Esempio n. 1
Size2 Font::get_wordwrap_string_size(const String &p_string, float p_width) const {

	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_width <= 0, Vector2(0, get_height()));

	int l = p_string.length();
	if (l == 0)
		return Size2(p_width, get_height());

	float line_w = 0;
	float h = 0;
	float space_w = get_char_size(' ').width;
	Vector<String> lines = p_string.split("\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
		h += get_height();
		String t = lines[i];
		line_w = 0;
		Vector<String> words = t.split(" ");
		for (int j = 0; j < words.size(); j++) {
			line_w += get_string_size(words[j]).x;
			if (line_w > p_width) {
				h += get_height();
				line_w = get_string_size(words[j]).x;
			} else {
				line_w += space_w;

	return Size2(p_width, h);
Esempio n. 2
void Font::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2& p_pos, const String& p_text, const Color& p_modulate,int p_clip_w) const {
	Point2 pos=p_pos;
	float ofs=0;
	VisualServer *vs = VisualServer::get_singleton();
	for (int i=0;i<p_text.length();i++) {

		const Character * c = char_map.getptr(p_text[i]);

		if (!c)
//		if (p_clip_w>=0 && (ofs+c->rect.size.width)>(p_clip_w))
//			break; //width exceeded

		if (p_clip_w>=0 && (ofs+c->rect.size.width)>p_clip_w)
			break; //clip
		Point2 cpos=pos;
		ERR_CONTINUE( c->texture_idx<-1 || c->texture_idx>=textures.size());
		if (c->texture_idx!=-1)
			textures[c->texture_idx]->draw_rect_region( p_canvas_item, Rect2( cpos, c->rect.size ), c->rect, p_modulate );
Esempio n. 3
void Font::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2& p_pos, const String& p_text, const Color& p_modulate,int p_clip_w) const {

	Vector2 ofs;

	for (int i=0;i<p_text.length();i++) {

		int width = get_char_size(p_text[i]).width;

		if (p_clip_w>=0 && (ofs.x+width)>p_clip_w)
			break; //clip

Esempio n. 4
Size2 Font::get_string_size(const String& p_string) const {

	float w=0;
	int l = p_string.length();
	if (l==0)
		return Size2(0,height);
	const CharType *sptr = &p_string[0];

	for (int i=0;i<l;i++) {

	return Size2(w,height);
Esempio n. 5
float Font::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2& p_pos, const CharType& p_char,const CharType& p_next,const Color& p_modulate) const {
	const Character * c = char_map.getptr(p_char);
	if (!c)
		return 0;
	Point2 cpos=p_pos;
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V( c->texture_idx<-1 || c->texture_idx>=textures.size(),0);
	if (c->texture_idx!=-1)
		VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region( p_canvas_item, Rect2( cpos, c->rect.size ), textures[c->texture_idx]->get_rid(),c->rect, p_modulate );
	return get_char_size(p_char,p_next).width;
Esempio n. 6
float BitmapFont::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next, const Color &p_modulate, bool p_outline) const {

	const Character *c = char_map.getptr(p_char);

	if (!c) {
		if (fallback.is_valid())
			return fallback->draw_char(p_canvas_item, p_pos, p_char, p_next, p_modulate, p_outline);
		return 0;

	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c->texture_idx < -1 || c->texture_idx >= textures.size(), 0);
	if (!p_outline && c->texture_idx != -1) {
		Point2 cpos = p_pos;
		cpos.x += c->h_align;
		cpos.y -= ascent;
		cpos.y += c->v_align;
		VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas_item, Rect2(cpos, c->rect.size), textures[c->texture_idx]->get_rid(), c->rect, p_modulate, false, RID(), false);

	return get_char_size(p_char, p_next).width;
Esempio n. 7
void Font::draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate, int p_clip_w, const Color &p_outline_modulate) const {
	Vector2 ofs;

	int chars_drawn = 0;
	bool with_outline = has_outline();
	for (int i = 0; i < p_text.length(); i++) {

