Esempio n. 1
static void
gtk_icon_entry_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *requisition)
  GtkEntry *gtkentry;
  GtkIconEntry *entry;
  gint icon_widths = 0;
  int i;

  gtkentry = GTK_ENTRY(widget);
  entry    = GTK_ICON_ENTRY(widget);

  for (i = 0; i < MAX_ICONS; i++)
      int icon_width = get_icon_width (entry, i);

      if (icon_width > 0)
	  icon_widths += icon_width + ICON_MARGIN;

  GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->size_request (widget, requisition);

  if (icon_widths > requisition->width)
    requisition->width += icon_widths;
Esempio n. 2
static void
get_icon_allocation (GtkIconEntry *icon_entry,
		     gboolean left,
		     GtkAllocation *widget_alloc,
		     GtkAllocation *text_area_alloc,
		     GtkAllocation *allocation,
		     GtkIconEntryPosition *icon_pos)
  gboolean rtl;

  rtl = (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (icon_entry)) ==

  if (left)

  allocation->y = text_area_alloc->y;
  allocation->width = get_icon_width(icon_entry, *icon_pos);
  allocation->height = text_area_alloc->height;

  if (left)
      allocation->x = text_area_alloc->x + ICON_MARGIN;
      allocation->x = text_area_alloc->x + text_area_alloc->width -
	allocation->width - ICON_MARGIN;
Esempio n. 3
/* Draw the list...
    internal screen layout:
        |TI|  title     |   TI is title icon
        | | |            |
        |S|I|            |   S - scrollbar
        | | | items      |   I - icons
        | | |            |

        Note: This image is flipped horizontally when the language is a
        right-to-left one (Hebrew, Arabic)
static bool draw_title(struct screen *display, struct gui_synclist *list)
    const int screen = display->screen_type;
    int style = STYLE_DEFAULT;
    struct viewport *title_text_vp = &title_text[screen];

    if (sb_set_title_text(list->title, list->title_icon, screen))
        return false; /* the sbs is handling the title */
    if (!list_display_title(list, screen))
        return false;
    *title_text_vp = *(list->parent[screen]);
    title_text_vp->height = font_get(title_text_vp->font)->height;

    if (list->title_icon != Icon_NOICON && global_settings.show_icons)
        struct viewport title_icon = *title_text_vp;

        title_icon.width = get_icon_width(screen) + ICON_PADDING * 2;
        if (VP_IS_RTL(&title_icon))
            title_icon.x += title_text_vp->width - title_icon.width;
            title_text_vp->x += title_icon.width;
        title_text_vp->width -= title_icon.width;

        screen_put_icon(display, 0, 0, list->title_icon);
    if (list->title_color >= 0)
        style |= (STYLE_COLORED|list->title_color);
    display->puts_scroll_style(0, 0, list->title, style);
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
unsigned gui_synclist_do_touchscreen(struct gui_synclist * gui_list)
    short x, y;
    const enum screen_type screen = SCREEN_MAIN;
    struct viewport *info_vp = sb_skin_get_info_vp(screen);
    const int button = action_get_touchscreen_press_in_vp(&x, &y, info_vp);
    const int list_start_item = gui_list->start_item[screen];
    const int line_height = font_get(gui_list->parent[screen]->font)->height;
    const struct viewport *list_text_vp = &list_text[screen];
    const bool old_released = released;
    const bool show_title = list_display_title(gui_list, screen);
    const bool show_cursor = !global_settings.cursor_style &&
    const bool on_title_clicked = show_title && y < line_height && (button&BUTTON_REL);
    const bool cancelled_kinetic = (scroll_mode == SCROLL_KINETIC
                        && button != ACTION_NONE && button != ACTION_UNKNOWN
                        && !is_kinetic_over());
    int icon_width = 0;
    int line, list_width = list_text_vp->width;

    released = (button&BUTTON_REL) != 0;

    if (button == ACTION_NONE || button == ACTION_UNKNOWN)
        /* this happens when we hit edges of the list while kinetic scrolling,
         * but not when manually cancelling */
        if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_KINETIC)
            return ACTION_REDRAW;
        return ACTION_NONE;

    /* x and y are relative to info_vp */
    if (gui_list->callback_get_item_icon != NULL)
        icon_width += get_icon_width(screen);
    if (show_cursor)
        icon_width += get_icon_width(screen);

