double GA::evaluate_individual_fitness(Individual* indv) { double* cuts = indv->get_cuts(); // if it is already calculated, return significance from histogram long bin_z = hist_z->GetBin(cuts, false); if (bin_z >= 0) { double s = hist_s->GetBinContent(bin_z); indv->set_signal(s); double b = hist_b->GetBinContent(bin_z); indv->set_background(b); double significance = 0.; if (s < ZERO || b < ZERO || b < m_opt_background_min || b > m_opt_background_max) significance = 0.; else significance = hist_z->GetBinContent(bin_z); indv->set_fitness(significance); return significance; } // Calculate significance TString selection = get_selection(indv); double s = get_events(m_signal_chain, selection); double b = get_events(m_background_chain, selection); if (s < 0) s = 0.; if (b < 0) b = 0.; indv->set_signal(s); indv->set_background(b); double significance = 0.; if (m_opt_type == 1) significance = get_s_over_b(s, b); else if (m_opt_type == 2) significance = get_s_over_total(s, b); else if (m_opt_type == 3) significance = get_significance(s, b, m_opt_background_syst); if (s < ZERO || b < ZERO || b < m_opt_background_min || b > m_opt_background_max) significance = 0.; hist_s->SetBinContent(hist_s->GetBin(cuts), s); hist_b->SetBinContent(hist_b->GetBin(cuts), b); hist_z->SetBinContent(hist_z->GetBin(cuts), significance); indv->set_fitness(significance); return significance; }
u32 SPUThread::get_ch_count(u32 ch) { if (Ini.HLELogging.GetValue()) { LOG_NOTICE(SPU, "get_ch_count(ch=%d [%s])", ch, ch < 128 ? spu_ch_name[ch] : "???"); } switch (ch) { //case MFC_Cmd: return 16; //case SPU_WrSRR0: return 1; break; //case SPU_RdSRR0: return 1; break; case SPU_WrOutMbox: return ch_out_mbox.get_count() ^ 1; break; case SPU_WrOutIntrMbox: return ch_out_intr_mbox.get_count() ^ 1; break; case SPU_RdInMbox: return ch_in_mbox.get_count(); break; case MFC_RdTagStat: return ch_tag_stat.get_count(); break; case MFC_RdListStallStat: return ch_stall_stat.get_count(); break; case MFC_WrTagUpdate: return ch_tag_stat.get_count(); break; // hack case SPU_RdSigNotify1: return ch_snr1.get_count(); break; case SPU_RdSigNotify2: return ch_snr2.get_count(); break; case MFC_RdAtomicStat: return ch_atomic_stat.get_count(); break; case SPU_RdEventStat: return get_events() ? 1 : 0; break; } throw EXCEPTION("Unknown/illegal channel (ch=%d [%s])", ch, ch < 128 ? spu_ch_name[ch] : "???"); }
void jump::menu::SplashScreen::update(sf::RenderWindow& window) { if (!is_running()) return; auto events = get_events(); while(!events.empty()) { auto event = events.front(); events.pop(); if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized) { sprite_->setScale(static_cast<float>(window.getSize().x) / texture_->getSize().x, static_cast<float>(window.getSize().y) / texture_->getSize().y); } if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed || event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed) { if (fade_in_) { try { system::AnimationHandler::remove_animation(fade_in_); } catch (...) { } fade_in_ = nullptr; } else { try { system::AnimationHandler::remove_animation(fade_out_); } catch (...) { } fade_out_ = nullptr; stop(); } } } if (fade_in_) if (!system::AnimationHandler::contains(fade_in_)) fade_in_ = nullptr; if (fade_out_) if (!system::AnimationHandler::contains(fade_out_)) { fade_out_ = nullptr; stop(); } }
int kvdb_input_event_get(unsigned int event[3]) { event[0]=0 ; event[1]=0 ; event[2]=0 ; get_events(event); switch(event[1]) { case IR_KEY_UP : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_UP ; event[2]=0 ; return 1 ; case IR_KEY_DOWN : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_DOWN ; event[2]=0 ; return 1 ; case IR_KEY_RIGHT : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_RIGHT ; event[2]=0 ; return 1 ; case IR_KEY_LEFT : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_LEFT ; event[2]=0 ; return 1 ; case IR_KEY_OK : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_SELECT ; event[2]=0 ; return 1 ; case IR_KEY_EXIT : event[0]=KEY_MESSAGE ; event[1]=KV_KEY_EXIT ; event[2]=0 ; return 2 ; default : return 0 ; } return 0 ; }
void DsoFinder::populate_event_combo() { ui->itemeventcomboBox->clear(); event_data events = get_events(); for(int i=0;i<events.eventcount;i++) { ui->itemeventcomboBox->addItem([i].caption); } delete []; ui->itemeventcomboBox->setCurrentIndex(config.use_event); }
int EPoll::updateFd(SOCKET_FD fd, uint32_t events) { if(fd >= poll_items_.size() || INVALID_FD == poll_items_[fd].fd) { return KUMA_ERROR_FAILED; } struct epoll_event evt = {0}; = (void*)(long)fd; = get_events(events); if(epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &evt) < 0) { KUMA_INFOTRACE("EPoll::updateFd error, fd="<<fd<<", errno="<<errno); return KUMA_ERROR_FAILED; } return KUMA_ERROR_NOERR; }
RenderArea::RenderArea(RenderAreaPtr theContext) : AbstractRenderWindow(jslib::JSApp::ShellErrorReporter), _myContextRefCount(0), _isFirstFrame(true) { GdkGLConfig * myGLConfig = gdk_gl_config_new_by_mode( GdkGLConfigMode(GDK_GL_MODE_RGBA | GDK_GL_MODE_DEPTH | GDK_GL_MODE_DOUBLE | GDK_GL_MODE_ALPHA)); if (myGLConfig == 0) { throw asl::Exception("can't init GL",PLUS_FILE_LINE); } // If another render area is supplied as constructor paramter, this render area is uses as // source for a shared y60-gl-context and gdk-gl-context. GdkGLContext * myGdkGLContext = 0; if (theContext) { myGdkGLContext = theContext->getGdkGlContext(); if (!myGdkGLContext) { throw asl::Exception("RenderArea: Failed to get gdk GL context from shared render area.", PLUS_FILE_LINE); } setGLContext(theContext->getGLContext()); } else { setGLContext(GLContextPtr(new GLContext())); } /* Set OpenGL-capability to the widget. */ DB(cerr << "RenderArea::RenderArea() sharing with " << myGdkGLContext << endl); if (!gtk_widget_set_gl_capability (GTK_WIDGET(gobj()), myGLConfig, myGdkGLContext, true, GDK_GL_RGBA_TYPE)) { throw asl::Exception("RenderArea: could not create GL context!", PLUS_FILE_LINE); } // enable mouse events Gdk::EventMask flags = get_events(); flags |= Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK; flags |= Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK; flags |= Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK; flags |= Gdk::SCROLL_MASK; flags |= Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK; flags |= Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK; set_events(flags); y60::EventDispatcher::get().addSource(&_myEventAdapter); y60::EventDispatcher::get().addSink(this); // TODO: createRenderer(theOtherRenderer); ShaderLibrary::setGLisReadyFlag(true); }
/** * Holding registers (empieza en 1): * LOG_INTERVAL + DATETIME + EVENTS */ eMBErrorCode eMBRegHoldingCB(UCHAR * buffer, USHORT address, USHORT regs, eMBRegisterMode mode) { // indice para saber por qué grupo de registros voy avanzando uint16_t idx = address; // hago operaciones de bit en una variable, para no usar dos // es para indicar si debo actualizar el grupo de registros // de eventos y/o datetime. uint8_t flag = 0; // grupo de registros correspondiente a datetime uint16_t* dt = (uint16_t*) &datetime; // grupo de registros correspondiente a los eventos. uint16_t* events = (uint16_t*) get_events(); if ((address + regs - 1) > (EVENTS_SIZE + LOGEVENT_SIZE + DATETIME_SIZE)) { return MB_ENOREG; } // si me piden algo que va mas allá de logevent (primer registro) // avanzo el siguiente grupo, datetime if (address > LOGEVENT_SIZE) { dt += address - LOGEVENT_SIZE - 1; } // si me piden algo que va mas allá del segundo registro (datetime) // avanzo el tercer grupo, events hasta donde haga falta. if (address > (LOGEVENT_SIZE + DATETIME_SIZE)) { events += address - LOGEVENT_SIZE - DATETIME_SIZE - 1; } // operación de lectura if (mode == MB_REG_READ) { for (; idx < regs + address; idx++) { if (idx > 0 && idx <= LOGEVENT_SIZE) { uint16_t log_interval = get_log_interval(); *buffer++ = (log_interval >> 8); *buffer++ = (log_interval & 0xFF); } else if (idx > LOGEVENT_SIZE && idx <= (LOGEVENT_SIZE + DATETIME_SIZE)) { *buffer++ = (*dt >> 8); *buffer++ = (*dt & 0xFF); dt++; } else {
