Esempio n. 1
    coord tx, ty;
    coord ax, ay;
    int ap_to_target;
    struct ichrstr *ip;
    char flightpath[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    int cno;
    struct nstr_item ni_bomb;
    struct nstr_item ni_esc;
    union empobj_storage target;
    struct emp_qelem bomb_list;
    struct emp_qelem esc_list;
    int wantflags;
    struct sctstr ap_sect;
    char buf[1024];

    wantflags = 0;
    if (get_planes(&ni_bomb, &ni_esc, player->argp[1], player->argp[2]) < 0)
	return RET_SYN;
    if (!get_assembly_point(player->argp[3], &ap_sect, buf))
	return RET_SYN;
    ax = ap_sect.sct_x;
    ay = ap_sect.sct_y;
    if (!getpath(flightpath, player->argp[4], ax, ay, 0, 0, MOB_FLY))
	return RET_SYN;
    tx = ax;
    ty = ay;
    (void)pathtoxy(flightpath, &tx, &ty, fcost);
    pr("Ending sector is %s\n", xyas(tx, ty, player->cnum));
    ip = whatitem(player->argp[5], "transport what? ");
    if (player->aborted)
	return RET_SYN;

    if (pln_where_to_land(tx, ty, &target, &wantflags) < 0)
	return RET_SYN;
    cno = target.gen.ef_type == EF_SHIP ? target.gen.uid : -1;

    if (ip && ip->i_uid == I_CIVIL) {
	if (target.gen.own != player->cnum) {
	    pr("Your civilians refuse to board a flight abroad!\n");
	    return RET_FAIL;
	if (target.gen.ef_type == EF_SECTOR
	    && target.sect.sct_own != target.sect.sct_oldown) {
	    pr("Can't fly civilians into occupied sectors.\n");
	    return RET_FAIL;

    ap_to_target = strlen(flightpath);
    pr("range to target is %d\n", ap_to_target);
     * select planes within range
    pln_sel(&ni_bomb, &bomb_list, &ap_sect, ap_to_target, 1,
	    wantflags, P_M | P_O);
    pln_sel(&ni_esc, &esc_list, &ap_sect, ap_to_target, 1,
	    wantflags | P_ESC | P_F, P_M | P_O);
    if (cno >= 0
	&& !pln_can_land_on_carrier(&bomb_list, &esc_list, &target.ship)) {
	pr("Not enough room on ship #%d!\n", cno);
	return RET_FAIL;
     * now arm and equip the bombers, transports, whatever.
    pln_arm(&bomb_list, ap_to_target, 't', ip);
    if (QEMPTY(&bomb_list)) {
	pr("No planes could be equipped for the mission.\n");
	return RET_FAIL;
    pln_arm(&esc_list, ap_to_target, 'e', NULL);
    ac_encounter(&bomb_list, &esc_list, ax, ay, flightpath, 0);
    if (QEMPTY(&bomb_list)) {
	pr("No planes got through fighter defenses\n");
    } else {
	pln_dropoff(&bomb_list, ip, tx, ty, cno);
	pln_newlanding(&bomb_list, tx, ty, cno);
	pln_newlanding(&esc_list, tx, ty, cno);
    return RET_OK;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int    i, p;
    double s1, d1, r1, s2, d2, r2, plg[3], azm[3] ;
    double *eval3, **evec3, M0, Mw, scale         ;
    char pdela[8], pdelo[9], cenla[8],cenlo[9]    ;
    str_quake_params eq ;

    if (argc < 2)
        fprintf(stderr,"Error syntax : %s CMTFILE\n",argv[0]);
        exit(1) ;
    /* Allocate memory             */
    eq.vm    = double_alloc2p(2) ;
    eq.vm[1] = double_calloc(6)  ;
    /* Read cmtfile                */
    strcpy(eq.cmtfile,argv[1])  ;
    get_cmtf(&eq, 2) ;
    /* Best double couple solution */
    get_planes(eq.vm[1], &eval3, &evec3, &s1,&d1,&r1, &s2,&d2,&r2) ;
    M0     = ((fabs(eval3[0]) + fabs(eval3[2])) * (double)POW) / 2. ; 
    Mw     = (log10(M0) - 16.1) / 1.5 ;  
    /* Principal axes              */
    for (i=0; i<3 ; i++)
        azm[i] = atan2(evec3[2][i],-evec3[1][i])/DEG2RAD+360.;
        scale  = evec3[1][i]*evec3[1][i] + evec3[2][i]*evec3[2][i] ;
        plg[i] = atan2(-evec3[0][i],sqrt(scale))/DEG2RAD;
            plg[i] *= -1. ;
            azm[i] += 180.;
        azm[i] = fmod(azm[i], 360.);
    /* Scale Seismic moment        */
    scale = 0. ;
    for (i=0;i<6;i++)
        if (fabs(eq.vm[1][i]) > scale)
            scale = fabs(eq.vm[1][i]) ;

