Esempio n. 1
 * Retrieves an ID of the storage where the midlet suite with the given suite ID
 * is stored.
 * @param suiteId The application suite ID
 * @param pSuiteId [out] receives an ID of the storage where the suite is stored
 * @return error code (ALL_OK if successful)
midp_suite_get_suite_storage(SuiteIdType suiteId, StorageIdType* pStorageId) {
    MIDPError status;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;
    char* pszError;

    if (pStorageId == NULL) {
        return BAD_PARAMS;

    if (suiteId == INTERNAL_SUITE_ID) {
        /* handle a special case: predefined suite ID is given */
        *pStorageId = INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID;
        return ALL_OK;

    /* load _suites.dat */
    status = read_suites_data(&pszError);

    if (status == ALL_OK) {
        pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);
        if (pData) {
            *pStorageId = pData->storageId;
        } else {
            *pStorageId = UNUSED_STORAGE_ID;
            status = NOT_FOUND;

    return status;
Esempio n. 2
 * Tells if a given suite is in a list of the installed suites.
 * @param suiteId unique ID of the midlet suite
 * @return ALL_OK if the suite is in the list of the installed suites,
 *         NOT_FOUND if not,
 *         IO_ERROR if an i/o error occured when reading the information
 *         about the installed suites,
 *         OUT_OF_MEMORY if out of memory or IO error,
 *         SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR is suite is found in the list, but it's
 *         corrupted.
static MIDPError
suite_in_list(SuiteIdType suiteId) {
    MIDPError status;
    char* pszError;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;

    /* load _suites.dat */
    status = read_suites_data(&pszError);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

    if (pData != NULL) {
         * Make sure that suite is not corrupted. Return
         * SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR if the suite is corrupted.
         * Remove the suite before returning the status.
        status = check_for_corrupted_suite(suiteId);
    } else {
        status = NOT_FOUND;

    return status;
 * Check if the suite is corrupted
 * @param suiteId ID of a suite
 * @return ALL_OK if the suite is not corrupted,
 *         SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR is suite is corrupted,
 *         OUT_OF_MEMORY if out of memory,
 *         IO_ERROR if I/O error
check_for_corrupted_suite(SuiteIdType suiteId) {
    pcsl_string filename[NUM_SUITE_FILES];
    int arc[NUM_SUITE_FILES];
    int i;
    StorageIdType storageId;
    MIDPError status = ALL_OK; /* Default to no error */
    MidletSuiteData *pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

    if (!pData) {

    /* if this suite was already checked, just return "OK" status */
    if (pData->isChecked) {
        return status;

    /* get an id of the storage where the suite is located */
    status = midp_suite_get_suite_storage(suiteId, &storageId);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    arc[0] = get_suite_filename(suiteId, &INSTALL_INFO_FILENAME, &filename[0]);
    arc[1] = get_suite_filename(suiteId, &SETTINGS_FILENAME, &filename[1]);
    arc[2] = midp_suite_get_class_path(suiteId, storageId,
                                       KNI_FALSE, &filename[2]);
    arc[3] = get_property_file(suiteId, KNI_FALSE, &filename[3]);

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_SUITE_FILES; i++) {
        if (arc[i] != ALL_OK) {
            status = (MIDPError)arc[i];

        if (!storage_file_exists(&filename[i])) {
            /* File does not exist; suite must be corrupted */
            status = SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR;

    if (status == ALL_OK) {
        /* if the suite is not currupted, mark it as "checked" */
        pData->isChecked = 1;


    return status;
 * Tells if a given suite is in a list of the installed suites.
 * @param suiteId unique ID of the midlet suite
 * @return ALL_OK if the suite is in the list of the installed suites,
 *         NOT_FOUND if not,
 *         IO_ERROR if an i/o error occured when reading the information
 *         about the installed suites,
 *         OUT_OF_MEMORY if out of memory or IO error,
 *         SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR is suite is found in the list, but it's
 *         corrupted.
static MIDPError
suite_in_list(ComponentType type, SuiteIdType suiteId,
              ComponentIdType componentId) {
    MIDPError status;
    char* pszError;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;

