Esempio n. 1
 * @brief rejects a window from beeing listed
bool XfitMan::acceptWindow(Window window) const
        AtomList types = getWindowType(window);
        AtomList ignoreList;
        ignoreList  << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP")
                    << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK")
                    << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH")
                    << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR")
                    << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU")
                    // for qlipper - using qpopup as a main window
                    << atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU");
        // issue #284: qmmp its not registered in window list panel
        // qmmp has _KDE_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_OVERRIDE in its
        // Let's expect that _KDE_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_OVERRIDE can be set for
        // regular windows too. If it should be hidden we should expect
        // one of atoms listed above.
//                    << atom("_KDE_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_OVERRIDE");

        foreach (Atom i, ignoreList)
            if (types.contains(i))
                return false;

        WindowState state = getWindowState(window);
        if (state.SkipTaskBar)  return false;

    Window transFor = None;
    // WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint not set - normal window
    if (!XGetTransientForHint(QX11Info::display(), window, &transFor))
        return true;

    if (transFor == 0)      return true;
    if (transFor == window) return true;
    if (transFor == root)   return true;

     AtomList transForTypes = getWindowType(transFor);
     return !transForTypes.contains(atom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL"));
Esempio n. 2
int SPECTACLE_BASE :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   float outskip = p[0];
   float inskip = p[1];
   inputdur = p[2];
   amp = p[3];
   ringdur = p[4];
   fft_len = (int) p[5];
   window_len = (int) p[6];
   window_type = getWindowType(p[7]);
   float overlap = p[8];

   /* Make sure FFT length is a power of 2 <= MAXFFTLEN and <= RTBUFSAMPS. */
   bool valid = false;
   for (int x = 1; x <= MAXFFTLEN; x *= 2) {
      if (fft_len == x) {
         valid = true;
   if (!valid || fft_len > MAXFFTLEN)
      return die(instname(), "FFT length must be a power of two <= %d",

// FIXME: now this isn't a problem; instead, decimation can't be larger
// than RTBUFSAMPS.  But must couch errmsg in terms of overlap and fft length,
// not decimation...
#if 0
   if (fft_len > RTBUFSAMPS)
      return die(instname(),
                 "FFT length must be a power of two less than or equal\n"
                 "to the output buffer size set in rtsetparams (currently %d).",
   half_fft_len = fft_len / 2;
   fund_anal_freq = SR / (float) fft_len;

   /* Make sure window length is a power of 2 >= FFT length. */
   valid = false;
   for (int x = fft_len; x <= MAXWINDOWLEN; x *= 2) {
      if (window_len == x) {
         valid = true;
   if (!valid)
      return die(instname(),
                     "Window length must be a power of two >= FFT length\n"
                     "(currently %d) and <= %d.", fft_len, MAXWINDOWLEN);

   /* Make sure overlap is a power of 2 in our safety range. */
   valid = false;
//FIXME: need to adjust MINOVERLAP so that iterations is never 0 in run()
// This might depend upon window_len??
   for (float x = MINOVERLAP; x <= MAXOVERLAP; x *= 2.0) {
      if (overlap == x) {
         valid = true;
   if (!valid)
      return die(instname(),
                 "Overlap must be a power of two between %g and %g.",
                 MINOVERLAP, MAXOVERLAP);
   int_overlap = (int) overlap;

   /* derive decimation from overlap */
   decimation = (int) (fft_len / overlap);

   DPRINT2("fft_len=%d, decimation=%d\n", fft_len, decimation);

   if (pre_init(p, n_args) != 0)    /* can modify ringdur */
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   iamparray = floc(1);
   if (iamparray) {
      int lenamp = fsize(1);
      tableset(SR, inputdur, lenamp, iamptabs);
      rtcmix_advise(instname(), "Setting input amplitude curve to all 1's.");

   oamparray = floc(2);
   if (oamparray) {
      int lenamp = fsize(2);
      tableset(SR, inputdur + ringdur, lenamp, oamptabs);
      rtcmix_advise(instname(), "Setting output amplitude curve to all 1's.");

   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (inchan >= inputChannels())
      return die(instname(), "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
                                                   inchan, inputChannels());

   /* <latency> is the delay before the FFT looks at actual input rather than
      zero-padding.  Need to let inst run long enough to compensate for this.
   window_len_minus_decimation = window_len - decimation;
   latency = window_len + window_len_minus_decimation;
   float latency_dur = latency * (1.0 / SR);
   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, latency_dur + inputdur + ringdur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   total_insamps = (int)(inputdur * SR);    /* without latency_dur */
   input_end_frame = total_insamps + latency;
   DPRINT1("input_end_frame=%d\n", input_end_frame);

   input = new float [window_len];           /* input buffer */
   output = new float [window_len];          /* output buffer */
   anal_window = new float [window_len];     /* analysis window */
   synth_window = new float [window_len];    /* synthesis window */
   fft_buf = new float [fft_len];            /* FFT buffer */
   anal_chans = new float [fft_len + 2];     /* analysis channels */

   if (make_windows() != 0)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   /* Delay dry output by window_len - decimation to sync with wet sig. */
   drybuf = new float [decimation];
   dry_delay = new DLineN(window_len);
   dry_delay->setDelay((float) window_len_minus_decimation);

   /* Init iamp and oamp to starting amplitudes. */
   iamp = (iamparray == NULL) ? 1.0 : iamparray[0];
   oamp = (oamparray == NULL) ? amp : oamparray[0];

   skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

   if (post_init(p, n_args) != 0)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   return nSamps();