Esempio n. 1
int clDevicesNum(void) {
  cl_int status;
  char pbuff[256];
  cl_uint numDevices;
  cl_platform_id platform = NULL;
  int ret = -1;

  if (!get_opencl_platform(opt_platform_id, &platform)) {
    goto out;

  status = clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, sizeof(pbuff), pbuff, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Getting Platform Info. (clGetPlatformInfo)", status);
    goto out;

  applog(LOG_INFO, "CL Platform vendor: %s", pbuff);
  status = clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, sizeof(pbuff), pbuff, NULL);
  if (status == CL_SUCCESS)
    applog(LOG_INFO, "CL Platform name: %s", pbuff);
  status = clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, sizeof(pbuff), pbuff, NULL);
  if (status == CL_SUCCESS)
    applog(LOG_INFO, "CL Platform version: %s", pbuff);
  status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, NULL, &numDevices);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_INFO, "Error %d: Getting Device IDs (num)", status);
    goto out;
  applog(LOG_INFO, "Platform devices: %d", numDevices);
  if (numDevices) {
    unsigned int j;
    cl_device_id *devices = (cl_device_id *)malloc(numDevices*sizeof(cl_device_id));

    clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, numDevices, devices, NULL);
    for (j = 0; j < numDevices; j++) {
      clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(pbuff), pbuff, NULL);
      applog(LOG_INFO, "\t%i\t%s", j, pbuff);

  ret = numDevices;
  return ret;
Esempio n. 2
WEAK void halide_init_kernels(const char* src, int size) {
    int err;
    cl_device_id dev;
    // Initialize one shared context for all Halide compiled instances
    if (!cl_ctx) {
        const cl_uint maxPlatforms = 4;
        cl_platform_id platforms[maxPlatforms];
        cl_uint platformCount = 0;

        err = clGetPlatformIDs( maxPlatforms, platforms, &platformCount );
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clGetPlatformIDs" );

        cl_platform_id platform = NULL;

        const char * name = get_opencl_platform();
        if (name != NULL) {
            for (cl_uint i = 0; i < platformCount; ++i) {
                const cl_uint maxPlatformName = 256;
                char platformName[maxPlatformName];
                err = clGetPlatformInfo( platforms[i], CL_PLATFORM_NAME, maxPlatformName, platformName, NULL );
                if (err != CL_SUCCESS) continue;

                if (strstr(platformName, name))
                    platform = platforms[i];
        } else if (platformCount > 0) {
            platform = platforms[0];
        if (platform == NULL){
            halide_printf("Failed to find OpenCL platform\n");

        #ifdef DEBUG
        const cl_uint maxPlatformName = 256;
        char platformName[maxPlatformName];
        err = clGetPlatformInfo( platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, maxPlatformName, platformName, NULL );
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clGetPlatformInfo" );

        halide_printf("Got platform '%s', about to create context (t=%lld)\n",
                      platformName, (long long)halide_current_time_ns());

        // Make sure we have a device
        const cl_uint maxDevices = 4;
        cl_device_id devices[maxDevices];
        cl_uint deviceCount = 0;
        err = clGetDeviceIDs( platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, maxDevices, devices, &deviceCount );
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clGetDeviceIDs" );
        if (deviceCount == 0) {
            halide_printf("Failed to get device\n");

        dev = devices[deviceCount-1];

        #ifdef DEBUG
        const cl_uint maxDeviceName = 256;
        char deviceName[maxDeviceName];
        err = clGetDeviceInfo( dev, CL_DEVICE_NAME, maxDeviceName, deviceName, NULL );
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clGetDeviceInfo" );

        halide_printf("Got device '%s', about to create context (t=%lld)\n",
                      deviceName, (long long)halide_current_time_ns());

        // Create context
        cl_context_properties properties[] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform, 0 };
        cl_ctx = clCreateContext(properties, 1, &dev, NULL, NULL, &err);
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clCreateContext" );
        // cuEventCreate(&__start, 0);
        // cuEventCreate(&__end, 0);

        cl_q = clCreateCommandQueue(cl_ctx, dev, 0, &err);
        CHECK_ERR( err, "clCreateCommandQueue" );
    } else {
        // Maintain ref count of context.