    /** to supress compilation warnings */

    /* load _suites.dat */
    status = read_suites_data(&pszError);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    if (type == COMPONENT_DYNAMIC) {
        pData = get_component_data(componentId);
        if (pData == NULL) {
            status = NOT_FOUND;
    } else {
        pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

        if (pData != NULL) {
             * Make sure that suite is not corrupted. Return
             * SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR if the suite is corrupted.
             * Remove the suite before returning the status.
            status = check_for_corrupted_suite(suiteId);
        } else {
            status = NOT_FOUND;

    return status;
 * Retrieves an ID of the requested type for the given suite.
 * @param suiteId The application suite ID
 * @param resultType 0 to return suite storage ID, 1 - suite folder ID
 * @param pResult [out] receives the requested ID
 * @return error code (ALL_OK if successful)
static MIDPError
get_suite_int_impl(SuiteIdType suiteId, int resultType, void* pResult) {
    MIDPError status;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;
    char* pszError;

    if (pResult == NULL) {
        return BAD_PARAMS;

    if (suiteId == INTERNAL_SUITE_ID) {
        /* handle a special case: predefined suite ID is given */
        if (resultType) {
            *(FolderIdType*)pResult  = 0;
        } else {
            *(StorageIdType*)pResult = INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID;
        return ALL_OK;

    /* load _suites.dat */
    status = read_suites_data(&pszError);

    if (status == ALL_OK) {
        pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);
        if (pData) {
            if (resultType) {
                *(FolderIdType*)pResult  = pData->folderId;
            } else {
                *(StorageIdType*)pResult = pData->storageId;
        } else {
            if (resultType) {
                *(FolderIdType*)pResult  = -1;
            } else {
                *(StorageIdType*)pResult = UNUSED_STORAGE_ID;
            status = NOT_FOUND;

    return status;
 * Change the enabled state of a suite.
 * @param suiteId ID of the suite
 * @param enabled true if the suite is be enabled
 * @return an error code (ALL_OK if no errors)
static MIDPError
change_enabled_state(SuiteIdType suiteId, jboolean enabled) {
    char* pszError;
    MIDPError status;
    jbyte* pPermissions;
    int numberOfPermissions;
    jbyte pushInterrupt;
    jint pushOptions;
    jboolean temp;
    lockStorageList* node;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;

     * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running
     * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the
     * caller's code less complex.
     * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any
     * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed.
    if (midpInit(LIST_LEVEL) != 0) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    status = midp_suite_exists(suiteId);

    if ((status != ALL_OK) && (status != SUITE_CORRUPTED_ERROR)) {
        return status;

    node = find_storage_lock(suiteId);
    if (node != NULL) {
        if (node->update == KNI_TRUE) {
            /* Suite is being updated currently. */
            return SUITE_LOCKED;

    status = read_settings(&pszError, suiteId, &temp, &pushInterrupt,
                           &pushOptions, &pPermissions, &numberOfPermissions);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    status = begin_transaction(TRANSACTION_ENABLE_SUITE, suiteId, NULL);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    status = write_settings(&pszError, suiteId, enabled, pushInterrupt,
                            pushOptions, pPermissions, numberOfPermissions,
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        /* nothing was written, so nothing to rollback, just finish */
        return status;

    /* synchronize the settings in the list of MidletSuiteData structures */
    pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

     * We can assert that pData is not NULL because midp_suite_exists()
     * was called above to ensure that the suite with the given ID exists.
    if (pData != NULL) {
        int status;
        char* pszError;
        pData->isEnabled = enabled;

        /* IMPL_NOTE: these settings must be cached and saved on AMS exit. */
        status = write_suites_data(&pszError);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {
            return IO_ERROR;


    return ALL_OK;
 * Gets the amount of storage on the device that this suite is using.
 * This includes the JAD, JAR, management data, and RMS.
 * @param suiteId  ID of the suite
 * @return number of bytes of storage the suite is using or less than
 * OUT_OF_MEM_LEN if out of memory
midp_get_suite_storage_size(SuiteIdType suiteId) {
    long used = 0;
    long rms = 0;
    pcsl_string filename[NUM_SUITE_FILES];
    int i;
    char* pszError;
    StorageIdType storageId;
    MIDPError status;
    MidletSuiteData* pData;
    pcsl_string filenameBase;

    // get the filename base from the suite id
    status = build_suite_filename(suiteId, &PCSL_STRING_EMPTY, 
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;
    pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);
    if (pData) {
        used = (jint)pData->suiteSize;

    if (used <= 0) {
        /* Suite size is not cached (should not happen!), calculate it. */
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_SUITE_FILES; i++) {
            filename[i] = PCSL_STRING_NULL;

         * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running
         * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the
         * caller's code less complex.
         * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any
         * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed.
        if (midpInit(LIST_LEVEL) != 0) {
            return OUT_OF_MEM_LEN;

        status = midp_suite_get_suite_storage(suiteId, &storageId);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {
            return OUT_OF_MEM_LEN;

        status = build_suite_filename(suiteId, &INSTALL_INFO_FILENAME, &filename[0]);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {
            return status;
        status = build_suite_filename(suiteId, &SETTINGS_FILENAME, &filename[1]);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {
            return status;
        midp_suite_get_class_path(suiteId, storageId, KNI_TRUE, &filename[2]);
        get_property_file(suiteId, KNI_TRUE, &filename[3]);

