::selectAllFrom("processes", "pid", EQUALS, INTEGER(PlatformProcess::getCurrentProcess()->pid())); if (qd.size() != 1 || qd[0].count("path") == 0 || qd[0]["path"].size() == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "osquery watcher cannot determine process path for worker"; Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_FAILURE); return; } // Set an environment signaling to potential plugin-dependent workers to wait // for extensions to broadcast. if (Watcher::hasManagedExtensions()) { setEnvVar("OSQUERY_EXTENSIONS", "true"); } // Get the complete path of the osquery process binary. boost::system::error_code ec; auto exec_path = fs::system_complete(fs::path(qd[0]["path"]), ec); if (!safePermissions( exec_path.parent_path().string(), exec_path.string(), true)) { // osqueryd binary has become unsafe. LOG(ERROR) << RLOG(1382) << "osqueryd has unsafe permissions: " << exec_path.string(); Initializer::requestShutdown(EXIT_FAILURE); return; } auto worker = PlatformProcess::launchWorker(exec_path.string(), argc_, argv_); if (worker == nullptr) { // Unrecoverable error, cannot create a worker process. LOG(ERROR) << "osqueryd could not create a worker process"; Initializer::shutdown(EXIT_FAILURE); return; } Watcher::setWorker(worker); Watcher::resetWorkerCounters(getUnixTime()); VLOG(1) << "osqueryd watcher (" << PlatformProcess::getCurrentProcess()->pid() << ") executing worker (" << worker->pid() << ")"; }
void FileLib::getFileStatus( const WIN32_FIND_DATAW &data, FileStatus *status) { status->accessTime_ = getUnixTime(data.ftLastAccessTime); status->attributes_ = data.dwFileAttributes; status->creationTime_ = getUnixTime(data.ftCreationTime); status->hardLinkCount_ = 1; status->modificationTime_ = getUnixTime(data.ftLastWriteTime); ULARGE_INTEGER size; size.HighPart = data.nFileSizeHigh; size.LowPart = data.nFileSizeLow; status->size_ = size.QuadPart; }
void Config::purge() { // The first use of purge is removing expired query results. std::vector<std::string> saved_queries; scanDatabaseKeys(kQueries, saved_queries); const auto& schedule = this->schedule_; auto queryExists = [&schedule](const std::string& query_name) { for (const auto& pack : schedule->packs_) { const auto& pack_queries = pack->getSchedule(); if (pack_queries.count(query_name)) { return true; } } return false; }; RecursiveLock lock(config_schedule_mutex_); // Iterate over each result set in the database. for (const auto& saved_query : saved_queries) { if (queryExists(saved_query)) { continue; } std::string content; getDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "timestamp." + saved_query, content); if (content.empty()) { // No timestamp is set for this query, perhaps this is the first time // query results expiration is applied. setDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "timestamp." + saved_query, std::to_string(getUnixTime())); continue; } // Parse the timestamp and compare. size_t last_executed = 0; try { last_executed = boost::lexical_cast<size_t>(content); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast& /* e */) { // Erase the timestamp as is it potentially corrupt. deleteDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "timestamp." + saved_query); continue; } if (last_executed < getUnixTime() - 592200) { // Query has not run in the last week, expire results and interval. deleteDatabaseValue(kQueries, saved_query); deleteDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "interval." + saved_query); deleteDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "timestamp." + saved_query); VLOG(1) << "Expiring results for scheduled query: " << saved_query; } } }
void FileLib::getFileStatus( const BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION &info, FileStatus *status) { status->accessTime_ = getUnixTime(info.ftLastAccessTime); status->attributes_ = info.dwFileAttributes; status->creationTime_ = getUnixTime(info.ftCreationTime); status->hardLinkCount_ = info.nNumberOfLinks; status->modificationTime_ = getUnixTime(info.ftLastWriteTime); ULARGE_INTEGER size; size.HighPart = info.nFileSizeHigh; size.LowPart = info.nFileSizeLow; status->size_ = size.QuadPart; }
