Esempio n. 1
/** Generate a new certificate for our loaded or generated keys, and write it
 * to disk.  Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure. */
static int
  char buf[8192];
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  struct tm tm;
  char published[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
  char expires[ISO_TIME_LEN+1];
  char fingerprint[FINGERPRINT_LEN+1];
  char *ident = key_to_string(identity_key);
  char *signing = key_to_string(signing_key);
  FILE *f;
  size_t signed_len;
  char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
  char signature[1024]; /* handles up to 8192-bit keys. */
  int r;

  get_fingerprint(identity_key, fingerprint);

  tor_localtime_r(&now, &tm);
  tm.tm_mon += months_lifetime;

  format_iso_time(published, now);
  format_iso_time(expires, mktime(&tm));

  tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "dir-key-certificate-version 3"
               "\nfingerprint %s\n"
               "dir-key-published %s\n"
               "dir-key-expires %s\n"
               address?"\ndir-address ":"", address?address:"",
               fingerprint, published, expires, ident, signing);
  signed_len = strlen(buf);
  SHA1((const unsigned char*)buf,signed_len,(unsigned char*)digest);

  r = RSA_private_encrypt(DIGEST_LEN, (unsigned char*)digest,
                          (unsigned char*)signature,
  strlcat(buf, "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n", sizeof(buf));
  signed_len = strlen(buf);
  base64_encode(buf+signed_len, sizeof(buf)-signed_len, signature, r);
  strlcat(buf, "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n", sizeof(buf));

  if (!(f = fopen(certificate_file, "w"))) {
    log_err(LD_GENERAL, "Couldn't open %s for writing: %s",
            certificate_file, strerror(errno));
    return 1;

  fputs(buf, f);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void definition_cache::add(environment const & env, name const & n, expr const & pre_type, expr const & pre_value,
                           level_param_names const & ls, expr const & type, expr const & value, bool is_trusted) {
    dependencies deps;
    collect_dependencies(env, type, deps);
    collect_dependencies(env, value, deps);
    uint64 fingerprint = get_fingerprint(env);
    lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
    add_core(n, pre_type, pre_value, ls, type, value, deps, fingerprint, is_trusted);
Esempio n. 3
static void ssl_manager_load_certs (void) 
	GDir *dir;
	const gchar *d;
	GError *error = NULL;
	gchar *path;
	int row = 0;
	GtkListStore *store;

	store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model


	path = g_strconcat(get_rc_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, 
			  "certs", G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL);

	if((dir = g_dir_open(path, 0, &error)) == NULL) {
		debug_print("couldn't open dir '%s': %s (%d)\n", path,
				error->message, error->code);
	while ((d = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) {
		gchar *server = NULL, *port = NULL, *fp = NULL;
		SSLCertificate *cert;

		if(strstr(d, ".cert") != d + (strlen(d) - strlen(".cert"))) 

		get_serverport(d, &server, &port);
		fp = get_fingerprint(d);

		if (server != NULL && port != NULL) {
			gint portnum = atoi(port);
			if (portnum > 0 && portnum <= 65535) {
				cert = ssl_certificate_find(server, portnum, fp);
				ssl_manager_list_view_insert_cert(manager.certlist, NULL,
						server, port, cert);
Esempio n. 4
static void ssl_manager_load_certs (void) 
	DIR *dir;
	struct dirent *d;
	gchar *path;
	int row = 0;
	GtkListStore *store;

	store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model


	path = g_strconcat(get_rc_dir(), G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, 
			  "certs", G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, NULL);

	if((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL) {
	while ((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
		gchar *server, *port, *fp;
		SSLCertificate *cert;

		if(!strstr(d->d_name, ".cert")) 

		server = get_server(d->d_name);
		port = get_port(d->d_name);
		fp = get_fingerprint(d->d_name);
		cert = ssl_certificate_find(server, atoi(port), fp);

