void BaseDeviceClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(BaseDeviceClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	BaseDeviceClass::attribute_factory_before

	//	Create a list of static attributes
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(BaseDeviceClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	BaseDeviceClass::attribute_factory_after
void ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::attribute_factory_before
	//	Attribute : allRegAndFlagsJson
	allRegAndFlagsJsonAttrib	*allregandflagsjson = new allRegAndFlagsJsonAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	allregandflagsjson_prop;
	//	description	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	label	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	unit	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	standard_unit	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	display_unit	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	format	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	max_value	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	min_value	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	max_alarm	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	min_alarm	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	max_warning	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	min_warning	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	delta_t	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	delta_val	not set for allRegAndFlagsJson
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Create a list of static attributes
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	ModbusControlRfqAndBuncherClass::attribute_factory_after
Esempio n. 3
void WebSocketDSClass::device_factory(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(WebSocketDSClass::device_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
    //    Add your own code
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	WebSocketDSClass::device_factory_before

	//	Create devices and add it into the device list
	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i<devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		cout4 << "Device name : " << (*devlist_ptr)[i].in() << endl;
		device_list.push_back(new WebSocketDS(this, (*devlist_ptr)[i]));

	//	Manage dynamic attributes if any
	erase_dynamic_attributes(devlist_ptr, get_class_attr()->get_attr_list());

	//	Export devices to the outside world
	for (unsigned long i=1 ; i<=devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		//	Add dynamic attributes if any
		WebSocketDS *dev = static_cast<WebSocketDS *>(device_list[device_list.size()-i]);

		//	Check before if database used.
		if ((Tango::Util::_UseDb == true) && (Tango::Util::_FileDb == false))
			export_device(dev, dev->get_name().c_str());

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(WebSocketDSClass::device_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
    //    Add your own code
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	WebSocketDSClass::device_factory_after
Esempio n. 4
void WebSocketDSClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(WebSocketDSClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
    //    Add your own code
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	WebSocketDSClass::attribute_factory_before
	//	Attribute : TimestampDiff
	TimestampDiffAttrib	*timestampdiff = new TimestampDiffAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	timestampdiff_prop;
	timestampdiff_prop.set_description("The difference between the timestamps from UpdateData and CheckPoll");
	//	standard_unit	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	display_unit	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	format	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	max_value	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	min_value	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	max_alarm	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	min_alarm	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	max_warning	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	min_warning	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	delta_t	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	delta_val	not set for TimestampDiff
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : NumberOfConnections
	NumberOfConnectionsAttrib	*numberofconnections = new NumberOfConnectionsAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	numberofconnections_prop;
	numberofconnections_prop.set_description("Number of WS clients");
	//	label	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	unit	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	standard_unit	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	display_unit	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	format	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	max_value	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	min_value	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	max_alarm	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	min_alarm	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	max_warning	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	min_warning	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	delta_t	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	delta_val	not set for NumberOfConnections
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Create a list of static attributes
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(WebSocketDSClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
    //    Add your own code
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	WebSocketDSClass::attribute_factory_after
Esempio n. 5
void LMCLoggerClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(LMCLoggerClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	LMCLoggerClass::attribute_factory_before
	//	Attribute : syslog_level
	syslog_levelAttrib	*syslog_level = new syslog_levelAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	syslog_level_prop;
	syslog_level_prop.set_description("Log level used for logging to syslog (OFF,TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,FATAL)");
	//	unit	not set for syslog_level
	//	standard_unit	not set for syslog_level
	//	display_unit	not set for syslog_level
	//	format	not set for syslog_level
	//	max_value	not set for syslog_level
	//	min_value	not set for syslog_level
	//	max_alarm	not set for syslog_level
	//	min_alarm	not set for syslog_level
	//	max_warning	not set for syslog_level
	//	min_warning	not set for syslog_level
	//	delta_t	not set for syslog_level
	//	delta_val	not set for syslog_level
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : enable_logfw
	enable_logfwAttrib	*enable_logfw = new enable_logfwAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	enable_logfw_prop;
	enable_logfw_prop.set_description("Flag signalling if log forwarding is active/inactive");
	//	label	not set for enable_logfw
	//	unit	not set for enable_logfw
	//	standard_unit	not set for enable_logfw
	//	display_unit	not set for enable_logfw
	//	format	not set for enable_logfw
	//	max_value	not set for enable_logfw
	//	min_value	not set for enable_logfw
	//	max_alarm	not set for enable_logfw
	//	min_alarm	not set for enable_logfw
	//	max_warning	not set for enable_logfw
	//	min_warning	not set for enable_logfw
	//	delta_t	not set for enable_logfw
	//	delta_val	not set for enable_logfw
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Create a list of static attributes
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(LMCLoggerClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	LMCLoggerClass::attribute_factory_after
void PowerSupply_701CClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(PowerSupply_701CClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/