TEST_F(EventsDatabaseTests, test_gentable) { auto sub = std::make_shared<DBFakeEventSubscriber>(); // Lie about the tool type to enable optimizations. auto default_type = kToolType; kToolType = OSQUERY_TOOL_DAEMON; ASSERT_EQ(sub->optimize_time_, 0U); ASSERT_EQ(sub->expire_time_, 0U); sub->testAdd(getUnixTime() - 1); sub->testAdd(getUnixTime()); sub->testAdd(getUnixTime() + 1); // Test the expire workflow by creating a short expiration time. FLAGS_events_expiry = 10; std::vector<std::string> keys; scanDatabaseKeys("events", keys); EXPECT_GT(keys.size(), 10U); // Perform a "select" equivalent. QueryContext context; auto results = sub->genTable(context); // Expect all non-expired results: 11, + EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 9U); // The expiration time is now - events_expiry. EXPECT_GT(sub->expire_time_, getUnixTime() - (FLAGS_events_expiry * 2)); EXPECT_LT(sub->expire_time_, getUnixTime()); // The optimize time will be changed too. ASSERT_GT(sub->optimize_time_, 0U); // Restore the tool type. kToolType = default_type; results = sub->genTable(context); EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 3U); results = sub->genTable(context); EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 3U); // The optimize time should have been written to the database. // It should be the same as the current (relative) optimize time. std::string content; getDatabaseValue("events", "optimize.DBFakePublisher.DBFakeSubscriber", content); EXPECT_EQ(std::to_string(sub->optimize_time_), content); keys.clear(); scanDatabaseKeys("events", keys); EXPECT_LT(keys.size(), 30U); }
Status INotifyEventPublisher::restartMonitoring(){ if (last_restart_ != 0 && getUnixTime() - last_restart_ < 10) { return Status(1, "Overflow"); } last_restart_ = getUnixTime(); VLOG(1) << "Got an overflow, trying to restart..."; for(const auto& desc : descriptors_){ removeMonitor(desc, 1); } path_descriptors_.clear(); descriptor_paths_.clear(); configure(); return Status(0, "OK"); }
void FileLib::getFileStatus(const struct stat &stBuf, FileStatus *status) { status->accessTime_ = getUnixTime(stBuf.st_atime); status->blockCount_ = stBuf.st_blocks; status->blockSize_ = stBuf.st_blksize; status->changeTime_ = getUnixTime(stBuf.st_ctime); status->device_ = stBuf.st_dev; status->gid_ = stBuf.st_gid; status->hardLinkCount_ = stBuf.st_nlink; status->iNode_ = stBuf.st_ino; status->mode_ = stBuf.st_mode; status->modificationTime_ = getUnixTime(stBuf.st_mtime); status->rDevice_ = stBuf.st_rdev; status->size_ = stBuf.st_size; status->uid_ = stBuf.st_uid; }
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::genTable(QueryContext& context) { // Stop is an unsigned (-1), our end of time equivalent. EventTime start = 0, stop = -1; if (context.constraints["time"].getAll().size() > 0) { // Use the 'time' constraint to optimize backing-store lookups. for (const auto& constraint : context.constraints["time"].getAll()) { EventTime expr = timeFromRecord(constraint.expr); if (constraint.op == EQUALS) { stop = start = expr; break; } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN) { start = std::max(start, expr + 1); } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) { start = std::max(start, expr); } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN) { stop = std::min(stop, expr - 1); } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) { stop = std::min(stop, expr); } } } else if (kToolType == OSQUERY_TOOL_DAEMON && FLAGS_events_optimize) { // If the daemon is querying a subscriber without a 'time' constraint and // allows optimization, only emit events since the last query. start = optimize_time_; optimize_time_ = getUnixTime() - 1; // Store the optimize time such that it can be restored if the daemon is // restarted. auto index_key = "optimize." + dbNamespace(); setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key, std::to_string(optimize_time_)); } return get(start, stop); }
void EventPublisherPlugin::fire(const EventContextRef& ec, EventTime time) { EventContextID ec_id; if (isEnding()) { // Cannot emit/fire while ending return; } { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(ec_id_lock_); ec_id = next_ec_id_++; } // Fill in EventContext ID and time if needed. if (ec != nullptr) { ec->id = ec_id; if (ec->time == 0) { if (time == 0) { time = getUnixTime(); } // Todo: add a check to assure normalized (seconds) time. ec->time = time; } } for (const auto& subscription : subscriptions_) { auto es = EventFactory::getEventSubscriber(subscription->subscriber_name); if (es->state() == SUBSCRIBER_RUNNING) { fireCallback(subscription, ec); } } }
