Esempio n. 1
    bool LpSolve::solve() {
        set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);
        for (size_t c = 0; c < moduleIndexMap.size(); ++c) {
            colno[c] = c + 1;
            set_binary(lp, c + 1, TRUE);
        for (auto &equation : equations) {
            memset(row, 0, moduleIndexMap.size() * sizeof(*row));
            for (auto const &module : equation->getModules()) {
                row[>toString())] = 1;
            add_constraintex(lp, moduleIndexMap.size(), row, colno, equation->getIsEqualityConstraint() ? EQ : LE, 1);
        set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);
        memset(row, 0, moduleIndexMap.size() * sizeof(*row));
        set_obj_fnex(lp, moduleIndexMap.size(), row, colno);

        if (::solve(lp) != OPTIMAL) {
            return false;
        get_variables(lp, row);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < moduleIndexMap.size(); j++)
            printf("%s: %f\n", get_col_name(lp, j + 1), row[j]);
        return true;
Esempio n. 2
ErrorCode ReadNC::read_header()
  dbgOut.tprint(1, "Reading header...\n");

  // Get the global attributes
  int numgatts;
  int success;
  success = NCFUNC(inq_natts )(fileId, &numgatts);
  if (success)
    MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't get number of global attributes");

  // Read attributes into globalAtts
  ErrorCode result = get_attributes(NC_GLOBAL, numgatts, globalAtts);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting global attributes");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u attributes\n", (unsigned int) globalAtts.size());

  // Read in dimensions into dimNames and dimLens
  result = get_dimensions(fileId, dimNames, dimLens);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting dimensions");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u dimensions\n", (unsigned int) dimNames.size());

  // Read in variables into varInfo
  result = get_variables();MB_CHK_SET_ERR(result, "Trouble getting variables");
  dbgOut.tprintf(1, "Read %u variables\n", (unsigned int) varInfo.size());

  return MB_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
 * add new watch 
variable* add_watch(gchar* expression)
	gchar command[1000];

	variable *var = variable_new(expression, VT_WATCH);
	watches = g_list_append(watches, var);

	/* try to create a variable */
	gchar *record = NULL;
	gchar *escaped = g_strescape(expression, NULL);
	sprintf(command, "-var-create - * \"%s\"", escaped);

	if (RC_DONE != exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, &record))
		return var;
	gchar *pos = strstr(record, "name=\"") + strlen("name=\"");
	*strchr(pos, '\"') = '\0'; 
	g_string_assign(var->internal, pos);
	var->evaluated = TRUE;

	GList *vars = g_list_append(NULL, var);


	return var;	
Esempio n. 4
/// Generates the truth table.
void MainWindow::generate()


    FunctionParser p;
    case Function:
        char func[128];
        Edit_GetText(m_hWndFunction, func, 128);

        try {
            p = FunctionParser(m_variables, func);
        } catch(FunctionParser::FunctionParserException& e) {
            MessageBox(e.what(), "Function Parser Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

    case Minterm:
    case Maxterm:
Esempio n. 5
void lock_hierarchy::handleError(const char *what, std::size_t lock_level, const void *theLock)
    variables_t &variables = get_variables();
    std::cerr << "locking hierarchy error: " << what << " lock_level=" << lock_level
              << " theLock=" << theLock << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "locked levels:\n";
    std::size_t lastV = 0, count = 0;
    const std::size_t skipAtCount = 3;
    for(std::size_t v : variables.lock_levels)
        if(count == 0 || lastV != v)
            if(count > skipAtCount)
                std::cerr << "(" << count - skipAtCount << " not shown)\n";
            lastV = v;
            count = 1;
        if(count <= skipAtCount)
            std::cerr << v << "\n";
    if(count > skipAtCount)
        std::cerr << "(" << count - skipAtCount << " not shown)\n";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
Solution LpsolveAdaptator::getSolution(lprec * lp) {
	Solution sol = Solution();
	REAL row[get_Norig_columns(lp)];
#ifdef DEBUG
	set_verbose(lp, NORMAL);
	write_LP(lp, stdout);
	set_verbose(lp, CRITICAL);

	// WARNING possible conversion failure from double to float
	get_variables(lp, row);

#ifdef DEBUG
	for(int j = 0; j < get_Norig_columns(lp); j++) {
	   printf("%s: %f\n", get_col_name(lp, j + 1), row[j]);
	for (int i = 0; i < get_Norig_columns(lp); i++) {
		double var_value = (double)row[i];

	return sol;
Esempio n. 7
 * get list of children 
GList* get_children (gchar* path)
	GList *children = NULL;
	gchar command[1000];
	result_class rc;
	gchar *record = NULL;
	gchar *pos = NULL;

	/* children number */
	sprintf(command, "-var-info-num-children \"%s\"", path);
	rc = exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, &record);
	if (RC_DONE != rc)
		return NULL;
	pos = strstr(record, "numchild=\"") + strlen("numchild=\"");
	*(strchr(pos, '\"')) = '\0';
	int numchild = atoi(pos);
	if (!numchild)
		return NULL;
	/* recursive get children and put into list */
	sprintf(command, "-var-list-children \"%s\"", path);
	rc = exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, &record);
	if (RC_DONE == rc)
		pos = record;
		while ( (pos = strstr(pos, "child={")) )
			gchar *name, *internal;
			/* name */
			pos = strstr(pos, "name=\"") + strlen("name=\"");
			*(strstr(pos, "\",exp=\"")) = '\0';
			internal = pos;
			pos += strlen(pos) + 1;

			/* exp */
			pos = strstr(pos, "exp=\"") + strlen("exp=\"");
			*(strstr(pos, "\",numchild=\"")) = '\0';
			name = g_strcompress(pos);
			variable *var = variable_new2(name, internal, VT_CHILD);
			var->evaluated = TRUE;
			pos += strlen(pos) + 1;

			children = g_list_prepend(children, var);

	return children;
bool CFeasibilityMap::SolveLP(Matrix &A, ColumnVector &b, ColumnVector &x) {
  lprec *lp ;
  int n_row = A.nrows(); int n_col = A.ncols();
  x = ColumnVector(n_col); x = 0;
  lp = make_lp(0,n_col) ; 
  double *input_row = new double[1+n_col];
  for (int i_row=1; i_row<=n_row; i_row++){
      input_row[0] = 0 ; // The first zero is for matrix form
      for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
          input_row[j] = A(i_row,j) ;
      add_constraint(lp, input_row, LE, b(i_row)) ;
  delete [] input_row;
  double *input_obj = new double[1+n_col];    // The first zero is for matrix form
  input_obj[0] = 0 ;
  for (int j=1; j<=n_col; j++){
      input_obj[j] = 1 ;
  set_obj_fn(lp, input_obj) ;
  delete [] input_obj;
  set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT); // NEUTRAL (0), IMPORTANT (3), NORMAL (4), FULL (6)
  bool is_feasible = (solve(lp)==0); // 0: feasible solution found,  2: not found
                                     // solution for minimizing objective function                               
  double* x_min = new double[n_col];
  double* x_max = new double[n_col];                      
  if (is_feasible) {
    get_variables(lp, x_min);
    is_feasible = (solve(lp)==0); // 0: feasible solution found,  2: not found
    if (is_feasible) {
      get_variables(lp, x_max);
      for (int i = 0; i < n_col; i++) {
        x(i+1) = (x_min[i] + x_max[i]) / 2.0;
  delete [] x_min;
  delete [] x_max;
  return is_feasible;
Esempio n. 9
/** \brief  Perform backtraking linesearch.
double backtracking_linesearch(problem_data_t *pdat, variables_t *vars,
                               double t, double *Adw, double *xnew)
    int i, m, n;
    double phi, s;
    double *vnew, *wnew, *unew;

    dmatrix *matX1, *matX2;
    double *g, *h, *z, *expz, *expmz, *ac, *ar, *b, *d1, *d2, *Aw;
    double *x, *v, *w, *u, *dx, *dv, *dw, *du, *gv, *gw, *gu, *gx;
    double lambda, gdx;

    get_problem_data(pdat, &matX1, &matX2, &ac, &ar, &b, &lambda);
    m = matX1->m;
    n = matX1->n;
    get_variables(vars, &x, &v, &w, &u, &dx, &dv, &dw, &du, &gx, &gv,
                  &gw, &gu, &g, &h, &z, &expz, &expmz, &d1, &d2, &Aw);

    vnew = xnew;
    wnew = xnew+1;
    unew = xnew+1+n;

    s = 1.0;
    phi = eval_phi(m, n, z, expz, expmz, w, u, lambda, t);

    dmat_yAmpqx(matX1, ac, ar, dw, Adw);        /* see below */
    dmat_waxpby(m, dv[0], b, 1, Adw, Adw);      /* Adw := A*dw+b*dv */
    dmat_waxpby(m, v[0], b, 1, Aw, Aw);         /* Aw  := A*w+b*v   */
    dmat_waxpby(n+n+1, 1, dx, 1, x, xnew);      /* xnew:= x + dx    */
    gdx = dmat_dot(n+n+1, gx, dx);

    for (i = 1; i <= MAX_LS_ITER; i++)
        /* x := x + s*dx */
        if (is_indomain(wnew, unew, n) == TRUE)
            double newphi;

            /* z = A*(w+s*dw) + b*(v+s*dw)
                 = (Aw+bv) + s*(Adw+bdv),
               where Aw, Adw+bdv are vectors. */

            dmat_waxpby(m, s, Adw, 1, Aw, z);
            dmat_yexpx(m, z, expz);
            dmat_yinvx(m, expz, expmz);
            newphi = eval_phi(m, n, z, expz, expmz, wnew, unew, lambda, t);

            if (newphi <= phi + ALPHA * s * gdx) break;
        s *= BETA;
        dmat_waxpby(n+n+1, s, dx, 1, x, xnew);
    if (i > MAX_LS_ITER) return -1;

    return s;
Esempio n. 10
int LoadBalancing::lp_solve_model() {
	//Returns 0 when an optimal solution is found,
	//returns 1 if the solution is suboptimal due to an overlap constraint, and we should use fewer nodes
	//returns 2 when a suboptimal solution is found (solver timed out)
	//returns 3 if another error occurred

	int ret;
	int Ncol=3*num_using_nodes_+(num_using_nodes_-1)*(num_quantiles_+2);
	REAL *vars = (REAL*)malloc(Ncol*sizeof(REAL));

	set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT);
	set_timeout(lp, solver_timeout_);

	ret = solve(lp);
		fprintf(stderr, "lp_solve: Suboptimal solution (solver timed out)\n");
		return 2;
	if(ret!=0 && ret!=1){
		fprintf(stderr, "lp_solve: Solution not found\n");
		return 3;

	print_solution(lp, 3);
	get_variables(lp, vars);

	for(int i=0;i<num_using_nodes_;i++){*vars[i]);
	//Estimated completion time:

/*	printf("\nOptimal cutvector:\n");
	for(int i=0;i<num_using_nodes_;i++){

	printf("Estimated completion time: %f\n", est_completion_time_);

	//If the first cut is 0, that would be an indication that the cutvector we obtained is suboptimal,
	//due to the overlap constraint.
	//We should most likely use fewer nodes.
		fprintf(stderr, "lp_solve: Suboptimal solution (first cut was 0), we should use fewer processing nodes\n");
		return 1;

	return ret;
Esempio n. 11
File: windll.c Progetto: ks6g10/CA
long __declspec(dllexport) WINAPI _get_variables(lprec *lp, double *variables)
  long ret;

  if (lp != NULL) {
   ret = get_variables(lp, variables);
   ret = 0;
Esempio n. 12
static int get_terms_object(SEXP factors, SEXP variables, struct design *s,
			    struct design *r, struct design2 *d,
			    struct terms_object *tm)
	int err = 0;

	err = get_variables(variables, s, r, d, &tm->variables);
	if (err < 0)
		goto out;

	err = get_terms(factors, &tm->variables, s, r, d, &tm->terms);
	if (err < 0)
		goto out;

	return err;
Esempio n. 13
int truth_table(char ipstr[], int fnvalues[], int *no_of_variables){
     int i, j, output, len;
	  printf("ERROR! Use only valid characters - ~&|() a-z A-Z\n");
	  return 1;

     set_precedence(precedence,  ipstr);
     get_variables(listvar, &numvar, precedence);

     if(conv_to_postfix(ipstr, opstr, precedence) == 1){
	  printf("\nError in input\n");
	  return 1;

     len = strlen(ipstr);
     /* Truth-table Printing */
     for(i=0; i<numvar; i++){
	  printf("%c  ", listvar[i]);
     printf("%s ", ipstr);
     for(i=0; i<(1<<numvar); i++){
	  /* For each permutation of bits */
	  compute_val_var_from_perm(i, valvar, numvar);
	  for(j=0; j<numvar; j++)
	       printf("%d  ", valvar[j]);
	  output = eval_postfix(opstr, valvar, numvar, listvar);
	  if(output == 1){
	       printf("Error : eval - not enuff operands\n");
	       return 1;
	  fnvalues[i] = output - '0';
	  printf("%*c ", len/2 + 1, output);