    // Initialize a module for just this Halide module
    if ((!__mod) && (size > 1)) {
        #ifdef DEBUG
        halide_printf("Compiling kernel (%i bytes)\n", size);

        // Create module

        cl_device_id devices[] = { dev };
        size_t lengths[] = { size };

        if (strstr(src, "/*OpenCL C*/")) {
            // Program is OpenCL C.
            const char * sources[] = { src };
            __mod = clCreateProgramWithSource(cl_ctx, 1, &sources[0], NULL, &err );
            CHECK_ERR( err, "clCreateProgramWithSource" );
        } else {
            // Program is SPIR binary.
            const unsigned char * binaries[] = { (unsigned char *)src };
            __mod = clCreateProgramWithBinary(cl_ctx, 1, devices, lengths, &binaries[0], NULL, &err );
            CHECK_ERR( err, "clCreateProgramWithBinary" );

        err = clBuildProgram( __mod, 1, &dev, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
            size_t len;
            char buffer[2048];

            halide_printf("Error: Failed to build program executable! err = %d\n", err);
            if (clGetProgramBuildInfo(__mod, dev, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &len) == CL_SUCCESS)
                halide_printf("%s\n", buffer);
                halide_printf("clGetProgramBuildInfo failed to get build log!\n");
            halide_assert(err == CL_SUCCESS);
Esempio n. 3
_clState *initCl(unsigned int gpu, char *name, size_t nameSize, algorithm_t *algorithm)
  _clState *clState = (_clState *)calloc(1, sizeof(_clState));
  struct cgpu_info *cgpu = &gpus[gpu];
  cl_platform_id platform = NULL;
  char pbuff[256];
  build_kernel_data *build_data = (build_kernel_data *) alloca(sizeof(struct _build_kernel_data));
  cl_uint preferred_vwidth;
  cl_device_id *devices;
  cl_uint numDevices;
  cl_int status;

  if (!get_opencl_platform(opt_platform_id, &platform)) {
    return NULL;

  numDevices = clDevicesNum();

  if (numDevices <= 0 ) return NULL;

  devices = (cl_device_id *)alloca(numDevices*sizeof(cl_device_id));

  /* Now, get the device list data */

  status = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, numDevices, devices, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Getting Device IDs (list)", status);
    return NULL;

  applog(LOG_INFO, "List of devices:");

  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
    status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(pbuff), pbuff, NULL);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
      applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Getting Device Info", status);
      return NULL;

    applog(LOG_INFO, "\t%i\t%s", i, pbuff);

    if (i == gpu) {
      applog(LOG_INFO, "Selected %i: %s", gpu, pbuff);
      strncpy(name, pbuff, nameSize);

  if (gpu >= numDevices) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid GPU %i", gpu);
    return NULL;

  status = create_opencl_context(&clState->context, &platform);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Creating Context. (clCreateContextFromType)", status);
    return NULL;

  status = create_opencl_command_queue(&clState->commandQueue, &clState->context, &devices[gpu], cgpu->algorithm.cq_properties);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Creating Command Queue. (clCreateCommandQueue)", status);
    return NULL;

  clState->hasBitAlign = get_opencl_bit_align_support(&devices[gpu]);

  status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[gpu], CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *)&preferred_vwidth, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Failed to clGetDeviceInfo when trying to get CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_INT", status);
    return NULL;
  applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Preferred vector width reported %d", preferred_vwidth);

  status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[gpu], CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), (void *)&clState->max_work_size, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Failed to clGetDeviceInfo when trying to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE", status);
    return NULL;
  applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Max work group size reported %d", (int)(clState->max_work_size));

  size_t compute_units = 0;
  status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[gpu], CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof(size_t), (void *)&compute_units, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Failed to clGetDeviceInfo when trying to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS", status);
    return NULL;
  // AMD architechture got 64 compute shaders per compute unit.
  // Source:
  clState->compute_shaders = compute_units * 64;
  applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Max shaders calculated %d", (int)(clState->compute_shaders));

  status = clGetDeviceInfo(devices[gpu], CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE , sizeof(cl_ulong), (void *)&cgpu->max_alloc, NULL);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Failed to clGetDeviceInfo when trying to get CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE", status);
    return NULL;
  applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Max mem alloc size is %lu", (long unsigned int)(cgpu->max_alloc));