CWRuler::CWRuler(Mode theMode) : Gtk::DrawingArea(), _myMode(theMode), _myState(IDLE), _myValueRange(0.0, 1.0), _myWindowCenter(0.0), _myWindowWidth(0.0), _myLower(0.0), _myUpper(0.0) { set_size_request(256, 10); Gdk::EventMask myFlags = get_events(); myFlags |= Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK; myFlags |= Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK; myFlags |= Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK; set_events(myFlags); }
void main(void){ init(); state_machine_init(&state); loopdelay_time_ms = 10; while(1){ loopdelay(state); get_events(); switch(state){ case : break; } } }
void MyWidget::on_realize() { //Do not call base class Gtk::Widget::on_realize(). //It's intended only for widgets that set_has_window(false). set_realized(); //Get the themed style from the CSS file: get_style_property("example_scale", m_scale); std::cout << "m_scale (example_scale from the theme/css-file) is: " << m_scale << std::endl; if(!m_refGdkWindow) { //Create the GdkWindow: GdkWindowAttr attributes; memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof(attributes)); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); //Set initial position and size of the Gdk::Window: attributes.x = allocation.get_x(); attributes.y = allocation.get_y(); attributes.width = allocation.get_width(); attributes.height = allocation.get_height(); attributes.event_mask = get_events () | Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK; attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD; attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT; m_refGdkWindow = Gdk::Window::create(get_parent_window(), &attributes, GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y); set_window(m_refGdkWindow); //set colors override_background_color(Gdk::RGBA("red")); override_color(Gdk::RGBA("blue")); //make the widget receive expose events m_refGdkWindow->set_user_data(gobj()); } }
/* Fill-in the rest of the sDate struct with various nicities */ int fill_datestruct(sDate *fdate, int weekday, int frm_month_num, int to_month_num, char *frm_day[], char *frm_day_short[], char *frm_month[], char *frm_month_short[], char *to_day[], char *to_day_short[], char *to_month[], char *to_month_short[], sEvent *farr_table, int farr_size) { int error_event; fdate->frm_dname = (char *) frm_day[weekday]; fdate->frm_dname_sh = (char *) frm_day_short[weekday]; fdate->frm_mname = (char *) frm_month[frm_month_num]; fdate->frm_mname_sh = (char *) frm_month_short[frm_month_num]; fdate->to_dname = (char *) to_day[weekday]; fdate->to_dname_sh = (char *) to_day_short[weekday]; fdate->to_mname = (char *) to_month[to_month_num]; fdate->to_mname_sh = (char *) to_month_short[to_month_num]; if (to_month_num == 12) fdate->to_mname2 = (char *) to_month[1]; else fdate->to_mname2 = (char *) to_month[to_month_num+1]; error_event = get_events(&fdate->event, farr_table, farr_size, fdate->day, fdate->month); return(error_event); }
void perfctr_init() { int i; if (!initialized) { char *buf = malloc(64); printf("Initializing performance counters\n"); printf("Stack address %p, heap %p\n", &buf, buf); free(buf); get_events(); /* * Initialize libpfm library (required before we can use it) */ int ret = pfm_initialize(); if (ret != PFM_SUCCESS) errx(1, "cannot initialize library: %s", pfm_strerror(ret)); for (i = 0; i < g_num_events; i++) { g_event_counts[i] = 0; } pthread_mutex_init(&count_lock, NULL); initialized = 1; } }
int EPoll::registerFd(SOCKET_FD fd, uint32_t events, IOCallback&& cb) { resizePollItems(fd); int epoll_op = EPOLL_CTL_ADD; if (INVALID_FD != poll_items_[fd].fd) { epoll_op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD; } poll_items_[fd].fd = fd; poll_items_[fd].cb = std::move(cb); struct epoll_event evt = {0}; = (void*)(long)fd; = get_events(events);//EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP | EPOLLET; if(epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, epoll_op, fd, &evt) < 0) { KUMA_ERRTRACE("EPoll::registerFd error, fd=" << fd << ", ev=" << << ", errno=" << errno); return KUMA_ERROR_FAILED; } KUMA_INFOTRACE("EPoll::registerFd, fd=" << fd << ", ev=" <<; return KUMA_ERROR_NOERR; }
void oprofile_init() { const int kBufSize = 512; int i = 0; char buf[kBufSize]; char *end = buf; get_events(); if (!opinitialized) { //if (system("opcontrol --reset")) err(-1, "reset error"); //if (system("opcontrol --deinit")) err(-1, "deinit error"); //if (system("opcontrol --init"))err(-1, "init error"); //if (system("opcontrol --start-daemon")) err(-1, "start-daemon error"); end = buf + sprintf(buf, "opcontrol "); for (i = 0; i < g_num_events; i++) { end += snprintf(end, buf + kBufSize - end, "--event=%s ", g_events[i]); if (end > buf + kBufSize) err(-1, "opcontrol arg buffer overflow"); } if(system(buf)) err(-1, "opcontrol events"); opinitialized = 1; } }
KMError VPoll::registerFd(SOCKET_FD fd, KMEvent events, IOCallback cb) { if (fd < 0) { return KMError::INVALID_PARAM; } resizePollItems(fd); int idx = -1; if (INVALID_FD == poll_items_[fd].fd || -1 == poll_items_[fd].idx) { // new pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = fd; = get_events(events); poll_fds_.push_back(pfd); idx = int(poll_fds_.size() - 1); poll_items_[fd].idx = idx; } poll_items_[fd].fd = fd; poll_items_[fd].events = events; poll_items_[fd].cb = std::move(cb); KUMA_INFOTRACE("VPoll::registerFd, fd="<<fd<<", events="<<events<<", index="<<idx); return KMError::NOERR; }
/** * Does something when the block bar is realized. */ void GtkBlockBar::on_realize() { //Do not call base class Gtk::Widget::on_realize(). //It's intended only for widgets that set_has_window(false). set_realized(); if(!m_refGdkWindow) { //Create the GdkWindow: GdkWindowAttr attributes; memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof(attributes)); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); //Set initial position and size of the Gdk::Window: attributes.x = allocation.get_x(); attributes.y = allocation.get_y(); attributes.width = allocation.get_width(); attributes.height = allocation.get_height(); attributes.event_mask = get_events () | Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK; attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD; attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT; m_refGdkWindow = Gdk::Window::create(get_parent_window(), &attributes, GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y); set_window(m_refGdkWindow); //set colors TODO //override_background_color(Gdk::RGBA("red")); //override_color(Gdk::RGBA("green")); //make the widget receive expose events m_refGdkWindow->set_user_data(gobj()); } }
KMError VPoll::updateFd(SOCKET_FD fd, KMEvent events) { int max_fd = int(poll_items_.size() - 1); if (fd < 0 || -1 == max_fd || fd > max_fd) { KUMA_WARNTRACE("VPoll::updateFd, failed, fd="<<fd<<", max_fd="<<max_fd); return KMError::INVALID_PARAM; } if(poll_items_[fd].fd != fd) { KUMA_WARNTRACE("VPoll::updateFd, failed, fd="<<fd<<", item_fd="<<poll_items_[fd].fd); return KMError::INVALID_PARAM; } int idx = poll_items_[fd].idx; if (idx < 0 || idx >= poll_fds_.size()) { KUMA_WARNTRACE("VPoll::updateFd, failed, index="<<idx); return KMError::INVALID_STATE; } if(poll_fds_[idx].fd != fd) { KUMA_WARNTRACE("VPoll::updateFd, failed, fd="<<fd<<", pfds_fd="<<poll_fds_[idx].fd); return KMError::INVALID_PARAM; } poll_fds_[idx].events = get_events(events); poll_items_[fd].events = events; return KMError::NOERR; }
