void RP_SDPFromFile(RTPClient *rtp, char *file_name, RTPStream *stream) { FILE *_sdp; char *sdp_buf; u32 sdp_size; sdp_buf = NULL; if (file_name && strstr(file_name, "file://")) file_name += strlen("file://"); if (!file_name || !(_sdp = gf_fopen(file_name, "rt")) ) { gf_service_connect_ack(rtp->service, NULL, GF_URL_ERROR); return; } gf_fseek(_sdp, 0, SEEK_END); sdp_size = (u32) gf_ftell(_sdp); gf_fseek(_sdp, 0, SEEK_SET); sdp_buf = (char*)gf_malloc(sdp_size); if (1 > fread(sdp_buf, 1, sdp_size, _sdp)) { gf_service_connect_ack(rtp->service, NULL, GF_URL_ERROR); } else { RP_LoadSDP(rtp, sdp_buf, sdp_size, stream); } gf_fclose(_sdp); gf_free(sdp_buf); }
static GF_Err IMG_ConnectService(GF_InputService *plug, GF_ClientService *serv, const char *url) { char *sExt; IMGLoader *read = (IMGLoader *)plug->priv; read->service = serv; if (!url) return GF_BAD_PARAM; sExt = strrchr(url, '.'); if (!stricmp(sExt, ".jpeg") || !stricmp(sExt, ".jpg")) read->img_type = IMG_JPEG; else if (!stricmp(sExt, ".png")) read->img_type = IMG_PNG; else if (!stricmp(sExt, ".pngd")) read->img_type = IMG_PNGD; else if (!stricmp(sExt, ".pngds")) read->img_type = IMG_PNGDS; else if (!stricmp(sExt, ".pngs")) read->img_type = IMG_PNGS; else if (!stricmp(sExt, ".bmp")) read->img_type = IMG_BMP; if (read->dnload) gf_service_download_del(read->dnload); read->dnload = NULL; /*remote fetch*/ if (!jp_is_local(url)) { jp_download_file(plug, url); return GF_OK; } read->stream = gf_fopen(url, "rb"); if (read->stream) { gf_fseek(read->stream, 0, SEEK_END); read->data_size = (u32) gf_ftell(read->stream); gf_fseek(read->stream, 0, SEEK_SET); } gf_service_connect_ack(serv, NULL, read->stream ? GF_OK : GF_URL_ERROR); if (read->stream && read->is_inline) IMG_SetupObject(read); return GF_OK; }
GF_EXPORT char *gf_rtp_streamer_format_sdp_header(char *app_name, char *ip_dest, char *session_name, char *iod64) { u64 size; char *sdp, *tmp_fn = NULL; FILE *tmp = gf_temp_file_new(&tmp_fn); if (!tmp) return NULL; /* write SDP header*/ fprintf(tmp, "v=0\n"); fprintf(tmp, "o=%s 3326096807 1117107880000 IN IP%d %s\n", app_name, gf_net_is_ipv6(ip_dest) ? 6 : 4, ip_dest); fprintf(tmp, "s=%s\n", (session_name ? session_name : "GPAC Scene Streaming Session")); fprintf(tmp, "c=IN IP%d %s\n", gf_net_is_ipv6(ip_dest) ? 6 : 4, ip_dest); fprintf(tmp, "t=0 0\n"); if (iod64) fprintf(tmp, "a=mpeg4-iod:\"data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,%s\"\n", iod64); gf_fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_END); size = gf_ftell(tmp); gf_fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET); sdp = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (size_t)(size+1)); size = fread(sdp, 1, (size_t)size, tmp); sdp[size] = 0; gf_fclose(tmp); gf_delete_file(tmp_fn); gf_free(tmp_fn); return sdp; }
void IMG_NetIO(void *cbk, GF_NETIO_Parameter *param) { GF_Err e; const char *szCache; IMGLoader *read = (IMGLoader *) cbk; if (!read->dnload) return; /*handle service message*/ gf_service_download_update_stats(read->dnload); e = param->error; /*wait to get the whole file*/ if (!e && (param->msg_type!=GF_NETIO_DATA_TRANSFERED)) return; if ((e==GF_EOS) && (param->msg_type==GF_NETIO_DATA_EXCHANGE)) return; if (param->msg_type==GF_NETIO_DATA_TRANSFERED) { szCache = gf_dm_sess_get_cache_name(read->dnload); if (!szCache) e = GF_IO_ERR; else { if (read->stream) gf_fclose(read->stream); read->stream = gf_fopen((char *) szCache, "rb"); if (!read->stream) e = GF_SERVICE_ERROR; else { e = GF_OK; gf_fseek(read->stream, 0, SEEK_END); read->data_size = (u32) gf_ftell(read->stream); gf_fseek(read->stream, 0, SEEK_SET); } } } /*OK confirm*/ gf_service_connect_ack(read->service, NULL, e); if (!e) IMG_SetupObject(read); }
/* Checks that the file is fully downloaded requires that the file_size is given in the DecoderSpecificInfo */ static Bool vtt_check_download(VTTDec *vttdec) { u64 size; FILE *f = gf_fopen(vttdec->file_name, "rt"); if (!f) return GF_FALSE; gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = gf_ftell(f); gf_fclose(f); if (size==vttdec->file_size) return GF_TRUE; return GF_FALSE; }
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml(GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, char *XMLFileName, Bool IsBinaryXML) { GF_Err e; FILE *xmlfile; GF_XMLBox *xml; GF_MetaBox *meta; e = CanAccessMovie(file, GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE); if (e) return e; meta = gf_isom_get_meta(file, root_meta, track_num); if (!meta) return GF_BAD_PARAM; e = gf_isom_remove_meta_xml(file, root_meta, track_num); if (e) return e; xml = (GF_XMLBox *)xml_New(); if (!xml) return GF_OUT_OF_MEM; gf_list_add(meta->other_boxes, xml); if (IsBinaryXML) xml->type = GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_BXML; /*assume 32bit max size = 4Go should be sufficient for a DID!!*/ xmlfile = gf_fopen(XMLFileName, "rb"); if (!xmlfile) return GF_URL_ERROR; gf_fseek(xmlfile, 0, SEEK_END); assert(gf_ftell(xmlfile) < 1<<31); xml->xml_length = (u32) gf_ftell(xmlfile); gf_fseek(xmlfile, 0, SEEK_SET); xml->xml = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*xml->xml_length); xml->xml_length = (u32) fread(xml->xml, 1, sizeof(unsigned char)*xml->xml_length, xmlfile); if (ferror(xmlfile)) { gf_free(xml->xml); xml->xml = NULL; return GF_BAD_PARAM; } gf_fclose(xmlfile); return GF_OK; }
/*Dummy input just send a file name, no multitrack to handle so we don't need to check sub_url nor expected type*/ static GF_Descriptor *DC_GetServiceDesc(GF_InputService *plug, u32 expect_type, const char *sub_url) { u32 size = 0; char *uri; GF_ESD *esd; GF_BitStream *bs; DCReader *read = (DCReader *) plug->priv; GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *iod = (GF_InitialObjectDescriptor *) gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_IOD_TAG); iod->scene_profileAndLevel = 1; iod->graphics_profileAndLevel = 1; iod->OD_profileAndLevel = 1; iod->audio_profileAndLevel = 0xFE; iod->visual_profileAndLevel = 0xFE; iod->objectDescriptorID = 1; if (read->is_views_url) { iod->URLString = gf_strdup(read->url); return (GF_Descriptor *)iod; } esd = gf_odf_desc_esd_new(0); esd->slConfig->timestampResolution = 1000; esd->slConfig->useTimestampsFlag = 1; esd->ESID = 0xFFFE; esd->decoderConfig->streamType = GF_STREAM_PRIVATE_SCENE; esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication = read->oti; if (read->dnload) { uri = (char *) gf_dm_sess_get_cache_name(read->dnload); gf_dm_sess_get_stats(read->dnload, NULL, NULL, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { FILE *f = gf_fopen(read->url, "rt"); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = (u32) gf_ftell(f); gf_fclose(f); uri = read->url; } bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE); gf_bs_write_u32(bs, size); gf_bs_write_data(bs, uri, (u32) strlen(uri)); gf_bs_get_content(bs, &esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, &esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); gf_bs_del(bs); gf_list_add(iod->ESDescriptors, esd); return (GF_Descriptor *)iod; }
