Esempio n. 1
static void draw_sprite_collision( running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	circus_state *state = machine.driver_data<circus_state>();
	const gfx_element *sprite_gfx = machine.gfx[1];
	const UINT8 *sprite_data = gfx_element_get_data(sprite_gfx, state->m_clown_z);
	int sx, sy, dx, dy;
	int pixel, collision = 0;

	// draw sprite and check collision on a pixel basis
	for (sy = 0; sy < 16; sy++)
		dy = state->m_clown_x + sy-1;
		if (dy>=0 && dy<bitmap.height())
			for (sx = 0; sx < 16; sx++)
				dx = state->m_clown_y + sx;
				if (dx>=0 && dx<bitmap.width())
					pixel = sprite_data[sy * sprite_gfx->line_modulo + sx];
					if (pixel)
						collision |= bitmap.pix16(dy, dx);
						bitmap.pix16(dy, dx) = machine.pens[pixel];

	if (collision)
		device_set_input_line(state->m_maincpu, 0, ASSERT_LINE);
Esempio n. 2
static void gfxset_draw_item(running_machine &machine, const gfx_element *gfx, int index, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int color, int rotate)
	static const pen_t default_palette[] =
		MAKE_RGB(0,0,0), MAKE_RGB(0,0,255), MAKE_RGB(0,255,0), MAKE_RGB(0,255,255),
		MAKE_RGB(255,0,0), MAKE_RGB(255,0,255), MAKE_RGB(255,255,0), MAKE_RGB(255,255,255)
	int width = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->height : gfx->width;
	int height = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->width : gfx->height;
	const rgb_t *palette = (machine.total_colors() != 0) ? palette_entry_list_raw(machine.palette) : NULL;
	UINT32 palette_mask = ~0;
	int x, y;

	if (palette != NULL)
		palette += gfx->color_base + color * gfx->color_granularity;
		palette = default_palette;
		palette_mask = 7;

	/* loop over rows in the cell */
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
		UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(dsty + y, dstx);
		const UINT8 *src = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, index);

		/* loop over columns in the cell */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			int effx = x, effy = y;
			const UINT8 *s;

			/* compute effective x,y values after rotation */
			if (!(rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->width - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->height - 1 - effy;
				int temp;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->height - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->width - 1 - effy;
				temp = effx; effx = effy; effy = temp;

			/* get a pointer to the start of this source row */
			s = src + effy * gfx->line_modulo;

			/* extract the pixel */
			*dest++ = 0xff000000 | palette[s[effx] & palette_mask];
Esempio n. 3
static void seta_drawgfx(	bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, const gfx_element *gfx,
							UINT32 code,UINT32 color,int flipx,int flipy,int x0,int y0,
							int shadow_depth )
	const UINT8 *addr, *source;
	UINT8 pen;
	UINT16 *dest;
	int sx, x1, dx;
	int sy, y1, dy;

	addr	=	gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code  % gfx->total_elements);
	color	=	gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors);

	if ( flipx )	{	x1 = x0-1;				x0 += gfx->width-1;		dx = -1;	}
	else			{	x1 = x0 + gfx->width;							dx =  1;	}

	if ( flipy )	{	y1 = y0-1;				y0 += gfx->height-1;	dy = -1;	}
	else			{	y1 = y0 + gfx->height;							dy =  1;	}

#define SETA_DRAWGFX(SETPIXELCOLOR)												\
	for ( sy = y0; sy != y1; sy += dy )											\
	{																			\
		if ( sy >= cliprect->min_y && sy <= cliprect->max_y )					\
		{																		\
			source	=	addr;													\
			dest	=	BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, sy, 0);							\
			for ( sx = x0; sx != x1; sx += dx )									\
			{																	\
				pen = *source++;												\
				if ( pen && sx >= cliprect->min_x && sx <= cliprect->max_x )	\
					SETPIXELCOLOR												\
			}																	\
		}																		\
		addr	+=	gfx->line_modulo;											\