     *no_of_variables = numvar;
     return 0;
Esempio n. 14
void testVarParser(char *buf)
    printf("===== Testing Variable parser ======\n");
//	time_t start = GetTickCount();
    VariableList li;
//	fflush(stdout);

    std::map<std::string, std::string> ignoreTokens;
    get_variables(buf, li, ignoreTokens, true);
//	time_t end = GetTickCount();
    for (VariableList::iterator iter = li.begin(); iter != li.end(); iter++) {
        Variable var = *iter;

//	printf("total time: %d\n", end-start);
    printf("matches found: %d\n", li.size());
Esempio n. 15
struct svalue *
debug_command(char *debcmd, int argc, struct svalue *argv)
    static struct svalue retval;
    int dbnum, dbi, il;
    char buff[200];

    for (dbi = -1, dbnum = 0; debc[dbnum]; dbnum++)
	if (strcmp(debcmd, debc[dbnum]) == 0)
	    dbi = dbnum;
    if (dbi < 0)
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = 0;
	return &retval;

    switch (dbi)
    case 0: /* index */
	retval.type = T_POINTER;
	retval.u.vec = allocate_array(dbnum);
	for (il = 0; il < dbnum; il++)
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].type = T_STRING;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].u.string = debc[il];
	return &retval;
    case 1: /* malloc */
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = make_mstring((char *)dump_malloc_data());
	return &retval;
    case 2: /* status */
    case 3: /* status tables */
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = (char *)get_gamedriver_info(debc[dbi]);
	return &retval;
    case 4: /* mudstatus on/off eval_lim time_lim */
	if (argc < 3 || 
	    argv[0].type != T_STRING ||
	    argv[1].type != T_NUMBER ||
	    argv[2].type != T_NUMBER)
	if (strcmp(argv[0].u.string, "on") == 0)
	    mudstatus_set(1, argv[1].u.number, argv[2].u.number);
	else if (strcmp(argv[0].u.string, "off") == 0)
	    mudstatus_set(0, argv[1].u.number, argv[2].u.number);
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = 1;
	return &retval;
    case 5: /* functionlist object */
	if (argc < 1 || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
	retval.type = T_POINTER;
	retval.u.vec = allocate_array(argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions);
	for (il = 0; il < (int)argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions; il++)
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].type = T_STRING;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].string_type = STRING_SSTRING;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].u.string = 
	return &retval;
    case 6: /* rusage */
#ifdef RUSAGE /* Only defined if we compile GD with RUSAGE */
	char buff[500];
	struct rusage rus;
	long utime, stime;
	long maxrss;
	if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rus) < 0)
	    buff[0] = 0;
	else {
	    utime = rus.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000 + rus.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000;
	    stime = rus.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000 + rus.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000;
	    maxrss = rus.ru_maxrss;
	    (void)sprintf(buff, "%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld",
		    utime, stime, maxrss, rus.ru_ixrss, rus.ru_idrss,
		    rus.ru_isrss, rus.ru_minflt, rus.ru_majflt, rus.ru_nswap,
		    rus.ru_inblock, rus.ru_oublock, rus.ru_msgsnd, 
		    rus.ru_msgrcv, rus.ru_nsignals, rus.ru_nvcsw, 
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = make_mstring(buff);
	return &retval;
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with RUSAGE flag.\n";
	return &retval;

#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
    case 7: /* top_ten_cpu */
#define NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN 100
	struct program *p[NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN];
	struct vector *v;
	struct program *prog;
	int i, j;
	for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN; i++) 
	    p[i] = (struct program *)0L;
	prog = prog_list;
	    for(i = NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN-1; i >= 0; i--) 
		if ( p[i] && (prog->cpu <= p[i]->cpu))

	    if (i < (NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 1)) 
		for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
		    if (strcmp(p[j]->name,prog->name) == 0)

	    if (i < (NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 1)) 
		j = NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 2;
		while(j > i) 
		    p[j + 1] = p[j];
		p[i + 1] = prog;
	} while (prog_list != (prog = prog->next_all));
	v = make_cpu_array(NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN, p);        
	if (v) 
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec = v;
	    return &retval;
    case 7:
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 8: /* object_cpu object */
	long long c_num;

	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_OBJECT)) 
#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
	    c_num = argv[0].u.ob->prog->cpu * 1e6;
	    retval.type = T_STRING;
	    retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	    retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	    return &retval;
#ifdef RUSAGE
	    struct rusage rus;         

	    if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rus) < 0) 
		c_num = -1;
		c_num =  (long long)rus.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000 + 
				     rus.ru_utime.tv_usec +
				     (long long)rus.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000 + 
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with RUSAGE flag.\n";
	return &retval;
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = c_num;
	return &retval;
    case 9:  /*	swap,		object 		*/
#if 0        /* can not swap while executing */
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_OBJECT))
	retval = const1;
	return &retval;
    case 10: /*	version,		  	*/
	char buff[64];
	(void)snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%6.6s%02d %s %s", GAME_VERSION, PATCH_LEVEL, __DATE__, __TIME__);
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = make_mstring(buff);
	return &retval;
    case 11: /* wizlist,  	wizname	 	*/
	 * Prints information, will be changed
	retval = const1;
	return &retval;
    case 12: /* trace, 		bitmask		*/
	int ot = -1;
	extern struct object *current_interactive;
	if (current_interactive && current_interactive->interactive) 
	    if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_NUMBER))
		ot = current_interactive->interactive->trace_level;
		current_interactive->interactive->trace_level = argv[0].u.number;

	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = ot;
	return &retval;
    case 13: /* traceprefix, 	pathstart	*/
	char *old = 0;

	extern struct object *current_interactive;
	if (current_interactive && current_interactive->interactive) 
	    if (argc)
		old = current_interactive->interactive->trace_prefix;
		if (argv[0].type == T_STRING) 
		    current_interactive->interactive->trace_prefix = 
		    current_interactive->interactive->trace_prefix = 0;

	if (old) 
	    retval.type = T_STRING;
	    retval.string_type = STRING_SSTRING;
	    retval.u.string = old;
	    retval = const0;

	return &retval;
    case 14: /*	call_out_info,	  		*/
	    extern struct vector *get_calls(struct object *);
	    if (argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec =  get_calls(argv[0].u.ob);
	    return &retval;
    case 15: /* inherit_list, 	object		*/
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_OBJECT))
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec = inherit_list(argv[0].u.ob);
	    return &retval;
	    retval = const0;
	    return &retval;
    case 16: /*	load_average,	  		*/
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = make_mstring(query_load_av());
	return &retval;

    case 17: /*	shutdown,		  	*/
	retval = const1;
	return &retval;
    case 18: /* "object_info",	num object 	*/
	struct object *ob;
	char db_buff[1024], tdb[200];
	int i;
	if (argc < 2 || argv[0].type != T_NUMBER || argv[1].type != T_OBJECT)

	if (argv[0].u.number == 0) 
	    int flags;
	    struct object *obj2;
	    if ( argv[1].type != T_OBJECT)
	    ob = argv[1].u.ob;
	    flags = ob->flags;
	    (void)sprintf(db_buff,"O_ENABLE_COMMANDS : %s\nO_CLONE           : %s\nO_DESTRUCTED      : %s\nO_SWAPPED         : %s\nO_ONCE_INTERACTIVE: %s\nO_CREATED         : %s\n",
			flags&O_CLONE           ?"TRUE":"FALSE",
			flags&O_DESTRUCTED      ?"TRUE":"FALSE",
			flags&O_SWAPPED          ?"TRUE":"FALSE",
			flags&O_CREATED		?"TRUE":"FALSE");
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"time_of_ref : %d\n", ob->time_of_ref);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"ref         : %d\n", ob->ref);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
#ifdef DEBUG
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"extra_ref   : %d\n", ob->extra_ref);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"swap_num    : %d\n", ob->swap_num);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)snprintf(tdb, sizeof(tdb), "name        : '%s'\n", ob->name);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)snprintf(tdb, sizeof(tdb), "next_all    : OBJ(%s)\n",
			ob->next_all?ob->next_all->name: "NULL");
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    if (obj_list == ob) 
		(void)strcat(db_buff, "This object is the head of the object list.\n");

	    obj2 = obj_list;
	    i = 1;
		if (obj2->next_all == ob) 
		    (void)snprintf(tdb, sizeof(tdb), "Previous object in object list: OBJ(%s)\n",
		    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
		    (void)sprintf(tdb, "position in object list:%d\n",i);
		    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    while (obj_list != (obj2 = obj2->next_all));
        else if (argv[0].u.number == 1) 
	    if (argv[1].type != T_OBJECT)
	    ob = argv[1].u.ob;
	    (void)sprintf(db_buff,"program ref's %d\n", ob->prog->ref);
	    (void)snprintf(tdb, sizeof(tdb), "Name %s\n", ob->prog->name);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"program size %d\n", ob->prog->program_size);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb, "num func's %u (%u) \n", ob->prog->num_functions
			,ob->prog->num_functions * (unsigned) sizeof(struct function));
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"sizeof rodata %d\n", ob->prog->rodata_size);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"num vars %u (%u)\n", ob->prog->num_variables
			,ob->prog->num_variables * (unsigned) sizeof(struct variable));
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"num inherits %u (%u)\n", ob->prog->num_inherited
			,ob->prog->num_inherited * (unsigned) sizeof(struct inherit));
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(tdb,"total size %d\n", ob->prog->total_size);
	    (void)strcat(db_buff, tdb);
	    (void)sprintf(db_buff, "Bad number argument to object_info: %lld\n",
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	retval.u.string = make_mstring(db_buff);
	return &retval;
    case 19: /* opcdump,	19	    */
#ifdef OPCPROF
	retval = const1;
	return &retval;
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with OPCPROF flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 20: /* send_udp,	20     		host, port, msg */
	extern udpsvc_t *udpsvc;
	if (argc < 3 || 
	    argv[0].type != T_STRING ||
	    argv[1].type != T_NUMBER ||
	    argv[2].type != T_STRING)
	tmp = udpsvc_send(udpsvc, argv[0].u.string, argv[1].u.number, argv[2].u.string);
	if (tmp)
	    retval = const1;
	    retval = const0;
	return &retval;
    case 21: /* mud_port,	21  */
	extern int port_number;
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = port_number;
	return &retval;
    case 22: /* udp_port,	22  */
	extern int udp_port;
	retval.u.number = udp_port;
	retval.u.number = -1;
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	return &retval;
    case 23: /* set_wizard, 	object		*/
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_OBJECT))
	    retval = const1;
	    return &retval;
	    retval = const0;
	    return &retval;
    case 24: /* ob_flags,	24 ob  */
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_OBJECT))
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = argv[0].u.ob->flags;
	    return &retval;
	retval = const0;
	return &retval;
    case 25: /* get_variables, 25       object NULL/string */
	struct svalue get_variables(struct object *);
	struct svalue get_variable(struct object *, char *);
 	switch (argc)
 	case 1:
 	    if ( argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
 		retval = const0;
 		return &retval;
 	    retval = get_variables(argv[0].u.ob);
 	    return &retval;
 	case 2:
 	    if ( argv[0].type != T_OBJECT || argv[1].type != T_STRING)
 		retval = const0;
 		return &retval;
 	    retval = get_variable(argv[0].u.ob, argv[1].u.string);
 	    return &retval;
 	case 3:
	    if ( argv[0].type == T_OBJECT && argv[1].type == T_STRING)
		retval = get_variable(argv[0].u.ob, argv[1].u.string);
		return &retval;
 	    if ( argv[0].type == T_OBJECT)
		retval = get_variables(argv[0].u.ob);
		return &retval;
	    retval = const0;
	    return &retval;
 	    retval = const0;
 	    return &retval;
    case 26: /* get_eval_cost,	26  */
	extern int eval_cost;
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = eval_cost;
	return &retval;

    case 27: /* debug malloc, 27 */
        retval = const1;
        return &retval;
    case 28: /* getprofile, 28	object */
        int format = 0;
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	return &retval;
	if (argc < 1 || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
        if (argc >= 2 && argv[1].type == T_NUMBER)
            format = argv[1].u.number;
        if (format == 0) {
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec = allocate_array(argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions);
	    for (il = 0; il < (int)argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions; il++)