    if (on_title_clicked)
        if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_NONE || is_kinetic_over())
            if (x < icon_width)
                /* Top left corner is GO_TO_ROOT */
                if (button == BUTTON_REL)
                    return ACTION_STD_MENU;
                else if (button == (BUTTON_REPEAT|BUTTON_REL))
                    return ACTION_STD_CONTEXT;
                return ACTION_NONE;
            else /* click on title text is cancel */
                if (button == BUTTON_REL)
                    return ACTION_STD_CANCEL;
        /* do this after the above so the scrolling stops without
         * going back in the list with the same touch */
        if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_KINETIC)
            scroll_mode = SCROLL_NONE;
    else /* list area clicked (or not released) */
        const int actual_y = y - (show_title ? line_height : 0);
        bool on_scrollbar_clicked;
        switch (global_settings.scrollbar)
            case SCROLLBAR_LEFT:
                on_scrollbar_clicked = x <= SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; break;
            case SCROLLBAR_RIGHT:
                on_scrollbar_clicked = x > (icon_width + list_width); break;
                on_scrollbar_clicked = false; break;
        /* conditions for scrollbar scrolling:
         *    * pen is on the scrollbar
         *      AND scrollbar is on the right (left case is handled above)
         * OR * pen is in the somewhere else but we did scrollbar scrolling before
         * scrollbar scrolling must end if the pen is released
         * scrollbar scrolling must not happen if we're currently scrolling
         * via swiping the screen

        if (!released && scroll_mode != SCROLL_SWIPE &&
            (on_scrollbar_clicked || scroll_mode == SCROLL_BAR))
            if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_KINETIC)
            scroll_mode = SCROLL_BAR;
            return scrollbar_scroll(gui_list, y);

        /* |--------------------------------------------------------|
         * | Description of the touchscreen list interface:         |
         * |--------------------------------------------------------|
         * | Pressing an item will select it and "enter" it.        |
         * |                                                        |
         * | Pressing and holding your pen down will scroll through |
         * | the list of items.                                     |
         * |                                                        |
         * | Pressing and holding your pen down on a single item    |
         * | will bring up the context menu of it.                  |
         * |--------------------------------------------------------|
        if (actual_y > 0 || button & BUTTON_REPEAT)
            /* selection needs to be corrected if an items are only
             * partially visible */
            line = (actual_y - y_offset) / line_height;

            if (cancelled_kinetic)
                scroll_mode = SCROLL_SWIPE;

            /* Pressed below the list*/
            if (list_start_item + line >= gui_list->nb_items)
                /* don't collect last_position outside of the list area
                 * it'd break selecting after such a situation */
                last_position = 0;
                return ACTION_NONE;

            if (button & BUTTON_REPEAT && scroll_mode == SCROLL_NONE)
                /* held a single line for a while, bring up the context menu */
                gui_synclist_select_item(gui_list, list_start_item + line);
                /* don't sent context repeatedly */
                last_position = 0;
                return ACTION_STD_CONTEXT;
            if (released && !cancelled_kinetic)
                /* Pen was released anywhere on the screen */
                last_position = 0;
                if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_NONE)
                    /* select current line */
                    gui_synclist_select_item(gui_list, list_start_item + line);
                    return ACTION_STD_OK;
                    /* we were scrolling
                     *  -> reset scrolling but do nothing else */
                    if (scroll_mode == SCROLL_SWIPE)
                        if (kinetic_setup_scroll(gui_list))
                            scroll_mode = SCROLL_KINETIC;
                    if (scroll_mode != SCROLL_KINETIC)
                        scroll_mode = SCROLL_NONE;
                    return ACTION_NONE;
            {   /* pen is on the screen */
                bool redraw = false, result = false;
                /* beginning of list interaction denoted by release in
                 * the previous call */
                if (old_released || is_kinetic_over())
                    scroll_mode = SCROLL_NONE;
                    redraw = true;
                /* select current item; gui_synclist_select_item()
                 * is not called because it has side effects that
                 * disturb kinetic scrolling */
                gui_list->selected_item = list_start_item+line;
                if (last_position == 0)
                    redraw = true;
                    last_position = actual_y;
                    /* record speed data in case we do kinetic scrolling */
                    int diff = actual_y - last_position;
                    result = swipe_scroll(gui_list, line_height, diff);

                /* Start scrolling once the pen is moved without
                 * releasing it inbetween */
                if (result)
                    redraw = true;
                    scroll_mode = SCROLL_SWIPE;
                last_position = actual_y;

                return redraw ? ACTION_REDRAW:ACTION_NONE;
    return ACTION_REDRAW;
Esempio n. 5
void list_draw(struct screen *display, struct gui_synclist *list)
    struct viewport list_icons;
    int start, end, line_height, style, i;
    const int screen = display->screen_type;
    const int list_start_item = list->start_item[screen];
    const int icon_width = get_icon_width(screen) + ICON_PADDING;
    const bool scrollbar_in_left = (global_settings.scrollbar == SCROLLBAR_LEFT);
    const bool show_cursor = !global_settings.cursor_style &&
    struct viewport *parent = (list->parent[screen]);
    unsigned char cur_line = 0;
    int item_offset;
    bool show_title;
    struct viewport *list_text_vp = &list_text[screen];

    line_height = font_get(parent->font)->height;
    *list_text_vp = *parent;
    if ((show_title = draw_title(display, list)))
        list_text_vp->y += line_height;
        list_text_vp->height -= line_height;

    const int nb_lines = viewport_get_nb_lines(list_text_vp);

    start = list_start_item;
    end = start + nb_lines;

    if (list->selected_item == 0 || (list->nb_items < nb_lines))
        y_offset = 0; /* reset in case it's a new list */

    int draw_offset = y_offset;
    /* draw some extra items to not have empty lines at the top and bottom */
    if (y_offset > 0)
        /* make it negative for more consistent apparence when switching
         * directions */
        draw_offset -= line_height;
        if (start > 0)
    else if (y_offset < 0)
    #define draw_offset 0

