Esempio n. 1
PUBLIC int spin_check(spin_t *s)
	/* Check whether a timeout has taken place. Return TRUE if the caller
	 * should continue spinning, and FALSE if a timeout has occurred. The
	 * implementation assumes that it is okay to spin a little bit too long
	 * (up to a full clock tick extra).
	u64_t cur_tsc, tsc_delta;
	clock_t now, micro_delta;

	switch (s->s_state) {
		s->s_state = STATE_BASE_TS;

		s->s_state = STATE_TS;

	case STATE_TS:

		tsc_delta = sub64(cur_tsc, s->s_base_tsc);

		micro_delta = tsc_64_to_micros(tsc_delta);

		if (micro_delta >= s->s_usecs) {
			s->s_timeout = TRUE;
			return FALSE;

		if (micro_delta >= TSC_SPIN) {
			s->s_usecs -= micro_delta;
			s->s_state = STATE_UPTIME;



		/* We assume that sys_hz() caches its return value. */
		micro_delta = ((now - s->s_base_uptime) * 1000 / sys_hz()) *

		if (micro_delta >= s->s_usecs) {
			s->s_timeout = TRUE;
			return FALSE;


		panic("spin_check: invalid state %d", s->s_state);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
 *	Shutting down (Program did not crash ^^)
 *	- Log our current up time
int sig_final ()
	time_t curtime;
	char curtime2[24];
	FILE *fp;
	long seconds = 0, day = 24*60*60, hour = 60*60,
		minute = 60, days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0;

	fp = fopen("log/uptime.log","a");
	if (fp) {
		strftime(curtime2, 24, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&curtime));

		seconds = getuptime();
		days = seconds/day;
		seconds -= (seconds/day>0)?(seconds/day)*day:0;
		hours = seconds/hour;
		seconds -= (seconds/hour>0)?(seconds/hour)*hour:0;
		minutes = seconds/minute;
		seconds -= (seconds/minute>0)?(seconds/minute)*minute:0;

		fprintf(fp, "%s: %s %s - %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds.\n",
			curtime2, server_name, (crash_flag ? "crashed" : "uptime"),
			days, hours, minutes, seconds);

	return 1;
Esempio n. 3
 *				flt_alarm				     *
clock_t flt_alarm(clock_t dt)
	int r;

	if(dt < 0)
		return next_alarm;

	r = sys_setalarm(dt, 0);

	if(r != OK)
		panic("sys_setalarm failed: %d", r);

	if(dt == 0) {
			panic("clearing unset alarm: %d", r);
		next_alarm = 0;
	} else {
			panic("overwriting alarm: %d", r);
		if ((r = getuptime(&next_alarm)) != OK)
			panic("getuptime failed: %d", r);
		next_alarm += dt;

	return next_alarm;
Esempio n. 4
 *				sigaction_dmp				     *
PUBLIC void sigaction_dmp()
  struct mproc *mp;
  int i, n=0;
  static int prev_i = 0;
  clock_t uptime;

  printf("Process manager (PM) signal action dump\n");

  getsysinfo(PM_PROC_NR, SI_PROC_TAB, mproc);

  printf("-process- -nr- --ignore- --catch- --block- -tomess- -pending- -alarm---\n");
  for (i=prev_i; i<NR_PROCS; i++) {
  	mp = &mproc[i];
  	if (mp->mp_pid == 0 && i != PM_PROC_NR) continue;
  	if (++n > 22) break;
  	printf("%8.8s  %3d  ", mp->mp_name, i);
  	printf(" %08x %08x %08x %08x  ", 
  		mp->mp_ignore, mp->mp_catch, mp->mp_sigmask, mp->mp_sig2mess); 
  	printf("%08x  ", mp->mp_sigpending);
  	if (mp->mp_flags & ALARM_ON) printf("%8u", mp->mp_timer.tmr_exp_time-uptime);
  	else printf("       -");
  if (i >= NR_PROCS) i = 0;
  else printf("--more--\r");
  prev_i = i;
Esempio n. 5
static void frame_timer_callback(void *data)
	struct timeval prev;
	if (frame >= FRAMES)
		frame = 0;
	update_canvas(frame_canvas, frames[frame]);
	struct timeval cur;
	plan_frame_timer(tv_sub_diff(&cur, &prev));
 *				do_gettime				     *
  clock_t ticks, realtime, clock;
  time_t boottime;
  int s;

  if ( (s=getuptime(&ticks, &realtime, &boottime)) != OK)
  	panic("do_time couldn't get uptime: %d", s);

  switch (m_in.m_lc_pm_time.clk_id) {
		clock = realtime;
		clock = ticks;
		return EINVAL; /* invalid/unsupported clock_id */

  mp->mp_reply.m_pm_lc_time.sec = boottime + (clock / system_hz);
  mp->mp_reply.m_pm_lc_time.nsec =
	(uint32_t) ((clock % system_hz) * 1000000000ULL / system_hz);

Esempio n. 7
**  Name:	void reply(dpeth_t *dep, int err)
**  Function:	Fills a DL_TASK_REPLY reply message and sends it.
static void reply(dpeth_t * dep, int err)
  message reply;
  int status = FALSE;

  if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_SEND) status |= DL_PACK_SEND;
  if (dep->de_flags & DEF_ACK_RECV) status |= DL_PACK_RECV;

  reply.m_type = DL_TASK_REPLY;
  reply.DL_PORT = dep - de_table;
  reply.DL_PROC = dep->de_client;
  reply.DL_STAT = status /* | ((u32_t) err << 16) */;
  reply.DL_COUNT = dep->de_read_s;

  DEBUG(printf("\t reply %d (%ld)\n", reply.m_type, reply.DL_STAT));

  if ((status = send(dep->de_client, &reply)) == OK) {
	dep->de_read_s = 0;
	dep->de_flags &= NOT(DEF_ACK_SEND | DEF_ACK_RECV);

