Esempio n. 1
/// Calculate the Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko alpha tuning factor.
/// alpha = a log(x)^2 + b log(x) + c
/// a, b and c are constants that should be determined empirically.
/// @see ../doc/alpha-factor-tuning.pdf
double get_alpha_lmo(int128_t x)
  double alpha = get_alpha();

  // use default alpha if no command-line alpha provided
  if (alpha < 1)
    double a = 0.00156512;
    double b = -0.0261411;
    double c = 0.990948;
    double logx = log((double) x);

    alpha = a * pow(logx, 2) + b * logx + c;

  return in_between(1, alpha, iroot<6>(x));
Esempio n. 2
maxint_t S1(maxint_t x, int threads)
  if (x < 1)
    return 0;

  if (print_status())

  double alpha = get_alpha(x, 0.0017154, -0.0508992, 0.483613, 0.0672202);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (iroot<3>(x) * alpha);
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);

  if (x <= numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
    return S1((int64_t) x, y, c, threads);
    return S1(x, y, c, threads);
Esempio n. 3
void test_colors() {
  printf("testing colors\n");
  int r = 25;
  int g = 225;
  int b = 200;
  int a = 255;
  color c = get_color(r,g,b,a);
  assert(c == 0x19E1C8FF);
  assert(get_red(c) == r);
  assert(get_green(c) == g);
  assert(get_blue(c) == b);
  assert(get_alpha(c) == a);
  assert(set_red(c,0xAA) == 0xAAE1C8FF);
  assert(set_green(c,0xAA) == 0x19AAC8FF);
  assert(set_blue(c,0xAA) == 0x19E1AAFF);
  assert(set_alpha(c,0xAA) == 0x19E1C8AA);
Esempio n. 4
/// Calculate the Deleglise-Rivat alpha tuning factor.
/// alpha = a log(x)^3 + b log(x)^2 + c log(x) + d
/// a, b, c and d are constants that should be determined empirically.
/// @see ../doc/alpha-tuning-factor.pdf
double get_alpha_deleglise_rivat(int128_t x)
  double alpha = get_alpha();
  double x2 = (double) x;

  // use default alpha if no command-line alpha provided
  if (alpha < 1)
    double a = 0.000356618;
    double b = 0.00263762;
    double c = -0.125227;
    double d = 1.39952;
    double logx = log(x2);

    alpha = a * pow(logx, 3) + b * pow(logx, 2) + c * logx + d;

  return in_between(1, alpha, iroot<6>(x));
Esempio n. 5
 * Draws a curve for the speed graph.
void GtkGraph::draw(std::queue<double> q, double height, double increment, double maxValue, const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>& cr)
	// wizards use computers
	// computers use numbers
	// no magic
	double offset = increment * (m_displaySize - q.size());

	cr->move_to(0, height);
	for(unsigned i = 0; i< (m_displaySize - q.size());++i)
		cr->line_to(i*increment, height);

	double oldy;
	if(q.empty()) return;

	oldy = height - (q.front() * height / maxValue);
	cr->line_to(offset, oldy);
	double x = increment + offset;
		double y = height - (q.front() * height / maxValue);
		cr->curve_to(x - increment/2, oldy, x - increment/2, y, x, y);
		oldy = y;
		x += increment;

	if(gt::Settings::settings["GraphStyle"] == "Fill")
		Gdk::Cairo::set_source_rgba(cr, Gdk::RGBA(gt::Settings::settings[(upl) ? "GraphUploadFillColor" : "GraphDownloadFillColor"]));
		cr->line_to(x - increment, height);
		auto k = Gdk::RGBA(gt::Settings::settings[(upl) ? "GraphUploadFillColor" : "GraphDownloadFillColor"]);
		cr->set_source_rgba(k.get_red(), k.get_green(), k.get_blue(), k.get_alpha() * 0.5);
	else cr->stroke();
Esempio n. 6
maxint_t S2_hard(maxint_t x, int threads)
  if (x < 1)
    return 0;

  if (print_status())

  double alpha = get_alpha(x, 0.0017154, -0.0508992, 0.483613, 0.0672202);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (iroot<3>(x) * alpha);
  int64_t z = (int64_t) (x / y);
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);