	        (void)snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%016lld:%020lld: %s",
		        (long long)argv[0].u.ob->prog->functions[il].num_calls,
		        (long long)(argv[0].u.ob->prog->functions[il].time_spent * 1e6),
	        retval.u.vec->item[il].type = T_STRING;
	        retval.u.vec->item[il].string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	        retval.u.vec->item[il].u.string = make_mstring(buff);
        } else if (format == 1) {
            retval.type = T_POINTER;
            retval.u.vec = allocate_array(argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions);
            double now = current_cpu();
            struct program *prog = argv[0].u.ob->prog;
	    for (il = 0; il < (int)prog->num_functions; il++)
                struct function *func = prog->functions + il;
	        struct vector *res = allocate_array(7);
                update_func_profile(func, now, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
                res->item[0].type = T_STRING;
                res->item[0].string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
                res->item[0].u.string = make_mstring(func->name);
                res->item[1].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[1].u.real = func->time_spent * 1e6;
                res->item[2].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[2].u.real = func->tot_time_spent * 1e6;
                res->item[3].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[3].u.real = func->num_calls;
                res->item[4].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[4].u.real = func->avg_time * 1e6;
                res->item[5].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[5].u.real = func->avg_tot_time * 1e6;
                res->item[6].type = T_FLOAT;
                res->item[6].u.real = func->avg_calls;

	        retval.u.vec->item[il].type = T_POINTER;
	        retval.u.vec->item[il].u.vec = res;
        } else {
	    retval.type = T_STRING;
	    retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	    retval.u.string = "Unknown format.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 29: /* get_avg_response, 29 */
	extern int get_msecs_response(int);
	extern int msr_point;
	int sum, num, tmp;

	if (msr_point >=0)
	    sum = 0;
	    num = 0;
	    for (il = 0; il < 100; il++)
		if ((tmp = get_msecs_response(il)) >=0)
		    sum += tmp;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = (num > 0) ? sum / num : 0;
	    return &retval;
    case 30: /* destruct, 30 */
    case 31: /* destroy, 31 */
	extern void destruct_object(struct object *);

	if (argc && argv[0].type == T_OBJECT &&
            !(argv[0].u.ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED))
    case 32: /* update snoops, 31 */
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with SUPER_SNOOP flag.\n";
    case 33: /* call_warnings, int 0 = off, 1 = on */
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_STRING))
	    if (strcmp(argv[0].u.string, "on") == 0)
		call_warnings = call_warnings > 0 ? call_warnings - 1 : 0;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = call_warnings;
	    return &retval;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = -1;
	    return &retval;
    case 34: /* dump objects */
	FILE *ufile;
	struct object *ob;
	if ((ufile = fopen(OBJECT_DUMP_FILE, "w")) == NULL)
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = -1;
	    return &retval;
	fputs("Array (size), Mapping (size), String (size), Objs, Ints, Floats, Inventory, Callouts, Environment, Name\n", ufile);
	ob = obj_list;
	    mem_variables(ufile, ob);
	while (obj_list != (ob = ob->next_all));
    case 35: /* query_debug_ob */
	if (!argc || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = argv[0].u.ob->debug_flags;
	return &retval;
    case 36: /* set_debug_ob */
	if (!argc || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT || argv[1].type != T_NUMBER)
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = argv[0].u.ob->debug_flags;
	argv[0].u.ob->debug_flags = argv[1].u.number;
	return &retval;
    case 37: /* set_swap */
      retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Obsolete function.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 38: /* query_swap */
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Obsolete function.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 39: /* query_debug_prog */
	if (!argc || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = argv[0].u.ob->prog->debug_flags;
	return &retval;
    case 40: /* set_debug_prog */
	if (argc < 2 || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT || argv[1].type != T_NUMBER)
	retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	retval.u.number = argv[0].u.ob->prog->debug_flags;
	argv[0].u.ob->prog->debug_flags = argv[1].u.number;
	return &retval;
    case 41:
	retval = const0;
	return &retval;
    case 42: /* inhibitcallouts */
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_STRING))
	    extern int inhibitcallouts;
	    int old;

	    old = inhibitcallouts;
	    if (strcmp(argv[0].u.string, "on") == 0)
		inhibitcallouts = 1;
		inhibitcallouts = 0;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = old;
	    return &retval;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = -1;
	    return &retval;
    case 43: /* inhibitcallouts */
	if (argc && (argv[0].type == T_STRING))
	    extern int warnobsoleteflag;
	    int old;

	    old = warnobsoleteflag;
	    if (strcmp(argv[0].u.string, "on") == 0)
		warnobsoleteflag = 1;
		warnobsoleteflag = 0;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = old;
	    return &retval;
	    retval.type = T_NUMBER;
	    retval.u.number = -1;
	    return &retval;
    case 44: /* shared_strings */
#ifdef DEBUG
	retval = const0;
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with DEBUG flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 45: /* dump_alarms */
            int c;
            FILE *ufile;
            if ((ufile = fopen(ALARM_DUMP_FILE, "w")) == NULL)
                retval.type = T_NUMBER;
                retval.u.number = -1;
                return &retval;
            c = dump_callouts(ufile);
            retval.type = T_NUMBER;
            retval.u.number = c;
            return &retval;

    case 46: /* top_ten_cpu */
#define NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN 100
	struct program *p[NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN];
	struct program *prog; 
	struct vector *v;
	int i, j;
        double now = current_cpu();

	for(i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN; i++) 
	    p[i] = (struct program *)0L;
	prog = prog_list;
            update_prog_profile(prog, now, 0.0, 0.0);

	    for(i = NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN-1; i >= 0; i--) 
		if ( p[i] && (prog->cpu_avg <= p[i]->cpu_avg))

	    if (i < (NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 1)) 
		for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
		    if (strcmp(p[j]->name,prog->name) == 0)

	    if (i < (NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 1)) 
		j = NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN - 2;
		while(j > i) 
		    p[j + 1] = p[j];
		p[i + 1] = prog;
	} while (prog_list != (prog = prog->next_all));
	v = make_cpu_array2(NUMBER_OF_TOP_TEN, p);        
	if (v) 
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec = v;
	    return &retval;
    case 46:
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 47: /* object_cpu_avg object */

#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
	if (argc < 1 || (argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)) 
        update_prog_profile(argv[0].u.ob->prog, current_cpu(), 0.0, 0.0);
	retval.type = T_FLOAT;
	retval.u.number =argv[0].u.ob->prog->cpu_avg * 1e6;
	return &retval;
        retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 48: /* getprofile_avg, 28	object */
#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
	if (argc < 1 || argv[0].type != T_OBJECT)
	retval.type = T_POINTER;
	retval.u.vec = allocate_array(argv[0].u.ob->prog->num_functions);
        double now = current_cpu();
        struct program *prog = argv[0].u.ob->prog;
	for (il = 0; il < (int)prog->num_functions; il++)
            struct function *func = prog->functions + il;
	    struct vector *res = allocate_array(3);
            update_func_profile(func, now, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
            res->item[0].type = T_STRING;
            res->item[0].string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
            res->item[0].u.string = make_mstring(func->name);
            res->item[1].type = T_FLOAT;
            res->item[1].u.real = func->avg_time * 1e6;

            res->item[2].type = T_FLOAT;
            res->item[2].u.real = func->avg_calls;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec->item[il].u.vec = res;
	return &retval;
	retval.type = T_STRING;
	retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
	return &retval;
    case 49: /* profile_timebase */
#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
        if (argc < 1) { /* Return current value */
            retval.type = T_FLOAT;
            retval.u.real = get_profile_timebase();
            return &retval;
        /* Update using old timebase */
        double now = current_cpu();
        struct program *prog = prog_list;
            update_prog_profile(prog, now, 0.0, 0.0);
            for (int i = 0; i < prog->num_functions; i++)
                struct function *func = prog->functions + i;
                update_func_profile(func, now, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
        } while (prog_list != (prog = prog->next_all));
        /* Set the new value */

        if (argv[0].type == T_NUMBER && argv[0].u.number > 0)
        else if (argv[0].type == T_FLOAT && argv[0].u.real > 1e-3)

        retval = const1;
        return &retval;
        retval.type = T_STRING;
        retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
        retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC flag.\n";
        return &retval;
    case 50:
	extern int trace_calls;
	extern FILE *trace_calls_file;

        if (argc < 1 || argv[0].type != T_NUMBER)

	if (!trace_calls && argv[0].u.number) {
	    if ((trace_calls_file = fopen(TRACE_CALLS_FILE, "w")) == 0)
            setvbuf(trace_calls_file, 0, _IOFBF, 1<<20); /* Set a 1MB buffer */
	    trace_calls = 1;
	} else if (trace_calls && !argv[0].u.number) {
	    trace_calls_file = 0;
	    trace_calls = 0;
        retval = const1;
        return &retval;
        retval.type = T_STRING;
        retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
        retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC.\n";
        return &retval;
    case 51:
#if defined(PROFILE_LPC)
	long long num_top, criteria, num_items = 0;
        double now = current_cpu(), crit_val;
	struct program *prog;
	struct {
	    struct program *prog;
	    double crit_val;
	    unsigned short func_index;
	} *result;
        if (argc < 2 ||
	    argv[0].type != T_NUMBER ||
	    argv[1].type != T_NUMBER)
	num_top = argv[0].u.number;
	criteria = argv[1].u.number;
	if (num_top < 0 || num_top > 1000) {
	    retval.type = T_STRING;
	    retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	    retval.u.string = "The number of itmes must be >= 0 and <= 1000.";
	if (criteria < 0 || criteria > 9) {
	    retval.type = T_STRING;
	    retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
	    retval.u.string = "The criteria must be >= 0 and <= 9.";    
	if (num_top == 0) {
	    retval.type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec = allocate_array(0);
	    return &retval;

	result = xalloc(sizeof(*result) * (num_top + 1));
	memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result) * (num_top + 1));

	prog = prog_list;
            update_prog_profile(prog, now, 0.0, 0.0);
            for (int i = 0; i < prog->num_functions; i++)
                struct function *func = prog->functions + i;
                update_func_profile(func, now, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
		crit_val = get_top_func_criteria(func, criteria);

		if (num_items == num_top &&
		    result[num_items - 1].crit_val >= crit_val)
		if (num_items == 0 || (num_items < num_top &&
		    result[num_items - 1].crit_val >= crit_val)) {
		    result[num_items].prog = prog;
		    result[num_items].func_index = i;
		    result[num_items].crit_val = crit_val;
		} else {
		    int insert = num_items;
		    while (insert > 0 &&
			   result[insert - 1].crit_val < crit_val)
		    memmove(&result[insert + 1], &result[insert],
			    sizeof(*result) * (num_items - insert));
		    result[insert].prog = prog;
		    result[insert].func_index = i;
		    result[insert].crit_val = crit_val;
		    if (num_items < num_top)
	} while ((prog = prog->next_all) != prog_list);

	retval.type = T_POINTER;
	retval.u.vec = allocate_array(num_items);
	for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
	    struct vector *val = allocate_array(9);
	    prog = result[i].prog;
	    struct function *func = &prog->functions[result[i].func_index];
	    crit_val = result[i].crit_val;

	    val->item[0].type = T_STRING;
	    val->item[0].string_type = STRING_MSTRING;
	    val->item[0].u.string = make_mstring(prog->name);

	    val->item[1].type = T_STRING;
	    val->item[1].string_type = STRING_SSTRING;
	    val->item[1].u.string = func->name;

	    val->item[2].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[2].u.real = crit_val;
	    val->item[3].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[3].u.real = func->time_spent;
	    val->item[4].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[4].u.real = func->avg_time;
	    val->item[5].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[5].u.real = func->tot_time_spent;
	    val->item[6].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[6].u.real = func->avg_tot_time;
	    val->item[7].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[7].u.real = func->num_calls;
	    val->item[8].type = T_FLOAT;
	    val->item[8].u.real = func->avg_calls;
	    retval.u.vec->item[i].type = T_POINTER;
	    retval.u.vec->item[i].u.vec = val;
        return &retval;
        retval.type = T_STRING;
        retval.string_type = STRING_CSTRING;
        retval.u.string = "Only valid if GD compiled with PROFILE_LPC.\n";
        return &retval;

    retval = const0;
    return &retval;
Esempio n. 16
int StateConstraints::fireVectorSize(const PetriNet& net,
									 const MarkVal* m0,
									 const VarVal*) const{
	assert(nPlaces == net.numberOfPlaces());
	assert(nVars == net.numberOfVariables());