  } else if (status != ELOCKED || err == OK)
	panic(dep->de_name, SendErrMsg, status);

Esempio n. 8
 *				sigaction_dmp				     *
void sigaction_dmp()
  struct mproc *mp;
  int i, n=0;
  static int prev_i = 0;
  clock_t uptime;

  if (getsysinfo(PM_PROC_NR, SI_PROC_TAB, mproc, sizeof(mproc)) != OK) {
	printf("Error obtaining table from PM. Perhaps recompile IS?\n");

  printf("Process manager (PM) signal action dump\n");
  printf("-process- -nr- --ignore- --catch- --block- -pending- -alarm---\n");
  for (i=prev_i; i<NR_PROCS; i++) {
  	mp = &mproc[i];
  	if (mp->mp_pid == 0 && i != PM_PROC_NR) continue;
  	if (++n > 22) break;
  	printf("%8.8s  %3d  ", mp->mp_name, i);
  	printf(" %08lx %08lx %08lx ", 
  		mp->mp_ignore, mp->mp_catch, mp->mp_sigmask); 
  	printf("%08lx  ", mp->mp_sigpending);
  	if (mp->mp_flags & ALARM_ON) printf("%8d", mp->mp_timer.tmr_exp_time-uptime);
  	else printf("       -");
  if (i >= NR_PROCS) i = 0;
  else printf("--more--\r");
  prev_i = i;
Esempio n. 9
 *    get_current_clock                                                      *
static myclock_t get_current_clock()
	/* returns the current clock tick */
	myclock_t ret;
	return ret;
Esempio n. 10
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

	// base values
	int status, intvalue;
	int upminutes, uphours, updays;
	double value, uptime;
	char* perf;
	char* output_message;

	/* Parse extra opts if any */
	argv = np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname);

	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR)
		usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments"));

	value = getuptime();
	if (verbose >= 3) {
		printf("Uptime in seconds returned from timespec struct: %f\n", value);
	intvalue = (int)value;
	updays = intvalue / 86400;
	uphours = (intvalue % 86400) / 3600;
	upminutes = ((intvalue % 86400) % 3600) / 60;

	if (!strncmp(timeunit, "minutes", strlen("minutes"))) {
		uptime = intvalue / 60;
	} else if (!strncmp(timeunit, "hours", strlen("hours"))) {
		uptime = intvalue / 3600;
	} else if (!strncmp(timeunit, "days", strlen("days"))) {
		uptime = intvalue / 86400;
	} else {
		uptime = intvalue;
	xasprintf(&output_message,_("%u day(s) %u hour(s) %u minute(s)"), updays, uphours, upminutes);
	 fperfdata("uptime", uptime, "",
	 my_thresholds->warning?TRUE:FALSE, my_thresholds->warning?my_thresholds->warning->end:0,
	 my_thresholds->critical?TRUE:FALSE, my_thresholds->critical?my_thresholds->critical->end:0,
	 FALSE, 0,
	 FALSE, 0)
	status = get_status(uptime, my_thresholds);
	if (status == STATE_OK) {
		printf("Uptime %s: %s | %s\n", _("OK"), output_message, perf);
	} else if (status == STATE_WARNING) {
		printf("Uptime %s: %s | %s\n", _("WARNING"), output_message, perf);
	} else if (status == STATE_CRITICAL) {
		printf("Uptime %s: %s | %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), output_message, perf);

	return status;

} // end main
Esempio n. 11
static void print_uptime(void)
	struct timeval uptime;
	printf("%s: Up %ld days, %ld hours, %ld minutes, %ld seconds\n",
	    NAME, uptime.tv_sec / DAY, (uptime.tv_sec % DAY) / HOUR,
	    (uptime.tv_sec % HOUR) / MINUTE, uptime.tv_sec % MINUTE);
Esempio n. 12
File: vmstat.c Progetto: OpenKod/src
static void
	unsigned long *intrcnt, uptime;
	uint64_t inttotal;
	size_t clen, inamlen, intrcntlen, istrnamlen;
	unsigned int i, nintr;
	char *intrname, *tintrname;

	uptime = getuptime();
	if (kd != NULL) {
		kread(X_SINTRCNT, &intrcntlen, sizeof(intrcntlen));
		kread(X_SINTRNAMES, &inamlen, sizeof(inamlen));
		if ((intrcnt = malloc(intrcntlen)) == NULL ||
		    (intrname = malloc(inamlen)) == NULL)
			err(1, "malloc()");
		kread(X_INTRCNT, intrcnt, intrcntlen);
		kread(X_INTRNAMES, intrname, inamlen);
	} else {
		for (intrcnt = NULL, intrcntlen = 1024; ; intrcntlen *= 2) {
			if ((intrcnt = reallocf(intrcnt, intrcntlen)) == NULL)
				err(1, "reallocf()");
			if (mysysctl("hw.intrcnt",
			    intrcnt, &intrcntlen, NULL, 0) == 0)
		for (intrname = NULL, inamlen = 1024; ; inamlen *= 2) {
			if ((intrname = reallocf(intrname, inamlen)) == NULL)
				err(1, "reallocf()");
			if (mysysctl("hw.intrnames",
			    intrname, &inamlen, NULL, 0) == 0)
	nintr = intrcntlen / sizeof(unsigned long);
	tintrname = intrname;
	istrnamlen = strlen("interrupt");
	for (i = 0; i < nintr; i++) {
		clen = strlen(tintrname);
		if (clen > istrnamlen)
			istrnamlen = clen;
		tintrname += clen + 1;
	(void)printf("%-*s %20s %10s\n", (int)istrnamlen, "interrupt", "total",
	inttotal = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nintr; i++) {
		if (intrname[0] != '\0' && (*intrcnt != 0 || aflag))
			(void)printf("%-*s %20lu %10lu\n", (int)istrnamlen,
			    intrname, *intrcnt, *intrcnt / uptime);
		intrname += strlen(intrname) + 1;
		inttotal += *intrcnt++;
	(void)printf("%-*s %20" PRIu64 " %10" PRIu64 "\n", (int)istrnamlen,
	    "Total", inttotal, inttotal / uptime);
Esempio n. 13
char *HandleUptimeCmd(char *buf, char *arg, int index) {
	char *tmp = buf;