static void crash_and_debug(HKEY hkey, const char* argv0, const char* dbgtasks) { DWORD ret; HANDLE start_event, done_event; char* cmd; char dbglog[MAX_PATH]; char childlog[MAX_PATH]; PROCESS_INFORMATION info; STARTUPINFOA startup; DWORD exit_code; crash_blackbox_t crash_blackbox; debugger_blackbox_t dbg_blackbox; ret=RegSetValueExA(hkey, "auto", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)"1", 2); ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "unable to set AeDebug/auto: ret=%d\n", ret); get_file_name(dbglog); get_events(dbglog, &start_event, &done_event); cmd=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(argv0)+10+strlen(dbgtasks)+1+strlen(dbglog)+34+1); sprintf(cmd, "%s debugger %s %s %%ld %%ld", argv0, dbgtasks, dbglog); ret=RegSetValueExA(hkey, "debugger", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)cmd, strlen(cmd)+1); ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "unable to set AeDebug/debugger: ret=%d\n", ret); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd); get_file_name(childlog); cmd=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(argv0)+16+strlen(dbglog)+1); sprintf(cmd, "%s debugger crash %s", argv0, childlog); memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(startup)); startup.cb = sizeof(startup); startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; ret=CreateProcessA(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info); ok(ret, "CreateProcess: err=%d\n", GetLastError()); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd); CloseHandle(info.hThread); /* The process exits... */ trace("waiting for child exit...\n"); ok(WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, 60000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Timed out waiting for the child to crash\n"); ok(GetExitCodeProcess(info.hProcess, &exit_code), "GetExitCodeProcess failed: err=%d\n", GetLastError()); if (strstr(dbgtasks, "code2")) { /* If, after attaching to the debuggee, the debugger exits without * detaching, then the debuggee gets a special exit code. */ ok(exit_code == 0xffffffff || /* Win 9x */ exit_code == 0x80 || /* NT4 */ exit_code == STATUS_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE, /* Win >= XP */ "wrong exit code : %08x\n", exit_code); } else ok(exit_code == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION || exit_code == WAIT_ABANDONED, /* win2k3 */ "exit code = %08x instead of STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION or WAIT_ABANDONED\n", exit_code); CloseHandle(info.hProcess); /* ...before the debugger */ if (strstr(dbgtasks, "order")) ok(SetEvent(start_event), "SetEvent(start_event) failed\n"); trace("waiting for the debugger...\n"); ok(WaitForSingleObject(done_event, 60000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Timed out waiting for the debugger\n"); assert(load_blackbox(childlog, &crash_blackbox, sizeof(crash_blackbox))); assert(load_blackbox(dbglog, &dbg_blackbox, sizeof(dbg_blackbox))); ok(dbg_blackbox.argc == 6, "wrong debugger argument count: %d\n", dbg_blackbox.argc); ok( ==, "the child and debugged pids don't match: %d != %d\n",,; ok(dbg_blackbox.debug_rc, "debugger: SetEvent(debug_event) failed err=%d\n", dbg_blackbox.debug_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.attach_rc, "DebugActiveProcess(%d) failed err=%d\n",, dbg_blackbox.attach_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.nokill_rc, "DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(FALSE) failed err=%d\n", dbg_blackbox.nokill_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.detach_rc, "DebugActiveProcessStop(%d) failed err=%d\n",, dbg_blackbox.detach_err); assert(DeleteFileA(dbglog) != 0); assert(DeleteFileA(childlog) != 0); }
static void doDebugger(int argc, char** argv) { const char* logfile; debugger_blackbox_t blackbox; HANDLE start_event, done_event, debug_event; blackbox.argc=argc; logfile=(argc >= 4 ? argv[3] : NULL); >= 5 ? atol(argv[4]) : 0); if (strstr(myARGV[2], "attach")) { blackbox.attach_rc=DebugActiveProcess(; if (!blackbox.attach_rc) blackbox.attach_err=GetLastError(); } else blackbox.attach_rc=TRUE; debug_event=(argc >= 6 ? (HANDLE)atol(argv[5]) : NULL); if (debug_event && strstr(myARGV[2], "event")) { blackbox.debug_rc=SetEvent(debug_event); if (!blackbox.debug_rc) blackbox.debug_err=GetLastError(); } else blackbox.debug_rc=TRUE; get_events(logfile, &start_event, &done_event); if (strstr(myARGV[2], "order")) { trace("debugger: waiting for the start signal...\n"); WaitForSingleObject(start_event, INFINITE); } if (strstr(myARGV[2], "nokill")) { blackbox.nokill_rc=pDebugSetProcessKillOnExit(FALSE); if (!blackbox.nokill_rc) blackbox.nokill_err=GetLastError(); } else blackbox.nokill_rc=TRUE; if (strstr(myARGV[2], "detach")) { blackbox.detach_rc=pDebugActiveProcessStop(; if (!blackbox.detach_rc) blackbox.detach_err=GetLastError(); } else blackbox.detach_rc=TRUE; save_blackbox(logfile, &blackbox, sizeof(blackbox)); trace("debugger: done debugging...\n"); SetEvent(done_event); /* Just exit with a known value */ ExitProcess(0xdeadbeef); }
u32 SPUThread::get_ch_value(u32 ch) { if (Ini.HLELogging.GetValue()) { LOG_NOTICE(SPU, "get_ch_value(ch=%d [%s])", ch, ch < 128 ? spu_ch_name[ch] : "???"); } auto read_channel = [this](spu_channel_t& channel) -> u32 { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex, std::defer_lock); while (true) { bool result; u32 value; std::tie(result, value) = channel.try_pop(); if (result) { return value; } CHECK_EMU_STATUS; if (is_stopped()) throw CPUThreadStop{}; if (!lock) { lock.lock(); continue; } cv.wait(lock); } }; switch (ch) { //case SPU_RdSRR0: // value = SRR0; // break; case SPU_RdInMbox: { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex, std::defer_lock); while (true) { bool result; u32 value; u32 count; std::tie(result, value, count) = ch_in_mbox.try_pop(); if (result) { if (count + 1 == 4 /* SPU_IN_MBOX_THRESHOLD */) // TODO: check this { int_ctrl[2].set(SPU_INT2_STAT_SPU_MAILBOX_THRESHOLD_INT); } return value; } CHECK_EMU_STATUS; if (is_stopped()) throw CPUThreadStop{}; if (!lock) { lock.lock(); continue; } cv.wait(lock); } } case MFC_RdTagStat: { return read_channel(ch_tag_stat); } case MFC_RdTagMask: { return ch_tag_mask; } case SPU_RdSigNotify1: { return read_channel(ch_snr1); } case SPU_RdSigNotify2: { return read_channel(ch_snr2); } case MFC_RdAtomicStat: { return read_channel(ch_atomic_stat); } case MFC_RdListStallStat: { return read_channel(ch_stall_stat); } case SPU_RdDec: { return ch_dec_value - (u32)(get_timebased_time() - ch_dec_start_timestamp); } case SPU_RdEventMask: { return ch_event_mask.load(); } case SPU_RdEventStat: { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex, std::defer_lock); // start waiting or return immediately if (u32 res = get_events(true)) { return res; } if (ch_event_mask.load() & SPU_EVENT_LR) { // register waiter if polling reservation status is required vm::wait_op(*this, last_raddr, 128, WRAP_EXPR(get_events(true) || is_stopped())); } else { lock.lock(); // simple waiting loop otherwise while (!get_events(true) && !is_stopped()) { CHECK_EMU_STATUS; cv.wait(lock); } } ch_event_stat &= ~SPU_EVENT_WAITING; if (is_stopped()) throw CPUThreadStop{}; return get_events(); } case SPU_RdMachStat: { // HACK: "Not isolated" status // Return SPU Interrupt status in LSB return (ch_event_stat.load() & SPU_EVENT_INTR_ENABLED) != 0; } } throw EXCEPTION("Unknown/illegal channel (ch=%d [%s])", ch, ch < 128 ? spu_ch_name[ch] : "???"); }