static Bool CTXLoad_CheckDownload(CTXLoadPriv *priv) { u64 size; FILE *f; u32 now = gf_sys_clock(); if (!priv->file_size && (now - priv->last_check_time < 1000) ) return GF_FALSE; f = gf_fopen(priv->file_name, "rt"); if (!f) return GF_FALSE; gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = gf_ftell(f); gf_fclose(f); /*we MUST have a complete file for now ...*/ if (!priv->file_size) { if (priv->last_check_size == size) return GF_TRUE; priv->last_check_size = size; priv->last_check_time = now; } else { if (size==priv->file_size) return GF_TRUE; } return GF_FALSE; }
GF_Err gf_webvtt_parser_init(GF_WebVTTParser *parser, const char *input_file, void *user, GF_Err (*report_message)(void *, GF_Err, char *, const char *), void (*on_sample_parsed)(void *, GF_WebVTTSample *), void (*on_header_parsed)(void *, const char *)) { const char *ext; if (parser) { parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_SIGNATURE; ext = strrchr(input_file, '.'); if (ext) { ext++; if (!strcmp(ext, "srt")) { parser->is_srt = GF_TRUE; parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE; } } parser->vtt_in = gf_fopen(input_file, "rt"); gf_fseek(parser->vtt_in, 0, SEEK_END); parser->file_size = gf_ftell(parser->vtt_in); gf_fseek(parser->vtt_in, 0, SEEK_SET); parser->unicode_type = gf_text_get_utf_type(parser->vtt_in); if (parser->unicode_type<0) { gf_fclose(parser->vtt_in); return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED; } parser->user = user; parser->report_message = report_message; parser->on_sample_parsed = on_sample_parsed; parser->on_header_parsed = on_header_parsed; return GF_OK; } return GF_BAD_PARAM; }
GF_Err gf_bifs_enc_sf_field(GF_BifsEncoder *codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_Node *node, GF_FieldInfo *field) { GF_Err e; if (node) { e = gf_bifs_enc_quant_field(codec, bs, node, field); if (e != GF_EOS) return e; } switch (field->fieldType) { case GF_SG_VRML_SFBOOL: GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, * ((SFBool *)field->far_ptr), 1, "SFBool", NULL); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFCOLOR: BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFColor *)field->far_ptr)->red, bs, "color.red"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFColor *)field->far_ptr)->green, bs, "color.green"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFColor *)field->far_ptr)->blue, bs, "color.blue"); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFFLOAT: BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, * ((SFFloat *)field->far_ptr), bs, NULL); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFINT32: GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, * ((SFInt32 *)field->far_ptr), 32, "SFInt32", NULL); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFROTATION: BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFRotation *)field->far_ptr)->x, bs, "rot.x"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFRotation *)field->far_ptr)->y, bs, "rot.y"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFRotation *)field->far_ptr)->z, bs, "rot.z"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFRotation *)field->far_ptr)->q, bs, "rot.theta"); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFSTRING: if (node && (node->sgprivate->tag==TAG_MPEG4_CacheTexture) && (field->fieldIndex<=2)) { u32 size, val; char buf[4096]; char *res_src = NULL; const char *src = ((SFString*)field->far_ptr)->buffer; FILE *f; if (codec->src_url) res_src = gf_url_concatenate(codec->src_url, src); f = gf_fopen(res_src ? res_src : src, "rb"); if (!f) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[BIFS] Cannot open source file %s for encoding CacheTexture\n", res_src ? res_src : src)); return GF_URL_ERROR; } if (res_src) gf_free(res_src); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = (u32) gf_ftell(f); val = gf_get_bit_size(size); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, val, 5, "nbBits", NULL); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, size, val, "length", NULL); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); while (size) { u32 read = (u32) fread(buf, 1, 4096, f); gf_bs_write_data(bs, buf, read); size -= read; } } else { u32 i, val, len; char *str = (char *) ((SFString*)field->far_ptr)->buffer; if (node && (node->sgprivate->tag==TAG_MPEG4_BitWrapper) ) { len = ((M_BitWrapper*)node)->buffer_len; } else { len = str ? (u32) strlen(str) : 0; } val = gf_get_bit_size(len); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, val, 5, "nbBits", NULL); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, len, val, "length", NULL); for (i=0; i<len; i++) gf_bs_write_int(bs, str[i], 8); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] string\t\t%d\t\t%s\n", 8*len, str) ); } break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFTIME: gf_bs_write_double(bs, *((SFTime *)field->far_ptr)); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] SFTime\t\t%d\t\t%g\n", 64, *((SFTime *)field->far_ptr))); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFVEC2F: BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFVec2f *)field->far_ptr)->x, bs, "vec2f.x"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFVec2f *)field->far_ptr)->y, bs, "vec2f.y"); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFVEC3F: BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFVec3f *)field->far_ptr)->x, bs, "vec3f.x"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFVec3f *)field->far_ptr)->y, bs, "vec3f.y"); BE_WriteSFFloat(codec, ((SFVec3f *)field->far_ptr)->z, bs, "vec3f.z"); break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFURL: { SFURL *url = (SFURL *) field->far_ptr; GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, (url->OD_ID>0) ? 