Esempio n. 1
// 音声入力を開始する
void KinectAudio::start()
	memset( &outputBufferStruct_, 0, sizeof(outputBufferStruct_) );
	outputBufferStruct_.pBuffer = &mediaBuffer_;

	// Set DMO output format
	DMO_MEDIA_TYPE mt = {0};
	CHECKHR( ::MoInitMediaType( &mt, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ) );

	mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio;
	mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM;
	mt.lSampleSize = 0;
	mt.bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;
	mt.bTemporalCompression = FALSE;
	mt.formattype = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
	memcpy( mt.pbFormat, &getWaveFormat(), sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) );

	CHECKHR( mediaObject_->SetOutputType( 0, &mt, 0 ) );
	::MoFreeMediaType( &mt );

	// Allocate streaming resources. This step is optional. If it is not called here, it
	// will be called when first time ProcessInput() is called. However, if you want to 
	// get the actual frame size being used, it should be called explicitly here.
	CHECKHR( mediaObject_->AllocateStreamingResources() );

	// allocate output buffer
	mediaBuffer_.SetBufferLength( getWaveFormat().nSamplesPerSec * getWaveFormat().nBlockAlign );
Esempio n. 2
VDAudioSourceWAV::VDAudioSourceWAV(VDInputFileWAV *parent)
	: mpParent(parent)
	, mBytesPerSample(parent->GetBytesPerSample())
	mSampleFirst	= 0;
	mSampleLast		= parent->GetDataLength() / mBytesPerSample;

	const vdstructex<VDWaveFormat>& format = parent->GetFormat();

	memcpy(allocFormat(format.size()),, format.size());

	streamInfo.fccType					= streamtypeAUDIO;
	streamInfo.fccHandler				= 0;
	streamInfo.dwFlags					= 0;
	streamInfo.wPriority				= 0;
	streamInfo.wLanguage				= 0;
	streamInfo.dwInitialFrames			= 0;
	streamInfo.dwScale					= mBytesPerSample;
	streamInfo.dwRate					= getWaveFormat()->mDataRate;
	streamInfo.dwStart					= 0;
	streamInfo.dwLength					= VDClampToUint32(mSampleLast);
	streamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize	= 0;
	streamInfo.dwQuality				= 0xffffffff;
	streamInfo.dwSampleSize				= mBytesPerSample;