static long mxc_ipu_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int ret = 0; switch (cmd) { case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_parm))) return -EFAULT; if (!parm.flag) { ret = ipu_init_channel(, &parm.params); } else { ret = ipu_init_channel(, NULL); } } break; case IPU_UNINIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_uninit_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.pixel_fmt, parm.width, parm.height, parm.stride, parm.rot_mode, parm.phyaddr_0, parm.phyaddr_1, parm.u_offset, parm.v_offset); } break; case IPU_UPDATE_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; if ((parm.phyaddr_0 != (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 == (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_0); } else if ((parm.phyaddr_0 == (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 != (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_1); } else { ret = -1; } } break; case IPU_SELECT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_select_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum); } break; case IPU_SELECT_MULTI_VDI_BUFFER: { uint32_t parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (uint32_t *) arg, sizeof(uint32_t))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_select_multi_vdi_buffer(parm); } break; case IPU_LINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_link_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_UNLINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_unlink_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_channel_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_info))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_disable_channel(, info.stop); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_disable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_CLEAR_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_clear_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_FREE_IRQ: { ipu_irq_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_irq_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_irq_info))) return -EFAULT; ipu_free_irq(info.irq, info.dev_id); irq_info[info.irq].irq_pending = 0; } break; case IPU_REQUEST_IRQ_STATUS: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_get_irq_status(irq); } break; case IPU_REGISTER_GENERIC_ISR: { ipu_event_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_event_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_request_irq(info.irq, mxc_ipu_generic_handler, 0, "video_sink",; if (ret == 0) init_waitqueue_head(&(irq_info[info.irq].waitq)); } break; case IPU_GET_EVENT: /* User will have to allocate event_type structure and pass the pointer in arg */ { ipu_event_info info; int r = -1; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_event_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) return -EFAULT; r = get_events(&info); if (r == -1) { if ((file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) && (irq_info[info.irq].irq_pending == 0)) return -EAGAIN; wait_event_interruptible_timeout(irq_info[info.irq].waitq, (irq_info[info.irq].irq_pending != 0), 2 * HZ); r = get_events(&info); } ret = -1; if (r == 0) { if (!copy_to_user((ipu_event_info *) arg, &info, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) ret = 0; } } break; case IPU_ALOC_MEM: { ipu_mem_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_mem_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_mem_info))) return -EFAULT; info.vaddr = dma_alloc_coherent(0, PAGE_ALIGN(info.size), &info.paddr, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL); if (info.vaddr == 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "dma alloc failed!\n"); return -ENOBUFS; } if (copy_to_user((ipu_mem_info *) arg, &info, sizeof(ipu_mem_info)) > 0) return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_FREE_MEM: { ipu_mem_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_mem_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_mem_info))) return -EFAULT; if (info.vaddr) dma_free_coherent(0, PAGE_ALIGN(info.size), info.vaddr, info.paddr); else return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_IS_CHAN_BUSY: { ipu_channel_t chan; if (copy_from_user (&chan, (ipu_channel_t *)arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_t))) return -EFAULT; if (ipu_is_channel_busy(chan)) ret = 1; else ret = 0; } break; case IPU_CALC_STRIPES_SIZE: { ipu_stripe_parm stripe_parm; if (copy_from_user (&stripe_parm, (ipu_stripe_parm *)arg, sizeof(ipu_stripe_parm))) return -EFAULT; ipu_calc_stripes_sizes(stripe_parm.input_width, stripe_parm.output_width, stripe_parm.maximal_stripe_width, stripe_parm.cirr, stripe_parm.equal_stripes, stripe_parm.input_pixelformat, stripe_parm.output_pixelformat, &stripe_parm.left, &stripe_parm.right); if (copy_to_user((ipu_stripe_parm *) arg, &stripe_parm, sizeof(ipu_stripe_parm)) > 0) return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_UPDATE_BUF_OFFSET: { ipu_buf_offset_parm offset_parm; if (copy_from_user (&offset_parm, (ipu_buf_offset_parm *)arg, sizeof(ipu_buf_offset_parm))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_update_channel_offset(, offset_parm.type, offset_parm.pixel_fmt, offset_parm.width, offset_parm.height, offset_parm.stride, offset_parm.u_offset, offset_parm.v_offset, offset_parm.vertical_offset, offset_parm.horizontal_offset); } break; case IPU_CSC_UPDATE: { int param[5][3]; ipu_csc_update csc; if (copy_from_user(&csc, (void *) arg, sizeof(ipu_csc_update))) return -EFAULT; if (copy_from_user(¶m[0][0], (void *) csc.param, sizeof(param))) return -EFAULT; ipu_set_csc_coefficients(, param); } break; default: break; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { char *display_name = NULL; char *device_name = NULL; char *output_name = NULL; XSetWindowAttributes xswa; int i = 0; double a, a1, a2, b, b1, b2, xerr, yerr; int xi_opcode, event, error; XExtensionVersion *version; XDeviceInfo *info; XDevice *device; long calib_data[4]; unsigned long mask; unsigned char swap; int keep_cursor = 0, ch; /* Crosshair placement */ int cpx[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; int cpy[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "cD:d:o:v")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': keep_cursor++; break; case 'D': display_name = optarg; break; case 'd': device_name = optarg; break; case 'o': output_name = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = True; break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 0) usage(); /* connect to X server */ if ((display = XOpenDisplay(display_name)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot connect to X server %s\n", __progname, XDisplayName(display_name)); exit(1); } screen = DefaultScreen(display); root = RootWindow(display, screen); /* get screen size from display structure macro */ xpos = 0; ypos = 0; width = DisplayWidth(display, screen); height = DisplayHeight(display, screen); if (XRRQueryExtension(display, &event, &error)) { int major, minor; if (XRRQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor) != True) { fprintf(stderr, "Error querying XRandR version"); } else { printf("XRandR extension version %d.%d present\n", major, minor); has_xrandr = True; if (major > 1 || (major == 1 && minor >=2)) has_xrandr_1_2 = True; if (major > 1 || (major == 1 && minor >=3)) has_xrandr_1_3 = True; } } if (output_name != NULL) { if (has_xrandr_1_2) { get_xrandr_config(display, root, output_name, &xpos, &ypos, &width, &height); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can not specify an output " "whithout XRandr 1.2 or later", __progname); exit(2); } } if (!XQueryExtension(display, INAME, &xi_opcode, &event, &error)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: X Input extension not available.\n", __progname); exit(1); } version = XGetExtensionVersion(display, INAME); if (version == NULL || version == (XExtensionVersion *)NoSuchExtension) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot query X Input version.\n"); exit(1); } XFree(version); prop_calibration = XInternAtom(display, WS_PROP_CALIBRATION, True); if (prop_calibration == None) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find the \"%s\" device property.\n" "There are probably no calibrable devices " "on this system.\n", WS_PROP_CALIBRATION); exit(1); } prop_swap = XInternAtom(display, WS_PROP_SWAP_AXES, True); if (prop_swap == None) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find the \"%s\" device property\n", WS_PROP_SWAP_AXES); exit(1); } info = find_device_info(device_name); if (info == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find the %s device\n", device_name ? device_name : "default"); exit(1); } /* setup window attributes */ xswa.override_redirect = True; xswa.background_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen); xswa.