VECBITMAP<unsigned char> *bitmap_to_patches(Params *p, BITMAP *a) { //int n = -1, d = -1; //unsigned char *data = im2patches_ub(a, p->patch_w, n, d); //VECBITMAP<unsigned char> *ans = new VECBITMAP<unsigned char>(); //ans->w = a->w; //ans->h = a->h; //ans->n = d; //ans->data = data; if (p->vec_len != p->patch_w*p->patch_w*3) { fprintf(stderr, "vec_len (%d) != 3*patch_w**2 (%d)\n", p->vec_len, p->patch_w*p->patch_w*3); exit(1); } VECBITMAP<unsigned char> *ans = new VECBITMAP<unsigned char>(a->w, a->h, p->vec_len); unsigned char *ptr = ans->data; for (int y = 0; y < a->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < a->w; x++) { for (int dy = 0; dy < p->patch_w; dy++) { for (int dx = 0; dx < p->patch_w; dx++) { int xp = x+dx, yp = y+dy; if (xp >= a->w) { xp = a->w - 1; } if (yp >= a->h) { yp = a->h - 1; } int c = _getpixel32(a, xp, yp); *ptr++ = getr32(c); *ptr++ = getg32(c); *ptr++ = getb32(c); } } } } int npatches = ptr - ans->data; int n = a->w * a->h * p->vec_len; if (n != npatches) { fprintf(stderr, "n != npatches (%d != %d)\n", n, npatches); exit(1); } return ans; }
/* save_rgba: * Core save routine for 32 bpp images. */ static int save_rgba(png_structp png_ptr, BITMAP *bmp) { unsigned char *rowdata; int x, y; ASSERT(bitmap_color_depth(bmp) == 32); rowdata = (unsigned char *)malloc(bmp->w * 4); if (!rowdata) return 0; for (y=0; y<bmp->h; y++) { unsigned char *p = rowdata; for (x=0; x<bmp->w; x++) { int c = getpixel(bmp, x, y); *p++ = getr32(c); *p++ = getg32(c); *p++ = getb32(c); *p++ = geta32(c); } png_write_row(png_ptr, rowdata); } free(rowdata); return 1; }
/* save_truecolour: * Core save routine for 32 bpp images. */ static int save_truecolour(png_structp png_ptr, BITMAP *bmp) { unsigned char *row, *p; int i, j, c; // [OMAR] row = malloc(bmp->w * 3); //row = malloc(bmp->w * 4); if (!row) return 0; for (i=0; i<bmp->h; i++) { p = row; for (j = 0; j < bmp->w; j++) { c = getpixel(bmp, j, i); *p++ = getr32(c); *p++ = getg32(c); *p++ = getb32(c); // [OMAR] //*p++ = geta32(c); } png_write_row(png_ptr, row); } free(row); return 1; }
/* worker function for changing the type of an image */ static int do_changetype(DATAFILE *dat, int *param, int type) { BITMAP *bmp; RLE_SPRITE *spr; int x, y, c, r, g, b; if ((dat->type != DAT_BITMAP) && (dat->type != DAT_RLE_SPRITE) && (dat->type != DAT_C_SPRITE) && (dat->type != DAT_XC_SPRITE)) { (*param)++; return D_O_K; } if (dat->type == type) return D_O_K; if (dat->type == DAT_RLE_SPRITE) { spr = (RLE_SPRITE *)dat->dat; bmp = create_bitmap_ex(spr->color_depth, spr->w, spr->h); clear_to_color(bmp, bmp->vtable->mask_color); draw_rle_sprite(bmp, spr, 0, 0); dat->dat = bmp; destroy_rle_sprite(spr); } else if (type == DAT_RLE_SPRITE) { bmp = (BITMAP *)dat->dat; spr = get_rle_sprite(bmp); dat->dat = spr; destroy_bitmap(bmp); } else if ((type == DAT_C_SPRITE) || (type == DAT_XC_SPRITE)) { bmp = (BITMAP *)dat->dat; if (bitmap_color_depth(bmp) == 32) { for (y=0; y<bmp->h; y++) { for (x=0; x<bmp->w; x++) { c = getpixel(bmp, x, y); r = getr32(c); g = getg32(c); b = getb32(c); putpixel(bmp, x, y, makecol32(r, g, b)); } } } } dat->type = type; return D_REDRAW; }
static BITMAP *convert_bitmap_alpha(BITMAP *bmp_orig, bool keep_alpha) { if (!bmp_orig) return NULL; // Non 32bpp bitmap just can't contain alpha channel if (bitmap_color_depth(bmp_orig) != 32) return bmp_orig; // Try to detect alpha channel in the bitmap bool has_alpha = false; bool has_trans = false; bool has_opaque = false; for (int y = 0; y < bmp_orig->h; y++) { const uint32 *line = (const uint32 *)bmp_orig->line[y]; for (int x = 0; x < bmp_orig->w; x++) { uint32 a = line[x] & 0xFF000000; if (a == 0) has_trans = true; else if (a == 0xFF000000) has_opaque = true; else has_alpha = true; } } if (has_alpha || keep_alpha) { for (int x = 0; x < bmp_orig->w; x++) for (int y = 0; y < bmp_orig->h; y++) { int c = getpixel(bmp_orig, x, y); if (geta32(c) == 0) putpixel(bmp_orig, x, y, MASK_COLOR_32); } return bmp_orig; } else { bool has_1bit_alpha = has_trans && has_opaque; BITMAP *bmp = create_bitmap(bmp_orig->w, bmp_orig->h); clear_to_color(bmp, bitmap_mask_color(bmp)); for (int x = 0; x < bmp_orig->w; x++) for (int y = 0; y < bmp_orig->h; y++) { int c = getpixel(bmp_orig, x, y); if (!has_1bit_alpha || geta32(c) != 0) { putpixel(bmp, x, y, makeacol(getr32(c), getg32(c), getb32(c), 255)); } } destroy_bitmap(bmp_orig); return bmp; } }