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_SUITE_FILES; i++) {
            long tmp;

            if (pcsl_string_is_null(&filename[i])) {

            tmp = storage_size_of_file_by_name(&pszError, &filename[i]);

            if (pszError != NULL) {

            used += tmp;

        if (pData) {
            /* cache the calculated size */
            pData->suiteSize = (jint)used;
            status = write_suites_data(&pszError);
            if (status != ALL_OK) {
                return OUT_OF_MEM_LEN;

    rms = rmsdb_get_rms_storage_size(&filenameBase, suiteId);
    if (rms == OUT_OF_MEM_LEN) {
        return OUT_OF_MEM_LEN;

    return used + rms;
 * Moves the given midlet suite to another folder.
 * @param suiteId ID of the suite
 * @param newFolderId ID of the folder where the suite must be moved
 * @return ALL_OK if no errors or an error code
MIDPError midp_move_suite_to_folder(SuiteIdType suiteId,
                                    FolderIdType newFolderId) {
    MIDPError status = ALL_OK;
    char* pszError = NULL;
    lockStorageList *node = NULL;
    MidletSuiteData* pSuiteData;
    FolderIdType oldFolderId;

     * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running
     * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the
     * caller's code less complex.
     * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any
     * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed.
    if (midpInit(REMOVE_LEVEL) != 0) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    /* load _suites.dat */
    status = read_suites_data(&pszError);

    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    node = find_storage_lock(suiteId);
    if (node != NULL) {
        if (node->update != KNI_TRUE) {
            return SUITE_LOCKED;

    pSuiteData = get_suite_data(suiteId);
    if (pSuiteData == NULL) {
        return NOT_FOUND;

    status = begin_transaction(TRANSACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER, suiteId, NULL);
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;

    oldFolderId = pSuiteData->folderId;
    pSuiteData->folderId = newFolderId;

    status = write_suites_data(&pszError);

    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        pSuiteData->folderId = oldFolderId;
    } else {


    return status;
 * Moves a software package with given suite ID to the specified storage.
 * @param suiteId suite ID for the installed package
 * @param storageId new storage ID
 * @return SUITE_LOCKED if the
 * suite is locked, NOT_FOUND if the suite cannot be found or
 * invalid storage ID specified, BAD_PARAMS if attempt is made
 * to move suite to the external storage, GENERAL_ERROR if
 * VERIFY_ONCE is not enabled and if MONET is enabled
midp_change_suite_storage(SuiteIdType suiteId, StorageIdType newStorageId) {

    return GENERAL_ERROR;

    * if VERIFY_ONCE is enabled then MONET is disabled
    * so we don't have to check ENABLE_MONET.

        pcsl_string suiteRoot;
        MidletSuiteData* pData = NULL;
        int status;
        void* fileIteratorHandle = NULL;
        lockStorageList *node = NULL;

        if ((UNUSED_STORAGE_ID == newStorageId) ||
            (newStorageId >= MAX_STORAGE_NUM)) {
            return BAD_PARAMS;

         * IMPL_NOTE: for security reasons we allow to move suite
         * only to the internal storage.
        if (newStorageId != INTERNAL_STORAGE_ID) {
            return BAD_PARAMS;

        node = find_storage_lock(suiteId);
        if (node != NULL) {
            if (node->update != KNI_TRUE) {
                return SUITE_LOCKED;

         * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running
         * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the
         * caller's code less complex.
         * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any
         * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed.
        if (midpInit(REMOVE_LEVEL) != 0) {
            return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        /* check that the suite exists and it is not a preloaded one */
        pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

        if (pData == NULL) {
            return NOT_FOUND;

        if (pData->storageId == newStorageId) {
            return BAD_PARAMS;

        if (pData->type == COMPONENT_PREINSTALLED_SUITE) {
            return BAD_PARAMS;

        do {
            jsize oldRootLength;
            jsize newRootLength;
            const pcsl_string* newRoot;
            const pcsl_string* oldRoot;
            char* pszError = NULL;
            pcsl_string filePath;
            pcsl_string newFilePath;

            status = begin_transaction(TRANSACTION_CHANGE_STORAGE, suiteId, NULL);
            if (status != ALL_OK) {

            if ((status = get_suite_storage_root(suiteId, &suiteRoot)) != ALL_OK) {

            fileIteratorHandle = storage_open_file_iterator(&suiteRoot);
            if (!fileIteratorHandle) {
                status = IO_ERROR;