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask; mask = CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel | CWEventMask; if (!keep_cursor) { xswa.cursor = create_empty_cursor(); mask |= CWCursor; } win = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen), xpos, ypos, width, height, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, mask, &xswa); render_init(); XMapWindow(display, win); XGrabKeyboard(display, win, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); XGrabServer(display); XClearWindow(display, win); if (verbose) printf("Calibrating %s\n", info->name); device = XOpenDevice(display, info->id); if (!device) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open the X input device \"%s\"\n", info->name); return 0; } if (!register_events(info, device, 0)) exit(1); uncalibrate(device); calib: XftDrawRect(draw, &bg, 0, 0, width, height); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { draw_graphics(cpx[i], cpy[i], i); XFlush(display); if (!get_events(i)) break; XftDrawRect(draw, &bg, 0, 0, width, height); } if (interrupted) cleanup_exit(device); /* Check if X and Y should be swapped */ if (fabs(x[0] - x[1]) > fabs(y[0] - y[1])) { calib.swapxy = 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int t = x[i]; x[i] = y[i]; y[i] = t; } } /* get touch pad resolution to screen resolution ratio */ a1 = (double) (x[4] - x[0]) / (double) (cx[4] - cx[0]); a2 = (double) (x[3] - x[1]) / (double) (cx[3] - cx[1]); /* get the minimum pad position on the X-axis */ b1 = x[0] - a1 * cx[0]; b2 = x[1] - a2 * cx[1]; /* use the average ratio and average minimum position */ a = (a1 + a2) / 2.0; b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0; xerr = a * width / 2 + b - x[2]; if (fabs(xerr) > fabs(a * width * .01)) { fprintf(stderr, "Calibration problem: X axis error (%.2f) too high, try again\n", fabs(xerr)); goto err; } calib.minx = (int) (b + 0.5); calib.maxx = (int) (a * width + b + 0.5); /* get touch pad resolution to screen resolution ratio */ a1 = (double) (y[4] - y[0]) / (double) (cy[4] - cy[0]); a2 = (double) (y[3] - y[1]) / (double) (cy[3] - cy[1]); /* get the minimum pad position on the Y-axis */ b1 = y[0] - a1 * cy[0]; b2 = y[1] - a2 * cy[1]; /* use the average ratio and average minimum position */ a = (a1 + a2) / 2.0; b = (b1 + b2) / 2.0; yerr = a * height / 2 + b - y[2]; if (fabs(yerr) > fabs(a * height * 0.01)) { fprintf(stderr, "Calibration problem: Y axis error (%.2f) too high, try again\n", fabs(yerr)); goto err; } calib.miny = (int) (b + 0.5); calib.maxy = (int) (a * height + b + 0.5); XFlush(display); calib.resx = width; calib.resy = height; /* Send new values to the X server */ calib_data[0] = calib.minx; calib_data[1] = calib.maxx; calib_data[2] = calib.miny; calib_data[3] = calib.maxy; XChangeDeviceProperty(display, device, prop_calibration, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)calib_data, 4); swap = calib.swapxy; XChangeDeviceProperty(display, device, prop_swap, XA_INTEGER, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&swap, 1); XCloseDevice(display, device); XCloseDisplay(display); /* And print them for storage in wsconsctl.conf */ printf("mouse.scale=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", calib.minx, calib.maxx, calib.miny, calib.maxy, calib.swapxy, calib.resx, calib.resy); return 0; err: draw_text(error_message, &errorColor); XFlush(display); sleep(2); goto calib; }
/* Event handler for tool 'configuration-manager' */ ATerm configuration_manager_handler(int conn, ATerm term) { ATerm in, out; /* We need some temporary variables during matching */ char *s0; ATerm t0, t1, t2; if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-text-categories)")) { return get_text_categories(conn); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-do(change-workspace(<str>))", &s0)) { change_workspace(conn, s0); return NULL; } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-language-extension(<str>))", &s0)) { return get_language_extension(conn, s0); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-library-paths)")) { return get_library_paths(conn); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-subtype-action(<term>,<term>,<term>))", &t0, &t1, &t2)) { return get_subtype_action(conn, t0, t1, t2); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-do(add-system-property(<term>))", &t0)) { add_system_property(conn, t0); return NULL; } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-action(<term>,<term>))", &t0, &t1)) { return get_action(conn, t0, t1); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-do(add-system-properties(<str>))", &s0)) { add_system_properties(conn, s0); return NULL; } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-module-paths)")) { return get_module_paths(conn); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-do(remove-system-property(<term>))", &t0)) { remove_system_property(conn, t0); return NULL; } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-subtype-events(<term>,<term>))", &t0, &t1)) { return get_subtype_events(conn, t0, t1); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-extension-editor(<str>))", &s0)) { return get_extension_editor(conn, s0); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-terminate(<term>)", &t0)) { rec_terminate(conn, t0); return NULL; } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-eval(get-events(<term>))", &t0)) { return get_events(conn, t0); } if(ATmatch(term, "rec-do(signature(<term>,<term>))", &in, &out)) { ATerm result = configuration_manager_checker(conn, in); if(!ATmatch(result, "[]")) ATfprintf(stderr, "warning: not in input signature:\n\t%\n\tl\n", result); return NULL; } ATerror("tool configuration-manager cannot handle term %t", term); return NULL; /* Silence the compiler */ }
int main(void) { /** SDL2 initialized: */ if (sdl_init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "SDL initialize failed (%s)\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /** Window creation: */ SDL_Window *pWindow = NULL; pWindow = sdl_create_window("Balls", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, WIDTH, HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN); if (pWindow == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Windows creation error: (%s)\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /** Renderer creation. */ SDL_Renderer *pRenderer; if ((pRenderer = sdl_create_renderer(pWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL Renderer creating error (%s)\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /** Random seed initialized. **/ struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srand((unsigned int) tv.tv_usec); /** Define the balls and initialized the balls. **/ Ball *red_ball = init_ball('r'); Ball *green_ball = init_ball('g'); Ball *blue_ball = init_ball('b'); Ball *yellow_ball = init_ball('y'); Ball *pink_ball = init_ball('p'); Ball *turquoise_ball = init_ball('t'); const int FPS = 90; const int FRAME_DELAY = 1000 / FPS; set_loop(true); while (loop) { /** SDL2 mainloop. **/ int frame_start = SDL_GetTicks(); /** Check if a ball collide the border rounded box: **/ check_collide_borders(red_ball); check_collide_borders(green_ball); check_collide_borders(blue_ball); check_collide_borders(yellow_ball); check_collide_borders(pink_ball); check_collide_borders(turquoise_ball); /** Increment the balls positions: **/ translate_ball(red_ball); translate_ball(green_ball); translate_ball(blue_ball); translate_ball(yellow_ball); translate_ball(pink_ball); translate_ball(turquoise_ball); clear(pRenderer, 127, 127, 127, 127); /** Displaying the interior black boxe using a SDL2_gfx function. **/ boxRGBA(pRenderer, 32, 32, WIDTH - 32, HEIGHT - 32, 0, 0, 0, 255); /** Display the balls: **/ display_ball(pRenderer, red_ball); display_ball(pRenderer, green_ball); display_ball(pRenderer, blue_ball); display_ball(pRenderer, yellow_ball); display_ball(pRenderer, pink_ball); display_ball(pRenderer, turquoise_ball); display(pRenderer); update(pWindow); get_events(); int