Esempio n. 1
Bit64s BX_CPU_C::param_restore(bx_param_c *param, Bit64s val)
#endif // !BX_USE_CPU_SMF
  const char *pname, *segname;
  bx_segment_reg_t *segment = NULL;

  pname = param->get_name();
  if (!strcmp(pname, "cpu_version")) {
    if (val != get_cpu_version_information()) {
      BX_PANIC(("save/restore: CPU version mismatch"));
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "cpuid_std")) {
    if (val != get_std_cpuid_features()) {
      BX_PANIC(("save/restore: CPUID mismatch"));
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "cpuid_ext")) {
    if (val != get_extended_cpuid_features()) {
      BX_PANIC(("save/restore: CPUID mismatch"));
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "EFLAGS")) {
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR setEFlags((Bit32u)val);
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "EFER")) {
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.sce   = (val >> 0)  & 1;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.lme   = (val >> 8)  & 1;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.lma   = (val >> 10) & 1;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.nxe   = (val >> 11) & 1;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR efer.ffxsr = (val >> 14) & 1;
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "ar_byte") || !strcmp(pname, "selector")) {
Esempio n. 2
/* Get CPU feature flags. Returned by CPUID function 80000001 in EDX register */
Bit32u bx_generic_cpuid_t::get_std2_cpuid_features(void) const
  // Many of the bits in EDX are the same as EAX [*] for AMD
  // [*] [0:0]   FPU on chip
  // [*] [1:1]   VME: Virtual-8086 Mode enhancements
  // [*] [2:2]   DE: Debug Extensions (I/O breakpoints)
  // [*] [3:3]   PSE: Page Size Extensions
  // [*] [4:4]   TSC: Time Stamp Counter
  // [*] [5:5]   MSR: RDMSR and WRMSR support
  // [*] [6:6]   PAE: Physical Address Extensions
  // [*] [7:7]   MCE: Machine Check Exception
  // [*] [8:8]   CXS: CMPXCHG8B instruction
  // [*] [9:9]   APIC: APIC on Chip
  //     [10:10] Reserved
  //     [11:11] SYSCALL/SYSRET support
  // [*] [12:12] MTRR: Memory Type Range Reg
  // [*] [13:13] PGE/PTE Global Bit
  // [*] [14:14] MCA: Machine Check Architecture
  // [*] [15:15] CMOV: Cond Mov/Cmp Instructions
  // [*] [16:16] PAT: Page Attribute Table
  // [*] [17:17] PSE-36: Physical Address Extensions
  //     [18:19] Reserved
  //     [20:20] No-Execute page protection
  //     [21:21] Reserved
  //     [22:22] AMD MMX Extensions
  // [*] [23:23] MMX Technology
  // [*] [24:24] FXSR: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR (also indicates CR4.OSFXSR is available)
  //     [25:25] Fast FXSAVE/FXRSTOR mode support
  //     [26:26] 1G paging support
  //     [27:27] Support RDTSCP Instruction
  //     [28:28] Reserved
  //     [29:29] Long Mode
  //     [30:30] AMD 3DNow! Extensions
  //     [31:31] AMD 3DNow! Instructions
  Bit32u features = BX_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL ? 0 : get_std_cpuid_features();
  features &= 0x0183F3FF;
  // only AMD is interesting in AMD MMX extensions
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
    features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_LONG_MODE;

      features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_RDTSCP;
      features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_NX;
      features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_FFXSR;
      features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_1G_PAGES;

    if (cpu->long64_mode())
      features |= BX_CPUID_STD2_SYSCALL_SYSRET;

  return features;
Esempio n. 3
Bit64s BX_CPU_C::param_save(bx_param_c *param, Bit64s val)
#endif // !BX_USE_CPU_SMF
  const char *pname, *segname;
  bx_segment_reg_t *segment = NULL;