    /* draw the scrollbar if its needed */
    if (global_settings.scrollbar && nb_lines < list->nb_items)
        struct viewport vp = *list_text_vp;
        vp.width = SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
        vp.height = line_height * nb_lines;
        vp.x = parent->x;
        list_text_vp->width -= SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
        if (scrollbar_in_left)
            list_text_vp->x += SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
            vp.x += list_text_vp->width;
                (scrollbar_in_left? 0: 1), 0, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH-1, vp.height,
                list->nb_items, list_start_item, list_start_item + nb_lines,
    else if (show_title)
        /* shift everything a bit in relation to the title... */
        if (!VP_IS_RTL(list_text_vp) && scrollbar_in_left)
            list_text_vp->width -= SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
            list_text_vp->x += SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
        else if (VP_IS_RTL(list_text_vp) && !scrollbar_in_left)
            list_text_vp->width -= SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;

    /* setup icon placement */
    list_icons = *list_text_vp;
    int icon_count = (list->callback_get_item_icon != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
    if (show_cursor)
    if (icon_count)
        list_icons.width = icon_width * icon_count;
        list_text_vp->width -= list_icons.width + ICON_PADDING;
        if (VP_IS_RTL(&list_icons))
            list_icons.x += list_text_vp->width + ICON_PADDING;
            list_text_vp->x += list_icons.width + ICON_PADDING;

    for (i=start; i<end && i<list->nb_items; i++)
        /* do the text */
        unsigned const char *s;
        char entry_buffer[MAX_PATH];
        unsigned char *entry_name;
        int text_pos = 0;
        int line = i - start;
        s = list->callback_get_item_name(i, list->data, entry_buffer,
        entry_name = P2STR(s);
        style = STYLE_DEFAULT;
        /* position the string at the correct offset place */
        int item_width,h;
        display->getstringsize(entry_name, &item_width, &h);
        item_offset = gui_list_get_item_offset(list, item_width, text_pos,
                display, list_text_vp);

        /* if the list has a color callback */
        if (list->callback_get_item_color)
            int color = list->callback_get_item_color(i, list->data);
            /* if color selected */
            if (color >= 0)
                style |= STYLE_COLORED|color;
        /* draw the selected line */
            /* don't draw it during scrolling */
            scroll_mode == SCROLL_NONE &&
                i >= list->selected_item
                && i <  list->selected_item + list->selected_size
                && list->show_selection_marker)
        {/* The selected item must be displayed scrolling */
            if (global_settings.cursor_style == 1
                    /* the global_settings.cursor_style check is here to make
                    * sure if they want the cursor instead of bar it will work
                    || (display->depth < 16 && global_settings.cursor_style)
                /* Display inverted-line-style */
                style = STYLE_INVERT;
            else if (global_settings.cursor_style == 2)
                /* Display colour line selector */
                style = STYLE_COLORBAR;
            else if (global_settings.cursor_style == 3)
                /* Display gradient line selector */
                style = STYLE_GRADIENT;

                /* Make the lcd driver know how many lines the gradient should
                   cover and current line number */
                /* number of selected lines */
                style |= NUMLN_PACK(list->selected_size);
                /* current line number, zero based */
                style |= CURLN_PACK(cur_line);
            /* if the text is smaller than the viewport size */
            if (item_offset> item_width - (list_text_vp->width - text_pos))
                /* don't scroll */
                display->puts_style_xyoffset(0, line, entry_name,
                        style, item_offset, draw_offset);
                display->puts_scroll_style_xyoffset(0, line, entry_name,
                        style, item_offset, draw_offset);
            if (list->scroll_all)
                display->puts_scroll_style_xyoffset(0, line, entry_name,
                        style, item_offset, draw_offset);
                display->puts_style_xyoffset(0, line, entry_name,
                        style, item_offset, draw_offset);
        /* do the icon */
        if (list->callback_get_item_icon != NULL)
            screen_put_icon_with_offset(display, show_cursor?1:0,
                                    list->callback_get_item_icon(i, list->data));
        if (show_cursor && i >= list->selected_item &&
                i <  list->selected_item + list->selected_size)
            screen_put_icon_with_offset(display, 0, line, 0, draw_offset, Icon_Cursor);