frame_end = SDL_GetTicks() - frame_start; if (frame_end < FRAME_DELAY) { SDL_Delay(FRAME_DELAY - frame_end); } } free_ball(red_ball); free_ball(green_ball); free_ball(blue_ball); free_ball(yellow_ball); free_ball(pink_ball); free_ball(turquoise_ball); clean_up(pRenderer, pWindow); SDL_Quit(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static int mxc_ipu_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int ret = 0; switch (cmd) { case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_parm))) return -EFAULT; if (!parm.flag) { ret = ipu_init_channel(, &parm.params); } else { ret = ipu_init_channel(, NULL); } } break; case IPU_UNINIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_uninit_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.pixel_fmt, parm.width, parm.height, parm.stride, parm.rot_mode, parm.phyaddr_0, parm.phyaddr_1, parm.u_offset, parm.v_offset); } break; case IPU_UPDATE_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; if ((parm.phyaddr_0 != (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 == (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_0); } else if ((parm.phyaddr_0 == (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 != (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_1); } else { ret = -1; } } break; case IPU_SELECT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_select_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum); } break; case IPU_LINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_link_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_UNLINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_unlink_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_channel_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_info))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_disable_channel(, info.stop); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_disable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_CLEAR_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_clear_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_FREE_IRQ: { ipu_irq_info info; int i; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_irq_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_irq_info))) return -EFAULT; ipu_free_irq(info.irq, info.dev_id); for (i = 0; i < MAX_Q_SIZE; i++) { if (events[i].irq == info.irq) events[i].irq = 0; } } break; case IPU_REQUEST_IRQ_STATUS: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_get_irq_status(irq); } break; case IPU_REGISTER_GENERIC_ISR: { ipu_event_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_event_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_request_irq(info.irq, mxc_ipu_generic_handler, 0, "video_sink",; } break; case IPU_GET_EVENT: /* User will have to allocate event_type structure and pass the pointer in arg */ { ipu_event_info info; int r = -1; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_event_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) return -EFAULT; r = get_events(&info); if (r == -1) { wait_event_interruptible_timeout(waitq, (pending_events != 0), HZ/10); r = get_events(&info); } ret = -1; if (r == 0) { if (!copy_to_user((ipu_event_info *) arg, &info, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) ret = 0; } } break; case IPU_ALOC_MEM: { ipu_mem_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_mem_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_mem_info))) return -EFAULT; info.vaddr = dma_alloc_coherent(0, PAGE_ALIGN(info.size), &info.paddr, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL); if (info.vaddr == 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "dma alloc failed!\n"); return -ENOBUFS; } if (copy_to_user((ipu_mem_info *) arg, &info, sizeof(ipu_mem_info)) > 0) return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_FREE_MEM: { ipu_mem_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_mem_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_mem_info))) return -EFAULT; if (info.vaddr) dma_free_coherent(0, PAGE_ALIGN(info.size), info.vaddr, info.paddr); else return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_IS_CHAN_BUSY: { ipu_channel_t chan; if (copy_from_user (&chan, (ipu_channel_t *)arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_t))) return -EFAULT; if (ipu_is_channel_busy(chan)) ret = 1; else ret = 0; } break; default: break; } return ret; }
static inline void update_state(void) { DHT22_DATA_t sensor_values; rtc_datetime_24h_t current_dt; readDHT22(&sensor_values); rtc_read(rtc, ¤t_dt); event_t* events = get_events(); long start_secs; long current_secs; uint8_t i = 0; uint8_t flag = 0; state.temperature = sensor_values.raw_temperature; state.humidity = sensor_values.raw_humidity; state.light = adc_read(PHOTORESISTOR); datetime = (datetime_t ) { .year = current_dt.year, .month = current_dt.month, .date =, .hour = current_dt.hour, .minute = current_dt.minute, .second = current_dt.second }; current_secs = get_seconds((instant_t ) { datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second }); // recorro eventos para ver si tengo que activar relays for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) { if (events[i].enabled) { start_secs = get_seconds(events[i].start); if (start_secs < current_secs && (start_secs + events[i].duration) > current_secs) { flag |= (1 << events[i].target); /* activar el evento */ } } } // si activaron coil, estamos dentro de un evento o presionaron pulsador for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_COILS; i++) { if (relays & (1 << i) || (flag & (1 << i)) || is_pushed()) { enable_relay(i); } else { disable_relay(i); } } if (ticks >= get_log_interval()) { update_log_filename(); /* si cambio el dia y hay que hacer roll del archivo */ //yyyyMMddhhmmss light humidity temperature f_printf(&log_file, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", datetime.year, datetime.month,, datetime.hour, datetime.minute, datetime.second, state.light, state.humidity, state.temperature, is_relay_enabled(0), is_relay_enabled(1)); f_sync(&log_file); ticks = 0; } } void timer0_callback() { ticks++; LED_PORT ^= _BV(LED); }
/** * ecryptfs_readdir * @file: The eCryptfs directory file * @ctx: The actor to feed the entries to */ static int ecryptfs_readdir(struct file *file, struct dir_context *ctx) { int rc; struct file *lower_file; struct inode *inode = file_inode(file); struct ecryptfs_getdents_callback buf = { = ecryptfs_filldir, .caller = ctx, .sb = inode->i_sb, }; lower_file = ecryptfs_file_to_lower(file); lower_file->f_pos = ctx->pos; rc = iterate_dir(lower_file, &buf.ctx); ctx->pos = buf.ctx.pos; if (rc < 0) goto out; if (buf.filldir_called && !buf.entries_written) goto out; if (rc >= 0) fsstack_copy_attr_atime(inode, file_inode(lower_file)); out: return rc; } struct kmem_cache *ecryptfs_file_info_cache; static int read_or_initialize_metadata(struct dentry *dentry) { struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode; struct ecryptfs_mount_crypt_stat *mount_crypt_stat; struct ecryptfs_crypt_stat *crypt_stat; int rc; crypt_stat = &ecryptfs_inode_to_private(inode)->crypt_stat; mount_crypt_stat = &ecryptfs_superblock_to_private( inode->i_sb)->mount_crypt_stat; mutex_lock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); if (crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_POLICY_APPLIED && crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_KEY_VALID) { rc = 0; goto out; } rc = ecryptfs_read_metadata(dentry); if (!rc) goto out; if (mount_crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_PLAINTEXT_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED) { crypt_stat->flags &= ~(ECRYPTFS_I_SIZE_INITIALIZED | ECRYPTFS_ENCRYPTED); rc = 0; goto out; } if (!