	if (!arg)
		arg = "s";

	switch (*arg) {
		case 's':
		case 'S':
			strcpy(tmp, "System uptime: ");
			tmp += 15;
			tmp += GetUptimeString(getuptime(), tmp);
			if (arg) {
			} else {
				strcpy(tmp, "  |  ");
				tmp += 5;
		case 'l':
		case 'L':
			strcpy(tmp, "Loaded uptime: ");
			tmp += 15;
			tmp += GetUptimeString(getuptime() - loadedtime, tmp);
			if (arg) {
			} else {
				strcpy(tmp, "  |  ");
				tmp += 5;
		case 'c':
		case 'C':
			strcpy(tmp, "Connection uptime: ");
			tmp += 19;
			tmp += GetUptimeString(getuptime() - bot[index]->connectedtime, tmp);
			arg = NULL;
			goto topcase;
	return buf;
Esempio n. 14
**  Name:	void el3_send(dpeth_t *dep, int count)
**  Function:	Send function.  Called from main to transit a packet or
**  		from interrupt handler when Tx FIFO gets available.
static void el3_send(dpeth_t * dep, int from_int, int count)
  clock_t now;
  int ix;
  short int TxStatus;

  if ((dep->de_flags & DEF_XMIT_BUSY) &&
      (now - dep->de_xmit_start) > 4) {

	DEBUG(printf("3c509:  Transmitter timed out. Resetting ....\n");)
Esempio n. 15
 *				root_uptime				     *
static void root_uptime(void)
	/* Print the current uptime.
	clock_t ticks;
	ldiv_t division;

	if (getuptime(&ticks) != OK)
	division = ldiv(100L * ticks / sys_hz(), 100L);

	buf_printf("%ld.%0.2ld\n", division.quot, division.rem);
Esempio n. 16
 *				do_time					     *
PUBLIC int do_time()
/* Perform the time(tp) system call. This returns the time in seconds since 
 * 1.1.1970.  MINIX is an astrophysically naive system that assumes the earth 
 * rotates at a constant rate and that such things as leap seconds do not 
 * exist.
  clock_t uptime;
  int s;

  if ( (s=getuptime(&uptime)) != OK) 
  	panic(__FILE__,"do_time couldn't get uptime", s);

  mp->mp_reply.reply_time = (time_t) (boottime + (uptime/HZ));
  mp->mp_reply.reply_utime = (uptime%HZ)*1000000/HZ;
Esempio n. 17
void setup_chat_banner(dccchat_t *chat)
  char *tempstr;

  tempstr = mymalloc(maxtextlength);
  getuptime(tempstr, 0, gdata.startuptime, maxtextlength);
  writedccchat(chat, 0, "Welcome to %s\n",
  writedccchat(chat, 0, "iroffer-dinoex " VERSIONLONG "%s%s\n",
               gdata.hideos ? "" : " - ",
               gdata.hideos ? "" : gdata.osstring);
  writedccchat(chat, 0, "    running %s\n", tempstr);
  writedccchat(chat, 0, " \n");
  writedccchat(chat, 0, "Enter Your Password:\n");
Esempio n. 18
 *                              set_timer                                    *
void set_timer(timer_t *tp, int ticks, tmr_func_t watchdog, int arg)
        int r;
        clock_t now, prev_time = 0, next_time;

        if ((r = getuptime(&now)) != OK)
                panic("set_timer: couldn't get uptime");

        /* Set timer argument and add timer to the list. */
        tmr_arg(tp)->ta_int = arg;
        prev_time = tmrs_settimer(&timers, tp, now+ticks, watchdog, &next_time);

        /* Reschedule our synchronous alarm if necessary. */
        if (expiring == 0 && (! prev_time || prev_time > next_time)) {
                if (sys_setalarm(next_time, 1) != OK)
                        panic("set_timer: couldn't set alarm");
Esempio n. 19
 *				clock_time				     *
time_t clock_time()
/* This routine returns the time in seconds since 1.1.1970.  MINIX is an
 * astrophysically naive system that assumes the earth rotates at a constant
 * rate and that such things as leap seconds do not exist.

  register int r;
  clock_t uptime;
  clock_t realtime;
  time_t boottime;

  r = getuptime(&uptime, &realtime, &boottime);
  if (r != OK)
	panic("clock_time err: %d", r);

  return( (time_t) (boottime + (realtime/system_hz)));
Esempio n. 20
 *				pm_set_timer				     *
PUBLIC void pm_set_timer(timer_t *tp, int ticks, tmr_func_t watchdog, int arg)
	int r;
	clock_t now, prev_time = 0, next_time;

	if ((r = getuptime(&now)) != OK)
		panic(__FILE__, "PM couldn't get uptime", NO_NUM);

	/* Set timer argument and add timer to the list. */
	tmr_arg(tp)->ta_int = arg;
	prev_time = tmrs_settimer(&pm_timers,tp,now+ticks,watchdog,&next_time);

	/* Reschedule our synchronous alarm if necessary. */
	if (! prev_time || prev_time > next_time) {
		if (sys_setalarm(next_time, 1) != OK)
			panic(__FILE__, "PM set timer couldn't set alarm.", NO_NUM);

Esempio n. 21
 *				do_stime				     *
PUBLIC int do_stime()
/* Perform the stime(tp) system call. Retrieve the system's uptime (ticks 
 * since boot) and store the time in seconds at system boot in the global
 * variable 'boottime'.
  clock_t uptime;
  int s;

  if (mp->mp_effuid != SUPER_USER) { 
  if ( (s=getuptime(&uptime)) != OK) 
      panic(__FILE__,"do_stime couldn't get uptime", s);
  boottime = (long) m_in.stime - (uptime/HZ);