	if (shadow_depth)
		int pen_shift = 15 - shadow_depth;
		int pen_mask  = (1 << pen_shift) - 1;
		SETA_DRAWGFX( { dest[sx] = ((dest[sx] & pen_mask) | (pen << pen_shift)) & 0x7fff; } )
Esempio n. 4
static void gfxset_draw_item(running_machine *machine, const gfx_element *gfx, int index, bitmap_t *bitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int color, int rotate)
	static const pen_t default_palette[] =
		MAKE_RGB(0,0,0), MAKE_RGB(0,0,255), MAKE_RGB(0,255,0), MAKE_RGB(0,255,255),
		MAKE_RGB(255,0,0), MAKE_RGB(255,0,255), MAKE_RGB(255,255,0), MAKE_RGB(255,255,255)
	int width = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->height : gfx->width;
	int height = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->width : gfx->height;
	const rgb_t *palette = (machine->config->total_colors != 0) ? palette_entry_list_raw(machine->palette) : NULL;
	UINT32 rowpixels = bitmap->rowpixels;
	UINT32 palette_mask = ~0;
	int x, y;

	if (palette != NULL)
		palette += gfx->color_base + color * gfx->color_granularity;
		palette = default_palette;
		palette_mask = 7;

	/* loop over rows in the cell */
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
		UINT32 *dest = (UINT32 *)bitmap->base + (dsty + y) * rowpixels + dstx;
		const UINT8 *src = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, index);

		/* loop over columns in the cell */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			int effx = x, effy = y;
			rgb_t pixel;
			const UINT8 *s;

			/* compute effective x,y values after rotation */
			if (!(rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->width - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->height - 1 - effy;
				int temp;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->height - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->width - 1 - effy;
				temp = effx; effx = effy; effy = temp;

			/* get a pointer to the start of this source row */
			s = src + effy * gfx->line_modulo;

			/* extract the pixel */
			if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED)
				pixel = (s[effx/2] >> ((effx & 1) * 4)) & 0xf;
				pixel = s[effx];
			*dest++ = 0xff000000 | palette[pixel & palette_mask];
Esempio n. 5
static void draw_sprites(running_machine &machine, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int priority)
	wrally_state *state = machine.driver_data<wrally_state>();
	int i, px, py;
	const gfx_element *gfx = machine.gfx[0];

	for (i = 6/2; i < (0x1000 - 6)/2; i += 4) {
		int sx = state->m_spriteram[i+2] & 0x03ff;
		int sy = (240 - (state->m_spriteram[i] & 0x00ff)) & 0x00ff;
		int number = state->m_spriteram[i+3] & 0x3fff;
		int color = (state->m_spriteram[i+2] & 0x7c00) >> 10;
		int attr = (state->m_spriteram[i] & 0xfe00) >> 9;

		int xflip = attr & 0x20;
		int yflip = attr & 0x40;
		int color_effect = (color & 0x10) >> 4;
		int high_priority = number >= 0x3700;
		color = color & 0x0f;

		if (high_priority != priority) continue;

		if (flip_screen_get(machine)) {
			sy = sy + 248;

		if (!color_effect) {
					0x20 + color,xflip,yflip,
					sx - 0x0f,sy,0);
		} else {
			/* get a pointer to the current sprite's gfx data */
			const UINT8 *gfx_src = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, number % gfx->total_elements);

			for (py = 0; py < gfx->height; py++){
				/* get a pointer to the current line in the screen bitmap */
				int ypos = ((sy + py) & 0x1ff);
				UINT16 *srcy = &bitmap.pix16(ypos);

				int gfx_py = yflip ? (gfx->height - 1 - py) : py;

				if ((ypos < cliprect.min_y) || (ypos > cliprect.max_y)) continue;

				for (px = 0; px < gfx->width; px++){
					/* get current pixel */
					int xpos = (((sx + px) & 0x3ff) - 0x0f) & 0x3ff;
					UINT16 *pixel = srcy + xpos;
					int src_color = *pixel;

					int gfx_px = xflip ? (gfx->width - 1 - px) : px;

					/* get asociated pen for the current sprite pixel */
					int gfx_pen = gfx_src[gfx->line_modulo*gfx_py + gfx_px];

					/* pens 8..15 are used to select a palette */
					if ((gfx_pen < 8) || (gfx_pen >= 16)) continue;

					if ((xpos < cliprect.min_x) || (xpos > cliprect.max_x)) continue;

					/* modify the color of the tile */
					*pixel = src_color + (gfx_pen-8)*1024;
Esempio n. 6
void jal_blend_drawgfx(bitmap_t *dest_bmp,const rectangle *clip,const gfx_element *gfx,
							UINT32 code,UINT32 color,int flipx,int flipy,int offsx,int offsy,
							int transparent_color)
	if (jal_blend_table == NULL)