		int width = get_char_size(p_text[i]).width;

		if (p_clip_w >= 0 && (ofs.x + width) > p_clip_w)
			break; //clip

		ofs.x += draw_char(p_canvas_item, p_pos + ofs, p_text[i], p_text[i + 1], with_outline ? p_outline_modulate : p_modulate, with_outline);

	if (has_outline()) {
		ofs = Vector2(0, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < chars_drawn; i++) {
			ofs.x += draw_char(p_canvas_item, p_pos + ofs, p_text[i], p_text[i + 1], p_modulate, false);
Esempio n. 8
void label_contour(
    double **data,
    long nx,
    long ny,
    double value,
    char *string,
    double xmin,
    double dx,
    double ymin,
    double dy,
    double error_limit,
    long label_mode  
/* long label_mode    0 -> on contours,  1 -> around border */
    register double distance, best_distance, nbest_distance;
    register long iy;
    long ix, ix_best, iy_best, ix_nbest=0, iy_nbest=0, n_data;
    double x, y, xmax, ymax, i_int;
    double xd, yd;
    double hoff, voff;

    xmax = xmin + dx*(nx-1);
    ymax = ymin + dy*(ny-1);

    if (label_mode==0) {
        distance = best_distance = 1.0E37;
        ix_best = iy_best = -1;
        n_data = nx*ny;
        for (ix=1; ix<nx-2; ix++) {
            for (iy=1; iy<ny-2; iy++) {
                distance = fabs(value - data[ix][iy])/error_limit;
                if (distance<1) {
                    distance += sqr((ix-nx/2.)/nx)+sqr((iy-ny/2.)/ny);
                    if (distance<best_distance) {
                        ix_nbest = ix_best; 
                        iy_nbest = iy_best;
                        nbest_distance = best_distance;
                        ix_best = ix;
                        iy_best = iy;
                        best_distance = distance;
        ix = ix_best;
        iy = iy_best;
        if (ix==-1) {
            ix = 0;
            for (iy=1; iy<ny-2; iy++) {
                distance = fabs(value - data[ix][iy])/error_limit;
                if (distance<1) {
                    distance += sqr((ix-nx/2.)/nx)+sqr((iy-ny/2.)/ny);
                    if (distance<best_distance) {
                        ix_nbest = ix_best; 
                        iy_nbest = iy_best;
                        nbest_distance = best_distance;
                        ix_best = ix;
                        iy_best = iy;
                        best_distance = distance;
            if (ix_best==-1) {
                printf("note: failed to find acceptable contour to label for value %e\n", value);
            ix = ix_best;
            iy = iy_best;

        if (fabs(value-data[ix][iy])>error_limit)
            bomb("algorithmic error (1) in label_contour()", NULL);
        x = dx*ix + xmin;
        y = dy*iy + ymin;
        if (ix<nx-1 && data[ix][iy]!=data[ix+1][iy])
            x += dx*(value-data[ix][iy])/(data[ix+1][iy]-data[ix][iy]);
        else if (iy<ny-1 && data[ix][iy]!=data[ix][iy+1])
            y += dy*(value-data[ix][iy])/(data[ix][iy+1]-data[ix][iy]);
        if (x>=xmax-dx/2 || y>=ymax-dy/2 || x<xmin+dx/4 || y<ymin+dy/4) {
            ix = ix_nbest;
            iy = iy_nbest;
            if (ix!=-1) {
                x = dx*ix + xmin;
                y = dy*iy + ymin;
                if (ix<nx-1 && data[ix][iy]!=data[ix+1][iy])
                    x += dx*(value-data[ix][iy])/(data[ix+1][iy]-data[ix][iy]);
                else if (iy<ny-1 && data[ix][iy]!=data[ix][iy+1])
                    y += dy*(value-data[ix][iy])/(data[ix][iy+1]-data[ix][iy]);
                if (x>=xmax-dx/2 || y>=ymax-dy/2 || x<xmin+dx/4 || y<ymin+dy/4) {
                    printf("note: label algorithm went outside plot region for value %e\n", value);
            else {
                printf("note: label algorithm went outside plot region for value %e\n", value);

        xd = x;
        yd = y;
        plot_string(&xd, &yd, string);
    else {
        distance = best_distance = 1.0E37;

