Esempio n. 1
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    struct in_addr me; 
    char addressBuffer[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; 
    inet_ntop(AF_INET, &me, addressBuffer, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
    printf("The primary IP Address for this host is %s\n", 
Esempio n. 2
void initDiscovery(int inputPort, int udp_sock) {
  port = inputPort;
  send_sockfd = udp_sock;

  //set up the broadcast addresses
  memset(&bcast_addrs, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) * NUM_BROADCAST_ADDRS);

  //inet_aton("", &bcast_addrs[0].sin_addr);
  //inet_aton("", &bcast_addrs[1].sin_addr);
  //inet_aton("", &bcast_addrs[2].sin_addr);
  inet_aton("", &bcast_addrs[0].sin_addr);

  bcast_addrs[0].sin_port = htons(port);
  //bcast_addrs[1].sin_port = htons(port);
  //bcast_addrs[2].sin_port = htons(port);
  //bcast_addrs[3].sin_port = htons(port);
  //set up the records array
  records = (hostRecord*) malloc(sizeof(hostRecord) * MAX_STORED_HOSTS);
  memset(records, 0, sizeof(hostRecord) * MAX_STORED_HOSTS);

  timeBetweenBroadcasts.tv_sec = 1;
  timeBetweenBroadcasts.tv_nsec = 0;

  struct in_addr myInAddr;
  strncpy(myAddress, inet_ntoa(myInAddr), MAXADDR);

  //set up signal handling method
  signal(SIGALRM, checkHostsAliveSignalHandler);
  //start the SIGALRM
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* local client data */ 
  int sockfd;		   		/* file descriptor for endpoint */ 
  struct sockaddr_in client_sockaddr;	/* address/port pair */ 
  struct in_addr client_addr; 	/* network-format address */ 
  char client_dotted[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];/* human-readable address */ 
  int client_port; 			/* local port */ 
  /* remote server data */ 
  char *server_dotted; 		/* human-readable address */ 
  int server_port; 			/* remote port */ 
  /* the request */ 
  char *filename; 			/* filename to request */ 
  /* read arguments */ 
  if (argc != 5) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "client: wrong number of arguments\n"); 
  server_dotted = argv[1]; 
  server_port = atoi(argv[2]); 
  client_port = atoi(argv[3]); 
  filename = argv[4]; 
  if (!client_arguments_valid(
			      server_dotted, server_port, 
			      client_port, filename)) { 
  /* get the primary IP address of this host */ 
  inet_ntop(AF_INET, &client_addr, client_dotted, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
  /* construct an endpoint address with primary address and desired port */ 
  memset(&client_sockaddr, 0, sizeof(client_sockaddr));
  client_sockaddr.sin_family      = PF_INET;
  memcpy(&client_sockaddr.sin_addr,&client_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr)); 
  client_sockaddr.sin_port        = htons(client_port);
  /* make a socket*/ 
  sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
  if (sockfd<0) { 
    perror("can't open socket"); 
  /* bind it to an appropriate local address and port */ 
  if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_sockaddr, 
	   sizeof(client_sockaddr))<0) { 
    perror("can't bind local address"); 
  fprintf(stderr, "client: Receiving on %s, port %d\n", 
	  client_dotted, client_port); 
  /* send a command */ 
  send_command(sockfd, server_dotted, server_port, filename, 0, MAXINT); 
  fprintf(stderr, "client: requesting %s blocks %d-%d\n", 
	  filename, 0, MAXINT); 
  /* receive the whole document and make naive assumptions */ 
  int done = FALSE; // set to TRUE when you think you're done
  int init = TRUE;
  /* create a bit array to test which blocks have been received */
  struct bits blocksRecv;
  /* open a file to write to in the current directory */
  FILE *download = fopen(filename, "w");
  int outfd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
  while (!done) { 
    int retval;
    if ((retval = select_block(sockfd, 0, 20000))==0) { 
      /* timeout */
      struct range nBlocks[12];
      int currentRange = 0;
      int i;
      int check = 0;
      int numBlocks = blocksRecv.nbits;
      for(i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++){
	/* look for the start of a missed block */
	if(check == 0 && bits_testbit(&blocksRecv, i)){
	  nBlocks[currentRange].first_block = i;
	  nBlocks[currentRange].last_block = numBlocks-1;
	/* look for the end of a missed block */
	else if(check == 1 && !(bits_testbit(&blocksRecv, i))){
	  nBlocks[currentRange].last_block = i-1;
	  currentRange ++;
	  /* if you have found 12 missed blocks, send_commands */
	  if(currentRange == 12){
	    send_commands(sockfd, server_dotted, server_port, filename, nBlocks, currentRange);
	    currentRange = 0;

	  check = 0;
      /* send any left over blocks from the loop above */
      send_commands(sockfd, server_dotted, server_port, filename, nBlocks, currentRange);
	done = TRUE;
    } else if (retval<0) { 
      /* error */ 
      fprintf(stderr, "client: receive error\n"); 
    } else { 
      /* input is waiting, read it */ 
      struct sockaddr_in resp_sockaddr; 	/* address/port pair */ 
      int resp_len; 			/* length used */ 
      char resp_dotted[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; 	/* human-readable address */ 
      int resp_port; 			/* port */ 
      int resp_mesglen; 			/* length of message */ 
      struct block one_block; 
      /* use helper routine to receive a block */ 
      recv_block(sockfd, &one_block, &resp_sockaddr);
      /* get human-readable internet address */
      inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&(resp_sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr),  
		resp_dotted, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
      resp_port = ntohs(resp_sockaddr.sin_port); 
      fprintf(stderr, "client: %s:%d sent %s block %d (range 0-%d)\n",
	      resp_dotted, resp_port, one_block.filename, 
	      one_block.which_block, one_block.total_blocks);
      /* check block data for errors */
      if (strcmp(filename, one_block.filename)!=0) { 
		"client: received block with incorrect filename %s\n", 
	goto again; 

      /* init the bit array once you know how many blocks the file contains */
	//fprintf(stderr, "total blocks: %d\n", one_block.total_blocks);
	bits_alloc(&blocksRecv, one_block.total_blocks);
	bits_setrange(&blocksRecv, 0, one_block.total_blocks - 1); 
	init = FALSE;

      /* if you have not received the current block, write it and flag it as received */
      if(bits_testbit(&blocksRecv, one_block.which_block)){
	bits_clearbit(&blocksRecv, one_block.which_block);
	lseek(outfd, one_block.which_block*PAYLOADSIZE, SEEK_SET);
	write(outfd, one_block.payload, one_block.paysize);
      /* if all blocks have been received, done */
	done = TRUE;
  /* close the file stream */