    //    Add your own code

    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/    //    PowerSupply_701CClass::attribute_factory_before
    //    Attribute : Voltage
    VoltageAttrib    *voltage = new VoltageAttrib();
    Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp    voltage_prop;
    //    description    not set for Voltage
    //    standard_unit    not set for Voltage
    //    display_unit    not set for Voltage
    //    format    not set for Voltage
    //    max_alarm    not set for Voltage
    //    min_alarm    not set for Voltage
    //    max_warning    not set for Voltage
    //    min_warning    not set for Voltage
    //    delta_t    not set for Voltage
    //    delta_val    not set for Voltage
    //    Not Polled
    //    Not Memorized

    //    Attribute : isExternalControl
    isExternalControlAttrib    *isexternalcontrol = new isExternalControlAttrib();
    Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp    isexternalcontrol_prop;
    //    description    not set for isExternalControl
    //    label    not set for isExternalControl
    //    unit    not set for isExternalControl
    //    standard_unit    not set for isExternalControl
    //    display_unit    not set for isExternalControl
    //    format    not set for isExternalControl
    //    max_value    not set for isExternalControl
    //    min_value    not set for isExternalControl
    //    max_alarm    not set for isExternalControl
    //    min_alarm    not set for isExternalControl
    //    max_warning    not set for isExternalControl
    //    min_warning    not set for isExternalControl
    //    delta_t    not set for isExternalControl
    //    delta_val    not set for isExternalControl
    //    Not Polled
    //    Not Memorized

    //    Attribute : isActive
    isActiveAttrib    *isactive = new isActiveAttrib();
    Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp    isactive_prop;
    //    description    not set for isActive
    //    label    not set for isActive
    //    unit    not set for isActive
    //    standard_unit    not set for isActive
    //    display_unit    not set for isActive
    //    format    not set for isActive
    //    max_value    not set for isActive
    //    min_value    not set for isActive
    //    max_alarm    not set for isActive
    //    min_alarm    not set for isActive
    //    max_warning    not set for isActive
    //    min_warning    not set for isActive
    //    delta_t    not set for isActive
    //    delta_val    not set for isActive
    //    Not Polled
    //    Not Memorized

    //    Attribute : isVoltageFromOutComp
    isVoltageFromOutCompAttrib    *isvoltagefromoutcomp = new isVoltageFromOutCompAttrib();
    Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp    isvoltagefromoutcomp_prop;
    //    description    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    label    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    unit    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    standard_unit    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    display_unit    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    format    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    max_value    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    min_value    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    max_alarm    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    min_alarm    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    max_warning    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    min_warning    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    delta_t    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    delta_val    not set for isVoltageFromOutComp
    //    Not Polled
    //    Not Memorized

    //    Attribute : isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    isVoltageMatchesToGivenAttrib    *isvoltagematchestogiven = new isVoltageMatchesToGivenAttrib();
    Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp    isvoltagematchestogiven_prop;
    //    description    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    label    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    unit    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    standard_unit    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    display_unit    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    format    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    max_value    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    min_value    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    max_alarm    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    min_alarm    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    max_warning    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    min_warning    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    delta_t    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    delta_val    not set for isVoltageMatchesToGiven
    //    Not Polled
    //    Not Memorized

    //    Create a list of static attributes
    /*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(PowerSupply_701CClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/