	// Create linary problem
	lprec* lp;
	lp = make_lp(0, net.numberOfTransitions());	// One variable for each entry in the firing vector
	if(!lp) return false;

	// Set verbosity
	set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT);

	// Set transition names (not strictly needed)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < net.numberOfTransitions(); i++)
		set_col_name(lp, i+1, const_cast<char*>(net.transitionNames()[i].c_str()));

	// Start adding rows
	set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);

	REAL row[net.numberOfTransitions() + 1];
	for(size_t p = 0; p < nPlaces; p++){
		// Set row zero
		memset(row, 0, sizeof(REAL) * net.numberOfTransitions() + 1);
		for(size_t t = 0; t < net.numberOfTransitions(); t++){
			int d = net.outArc(t, p) - net.inArc(p, t);
			row[1+t] = d;

		if(pcs[p].min == pcs[p].max &&
		   pcs[p].max != CONSTRAINT_INFTY){
			double target = pcs[p].min - m0[p];
			add_constraint(lp, row, EQ,  target);
			// There's always a min, even zero is interesting
			double target = pcs[p].min - m0[p];
			add_constraint(lp, row, GE,  target);
			if(pcs[p].max != CONSTRAINT_INFTY){
				double target = pcs[p].max - m0[p];
				add_constraint(lp, row, LE,  target);

	// Finished adding rows
	set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);

	// Create objective
	memset(row, 0, sizeof(REAL) * net.numberOfTransitions() + 1);
	for(size_t t = 0; t < net.numberOfTransitions(); t++)
		row[1+t] = 1;	// The sum the components in the firing vector

	// Set objective
	set_obj_fn(lp, row);

	// Minimize the objective

	// Set variables as integer variables
	for(size_t i = 0; i < net.numberOfTransitions(); i++)
		set_int(lp, 1+i, TRUE);

	// Attempt to solve the problem
	int result = solve(lp);

	// Limit on traps to test
	size_t traplimit = nPlaces * OVER_APPROX_TRAP_FACTOR;
	// Try to add a minimal trap constraint
	while((result == OPTIMAL) && traplimit-- < 0){
		memset(row, 0, sizeof(REAL) * net.numberOfTransitions() + 1);
		// Get the firing vector
		get_variables(lp, row);
		// Compute the resulting marking
		MarkVal rMark[net.numberOfPlaces()];
		for(size_t p = 0; p < nPlaces; p++){
			rMark[p] = m0[p];
			for(size_t t = 0; t < net.numberOfTransitions(); t++)
				rMark[p] += (net.outArc(t, p) - net.inArc(p, t)) * (int)row[t];

		// Find an M-trap
		BitField trap(minimalTrap(net, m0, rMark));

		//Break if there's no trap
		if(trap.none()) break;

		// Compute the new equation
		for(size_t t = 0; t < net.numberOfTransitions(); t++){
			row[1+t] = 0;
			for(size_t p = 0; p < nPlaces; p++)
					row[1+t] += net.outArc(t, p) - net.inArc(p, t);

		// Add a new row with target as greater than equal to 1
		set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);
		add_constraint(lp, row, GE,  1);
		set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);

		// Attempt to solve the again
		result = solve(lp);

	int retval = 0;

	if(result != INFEASIBLE){
		get_variables(lp, row);
		for(size_t t = 0; t < net.numberOfTransitions(); t++)
			retval += (int)row[t];

	// Delete the linear problem
	lp = NULL;

	// Return true, if it was infeasible
	return retval;
Esempio n. 17
/** \brief  Compute search direction using cholesky method (m > n).
void compute_searchdir_chol_thin(problem_data_t *pdat, variables_t *vars,
                                 double t, dmatrix *B, dmatrix *BB,
                                 double *tm1, double *bDA, double *d3)
    int i, m, n;
    double bDb, bDbinv;

    dmatrix *matX1, *matX2;
    double lambda, tinv;
    double *g, *h, *z, *expz, *expmz, *ac, *ar, *b, *d1, *d2, *Aw;
    double *x, *v, *w, *u, *dx, *dv, *dw, *du, *gv, *gw, *gu, *gx;

    get_problem_data(pdat, &matX1, &matX2, &ac, &ar, &b, &lambda);
    get_variables(vars, &x, &v, &w, &u, &dx, &dv, &dw, &du, &gx, &gv, 
                  &gw, &gu, &g, &h, &z, &expz, &expmz, &d1, &d2, &Aw);

    m = matX1->m;
    n = matX1->n;
    tinv = 1.0 / t;

    /* bDb, Db */
    bDb = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        tm1[i] = h[i] * b[i];        /* tm1 = Db */
        bDb += b[i] * tm1[i];
    bDbinv = 1.0 / bDb;

    /* bDA */
    dmat_yATx(matX1, tm1, bDA);
    dmat_copy(matX1, B);                /* B = A */
    dmat_ysqrtx(m, h, tm1);        /* tm1 = D^{1/2} */

    /* B = D^{1/2}*B */
    dmat_diagscale(B, tm1, FALSE, NULL, FALSE);

    /* BB = A^T*D*A */
    dmat_B_ATA(B, BB);                /* BB = B^T*B */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        double q1, q2, q3, ui, wi, gr2;

        ui = u[i];
        wi = w[i];
        q1 = 1.0 / (ui + wi);
        q2 = 1.0 / (ui - wi);
        q3 = ui * ui + wi * wi;

        gw[i] -= (q1 - q2) * tinv;        /* A'*g   - (q1-q2) */
        gu[i] = lambda - (q1 + q2) * tinv;        /* lambda - (q1+q2) */

        d1[i] = (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2) * tinv;
        d2[i] = (q1 * q1 - q2 * q2) * tinv;
        d3[i] = 2 / q3 * tinv;

        /*  dw = (bDA'*gv-bDb*gr2); */
        gr2 = gw[i] + 2 * gu[i] * ui * wi / q3;
        dw[i] = bDA[i] * gv[0] * bDbinv - gr2;

    /* dw = (bDb*S-bDA'*bDA)\(bDA'*gv-bDb*gr2);
          = (S-1/bDb)*bDA'*bDA)\(bDA'*(gv/bDb)-gr2); */
    dmat_diagadd(BB, d3);
    dmat_A_axxTpA(-bDbinv, bDA, BB);
    dmat_posv(BB, dw);

    /* dv = (-bDA*dw-gv)/bDb; */
    dv[0] = -(dmat_dot(n, bDA, dw) + gv[0]) / bDb;

    /* du = -(gu+d2.*dw)./d1; */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        du[i] = -(gu[i] + d2[i] * dw[i]) / d1[i];
Esempio n. 18
//Execute function
int LPSolveClass::Execute()
	std::cout << "---------------------------------\n";
	std::cout << "objective function\n";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coefficients.size(); i++)
		std::cout << coefficients[i] << "\t";
	std::cout << "\nConstant Value = " << obj_const << std::endl;

	std::cout << "---------------------------------\n";
	std::cout << "Equality Constraints\n";	
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A_equ.size(); i++){
		//std::cout << "Row index = " << i << "\t\t";
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < A_equ[i].size(); j++)
			std::cout << A_equ[i][j] << "\t";
		std::cout << "\n";
	std::cout << "b\n";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b_equ.size(); i++)
		std::cout << b_equ[i] << "\t";
	std::cout << "\n";

	std::cout << "---------------------------------\n";
	std::cout << "InEquality Constraints\n";	
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A_inequ.size(); i++){
		//std::cout << "Row index = " << i << "\t\t";
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < A_inequ[i].size(); j++)
			std::cout << A_inequ[i][j] << "\t";
		std::cout << "\n";
	std::cout << "b\n";
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b_inequ.size(); i++)
		std::cout << b_inequ[i] << "\t";
	std::cout << "\n";

	lprec *lp;
	int Ncol = coefficients.size(), *colno = NULL, j, ret = 0;
	REAL *row = NULL;
	/* We will build the model row by row
     So we start with creating a model with 0 rows and n columns */

	lp = make_lp(0, Ncol);
	if (lp == NULL)
		ret = 1;/* couldn't construct a new model... */
	if (ret == 0){
		//let us name our variables
		std::string s = "x";
		for (int i = 0; i < Ncol; i++){
			std::stringstream out;
			out << i;
			s = s + out.str();
			char *cpy = new char[s.size()+1] ;
			strcpy(cpy, s.c_str());			
			set_col_name(lp, i+1, cpy);

		/* create space large enough for one row */
		colno = (int *) malloc(Ncol * sizeof(*colno));
    	row = (REAL *) malloc(Ncol * sizeof(*row));
		if ((colno == NULL) || (row == NULL))
      		ret = 2;

	set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);
	//add the equation constraints
	if (ret == 0){
		/* makes building the model faster if it is done rows by row */
		if (A_equ.size() > 0){
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A_equ.size(); i++){//loop over the rows of equality constraints
				for (unsigned int j = 0; j < A_equ[i].size(); j++){//loop over the columns of equality constraints
					colno[j] = j+1;//add the j-th column to lpsolve
					row[j] = A_equ[i][j];
				/* add the row to lpsolve */
				if(!add_constraintex(lp, A_equ[i].size(), row, colno, EQ, b_equ[i]))
					ret = 2;
	//add the inequality constraints
	if (ret == 0){
		/* makes building the model faster if it is done rows by row */
		if (A_inequ.size() > 0){
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A_inequ.size(); i++){//loop over the rows of inequality constraints
				for (unsigned int j = 0; j < A_inequ[i].size(); j++){//loop over the columns of inequality constraints
					colno[j] = j+1;//add the j-th column to lpsolve
					row[j] = A_inequ[i][j];
				/* add the row to lpsolve */
				if(!add_constraintex(lp, A_inequ[i].size(), row, colno, LE, b_inequ[i]))
					ret = 3;

	//add the const constraint	
	if (ret == 0){
		if (b_const.size()>0){
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b_const.size(); i++){
				if (b_const[i] > 0){
					for (unsigned int j = 0; j < b_const.size(); j++){
						if (i == j){
							colno[j] = j+1;//add the j-th column to lpsolve
							row[j] = 1.0;						
							colno[j] = j+1;//add the j-th column to lpsolve
							row[j] = 0.0;
					if(!add_constraintex(lp, b_const.size(), row, colno, EQ, b_const[i]))
						ret = 4;		

	//set the variables to be integer
	if (ret == 0){
		for (int i = 0; i < Ncol; i++)
			set_int(lp, i+1, TRUE);
	/* rowmode should be turned off again when done building the model */
	set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);	
	//add the objective function
	if (ret == 0){
		//set the objective function
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coefficients.size(); i++){
			colno[i] = i+1;
			row[i] = coefficients[i];
		//set the objective in lpsolve
		if(!set_obj_fnex(lp, coefficients.size(), row, colno))
      		ret = 4;

	//set the objective to minimize
	if (ret == 0){

		/* just out of curioucity, now show the model in lp format on screen */
    	/* this only works if this is a console application. If not, use write_lp and a filename */
    	write_LP(lp, stdout);

		/* I only want to see important messages on screen while solving */
    	set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT);

    	/* Now let lpsolve calculate a solution */
    	ret = solve(lp);
    	if(ret == OPTIMAL)
      		ret = 0;
      		ret = 5;

	//get some results
	if (ret == 0){
		/* a solution is calculated, now lets get some results */

    	/* objective value */
    	std::cout << "Objective value: " << get_objective(lp) << std::endl;