/* getr_depth: * Extracts the red component (ranging 0-255) from a pixel in the format * being used by the specified color depth. */ int getr_depth(int color_depth, int c) { switch (color_depth) { case 8: return getr8(c); case 15: return getr15(c); case 16: return getr16(c); case 24: return getr24(c); case 32: return getr32(c); } return 0; }
void VariableWidthSpriteFontRenderer::Draw(BITMAP *src, BITMAP *dest, int destx, int desty, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) { long srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight, srcColDepth, destColDepth; unsigned char **srccharbuffer = _engine->GetRawBitmapSurface (src); //8bit unsigned short **srcshortbuffer = (unsigned short**)srccharbuffer; //16bit; unsigned long **srclongbuffer = (unsigned long**)srccharbuffer; //32bit unsigned char **destcharbuffer = _engine->GetRawBitmapSurface (dest); //8bit unsigned short **destshortbuffer = (unsigned short**)destcharbuffer; //16bit; unsigned long **destlongbuffer = (unsigned long**)destcharbuffer; //32bit int transColor = _engine->GetBitmapTransparentColor(src); _engine->GetBitmapDimensions(src, &srcWidth, &srcHeight, &srcColDepth); _engine->GetBitmapDimensions(dest, &destWidth, &destHeight, &destColDepth); if (srcy + height > srcHeight || srcx + width > srcWidth || srcx < 0 || srcy < 0) return; if (width + destx > destWidth) width = destWidth - destx; if (height + desty > destHeight) height = destHeight - desty; int startx = MAX(0, (-1 * destx)); int starty = MAX(0, (-1 * desty)); int srca, srcr, srcg, srcb, desta, destr, destg, destb, finalr, finalg, finalb, finala, col; for(int x = startx; x < width; x ++) { for(int y = starty; y < height; y ++) { int srcyy = y + srcy; int srcxx = x + srcx; int destyy = y + desty; int destxx = x + destx; if (destColDepth == 8) { if (srccharbuffer[srcyy][srcxx] != transColor) destcharbuffer[destyy][destxx] = srccharbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]; } else if (destColDepth == 16) { if (srcshortbuffer[srcyy][srcxx] != transColor) destshortbuffer[destyy][destxx] = srcshortbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]; } else if (destColDepth == 32) { //if (srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx] != transColor) destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx] = srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]; srca = (geta32(srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx])); if (srca != 0) { srcr = getr32(srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]); srcg = getg32(srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]); srcb = getb32(srclongbuffer[srcyy][srcxx]); destr = getr32(destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx]); destg = getg32(destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx]); destb = getb32(destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx]); desta = geta32(destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx]); finalr = srcr; finalg = srcg; finalb = srcb; finala = 255-(255-srca)*(255-desta)/255; finalr = srca*finalr/finala + desta*destr*(255-srca)/finala/255; finalg = srca*finalg/finala + desta*destg*(255-srca)/finala/255; finalb = srca*finalb/finala + desta*destb*(255-srca)/finala/255; col = makeacol32(finalr, finalg, finalb, finala); destlongbuffer[destyy][destxx] = col; } } } } _engine->ReleaseBitmapSurface(src); _engine->ReleaseBitmapSurface(dest); }