Status carvePaths(const std::set<std::string>& paths) { auto guid = generateNewUUID(); pt::ptree tree; tree.put("carve_guid", guid); tree.put("time", getUnixTime()); tree.put("status", "STARTING"); tree.put("sha256", ""); tree.put("size", -1); if (paths.size() > 1) { tree.put("path", boost::algorithm::join(paths, ",")); } else { tree.put("path", *(paths.begin())); } std::ostringstream os; pt::write_json(os, tree, false); auto s = setDatabaseValue(kCarveDbDomain, kCarverDBPrefix + guid, os.str()); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } else { auto requestId = Distributed::getCurrentRequestId(); Dispatcher::addService(std::make_shared<Carver>(paths, guid, requestId)); } return s; }
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) { std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db = nullptr; try { db = DBHandle::getInstance(); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { return Status(1, e.what()); } // Get and increment the EID for this module. EventID eid = getEventID(); // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time. r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time); // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval. std::string data; auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } // Store the event data. std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid; status = db->Put(kEvents, event_key, data); // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time. recordEvent(eid, event_time); return status; }
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::genTable(QueryContext& context) { EventTime start = 0, stop = -1; if (context.constraints["time"].getAll().size() > 0) { // Use the 'time' constraint to optimize backing-store lookups. for (const auto& constraint : context.constraints["time"].getAll()) { EventTime expr = 0; try { expr = boost::lexical_cast<EventTime>(constraint.expr); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { expr = 0; } if (constraint.op == EQUALS) { stop = start = expr; break; } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN) { start = std::max(start, expr + 1); } else if (constraint.op == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) { start = std::max(start, expr); } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN) { stop = std::min(stop, expr - 1); } else if (constraint.op == LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) { stop = std::min(stop, expr); } } } else if (kToolType == OSQUERY_TOOL_DAEMON && FLAGS_events_optimize) { // If the daemon is querying a subscriber without a 'time' constraint and // allows optimization, only emit events since the last query. start = optimize_time_; optimize_time_ = getUnixTime() - 1; } return get(start, stop); }
Status INotifyEventPublisher::restartMonitoring() { if (last_restart_ != 0 && getUnixTime() - last_restart_ < 10) { return Status(1, "Overflow"); } last_restart_ = getUnixTime(); VLOG(1) << "inotify was overflown, attempting to restart handle"; for (const auto& desc : descriptors_) { removeMonitor(desc, true); } path_descriptors_.clear(); descriptor_paths_.clear(); configure(); return Status(0, "OK"); }
void Config::scheduledQueries( std::function<void(const std::string& name, const ScheduledQuery& query)> predicate) { RecursiveLock lock(config_schedule_mutex_); for (const PackRef& pack : *schedule_) { for (const auto& it : pack->getSchedule()) { std::string name = it.first; // The query name may be synthetic. if (pack->getName() != "main" && pack->getName() != "legacy_main") { name = "pack" + FLAGS_pack_delimiter + pack->getName() + FLAGS_pack_delimiter + it.first; } // They query may have failed and been added to the schedule's blacklist. if (schedule_->blacklist_.count(name) > 0) { auto blacklisted_query = schedule_->blacklist_.find(name); if (getUnixTime() > blacklisted_query->second) { // The blacklisted query passed the expiration time (remove). schedule_->blacklist_.erase(blacklisted_query); saveScheduleBlacklist(schedule_->blacklist_); } else { // The query is still blacklisted. continue; } } // Call the predicate. predicate(name, it.second); } } }