    //    Add your own code

    /*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/    //    PowerSupply_701CClass::attribute_factory_after
Esempio n. 7
void MerlinClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(MerlinClass::attribute_factory_before) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	MerlinClass::attribute_factory_before
	//	Attribute : softwareVersion
	softwareVersionAttrib	*softwareversion = new softwareVersionAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	softwareversion_prop;
	//	description	not set for softwareVersion
	//	label	not set for softwareVersion
	//	unit	not set for softwareVersion
	//	standard_unit	not set for softwareVersion
	//	display_unit	not set for softwareVersion
	//	format	not set for softwareVersion
	//	max_value	not set for softwareVersion
	//	min_value	not set for softwareVersion
	//	max_alarm	not set for softwareVersion
	//	min_alarm	not set for softwareVersion
	//	max_warning	not set for softwareVersion
	//	min_warning	not set for softwareVersion
	//	delta_t	not set for softwareVersion
	//	delta_val	not set for softwareVersion
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : chargeSumming
	chargeSummingAttrib	*chargesumming = new chargeSummingAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	chargesumming_prop;
	//	description	not set for chargeSumming
	//	label	not set for chargeSumming
	//	unit	not set for chargeSumming
	//	standard_unit	not set for chargeSumming
	//	display_unit	not set for chargeSumming
	//	format	not set for chargeSumming
	//	max_value	not set for chargeSumming
	//	min_value	not set for chargeSumming
	//	max_alarm	not set for chargeSumming
	//	min_alarm	not set for chargeSumming
	//	max_warning	not set for chargeSumming
	//	min_warning	not set for chargeSumming
	//	delta_t	not set for chargeSumming
	//	delta_val	not set for chargeSumming
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : colourMode
	colourModeAttrib	*colourmode = new colourModeAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	colourmode_prop;
	//	description	not set for colourMode
	//	label	not set for colourMode
	//	unit	not set for colourMode
	//	standard_unit	not set for colourMode
	//	display_unit	not set for colourMode
	//	format	not set for colourMode
	//	max_value	not set for colourMode
	//	min_value	not set for colourMode
	//	max_alarm	not set for colourMode
	//	min_alarm	not set for colourMode
	//	max_warning	not set for colourMode
	//	min_warning	not set for colourMode
	//	delta_t	not set for colourMode
	//	delta_val	not set for colourMode
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : continuousRW
	continuousRWAttrib	*continuousrw = new continuousRWAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	continuousrw_prop;
	//	description	not set for continuousRW
	//	label	not set for continuousRW
	//	unit	not set for continuousRW
	//	standard_unit	not set for continuousRW
	//	display_unit	not set for continuousRW
	//	format	not set for continuousRW
	//	max_value	not set for continuousRW
	//	min_value	not set for continuousRW
	//	max_alarm	not set for continuousRW
	//	min_alarm	not set for continuousRW
	//	max_warning	not set for continuousRW
	//	min_warning	not set for continuousRW
	//	delta_t	not set for continuousRW
	//	delta_val	not set for continuousRW
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : counter
	counterAttrib	*counter = new counterAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	counter_prop;
	//	description	not set for counter
	//	label	not set for counter
	//	unit	not set for counter
	//	standard_unit	not set for counter
	//	display_unit	not set for counter
	//	format	not set for counter
	//	max_value	not set for counter
	//	min_value	not set for counter
	//	max_alarm	not set for counter
	//	min_alarm	not set for counter
	//	max_warning	not set for counter
	//	min_warning	not set for counter
	//	delta_t	not set for counter
	//	delta_val	not set for counter
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : gain
	gainAttrib	*gain = new gainAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	gain_prop;
	//	description	not set for gain
	//	label	not set for gain
	//	unit	not set for gain
	//	standard_unit	not set for gain
	//	display_unit	not set for gain
	//	format	not set for gain
	//	max_value	not set for gain
	//	min_value	not set for gain
	//	max_alarm	not set for gain
	//	min_alarm	not set for gain
	//	max_warning	not set for gain
	//	min_warning	not set for gain
	//	delta_t	not set for gain
	//	delta_val	not set for gain
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : operatingEnergy
	operatingEnergyAttrib	*operatingenergy = new operatingEnergyAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	operatingenergy_prop;
	//	description	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	label	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	unit	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	standard_unit	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	display_unit	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	format	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	max_value	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	min_value	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	max_alarm	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	min_alarm	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	max_warning	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	min_warning	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	delta_t	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	delta_val	not set for operatingEnergy
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : temperature
	temperatureAttrib	*temperature = new temperatureAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	temperature_prop;
	//	description	not set for temperature
	//	label	not set for temperature
	//	unit	not set for temperature
	//	standard_unit	not set for temperature
	//	display_unit	not set for temperature
	//	format	not set for temperature
	//	max_value	not set for temperature
	//	min_value	not set for temperature
	//	max_alarm	not set for temperature
	//	min_alarm	not set for temperature
	//	max_warning	not set for temperature
	//	min_warning	not set for temperature
	//	delta_t	not set for temperature
	//	delta_val	not set for temperature
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold0
	threshold0Attrib	*threshold0 = new threshold0Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold0_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold0
	//	label	not set for threshold0
	//	unit	not set for threshold0
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold0
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold0
	//	format	not set for threshold0
	//	max_value	not set for threshold0
	//	min_value	not set for threshold0
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold0
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold0
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold0
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold0
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold0