  // TODO: find better S2_hard approximation formula
  maxint_t s2_hard_approx = Li(x);

  if (x <= numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
    return S2_hard((int64_t) x, y, z, c, (int64_t) s2_hard_approx, threads);
    return S2_hard(x, y, z, c, s2_hard_approx, threads);
/// Calculate the number of primes below x using the
/// Deleglise-Rivat algorithm.
/// Run time: O(x^(2/3) / (log x)^2) operations, O(x^(1/3) * (log x)^3) space.
int64_t pi_deleglise_rivat_parallel1(int64_t x, int threads)
  if (x < 2)
    return 0;

  double alpha = get_alpha(x, 0.0017154, -0.0508992, 0.483613, 0.0672202);
  int64_t x13 = iroot<3>(x);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (x13 * alpha);
  int64_t z = x / y;
  int64_t p2 = P2(x, y, threads);

  vector<int32_t> mu = generate_moebius(y);
  vector<int32_t> lpf = generate_least_prime_factors(y);
  vector<int32_t> primes = generate_primes(y);

  int64_t pi_y = pi_bsearch(primes, y);
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);
  int64_t s1 = S1(x, y, c, threads);
  int64_t s2 = S2(x, y, z, c, primes, lpf, mu, threads);
  int64_t phi = s1 + s2;
  int64_t sum = phi + pi_y - 1 - p2;

  return sum;
Esempio n. 8
int bmp_image::output_to_file(const std::string& file_name) const {
    std::ofstream out(file_name.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out);

    if ( !out ) {
        return 1;
    //full header size 122
    /* BMP structure
     *    File Header
     * 0   Magic number 0x42, 0x4d (2 bytes)
     * 2   File size = w*h + h*(w%4) + 122 ? (4 bytes)
     * 6   Unused (4 bytes)
     * 10  Pixel array offset = 122 (4 bytes)
     *    DIB Header
     * 14  Bytes in DIB Header = 108 (4 bytes)
     * 18  Bitmap width (4 bytes)
     * 22  Bitmap width (4 bytes)
     * 26  Color planes = 1 (2 bytes) 
     * 28  Bits/pixel = 32 (2 bytes)
     * 30  BI_BITFIELDS = 3 (no compression used) (4 bytes)
     * 34  Size of the raw data in the Pixel Array = w*h + h*(w%4) ? (incl padding) (4 bytes)
     * 38  horizonal pixels/meter = 2835 (4 bytes)
     * 42  vertival pixels/meter = 2835 (4 bytes)
     * 46  Number of colors in the palette = 0 (4 bytes)
     * 50  Important colors = 0 (4 bytes)
     * 54  Red channel bit mask = 0x00FF0000 (4 bytes)
     * 58  Green channel bit mask = 0x0000FF00 (4 bytes)
     * 62  Blue channel bit mask = 0x000000FF (4 bytes)
     * 66  Alpha channel bit mask = 0xFF000000 (4 bytes)
     * 70  Color space type = 0x206E6957 ?? (4 bytes) //LCS_WINDOWS_COLOR_SPACE
     * 74  CIEXYZTRIPLE Color Space (unused) (36 bytes)
     * 110 red gamma = unused (4 bytes)
     * 114 green gamma = unused (4 bytes)
     * 118 blue gamma = unused (4 bytes)
     * 122 <Pixel Data>

    //TODO endianess

    //const boost::uint8_t unused_8 = 0;
    //const boost::uint16_t unused_16 = 0;
    const boost::uint32_t unused_32 = 0;

    //File Header
    out.write("\x42\x4d", 2); //magic number

    const boost::uint32_t file_size = width*height*4 + 122; 
    out.write( (const char *)(&file_size), 4); //file_size