void game_init(int ai) { static int once = 1; int x, y; BITMAP *tmp; int bc = makecol(200, 150, 50); clear_to_color(screen, makecol(0, 0, 0)); textout_centre(screen, font, "Generating&Caching Data", SCREEN_W / 2, 0, -1); textout_centre(screen, font, "May take a while", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2, -1); textout_centre(screen, font, "(about 10 minutes for first run,", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2 + 20, -1); textout_centre(screen, font, "about 1 minute every first game,", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2 + 40, -1); textout_centre(screen, font, "few seconds else)", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2 + 60, -1); if (once) { once = 0; animdata[0] = load_gfx("gravburn", 48); animdata[1] = load_gfx("shock", 48); animdata[2] = load_gfx("fireball", 48); animdata[3] = load_gfx("wheel", 48); animdata[4] = load_gfx("glow", 32); { int a; for (a = 0; a < ANIMS; a++) { anim[a] = 0; animlen[a] = dat_length(animdata[a]); } } tower = dat[TOWER_BMP].dat; explosion = dat[EXPLOSION_WAV].dat; radiating = dat[RADIATING_WAV].dat; teleport = dat[TELEPORT_WAV].dat; bonus = dat[BONUS_WAV].dat; nuclearegg = dat[NUCLEAREGG_BMP].dat; launcher = dat[LAUNCHER_BMP].dat; bonuspic[0] = dat[BONUS0_BMP].dat; bonuspic[1] = dat[BONUS1_BMP].dat; bonuspic[2] = dat[BONUS2_BMP].dat; map = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); } ignore[0] = 0; ignore[1] = 0; think[0] = 0; think[1] = 0; memorized[0] = 0; memorized[1] = 0; AI[0] = 0; if (ai) AI[1] = 1; else AI[1] = 0; power[0] = 0; power[1] = 0; bonusnum = 0; life[0] = 100; life[1] = 100; go = 0; turn = 0; tmp = create_bitmap_ex(32, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); draw_back(tmp); for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { hills[y][x] = rnd(); } } basex[0] = 4 * TW + TW / 2; basey[0] = 4 * TH + TH / 2; basex[1] = 12 * TW + TW / 2; basey[1] = 12 * TH + TH / 2; hills[4][4] = 1; hills[5][4] = 1; hills[5][5] = 1; hills[4][5] = 1; hills[12][12] = 1; hills[13][12] = 1; hills[13][13] = 1; hills[12][13] = 1; x = rnd() * 16; y = rnd() * 16; for (y = 0; y < MH; y++) { for (x = 0; x < MW; x++) { int c = 0; int t; float height = get_height(x, y); float h = 0, z = height * ZZZ; for (h = height, t = 0; z > 0 && t < 2; z--, h -= 1.0 / (float)ZZZ, t++) { int r, g, b; float l; if (h < 0.2) { float p = h / 0.2; r = 0; g = 100 * p; b = 155 + 100 * p; } else if (h < 0.5) { float p = (h - 0.2) / 0.3; r = 0; g = 100 + 155 * p; b = 255 - 155 * p; } else if (h < 0.8) { float p = (h - 0.5) / 0.3; r = 200 * p; g = 255 - 155 * p; b = 100; } else { float p = (h - 0.8) / 0.2; r = 200; g = 100 + 100 * p; b = 100 + 100 * p; } l = get_height(x + 1, y) - get_height(x, y + 1); r = r + l * 2000 + (rnd() - 0.5) * 20; g = g + l * 2000 + (rnd() - 0.5) * 20; b = b + l * 2000 + (rnd() - 0.5) * 20; c = makecol32(M(r), M(g), M(b)); if (y == MH - 1 && h < height) c = bc; putpixel(tmp, 88 + x, y + WINT - z, c); } } } { float filter[3][3] = { {0.025, 0.145, 0.025}, {0.145, 0.320, 0.145}, {0.025, 0.145, 0.025} }; for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_H; y++) { for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_W; x++) { int i = 0, j = 0; float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { int c = getpixel(tmp, x + j, y + i); if (c < 0) c = makecol32(0, 0, 0); r += getr32(c) * filter[1 + i][1 + j]; g += getg32(c) * filter[1 + i][1 + j]; b += getb32(c) * filter[1 + i][1 + j]; } } putpixel(map, x, y, makecol(r, g, b)); } } } destroy_bitmap(tmp); ballx = 240; bally = 240; balldx = 0; balldy = 0; }
/* main: * Guess what this function does. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PACKFILE *f; CFURLRef cf_url_ref; FSRef fs_ref; FSSpec fs_spec; IconFamilyHandle icon_family; Handle raw_data; char datafile[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_dir[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_contents_dir[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_contents_resources_dir[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_contents_macos_dir[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_contents_frameworks_dir[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *bundle_exe = NULL; char bundle_plist[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_pkginfo[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_icns[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_version[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char bundle_long_version[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; char *buffer = NULL; int arg, type = 0, result = 0; int i, size, x, y, mask_bit, mask_byte; unsigned char *data; install_allegro(SYSTEM_NONE, &errno, &atexit); set_color_depth(32); set_color_conversion(COLORCONV_TOTAL | COLORCONV_KEEP_TRANS); if (argc < 2) usage(); datafile[0] = '\0'; bundle[0] = '\0'; select_palette(black_palette); /* Parse command line and load any given resource */ for (arg = 2; arg < argc; arg++) { if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-m")) flags |= F_MOVE; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-e")) flags |= F_EMBED_FRAMEWORK; else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-o")) { if ((argc < arg + 2) || (bundle[0] != '\0')) usage(); strcpy(bundle, argv[++arg]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-v")) { if (argc < arg + 2) usage(); flags |= F_GOT_VERSION; strcpy(bundle_version, argv[++arg]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-V")) { if (argc < arg + 2) usage(); flags |= F_GOT_LONG_VERSION; strcpy(bundle_long_version, argv[++arg]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-d")) { if (argc < arg + 2) usage(); strcpy(datafile, argv[++arg]); } else if ((!strcmp(argv[arg], "-16")) || (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-32")) || (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-48")) || (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-128"))) { if (argc < arg + 2) usage(); switch (atoi(&argv[arg][1])) { case 16: type = 0; break; case 32: type = 1; break; case 48: type = 2; break; case 128: type = 3; break; } if (load_resource(datafile, argv[++arg], &icon_data[type])) { result = -1; goto exit_error; } } else { if (load_resource(datafile, argv[arg], NULL)) { result = -1; goto exit_error; } } } buffer = malloc(4096); if (!buffer) { result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } bundle_exe = argv[1]; if (!exists(bundle_exe)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot locate executable file '%s'\n", bundle_exe); result = -1; goto exit_error; } if (bundle[0] == '\0') strcpy(bundle, bundle_exe); replace_extension(bundle_dir, bundle, "app", MAX_STRING_SIZE); strcpy(bundle_contents_dir, bundle_dir); strcat(bundle_contents_dir, "/Contents"); strcpy(bundle_contents_resources_dir, bundle_contents_dir); strcat(bundle_contents_resources_dir, "/Resources"); strcpy(bundle_contents_macos_dir, bundle_contents_dir); strcat(bundle_contents_macos_dir, "/MacOS"); strcpy(bundle_contents_frameworks_dir, bundle_contents_dir); strcat(bundle_contents_frameworks_dir, "/Frameworks"); bundle_icns[0] = '\0'; bundle_plist[0] = '\0'; bundle_pkginfo[0] = '\0'; /* Create bundle structure */ if ((mkdir(bundle_dir, 0777) && (errno != EEXIST)) || (mkdir(bundle_contents_dir, 0777) && (errno != EEXIST)) || (mkdir(bundle_contents_resources_dir, 0777) && (errno != EEXIST)) || (mkdir(bundle_contents_macos_dir, 0777) && (errno != EEXIST))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_dir); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } /* Copy/move executable into the bundle */ if (copy_file(bundle_exe, bundle_contents_macos_dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_contents_macos_dir); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } strcat(bundle_contents_macos_dir, "/"); strcat(bundle_contents_macos_dir, get_filename(bundle_exe)); chmod(bundle_contents_macos_dir, 0755); if (flags & F_MOVE) unlink(bundle_exe); /* Embed Allegro framework if requested */ if (flags & F_EMBED_FRAMEWORK) { if (!file_exists("/Library/Frameworks/Allegro.framework", FA_RDONLY | FA_DIREC, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find Allegro framework\n"); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } if (!exists("/Library/Frameworks/Allegro.framework/Resources/Embeddable")) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot embed system wide Allegro framework; install embeddable version first!