        /* search for end of contour along top edge */
        iy = ny-1;
        get_char_size(&hoff, &voff, 1);
        for (ix=nx-1; ix>0; ix--) {
            if ((data[ix][iy]<value && data[(ix-1)][iy]>=value) ||
                (data[ix][iy]>value && data[(ix-1)][iy]<=value) ) {
                xd = xmin + hoff/3 + dx*(i_int=INTERPOLATE(ix-1, ix, 
                                    data[ix-1][iy], data[ix][iy], value));
                if (i_int>=ix-1 && i_int<=ix) {
                    yd = ymin + (ny-1)*dy + (value>0?voff:voff/2);
                    plot_string(&xd, &yd, string);
        /* search for end of contour along right edge */
        ix = nx-1;
        get_char_size(&hoff, &voff, 1);
        for (iy=1; iy<ny; iy++) {
            if ((data[ix][iy]<value && value<=data[ix][iy-1]) ||
                (data[ix][iy]>value && value>=data[ix][iy-1]) ) {
                yd = ymin - 2*voff/3 + dy*(i_int=INTERPOLATE(iy-1, iy, 
                                        data[ix][iy], value));
                if (!(i_int<iy-1 || i_int>iy)) {
                    xd = xmin + (nx-1)*dx + hoff/2;
                    plot_string(&xd, &yd, string);
Esempio n. 9
SchObj read_sharp_sequence( SchPort* port ) {

    unsigned int c = SCH_GETC(port);
    char *s, *format;
    char msg[256];              /* TODO hard code */
    int  size;

    switch(c) {
    case 't':
        s = token(port);
        if ( STRLEN(s) != 0 ) {
            format="#t followed by garbage \"%s\"";
        } else {
            return SCH_TRUE;
    case 'f':
        s = token(port);
        if ( STRLEN(s) != 0 ) {
            format="#f followed by garbage \"%s\"";
        } else {
            return SCH_FALSE;
    case '\\':
        c    = SCH_GETC(port);
        size = get_char_size(c);
        if ( size > 1 ) {
            unsigned int c4 = (unsigned char)c;
            while ( --size > 0 && (c = SCH_GETC(port)) ) {
                c4 = ((c4 << 8) | (unsigned char)c);
            return make_char(c4);
        } else {
            s = token(port);
            if ( strlen(s) == 0 ) {
                return make_char(c);
            } else if (c == 's') {
                if ( strcmp(s,"pace")    == 0 ) { return make_char(' ');  }
            } else if (c == 'n') {
                if ( strcmp(s,"ewline")  == 0 ) { return make_char('\n'); }
            } else if (c == 't') {
                if ( strcmp(s,"ab")      == 0 ) { return make_char('\t'); }
            } else if (c == 'f') {
                if ( strcmp(s,"ormfeed") == 0 ) { return make_char('\f'); }
            } else if (c == 'r') {
                if ( strcmp(s,"eturn")   == 0 ) { return make_char('\r'); }
            } else {
                char msg[256];
                char* format="unknown character #\\%c%s";
    case '(': {
        SchObj x, vec;
        size = 0;
        SchVecLList* lst = make_vec_llist();
        while ( (x = read_obj(port)) != SCH_KOKKA ) {
        vec = (SchObj)make_vec_from_list(lst,size);
        return vec;
    case 'b':
        s = token(port);
        return read_number(s, 2);
    case 'o':
        s = token(port);
        return read_number(s, 8);
    case 'd':
        s = token(port);
        return read_number(s, 10);
    case 'x':
        s = token(port);
        return read_number(s, 16);
        format = "unknown syntax #%c";

    return SCH_UNDEFINE;