    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //unused

    const boost::uint32_t pixel_array_offset = 122;
    out.write( (const char *)(&pixel_array_offset), 4); //pixel_array_offset

    const boost::uint32_t dib_header_size = 108;
    out.write( (const char *)(&dib_header_size), 4); //dib_header_size

    const boost::uint32_t bitmap_width = width;
    const boost::uint32_t bitmap_height = height;
    out.write( (const char *)(&bitmap_width), 4); //bitmap_width
    out.write( (const char *)(&bitmap_height), 4); //bitmap_height

    const boost::uint16_t color_planes = 1;
    out.write( (const char *)(&color_planes), 2); //color_planes

    const boost::uint16_t bits_per_pixel = 32;
    out.write( (const char *)(&bits_per_pixel), 2); //bits_per_pixel

    const boost::uint32_t bitfields = 3;
    out.write( (const char *)(&bitfields), 4); //bitfields

    const boost::uint32_t pixel_array_size = width*height*4;
    out.write( (const char *)(&pixel_array_size), 4); //pixel_array_size

    const boost::uint32_t horizontal_physical_resolution = 2835;
    const boost::uint32_t vertical_physical_resolution = 2835;
    out.write( (const char *)(&horizontal_physical_resolution), 4); //horizontal_physical_resolution
    out.write( (const char *)(&vertical_physical_resolution), 4); //vertical_physical_resolution

    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //num of colors on palette
    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //num of important colors

    const boost::uint32_t red_channel_bit_mask = bmp_impl::endian_swap( 0x00FF0000U );
    const boost::uint32_t green_channel_bit_mask = bmp_impl::endian_swap( 0x0000FF00U );
    const boost::uint32_t blue_channel_bit_mask = bmp_impl::endian_swap( 0x000000FFU );
    const boost::uint32_t alpha_channel_bit_mask = bmp_impl::endian_swap( 0xFF000000U );
    out.write( (const char *)(&red_channel_bit_mask), 4); //red_channel_bit_mask    
    out.write( (const char *)(&green_channel_bit_mask), 4); //green_channel_bit_mask
    out.write( (const char *)(&blue_channel_bit_mask), 4); //blue_channel_bit_mask
    out.write( (const char *)(&alpha_channel_bit_mask), 4); //alpha_channel_bit_mask

    const boost::uint32_t color_space_type = bmp_impl::endian_swap( 0x206E6957U );
    out.write( (const char *)(&color_space_type), 4); //color_space_type

    //CIEXYZTRIPLE Color Space (unused) (36 bytes)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < 36/4; ++i) {
        out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4);

    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //red gamma
    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //green gamma
    out.write( (const char *)(&unused_32), 4); //blue gamma

    for(unsigned cy = 0; cy < pixels.height(); ++cy) {
        for(unsigned x = 0; x < pixels.width(); ++x) {

            unsigned y = pixels.height() - cy - 1;
            const single_color_t alpha = get_alpha(pixels(x, y));
            const single_color_t red = get_red(pixels(x, y));
            const single_color_t green = get_green(pixels(x, y));
            const single_color_t blue = get_blue(pixels(x, y));
            out.write((const char *)&alpha, 1);
            out.write((const char *)&red, 1);
            out.write((const char *)&green, 1);
            out.write((const char *)&blue, 1);

        //no padding required as the pixels themselves are 4 bytes long


    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
erode (picture pic, picture pen) {
  raster<true_color> ras= as_raster<true_color> (pic);
  raster<double> alpha= get_alpha (as_raster<true_color> (pen));
  return raster_picture (erode (ras, alpha));
Esempio n. 10
outline (picture pic, picture pen) {
  raster<true_color> ras= as_raster<true_color> (pic);
  raster<double> alpha= get_alpha (as_raster<true_color> (pen));
  return raster_picture (variation (ras, alpha));
Esempio n. 11
static gboolean
matting_process (GeglOperation       *operation,
                 GeglBuffer          *input_buf,
                 GeglBuffer          *aux_buf,
                 GeglBuffer          *output_buf,
                 const GeglRectangle *result,
                 int                  level)

  const GeglProperties   *o       = GEGL_PROPERTIES (operation);
  gfloat                 *input   = NULL;
  guchar                 *trimap  = NULL;
  gfloat                 *output  = NULL;
  BufferRecord           *buffer  = NULL;

  gboolean          success = FALSE;
  int               w, h, i, x, y, xdiff, ydiff, neighbour_mask;

  GArray           *foreground_samples, *background_samples;
  GArray           *unknown_positions;