1 : 0, 1, "hasODID", "SFURL"); if (url->OD_ID>0) { GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, url->OD_ID, 10, "ODID", "SFURL"); } else { u32 i, len = url->url ? (u32) strlen(url->url) : 0; u32 val = gf_get_bit_size(len); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, val, 5, "nbBits", NULL); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, len, val, "length", NULL); for (i=0; i<len; i++) gf_bs_write_int(bs, url->url[i], 8); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] string\t\t%d\t\t%s\t\t//SFURL\n", 8*len, url->url)); } } break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFIMAGE: { u32 size, i; SFImage *img = (SFImage *)field->far_ptr; GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, img->width, 12, "width", "SFImage"); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, img->height, 12, "height", "SFImage"); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, img->numComponents - 1, 2, "nbComp", "SFImage"); size = img->width * img->height * img->numComponents; for (i=0; i<size; i++) gf_bs_write_int(bs, img->pixels[i], 8); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] pixels\t\t%d\t\tnot dumped\t\t//SFImage\n", 8*size)); } break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFCOMMANDBUFFER: { SFCommandBuffer *cb = (SFCommandBuffer *) field->far_ptr; if (cb->buffer) gf_free(cb->buffer); cb->buffer = NULL; cb->bufferSize = 0; if (gf_list_count(cb->commandList)) { u32 i, nbBits; GF_BitStream *bs_cond = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] /*SFCommandBuffer*/\n" )); e = gf_bifs_enc_commands(codec, cb->commandList, bs_cond); if (!e) gf_bs_get_content(bs_cond, (char**)&cb->buffer, &cb->bufferSize); gf_bs_del(bs_cond); if (e) return e; GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODING, ("[BIFS] /*End SFCommandBuffer*/\n")); nbBits = gf_get_bit_size(cb->bufferSize); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, nbBits, 5, "NbBits", NULL); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, cb->bufferSize, nbBits, "BufferSize", NULL); for (i=0; i<cb->bufferSize; i++) GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, cb->buffer[i], 8, "buffer byte", NULL); } /*empty command buffer*/ else { GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, 0, 5, "NbBits", NULL); } } break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFNODE: return gf_bifs_enc_node(codec, *((GF_Node **)field->far_ptr), field->NDTtype, bs, node); case GF_SG_VRML_SFSCRIPT: #ifdef GPAC_HAS_SPIDERMONKEY codec->LastError = SFScript_Encode(codec, (SFScript *)field->far_ptr, bs, node); #else return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif break; case GF_SG_VRML_SFATTRREF: { u32 idx=0; SFAttrRef *ar = (SFAttrRef *)field->far_ptr; u32 nbBitsDEF = gf_get_bit_size(gf_node_get_num_fields_in_mode(ar->node, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_DEF) - 1); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, gf_node_get_id(ar->node) - 1, codec->info->config.NodeIDBits, "NodeID", NULL); gf_bifs_field_index_by_mode(ar->node, ar->fieldIndex, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_DEF, &idx); GF_BIFS_WRITE_INT(codec, bs, idx, nbBitsDEF, "field", NULL); } break; default: return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return codec->LastError; }
GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item_extended(GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, Bool self_reference, char *resource_path, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, const char *mime_type, const char *content_encoding, GF_ImageItemProperties *image_props, const char *URL, const char *URN, char *data, u32 data_len) { GF_Err e; GF_ItemLocationEntry *location_entry; GF_ItemInfoEntryBox *infe; GF_MetaBox *meta; u32 lastItemID = 0; if (!self_reference && !item_name && !resource_path) return GF_BAD_PARAM; e = CanAccessMovie(file, GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE); if (e) return e; meta = gf_isom_get_meta(file, root_meta, track_num); if (!meta) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("Trying to add item, but missing meta box")); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } e = FlushCaptureMode(file); if (e) return e; /*check file exists */ if (!URN && !URL && !self_reference && !data) { FILE *src = gf_fopen(resource_path, "rb"); if (!src) return GF_URL_ERROR; gf_fclose(src); } if (meta->item_infos) { u32 i; u32 item_count = gf_list_count(meta->item_infos->item_infos); for (i = 0; i < item_count; i++) { GF_ItemInfoEntryBox *e= (GF_ItemInfoEntryBox *)gf_list_get(meta->item_infos->item_infos, i); if (e->item_ID > lastItemID) lastItemID = e->item_ID; if (item_id == e->item_ID) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[IsoMedia] Item with id %d already exists, ignoring\n", item_id)); item_id = 0; } } } infe = (GF_ItemInfoEntryBox *)infe_New(); if (item_id) { infe->item_ID = item_id; } else { infe->item_ID = ++lastItemID; } /*get relative name*/ if (item_name) { infe->item_name = gf_strdup(item_name); } else if (resource_path) { if (strrchr(resource_path, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR)) { infe->item_name = gf_strdup(strrchr(resource_path, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR) + 1); } else { infe->item_name = gf_strdup(resource_path); } } if (mime_type) { infe->content_type = gf_strdup(mime_type); } else { infe->content_type = gf_strdup("application/octet-stream"); } if (content_encoding) infe->content_encoding = gf_strdup(content_encoding); /*Creation of the ItemLocation */ location_entry = (GF_ItemLocationEntry*)gf_malloc(sizeof(GF_ItemLocationEntry)); if (!location_entry) { gf_isom_box_del((GF_Box *)infe); return GF_OUT_OF_MEM; } memset(location_entry, 0, sizeof(GF_ItemLocationEntry)); location_entry->extent_entries = gf_list_new(); /*Creates an mdat if it does not exist*/ if (!file->mdat) { file->mdat = (GF_MediaDataBox *)mdat_New(); gf_list_add(file->TopBoxes, file->mdat); } /*Creation an ItemLocation Box if it does not exist*/ if (!meta->item_locations) meta->item_locations = (GF_ItemLocationBox *)iloc_New(); gf_list_add(meta->item_locations->location_entries, location_entry); location_entry->item_ID = infe->item_ID; if (!meta->item_infos) meta->item_infos = (GF_ItemInfoBox *) iinf_New(); e = gf_list_add(meta->item_infos->item_infos, infe); if (e) return e; if (image_props) { meta_process_image_properties(meta, infe->item_ID, image_props); } /*0: the current file*/ location_entry->data_reference_index = 0; if (self_reference) { GF_ItemExtentEntry *entry; GF_SAFEALLOC(entry, GF_ItemExtentEntry); gf_list_add(location_entry->extent_entries, entry); if (!infe->item_name) infe->item_name = gf_strdup(""); return GF_OK; } /*file not copied, just referenced*/ if (URL || URN) { u32 dataRefIndex; if (!meta->file_locations) meta->file_locations = (GF_DataInformationBox *) gf_isom_box_new(GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_DINF); if (!meta->file_locations->dref) meta->file_locations->dref = (GF_DataReferenceBox *) gf_isom_box_new(GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_DREF); e = Media_FindDataRef(meta->file_locations->dref, (char *) URL, (char *) URN, &dataRefIndex); if (e) return e; if (!dataRefIndex) { e = Media_CreateDataRef(meta->file_locations->dref, (char *) URL, (char *) URN, &dataRefIndex); if (e) return e; } location_entry->data_reference_index = dataRefIndex; } /*capture mode, write to disk*/ if ((file->openMode == GF_ISOM_OPEN_WRITE) && !location_entry->data_reference_index) { FILE *src; GF_ItemExtentEntry *entry; GF_SAFEALLOC(entry, GF_ItemExtentEntry); location_entry->base_offset = gf_bs_get_position(file->editFileMap->bs); /*update base offset size*/ if (location_entry->base_offset>0xFFFFFFFF) meta->item_locations->base_offset_size = 8; else if (location_entry->base_offset && !meta->item_locations->base_offset_size) meta->item_locations->base_offset_size = 4; entry->extent_length = 0; entry->extent_offset = 0; gf_list_add(location_entry->extent_entries, entry); if (data) { gf_bs_write_data(file->editFileMap->bs, data, data_len); /*update length size*/ if (entry->extent_length>0xFFFFFFFF) meta->item_locations->length_size = 8; else if (entry->extent_length && !meta->item_locations->length_size) meta->item_locations->length_size = 4; } else if (resource_path) { src = gf_fopen(resource_path, "rb"); if (src) { char cache_data[4096]; u64 remain; gf_fseek(src, 0, SEEK_END); entry->extent_length = gf_ftell(src); gf_fseek(src, 0, SEEK_SET); remain = entry->extent_length; while (remain) { u32 size_cache = (remain>4096) ? 4096 : (u32) remain; size_t read = fread(cache_data, 1, size_cache, src); if (read==(size_t)-1) break; gf_bs_write_data(file->editFileMap->bs, cache_data, (u32) read); remain -= (u32) read; } gf_fclose(src); /*update length size*/ if (entry->extent_length>0xFFFFFFFF) meta->item_locations->length_size = 8; else if (entry->extent_length && !meta->item_locations->length_size) meta->item_locations->length_size = 4; } } } /*store full path for info*/ else if (!location_entry->data_reference_index) { if (data) { infe->full_path = (char *)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * data_len); memcpy(infe->full_path, data, sizeof(char) * data_len); infe->data_len = data_len; } else { infe->full_path = gf_strdup(resource_path); infe->data_len = 0; } } return GF_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* The ISO progressive reader */ ISOProgressiveReader reader; /* Error indicator */ GF_Err e; /* input file to be read in the data buffer */ FILE *input; /* number of bytes read from the file at each read operation */ u32 read_bytes; /* number of bytes read from the file (total) */ u64 total_read_bytes; /* size of the input file */ u64 file_size; /* number of bytes required to finish the current ISO Box reading (not used here)*/ u64 missing_bytes; /* Thread used to run the ISO parsing in */ GF_Thread *reading_thread; /* Return value for the program */ int ret = 0; /* Usage */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Initializing GPAC framework */ /* Enables GPAC memory tracking in debug mode only */ #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) gf_sys_init(GF_MemTrackerSimple); gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_ALL, GF_LOG_WARNING); gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_MEMORY, GF_LOG_INFO); #else gf_sys_init(GF_MemTrackerNone); gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_ALL, GF_LOG_WARNING); #endif /* This is an input file to read data from. Could be replaced by any other method to retrieve the data (e.g. JavaScript, socket, ...)*/ input = gf_fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (!input) { fprintf(stdout, "Could not open file %s for reading.\n", argv[1]); gf_sys_close(); return 1; } gf_fseek(input, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = gf_ftell(input); gf_fseek(input, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Initializing the progressive reader */ memset(&reader, 0, sizeof(ISOProgressiveReader)); reading_thread = gf_th_new("ISO reading thread"); reader.mutex = gf_mx_new("ISO Segment"); reader.do_run = GF_TRUE; /* we want to parse the first track */ reader.track_id = 1; /* start the async parsing */ gf_th_run(reading_thread, iso_progressive_read_thread, &reader); /* start the data reading */ reader.data_size = BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE; reader.data = (u8 *)gf_malloc(reader.data_size); reader.valid_data_size = 0; total_read_bytes = 0; while (1) { /* block the parser until we are done manipulating the data buffer */ gf_mx_p(reader.mutex); if (reader.valid_data_size + BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { /* regulate the reader to limit the max buffer size and let some time to the parser to release buffer data */ fprintf(stdout, "Buffer full (%d/%d)- waiting to read next data \r", reader.valid_data_size, reader.data_size); gf_mx_v(reader.mutex); //gf_sleep(10); } else { /* make sure we have enough space in the buffer to read the next bloc of data */ if (reader.valid_data_size + BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE > reader.data_size) { reader.data = (u8 *)gf_realloc(reader.data, reader.data_size + BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE); reader.data_size += BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE; } /* read the next bloc of data and update the data buffer url */ read_bytes = fread(reader.data+reader.valid_data_size, 1, BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE, input); total_read_bytes += read_bytes; fprintf(stdout, "Read "LLD" bytes of "LLD" bytes from input file %s (buffer status: %5d/%5d)\r", total_read_bytes, file_size, argv[1], reader.valid_data_size, reader.data_size); if (read_bytes) { reader.valid_data_size += read_bytes; sprintf(reader.data_url, "gmem://%d@%p", reader.valid_data_size, reader.data); } else { /* end of file we can quit */ gf_mx_v(reader.mutex); break; } /* if the file is not yet opened (no movie), open it in progressive mode (to update its data later on) */ if (!reader.movie) { /* let's initialize the parser */ e = gf_isom_open_progressive(reader.data_url, 0, 0, &reader.movie, &missing_bytes); if (reader.movie) { gf_isom_set_single_moof_mode(reader.movie, GF_TRUE); } /* we can let parser try to work now */ gf_mx_v(reader.mutex); if ((e == GF_OK || e == GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE) && reader.movie) { /* nothing to do, this is normal */ } else { fprintf(stdout, "Error opening fragmented mp4 in progressive mode: %s (missing "LLD" bytes)\n", gf_error_to_string(e), missing_bytes); ret = 1; goto exit; } } else { /* let inform the parser that the buffer has been updated with new data */ e = gf_isom_refresh_fragmented(reader.movie, &missing_bytes, reader.data_url); /* we can let parser try to work now */ gf_mx_v(reader.mutex); if (e != GF_OK && e != GF_ISOM_INCOMPLETE_FILE) { fprintf(stdout, "Error refreshing fragmented mp4: %s (missing "LLD" bytes)\n", gf_error_to_string(e), missing_bytes); ret = 1; goto exit; } } //gf_sleep(1); } } exit: /* stop the parser */ reader.do_run = GF_FALSE; gf_th_stop(reading_thread); /* clean structures */ gf_th_del(reading_thread); gf_mx_del(reader.mutex); gf_free(reader.data); gf_isom_close(reader.movie); gf_fclose(input); gf_sys_close(); return ret; }
GF_Err gf_webvtt_parser_parse(GF_WebVTTParser *parser, u32 duration) { char szLine[2048]; char *sOK; u32 len; GF_Err e; Bool do_parse = GF_TRUE; GF_WebVTTCue *cue = NULL; u32 start = 0; u32 end = 0; char *prevLine = NULL; char *header = NULL; u32 header_len = 0; Bool had_marks = GF_FALSE; if (!parser) return GF_BAD_PARAM; if (parser->is_srt) { parser->on_header_parsed(parser->user, gf_strdup("WEBVTT\n")); } while (do_parse) { sOK = gf_text_get_utf8_line(szLine, 2048, parser->vtt_in, parser->unicode_type); REM_TRAIL_MARKS(szLine, "\r\n") len = (u32) strlen(szLine); switch (parser->state) { case WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_SIGNATURE: if (!sOK || len < 6 || strnicmp(szLine, "WEBVTT", 6) || (len > 6 && szLine[6] != ' ' && szLine[6] != '\t')) { e = GF_CORRUPTED_DATA; parser->report_message(parser->user, e, "Bad WEBVTT file signature %s", szLine); goto exit; } else { if (had_marks) { szLine[len] = '\n'; len++; } header = gf_strdup(szLine); header_len = len; parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_HEADER; } break; /* proceed to next line */ case WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_HEADER: if (prevLine) { u32 prev_len = (u32) strlen(prevLine); header = (char *)gf_realloc(header, header_len + prev_len + 1); strcpy(header+header_len,prevLine); header_len += prev_len; gf_free(prevLine); prevLine = NULL; } if (sOK && len) { if (strstr(szLine, "-->")) { parser->on_header_parsed(parser->user, header); /* continue to the next state without breaking */ parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE_TIMESTAMP; /* no break, continue to the next state*/ } else { if (had_marks) { szLine[len] = '\n'; len++; } prevLine = gf_strdup(szLine); break; /* proceed to next line */ } } else { parser->on_header_parsed(parser->user, header); if (!sOK) { /* end of file, parsing is done */ do_parse = GF_FALSE; break; } else { /* empty line means end of header */ parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE; /* no break, continue to the next state*/ } } case WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE: if (sOK && len) { if (strstr(szLine, "-->")) { parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE_TIMESTAMP; /* continue to the next state without breaking */ } else { /* discard the previous line */ /* should we do something with it ? callback ?*/ if (prevLine) { gf_free(prevLine); prevLine = NULL; } /* save this new line */ if (had_marks) { szLine[len] = '\n'; len++; } prevLine = gf_strdup(szLine); /* stay in the same state */ break; } } else { /* discard the previous line */ /* should we do something with it ? callback ?*/ if (prevLine) { gf_free(prevLine); prevLine = NULL; } if (!sOK) { do_parse = GF_FALSE; break; } else { /* remove empty lines and stay in the same state */ break; } } case WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE_TIMESTAMP: if (sOK && len) { if (cue == NULL) { cue = gf_webvtt_cue_new(); } if (prevLine) { gf_webvtt_cue_add_property(cue, WEBVTT_ID, prevLine, (u32) strlen(prevLine)); gf_free(prevLine); prevLine = NULL; } e = gf_webvtt_parser_parse_timings_settings(parser, cue, szLine, len); if (e) { if (cue) gf_webvtt_cue_del(cue); cue = NULL; parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE; } else { start = (u32)gf_webvtt_timestamp_get(&cue->start); end = (u32)gf_webvtt_timestamp_get(&cue->end); parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE_PAYLOAD; } } else { /* not possible */ assert(0); } break; case WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE_PAYLOAD: if (sOK && len) { if (had_marks) { szLine[len] = '\n'; len++; } gf_webvtt_cue_add_property(cue, WEBVTT_PAYLOAD, szLine, len); /* remain in the same state as a cue payload can have multiple lines */ break; } else { /* end of the current cue */ gf_webvtt_add_cue_to_samples(parser, parser->samples, cue); cue = NULL; gf_set_progress("Importing WebVTT", gf_ftell(parser->vtt_in), parser->file_size); if ((duration && (end >= duration)) || !sOK) { do_parse = GF_FALSE; break; } else { /* empty line, move to next cue */ parser->state = WEBVTT_PARSER_STATE_WAITING_CUE; break; } } } if (duration && (start >= duration)) { do_parse = GF_FALSE; break; } } /* no more cues to come, flush everything */ if (cue) { gf_webvtt_add_cue_to_samples(parser, parser->samples, cue); cue = NULL; } while (gf_list_count(parser->samples) > 0) { GF_WebVTTSample *sample = (GF_WebVTTSample *)gf_list_get(parser->samples, 0); parser->last_duration = sample->end - sample->start; gf_list_rem(parser->samples, 0); parser->on_sample_parsed(parser->user, sample); } gf_set_progress("Importing WebVTT", parser->file_size, parser->file_size); e = GF_OK; exit: if (cue) gf_webvtt_cue_del(cue); if (prevLine) gf_free(prevLine); if (header) gf_free(header); return e; }