  pname = param->get_name();
  if (!strcmp(pname, "cpu_version")) {
    val = get_cpu_version_information();
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "cpuid_std")) {
    val = get_std_cpuid_features();
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "cpuid_ext")) {
    val = get_extended_cpuid_features();
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "EFLAGS")) {
    val = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR read_eflags();
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "EFER")) {
    val = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR get_EFER();
  } else if (!strcmp(pname, "ar_byte") || !strcmp(pname, "selector")) {
    segname = param->get_parent()->get_name();
    if (!strcmp(segname, "CS")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_CS];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "DS")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_DS];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "SS")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_SS];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "ES")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_ES];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "FS")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_FS];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "GS")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR sregs[BX_SEG_REG_GS];
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "LDTR")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR ldtr;
    } else if (!strcmp(segname, "TR")) {
      segment = &BX_CPU_THIS_PTR tr;
    if (segment != NULL) {
      if (!strcmp(pname, "ar_byte")) {
        val = ar_byte(&(segment->cache));
      else if (!strcmp(pname, "selector")) {
        val = segment->selector.value;
  else {
    BX_PANIC(("Unknown param %s in param_save handler !", pname));
  return val;
Esempio n. 4
// leaf 0x00000001 //
void bx_generic_cpuid_t::get_std_cpuid_leaf_1(cpuid_function_t *leaf) const
  // EAX:       CPU Version Information
  //   [3:0]   Stepping ID
  //   [7:4]   Model: starts at 1
  //   [11:8]  Family: 4=486, 5=Pentium, 6=PPro, ...
  //   [13:12] Type: 0=OEM, 1=overdrive, 2=dual cpu, 3=reserved
  //   [19:16] Extended Model
  //   [27:20] Extended Family
  leaf->eax = get_cpu_version_information();

  // EBX:
  //   [7:0]   Brand ID
  //   [15:8]  CLFLUSH cache line size (value*8 = cache line size in bytes)
  //   [23:16] Number of logical processors in one physical processor
  //   [31:24] Local Apic ID
  leaf->ebx = 0;
    leaf->ebx |= (CACHE_LINE_SIZE / 8) << 8;
  unsigned n_logical_processors = ncores*nthreads;
  unsigned n_logical_processors = 1;
  leaf->ebx |= (n_logical_processors << 16);
  leaf->ebx |= ((cpu->get_apic_id() & 0xff) << 24);

  // ECX: Extended Feature Flags
#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6
  leaf->ecx = get_extended_cpuid_features();
  leaf->ecx = 0;

  // EDX: Standard Feature Flags
  leaf->edx = get_std_cpuid_features();
Esempio n. 5
void BX_CPU_C::set_cpuid_defaults(void)
  cpuid_function_t *cpuid;
  int i;

  for (i=0;i<MAX_STD_CPUID_FUNCTION;i++) {
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[i].eax = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[i].ebx = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[i].ecx = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[i].edx = 0;

  for (i=0;i<MAX_EXT_CPUID_FUNCTION;i++) {
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[i].eax = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[i].ebx = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[i].ecx = 0;
    BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[i].edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000000
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[0]);

  // EAX: highest input value understood by CPUID
  // EBX: vendor ID string
  // EDX: vendor ID string
  // ECX: vendor ID string

#if BX_CPU_LEVEL <= 5
  // 486 and Pentium processors
  cpuid->eax = 1;
  // for Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium 4 processors
  cpuid->eax = 2;
    cpuid->eax = 0x5;
    cpuid->eax = 0xD;

  cpuid->ebx = 0x756e6547; // "Genu"
  cpuid->edx = 0x49656e69; // "ineI"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x6c65746e; // "ntel"
  cpuid->ebx = 0x68747541; // "Auth"
  cpuid->edx = 0x69746e65; // "enti"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x444d4163; // "cAMD"

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000001
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[1]);