std::string BufferedLogForwarder::genIndex(bool results, size_t time) { if (time == 0) { time = getUnixTime(); } return genIndexPrefix(results) + std::to_string(time) + "_" + std::to_string(++log_index_); }
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) { std::shared_ptr<DBHandle> db = nullptr; try { db = DBHandle::getInstance(); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { return Status(1, e.what()); } // Get and increment the EID for this module. EventID eid = getEventID(); // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time. r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time); // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval. std::string data; auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } // Use the last EventID and a checkpoint bucket size to periodically apply // buffer eviction. Eviction occurs if the total count exceeds events_max. if (last_eid_ % EVENTS_CHECKPOINT == 0) { expireCheck(); } // Store the event data. std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid; status = db->Put(kEvents, event_key, data); // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time. recordEvent(eid, event_time); return status; }
Status ProcessEventSubscriber::Callback(const ECRef& ec, const SCRef& sc) { // Check and set the valid state change. // If this is an unacceptable change reset the state and clear row data. if (ec->fields.count("success") && ec->"success") == "no") { return Status(0, "OK"); } if (!validAuditState(ec->type, state_).ok()) { state_ = STATE_SYSCALL; Row().swap(row_); return Status(0, "OK"); } // Fill in row fields based on the event state. updateAuditRow(ec, row_); // Only add the event if finished (aka a PATH event was emitted). if (state_ == STATE_SYSCALL) { // If the EXECVE state was not used, decode the cmdline value. if ("cmdline_size").size() == 0) { // This allows at most 1 decode call per potentially-encoded item. row_["cmdline"] = decodeAuditValue("cmdline")); row_["cmdline_size"] = "1"; } add(row_, getUnixTime()); Row().swap(row_); } return Status(0, "OK"); }
TEST_F(ConfigTests, test_schedule_blacklist) { auto current_time = getUnixTime(); std::map<std::string, size_t> blacklist; saveScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); restoreScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); EXPECT_EQ(blacklist.size(), 0U); // Create some entries. blacklist["test_1"] = current_time * 2; blacklist["test_2"] = current_time * 3; saveScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); blacklist.clear(); restoreScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); ASSERT_EQ(blacklist.count("test_1"), 1U); ASSERT_EQ(blacklist.count("test_2"), 1U); EXPECT_EQ("test_1"), current_time * 2); EXPECT_EQ("test_2"), current_time * 3); // Now save an expired query. blacklist["test_1"] = 1; saveScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); blacklist.clear(); // When restoring, the values below the current time will not be included. restoreScheduleBlacklist(blacklist); EXPECT_EQ(blacklist.size(), 1U); }
Status EventSubscriberPlugin::add(Row& r, EventTime event_time) { // Get and increment the EID for this module. EventID eid = getEventID(); // Without encouraging a missing event time, do not support a 0-time. r["time"] = std::to_string((event_time == 0) ? getUnixTime() : event_time); // Serialize and store the row data, for query-time retrieval. std::string data; auto status = serializeRowJSON(r, data); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } // Then remove the newline. if (data.size() > 0 && data.back() == '\n') { data.pop_back(); } // Use the last EventID and a checkpoint bucket size to periodically apply // buffer eviction. Eviction occurs if the total count exceeds events_max. if (last_eid_ % EVENTS_CHECKPOINT == 0) { expireCheck(); } // Store the event data. std::string event_key = "data." + dbNamespace() + "." + eid; status = setDatabaseValue(kEvents, event_key, data); // Record the event in the indexing bins, using the index time. recordEvent(eid, event_time); return status; }