		/* variable values */
    	get_variables(lp, row);

		/* variable values */
		for(j = 0; j < Ncol; j++)
			variables[j] = row[j];

		/* we are done now */
		std::cout << "The optimal value can't be solved for linear programming, please check the constraints!!\n";

	std::cout << "print the result\t # of line segments is \n";
	for (int i = 0; i < Ncol; i++)
		std::cout << "index = " << i << "\t# = " << variables[i] << std::endl;

	/* free allocated memory */
  	if(row != NULL)
  	if(colno != NULL)

	/* clean up such that all used memory by lpsolve is freed */
	if (lp != NULL)

	return ret;
Esempio n. 19
 * updates autos list 
void update_autos()
	gchar command[1000];

	/* remove all previous GDB variables for autos */
	GList *iter = autos;
	while (iter)
		variable *var = (variable*)iter->data;
		sprintf(command, "-var-delete %s", var->internal->str);
		exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, NULL);
		iter = iter->next;

	g_list_foreach(autos, (GFunc)variable_free, NULL);
	autos = NULL;
	/* add current autos to the list */
	GList *unevaluated = NULL;
	const char *gdb_commands[] = { "-stack-list-arguments 0 0 0", "-stack-list-locals 0" };
	int i, size = sizeof (gdb_commands) / sizeof(char*);
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		gchar *record = NULL;
		result_class rc = exec_sync_command(gdb_commands[i], TRUE, &record);
		if (RC_DONE != rc)

		gchar *pos = record;
		while ((pos = strstr(pos, "name=\"")))
			pos += strlen("name=\"");
			*(strchr(pos, '\"')) = '\0';

			variable *var = variable_new(pos, i ? VT_LOCAL : VT_ARGUMENT);

			/* create new gdb variable */
			gchar *create_record = NULL;
			gchar *escaped = g_strescape(pos, NULL);
			sprintf(command, "-var-create - * \"%s\"", escaped);

			/* form new variable */
			if (RC_DONE == exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, &create_record))
				gchar *intname = strstr(create_record, "name=\"") + strlen ("name=\"");
				*strchr(intname, '\"') = '\0';
				var->evaluated = TRUE;
				g_string_assign(var->internal, intname);
				autos = g_list_append(autos, var);

				var->evaluated = FALSE;
				g_string_assign(var->internal, "");
				unevaluated = g_list_append(unevaluated, var);
			pos += strlen(pos) + 1;
	/* get values for the autos (without incorrect variables) */
	/* add incorrect variables */
	autos = g_list_concat(autos, unevaluated);
Esempio n. 20
int demo()
    lprec *lp;
    int Ncol, *colno = NULL, j, ret = 0;
    REAL *row = NULL;

    /* We will build the model row by row
       So we start with creating a model with 0 rows and 2 columns */
    Ncol = 2; /* there are two variables in the model */
    lp = make_lp(0, Ncol);
    if(lp == NULL)
        ret = 1; /* couldn't construct a new model... */

    if(ret == 0) {
        /* let us name our variables. Not required, but can be useful for debugging */
        set_col_name(lp, 1, "x");
        set_col_name(lp, 2, "y");

        /* create space large enough for one row */
        colno = (int *) malloc(Ncol * sizeof(*colno));
        row = (REAL *) malloc(Ncol * sizeof(*row));
        if((colno == NULL) || (row == NULL))
            ret = 2;

    if(ret == 0) {
        set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);  /* makes building the model faster if it is done rows by row */

        /* construct first row (120 x + 210 y <= 15000) */
        j = 0;

        colno[j] = 1; /* first column */
        row[j++] = 120;

        colno[j] = 2; /* second column */
        row[j++] = 210;

        /* add the row to lpsolve */
        if(!add_constraintex(lp, j, row, colno, LE, 15000))
            ret = 3;

    if(ret == 0) {
        /* construct second row (110 x + 30 y <= 4000) */
        j = 0;

        colno[j] = 1; /* first column */
        row[j++] = 110;

        colno[j] = 2; /* second column */
        row[j++] = 30;

        /* add the row to lpsolve */
        if(!add_constraintex(lp, j, row, colno, LE, 4000))
            ret = 3;

    if(ret == 0) {
        /* construct third row (x + y <= 75) */
        j = 0;

        colno[j] = 1; /* first column */
        row[j++] = 1;

        colno[j] = 2; /* second column */
        row[j++] = 1;

        /* add the row to lpsolve */
        if(!add_constraintex(lp, j, row, colno, LE, 75))
            ret = 3;

    if(ret == 0) {
        set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE); /* rowmode should be turned off again when done building the model */

        /* set the objective function (143 x + 60 y) */
        j = 0;

        colno[j] = 1; /* first column */
        row[j++] = 143;

        colno[j] = 2; /* second column */
        row[j++] = 60;

        /* set the objective in lpsolve */
        if(!set_obj_fnex(lp, j, row, colno))
            ret = 4;

    if(ret == 0) {
        /* set the object direction to maximize */

        /* just out of curioucity, now show the model in lp format on screen */
        /* this only works if this is a console application. If not, use write_lp and a filename */
        write_LP(lp, stdout);
        /* write_lp(lp, "model.lp"); */

        /* I only want to see important messages on screen while solving */
        set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT);

        /* Now let lpsolve calculate a solution */
        ret = solve(lp);
        if(ret == OPTIMAL)
            ret = 0;
            ret = 5;

    if(ret == 0) {
        /* a solution is calculated, now lets get some results */

        /* objective value */
        printf("Objective value: %f\n", get_objective(lp));

        /* variable values */
        get_variables(lp, row);
        for(j = 0; j < Ncol; j++)
            printf("%s: %f\n", get_col_name(lp, j + 1), row[j]);

        /* we are done now */

    /* free allocated memory */
    if(row != NULL)
    if(colno != NULL)

    if(lp != NULL) {
        /* clean up such that all used memory by lpsolve is freed */

Esempio n. 21
    int  calculate (IN  int nCols /* variables in the model */,
                    IN  int nRows,
                    IN  double** rows,
                    IN  double*  rights,
                    IN  double*  objectives,
                    OUT int* answer,
                    IN  int verbose)
      lprec *lp;
      int result = 0;

      char *str = NULL;
      int *colno = NULL;
      double *row = NULL;

      /*  We will build the model row by row
       *  So we start with creating a model
       *  with 0 rows and 2 columns
      if ( !(lp = make_lp (0, nCols)) )
        /* couldn't construct a new model... */
        result = 1;
        goto RESULT;

      if ( !(str = (char*) malloc ((log10 (nCols) + 10) * sizeof (*str))) )
        result = 2;
        goto RESULT;

      /*  let us name our variables. Not required, 
       *  but can be useful for debugging
      for ( int i = 1; i <= nCols; ++i )
        str[0] = 't';
        _itoa (i, str + 1, 10);

        set_col_name (lp, i, str);
        // set_int (lp, i, TRUE);

      /* create space large enough for one row */
      colno = (int   *) malloc (nCols * sizeof (*colno));
      row   = (double*) malloc (nCols * sizeof (*row));

      if ( (colno == NULL) || (row == NULL) )
        result = 2;
        goto RESULT;

      for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j )
      { colno[j] = j + 1; /* (j + 1) column */ }

      /* makes building the model faster if it is done rows by row */
      set_add_rowmode (lp, TRUE);
      for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i )
        // /* construct j row */
        // for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j )
        // { row[j] = ??? ; }

        /* (210 * t2 + 156 * t3 == 0.0178) */
        /* (230 * t2 + 160 * t3 == 0.0176) */

        /* add the row to lp_solve */
        if ( !add_constraintex (lp, nCols, rows[i], colno, EQ, rights[i]) )
          result = 3;
          goto RESULT;

      /* rowmode should be turned off again when done building the model */
      set_add_rowmode (lp, FALSE); 

      // /* set the objective function  */
      // for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j )
      // { row[j] = objectives[j]; }

      /* (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) */

      /* set the objective in lp_solve */
      if ( !set_obj_fnex (lp, nCols, objectives, colno) )
        result = 4;
        goto RESULT;
      /* set the object direction to maximize */
      set_minim (lp);

      if ( verbose )
        /* just out of curioucity, now show the model in lp format on screen */
        /* this only works if this is a console application. If not, use write_lp and a filename */
        write_LP (lp, stdout);
        /* write_lp(lp, "model.lp"); */
      /* I only want to see important messages on screen while solving */
      set_verbose (lp, IMPORTANT);
      /* Now let lpsolve calculate a solution */
      result = solve (lp);
      if ( result == OPTIMAL )
      { result = 0; }
        result = 5;
        goto RESULT;

      /*  a solution is calculated,
       *  now lets get some results
      if ( verbose )
        /* objective value */
        printf ("Objective value: %f\n", get_objective (lp));

      /* variable values */
      get_variables (lp, row);
      for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; j++ )
        if ( verbose )
          printf ("%s: %f\n", get_col_name (lp, j + 1), row[j]);
        answer[j] = row[j];
      /* we are done now */

      /* free allocated memory */
      if ( str != NULL )free (str);
      if ( row != NULL ) free (row);
      if ( colno != NULL ) free (colno);

      if ( lp != NULL )
        /* clean up such that all used memory by lpsolve is freed */
        delete_lp (lp);

      return result;
Esempio n. 22
double solve_constraints(int this_task)
	lprec *lp;
	int numVar = 0, *var = NULL, ret = 0, i, j, k, var_count;
	double *coeff = NULL, lhs,rhs, obj;
	char col_name[10];

	/* Creating a model */
	for(i = 1;i < this_task; i++)
	lp = make_lp(0, numVar);
	if(lp == NULL)
		ret = 1; /* Couldn't construct a new model */
	if(ret == 0) {
		var_count = 1;
		for(i = 1 ; i < this_task; i++){
			for(j = i+1 ; j <= this_task; j++)
				sprintf(col_name, "%dNNP%d_%d", this_task, i, j);
				set_col_name(lp, var_count, col_name);
		/* create space large enough for one row(i.e. equation) */
		var = (int *) malloc(numVar * sizeof(*var));
		coeff = (double *) malloc(numVar * sizeof(*coeff));
		if((var == NULL) || (coeff == NULL))
			ret = 2;
	/* add the equations to lpsolve */
	if(ret == 0) {
		set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);
		/* --------------------adding EQN-D-------------------- */
		for(j = 2;j <= this_task;j++){
			var_count = 0;
			for(i = 1; i < j; i++){
				sprintf(col_name,"%dNNP%d_%d",this_task, i, j);
				var[var_count] = get_nameindex(lp, col_name, FALSE);
				coeff[var_count] = 1;