(mount_crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_XATTR_METADATA_ENABLED) && !i_size_read(ecryptfs_inode_to_lower(inode))) { rc = ecryptfs_initialize_file(dentry, inode); if (!rc) goto out; } rc = -EIO; out: mutex_unlock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); return rc; } /** * ecryptfs_open * @inode: inode speciying file to open * @file: Structure to return filled in * * Opens the file specified by inode. * * Returns zero on success; non-zero otherwise */ static int ecryptfs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { int rc = 0; struct ecryptfs_crypt_stat *crypt_stat = NULL; struct dentry *ecryptfs_dentry = file->f_path.dentry; int ret; /* Private value of ecryptfs_dentry allocated in * ecryptfs_lookup() */ struct ecryptfs_file_info *file_info; /* Released in ecryptfs_release or end of function if failure */ file_info = kmem_cache_zalloc(ecryptfs_file_info_cache, GFP_KERNEL); ecryptfs_set_file_private(file, file_info); if (!file_info) { ecryptfs_printk(KERN_ERR, "Error attempting to allocate memory\n"); rc = -ENOMEM; goto out; } crypt_stat = &ecryptfs_inode_to_private(inode)->crypt_stat; mutex_lock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); if (!(crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_POLICY_APPLIED)) { ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "Setting flags for stat...\n"); /* Policy code enabled in future release */ crypt_stat->flags |= (ECRYPTFS_POLICY_APPLIED | ECRYPTFS_ENCRYPTED); } mutex_unlock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); rc = ecryptfs_get_lower_file(ecryptfs_dentry, inode); if (rc) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Error attempting to initialize " "the lower file for the dentry with name " "[%pd]; rc = [%d]\n", __func__, ecryptfs_dentry, rc); goto out_free; } if ((ecryptfs_inode_to_private(inode)->lower_file->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY && (file->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDONLY) { rc = -EPERM; printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Lower file is RO; eCryptfs " "file must hence be opened RO\n", __func__); goto out_put; } ecryptfs_set_file_lower( file, ecryptfs_inode_to_private(inode)->lower_file); if (S_ISDIR(ecryptfs_dentry->d_inode->i_mode)) { ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "This is a directory\n"); mutex_lock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); crypt_stat->flags &= ~(ECRYPTFS_ENCRYPTED); mutex_unlock(&crypt_stat->cs_mutex); rc = 0; goto out; } rc = read_or_initialize_metadata(ecryptfs_dentry); if (rc) goto out_put; ecryptfs_printk(KERN_DEBUG, "inode w/ addr = [0x%p], i_ino = " "[0x%.16lx] size: [0x%.16llx]\n", inode, inode->i_ino, (unsigned long long)i_size_read(inode)); if (get_events() && get_events()->open_cb) { ret = vfs_fsync(file, false); if (ret) ecryptfs_printk(KERN_ERR, "failed to sync file ret = %d.\n", ret); get_events()->open_cb(ecryptfs_inode_to_lower(inode), crypt_stat); if (crypt_stat->flags & ECRYPTFS_METADATA_IN_XATTR) { truncate_inode_pages(inode->i_mapping, 0); truncate_inode_pages( ecryptfs_inode_to_lower(inode)->i_mapping, 0); } } goto out; out_put: ecryptfs_put_lower_file(inode); out_free: kmem_cache_free(ecryptfs_file_info_cache, ecryptfs_file_to_private(file)); out: return rc; }
static int mxc_ipu_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int ret = 0; switch (cmd) { case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_parm))) { return -EFAULT; } if (!parm.flag) { ret = ipu_init_channel(, &parm.params); } else { ret = ipu_init_channel(, NULL); } } break; case IPU_UNINIT_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_uninit_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_INIT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.pixel_fmt, parm.width, parm.height, parm.stride, parm.rot_mode, parm.phyaddr_0, parm.phyaddr_1, parm.u_offset, parm.v_offset); } break; case IPU_UPDATE_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) { return -EFAULT; } if ((parm.phyaddr_0 != (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 == (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_0); } else if ((parm.phyaddr_0 == (dma_addr_t) NULL) && (parm.phyaddr_1 != (dma_addr_t) NULL)) { ret = ipu_update_channel_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum, parm.phyaddr_1); } else { ret = -1; } } break; case IPU_SELECT_CHANNEL_BUFFER: { ipu_channel_buf_parm parm; if (copy_from_user (&parm, (ipu_channel_buf_parm *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_buf_parm))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_select_buffer(, parm.type, parm.bufNum); } break; case IPU_LINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_link_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_UNLINK_CHANNELS: { ipu_channel_link link; if (copy_from_user (&link, (ipu_channel_link *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_link))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_unlink_channels(link.src_ch, link.dest_ch); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_t ch; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(ch, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_channel(ch); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_CHANNEL: { ipu_channel_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_channel_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_channel_info))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_disable_channel(, info.stop); } break; case IPU_ENABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_enable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_DISABLE_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_disable_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_CLEAR_IRQ: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_clear_irq(irq); } break; case IPU_FREE_IRQ: { ipu_irq_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_irq_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_irq_info))) { return -EFAULT; } ipu_free_irq(info.irq, info.dev_id); } break; case IPU_REQUEST_IRQ_STATUS: { uint32_t irq; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(irq, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_get_irq_status(irq); } break; case IPU_SDC_INIT_PANEL: { ipu_sdc_panel_info sinfo; if (copy_from_user (&sinfo, (ipu_sdc_panel_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_sdc_panel_info))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_sdc_init_panel(sinfo.panel, sinfo.pixel_clk, sinfo.width, sinfo.height, sinfo.pixel_fmt, sinfo.hStartWidth, sinfo.hSyncWidth, sinfo.hEndWidth, sinfo.vStartWidth, sinfo.vSyncWidth, sinfo.vEndWidth, sinfo.signal); } break; case IPU_SDC_SET_WIN_POS: { ipu_sdc_window_pos pos; if (copy_from_user (&pos, (ipu_sdc_window_pos *) arg, sizeof(ipu_sdc_window_pos))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_sdc_set_window_pos(, pos.x_pos, pos.y_pos); } break; case IPU_SDC_SET_GLOBAL_ALPHA: { ipu_sdc_global_alpha g; if (copy_from_user (&g, (ipu_sdc_global_alpha *) arg, sizeof(ipu_sdc_global_alpha))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_sdc_set_global_alpha(g.enable, g.alpha); } break; case IPU_SDC_SET_COLOR_KEY: { ipu_sdc_color_key c; if (copy_from_user (&c, (ipu_sdc_color_key *) arg, sizeof(ipu_sdc_color_key))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_sdc_set_color_key(, c.enable, c.colorKey); } break; case IPU_SDC_SET_BRIGHTNESS: { uint8_t b; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(b, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_sdc_set_brightness(b); } break; case IPU_REGISTER_GENERIC_ISR: { ipu_event_info info; if (copy_from_user (&info, (ipu_event_info *) arg, sizeof(ipu_event_info))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_request_irq(info.irq, mxc_ipu_generic_handler, 0, "video_sink",; } break; case IPU_GET_EVENT: /* User will have to allocate event_type structure and pass the pointer in arg */ { event_type ev; int r = -1; r = get_events(&ev); if (r == -1) { wait_event_interruptible(waitq, (pending_events != 0)); r = get_events(&ev); } ret = -1; if (r == 0) { if (!copy_to_user((event_type *) arg, &ev, sizeof(event_type))) { ret = 0; } } } break; case IPU_ADC_WRITE_TEMPLATE: { ipu_adc_template temp; if (copy_from_user (&temp, (ipu_adc_template *) arg, sizeof(temp))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_write_template(temp.disp, temp.pCmd, temp.write); } break; case IPU_ADC_UPDATE: { ipu_adc_update update; if (copy_from_user (&update, (ipu_adc_update *) arg, sizeof(update))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_set_update_mode(, update.mode, update.refresh_rate, update.addr, update.size); } break; case IPU_ADC_SNOOP: { ipu_adc_snoop snoop; if (copy_from_user (&snoop, (ipu_adc_snoop *) arg, sizeof(snoop))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_get_snooping_status(snoop.statl, snoop.stath); } break; case IPU_ADC_CMD: { ipu_adc_cmd cmd; if (copy_from_user (&cmd, (ipu_adc_cmd *) arg, sizeof(cmd))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_write_cmd(cmd.disp, cmd.type, cmd.cmd, cmd.params, cmd.numParams); } break; case IPU_ADC_INIT_PANEL: { ipu_adc_panel panel; if (copy_from_user (&panel, (ipu_adc_panel *) arg, sizeof(panel))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_init_panel(panel.disp, panel.width, panel.height, panel.pixel_fmt, panel.stride, panel.signal, panel.addr, panel.vsync_width, panel.mode); } break; case IPU_ADC_IFC_TIMING: { ipu_adc_ifc_timing t; if (copy_from_user (&t, (ipu_adc_ifc_timing *) arg, sizeof(t))) { return -EFAULT; } ret = ipu_adc_init_ifc_timing(t.disp,, t.cycle_time, t.up_time, t.down_time, t.read_latch_time, t.pixel_clk); } break; case IPU_CSI_INIT_INTERFACE: { ipu_csi_interface c; if (copy_from_user (&c, (ipu_csi_interface *) arg, sizeof(c))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_csi_init_interface(c.width, c.height, c.pixel_fmt, c.signal); } break; case IPU_CSI_ENABLE_MCLK: { ipu_csi_mclk m; if (copy_from_user(&m, (ipu_csi_mclk *) arg, sizeof(m))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_csi_enable_mclk(m.src, m.flag, m.wait); } break; case IPU_CSI_READ_MCLK_FLAG: { ret = ipu_csi_read_mclk_flag(); } break; case IPU_CSI_FLASH_STROBE: { bool strobe; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(strobe, argp)) return -EFAULT; ipu_csi_flash_strobe(strobe); } break; case IPU_CSI_GET_WIN_SIZE: { ipu_csi_window_size w; ipu_csi_get_window_size(&w.width, &w.height); if (copy_to_user ((ipu_csi_window_size *) arg, &w, sizeof(w))) return -EFAULT; } break; case IPU_CSI_SET_WIN_SIZE: { ipu_csi_window_size w; if (copy_from_user (&w, (ipu_csi_window_size *) arg, sizeof(w))) return -EFAULT; ipu_csi_set_window_size(w.width, w.height); } break; case IPU_CSI_SET_WINDOW: { ipu_csi_window p; if (copy_from_user (&p, (ipu_csi_window *) arg, sizeof(p))) return -EFAULT; ipu_csi_set_window_pos(p.left,; } break; case IPU_PF_SET_PAUSE_ROW: { uint32_t p; int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (get_user(p, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_pf_set_pause_row(p); } break; default: break; } return ret; }
static void crash_and_debug(HKEY hkey, const char* argv0, const char* dbgtasks) { static BOOL skip_crash_and_debug = FALSE; BOOL bRet; DWORD ret; HANDLE start_event, done_event; char* cmd; char dbglog[MAX_PATH]; char childlog[MAX_PATH]; PROCESS_INFORMATION info; STARTUPINFOA startup; DWORD exit_code; crash_blackbox_t crash_blackbox; debugger_blackbox_t dbg_blackbox; DWORD wait_code; if (skip_crash_and_debug) { win_skip("Skipping crash_and_debug\n"); return; } ret=RegSetValueExA(hkey, "auto", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)"1", 2); if (ret == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { skip_crash_and_debug = TRUE; skip("No write access to change the debugger\n"); return; } ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "unable to set AeDebug/auto: ret=%d\n", ret); get_file_name(dbglog); get_events(dbglog, &start_event, &done_event); cmd=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(argv0)+10+strlen(dbgtasks)+1+strlen(dbglog)+2+34+1); sprintf(cmd, "%s debugger %s \"%s\" %%ld %%ld", argv0, dbgtasks, dbglog); ret=RegSetValueExA(hkey, "debugger", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)cmd, strlen(cmd)+1); ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "unable to set AeDebug/debugger: ret=%d\n", ret); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd); get_file_name(childlog); cmd=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(argv0)+16+strlen(dbglog)+2+1); sprintf(cmd, "%s debugger crash \"%s\"", argv0, childlog); memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(startup)); startup.cb = sizeof(startup); startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; ret=CreateProcessA(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info); ok(ret, "CreateProcess: err=%d\n", GetLastError()); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd); CloseHandle(info.hThread); /* The process exits... */ trace("waiting for child exit...\n"); wait_code = WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, 30000); #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(__MINGW32__) /* Mingw x64 doesn't output proper unwind info */ skip_crash_and_debug = broken(wait_code == WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (skip_crash_and_debug) { TerminateProcess(info.hProcess, WAIT_TIMEOUT); WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, 5000); CloseHandle(info.hProcess); assert(DeleteFileA(dbglog) != 0); assert(DeleteFileA(childlog) != 0); win_skip("Giving up on child process\n"); return; } #endif ok(wait_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Timed out waiting for the child to crash\n"); bRet = GetExitCodeProcess(info.hProcess, &exit_code); ok(bRet, "GetExitCodeProcess failed: err=%d\n", GetLastError()); if (strstr(dbgtasks, "code2")) { /* If, after attaching to the debuggee, the debugger exits without * detaching, then the debuggee gets a special exit code. */ ok(exit_code == STATUS_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE || broken(exit_code == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) || /* Intermittent Vista+ */ broken(exit_code == WAIT_ABANDONED), /* NT4, W2K */ "wrong exit code : %08x\n", exit_code); } else ok(exit_code == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION || broken(exit_code == WAIT_ABANDONED), /* NT4, W2K, W2K3 */ "wrong exit code : %08x\n", exit_code); CloseHandle(info.hProcess); /* ...before the debugger */ if (strstr(dbgtasks, "order")) ok(SetEvent(start_event), "SetEvent(start_event) failed\n"); trace("waiting for the debugger...\n"); wait_code = WaitForSingleObject(done_event, 5000); #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(__MINGW32__) /* Mingw x64 doesn't output proper unwind info */ skip_crash_and_debug = broken(wait_code == WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (skip_crash_and_debug) { assert(DeleteFileA(dbglog) != 0); assert(DeleteFileA(childlog) != 0); win_skip("Giving up on debugger\n"); return; } #endif ok(wait_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Timed out waiting for the debugger\n"); assert(load_blackbox(childlog, &crash_blackbox, sizeof(crash_blackbox))); assert(load_blackbox(dbglog, &dbg_blackbox, sizeof(dbg_blackbox))); ok(dbg_blackbox.argc == 6, "wrong debugger argument count: %d\n", dbg_blackbox.argc); ok( ==, "the child and debugged pids don't match: %d != %d\n",,; ok(dbg_blackbox.debug_rc, "debugger: SetEvent(debug_event) failed err=%d\n", dbg_blackbox.debug_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.attach_rc, "DebugActiveProcess(%d) failed err=%d\n",, dbg_blackbox.attach_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.nokill_rc, "DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(FALSE) failed err=%d\n", dbg_blackbox.nokill_err); ok(dbg_blackbox.detach_rc, "DebugActiveProcessStop(%d) failed err=%d\n",, dbg_blackbox.detach_err); assert(DeleteFileA(dbglog) != 0); assert(DeleteFileA(childlog) != 0); }