  /* Create binary filename based on parameters passed to opencl
   * compiler to ensure we only load a binary that matches what
   * would have otherwise created. The filename is:
   * name + g + lg + lookup_gap + tc + thread_concurrency + nf + nfactor + w + work_size + l + sizeof(long) + .bin
  char filename[255];
  char strbuf[32];

  if (cgpu->kernelname == NULL) {
    applog(LOG_INFO, "No kernel specified, defaulting to %s", algorithm->kernelname);
    cgpu->kernelname = algorithm->kernelname;

  sprintf(strbuf, "", cgpu->kernelname);
  strcpy(filename, strbuf);

  /* For some reason 2 vectors is still better even if the card says
   * otherwise, and many cards lie about their max so use 256 as max
   * unless explicitly set on the command line. Tahiti prefers 1 */
  if (strstr(name, "Tahiti"))
    preferred_vwidth = 1;
  else if (preferred_vwidth > 2)
    preferred_vwidth = 2;

  /* All available kernels only support vector 1 */
  cgpu->vwidth = 1;

  /* Vectors are hard-set to 1 above. */
  if (likely(cgpu->vwidth))
    clState->vwidth = cgpu->vwidth;
  else {
    clState->vwidth = preferred_vwidth;
    cgpu->vwidth = preferred_vwidth;

  clState->goffset = true;

  if (cgpu->work_size && cgpu->work_size <= clState->max_work_size)
    clState->wsize = cgpu->work_size;
    clState->wsize = 256;

  if (!cgpu->opt_lg) {
    applog(LOG_DEBUG, "GPU %d: selecting lookup gap of 2", gpu);
    cgpu->lookup_gap = 2;
  } else
    cgpu->lookup_gap = cgpu->opt_lg;

  if ((strcmp(cgpu->kernelname, "zuikkis") == 0) && (cgpu->lookup_gap != 2)) {
    applog(LOG_WARNING, "Kernel zuikkis only supports lookup-gap = 2 (currently %d), forcing.", cgpu->lookup_gap);
    cgpu->lookup_gap = 2;

  if ((strcmp(cgpu->kernelname, "bufius") == 0) && ((cgpu->lookup_gap != 2) && (cgpu->lookup_gap != 4) && (cgpu->lookup_gap != 8))) {
    applog(LOG_WARNING, "Kernel bufius only supports lookup-gap of 2, 4 or 8 (currently %d), forcing to 2", cgpu->lookup_gap);
    cgpu->lookup_gap = 2;

  if (!cgpu->opt_tc) {
    unsigned int sixtyfours;

    sixtyfours =  cgpu->max_alloc / 131072 / 64 / (algorithm->n/1024) - 1;
    cgpu->thread_concurrency = sixtyfours * 64;
    if (cgpu->shaders && cgpu->thread_concurrency > cgpu->shaders) {
      cgpu->thread_concurrency -= cgpu->thread_concurrency % cgpu->shaders;
      if (cgpu->thread_concurrency > cgpu->shaders * 5)
        cgpu->thread_concurrency = cgpu->shaders * 5;
    applog(LOG_DEBUG, "GPU %d: selecting thread concurrency of %d", gpu, (int)(cgpu->thread_concurrency));
  } else
    cgpu->thread_concurrency = cgpu->opt_tc;

  cl_uint slot, cpnd;

  slot = cpnd = 0;

  build_data->context = clState->context;
  build_data->device = &devices[gpu];