	/* Start drawing */
	if (gfx)
		const pen_t *pal = &gfx->machine->pens[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)];
		const UINT8 *alpha = &jal_blend_table[gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)];
		const UINT8 *source_base = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code % gfx->total_elements);
		int x_index_base, y_index, sx, sy, ex, ey;
		int xinc, yinc;

		xinc = flipx ? -1 : 1;
		yinc = flipy ? -1 : 1;

		x_index_base = flipx ? gfx->width-1 : 0;
		y_index = flipy ? gfx->height-1 : 0;

		/* start coordinates */
		sx = offsx;
		sy = offsy;

		/* end coordinates */
		ex = sx + gfx->width;
		ey = sy + gfx->height;

		if (clip)
			if (sx < clip->min_x)
			{ /* clip left */
				int pixels = clip->min_x-sx;
				sx += pixels;
				x_index_base += xinc*pixels;
			if (sy < clip->min_y)
			{ /* clip top */
				int pixels = clip->min_y-sy;
				sy += pixels;
				y_index += yinc*pixels;
			/* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */
			if (ex > clip->max_x+1)
			{ /* clip right */
				ex = clip->max_x+1;
			if (ey > clip->max_y+1)
			{ /* clip bottom */
				ey = clip->max_y+1;

		if (ex > sx)
		{ /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */
			int x, y;

			/* 32-bit destination bitmap */
			if (dest_bmp->bpp == 32)
				/* taken from case 7: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE */
				for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
					const UINT8 *source = source_base + y_index*gfx->line_modulo;
					UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0);
					int x_index = x_index_base;
					for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
						int c = source[x_index];
						if (c != transparent_color)
							if (alpha[c] & 8)
								/* Comp with clamp */
								dest[x] = jal_blend_func(dest[x], pal[c], alpha[c]);
								/* Skip the costly alpha step altogether */
								dest[x] = pal[c];
						x_index += xinc;
					y_index += yinc;

			/* 16-bit destination bitmap */
				/* taken from case 7: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE */
				for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
					const UINT8 *source = source_base + y_index*gfx->line_modulo;
					UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0);
					int x_index = x_index_base;
					for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
						int c = source[x_index];
						if (c != transparent_color)
							if (alpha[c] & 8)
								/* Comp with clamp */
								dest[x] = jal_blend_func(dest[x], pal[c], alpha[c]);
								/* Skip the costly alpha step altogether */
								dest[x] = pal[c];
						x_index += xinc;
					y_index += yinc;
Esempio n. 7
static void taito_f2_tc360_spritemixdraw( running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *dest_bmp, const rectangle *clip, const gfx_element *gfx,
		UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, int sx, int sy, int scalex, int scaley )
	taitof2_state *state = machine->driver_data<taitof2_state>();
	int pal_base = gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors);
	const UINT8 *source_base = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code % gfx->total_elements);
	bitmap_t *priority_bitmap = gfx->machine->priority_bitmap;
	int sprite_screen_height = (scaley * gfx->height + 0x8000) >> 16;
	int sprite_screen_width = (scalex * gfx->width + 0x8000) >> 16;

	if (!scalex || !scaley)

	if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height)
		/* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */
		int dx = (gfx->width << 16) / sprite_screen_width;
		int dy = (gfx->height << 16) / sprite_screen_height;

		int ex = sx + sprite_screen_width;
		int ey = sy + sprite_screen_height;

		int x_index_base;
		int y_index;

		if (flipx)
			x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width - 1) * dx;
			dx = -dx;
			x_index_base = 0;

		if (flipy)
			y_index = (sprite_screen_height - 1) * dy;
			dy = -dy;
			y_index = 0;

		if (clip)
			if (sx < clip->min_x)
			{ /* clip left */
				int pixels = clip->min_x - sx;
				sx += pixels;
				x_index_base += pixels * dx;
			if (sy < clip->min_y)
			{ /* clip top */
				int pixels = clip->min_y - sy;
				sy += pixels;
				y_index += pixels * dy;
			/* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */
			if (ex > clip->max_x + 1)
			{ /* clip right */
				int pixels = ex-clip->max_x - 1;
				ex -= pixels;
			if (ey > clip->max_y + 1)
			{ /* clip bottom */
				int pixels = ey-clip->max_y - 1;
				ey -= pixels;

		if (ex > sx)
			/* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */
			int y;

			for (y = sy; y < ey; y++)
				const UINT8 *source = source_base + (y_index >> 16) * gfx->line_modulo;
				UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0);
				UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, y, 0);

				int x, x_index = x_index_base;
				for (x = sx; x < ex; x++)
					int c = source[x_index >> 16];
					if (c && (pri[x] & 0x80) == 0)
						UINT8 tilemap_priority = 0, sprite_priority = 0;