  /* Also inform FS about the new system time. */
  tell_fs(STIME, boottime, 0, 0);

Esempio n. 22
File: fbd.c Progetto: tworaz/minix
 *				sef_cb_init_fresh			     *
static int sef_cb_init_fresh(int type, sef_init_info_t *UNUSED(info))
    clock_t uptime;
    int r;

    /* Parse the given parameters. */
    if (env_argc > 1)
        optset_parse(optset_table, env_argv[1]);

    if (driver_label[0] == '\0')
        panic("no driver label given");

    if (ds_retrieve_label_endpt(driver_label, &driver_endpt))
        panic("unable to resolve driver label");

    if (driver_minor > 255)
        panic("no or invalid driver minor given");

    printf("FBD: driver label '%s' (endpt %d), minor %d\n",
           driver_label, driver_endpt, driver_minor);

    /* Initialize resources. */
    fbd_buf = alloc_contig(BUF_SIZE, 0, NULL);

    assert(fbd_buf != NULL);

    if ((r = getuptime(&uptime)) != OK)
        panic("getuptime failed (%d)\n", r);


    /* Announce we are up! */

    return OK;
 *				do_stime				     *
/* Perform the stime(tp) system call. Retrieve the system's uptime (ticks
 * since boot) and pass the new time in seconds at system boot to the kernel.
  clock_t uptime, realtime;
  time_t boottime;
  int s;

  if (mp->mp_effuid != SUPER_USER) {
  if ( (s=getuptime(&uptime, &realtime, &boottime)) != OK)
      panic("do_stime couldn't get uptime: %d", s);
  boottime = m_in.m_lc_pm_time.sec - (realtime/system_hz);

  s= sys_stime(boottime);		/* Tell kernel about boottime */
  if (s != OK)
	panic("pm: sys_stime failed: %d", s);

Esempio n. 24
 *				clock_timespec				     *
struct timespec clock_timespec(void)
/* This routine returns the time in seconds since 1.1.1970.  MINIX is an
 * astrophysically naive system that assumes the earth rotates at a constant
 * rate and that such things as leap seconds do not exist.

  register int r;
  struct timespec tv;
  clock_t uptime;
  clock_t realtime;
  time_t boottime;

  r = getuptime(&uptime, &realtime, &boottime);
  if (r != OK)
	panic("clock_timespec err: %d", r);

  tv.tv_sec = (time_t) (boottime + (realtime/system_hz));
  /* We do not want to overflow, and system_hz can be as high as 50kHz */
  assert(system_hz < LONG_MAX/40000);
  tv.tv_nsec = (realtime%system_hz) * 40000 / system_hz * 25000;
  return tv;
Esempio n. 25
static void my_uptime(RESULT * result, const int argc, RESULT * argv[])
    int age;
    static double uptime = 0.0;
    static struct timeval last_value;
    struct timeval now;

    if (argc > 1) {
	error("uptime(): wrong number of parameters");
	SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");

    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);

    age = (now.tv_sec - last_value.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - last_value.tv_usec) / 1000;
    /* reread every 100 msec only */
    if (fd == -2 || age == 0 || age > 100) {
	uptime = getuptime();
	if (uptime < 0.0) {
	    error("parse(/proc/uptime) failed!");
	    SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");

	last_value = now;

    if (argc == 0) {
	SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &uptime);
    } else {
	SetResult(&result, R_STRING, struptime(uptime, R2S(argv[0])));


Esempio n. 26
fibril_condvar_wait_timeout(fibril_condvar_t *fcv, fibril_mutex_t *fm,
    suseconds_t timeout)
	awaiter_t wdata;


	if (timeout < 0)
		return ETIMEOUT;

	wdata.fid = fibril_get_id();
	wdata.to_event.inlist = timeout > 0;
	wdata.wu_event.inlist = true;

	if (timeout) {
		tv_add(&wdata.to_event.expires, timeout);
	list_append(&, &fcv->waiters);

	/* async_futex not held after fibril_switch() */
	if (wdata.to_event.inlist)
	if (wdata.wu_event.inlist)
	return wdata.to_event.occurred ? ETIMEOUT : EOK;
Esempio n. 27
static void
dovmstat(unsigned int interval, int reps)
	struct vmtotal total;
	time_t uptime, halfuptime;
	struct devinfo *tmp_dinfo;
	size_t size;
	int ncpus, maxid;
	u_long cpumask;
	int rate_adj;

	uptime = getuptime() / 1000000000LL;
	halfuptime = uptime / 2;
	rate_adj = 1;
	ncpus = 1;
	maxid = 0;

	 * If the user stops the program (control-Z) and then resumes it,
	 * print out the header again.
	(void)signal(SIGCONT, needhdr);

	 * If our standard output is a tty, then install a SIGWINCH handler
	 * and set wresized so that our first iteration through the main
	 * vmstat loop will peek at the terminal's current rows to find out
	 * how many lines can fit in a screenful of output.
	if (isatty(fileno(stdout)) != 0) {
		wresized = 1;
		(void)signal(SIGWINCH, needresize);
	} else {
		wresized = 0;

	if (kd != NULL) {
		if (namelist[X_STATHZ].n_type != 0 &&
		    namelist[X_STATHZ].n_value != 0)
			kread(X_STATHZ, &hz, sizeof(hz));
		if (!hz)
			kread(X_HZ, &hz, sizeof(hz));
	} else {
		struct clockinfo clockrate;

		size = sizeof(clockrate);
		mysysctl("kern.clockrate", &clockrate, &size, NULL, 0);
		if (size != sizeof(clockrate))
			errx(1, "clockrate size mismatch");
		hz = clockrate.hz;