		ssl_manager_list_view_insert_cert(manager.certlist, NULL, 
						  server, port, cert);
Esempio n. 5
optional<std::tuple<level_param_names, expr, expr>>
definition_cache::find(environment const & env, name const & n, expr const & pre_type, expr const & pre_value, bool is_trusted) {
    entry e;
        lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
        if (auto it = m_definitions.find(n)) {
            e = *it;
        } else {
            return optional<std::tuple<level_param_names, expr, expr>>();
    level_param_names ls;
    if (e.m_is_trusted == is_trusted &&
        expr_eq_modulo_placeholders_fn()(e.m_pre_type, pre_type) &&
        expr_eq_modulo_placeholders_fn()(e.m_pre_value, pre_value) &&
        get_fingerprint(env) == e.m_fingerprint &&
        check_dependencies(env, e.m_dependencies)) {
        return some(std::make_tuple(e.m_params, e.m_type, e.m_value));
    } else {
        return optional<std::tuple<level_param_names, expr, expr>>();
Esempio n. 6
/* We have parsed a 'certif:' attribute from a 'key-cert' object.
 * Now perform the check to make sure the hexid specified in the
 * 'key-cert:' attribute matches the hexid from the 'certif:'
 * attribute.  We perform this check (and others) by adding the
 * 'certif:' attribute/PGP key block to a temp ring and parsing
 * the output from PGP.  Additionally, we check the following:
 *  1. make sure there is only 1 hexid in the key
 *  2. make sure there is at least 1 owner/uid specified
 *  3. make sure we get a 'Successful' return string from PGP
 *  4. call get_fingerprint () to get the key fingerprint
 *     which checks to make sure there is only 1 fingerprint
 * Return:
 *    file name of key certificate file if there were no errors found
 *      - the file can then be used to easily add the PGP key to the
 *        local ring
 *      - the key fingerprint and owner(s)/uid(s) are saved to be
 *        used for the corresponding 'key-cert' auto-generated fields
 *    NULL otherwise
char *hexid_check (parse_info_t *o) {
#ifdef PGP
  char pgpinfn[256], tmp_pgp_dir[256], ebuf[1024];
  FILE *pgpin;
  char_list_t *p;
  pgp_data_t pdat;
  int pgp_errors = 0, fd;

  /* If we don't have PGP installed then there is nothing to do. */
#ifndef PGP
    error_msg_queue (o, "PGP is not installed on the system.  Cannot perform operation.", ERROR_MSG);
    return NULL;

  /* make a tmp directory for the pgp rings */
  umask (0022);
  strcpy (tmp_pgp_dir, "/var/tmp/pgp.XXXXXX");
  if (mkdtemp (tmp_pgp_dir) == NULL) {
    error_msg_queue (o, "Internal error.  Couldn't create temp directory for PGP\n", ERROR_MSG);
    return NULL;

  /* create a file and put the key certificate into it */
  strcpy (pgpinfn, "/var/tmp/irrsyntax.XXXXXX");
  fd = mkstemp (pgpinfn);
  if ((pgpin = fdopen (fd, "w")) == NULL) {
    error_msg_queue (o, 
"Internal error.  Could not check 'key-cert:' temp file creation error", ERROR_MSG);
    goto pgp_errors_jump;
  fwrite (o->u.kc.certif, sizeof (char), strlen (o->u.kc.certif), pgpin);
  fclose (pgpin);

  /* add the certificate to a temp ring */
  if (!pgp_add (default_trace, tmp_pgp_dir, pgpinfn, &pdat)) {
    error_msg_queue (o, "Couldn't add key-cert to ring.  Didn't get successful reply from PGP", ERROR_MSG);
    goto pgp_errors_jump;