static GF_Err gf_isom_streamer_setup_sdp(GF_ISOMRTPStreamer *streamer, char*sdpfilename, char **out_sdp_buffer) { GF_RTPTrack *track; FILE *sdp_out; char filename[GF_MAX_PATH]; char sdpLine[20000]; u32 t, count; u8 *payload_type; strcpy(filename, sdpfilename ? sdpfilename : "videosession.sdp"); sdp_out = gf_fopen(filename, "wt"); if (!sdp_out) return GF_IO_ERR; if (!out_sdp_buffer) { sprintf(sdpLine, "v=0"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "o=MP4Streamer 3357474383 1148485440000 IN IP%d %s", gf_net_is_ipv6(streamer->dest_ip) ? 6 : 4, streamer->dest_ip); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "s=livesession"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "i=This is an MP4 time-sliced Streaming demo"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "u=http://gpac.sourceforge.net"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "e=admin@"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "c=IN IP%d %s", gf_net_is_ipv6(streamer->dest_ip) ? 6 : 4, streamer->dest_ip); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "t=0 0"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); sprintf(sdpLine, "a=x-copyright: Streamed with GPAC (C)2000-200X - http://gpac.sourceforge.net"); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s\n", sdpLine); if (streamer->base_track) { sprintf(sdpLine, "a=group:DDP L%d", streamer->base_track); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s", sdpLine); count = gf_isom_get_track_count(streamer->isom); for (t = 0; t < count; t++) { if (gf_isom_has_track_reference(streamer->isom, t+1, GF_ISOM_REF_BASE, gf_isom_get_track_id(streamer->isom, streamer->base_track))) { sprintf(sdpLine, " L%d", t+1); fprintf(sdp_out, "%s", sdpLine); } } fprintf(sdp_out, "\n"); } } /*prepare array of payload type*/ count = gf_isom_get_track_count(streamer->isom); payload_type = (u8 *)gf_malloc(count * sizeof(u8)); track = streamer->stream; while (track) { payload_type[track->track_num-1] = gf_rtp_streamer_get_payload_type(track->rtp); track = track->next; } track = streamer->stream; while (track) { char *sdp_media=NULL; const char *KMS = NULL; char *dsi = NULL; u32 w, h; u32 dsi_len = 0; GF_DecoderConfig *dcd; //use inspect mode so that we don't aggregate xPS from the base in the enhancement ESD gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(streamer->isom, track->track_num, GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_INSPECT); dcd = gf_isom_get_decoder_config(streamer->isom, track->track_num, 1); if (dcd && dcd->decoderSpecificInfo) { dsi = dcd->decoderSpecificInfo->data; dsi_len = dcd->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength; } w = h = 0; if (gf_isom_get_media_type(streamer->isom, track->track_num) == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL) { gf_isom_get_visual_info(streamer->isom, track->track_num, 1, &w, &h); } gf_isom_get_ismacryp_info(streamer->isom, track->track_num, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &KMS, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*TODO retrieve DIMS content encoding from track to set the flags */ gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp_extended(track->rtp, gf_isom_get_track_id(streamer->isom, track->track_num), dsi, dsi_len, streamer->isom, track->track_num, (char *)KMS, w, h, &sdp_media); if (streamer->base_track) gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp_decoding_dependency(streamer->isom, track->track_num, payload_type, &sdp_media); if (sdp_media) { fprintf(sdp_out, "%s", sdp_media); gf_free(sdp_media); } if (dcd) gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)dcd); track = track->next; } fprintf(sdp_out, "\n"); gf_fclose(sdp_out); if (out_sdp_buffer) { u64 size; sdp_out = gf_fopen(filename, "r"); gf_fseek(sdp_out, 0, SEEK_END); size = gf_ftell(sdp_out); gf_fseek(sdp_out, 0, SEEK_SET); if (*out_sdp_buffer) gf_free(*out_sdp_buffer); *out_sdp_buffer = gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*(size_t)(size+1)); size = fread(*out_sdp_buffer, 1, (size_t)size, sdp_out); gf_fclose(sdp_out); (*out_sdp_buffer)[size]=0; } gf_free(payload_type); return GF_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /********************/ /* declarations */ /********************/ char *input, *output, tmpstr[GF_MAX_PATH]; GF_ISOFile *isom_file_in; GF_MediaImporter import; AdobeHDSCtx ctx; GF_Err e; u32 i; /*****************/ /* gpac init */ /*****************/ gf_sys_init(GF_MemTrackerNone); gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_ALL, GF_LOG_WARNING); /***********************/ /* initialisations */ /***********************/ input = NULL; output = NULL; isom_file_in = NULL; memset(&import, 0, sizeof(GF_MediaImporter)); e = GF_OK; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.curr_time = 0; ctx.segnum = 1; /*********************************************/ /* parse arguments and build HDS context */ /*********************************************/ if (GF_OK != parse_args(argc, argv, &input, &output, &ctx.curr_time, &ctx.segnum)) { usage(argv[0]); goto exit; } ctx.multirate_manifest = adobe_alloc_multirate_manifest(output); #if 0 /*'moov' conversion tests*/ { char metamoov64[GF_MAX_PATH]; u32 metamoov64_len; unsigned char metamoov[GF_MAX_PATH]; u32 metamoov_len=GF_MAX_PATH; FILE *f = gf_fopen("metamoov64"/*input*/, "rt"); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); metamoov64_len = (u32)gf_ftell(f); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(metamoov64, metamoov64_len, 1, f); metamoov_len = gf_base64_decode(metamoov64, metamoov64_len, metamoov, metamoov_len); gf_fclose(f); f = gf_fopen("metamoov", "wb"); fwrite(metamoov, metamoov_len, 1, f); gf_fclose(f); return 0; } #endif #if 0 /*'abst'conversion tests*/ { char bootstrap64[GF_MAX_PATH]; u32 bootstrap64_len; unsigned char bootstrap[GF_MAX_PATH]; u32 bootstrap_len=GF_MAX_PATH; GF_AdobeBootstrapInfoBox *abst = (GF_AdobeBootstrapInfoBox *)abst_New(); GF_BitStream *bs; #if 1 //64 FILE *f = gf_fopen("bootstrap64"/*input*/, "rt"); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); bootstrap64_len = (u32)gf_ftell(f); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(bootstrap64, bootstrap64_len, 1, f); bootstrap_len = gf_base64_decode(bootstrap64, bootstrap64_len, bootstrap, bootstrap_len); #else //binary bootstrap FILE *f = gf_fopen("bootstrap.bin"/*input*/, "rb"); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); bootstrap_len = (u32)gf_ftell(f); gf_fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(bootstrap, bootstrap_len, 1, f); #endif bs = gf_bs_new(bootstrap+8, bootstrap_len-8, GF_BITSTREAM_READ); abst->size = bootstrap[2]*256+bootstrap[3]; assert(abst->size<GF_MAX_PATH); abst_Read((GF_Box*)abst, bs); gf_bs_del(bs); //then rewrite with just one 'afrt' memset(bootstrap, 0, bootstrap_len); bs = gf_bs_new(bootstrap, bootstrap_len, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE); abst_Write((GF_Box*)abst, bs); bootstrap_len = (u32)gf_bs_get_position(bs); gf_bs_del(bs); gf_fclose(f); f = gf_fopen("bootstrap", "wt"); bootstrap64_len = gf_base64_encode(bootstrap, bootstrap_len, bootstrap64, GF_MAX_PATH); fwrite(bootstrap64, bootstrap64_len, 1, f); fprintf(f, "\n\n"); abst_dump((GF_Box*)abst, f); gf_fclose(f); abst_del((GF_Box*)abst); return 0; } #endif /*****************/ /* main loop */ /*****************/ import.trackID = 0; import.in_name = input; import.flags = GF_IMPORT_PROBE_ONLY; //create output or open when recovering from a saved state sprintf(tmpstr, "%s_import.mp4", input); isom_file_in = gf_isom_open(tmpstr, GF_ISOM_WRITE_EDIT, NULL); if (!isom_file_in) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file %s: %s\n", tmpstr, gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } import.dest = isom_file_in; //probe input e = gf_media_import(&import); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while importing input file %s: %s\n", input, gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } //import input data import.flags = 0; for (i=0; i<import.nb_tracks; i++) { import.trackID = import.tk_info[i].track_num; e = gf_media_import(&import); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while importing track number %u, input file %s: %s\n", import.trackID, input, gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } } //Adobe specific stuff e = adobize_segment(isom_file_in, &ctx); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't turn the ISOM fragmented file into an Adobe f4v segment: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } //interleave data and remove imported file //FIXME: set multiple fragments: sprintf(tmpstr, "%s_HD_100_Seg%u-Frag1", output, ctx.segnum); //FIXME: "HD", "100" and fragnum: pass as arg //e = gf_media_fragment_file(isom_file_in, tmpstr, 1.0); e = gf_media_fragment_file(isom_file_in, tmpstr, 1.0+gf_isom_get_duration(isom_file_in)/gf_isom_get_timescale(isom_file_in)); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while fragmenting file to output %s: %s\n", output, gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } gf_isom_delete(isom_file_in); isom_file_in = NULL; e = adobe_gen_multirate_manifest(ctx.multirate_manifest, ctx.bootstrap, ctx.bootstrap_size); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't generate Adobe f4m manifest: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); assert(0); goto exit; } exit: //delete intermediate mp4 file if (isom_file_in) gf_isom_delete(isom_file_in); if (ctx.multirate_manifest) adobe_free_multirate_manifest(ctx.multirate_manifest); if (ctx.bootstrap) { gf_free(ctx.bootstrap); //ctx.bootstrap = NULL; //ctx.bootstrap_size = 0; } gf_sys_close(); return !e ? 0 : 1; }
size_t PREFIX(ftell) (int * unit) { return gf_ftell (*unit); }
GFC_IO_INT PREFIX(ftell2) (int * unit) { return gf_ftell (*unit); }
static GF_Err AC3_ChannelGetSLP(GF_InputService *plug, LPNETCHANNEL channel, char **out_data_ptr, u32 *out_data_size, GF_SLHeader *out_sl_hdr, Bool *sl_compressed, GF_Err *out_reception_status, Bool *is_new_data) { u64 pos, start_from; Bool sync; GF_BitStream *bs; GF_AC3Header hdr; AC3Reader *read = (AC3Reader*)plug->priv; *out_reception_status = GF_OK; *sl_compressed = GF_FALSE; *is_new_data = GF_FALSE; memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(GF_AC3Header)); memset(&read->sl_hdr, 0, sizeof(GF_SLHeader)); read->sl_hdr.randomAccessPointFlag = 1; read->sl_hdr.compositionTimeStampFlag = 1; if (read->ch != channel) return GF_STREAM_NOT_FOUND; /*fetching es data*/ if (read->done) { *out_reception_status = GF_EOS; return GF_OK; } if (!read->data) { if (!read->stream) { *out_data_ptr = NULL; *out_data_size = 0; return GF_OK; } bs = gf_bs_from_file(read->stream, GF_BITSTREAM_READ); *is_new_data = GF_TRUE; fetch_next: pos = gf_ftell(read->stream); sync = gf_ac3_parser_bs(bs, &hdr, GF_FALSE); if (!sync) { gf_bs_del(bs); if (!read->dnload) { *out_reception_status = GF_EOS; read->done = GF_TRUE; } else { gf_fseek(read->stream, pos, SEEK_SET); *out_reception_status = GF_OK; } return GF_OK; } if (!hdr.framesize) { gf_bs_del(bs); *out_reception_status = GF_EOS; read->done = GF_TRUE; return GF_OK; } read->data_size = hdr.framesize; read->nb_samp = 1536; /*we're seeking*/ if (read->start_range && read->duration) { start_from = (u32) (read->start_range * read->sample_rate); if (read->current_time + read->nb_samp < start_from) { read->current_time += read->nb_samp; goto fetch_next; } else { read->start_range = 0; } } read->sl_hdr.compositionTimeStamp = read->current_time; read->data = (unsigned char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (read->data_size+read->pad_bytes)); gf_bs_read_data(bs, (char *) read->data, read->data_size); if (read->pad_bytes) memset(read->data + read->data_size, 0, sizeof(char) * read->pad_bytes); gf_bs_del(bs); } *out_sl_hdr = read->sl_hdr; *out_data_ptr =(char *) read->data; *out_data_size = read->data_size; return GF_OK; }