    p = (int)log10(scale) ;
    scale = pow(10,(double)p)  ;
    for (i=0;i<6;i++)
        eq.vm[1][i] /= scale;
    for (i=0;i<3;i++)
        eval3[i] /= scale;
    p += (int)round(log10(POW));
    /* Display                      */
    format_latlon(eq.pde_evla, eq.pde_evlo, pdela, pdelo);
    format_latlon(eq.evla, eq.evlo, cenla, cenlo);
    printf("Moment mag.  : %5.2f\n",Mw)  ;  
    printf("PDE location : Lat=%7s; Lon=%8s; Dep=%5.1f km\n",pdela,pdelo,eq.pde_evdp) ; 
    printf("Centroid loc.: Lat=%7s; Lon=%8s; Dep=%5.1f km\n",cenla,cenlo,eq.evdp)        ;
    printf("Origin time  : %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%05.2f\n", eq.ot_ye,eq.ot_mo, eq.ot_dm,eq.ot_ho,eq.ot_mi, (double)eq.ot_se+(double)eq.ot_ms/1000.)  ;
    printf("Time delay   : %-5.1f sec\n",eq.ts) ;
    printf("Half duration: %-5.1f sec\n\n",eq.hd) ;
    printf("Moment tensor: scale= 1.0E+%02d\n",p) ;
    printf("rr=%6.3f ; tt=%6.3f ; pp=%6.3f \n",eq.vm[1][0],eq.vm[1][1],eq.vm[1][2]) ;
    printf("rt=%6.3f ; rp=%6.3f ; tp=%6.3f \n\n",eq.vm[1][3],eq.vm[1][4],eq.vm[1][5]) ;
    printf("Principal Axes: \n") ;
    printf("1.(T) Val=%6.3f ; Plg= %3.0f ; Azm=%3.0f\n",eval3[0],plg[0],azm[0]);
    printf("2.(N)     %6.3f ;      %3.0f ;     %3.0f\n",eval3[1],plg[1],azm[1]);
    printf("3.(P)     %6.3f ;      %3.0f ;     %3.0f\n\n",eval3[2],plg[2],azm[2]);
    printf("Best Double Couple: M0=%8.2E\n",M0) ;
    printf("NP1: Strike=%5.1f ; Dip=%4.1f ; Slip=%6.1f \n",s1,d1,r1) ;
    printf("NP2: Strike=%5.1f ; Dip=%4.1f ; Slip=%6.1f \n\n",s2,d2,r2) ;
    /* printf("NP1: Strike=%3.0f ; Dip=%.4f ; Slip=%3.0f \n",s1,d1,r1)   ; */
    /* printf("NP2: Strike=%3.0f ; Dip=%.4f ; Slip=%3.0f \n\n",s2,d2,r2) ; */
    charplot(eq.vm[1], s1,d1, s2,d2, '-', '#', ' ', '\0','\0','\0', RX, RY, stdout)  ;
    free((void*)eq.vm[1]) ; 
    free((void**)eq.vm) ; 
    for(i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) 
        free((void*)evec3[i]) ;
    free((void**)evec3)     ;
    free((void*) eval3)     ;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
    coord tx, ty;
    coord ax, ay;
    int ap_to_target;
    struct ichrstr *ip;
    char flightpath[MAX_PATH_LEN];
    struct nstr_item ni_bomb;
    struct nstr_item ni_esc;
    struct sctstr target;
    struct emp_qelem bomb_list;
    struct emp_qelem esc_list;
    int wantflags;
    struct sctstr ap_sect;
    char buf[1024];

    if (get_planes(&ni_bomb, &ni_esc, player->argp[1], player->argp[2]) < 0)
	return RET_SYN;
    if (!get_assembly_point(player->argp[3], &ap_sect, buf))
	return RET_SYN;
    ax = ap_sect.sct_x;
    ay = ap_sect.sct_y;
    if (!getpath(flightpath, player->argp[4], ax, ay, 0, 0, MOB_FLY))
	return RET_SYN;
    tx = ax;
    ty = ay;
    (void)pathtoxy(flightpath, &tx, &ty, fcost);
    pr("target is %s\n", xyas(tx, ty, player->cnum));
    if (!(ip = whatitem(player->argp[5], "Drop off what? ")))
	return RET_SYN;
    getsect(tx, ty, &target);

    if (relations_with(target.sct_own, player->cnum) == ALLIED) {
	/* own or allied sector: cargo drop */
	if (ip->i_uid == I_CIVIL) {
	    if (target.sct_own != player->cnum) {
		pr("Your civilians refuse to board a flight abroad!\n");
		return RET_FAIL;
	    if (target.sct_own != target.sct_oldown) {
		pr("Can't drop civilians into occupied sectors.\n");
		return RET_FAIL;
	wantflags = P_C;
    } else {
	/* into the unknown... */
	if (ip->i_uid != I_SHELL) {
	    pr("You don't own %s!\n", xyas(tx, ty, player->cnum));
	    return RET_FAIL;
	/* mine drop */
	wantflags = P_MINE;

    ap_to_target = strlen(flightpath);
    if (flightpath[ap_to_target - 1] == 'h')
    pr("range to target is %d\n", ap_to_target);
     * select planes within range
    pln_sel(&ni_bomb, &bomb_list, &ap_sect, ap_to_target, 2,
	    wantflags, P_M | P_O);
    pln_sel(&ni_esc, &esc_list, &ap_sect, ap_to_target, 2,
	    P_ESC | P_F, P_M | P_O);
     * now arm and equip the bombers, transports, whatever.
    pln_arm(&bomb_list, 2 * ap_to_target,
	    wantflags & P_MINE ? 'm' : 'd',
    if (QEMPTY(&bomb_list)) {
	pr("No planes could be equipped for the mission.\n");
	return RET_FAIL;
    pln_arm(&esc_list, 2 * ap_to_target, 'e', NULL);
    ac_encounter(&bomb_list, &esc_list, ax, ay, flightpath, 0);
    if (QEMPTY(&bomb_list)) {
	pr("No planes got through fighter defenses\n");
    } else {
	if (wantflags & P_MINE)
	    pln_mine(&bomb_list, tx, ty);
	    pln_dropoff(&bomb_list, ip, tx, ty, -1);
    return RET_OK;