  /* certificate checks */

  /* do we have more than 1 hex ID? */
  if (pdat.hex_cnt > 1) {
    error_msg_queue (o, "Too many public keys in certificate", ERROR_MSG);
    pgp_errors = 1;
  /* does the hex ID of the 'key-cert' attr match the certificate hex ID ? */
  else if (strcmp (pdat.hex_first->key, o->u.kc.kchexid)) {
    snprintf (ebuf, 1024, "Hex-ID mistmatch: 'key-cert:' (%s)  'certif:' (%s)\n",
	     o->u.kc.kchexid, pdat.hex_first->key);
    error_msg_queue (o, ebuf, ERROR_MSG);
    pgp_errors = 1;
  /* owner check */
  else if (pdat.owner_first == NULL) {
    error_msg_queue (o, "No uid's/owners found in certificate", ERROR_MSG);
    pgp_errors = 1;
  /* grab all the owners */
  else {
    o->u.kc.owner_count = pdat.owner_cnt;
    for (p = pdat.owner_first; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      o->u.kc.owner = my_concat (o->u.kc.owner, p->key, 0);

  /* get the key fingerprint */
  if (!pgp_errors && 
      !get_fingerprint (o, tmp_pgp_dir, &pdat)) 
    pgp_errors = 1;

  if (o->u.kc.owner != NULL)
    if (verbose) fprintf (dfile, 
	     "owner count (%d) owner (%s)\n", o->u.kc.owner_count, o->u.kc.owner);
  if (o->u.kc.fingerpr != NULL)
    if (verbose) fprintf (dfile, "fingerpr (%s)\n", o->u.kc.fingerpr);

  /* end debug */

  /* clean up */
  pgp_free (&pdat);

  /* if we have errors then we won't need the key file */
  if (pgp_errors) {
    rm_tmpdir (tmp_pgp_dir);  /* can get rid of temporary directory */
    remove (pgpinfn); 
    return NULL;

  rm_tmpdir (tmp_pgp_dir);  /* can get rid of temporary directory */

  /* leave pgp key for possible addition to local ring */
  return strdup (pgpinfn);
Esempio n. 7
output_cert_info(X509 *cert, gf_io_t pc)
    char    buf[256];
    STORE_S *left,*right;
    gf_io_t spc;
    int len;
    left = so_get(CharStar, NULL, EDIT_ACCESS);
    right = so_get(CharStar, NULL, EDIT_ACCESS);
    if(!(left && right))

    gf_set_so_writec(&spc, left);

    	gf_puts("Couldn't find certificate info.", spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
	gf_puts_uline("Subject (whose certificate it is)", spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	output_X509_NAME(cert->cert_info->subject, spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	gf_puts_uline("Serial Number", spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", ASN1_INTEGER_get(cert->cert_info->serialNumber));
	gf_puts(buf, spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	gf_puts_uline("Validity", spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
    	    BIO *mb = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
	    char iobuf[4096];
	    gf_puts("Not Before: ", spc);

	    (void) BIO_reset(mb);
	    ASN1_UTCTIME_print(mb, cert->cert_info->validity->notBefore);
	    (void) BIO_flush(mb);
	    while((len = BIO_read(mb, iobuf, sizeof(iobuf))) > 0)
	      gf_nputs(iobuf, len, spc);

	    gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	    gf_puts("Not After:  ", spc);

	    (void) BIO_reset(mb);
	    ASN1_UTCTIME_print(mb, cert->cert_info->validity->notAfter);
	    (void) BIO_flush(mb);
	    while((len = BIO_read(mb, iobuf, sizeof(iobuf))) > 0)
	      gf_nputs(iobuf, len, spc);
	    gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
	    gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);


    gf_set_so_writec(&spc, right);

    	gf_puts(_("Couldn't find certificate info."), spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
	gf_puts_uline("Issuer", spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);

	output_X509_NAME(cert->cert_info->issuer, spc);
	gf_puts(NEWLINE, spc);
    side_by_side(left, right, pc);

    gf_puts_uline("SHA1 Fingerprint", pc);
    gf_puts(NEWLINE, pc);
    get_fingerprint(cert, EVP_sha1(), buf, sizeof(buf));
    gf_puts(buf, pc);
    gf_puts(NEWLINE, pc);

    gf_puts_uline("MD5 Fingerprint", pc);
    gf_puts(NEWLINE, pc);
    get_fingerprint(cert, EVP_md5(), buf, sizeof(buf));
    gf_puts(buf, pc);
    gf_puts(NEWLINE, pc);