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold0
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold1
	threshold1Attrib	*threshold1 = new threshold1Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold1_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold1
	//	label	not set for threshold1
	//	unit	not set for threshold1
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold1
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold1
	//	format	not set for threshold1
	//	max_value	not set for threshold1
	//	min_value	not set for threshold1
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold1
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold1
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold1
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold1
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold1
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold1
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold2
	threshold2Attrib	*threshold2 = new threshold2Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold2_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold2
	//	label	not set for threshold2
	//	unit	not set for threshold2
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold2
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold2
	//	format	not set for threshold2
	//	max_value	not set for threshold2
	//	min_value	not set for threshold2
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold2
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold2
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold2
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold2
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold2
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold2
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold3
	threshold3Attrib	*threshold3 = new threshold3Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold3_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold3
	//	label	not set for threshold3
	//	unit	not set for threshold3
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold3
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold3
	//	format	not set for threshold3
	//	max_value	not set for threshold3
	//	min_value	not set for threshold3
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold3
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold3
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold3
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold3
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold3
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold3
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold4
	threshold4Attrib	*threshold4 = new threshold4Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold4_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold4
	//	label	not set for threshold4
	//	unit	not set for threshold4
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold4
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold4
	//	format	not set for threshold4
	//	max_value	not set for threshold4
	//	min_value	not set for threshold4
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold4
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold4
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold4
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold4
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold4
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold4
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold5
	threshold5Attrib	*threshold5 = new threshold5Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold5_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold5
	//	label	not set for threshold5
	//	unit	not set for threshold5
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold5
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold5
	//	format	not set for threshold5
	//	max_value	not set for threshold5
	//	min_value	not set for threshold5
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold5
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold5
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold5
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold5
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold5
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold5
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold6
	threshold6Attrib	*threshold6 = new threshold6Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold6_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold6
	//	label	not set for threshold6
	//	unit	not set for threshold6
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold6
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold6
	//	format	not set for threshold6
	//	max_value	not set for threshold6
	//	min_value	not set for threshold6
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold6
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold6
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold6
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold6
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold6
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold6
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : threshold7
	threshold7Attrib	*threshold7 = new threshold7Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	threshold7_prop;
	//	description	not set for threshold7
	//	label	not set for threshold7
	//	unit	not set for threshold7
	//	standard_unit	not set for threshold7
	//	display_unit	not set for threshold7
	//	format	not set for threshold7
	//	max_value	not set for threshold7
	//	min_value	not set for threshold7
	//	max_alarm	not set for threshold7
	//	min_alarm	not set for threshold7
	//	max_warning	not set for threshold7
	//	min_warning	not set for threshold7
	//	delta_t	not set for threshold7
	//	delta_val	not set for threshold7
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerStartType
	triggerStartTypeAttrib	*triggerstarttype = new triggerStartTypeAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggerstarttype_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerStartType
	//	label	not set for triggerStartType
	//	unit	not set for triggerStartType
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerStartType
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerStartType
	//	format	not set for triggerStartType
	//	max_value	not set for triggerStartType
	//	min_value	not set for triggerStartType
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerStartType
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerStartType
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerStartType
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerStartType
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerStartType
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerStartType
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerStopType
	triggerStopTypeAttrib	*triggerstoptype = new triggerStopTypeAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggerstoptype_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerStopType
	//	label	not set for triggerStopType
	//	unit	not set for triggerStopType
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerStopType
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerStopType
	//	format	not set for triggerStopType
	//	max_value	not set for triggerStopType
	//	min_value	not set for triggerStopType
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerStopType
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerStopType
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerStopType
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerStopType
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerStopType
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerStopType
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutTTL
	triggerOutTTLAttrib	*triggeroutttl = new triggerOutTTLAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutttl_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	label	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	format	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutTTL
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutLVDS
	triggerOutLVDSAttrib	*triggeroutlvds = new triggerOutLVDSAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutlvds_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	label	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	format	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutLVDS
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutTTLInvert
	triggerOutTTLInvertAttrib	*triggeroutttlinvert = new triggerOutTTLInvertAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutttlinvert_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	label	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	format	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutTTLInvert
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutLVDSInvert
	triggerOutLVDSInvertAttrib	*triggeroutlvdsinvert = new triggerOutLVDSInvertAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutlvdsinvert_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	label	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	format	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutLVDSInvert
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutTTLDelay
	triggerOutTTLDelayAttrib	*triggeroutttldelay = new triggerOutTTLDelayAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutttldelay_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	label	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	format	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutTTLDelay
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerOutLVDSDelay
	triggerOutLVDSDelayAttrib	*triggeroutlvdsdelay = new triggerOutLVDSDelayAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggeroutlvdsdelay_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	label	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	format	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	max_value	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	min_value	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerOutLVDSDelay
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : triggerUseDelay
	triggerUseDelayAttrib	*triggerusedelay = new triggerUseDelayAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	triggerusedelay_prop;
	//	description	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	label	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	unit	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	standard_unit	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	display_unit	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	format	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	max_value	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	min_value	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	max_alarm	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	min_alarm	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	max_warning	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	min_warning	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	delta_t	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	delta_val	not set for triggerUseDelay
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : thScanNum
	thScanNumAttrib	*thscannum = new thScanNumAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	thscannum_prop;
	//	description	not set for thScanNum
	//	label	not set for thScanNum
	//	unit	not set for thScanNum
	//	standard_unit	not set for thScanNum
	//	display_unit	not set for thScanNum
	//	format	not set for thScanNum
	//	max_value	not set for thScanNum
	//	min_value	not set for thScanNum
	//	max_alarm	not set for thScanNum
	//	min_alarm	not set for thScanNum
	//	max_warning	not set for thScanNum
	//	min_warning	not set for thScanNum
	//	delta_t	not set for thScanNum
	//	delta_val	not set for thScanNum
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : thStart
	thStartAttrib	*thstart = new thStartAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	thstart_prop;
	//	description	not set for thStart
	//	label	not set for thStart
	//	unit	not set for thStart
	//	standard_unit	not set for thStart
	//	display_unit	not set for thStart
	//	format	not set for thStart
	//	max_value	not set for thStart
	//	min_value	not set for thStart
	//	max_alarm	not set for thStart
	//	min_alarm	not set for thStart
	//	max_warning	not set for thStart
	//	min_warning	not set for thStart
	//	delta_t	not set for thStart
	//	delta_val	not set for thStart
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : thStop
	thStopAttrib	*thstop = new thStopAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	thstop_prop;
	//	description	not set for thStop
	//	label	not set for thStop
	//	unit	not set for thStop
	//	standard_unit	not set for thStop
	//	display_unit	not set for thStop
	//	format	not set for thStop
	//	max_value	not set for thStop
	//	min_value	not set for thStop
	//	max_alarm	not set for thStop
	//	min_alarm	not set for thStop
	//	max_warning	not set for thStop
	//	min_warning	not set for thStop
	//	delta_t	not set for thStop
	//	delta_val	not set for thStop
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Attribute : thStep
	thStepAttrib	*thstep = new thStepAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	thstep_prop;
	//	description	not set for thStep
	//	label	not set for thStep
	//	unit	not set for thStep
	//	standard_unit	not set for thStep
	//	display_unit	not set for thStep
	//	format	not set for thStep
	//	max_value	not set for thStep
	//	min_value	not set for thStep
	//	max_alarm	not set for thStep
	//	min_alarm	not set for thStep
	//	max_warning	not set for thStep
	//	min_warning	not set for thStep
	//	delta_t	not set for thStep
	//	delta_val	not set for thStep
	//	Not Polled
	//	Not Memorized

	//	Create a list of static attributes
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(MerlinClass::attribute_factory_after) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Add your own code
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	MerlinClass::attribute_factory_after