  // EAX:       CPU Version Information
  //   [3:0]   Stepping ID
  //   [7:4]   Model: starts at 1
  //   [11:8]  Family: 4=486, 5=Pentium, 6=PPro, ...
  //   [13:12] Type: 0=OEM, 1=overdrive, 2=dual cpu, 3=reserved
  //   [31:14] Reserved

  cpuid->eax = get_cpu_version_information();

  // EBX:
  //   [7:0]   Brand ID
  //   [15:8]  CLFLUSH cache line size (value*8 = cache line size in bytes)
  //   [23:16] Number of logical processors in one physical processor
  //   [31:24] Local Apic ID

  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ebx |= (BX_CPU_THIS_PTR local_apic.get_id() << 24);
  cpuid->ebx |= (CACHE_LINE_SIZE / 8) << 8;
  unsigned n_logical_processors = SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NCORES)->get()*SIM->get_param_num(BXPN_CPU_NTHREADS)->get();
  if (n_logical_processors > 1)
    cpuid->ebx |= (n_logical_processors << 16);

  // ECX:       Extended Feature Flags
  //   [0:0]   SSE3: SSE3 Instructions
  //   [1:1]   PCLMULQDQ Instruction support
  //   [2:2]   reserved
  //   [3:3]   MONITOR/MWAIT support
  //   [4:4]   DS-CPL: CPL qualified debug store
  //   [5:5]   VMX: Virtual Machine Technology
  //   [6:6]   SMX: Secure Virtual Machine Technology
  //   [7:7]   EST: Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology
  //   [8:8]   TM2: Thermal Monitor 2
  //   [9:9]   SSE3E: SSE3E Instructions (Intel Core Duo 2 new instructions)
  //   [10:10] CNXT-ID: L1 context ID
  //   [11:11] reserved
  //   [12:12] FMA Instructions support
  //   [13:13] CMPXCHG16B: CMPXCHG16B instruction support
  //   [14:14] xTPR update control
  //   [17:15] reserved
  //   [18:18] DCA - Direct Cache Access
  //   [19:19] SSE4.1 Instructions
  //   [20:20] SSE4.2 Instructions
  //   [21:22] X2APIC
  //   [22:22] Reserved
  //   [23:23] POPCNT instruction
  //   [24:24] reserved
  //   [25:25] AES Instructions
  //   [26:26] XSAVE extensions support
  //   [27:27] OSXSAVE support
  //   [28:28] AVX extensions support
  //   [31:29] reserved
  cpuid->ecx = get_extended_cpuid_features();

  // EDX:       Feature Flags
  //   [0:0]   FPU on chip
  //   [1:1]   VME: Virtual-8086 Mode enhancements
  //   [2:2]   DE: Debug Extensions (I/O breakpoints)
  //   [3:3]   PSE: Page Size Extensions
  //   [4:4]   TSC: Time Stamp Counter
  //   [5:5]   MSR: RDMSR and WRMSR support
  //   [6:6]   PAE: Physical Address Extensions
  //   [7:7]   MCE: Machine Check Exception
  //   [8:8]   CXS: CMPXCHG8B instruction
  //   [9:9]   APIC: APIC on Chip
  //   [10:10] Reserved
  //   [11:11] SYSENTER/SYSEXIT support
  //   [12:12] MTRR: Memory Type Range Reg
  //   [13:13] PGE/PTE Global Bit
  //   [14:14] MCA: Machine Check Architecture
  //   [15:15] CMOV: Cond Mov/Cmp Instructions
  //   [16:16] PAT: Page Attribute Table
  //   [17:17] PSE-36: Physical Address Extensions
  //   [18:18] Processor Serial Number
  //   [19:19] CLFLUSH: CLFLUSH Instruction support
  //   [20:20] Reserved
  //   [21:21] DS: Debug Store
  //   [22:22] ACPI: Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities
  //   [23:23] MMX Technology
  //   [24:24] FXSR: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR (also indicates CR4.OSFXSR is available)
  //   [25:25] SSE: SSE Extensions
  //   [26:26] SSE2: SSE2 Extensions
  //   [27:27] Reserved
  //   [28:28] Hyper Threading Technology
  //   [29:29] TM: Thermal Monitor
  //   [30:30] Reserved
  //   [31:31] PBE: Pending Break Enable
  cpuid->edx = get_std_cpuid_features();