			lhs= 0;
			for(i = 1; i < j; i++)
				lhs+= nnp_min[i][j];
			lhs*= floor(R[this_task]/task[j].p);			
			rhs = 0;
			for(i = 1; i < j; i++)
				rhs += nnp_max[i][j];
			rhs *= ceil(R[this_task]/task[j].p);
			if(!add_constraintex(lp, var_count, coeff, var, GE, lhs))
				ret = 3;
			if(!add_constraintex(lp, var_count, coeff, var, LE, rhs))
				ret = 3;			
	if(ret == 0) {	
		/* --------------------adding EQN-E-------------------- */
		for(k = 2;k <= this_task;k++)
			var_count = 0;
			for(j = 2; j <= k; j++){
				for(i = 1; i < j; i++){
					sprintf(col_name,"%dNNP%d_%d",this_task, i, j);
					var[var_count] = get_nameindex(lp, col_name, FALSE);
					coeff[var_count] = 1;
			rhs = 0;
			for(i = 1; i < k; i++)
				rhs += ceil(R[this_task]/task[i].p);
			if(!add_constraintex(lp, var_count, coeff, var, LE,rhs))
				ret = 3;
	if(ret == 0) {
		/* ------------------adding EQN-G & H------------------ */
		for(j = 2; j <= this_task ; j++){
			for(i = 1; i < j; i++){
				lhs= floor(R[this_task]/task[j].p) * nnp_min[i][j];
				sprintf(col_name,"%dNNP%d_%d",this_task, i, j);
				var[0] = get_nameindex(lp, col_name, FALSE);
				coeff[0] = 1;
				if(!add_constraintex(lp, 1, coeff, var, GE, lhs))
					ret = 3;
				rhs = min(ceil(R[this_task]/task[i].p), ceil(R[this_task]/task[j].p) * ceil(R[j]/task[i].p), ceil(R[this_task]/task[j].p) * nnp_max[i][j]);
				if(!add_constraintex(lp, 1, coeff, var, LE,rhs))
					ret = 3;
	if(ret == 0) {
 		/* --------------------adding EQN-I-------------------- */
		for(i = 1; i < this_task; i++){
			var_count = 0;
			for(j = i+1; j <= this_task; j++){
				sprintf(col_name,"%dNNP%d_%d",this_task, i, j);
				var[var_count] = get_nameindex(lp, col_name, FALSE);
				coeff[var_count] = 1;
			rhs = ceil(R[this_task]/task[i].p);
			if(!add_constraintex(lp, var_count, coeff, var, LE,rhs))
				ret = 3;
	set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);
	if(ret == 0) {
		/* -----------------set the objective----------------- */
		var_count = 0;
		for(i = 1 ; i < this_task; i++){
			for(j = i+1 ; j<= this_task; j++){
				sprintf(col_name,"%dNNP%d_%d",this_task, i, j);
				var[var_count] = get_nameindex(lp, col_name, FALSE);
				coeff[var_count] = get_f(this_task, i, j);
		if(!set_obj_fnex(lp, var_count, coeff, var))
			ret = 4;
		write_LP(lp, stdout);
		set_verbose(lp, IMPORTANT);
		ret = solve(lp);
		if(ret == OPTIMAL)
			ret = 0;
			ret = 5;
	if(ret == 0) {
		obj = get_objective(lp);
		/* Displaying calculated values */		
		/* variable values */
		printf("\nVariable values:\n");
		get_variables(lp, coeff);
		for(j = 0; j < numVar; j++)
			printf("%s: %f\n", get_col_name(lp, j + 1), coeff[j]);		
		/* objective value */
		printf("\nObjective value: %f\n\n", obj);
	printf("LP ERROR = %d\n\n", ret);
	/* free allocated memory */
	if(coeff != NULL)
	if(var != NULL)
	if(lp != NULL) 		
	return ret == 0 ? obj : 0;
Esempio n. 23
 * updates watches list 
void update_watches()
	gchar command[1000];

	/* delete all GDB variables */
	GList *iter = watches;
	while (iter)
		variable *var = (variable*)iter->data;
		if (var->internal->len)
			sprintf(command, "-var-delete %s", var->internal->str);
			exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, NULL);
		/* reset all variables fields */
		iter = iter->next;
	/* create GDB variables, adding successfully created
	variables to the list then passed for updatind */
	GList *updating = NULL;
	iter = watches;
	while (iter)
		variable *var = (variable*)iter->data;
		/* try to create variable */
		gchar  *record = NULL;

		gchar *escaped = g_strescape(var->name->str, NULL);
		sprintf(command, "-var-create - * \"%s\"", escaped);

		if (RC_DONE != exec_sync_command(command, TRUE, &record))
			/* do not include to updating list, move to next watch */
			var->evaluated = FALSE;
			g_string_assign(var->internal, "");
			iter = iter->next;
		/* find and assign internal name */
		gchar *pos = strstr(record, "name=\"") + strlen("name=\"");
		*strchr(pos, '\"') = '\0'; 
		g_string_assign(var->internal, pos);
		var->evaluated = TRUE;

		/* add to updating list */
		updating = g_list_append(updating, var);

		iter = iter->next;
	/* update watches */

	/* free updating list */
Esempio n. 24
/** \brief  Compute search direction using pcg method.
void compute_searchdir_pcg(problem_data_t * pdat, variables_t * vars,
                           double t, double s, double gap, pcg_status_t * pcgstat,
                           adata_t * adata, mdata_t * mdata, double *precond,
                           double *tmp_m1, double *A2h, double *tmp_x1)
    int i, m, n, nz;
    double *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3;
    double normg, pcgtol, pcgmaxi, multfact;

    dmatrix *matX1, *matX2;
    double lambda, tinv;
    double *g, *h, *z, *expz, *expmz, *ac, *ar, *b, *d1, *d2, *Aw;
    double *x, *v, *w, *u, *dx, *dv, *dw, *du, *gv, *gw, *gu, *gx;

    static double pcgtol_factor = 1.0;

    get_problem_data(pdat, &matX1, &matX2, &ac, &ar, &b, &lambda);
    get_variables(vars, &x, &v, &w, &u, &dx, &dv, &dw, &du, &gx, &gv,
                  &gw, &gu, &g, &h, &z, &expz, &expmz, &d1, &d2, &Aw);
    m  = matX1->m;
    n  = matX1->n;
    nz = matX1->nz;
    tinv = 1.0 / t;

    p0 = &precond[0];
    p1 = &precond[1];
    p2 = &precond[1+n];
    p3 = &precond[1+n+n];

    /* dmat_vset(n+n+1, 0, dx); */

    dmat_yATx(matX2, h, A2h);        /* A2h = A2'*h */

    multfact = 0.0;
    if (ac != NULL)
        /* h.*ac */
        dmat_elemprod(m, h, ac, tmp_m1);

        dmat_vset(n, 0, tmp_x1);
        dmat_yAmpqTx(matX1, NULL, NULL, tmp_m1, tmp_x1);
        dmat_elemprod(n, ar, tmp_x1, tmp_x1);

        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            multfact += h[i] * ac[i] * ac[i];

    p0[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        p0[0] += b[i] * b[i] * h[i];

    /* complete forming gradient and d1, d2, precond */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        double q1, q2, d3, div;

        q1 = 1.0 / (u[i] + w[i]);
        q2 = 1.0 / (u[i] - w[i]);

        gw[i] -= (q1 - q2) * tinv;        /* A'*g   - (q1-q2) */
        gu[i] = lambda - (q1 + q2) * tinv;        /* lambda - (q1+q2) */

        d1[i] = (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2) * tinv;
        d2[i] = (q1 * q1 - q2 * q2) * tinv;

        if (ac != NULL)
            d3 = A2h[i] + d1[i] + multfact*ar[i]*ar[i] - 2*tmp_x1[i];
            d3 = A2h[i] + d1[i];
        div = 1 / (d3 * d1[i] - d2[i] * d2[i]);

        p1[i] = d1[i] * div;
        p2[i] = d2[i] * div;
        p3[i] = d3 * div;
    normg = dmat_norm2(n+n+1, gx);

    pcgtol = min(1e-1, 0.3*gap/min(1.0,normg));
    pcgtol = min(1e-1, 0.3*gap/min(1.0,sqrt(normg)));
    pcgmaxi = MAX_PCG_ITER;
    if (s < 1e-5)
        pcgtol_factor *= 0.5;
        pcgtol_factor = 1.0;
     pcgtol = pcgtol*pcgtol_factor;

    dmat_waxpby(n+n+1, -1, gx, 0, NULL, tmp_x1);

    pcg(dx, pcgstat, afun, adata, mfun, mdata, tmp_x1, pcgtol, pcgmaxi, n+n+1);
Esempio n. 25
/** \brief  Compute search direction using cholesky method (m < n).
void compute_searchdir_chol_fat(problem_data_t *pdat, variables_t *vars,
                                double t, dmatrix *B, dmatrix *BB,
                                double *tm1, double *bDA, 
                                double *d3inv, double *tmp31, double *tmp32)
    int i, m, n;
    double bDb;

    dmatrix *matX1, *matX2;
    double lambda, tinv;
    double *g, *h, *z, *expz, *expmz, *ac, *ar, *b, *d1, *d2, *Aw;
    double *x, *v, *w, *u, *dx, *dv, *dw, *du, *gv, *gw, *gu, *gx;

    get_problem_data(pdat, &matX1, &matX2, &ac, &ar, &b, &lambda);
    get_variables(vars, &x, &v, &w, &u, &dx, &dv, &dw, &du, &gx, &gv,
                  &gw, &gu, &g, &h, &z, &expz, &expmz, &d1, &d2, &Aw);
    m = matX1->m;
    n = matX1->n;
    tinv = 1.0 / t;

    /* bDb, Db */
    bDb = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
        tm1[i] = h[i] * b[i];               /* tm1 = Db */
        bDb += b[i] * tm1[i];

    /* bDA, D_inv */
    dmat_yATx(matX1, tm1, bDA);
    dmat_copy(matX1, B);                    /* B = A */
    dmat_yinvx(m, h, tm1);                  /* tm1 = D_inv */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        double ui, wi, q1, q2, q3, gr2;

        ui = u[i];
        wi = w[i];
        q1 = 1.0 / (ui + wi);
        q2 = 1.0 / (ui - wi);
        q3 = ui * ui + wi * wi;

        gw[i] -= (q1 - q2) * tinv;          /* A'*g - (q1-q2)   */
        gu[i] = lambda - (q1 + q2)*tinv;    /* lambda - (q1+q2) */

        d1[i] = (q1 * q1 + q2 * q2) * tinv;
        d2[i] = (q1 * q1 - q2 * q2) * tinv;
        gr2 = gw[i] + 2 * gu[i] * ui * wi / q3;
        d3inv[i] = t * q3 / 2;              /* en = d3^{-1} */
        /* temporary use of tmp31 */
        tmp31[i] = sqrt(d3inv[i]);

        /* store temporary values in dw, du */
        dw[i] = d3inv[i] * bDA[i];          /* dw := d3inv.*bDA */
        du[i] = d3inv[i] * gr2;             /* du := d3inv.*gr2 */
    /* B = B*D3^{1/2} */
    dmat_diagscale(B, NULL, FALSE, tmp31, FALSE);

    /* S = BB = ... */
    /* BB = A*D3_inv*A^T */
    dmat_B_AAT(B, BB);                      /* BB = B*B^T */

    /* BB = D_inv + A*D3_inv*A^T */
    dmat_diagadd(BB, tm1);

    /* SMW */
    dmat_yAx(matX1, dw, tm1);
    dmat_posv(BB, tm1);

    dmat_yATx(matX1, tm1, tmp31);
    dmat_elemprod(n, d3inv, tmp31, tmp31);
    dmat_waxpby(n, -1, tmp31, 1, dw, tmp31);

    dmat_yAx(matX1, du, tm1);

    dmat_potrs(BB, tm1);

    dmat_yATx(matX1, tm1, tmp32);
    dmat_elemprod(n, d3inv, tmp32, tmp32);
    dmat_waxpby(n, -1, tmp32, 1, du, tmp32);

    dv[0] = (-gv[0] + dmat_dot(n,bDA,tmp32)) / (bDb - dmat_dot(n,bDA,tmp31));

    /* dw = ... */
    dmat_waxpby(n, -dv[0], tmp31, -1, tmp32, dw);

    /* du = -(gu+d2.*dw)./d1; */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        du[i] = -(gu[i] + d2[i] * dw[i]) / d1[i];
Esempio n. 26
vector<PathPoint *> LPPath :: findPath(vertex *curr) {
	lprec *lp;
	int numDropoff = 0;
	int numDropped = 0;
	int numPickup = 0;
	//find pairs for each dropoff point
	for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
		if(points[i]->type == 1) {
			bool foundPair = false;
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				if(j != i && points[j]->pairIndex == points[i]->pairIndex) {
					pairIndex[i] = j;
					foundPair = true;
			//sometimes, there's an error and the pair cannot be found
			//in that case, print out some debugging information
			if(!foundPair) {
				cout << i << ":" << points[i]->pairIndex << "  ";
				for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
					cout << points[j]->type << ":" << points[j]->pairIndex << " ";
				cout << endl;
	//occasionally we encounter a model that takes hours or days to solve
	//we set a timeout on the solve function, and then advance to the next iteration
	//as the iteration increases, we introduce more randomness into the model
	// (this is done via the getNonZero function)
	for(int iteration = 0; ; iteration += 10) {
		//calculate cost matrix
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			PathPoint *ipoint = points[i];
			if(ipoint->type == 0) numPickup++;
			else if(ipoint->type == 1) numDropoff++;
			else if(ipoint->type == 2) numDropped++;
			//from this point to itself
			costMatrix[i + 1][i] = getNonZero(0, iteration);
			//from this point to every other point
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				if(i != j)
					costMatrix[i + 1][j] = getNonZero(length(ipoint, points[j]), iteration);
			//from the current location to this point
			costMatrix[0][i] = getNonZero(taxiPath->shortestPath(curr, ipoint->vert), iteration);