	if (Pflag) {
		ncpus = getcpuinfo(&cpumask, &maxid);
		size_cp_times = sizeof(long) * (maxid + 1) * CPUSTATES;
		cur_cp_times = calloc(1, size_cp_times);
		last_cp_times = calloc(1, size_cp_times);
	for (hdrcnt = 1;;) {
		if (!--hdrcnt)
			printhdr(maxid, cpumask);
		if (kd != NULL) {
			if (kvm_getcptime(kd, cur.cp_time) < 0)
				errx(1, "kvm_getcptime: %s", kvm_geterr(kd));
		} else {
			size = sizeof(cur.cp_time);
			mysysctl("kern.cp_time", &cur.cp_time, &size, NULL, 0);
			if (size != sizeof(cur.cp_time))
				errx(1, "cp_time size mismatch");
		if (Pflag) {
			size = size_cp_times;
			mysysctl("kern.cp_times", cur_cp_times, &size, NULL, 0);
			if (size != size_cp_times)
				errx(1, "cp_times mismatch");

		tmp_dinfo = last.dinfo;
		last.dinfo = cur.dinfo;
		cur.dinfo = tmp_dinfo;
		last.snap_time = cur.snap_time;

		 * Here what we want to do is refresh our device stats.
		 * getdevs() returns 1 when the device list has changed.
		 * If the device list has changed, we want to go through
		 * the selection process again, in case a device that we
		 * were previously displaying has gone away.
		switch (devstat_getdevs(NULL, &cur)) {
		case -1:
			errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf);
		case 1: {
			int retval;

			num_devices = cur.dinfo->numdevs;
			generation = cur.dinfo->generation;

			retval = devstat_selectdevs(&dev_select, &num_selected,
					    &num_selections, &select_generation,
					    generation, cur.dinfo->devices,
					    num_devices, matches, num_matches,
					    num_devices_specified, select_mode,
					    maxshowdevs, 0);
			switch (retval) {
			case -1:
				errx(1, "%s", devstat_errbuf);
			case 1:
				printhdr(maxid, cpumask);

		(void)printf("%1d %1d %1d",
		    total.t_rq - 1, total.t_dw + total.t_pw, total.t_sw);
#define vmstat_pgtok(a) ((a) * (sum.v_page_size >> 10))
#define	rate(x)	(((x) * rate_adj + halfuptime) / uptime)	/* round */
		if (hflag) {
			prthuman(total.t_avm * (u_int64_t)sum.v_page_size, 5);
			printf(" ");
			prthuman(total.t_free * (u_int64_t)sum.v_page_size, 5);
			printf(" ");
			(void)printf("%5lu ",
			    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_vm_faults -
		} else {
			printf(" %7d", vmstat_pgtok(total.t_avm));
			printf(" %7d ", vmstat_pgtok(total.t_free));
			(void)printf("%4lu ",
			    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_vm_faults -
		(void)printf("%3lu ",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_reactivated - osum.v_reactivated));
		(void)printf("%3lu ",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swapin + sum.v_vnodein -
		    (osum.v_swapin + osum.v_vnodein)));
		(void)printf("%3lu ",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swapout + sum.v_vnodeout -
		    (osum.v_swapout + osum.v_vnodeout)));
		(void)printf("%5lu ",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_tfree - osum.v_tfree));
		(void)printf("%4lu ",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_pdpages - osum.v_pdpages));
		(void)printf("%4lu %5lu %5lu",
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_intr - osum.v_intr),
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_syscall - osum.v_syscall),
		    (unsigned long)rate(sum.v_swtch - osum.v_swtch));
		if (Pflag)
			pcpustats(ncpus, cpumask, maxid);
		if (reps >= 0 && --reps <= 0)
		osum = sum;
		uptime = interval;
		rate_adj = 1000;
		 * We round upward to avoid losing low-frequency events
		 * (i.e., >= 1 per interval but < 1 per millisecond).
		if (interval != 1)
			halfuptime = (uptime + 1) / 2;
			halfuptime = 0;
		(void)usleep(interval * 1000);
unsigned char  *
var_extensible_vmstat(struct variable *vp,
                      oid * name,
                      size_t * length,
                      int exact,
                      size_t * var_len, WriteMethod ** write_method)

    int             loop;

    time_t          time_new = getuptime();
    static time_t   time_old;
    static time_t   time_diff;

#if defined(KERN_CP_TIME)
    static uint64_t  cpu_old[CPUSTATES];
    static uint64_t  cpu_new[CPUSTATES];
    static uint64_t  cpu_diff[CPUSTATES];
    static uint64_t  cpu_total;
#elif defined(KERN_CPTIME)
    static long     cpu_old[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_new[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_diff[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_total;
    static long     cpu_old[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_new[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_diff[CPUSTATES];
    static long     cpu_total;
    long            cpu_sum;
    double          cpu_prc;

    static struct uvmexp mem_old, mem_new;
    int             mem_mib[] = { CTL_VM, VM_UVMEXP };
    int             mem_size = sizeof(struct uvmexp);

    static long     long_ret;
    static char     errmsg[300];

    long_ret = 0;               /* set to 0 as default */

    if (header_generic(vp, name, length, exact, var_len, write_method))
        return (NULL);

     * Update structures (only if time has passed) 
    if (time_new != time_old) {
        int             mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CP_TIME };
        int             ssize = sizeof(cpu_new);

        if (sysctl(mib, 2, cpu_new, &ssize, NULL, 0) < 0)
            memset(cpu_new, 0, sizeof(cpu_new));
#elif defined(KERN_CPTIME)
        int             mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME };
        int             ssize = sizeof(cpu_new);

        if (sysctl(mib, 2, cpu_new, &ssize, NULL, 0) < 0)
            memset(cpu_new, 0, sizeof(cpu_new));
         * CPU usage 
        auto_nlist(CPTIME_SYMBOL, (char *) cpu_new, sizeof(cpu_new));

        time_diff = time_new - time_old;
        time_old = time_new;

        cpu_total = 0;

        for (loop = 0; loop < CPUSTATES; loop++) {
            cpu_diff[loop] = cpu_new[loop] - cpu_old[loop];
            cpu_old[loop] = cpu_new[loop];
            cpu_total += cpu_diff[loop];

        if (cpu_total == 0)
            cpu_total = 1;

