Esempio n. 1
bool CvMongoMat::upload(const cv::Mat &image)
    if (conn_ == NULL) return false;

    mongo::BSONObj old_obj = BSON(key_ << BSON("$exists" << true));

    mongo::BSONObjBuilder builder;
    if (image.empty()) {
        builder.appendBinData(key_, 0, mongo::BinDataGeneral, NULL);
    else {
        std::vector<int> params(2);
        params[0] = CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY;
        params[1] = 95;
        std::vector<uchar> buf;
        cv::imencode(".jpg", image, buf, params);
        builder.appendBinData(key_, buf.size(), mongo::BinDataGeneral, &buf[0]);

    timestamp_ = get_timestamp_();
    builder.append("timestamp", timestamp_);
    conn_->update(collection_, old_obj, builder.obj());

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
// move sorted runs to ready_ collection
int Sequencer::make_checkpoint_(aku_Timestamp new_checkpoint) {
    int flag = sequence_number_.fetch_add(1) + 1;
    if (flag % 2 != 0) {
        auto old_top = get_timestamp_(checkpoint_);
        checkpoint_ = new_checkpoint;
        vector<PSortedRun> new_runs;
        for (auto& sorted_run: runs_) {
            auto it = lower_bound(sorted_run->begin(), sorted_run->end(), TimeSeriesValue(old_top, AKU_LIMITS_MAX_ID, 0u, 0u));
            // Check that compression threshold is reached
            if (it == sorted_run->begin()) {
                // all timestamps are newer than old_top, do nothing
            } else if (it == sorted_run->end()) {
                // all timestamps are older than old_top, move them
            } else {
                // it is in between of the sorted run - split
                PSortedRun run(new SortedRun());
                copy(sorted_run->begin(), it, back_inserter(*run));  // copy old
                run.reset(new SortedRun());
                copy(it, sorted_run->end(), back_inserter(*run));  // copy new
        Lock guard(runs_resize_lock_);
        space_estimate_ = 0u;
        for (auto& sorted_run: new_runs) {
            space_estimate_ += sorted_run->size() * SPACE_PER_ELEMENT;
        swap(runs_, new_runs);

        size_t ready_size = 0u;
        for (auto& sorted_run: ready_) {
            ready_size += sorted_run->size();
        if (ready_size < c_threshold_) {
            // If ready doesn't contains enough data compression wouldn't be efficient,
            //  we need to wait for more data to come
            flag = sequence_number_.fetch_add(1) + 1;
            // We should make sorted runs in ready_ array searchable again
            for (auto& sorted_run: ready_) {
    return flag;
Esempio n. 3
CvMongoMat::CvMongoMat(mongo::DBClientConnection &conn, const std::string &collection, const std::string &key)
    : conn_(&conn), collection_(collection), key_(key), timestamp_(0)
    if (conn_ == NULL) return;

    // cleanup target key
    mongo::BSONObj remove_query = BSON(key_ << BSON("$exists" << "true"));
    conn_->remove(collection_, remove_query);

    // insert dummy key-value
    mongo::BSONObjBuilder builder;
    builder.appendBinData(key_, 0, mongo::BinDataGeneral, NULL);
    builder.append("timestamp", get_timestamp_());
    conn_->insert(collection_, builder.obj());
Esempio n. 4
Sequencer::Sequencer(PageHeader const* page, const aku_FineTuneParams &config)
    : window_size_(config.window_size)
    , page_(page)
    , top_timestamp_()
    , checkpoint_(0u)
    , sequence_number_ {0}
    , run_locks_(RUN_LOCK_FLAGS_SIZE)
    , c_threshold_(config.compression_threshold)
    key_.reset(new SortedRun());

    if (page) {
        auto cnt = page->get_entries_count();
        if (cnt != 0) {
            auto ts = page->read_timestamp_at(cnt - 1);
            checkpoint_ = get_checkpoint_(ts);
            top_timestamp_ = get_timestamp_(ts);