		//calculate m matrix
		//first, we have to find earliest and latest
		//the current location must occur at time zero
		latest[0] = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			if(points[i]->type == 0 || points[i]->type == 2) {
				//this is a pickup or stand-alone dropoff point
				//the earliest time occurs when we go directly
				// from the current location to here
				//the latest time is set by the pickup constraint
				earliest[i] = costMatrix[0][i];
				latest[i + 1] = points[i]->remaining;
			} else if(points[i]->type == 1) {
				//this is a dropoff point
				//the earliest time occurs when we go directly
				// to the pickup point, then here
				//the latest time occurs when we get to the pickup
				// point the latest, and then here the latest
				// (stretch both pickup and service constraints)
				earliest[i] = costMatrix[0][pairIndex[i]] + costMatrix[pairIndex[i] + 1][i];
				latest[i + 1] = points[pairIndex[i]]->remaining + points[i]->remaining;
		//calculate m
		double test;
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size() + 1; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				test = latest[i] + costMatrix[i][j] - earliest[j];
				if(test > 0) m[i][j] = test;
				else m[i][j] = 0;
		//find the number of binary columns
		//each x_ij determines whether or not the taxi will move
		// from i to j
		//in the comments below these movements will be referred
		// to as route segments (_from_ i _to_ j)
		int ncol = (points.size() + 1) * points.size();
		//find the total number of columns
		//besides the binary ones, there are ones for the time
		// at which the taxi will reach a point (B_i)
		int ncol_total = ncol + points.size() + 1;
		//create the lp instance
		lp = make_lp(0, ncol_total);
		//colno and row are used to define the constraints, and
		// later row will store the result from lpsolve
		//colno identifies the variable (column), and row identifies
		// the constants (multiplied by the variable); then, a
		// separate value determines the number of variables
		// that will be read (since we are using a sparse matrix -
		// otherwise we wouldn't need colno)
		//note**: column numbers are labeled starting from 1, not 0
		int *colno = new int[ncol_total];
		REAL *row = new REAL[ncol_total];
		//since we're going to be adding constraints equation
		// by equation, we set add row mode to make it faster
		set_add_rowmode(lp, TRUE);
		//disable most output from lpsolve
		set_verbose(lp, CRITICAL);
		//set timeout of three seconds so we don't spend forever on this model
		set_timeout(lp, 3);
		//set up the binary constraints
		for(int i = 0; i < ncol; i++) {
			set_binary(lp, i + 1, TRUE);
		//constraints 1 to 3
		//these have one constraint per point
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			//1. the total number of route segments to here will
			// be equal to one
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size() + 1; j++) {
				colno[j] = j * points.size() + i + 1;
				row[j] = 1;
			add_constraintex(lp, points.size() + 1, row, colno, EQ, 1);
			//2. there will be no route segment from here to itself
			colno[0] = (i + 1) * points.size() + i + 1;
			row[0] = 1;
			add_constraintex(lp, 1, row, colno, EQ, 0);
			//3. the total number of route segments from here will
			// be less than or equal to one (since the last point in
			// the route will be zero)
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				colno[j] = (i + 1) * points.size() + j + 1;
				row[j] = 1;
			add_constraintex(lp, points.size(), row, colno, LE, 1);
		//4. there will be exactly one route segment from the
		// current location
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			colno[i] = i + 1;
			row[i] = 1;
		add_constraintex(lp, points.size(), row, colno, EQ, 1);
		//5. the relative time that the taxi reaches the current
		// location is zero
		colno[0] = ncol + 1;
		row[0] = 1;
		add_constraintex(lp, 1, row, colno, EQ, 0);
		//6. defined for each route segment (i, j)
		//if the segment (i, j) exists, then the time B_j
		// the taxi reaches j will be greater than
		//    B_i + time(i, j)
		// (time is interchangeable with distance)
		//in other words,
		//    B_j >= ( B_i + time(i, j) ) * x_ij
		//**but that's non-linear (since B_i * x_ij)
		//to achieve the if statement, we subtract a large
		// number M from the right and M * x_ij on the left
		//the equation becomes:
		//    B_j - B_i - M*x_ij >= time(i, j) - M
		//m_ij that we found earlier is suitable for M, since
		// if x_ij = 0 the equation reduces to
		//    B_j - B_i >= time(i, j) - M
		// >> M >= B_i + time(i, j) - B_j
		// we used the maximum possible value for B_i (latest[i])
		//  and the minimim for B_j (earliest[j]), so everything
		//  is good :)
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size() + 1; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				colno[0] = ncol + 1 + i;
				colno[1] = ncol + 1 + j + 1; //make sure to add an extra 1 because we're not including current location
				colno[2] = i * points.size() + j + 1;
				double constant = costMatrix[i][j] - m[i][j];
				//only use positive constants or it seems to explode
				if(constant >= 0) {
					row[0] = -1;
					row[1] = 1;
					row[2] = -m[i][j];
					add_constraintex(lp, 3, row, colno, GE, constant);
				} else {
					row[0] = 1;
					row[1] = -1;
					row[2] = m[i][j];
					add_constraintex(lp, 3, row, colno, LE, -constant);
		//constraints 7, 8, and 9
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			if(points[i]->type == 1) {
				//dropoff point
				//make sure to add an extra 1 because we're not including current location
				colno[0] = ncol + 1 + i + 1;
				colno[1] = ncol + 1 + pairIndex[i] + 1;
				row[0] = 1;
				row[1] = -1;
				//constraints on L_i (= B_i - B_pickup[i])
				//7. L_i >= time(pickup[i], i)
				add_constraintex(lp, 2, row, colno, GE, costMatrix[pairIndex[i] + 1][i]);
				//8. L_i <= remaining service constraint
				add_constraintex(lp, 2, row, colno, LE, points[i]->remaining);
			} else if(points[i]->type == 0 || points[i]->type == 2) {
				//pickup or stand-alone dropoff point
				colno[0] = ncol + 1 + i + 1;
				row[0] = 1;
				//9. B_i <= remaining pickup constraint
				add_constraintex(lp, 1, row, colno, LE, points[i]->remaining);
		//10. this used to enforce that all varibles be
		// non-negative, but it seems to be working now
		// (lpsolve makes variables non-negative unless
		// explicitly stated in a constraint)
		for(int i = ncol; i < ncol_total; i++) {
			colno[0] = i + 1;
			row[0] = 1;
			//add_constraintex(lp, 1, row, colno, GE, 0);
		//disable rowmode because we're done building model
		set_add_rowmode(lp, FALSE);
		//objective function: minimize sum( time(i, j) * x_ij )
		//we maximize the negative though
		// (we could change to set_minim(lp), but it's the same thing)
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size() + 1; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				colno[i * points.size() + j] = i * points.size() + j + 1;;
				row[i * points.size() + j] = -costMatrix[i][j];
		set_obj_fnex(lp, ncol, row, colno);
		set_maxim(lp); //maximize the objective function
		struct timeval solveStartTime;
		struct timeval solveEndTime;
		gettimeofday(&solveStartTime, NULL);
		int ret = solve(lp);
		gettimeofday(&solveEndTime, NULL);
		long tS = solveStartTime.tv_sec*1000000 + (solveStartTime.tv_usec);
		long tE = solveEndTime.tv_sec*1000000 + (solveEndTime.tv_usec);
		long solveTime = tE - tS;
		if(iteration == 0 && ret != TIMEOUT) {
			lpTotalTime += solveTime;
			if(solveTime > lpMaxTime) lpMaxTime = solveTime;
			cout << "lptimestatus: " << lpTotalTime / lpNum << " " << lpMaxTime << " " << lpNum << " " << solveTime << endl;
		//if we didn't get the optimal solution, don't continue
		if(ret != OPTIMAL) {
			delete colno;
			delete row;
			if(ret == TIMEOUT) {
				//if we timed out, then we need to try again
				cout << "timed out on iteration " << iteration << ", advancing..." << endl;
			} else {
				return bestList;
		get_variables(lp, row); //store variables in our row array
		//extract the ordering of the points from the x_ij in the row
		//at the same time, we calculate the route's distance
		int previous = 0;
		minTour = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) {
				if(row[previous * points.size() + j] == 1) {
					minTour += costMatrix[previous][j];
					previous = j + 1;

		delete colno;
		delete row;
		//sometimes errors occur, probably because M was
		// too large and double-precision isn't accurate
		// enough
		//in these cases, since they're rare enough, we
		// assume that the model was infeasible
		if(bestList.size() != points.size()) {
			minTour = numeric_limits<double>::max();
			return bestList;
		return bestList;
Esempio n. 27
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	if(argc != 2) {
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " /path/to/lua/script.lua" << std::endl;

	std::cout << std::fixed;

	std::cout << "==================== SETUP ====================" << std::endl;

	// TODO: detect unusual currency bases for accurate profit calculation

	auto config = std::make_shared<LuaScript>(argv[1]);

	std::cout << "Simulating a maximum of " << config->steps() << " steps" << std::endl;
	std::cout << config->optimizations() << " optimizations per in sample" << std::endl;

	auto charts = Chart::load_from_string(config->charts());
	auto ts = std::make_unique<TickSource>(config->csv_path());
	auto vars = Variable::load_from_string(config->variables());
	auto optimizer = std::make_unique<Optimizer>(vars);


	int step_number = 1;
	int weeks_in_sample = std::stoi(config->in_sample_time());
	int weeks_out_of_sample = std::stoi(config->out_of_sample_time());

	std::vector<float> optimization_scores;
	std::vector<float> execution_scores;

	// ----- MAIN LOOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------

	for(;;) {
		// ----- FIND IN AND OUT OF SAMPLE START AND END POINTS ----------------------------

		// in_sample_record_end is just out_of_sample_record_start - 1
		unsigned long in_sample_record_start = ts->next_record_id();
		unsigned long out_of_sample_record_start = 0;
		unsigned long out_of_sample_record_end = 0;

		bool tick_is_sunday = true;
		bool on_sunday = true;
		int sundays_seen = 0;

		for(auto tick = ts->next(); tick; tick = ts->next()) {
			tick_is_sunday = tick->is_sunday();

			if(!on_sunday && tick_is_sunday) {
				on_sunday = true;
			} else if(on_sunday && !tick_is_sunday) {
				on_sunday = false;

			if(sundays_seen == weeks_in_sample) {
				out_of_sample_record_start = ts->next_record_id() - 1;

		if(!out_of_sample_record_start) {
			bail("ran out of tick source when searching for out of sample start");

		sundays_seen = 0;
		on_sunday = true;

		for(auto tick = ts->next(); tick; tick = ts->next()) {
			tick_is_sunday = tick->is_sunday();

			if(!on_sunday && tick_is_sunday) {
				on_sunday = true;
			} else if(on_sunday && !tick_is_sunday) {
				on_sunday = false;

			if(sundays_seen == weeks_out_of_sample) {
				// stop on the tick before the current tick
				out_of_sample_record_end = ts->next_record_id() - 2;

		if(!out_of_sample_record_end) {
			bail("ran out of tick source when searching for out of sample end");

		std::cout << "In sample: " << ts->peek_at(in_sample_record_start)->show()
			<< " through " << ts->peek_at(out_of_sample_record_start - 1)->show()
			<< std::endl;

		std::cout << "Out of sample: " << ts->peek_at(out_of_sample_record_start)->show()
			<< " through " << ts->peek_at(out_of_sample_record_end)->show()
			<< std::endl;

		// ----- OPTIMIZE ON IN SAMPLE PERIOD ----------------------------------------------

		auto subset = ts->subset(in_sample_record_start, out_of_sample_record_start - 1);

		auto winner = optimizer->optimize_variables_on(config, charts, subset);
		// optimizer->print_scores();


		if(winner->get_score() < config->minimum_optimization_score()) {
			bail("Failed to find a variables above the cutoff");


		std::cout << "==================== EXECUTING ON ====================" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Winning variables!" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Score: " << winner->get_score() << std::endl;
		for(auto var: winner->get_variables()) {
			std::cout << "\t" << var->get_name() << " -> " << var->show() << std::endl;

		auto new_vars = winner->get_variables();
		auto new_config = config;
		auto new_charts = charts;

		auto oos = ts->subset(out_of_sample_record_start, out_of_sample_record_end);