         * Memory info 
        mem_old = mem_new;
        sysctl(mem_mib, 2, &mem_new, &mem_size, NULL, 0);

     * Rate macro 
#define rate(x) (((x)+ time_diff/2) / time_diff)

     * Page-to-kb macro 
#define ptok(p) ((p) * (mem_new.pagesize >> 10))

    switch (vp->magic) {
    case MIBINDEX:
        long_ret = 1;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case ERRORNAME:            /* dummy name */
        sprintf(errmsg, "systemStats");
        *var_len = strlen(errmsg);
        return ((u_char *) (errmsg));
    case SWAPIN:
        long_ret = ptok(mem_new.swapins - mem_old.swapins);
        long_ret = rate(long_ret);
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case SWAPOUT:
        long_ret = ptok(mem_new.swapouts - mem_old.swapouts);
        long_ret = rate(long_ret);
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case IOSENT:
        return NULL;
        long_ret = -1;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case IORECEIVE:
        return NULL;
        long_ret = -1;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
        long_ret = rate(mem_new.intrs - mem_old.intrs);
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case SYSCONTEXT:
        long_ret = rate(mem_new.swtch - mem_old.swtch);
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPUUSER:
        cpu_sum = cpu_diff[CP_USER] + cpu_diff[CP_NICE];
        cpu_prc = (float) cpu_sum / (float) cpu_total;
        long_ret = cpu_prc * CPU_PRC;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPUSYSTEM:
        cpu_sum = cpu_diff[CP_SYS] + cpu_diff[CP_INTR];
        cpu_prc = (float) cpu_sum / (float) cpu_total;
        long_ret = cpu_prc * CPU_PRC;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPUIDLE:
        cpu_sum = cpu_diff[CP_IDLE];
        cpu_prc = (float) cpu_sum / (float) cpu_total;
        long_ret = cpu_prc * CPU_PRC;
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPURAWUSER:
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_USER];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPURAWNICE:
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_NICE];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_SYS] + cpu_new[CP_INTR];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPURAWIDLE:
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_IDLE];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_SYS];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    case CPURAWINTR:
        long_ret = cpu_new[CP_INTR];
        return ((u_char *) (&long_ret));
         * reserved for future use 
         * case ERRORFLAG:
         * return((u_char *) (&long_ret));
         * case ERRORMSG:
         * return((u_char *) (&long_ret));
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 29
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	char text[256];
	int i;

	#ifdef _WIN32
		WSADATA wsadata;
		WSAStartup(0x0202, &wsadata);


		hLib = LoadLibrary("advapi32.dll");
		if (hLib)
			lpfnRtlGenRandom = (_RtlGenRandom)GetProcAddress(hLib, "SystemFunction036");

		#ifdef _DEBUG

	printf("\n -- Phyros " BOT_VER " -- %s --\n\n", text);

	loadedtime = getuptime();

	#ifndef _WIN32
		if (getuid() == 0) {
			printf("WARNING: should not be running as root!\n");
		} //////should set the group id instead so files can be modified at runtime

	botpluser = malloc(sizeof(LUSER));
	botpluser->access = 103;
	strcpy(botpluser->username, "the bot");

	maintid = get_self_tid();
	#ifndef _DEBUG

	tagbans[WCP_BACK]  = RadixInit();
	tagbans[WCP_FRONT] = RadixInit();
	tagbans[WCP_BOTH]  = RadixInit();
	phrases	 = RadixInit();
	cdkeys   = VectorInit(8);
	//banqueue = malloc(BANQUEUE_INITIALSIZE * sizeof(char *));



	ParseCmdLine(argc, argv);

	for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) {
		if (!hashes[i][0]) {
			gstate |= GFS_USEBNLS;
			printf("WARNING: path for binary \'%s\' not set, falling back to BNLS checkrevision\n",

	if (gstate & GFS_CHECKUPDATES) {
		printf(" - checking %s%s for updates...\n", updatesite, updateverfile);
		printf("%s\n", updateresult[CheckUpdate(updatesite, updateverfile)]);

	ptimertid = _CreateThread(PeriodicTimerWaitProc, NULL);
	AddPeriodicTimer(TIMER_NULLPKT, 10, NullPacketTimerProc);

	////////////////////////////////////////////TEST BATTERY//////////////////////////////////////
	/*ChatHandleChannel("Clan Blah", 0, 0);
	//ChatHandleJoin("loladfg", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf1aaaaaaaaaa", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf2bbbbbfffe", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf3", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf4", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf5", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf6", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf7", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf8", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladf9", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladfa", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladfb", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladfc", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); 
	ChatHandleJoin("loladfd", 0, 43, "PXES 0 0 0 0 0 PXES", 0, 0); */

	/*printf("%x\n", FindTextInWildcards(tagbans, "asdfgdfg"));
	printf("%x\n", FindTextInWildcards(tagbans, "as[tg]gdfg"));
	printf("%x\n", FindTextInWildcards(tagbans, "asdfgdfg[tg]"));
	printf("%x\n", FindTextInWildcards(tagbans, "asdfgdfg"));
	printf("%x\n", FindPhraseban(phrases, "raiasdfdasdfzomgzasdfasdfasdfasdf"));
	printf("%x\n", FindPhraseban(phrases, "raiasdfgdfgbloop"));
	printf("%x\n", FindPhraseban(phrases, "bloo asfukdfgdfg zomg"));*/