\n"); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } sprintf(buffer, "/Developer/Tools/pbxcp -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -resolve-src-symlinks /Library/Frameworks/Allegro.framework %s", bundle_contents_frameworks_dir); if ((mkdir(bundle_contents_frameworks_dir, 0777) && (errno != EEXIST)) || (system(buffer))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_contents_frameworks_dir); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } } /* Setup the .icns resource */ if (flags & F_ICONS_DEFINED) { strcat(bundle_contents_resources_dir, "/"); strcat(bundle_contents_resources_dir, get_filename(bundle)); replace_extension(bundle_icns, bundle_contents_resources_dir, "icns", MAX_STRING_SIZE); icon_family = (IconFamilyHandle)NewHandle(0); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (flags & icon_data[i].defined) { /* Set 32bit RGBA data */ raw_data = NewHandle(icon_data[i].size * icon_data[i].size * 4); data = *(unsigned char **)raw_data; for (y = 0; y < icon_data[i].size; y++) { for (x = 0; x < icon_data[i].size; x++) { *data++ = geta32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]); *data++ = getr32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]); *data++ = getg32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]); *data++ = getb32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]); } } if (SetIconFamilyData(icon_family, icon_data[i].data, raw_data) != noErr) { DisposeHandle(raw_data); fprintf(stderr, "Error setting %dx%d icon resource RGBA data\n", icon_data[i].size, icon_data[i].size); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } DisposeHandle(raw_data); /* Set 8bit mask */ raw_data = NewHandle(icon_data[i].size * icon_data[i].size); data = *(unsigned char **)raw_data; for (y = 0; y < icon_data[i].size; y++) { for (x = 0; x < icon_data[i].size; x++) { *data++ = geta32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]); } } if (SetIconFamilyData(icon_family, icon_data[i].mask8, raw_data) != noErr) { DisposeHandle(raw_data); fprintf(stderr, "Error setting %dx%d icon resource 8bit mask\n", icon_data[i].size, icon_data[i].size); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } DisposeHandle(raw_data); /* Set 1bit mask */ if (icon_data[i].mask1) { size = ((icon_data[i].size * icon_data[i].size) + 7) / 8; raw_data = NewHandle(size * 2); data = *(unsigned char **)raw_data; mask_byte = 0; mask_bit = 7; for (y = 0; y < icon_data[i].size; y++) { for (x = 0; x < icon_data[i].size; x++) { if (geta32(((unsigned int *)(icon_data[i].scaled->line[y]))[x]) >= 0xfd) mask_byte |= (1 << mask_bit); mask_bit--; if (mask_bit < 0) { *data++ = mask_byte; mask_byte = 0; mask_bit = 7; } } } memcpy(*raw_data + size, *raw_data, size); if (SetIconFamilyData(icon_family, icon_data[i].mask1, raw_data) != noErr) { DisposeHandle(raw_data); fprintf(stderr, "Error setting %dx%d icon resource 1bit mask\n", icon_data[i].size, icon_data[i].size); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } DisposeHandle(raw_data); } } } f = pack_fopen(bundle_icns, F_WRITE); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_icns); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } pack_fclose(f); cf_url_ref = CFURLCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (unsigned char *)bundle_icns, strlen(bundle_icns), 0, NULL); if (!cf_url_ref) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_icns); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } CFURLGetFSRef(cf_url_ref, &fs_ref); CFRelease(cf_url_ref); if ((FSGetCatalogInfo(&fs_ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &fs_spec, NULL)) || (WriteIconFile(icon_family, &fs_spec) != noErr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_icns); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } DisposeHandle((Handle)icon_family); } /* Setup Info.plist */ sprintf(bundle_plist, "%s/Info.plist", bundle_contents_dir); f = pack_fopen(bundle_plist, F_WRITE); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_plist); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } sprintf(buffer, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n" "<plist