void EventPublisherPlugin::fire(const EventContextRef& ec, EventTime time) { if (isEnding()) { // Cannot emit/fire while ending return; } EventContextID ec_id = 0; { WriteLock lock(ec_id_lock_); ec_id = next_ec_id_++; } // Fill in EventContext ID and time if needed. if (ec != nullptr) { ec->id = ec_id; if (ec->time == 0) { if (time == 0) { time = getUnixTime(); } ec->time = time; } } for (const auto& subscription : subscriptions_) { auto es = EventFactory::getEventSubscriber(subscription->subscriber_name); if (es != nullptr && es->state() == SUBSCRIBER_RUNNING) { es->event_count_++; fireCallback(subscription, ec); } } }
bool Pack::checkDiscovery() {; auto current = getUnixTime(); if ((current - discovery_cache_.first) < FLAGS_pack_refresh_interval) { stats_.hits++; return discovery_cache_.second; } stats_.misses++; discovery_cache_.first = current; discovery_cache_.second = true; for (const auto& q : discovery_queries_) { auto sql = SQL(q); if (!sql.ok()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Discovery query failed (" << q << "): " << sql.getMessageString(); discovery_cache_.second = false; break; } if (sql.rows().size() == 0) { discovery_cache_.second = false; break; } } return discovery_cache_.second; }
void Config::recordQueryStart(const std::string& name) { // There should only ever be a single executing query in the schedule. setDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, kExecutingQuery, name); // Store the time this query name last executed for later results eviction. // When configuration updates occur the previous schedule is searched for // 'stale' query names, aka those that have week-old or longer last execute // timestamps. Offending queries have their database results purged. setDatabaseValue( kPersistentSettings, "timestamp." + name, std::to_string(getUnixTime())); }
bool WatcherRunner::createExtension(const std::string& extension) { { WatcherLocker locker; if (Watcher::getState(extension).last_respawn_time > getUnixTime() - getWorkerLimit(RESPAWN_LIMIT)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Extension respawning too quickly: " << extension; // Unlike a worker, if an extension respawns to quickly we give up. return false; } } // Check the path to the previously-discovered extension binary. boost::system::error_code ec; auto exec_path = fs::system_complete(fs::path(extension), ec); if (!safePermissions( exec_path.parent_path().string(), exec_path.string(), true)) { // Extension binary has become unsafe. LOG(WARNING) << RLOG(1382) << "Extension binary has unsafe permissions: " << extension; return false; } auto ext_process = PlatformProcess::launchExtension(exec_path.string(), extension, Flag::getValue("extensions_socket"), Flag::getValue("extensions_timeout"), Flag::getValue("extensions_interval"), Flag::getValue("verbose")); if (ext_process == nullptr) { // Unrecoverable error, cannot create an extension process. LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot create extension process: " << extension; Initializer::shutdown(EXIT_FAILURE); } Watcher::setExtension(extension, ext_process); Watcher::resetExtensionCounters(extension, getUnixTime()); VLOG(1) << "Created and monitoring extension child (" << ext_process->pid() << "): " << extension; return true; }
DWORD get_fattime(void) { // Returns current time packed into a DWORD variable // return ((DWORD) (2015 - 1980) << 25) // Year 2013 // | ((DWORD) 8 << 21) // Month 7 // | ((DWORD) 2 << 16) // Mday 28 // | ((DWORD) 20 << 11) // Hour 0..24 // | ((DWORD) 30 << 5) // Min 0 // | ((DWORD) 0 >> 1); // Sec 0 return (DWORD)getUnixTime(); }
QueryData EventSubscriberPlugin::get(EventTime start, EventTime stop) { QueryData results; // Get the records for this time range. auto indexes = getIndexes(start, stop); auto records = getRecords(indexes); std::string events_key = "data." + dbNamespace(); std::vector<std::string> mapped_records; for (const auto& record : records) { if (record.second >= start && (record.second <= stop || stop == 0)) { mapped_records.push_back(events_key + "." + record.first); } } if (FLAGS_events_optimize && !records.empty()) { // If records were returned save the ordered-last as the optimization EID. unsigned long int eidr = 0; if (safeStrtoul(records.back().first, 