static void imagetexture_update(GF_TextureHandler *txh) { if (gf_node_get_tag(txh->owner)!=TAG_MPEG4_CacheTexture) { MFURL url = ((M_ImageTexture *) txh->owner)->url; /*setup texture if needed*/ if (!txh->is_open && url.count) { gf_sc_texture_play(txh, &url); } gf_sc_texture_update_frame(txh, 0); if ( /*URL is present but not opened - redraw till fetch*/ /* (txh->stream && !txh->tx_io) && */ /*image has been updated*/ txh->needs_refresh) { /*mark all subtrees using this image as dirty*/ gf_node_dirty_parents(txh->owner); gf_sc_invalidate(txh->compositor, NULL); } return; } /*cache texture case*/ else { M_CacheTexture *ct = (M_CacheTexture *) txh->owner; /*decode cacheTexture data */ if ((ct->data || ct->image.buffer) && !txh->data) { #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_AV_PARSERS u32 out_size; GF_Err e; /*BT/XMT playback: load to memory*/ if (ct->image.buffer) { char *par = (char *) gf_scene_get_service_url( gf_node_get_graph(txh->owner ) ); char *src_url = gf_url_concatenate(par, ct->image.buffer); FILE *test = gf_fopen( src_url ? src_url : ct->image.buffer, "rb"); if (test) { fseek(test, 0, SEEK_END); ct->data_len = (u32) gf_ftell(test); ct->data = gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*ct->data_len); fseek(test, 0, SEEK_SET); if (ct->data_len != fread(ct->data, 1, ct->data_len, test)) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to load CacheTexture data from file %s: IO err\n", src_url ? src_url : ct->image.buffer ) ); gf_free(ct->data); ct->data = NULL; ct->data_len = 0; } gf_fclose(test); } else { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to load CacheTexture data from file %s: not found\n", src_url ? src_url : ct->image.buffer ) ); } ct->image.buffer = NULL; if (src_url) gf_free(src_url); } /*BIFS decoded playback*/ switch (ct->objectTypeIndication) { case GPAC_OTI_IMAGE_JPEG: out_size = 0; e = gf_img_jpeg_dec((char *) ct->data, ct->data_len, &txh->width, &txh->height, &txh->pixelformat, NULL, &out_size, 3); if (e==GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { u32 BPP; txh->data = gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * out_size); if (txh->pixelformat==GF_PIXEL_GREYSCALE) BPP = 1; else BPP = 3; e = gf_img_jpeg_dec((char *) ct->data, ct->data_len, &txh->width, &txh->height, &txh->pixelformat, txh->data, &out_size, BPP); if (e==GF_OK) { gf_sc_texture_allocate(txh); gf_sc_texture_set_data(txh); txh->needs_refresh = 1; txh->stride = out_size / txh->height; } } break; case GPAC_OTI_IMAGE_PNG: out_size = 0; e = gf_img_png_dec((char *) ct->data, ct->data_len, &txh->width, &txh->height, &txh->pixelformat, NULL, &out_size); if (e==GF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { txh->data = gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * out_size); e = gf_img_png_dec((char *) ct->data, ct->data_len, &txh->width, &txh->height, &txh->pixelformat, txh->data, &out_size); if (e==GF_OK) { gf_sc_texture_allocate(txh); gf_sc_texture_set_data(txh); txh->needs_refresh = 1; txh->stride = out_size / txh->height; } } break; } #endif // GPAC_DISABLE_AV_PARSERS /*cacheURL is specified, store the image*/ if (ct->cacheURL.buffer) { u32 i; u8 hash[20]; FILE *cached_texture; char szExtractName[GF_MAX_PATH], section[64], *opt, *src_url; opt = (char *) gf_cfg_get_key(txh->compositor->user->config, "General", "CacheDirectory"); if (opt) { strcpy(szExtractName, opt); } else { opt = gf_get_default_cache_directory(); strcpy(szExtractName, opt); gf_free(opt); } strcat(szExtractName, "/"); src_url = (char *) gf_scene_get_service_url( gf_node_get_graph(txh->owner ) ); gf_sha1_csum((u8 *)src_url, (u32) strlen(src_url), hash); for (i=0; i<20; i++) { char t[3]; t[2] = 0; sprintf(t, "%02X", hash[i]); strcat(szExtractName, t); } strcat(szExtractName, "_"); strcat(szExtractName, ct->cacheURL.buffer); cached_texture = gf_fopen(szExtractName, "wb"); if (cached_texture) { gf_fwrite(ct->data, 1, ct->data_len, cached_texture); gf_fclose(cached_texture); } /*and write cache info*/ if (ct->expirationDate!=0) { sprintf(section, "@cache=%p", ct); gf_cfg_set_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "serviceURL", src_url); gf_cfg_set_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "cacheFile", szExtractName); gf_cfg_set_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "cacheName", ct->cacheURL.buffer); if (ct->expirationDate>0) { char exp[50]; u32 sec, frac; gf_net_get_ntp(&sec, &frac); sec += ct->expirationDate; sprintf(exp, "%u", sec); gf_cfg_set_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "expireAfterNTP", exp); } else { gf_cfg_set_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "expireAfterNTP", "0"); } } } /*done with image, destroy buffer*/ if (ct->data) gf_free(ct->data); ct->data = NULL; ct->data_len = 0; } } }
u32 grab_live_m2ts(const char *grab_m2ts, const char *grab_ifce, const char *outName) { char data[0x80000]; u32 check = 50; u64 nb_pck; Bool first_run, is_rtp; FILE *output; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING u16 seq_num; GF_RTPReorder *ch = NULL; #endif GF_Socket *sock; GF_Err e = gf_m2ts_get_socket(grab_m2ts, grab_ifce, 0x80000, &sock); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", grab_m2ts, gf_error_to_string(e)); return 1; } output = gf_fopen(outName, "wb"); if (!output) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: check path and rights\n", outName); gf_sk_del(sock); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "Dumping %s stream to %s - press q to abort\n", grab_m2ts, outName); first_run = 1; is_rtp = 0; while (1) { u32 size = 0; check--; if (!check) { if (gf_prompt_has_input()) { char c = (char) gf_prompt_get_char(); if (c=='q') break; } check = 50; } /*m2ts chunks by chunks*/ e = gf_sk_receive(sock, data, 0x40000, 0, &size); if (!size || e) { gf_sleep(1); continue; } if (first_run) { first_run = 0; /*FIXME: we assume only simple RTP packaging (no CSRC nor extensions)*/ if ((data[0] != 0x47) && ((data[1] & 0x7F) == 33) ) { is_rtp = 1; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING ch = gf_rtp_reorderer_new(100, 500); #endif } } /*process chunk*/ if (is_rtp) { #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING char *pck; seq_num = ((data[2] << 8) & 0xFF00) | (data[3] & 0xFF); gf_rtp_reorderer_add(ch, (void *) data, size, seq_num); pck = (char *) gf_rtp_reorderer_get(ch, &size); if (pck) { fwrite(pck+12, size-12, 1, output); gf_free(pck); } #else fwrite(data+12, size-12, 1, output); #endif } else { fwrite(data, size, 1, output); } } nb_pck = gf_ftell(output); nb_pck /= 188; fprintf(stderr, "Captured "LLU" TS packets\n", nb_pck ); gf_fclose(output); gf_sk_del(sock); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING if (ch) gf_rtp_reorderer_del(ch); #endif return 0; }