	while (1) {
		fgets(text, sizeof(text), stdin);
		text[strlen(text) - 1] = 0;
		if (*(int16_t *)text == '//')
			CheckCommand(NULL, text, 0, 0);
			QueueAdd(text, curbotinc());
	return 0;
Esempio n. 30
File: main.c Progetto: mwilbur/minix
 *		            sef_cb_init_fresh                                *
PRIVATE int sef_cb_init_fresh(int type, sef_init_info_t *info)
/* Initialize the reincarnation server. */
  struct boot_image *ip;
  int s,i;
  int nr_image_srvs, nr_image_priv_srvs, nr_uncaught_init_srvs;
  struct rproc *rp;
  struct rproc *replica_rp;
  struct rprocpub *rpub;
  struct boot_image image[NR_BOOT_PROCS];
  struct boot_image_priv *boot_image_priv;
  struct boot_image_sys *boot_image_sys;
  struct boot_image_dev *boot_image_dev;
  int pid, replica_pid;
  endpoint_t replica_endpoint;
  int ipc_to;
  int *calls;
  int all_c[] = { ALL_C, NULL_C };
  int no_c[] = {  NULL_C };

  /* See if we run in verbose mode. */
  env_parse("rs_verbose", "d", 0, &rs_verbose, 0, 1);

  if ((s = sys_getinfo(GET_HZ, &system_hz, sizeof(system_hz), 0, 0)) != OK)
	  panic("Cannot get system timer frequency\n");

  /* Initialize the global init descriptor. */
  rinit.rproctab_gid = cpf_grant_direct(ANY, (vir_bytes) rprocpub,
      sizeof(rprocpub), CPF_READ);
  if(!GRANT_VALID(rinit.rproctab_gid)) {
      panic("unable to create rprocpub table grant: %d", rinit.rproctab_gid);

  /* Initialize some global variables. */
  rupdate.flags = 0;
  shutting_down = FALSE;

  /* Get a copy of the boot image table. */
  if ((s = sys_getimage(image)) != OK) {
      panic("unable to get copy of boot image table: %d", s);

  /* Determine the number of system services in the boot image table. */
  nr_image_srvs = 0;
  for(i=0;i<NR_BOOT_PROCS;i++) {
      ip = &image[i];

      /* System services only. */
      if(iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(ip->endpoint))) {

  /* Determine the number of entries in the boot image priv table and make sure
   * it matches the number of system services in the boot image table.
  nr_image_priv_srvs = 0;
  for (i=0; boot_image_priv_table[i].endpoint != NULL_BOOT_NR; i++) {
      boot_image_priv = &boot_image_priv_table[i];

      /* System services only. */
      if(iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(boot_image_priv->endpoint))) {
  if(nr_image_srvs != nr_image_priv_srvs) {
	panic("boot image table and boot image priv table mismatch");

  /* Reset the system process table. */
  for (rp=BEG_RPROC_ADDR; rp<END_RPROC_ADDR; rp++) {
      rp->r_flags = 0;
      rp->r_pub = &rprocpub[rp - rproc];
      rp->r_pub->in_use = FALSE;

  /* Initialize the system process table in 4 steps, each of them following
   * the appearance of system services in the boot image priv table.
   * - Step 1: set priviliges, sys properties, and dev properties (if any)
   * for every system service.
  for (i=0; boot_image_priv_table[i].endpoint != NULL_BOOT_NR; i++) {
      boot_image_priv = &boot_image_priv_table[i];

      /* System services only. */
      if(iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(boot_image_priv->endpoint))) {

      /* Lookup the corresponding entries in other tables. */
      boot_image_info_lookup(boot_image_priv->endpoint, image,
          &ip, NULL, &boot_image_sys, &boot_image_dev);
      rp = &rproc[boot_image_priv - boot_image_priv_table];
      rpub = rp->r_pub;

       * Set privileges.
      /* Get label. */
      strcpy(rpub->label, boot_image_priv->label);

      /* Force a static priv id for system services in the boot image. */
      rp->r_priv.s_id = static_priv_id(
      /* Initialize privilege bitmaps and signal manager. */
      rp->r_priv.s_flags = boot_image_priv->flags;          /* priv flags */
      rp->r_priv.s_trap_mask= SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_T, USR_T); /* traps */
      ipc_to = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_M, USR_M);                /* targets */
      fill_send_mask(&rp->r_priv.s_ipc_to, ipc_to == ALL_M);
      rp->r_priv.s_sig_mgr= SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_SM, USR_SM); /* sig mgr */
      rp->r_priv.s_bak_sig_mgr = NONE;                      /* backup sig mgr */
      /* Initialize kernel call mask bitmap. */
      calls = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_KC, USR_KC) == ALL_C ? all_c : no_c;
      fill_call_mask(calls, NR_SYS_CALLS,
          rp->r_priv.s_k_call_mask, KERNEL_CALL, TRUE);

      /* Set the privilege structure. */
      if(boot_image_priv->endpoint != RS_PROC_NR) {
          if ((s = sys_privctl(ip->endpoint, SYS_PRIV_SET_SYS, &(rp->r_priv)))
              != OK) {
              panic("unable to set privilege structure: %d", s);

      /* Synch the privilege structure with the kernel. */
      if ((s = sys_getpriv(&(rp->r_priv), ip->endpoint)) != OK) {
          panic("unable to synch privilege structure: %d", s);

       * Set sys properties.
      rpub->sys_flags = boot_image_sys->flags;        /* sys flags */

       * Set dev properties.
      rpub->dev_flags = boot_image_dev->flags;        /* device flags */
      rpub->dev_nr = boot_image_dev->dev_nr;          /* major device number */
      rpub->dev_style = boot_image_dev->dev_style;    /* device style */
      rpub->dev_style2 = boot_image_dev->dev_style2;  /* device style 2 */

      /* Get process name. */
      strcpy(rpub->proc_name, ip->proc_name);

      /* Build command settings. */
      rp->r_cmd[0]= '\0';
      rp->r_script[0]= '\0';

