/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this RenderCurve object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * RenderCurve object. */ XMLNode RenderCurve::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode GeneralGlyph::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode ListOfLineSegments::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this RenderCubicBezier object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * RenderCubicBezier object. */ XMLNode RenderCubicBezier::toXML(const std::string& name) const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode ListOfReferenceGlyphs::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an Text object from this Group object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * Text object. */ XMLNode Text::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode BoundingBox::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode ReactionGlyph::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode ReferenceGlyph::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this ListOfColorDefinitions object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * ListOfColorDefinitions object. */ XMLNode ListOfColorDefinitions::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this ListOfGlobalStyles object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * ListOfGlobalStyles object. */ XMLNode ListOfGlobalStyles::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this Style object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * Style object. */ XMLNode Style::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this ListOfGlobalRenderInformation object. * * @return the XMLNode with the XML representation for the * ListOfGlobalRenderInformation object. */ XMLNode ListOfGlobalRenderInformation::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */ XMLNode RenderPoint::toXML(const std::string& name) const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode CubicBezier::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }
/* * Creates an XMLNode object from this. */ XMLNode SpeciesGlyph::toXML() const { return getXmlNodeForSBase(this); }