						// Get tilemap priority (0 - 0xf) for this destination pixel
						if (pri[x] & 0x10) tilemap_priority = state->tilepri[4];
						else if (pri[x] & 0x8) tilemap_priority = state->tilepri[3];
						else if (pri[x] & 0x4) tilemap_priority = state->tilepri[2];
						else if (pri[x] & 0x2) tilemap_priority = state->tilepri[1];
						else if (pri[x] & 0x1) tilemap_priority = state->tilepri[0];

						// Get sprite priority (0 - 0xf) for this source pixel
						if ((color & 0xc0) == 0xc0)
							sprite_priority = state->spritepri[3];
						else if ((color & 0xc0) == 0x80)
							sprite_priority = state->spritepri[2];
						else if ((color & 0xc0) == 0x40)
							sprite_priority = state->spritepri[1];
						else if ((color & 0xc0) == 0x00)
							sprite_priority = state->spritepri[0];

						// Blend mode 1 - Sprite under tilemap, use sprite palette with tilemap data
						if ((state->spriteblendmode & 0xc0) == 0xc0 && sprite_priority == (tilemap_priority - 1))
							dest[x] = ((pal_base + c) & 0xfff0) | (dest[x] & 0xf);
						// Blend mode 1 - Sprite over tilemap, use sprite data with tilemap palette
						else if ((state->spriteblendmode & 0xc0) == 0xc0 && sprite_priority == (tilemap_priority + 1))
							if (dest[x] & 0xf)
								dest[x] = (dest[x] & 0xfff0) | ((pal_base + c) & 0xf);
								dest[x] = pal_base + c;
						// Blend mode 2 - Sprite under tilemap, use sprite data with tilemap palette
						else if ((state->spriteblendmode & 0xc0) == 0x80 && sprite_priority == (tilemap_priority - 1))
							dest[x] = (dest[x] & 0xffef);
						// Blend mode 2 - Sprite over tilemap, alternate sprite palette, confirmed in Pulirula level 2
						else if ((state->spriteblendmode & 0xc0) == 0x80 && sprite_priority == (tilemap_priority + 1))
							dest[x] = ((pal_base + c) & 0xffef); // Pulirula level 2, Liquid Kids attract mode
						// No blending
							if (sprite_priority > tilemap_priority) // Ninja Kids confirms tilemap takes priority in equal value case
								dest[x] = pal_base + c;
						pri[x] |= 0x80;

					x_index += dx;

				y_index += dy;
Esempio n. 8
static void draw_sprites( running_machine &machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
	buggychl_state *state = machine.driver_data<buggychl_state>();
	UINT8 *spriteram = state->m_spriteram;
	int offs;
	const UINT8 *gfx;


	gfx = machine.region("gfx2")->base();
	for (offs = 0; offs < state->m_spriteram_size; offs += 4)
		int sx, sy, flipy, zoom, ch, x, px, y;
		const UINT8 *lookup;
		const UINT8 *zoomx_rom, *zoomy_rom;

		sx = spriteram[offs + 3] - ((spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x80) << 1);
		sy = 256 - 64 - spriteram[offs] + ((spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x80) << 1);
		flipy = spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x40;
		zoom = spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x3f;
		zoomy_rom = gfx + (zoom << 6);
		zoomx_rom = gfx + 0x2000 + (zoom << 3);

		lookup = state->m_sprite_lookup + ((spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x7f) << 6);

		for (y = 0; y < 64; y++)
			int dy = flip_screen_y_get(machine) ? (255 - sy - y) : (sy + y);

			if ((dy & ~0xff) == 0)
				int charline, base_pos;

				charline = zoomy_rom[y] & 0x07;
				base_pos = zoomy_rom[y] & 0x38;
				if (flipy)
					base_pos ^= 0x38;

				px = 0;
				for (ch = 0; ch < 4; ch++)
					int pos, code, realflipy;
					const UINT8 *pendata;

					pos = base_pos + 2 * ch;
					code = 8 * (lookup[pos] | ((lookup[pos + 1] & 0x07) << 8));
					realflipy = (lookup[pos + 1] & 0x80) ? !flipy : flipy;
					code += (realflipy ? (charline ^ 7) : charline);
					pendata = gfx_element_get_data(machine.gfx[1], code);

					for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
						int col = pendata[x];
						if (col)
							int dx = flip_screen_x_get(machine) ? (255 - sx - px) : (sx + px);
							if ((dx & ~0xff) == 0)
								*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, dy, dx) = state->m_sprite_color_base + col;