version=\"1.0\">\n" "<dict>\n" "\t<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>\n" "\t<string>%s</string>\n" "\t<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>\n" "\t<string>6.0</string>\n" "\t<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>\n" "\t<string>APPL</string>\n" "\t<key>CFBundleSignature</key>\n" "\t<string>%s</string>\n" "\t<key>CFBundleVersion</key>\n" "\t<string>%s</string>\n" "\t<key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key>\n" "\t<array>\n" "\t\t<dict>\n" "\t\t\t<key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>\n" "\t\t\t<array>\n" "\t\t\t\t<string>*</string>\n" "\t\t\t</array>\n" "\t\t\t<key>CFBundleTypeName</key>\n" "\t\t\t<string>NSStringPboardType</string>\n" "\t\t\t<key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key>\n" "\t\t\t<array>\n" "\t\t\t\t<string>****</string>\n" "\t\t\t</array>\n" "\t\t\t<key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>\n" "\t\t\t<string>Viewer</string>\n" "\t\t</dict>\n" "\t</array>\n", get_filename(bundle_exe), "????", (flags & F_GOT_VERSION) ? bundle_version : "1.0"); pack_fputs(buffer, f); if (flags & F_GOT_LONG_VERSION) { sprintf(buffer, "\t<key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key>\n" "\t<string>%s</string>\n", bundle_long_version); pack_fputs(buffer, f); } if (flags & F_ICONS_DEFINED) { sprintf(buffer, "\t<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>\n" "\t<string>%s</string>\n", get_filename(bundle_icns)); pack_fputs(buffer, f); } pack_fputs("</dict>\n</plist>\n", f); pack_fclose(f); /* Setup PkgInfo */ sprintf(bundle_pkginfo, "%s/PkgInfo", bundle_contents_dir); f = pack_fopen(bundle_pkginfo, F_WRITE); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", bundle_pkginfo); result = -1; goto exit_error_bundle; } pack_fputs("APPL????", f); pack_fclose(f); exit_error: if (buffer) free(buffer); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (icon_data[i].original) destroy_bitmap(icon_data[i].original); if (icon_data[i].workspace) destroy_bitmap(icon_data[i].workspace); if (icon_data[i].scaled) destroy_bitmap(icon_data[i].scaled); } return result; exit_error_bundle: sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s", bundle_contents_macos_dir, get_filename(bundle_exe)); unlink(buffer); unlink(bundle_plist); unlink(bundle_pkginfo); unlink(bundle_icns); rmdir(bundle_dir); rmdir(bundle_contents_dir); rmdir(bundle_contents_resources_dir); rmdir(bundle_contents_macos_dir); goto exit_error; }
static int scale_icon(ICON_DATA *icon) { BITMAP *shape; int size, x_ofs = 2, y_ofs = 2; int x, y, m, n; int i_x, i_y; float k, f_x, f_y, a, b, r1, r2; float red, green, blue, alpha; unsigned int color; if (icon->original->w > icon->original->h) { size = 4 + icon->original->w; y_ofs = 2 + ((icon->original->w - icon->original->h) / 2); } else { size = 4 + icon->original->h; x_ofs = 2 + ((icon->original->h - icon->original->w) / 2); } k = (float)(size - 4) / (float)icon->size; icon->workspace = create_bitmap_ex(32, size, size); if (!icon->workspace) return -1; icon->scaled = create_bitmap_ex(32, icon->size, icon->size); if (!icon->scaled) return -1; shape = create_bitmap_ex(32, icon->original->w, icon->original->h); if (!shape) return -1; blit(icon->original, shape, 0, 0, 0, 0, icon->original->w, icon->original->h); clear_to_color(icon->workspace, makeacol32(0, 0, 0, 255)); shape->vtable->mask_color = makeacol32(255, 0, 255, 0); masked_blit(shape, icon->workspace, 0, 0, x_ofs, y_ofs, shape->w, shape->h); destroy_bitmap(shape); for (y = 0; y < icon->size; y++) { f_y = (float)y * k; i_y = (int)floor(f_y); a = f_y - floor(f_y); for (x = 0; x < icon->size; x++) { f_x = (float)x * k; i_x = (int)floor(f_x); b = f_x - floor(f_x); red = green = blue = alpha = 0.0; for (m = -1; m < 3; m++) { r1 = cubic_bspline((float)m - a); for (n = -1; n < 3; n++) { r2 = cubic_bspline(b - (float)n); color = ((unsigned int *)(icon->workspace->line[i_y + m + 2]))[i_x + n + 2]; red += ((float)getr32(color) * r1 * r2); green += ((float)getg32(color) * r1 * r2); blue += ((float)getb32(color) * r1 * r2); alpha += ((float)geta32(color) * r1 * r2); } } color = makeacol32((int)floor(red), (int)floor(green), (int)floor(blue), 255 - (int)floor(alpha)); ((unsigned int *)(icon->scaled->line[y]))[x] = color; } } return 0; }