  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_INPUT )) == COMPONENTS_INPUT,  FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_AUX   )) == COMPONENTS_AUX,    FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_OUTPUT)) == COMPONENTS_OUTPUT, FALSE);

  g_return_val_if_fail (operation,  FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (input_buf,  FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (aux_buf,    FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (output_buf, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (result,     FALSE);

  w = result->width;
  h = result->height;

  input  = g_new (gfloat, w * h * COMPONENTS_INPUT);
  trimap = g_new (guchar, w * h * COMPONENTS_AUX);
  output = g_new0 (gfloat, w * h * COMPONENTS_OUTPUT);
  buffer = g_new0 (BufferRecord, w * h);

  gegl_buffer_get (input_buf, result, 1.0, babl_format (FORMAT_INPUT), input, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
  gegl_buffer_get (  aux_buf, result, 1.0, babl_format (FORMAT_AUX),  trimap, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);

  foreground_samples = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ColorSample));
  background_samples = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ColorSample));
  unknown_positions = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Position));

  // Get mask
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
          int mask = trimap[y * w + x];
          for (ydiff = -1; ydiff <= 1; ydiff++)
              // Borders
              if (y+ydiff < 0 || y+ydiff >= h)

              for (xdiff = -1; xdiff <= 1; xdiff++)
                  // Borders
                  if (x+xdiff < 0 || x+xdiff >= w)

                  neighbour_mask = trimap[(y + ydiff) * w + x + xdiff];
                  if (neighbour_mask != mask && (mask == 0 || mask == 255))
                      int index = y*w+x;
                      ColorSample s;
                      s.pos.x = x;
                      s.pos.y = y;
                      COLOR(s.color[c] = input[index*3 + c]);

                      if (mask == 255)
                          g_array_append_val(foreground_samples, s);
                          buffer[index].fg_distance = 0;
                          buffer[index].bg_distance = FLT_MAX;
                          g_array_append_val(background_samples, s);
                          buffer[index].fg_distance = 0;
                          buffer[index].bg_distance = FLT_MAX;

                      // Go to next pixel
                      xdiff = 1;
                      ydiff = 1;

  /* If we have no information to work with, there is nothing to process. */
  if (foreground_samples->len == 0 ||
      background_samples->len == 0)
      success = FALSE;
      goto cleanup;

  // Initialize unknowns
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
          int index = y * w + x;

          if (trimap[index] != 0 && trimap[index] != 255)
              Position p;
              p.x = x;
              p.y = y;
              g_array_append_val(unknown_positions, p);
              buffer[index].fg_distance = FLT_MAX;
              buffer[index].bg_distance = FLT_MAX;
              buffer[index].fg_index = rand() % foreground_samples->len;
              buffer[index].bg_index = rand() % background_samples->len;

  g_array_sort(foreground_samples, color_compare);
  g_array_sort(background_samples, color_compare);

  // Do real iterations
  for (i = 0; i < o->iterations; i++)
      unsigned j;

      GEGL_NOTE (GEGL_DEBUG_PROCESS, "Iteration %i", i);

      for (j=0; j<unknown_positions->len; j++)
          Position p = g_array_index(unknown_positions, Position, j);
          do_random_search(foreground_samples, background_samples, input, buffer, p.x, p.y, w);

      for (j=0; j<unknown_positions->len; j++)
          Position p = g_array_index(unknown_positions, Position, j);
          do_propagate(foreground_samples, background_samples, input, buffer, trimap, p.x, p.y, w, h);

  // Fill results in
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
          int index = y * w + x;
          if (trimap[index] == 0 || trimap[index] == 255)

              if (trimap[index] == 0)
                  output[index] = 0;
              else if (trimap[index] == 255)
                  output[index] = 1;
              ColorSample background, foreground;
              foreground = g_array_index(foreground_samples, ColorSample, buffer[index].fg_index);
              background = g_array_index(background_samples, ColorSample, buffer[index].bg_index);

              output[index] = get_alpha(foreground.color, background.color, &input[index * 3]);


  // Save to buffer
  gegl_buffer_set (output_buf, result, 0, babl_format (FORMAT_OUTPUT), output,
  success = TRUE;

  g_free (input);
  g_free (trimap);
  g_free (output);
  g_free (buffer);
  g_array_free (foreground_samples, TRUE);
  g_array_free (background_samples, TRUE);
  g_array_free (unknown_positions, TRUE);

  return success;