#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6
  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000002 - Cache and TLB Descriptors
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[2]);

  cpuid->eax = 0x00410601;  // for Pentium Pro compatibility
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;
  cpuid->eax = 0;           // ignore for AMD
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000003 - Processor Serial Number
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[3]);

  cpuid->eax = 0;
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000004 - Deterministic Cache Parameters
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[4]);

  cpuid->eax = 0;
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000005
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[5]);

  // EAX - Smallest monitor-line size in bytes
  // EBX - Largest  monitor-line size in bytes
  // ECX -
  //   [31:2] - reserved
  //    [1:1] - exit MWAIT even with EFLAGS.IF = 0
  //    [0:0] - MONITOR/MWAIT extensions are supported
  // EDX - Reserved
  cpuid->eax = CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
  cpuid->ebx = CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
  cpuid->ecx = 3;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x0000000D
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_std_function[0xD]);

  // EAX - XCR0 lower 32 bits
  // EBX - Maximum size (in bytes) required by enabled features
  // ECX - Maximum size (in bytes) required by CPU supported features
  // EDX - XCR0 upper 32 bits
  cpuid->eax = BX_CPU_THIS_PTR xcr0.getRegister();
  cpuid->ebx = 512+64;
  cpuid->ecx = 512+64;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

#if BX_SUPPORT_SSE >= 2   // report Pentium 4 extended functions

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000000
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[0]);

  // EAX: highest input value understood by CPUID
  // EBX: vendor ID string
  // EDX: vendor ID string
  // ECX: vendor ID string
  cpuid->eax = BX_SUPPORT_X86_64 ? 0x80000008 : 0x80000004;
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;          // Reserved for Intel
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->ebx = 0x68747541; // "Auth"
  cpuid->edx = 0x69746e65; // "enti"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x444d4163; // "cAMD"

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000001
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[1]);

  // EAX:       CPU Version Information
  cpuid->eax = BX_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL ? 0 : get_cpu_version_information();

  // EBX:       Brand ID
  cpuid->ebx = 0;

  // ECX:
  //     [0:0]   LAHF/SAHF available in 64-bit mode
  //     [1:1]   AMD CmpLegacy
  //     [2:2]   AMD Secure Virtual Machine Technology
  //     [3:3]   Extended APIC Space
  //     [4:4]   Alternative CR8 (treat lock mov cr0 as mov cr8)
  //     [5:5]   LZCNT support
  //     [6:6]   SSE4A support
  //     [7:7]   Misaligned SSE support
  //     [8:8]   3DNow! prefetch support
  //     [9:9]   OS visible workarounds
  //     [10:10] Reserved
  //     [11:11] SSE5A
  //     [12:31] Reserved
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
  cpuid->ecx = 1 | (1<<8);
  cpuid->ecx |= (1<<7);