		Simulation sim(new_config, new_charts, new_vars);;

		std::cout << "Execution score: " << sim.get_score() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "% profitable: " << sim.percentage_of_profitable_trades()
			<< "%" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Average trade duration: " << sim.average_trade_duration() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Worst DD: " << sim.get_worst_drawdown() << "%" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Equity high: " << sim.get_equity_high() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Equity low: " << sim.get_equity_low() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Trades: " << sim.get_trade_count() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Winners: " << sim.get_winning_trade_count() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Losers: " << sim.get_losing_trade_count() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Best: " << sim.best_winning_trade()->profit() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Worst: " << sim.worst_losing_trade()->profit() << std::endl;

		// ----- IF EXECUTION SUCCEEDED, RECORD RESULTS ------------------------------------

		if(sim.get_score() < config->minimum_execution_score()) {
			bail("Failed at optimization step");


		// ----- EXIT IF WE'RE AT MAX STEPS ------------------------------------------------


		if(step_number > config->steps()) {
			std::cout << "Reached max steps, breaking" << std::endl;

		// ----- ADVANCE CHARTS TO NEXT IN SAMPLE START ------------------------------------


	std::cout << "==================== RESULTS ====================" << std::endl;

	// ----- SHOW PROFIT FOR EACH PERIOD -------------------------------------------------------

	std::cout << "Scores:" << std::endl;

	for(unsigned long i = 0; i < optimization_scores.size(); i++) {
		std::cout << i + 1 << " - ";
		std::cout << "Opti: " << optimization_scores[i];
		std::cout << " - ";
		std::cout << "Exec: " << execution_scores[i];
		std::cout << std::endl;

	// ----- SHOW WALK FORWARD EFFICIENCY ------------------------------------------------------

	float optimization_total = sum_vector(optimization_scores);
	float execution_total = sum_vector(execution_scores);
	float efficiency = execution_total / optimization_total;

	std::cout << "Optimization total: " << optimization_total << " - ";
	std::cout << "Execution total: " << execution_total << " - ";
	std::cout << "WFA efficiency: " << efficiency << "% - Verdict: ";

	if(efficiency < 0.5) {
		std::cout << "FAIL";
	} else if(efficiency >= 0.5 && efficiency < 1.0) {
		std::cout << "ACCEPTABLE";
	} else if(efficiency >= 1.0 && efficiency <= 1.5) {
		std::cout << "GREAT";
	} else {
		std::cout << "TOO GOOD - SUSPICIOUS";

	std::cout << std::endl;

	// ----- SHOW PROFIT FACTOR ----------------------------------------------------------------

	float gross_profit = 0.0;
	float gross_loss   = 0.0;

	for(auto score: execution_scores) {
		if(score >= 0.0)
			gross_profit += score;
			gross_loss += score;

	gross_loss = std::abs(gross_loss);

	float profit_factor = gross_profit / gross_loss;

	std::cout << "Gross profit: " << gross_profit << " - ";
	std::cout << "Gross loss: " << gross_loss << " - ";
	std::cout << "Profit factor: " << profit_factor << " - Verdict: ";

	if(profit_factor < 1.5) {
		std::cout << "FAIL";
	} else if(profit_factor >= 1.5 && profit_factor < 2.0) {
		std::cout << "ACCEPTABLE";
	} else if(profit_factor >= 2.0 && profit_factor <= 3.0) {
		std::cout << "GREAT";
	} else {
		std::cout << "TOO GOOD - SUSPICIOUS";

	std::cout << std::endl;

	// ----- SHOW FINAL SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------

	// TODO: final score should be some function of two or more of the following:
	//       execution_total, WFA efficiency, max drawdown, profit factor, % profitable

	std::cout << "Final score: " << execution_total << " - Minimum score: "
		<< config->minimum_overall_score() << " - Verdict: ";

	std::cout << (execution_total >= config->minimum_overall_score() ? "PASS" : "FAIL") << std::endl;

	std::cout << "==================== SHUTDOWN ====================" << std::endl;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 28
int l1_logreg_train(dmatrix *X, double *b, double lambda, train_opts to,
                    double *initial_x, double *initial_t, double *sol,
                    int *total_ntiter, int *total_pcgiter)
    /* problem data */
    problem_data_t  prob;
    variables_t     vars;

    dmatrix *matX1;     /* matX1 = diag(b)*X_std */
    dmatrix *matX2;     /* matX2 = X_std.^2 (only for pcg) */
    double *ac, *ar;
    double *avg_x, *std_x;

    int m, n, ntiter, pcgiter, status;
    double pobj, dobj, gap;
    double t, s, maxAnu;

    double *g,  *h,  *z,  *expz, *expmz;
    double *x,  *v,  *w,  *u;
    double *dx, *dv, *dw, *du;
    double *gv, *gw, *gu, *gx;
    double *d1, *d2, *Aw;

    /* pcg variables */
    pcg_status_t pcgstat;
    adata_t adata;
    mdata_t mdata;
    double *precond;

    /* temporary variables */
    double *tm1, *tn1, *tn2, *tn3, *tn4, *tx1;

    /* temporary variables for dense case (cholesky) */
    dmatrix *B;     /* m x n (or m x n) */
    dmatrix *BB;    /* n x n (or m x m) */

    char format_buf[PRINT_BUF_SIZE];

    dmatrix *internal_plot;
    dmat_new_dense(&internal_plot, 3, MAX_NT_ITER);
    /* row 1: cum_nt_iter, row 2: cum_pcg_iter, row 3: duality gap */

    p2func_progress print_progress = NULL;

    s       =  1.0;
    pobj    =  DBL_MAX;
    dobj    = -DBL_MAX;
    pcgiter =  0;
    matX1   =  NULL;
    matX2   =  NULL;


    dmat_duplicate(X, &matX1);
    dmat_copy(X, matX1);

    m = matX1->m;
    n = matX1->n;

    if (to.sflag == TRUE)
        /* standardize_data not only standardizes the data,
           but also multiplies diag(b). */
        standardize_data(matX1, b, &avg_x, &std_x, &ac, &ar);
        /* matX1 = diag(b)*X */
        dmat_diagscale(matX1, b, FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
        avg_x = std_x = ac = ar = NULL;

    if (matX1->nz >= 0)                /* only for pcg */
        dmat_elemAA(matX1, &matX2);
        matX2 = NULL;

    set_problem_data(&prob, matX1, matX2, ac, ar, b, lambda, avg_x, std_x);

    create_variables(&vars, m, n);
    get_variables(&vars, &x, &v, &w, &u, &dx, &dv, &dw, &du, &gx, &gv,
                  &gw, &gu, &g, &h, &z, &expz, &expmz, &d1, &d2, &Aw);

    allocate_temporaries(m, n, (matX1->nz >= 0),
                         &tm1, &tn1, &tn2, &tn3, &tn4, &tx1, &precond, &B, &BB);

    if (initial_x == NULL)
        dmat_vset(1, 0.0, v);
        dmat_vset(n, 0.0, w);
        dmat_vset(n, 1.0, u);
        dmat_vset(n+n+1, 0, dx);
        t = min(max(1.0, 1.0 / lambda), 2.0 * n / ABSTOL);
        dmat_vcopy(n+n+1, initial_x, x);
        dmat_vset(n+n+1, 0, dx);
        t = *initial_t;

    set_adata(&adata, matX1, ac, ar, b, h, d1, d2);
    set_mdata(&mdata, m, n, precond);

    /* select printing function and format according to
           verbose level and method type (pcg/direct) */

    if (to.verbose_level>=2) init_progress((matX1->nz >= 0), to.verbose_level,
                              format_buf, &print_progress);

    /*** MAIN LOOP ************************************************************/

    for (ntiter = 0; ntiter < MAX_NT_ITER; ntiter++)
         *  Sets v as the optimal value of the intercept.
        dmat_yAmpqx(matX1, ac, ar, w, Aw);
        optimize_intercept(v, z, expz, expmz, tm1, b, Aw, m);

         *  Constructs dual feasible point nu.
        fprimes(m, expz, expmz, g, h);

        /* partially computes the gradient of phi.
           the rest part of the gradient will be completed while computing 
           the search direction. */

        gv[0] = dmat_dot(m, b, g);              /* gv = b'*g */
        dmat_yAmpqTx(matX1, ac, ar, g, gw);     /* gw = A'*g */

        dmat_waxpby(m, -1, g, 0, NULL, tm1);    /* nu = -g   */
        maxAnu = dmat_norminf(n, gw);           /* max(A'*nu) */

        if (maxAnu > lambda)
            dmat_waxpby(m, lambda / maxAnu, tm1, 0.0, NULL, tm1);

         *  Evaluates duality gap.
        pobj = logistic_loss2(m,z,expz,expmz)/m + lambda*dmat_norm1(n,w);
        dobj = max(nentropy(m, tm1) / m, dobj);
        gap  = pobj - dobj;

        internal_plot->val[0*MAX_NT_ITER+ntiter] = (double)ntiter;
        internal_plot->val[1*MAX_NT_ITER+ntiter] = (double)pcgiter;
        internal_plot->val[2*MAX_NT_ITER+ntiter] = gap;
        if (to.verbose_level>=2)
            (*print_progress)(format_buf, ntiter, gap, pobj, dobj, s, t,
                              pcgstat.flag, pcgstat.relres, pcgstat.iter);

         *  Quits if gap < tolerance.
        if (gap < to.tolerance ) /***********************************************/
            if (sol != NULL)
                /* trim solution */
                int i;
                double lambda_threshold;

                lambda_threshold = to.ktolerance*lambda;
                sol[0] = x[0];

                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    sol[i+1] = (fabs(gw[i])>lambda_threshold)? x[i+1] : 0.0;
                /* if standardized, sol = coeff/std */
                if (to.sflag == TRUE && to.cflag == FALSE)
                    dmat_elemdivi(n, sol+1, std_x, sol+1);
                    sol[0] -= dmat_dot(n, avg_x, sol+1);

            if (initial_x != NULL)
                dmat_vcopy(n+n+1, x, initial_x);
                *initial_t = t;

            if (total_pcgiter) *total_pcgiter = pcgiter;
            if (total_ntiter ) *total_ntiter  = ntiter;

            /* free memory */
            free_temporaries(tm1, tn1, tn2, tn3, tn4, tx1, precond, B, BB);

            return STATUS_SOLUTION_FOUND;

        } /********************************************************************/

         *  Updates t
        if (s >= 0.5)
            t = max(min(2.0 * n * MU / gap, MU * t), t);
        else if (s < 1e-5)
            t = 1.1*t;

         *  Computes search direction.
        if (matX1->nz >= 0)
            /* pcg */
            compute_searchdir_pcg(&prob, &vars, t, s, gap, &pcgstat, &adata, 
                                  &mdata, precond, tm1, tn1, tx1);
            pcgiter += pcgstat.iter;
            /* direct */
            if (n > m)
                /* direct method for n > m, SMW */
                compute_searchdir_chol_fat(&prob, &vars, t, B, BB,
                                           tm1, tn1, tn2, tn3, tn4);
                /* direct method for n <= m */
                compute_searchdir_chol_thin(&prob, &vars, t, B, BB,
                                            tm1, tn1, tn2);

         *  Backtracking linesearch & update x = (v,w,u) and z.
        s = backtracking_linesearch(&prob, &vars, t, tm1, tx1);
        if (s < 0) break; /* BLS error */
    /*** END OF MAIN LOOP *****************************************************/

    /*  Abnormal termination */
    if (s < 0)
    else /* if (ntiter == MAX_NT_ITER) */

    if (sol != NULL)
        /* trim solution */
        int i;
        double lambda_threshold;

        lambda_threshold = to.ktolerance*lambda;
        sol[0] = x[0];

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            sol[i+1] = (fabs(gw[i])>lambda_threshold)? x[i+1] : 0.0;
        /* if standardized, sol = coeff/std */
        if (to.sflag == TRUE && to.cflag == FALSE)
            dmat_elemdivi(n, sol+1, std_x, sol+1);
            sol[0] -= dmat_dot(n, avg_x, sol+1);

    if (initial_x != NULL)
        dmat_vcopy(n+n+1, x, initial_x);
        *initial_t = t;
    if (total_pcgiter) *total_pcgiter = pcgiter;
    if (total_ntiter ) *total_ntiter  = ntiter;

    /* free memory */
    free_temporaries(tm1, tn1, tn2, tn3, tn4, tx1, precond, B, BB);

    return status;