  // Build information
  strcpy(build_data->source_filename, filename);
  strcpy(build_data->platform, name);
  strcpy(build_data->sgminer_path, sgminer_path);
  if (opt_kernel_path && *opt_kernel_path) {
    build_data->kernel_path = opt_kernel_path;
  else {
    build_data->kernel_path = NULL;

  build_data->work_size = clState->wsize;
  build_data->has_bit_align = clState->hasBitAlign;

  build_data->opencl_version = get_opencl_version(devices[gpu]);
  build_data->patch_bfi = needs_bfi_patch(build_data);

  strcpy(build_data->binary_filename, cgpu->kernelname);
  strcat(build_data->binary_filename, name);
  if (clState->goffset)
    strcat(build_data->binary_filename, "g");

  if (algorithm->set_compile_options)
    algorithm->set_compile_options(build_data, cgpu, algorithm);

  strcat(build_data->binary_filename, ".bin");

  // Load program from file or build it if it doesn't exist
  if (!(clState->program = load_opencl_binary_kernel(build_data))) {
    applog(LOG_NOTICE, "Building binary %s", build_data->binary_filename);

    if (!(clState->program = build_opencl_kernel(build_data, filename)))
      return NULL;

    if (save_opencl_kernel(build_data, clState->program)) {
      /* Program needs to be rebuilt, because the binary was patched */
      if (build_data->patch_bfi) {
        clState->program = load_opencl_binary_kernel(build_data);
    } else {
      if (build_data->patch_bfi)
        quit(1, "Could not save kernel to file, but it is necessary to apply BFI patch");

  // Load kernels
  applog(LOG_NOTICE, "Initialising kernel %s with%s bitalign, %spatched BFI, nfactor %d, n %d",
         filename, clState->hasBitAlign ? "" : "out", build_data->patch_bfi ? "" : "un",
         algorithm->nfactor, algorithm->n);

  /* get a kernel object handle for a kernel with the given name */
  clState->kernel = clCreateKernel(clState->program, "search", &status);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Creating Kernel from program. (clCreateKernel)", status);
    return NULL;

  clState->n_extra_kernels = algorithm->n_extra_kernels;
  if (clState->n_extra_kernels > 0) {
    unsigned int i;
    char kernel_name[9]; // max: search99 + 0x0

    clState->extra_kernels = (cl_kernel *)malloc(sizeof(cl_kernel) * clState->n_extra_kernels);

    for (i = 0; i < clState->n_extra_kernels; i++) {
      snprintf(kernel_name, 9, "%s%d", "search", i + 1);
      clState->extra_kernels[i] = clCreateKernel(clState->program, kernel_name, &status);
      if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
        applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: Creating ExtraKernel #%d from program. (clCreateKernel)", status, i);
        return NULL;

  size_t bufsize;

  if (algorithm->rw_buffer_size < 0) {
    size_t ipt = (algorithm->n / cgpu->lookup_gap +
            (algorithm->n % cgpu->lookup_gap > 0));
    bufsize = 128 * ipt * cgpu->thread_concurrency;
  } else
    bufsize = (size_t) algorithm->rw_buffer_size;

  clState->padbuffer8 = NULL;

  if (bufsize > 0) {
    /* Use the max alloc value which has been rounded to a power of
     * 2 greater >= required amount earlier */
    if (bufsize > cgpu->max_alloc) {
      applog(LOG_WARNING, "Maximum buffer memory device %d supports says %lu",
           gpu, (unsigned long)(cgpu->max_alloc));
      applog(LOG_WARNING, "Your settings come to %lu", (unsigned long)bufsize);
    applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Creating buffer sized %lu", (unsigned long)bufsize);

    /* This buffer is weird and might work to some degree even if
     * the create buffer call has apparently failed, so check if we
     * get anything back before we call it a failure. */
    clState->padbuffer8 = clCreateBuffer(clState->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, bufsize, NULL, &status);
    if (status != CL_SUCCESS && !clState->padbuffer8) {
      applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: clCreateBuffer (padbuffer8), decrease TC or increase LG", status);
      return NULL;

  clState->CLbuffer0 = clCreateBuffer(clState->context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 128, NULL, &status);
  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: clCreateBuffer (CLbuffer0)", status);
    return NULL;
  clState->outputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(clState->context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, BUFFERSIZE, NULL, &status);

  if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
    applog(LOG_ERR, "Error %d: clCreateBuffer (outputBuffer)", status);
    return NULL;

  return clState;