  // EDX:
  // Many of the bits in EDX are the same as EAX [*] for AMD
  // [*] [0:0]   FPU on chip
  // [*] [1:1]   VME: Virtual-8086 Mode enhancements
  // [*] [2:2]   DE: Debug Extensions (I/O breakpoints)
  // [*] [3:3]   PSE: Page Size Extensions
  // [*] [4:4]   TSC: Time Stamp Counter
  // [*] [5:5]   MSR: RDMSR and WRMSR support
  // [*] [6:6]   PAE: Physical Address Extensions
  // [*] [7:7]   MCE: Machine Check Exception
  // [*] [8:8]   CXS: CMPXCHG8B instruction
  // [*] [9:9]   APIC: APIC on Chip
  //     [10:10] Reserved
  //     [11:11] SYSCALL/SYSRET support
  // [*] [12:12] MTRR: Memory Type Range Reg
  // [*] [13:13] PGE/PTE Global Bit
  // [*] [14:14] MCA: Machine Check Architecture
  // [*] [15:15] CMOV: Cond Mov/Cmp Instructions
  // [*] [16:16] PAT: Page Attribute Table
  // [*] [17:17] PSE-36: Physical Address Extensions
  //     [18:19] Reserved
  //     [20:20] No-Execute page protection
  //     [21:21] Reserved
  //     [22:22] AMD MMX Extensions
  // [*] [23:23] MMX Technology
  // [*] [24:24] FXSR: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR (also indicates CR4.OSFXSR is available)
  //     [25:25] Fast FXSAVE/FXRSTOR mode support
  //     [26:26] 1G paging support
  //     [27:27] Support RDTSCP Instruction
  //     [28:28] Reserved
  //     [29:29] Long Mode
  //     [30:30] AMD 3DNow! Extensions
  //     [31:31] AMD 3DNow! Instructions
  unsigned features  = BX_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL ? 0 : get_std_cpuid_features();
  features &= 0x0183F3FF;
  features |= (1 << 22) | (1 << 30) | (1 << 31);  // only AMD is interesting in AMD MMX extensions
#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
  features |= (1 << 29) | (1 << 27) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 11);
  cpuid->edx = features;

  // Processor Brand String, use the value that is returned
  // by the first processor in the Pentium 4 family
  // (according to Intel manual)

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000002
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[2]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x20202020; // "    "
  cpuid->ebx = 0x20202020; // "    "
  cpuid->ecx = 0x20202020; // "    "
  cpuid->edx = 0x6E492020; // "  In"

  // CPUID function 0x80000003
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[3]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x286C6574; // "tel("
  cpuid->ebx = 0x50202952; // "R) P"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x69746E65; // "enti"
  cpuid->edx = 0x52286D75; // "um(R"

  // CPUID function 0x80000004
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[4]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x20342029; // ") 4 "
  cpuid->ebx = 0x20555043; // "CPU "
  cpuid->ecx = 0x20202020; // "    "
  cpuid->edx = 0x00202020; // "    "
  // Processor Brand String, use the value given
  // in AMD manuals.

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000002
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[2]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x20444D41; // "AMD "
  cpuid->ebx = 0x6C687441; // "Athl"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x74286E6F; // "on(t"
  cpuid->edx = 0x7020296D; // "m) p"

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000003
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[3]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x65636F72; // "roce"
  cpuid->ebx = 0x726F7373; // "ssor"
  cpuid->ecx = 0x00000000;
  cpuid->edx = 0x00000000;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000004
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[4]);
  cpuid->eax = 0x00000000;
  cpuid->ebx = 0x00000000;
  cpuid->ecx = 0x00000000;
  cpuid->edx = 0x00000000;

#if BX_SUPPORT_X86_64
  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000005
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[5]);

  /* cache info (L1 cache) */
  cpuid->eax = 0x01ff01ff;
  cpuid->ebx = 0x01ff01ff;
  cpuid->ecx = 0x40020140;
  cpuid->edx = 0x40020140;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000006
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[6]);

  /* cache info (L2 cache) */
  cpuid->eax = 0;
  cpuid->ebx = 0x42004200;
  cpuid->ecx = 0x02008140;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x00000007
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[7]);

  cpuid->eax = 0;
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0;
  cpuid->edx = 0;

  // ------------------------------------------------------
  // CPUID function 0x80000008
  cpuid = &(BX_CPU_THIS_PTR cpuid_ext_function[8]);

  // virtual & phys address size in low 2 bytes.
  cpuid->ebx = 0;
  cpuid->ecx = 0; // Reserved, undefined
  cpuid->edx = 0;

#endif // BX_SUPPORT_X86_64

#endif // BX_SUPPORT_SSE >= 2

#endif // BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 6