10, eidr)) { optimize_eid_ = static_cast<size_t>(eidr); auto index_key = "optimize_id." + dbNamespace(); setDatabaseValue(kEvents, index_key, records.back().first); } } // Select mapped_records using event_ids as keys. std::string data_value; for (const auto& record : mapped_records) { Row r; auto status = getDatabaseValue(kEvents, record, data_value); if (data_value.length() == 0) { // There is no record here, interesting error case. continue; } status = deserializeRowJSON(data_value, r); data_value.clear(); if (status.ok()) { results.push_back(std::move(r)); } } if (getEventsExpiry() > 0) { // Set the expire time to NOW - "configured lifetime". // Index retrieval will apply the constraints checking and auto-expire. expire_time_ = getUnixTime() - getEventsExpiry(); } return results; }
TEST_F(LoggerTests, test_logger_log_status) { std::string warning = "Logger test is generating a warning status (2)"; auto now = getUnixTime(); // This will be printed to stdout. LOG(WARNING) << warning; // The second warning status will be sent to the logger plugin. EXPECT_EQ(1U, LoggerTests::statuses_logged); EXPECT_EQ(O_WARNING, LoggerTests::last_status.severity); EXPECT_GT(LoggerTests::last_status.line, 0U); EXPECT_EQ(warning, LoggerTests::last_status.message); EXPECT_GE(now, LoggerTests::last_status.time); EXPECT_EQ(getHostIdentifier(), LoggerTests::last_status.identifier); }
TEST_F(EventsDatabaseTests, test_gentable) { auto sub = std::make_shared<DBFakeEventSubscriber>(); auto status = sub->testAdd(1); status = sub->testAdd(2); status = sub->testAdd(11); status = sub->testAdd(61); status = sub->testAdd((1 * 3600) + 1); status = sub->testAdd((2 * 3600) + 1); ASSERT_EQ(0U, sub->optimize_time_); ASSERT_EQ(0U, sub->expire_time_); ASSERT_EQ(0U, sub->min_expiration_); auto t = getUnixTime(); sub->testAdd(t - 1); sub->testAdd(t); sub->testAdd(t + 1); // Test the expire workflow by creating a short expiration time. sub->setEventsExpiry(10); std::vector<std::string> keys; scanDatabaseKeys("events", keys); // 9 data records, 1 eid counter, 3 indexes, 15 index records. // Depending on the moment, an additional 3 indexes may be introduced. EXPECT_LE(16U, keys.size()); // Perform a "select" equivalent. auto results = genRows(sub.get()); // Expect all non-expired results: 11, + EXPECT_EQ(9U, results.size()); // The expiration time is now - events_expiry +/ 60. EXPECT_LT(t - (sub->getEventsExpiry() * 2), sub->expire_time_ + 60); EXPECT_GT(t, sub->expire_time_); // The optimize time will not be changed. ASSERT_EQ(0U, sub->optimize_time_); results = genRows(sub.get()); EXPECT_EQ(3U, results.size()); results = genRows(sub.get()); EXPECT_EQ(3U, results.size()); keys.clear(); scanDatabaseKeys("events", keys); EXPECT_LE(6U, keys.size()); }
void Config::recordQueryPerformance(const std::string& name, size_t delay, size_t size, const Row& r0, const Row& r1) { RecursiveLock lock(config_performance_mutex_); if (performance_.count(name) == 0) { performance_[name] = QueryPerformance(); } // Grab access to the non-const schedule item. auto& query =; BIGINT_LITERAL diff = 0; if (!"user_time").empty() && !"user_time").empty()) { diff = AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"user_time")) - AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"user_time")); if (diff > 0) { query.user_time += diff; } } if (!"system_time").empty() && !"system_time").empty()) { diff = AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"system_time")) - AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"system_time")); if (diff > 0) { query.system_time += diff; } } if (!"resident_size").empty() && !"resident_size").empty()) { diff = AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"resident_size")) - AS_LITERAL(BIGINT_LITERAL,"resident_size")); if (diff > 0) { // Memory is stored as an average of RSS changes between query executions. query.average_memory = (query.average_memory * query.executions) + diff; query.average_memory = (query.average_memory / (query.executions + 1)); } } query.wall_time += delay; query.output_size += size; query.executions += 1; query.last_executed = getUnixTime(); // Clear the executing query (remove the dirty bit). setDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, kExecutingQuery, ""); }