            newRoot = storage_get_root(newStorageId);
            oldRoot = storage_get_root(pData->storageId);
            newRootLength = pcsl_string_length(newRoot);
            oldRootLength = pcsl_string_length(oldRoot);

            status = ALL_OK;

            if ((status = midp_suite_get_class_path(suiteId,
                pData->storageId, KNI_FALSE, &filePath)) != ALL_OK) {

            if ((status = midp_suite_get_class_path(suiteId,
                newStorageId, KNI_FALSE, &newFilePath)) != ALL_OK) {

            storage_rename_file(&pszError, &filePath, &newFilePath);
            if (pszError != NULL) {
                status = IO_ERROR;


            moveImageCache(suiteId, pData->storageId, newStorageId);

            pData->storageId = newStorageId;

            status = write_suites_data(&pszError);

        } while (0);


        if (status != ALL_OK) {
        } else {


        return status;

#endif /* VERIFY_ONCE */
 * Removes a software package given its suite ID
 * <p>
 * If the component is in use it must continue to be available
 * to the other components that are using it.  The resources it
 * consumes must not be released until it is not in use.
 * @param suiteId ID of the suite
 * @return ALL_OK if no errors,
 *         NOT_FOUND if the suite does not exist,
 *         SUITE_LOCKED if the suite is locked,
 *         BAD_PARAMS this suite cannot be removed
midp_remove_suite(SuiteIdType suiteId) {
    pcsl_string filename;
    char* pszError;
    pcsl_string suiteRoot;
    MIDPError status;
    int operationStarted = 0;
    void* fileIteratorHandle = NULL;
    MidpProperties properties;
    pcsl_string* pproperty;
    MidletSuiteData* pData = NULL;
    pcsl_string filenameBase;

    lockStorageList *node = NULL;

    /* get the filename base from the suite id */
    status = build_suite_filename(suiteId, &PCSL_STRING_EMPTY, 
    if (status != ALL_OK) {
        return status;
    node = find_storage_lock(suiteId);
    if (node != NULL) {
        if (node->update != KNI_TRUE) {
            return SUITE_LOCKED;

     * This is a public API which can be called without the VM running
     * so we need automatically init anything needed, to make the
     * caller's code less complex.
     * Initialization is performed in steps so that we do use any
     * extra resources such as the VM for the operation being performed.
    if (midpInit(REMOVE_LEVEL) != 0) {
        return OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    do {
        int rc; /* return code for rmsdb_... and storage_... */

        /* load _suites.dat */
        status = read_suites_data(&pszError);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {

        /* check that the suite exists and it is not a preloaded one */
        pData = get_suite_data(suiteId);

        if (pData == NULL) {
            status = NOT_FOUND;

        /* notify the listeners that we starting to remove the suite */
        operationStarted = 1;

        if (pData->type == COMPONENT_PREINSTALLED_SUITE) {
            status = BAD_PARAMS;

        status = begin_transaction(TRANSACTION_REMOVE_SUITE, suiteId, NULL);
        if (status != ALL_OK) {
            return status;

         * Remove the files
         * Call the native RMS method to remove the RMS data.
         * This function call is needed for portability
        rc = rmsdb_remove_record_stores_for_suite(&filenameBase, suiteId);
        if (rc == KNI_FALSE) {
            status = SUITE_LOCKED;


         * If there is a delete notify property, add the value to the delete
         * notify URL list.
        properties = midp_get_suite_properties(suiteId);
        if (properties.numberOfProperties > 0) {
            pproperty = midp_find_property(&properties, &DELETE_NOTIFY_PROP);
            if (pcsl_string_length(pproperty) > 0) {
                midpAddDeleteNotification(suiteId, pproperty);

            pproperty = midp_find_property(&properties, &INSTALL_NOTIFY_PROP);
            if (pcsl_string_length(pproperty) > 0) {
                 * Remove any pending install notifications since they are only
                 * retried when the suite is run.


        if ((status = get_suite_storage_root(suiteId, &suiteRoot)) != ALL_OK) {

        fileIteratorHandle = storage_open_file_iterator(&suiteRoot);
        if (!fileIteratorHandle) {
            status = IO_ERROR;


        for (;;) {
            rc = storage_get_next_file_in_iterator(&suiteRoot,
                fileIteratorHandle, &filename);
            if (0 != rc) {
            storage_delete_file(&pszError, &filename);
            if (pszError != NULL) {

    } while (0);



     * Notify the listeners the we've finished removing the suite.
     * It should be done before remove_from_suite_list_and_save()
     * call because it frees pData structure.
    if (operationStarted) {
            SUITESTORE_OPERATION_END, status, pData);

    if (status == ALL_OK) {


    return status;