      /* Initialize vm call mask bitmap. */
      calls = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_VC, USR_VC) == ALL_C ? all_c : no_c;
      fill_call_mask(calls, NR_VM_CALLS, rpub->vm_call_mask, VM_RQ_BASE, TRUE);

      /* Scheduling parameters. */
      rp->r_scheduler = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_SCH, USR_SCH);
      rp->r_priority = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_Q, USR_Q);
      rp->r_quantum = SRV_OR_USR(rp, SRV_QT, USR_QT);

      /* Get some settings from the boot image table. */
      rpub->endpoint = ip->endpoint;

      /* Set some defaults. */
      rp->r_old_rp = NULL;                     /* no old version yet */
      rp->r_new_rp = NULL;                     /* no new version yet */
      rp->r_prev_rp = NULL;                    /* no prev replica yet */
      rp->r_next_rp = NULL;                    /* no next replica yet */
      rp->r_uid = 0;                           /* root */
      rp->r_check_tm = 0;                      /* not checked yet */
      getuptime(&rp->r_alive_tm);              /* currently alive */
      rp->r_stop_tm = 0;                       /* not exiting yet */
      rp->r_restarts = 0;                      /* no restarts so far */
      rp->r_period = 0;                        /* no period yet */
      rp->r_exec = NULL;                       /* no in-memory copy yet */
      rp->r_exec_len = 0;

      /* Mark as in use and active. */
      rp->r_flags = RS_IN_USE | RS_ACTIVE;
      rproc_ptr[_ENDPOINT_P(rpub->endpoint)]= rp;
      rpub->in_use = TRUE;

  /* - Step 2: allow every system service in the boot image to run. */
  nr_uncaught_init_srvs = 0;
  for (i=0; boot_image_priv_table[i].endpoint != NULL_BOOT_NR; i++) {
      boot_image_priv = &boot_image_priv_table[i];

      /* System services only. */
      if(iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(boot_image_priv->endpoint))) {

      /* Lookup the corresponding slot in the system process table. */
      rp = &rproc[boot_image_priv - boot_image_priv_table];
      rpub = rp->r_pub;

      /* RS is already running as we speak. */
      if(boot_image_priv->endpoint == RS_PROC_NR) {
          if ((s = init_service(rp, SEF_INIT_FRESH)) != OK) {
              panic("unable to initialize RS: %d", s);

      /* Allow the service to run. */
      if ((s = sched_init_proc(rp)) != OK) {
          panic("unable to initialize scheduling: %d", s);
      if ((s = sys_privctl(rpub->endpoint, SYS_PRIV_ALLOW, NULL)) != OK) {
          panic("unable to initialize privileges: %d", s);

      /* Initialize service. We assume every service will always get
       * back to us here at boot time.
      if(boot_image_priv->flags & SYS_PROC) {
          if ((s = init_service(rp, SEF_INIT_FRESH)) != OK) {
              panic("unable to initialize service: %d", s);
          if(rpub->sys_flags & SF_SYNCH_BOOT) {
              /* Catch init ready message now to synchronize. */
          else {
              /* Catch init ready message later. */

  /* - Step 3: let every system service complete initialization by
   * catching all the init ready messages left.
  while(nr_uncaught_init_srvs) {

  /* - Step 4: all the system services in the boot image are now running.
   * Complete the initialization of the system process table in collaboration
   * with other system services.
  for (i=0; boot_image_priv_table[i].endpoint != NULL_BOOT_NR; i++) {
      boot_image_priv = &boot_image_priv_table[i];

      /* System services only. */
      if(iskerneln(_ENDPOINT_P(boot_image_priv->endpoint))) {

      /* Lookup the corresponding slot in the system process table. */
      rp = &rproc[boot_image_priv - boot_image_priv_table];
      rpub = rp->r_pub;

      /* Get pid from PM. */
      rp->r_pid = getnpid(rpub->endpoint);
      if(rp->r_pid == -1) {
          panic("unable to get pid");

  /* Set alarm to periodically check service status. */
  if (OK != (s=sys_setalarm(RS_DELTA_T, 0)))
      panic("couldn't set alarm: %d", s);

  /* Now create a new RS instance with a private page table and let the current
   * instance live update into the replica. Clone RS' own slot first.
  rp = rproc_ptr[_ENDPOINT_P(RS_PROC_NR)];
  if((s = clone_slot(rp, &replica_rp)) != OK) {
      panic("unable to clone current RS instance: %d", s);

  /* Fork a new RS instance. */
  pid = srv_fork();
  if(pid == -1) {
      panic("unable to fork a new RS instance");
  replica_pid = pid ? pid : getpid();
  replica_endpoint = getnprocnr(replica_pid);
  replica_rp->r_pid = replica_pid;
  replica_rp->r_pub->endpoint = replica_endpoint;

  if(pid == 0) {
      /* New RS instance running. */

      /* Live update the old instance into the new one. */
      s = update_service(&rp, &replica_rp, RS_SWAP);
      if(s != OK) {
          panic("unable to live update RS: %d", s);

      /* Clean up the old RS instance, the new instance will take over. */

      /* Map out our own text and data. */
      unmap_ok = 1;

      /* Ask VM to pin memory for the new RS instance. */
      if((s = vm_memctl(RS_PROC_NR, VM_RS_MEM_PIN)) != OK) {
          panic("unable to pin memory for the new RS instance: %d", s);
  else {
      /* Old RS instance running. */

      /* Set up privileges for the new instance and let it run. */
      s = sys_privctl(replica_endpoint, SYS_PRIV_SET_SYS, &(replica_rp->r_priv));
      if(s != OK) {
          panic("unable to set privileges for the new RS instance: %d", s);
      if ((s = sched_init_proc(replica_rp)) != OK) {
          panic("unable to initialize RS replica scheduling: %d", s);
      s = sys_privctl(replica_endpoint, SYS_PRIV_YIELD, NULL);
      if(s != OK) {
          panic("unable to yield control to the new RS instance: %d", s);