						/* the following line is almost certainly wrong */
						if (zoomx_rom[7 - (2 * ch + x / 8)] & (1 << (x & 7)))

Esempio n. 9
static void mlc_drawgfxzoom(
		bitmap_t *dest_bmp,const rectangle *clip,const gfx_element *gfx,
		UINT32 code1,UINT32 code2, UINT32 color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy,
		int transparent_color,int use8bpp,
		int scalex, int scaley,int alpha)
	rectangle myclip;

	if (!scalex || !scaley) return;

    scalex and scaley are 16.16 fixed point numbers
    1<<15 : shrink to 50%
    1<<16 : uniform scale
    1<<17 : double to 200%

	/* KW 991012 -- Added code to force clip to bitmap boundary */
		myclip.min_x = clip->min_x;
		myclip.max_x = clip->max_x;
		myclip.min_y = clip->min_y;
		myclip.max_y = clip->max_y;

		if (myclip.min_x < 0) myclip.min_x = 0;
		if (myclip.max_x >= dest_bmp->width) myclip.max_x = dest_bmp->width-1;
		if (myclip.min_y < 0) myclip.min_y = 0;
		if (myclip.max_y >= dest_bmp->height) myclip.max_y = dest_bmp->height-1;


		if( gfx )
			const pen_t *pal = &gfx->machine().pens[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)];
			const UINT8 *code_base1 = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code1 % gfx->total_elements);
			const UINT8 *code_base2 = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code2 % gfx->total_elements);

			int sprite_screen_height = (scaley*gfx->height+(sy&0xffff))>>16;
			int sprite_screen_width = (scalex*gfx->width+(sx&0xffff))>>16;


			if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height)
				/* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */
				int dx = (gfx->width<<16)/sprite_screen_width;
				int dy = (gfx->height<<16)/sprite_screen_height;

				int ex = sx+sprite_screen_width;
				int ey = sy+sprite_screen_height;

				int x_index_base;
				int y_index;

				if( flipx )
					x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width-1)*dx;
					dx = -dx;
					x_index_base = 0;

				if( flipy )
					y_index = (sprite_screen_height-1)*dy;
					dy = -dy;
					y_index = 0;

				if( clip )
					if( sx < clip->min_x)
					{ /* clip left */
						int pixels = clip->min_x-sx;
						sx += pixels;
						x_index_base += pixels*dx;
					if( sy < clip->min_y )
					{ /* clip top */
						int pixels = clip->min_y-sy;
						sy += pixels;
						y_index += pixels*dy;
					/* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */
					if( ex > clip->max_x+1 )
					{ /* clip right */
						int pixels = ex-clip->max_x-1;
						ex -= pixels;
					if( ey > clip->max_y+1 )
					{ /* clip bottom */
						int pixels = ey-clip->max_y-1;
						ey -= pixels;

				if( ex>sx )
				{ /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */
					int y;

					/* case 1: no alpha */
					if (alpha == 0xff)
							for( y=sy; y<ey; y++ )
								const UINT8 *source1 = code_base1 + (y_index>>16) * gfx->line_modulo;
								const UINT8 *source2 = code_base2 + (y_index>>16) * gfx->line_modulo;
								UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0);

								int x, x_index = x_index_base;

								for( x=sx; x<ex; x++ )
									int c = source1[x_index>>16];
									if (use8bpp)

									if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c];

									x_index += dx;

								y_index += dy;

					/* case 6: alpha blended */
							for( y=sy; y<ey; y++ )
								const UINT8 *source = code_base1 + (y_index>>16) * gfx->line_modulo;
								UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0);

								int x, x_index = x_index_base;
								for( x=sx; x<ex; x++ )
									int c = source[x_index>>16];
									if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = alpha_blend_r32(dest[x], 0, alpha); //pal[c]);
									x_index += dx;

								y_index += dy;
Esempio n. 10
static void ripcord_draw_skydiver( running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
	circus_state *state = machine->driver_data<circus_state>();
	const gfx_element *gfx;
	const UINT8  *src_lineptr, *src_pixptr;
	UINT16 *dst_lineptr, *dst_lineend;
	UINT32 code;
	int sx, sy;
	int src_pitch, dst_width, dst_height, dst_pitch, dst_pixoffs, dst_pixend;
	int collision, eax, edx;

	gfx = machine->gfx[0];

	code = state->clown_z;

	sx = state->clown_y;
	sy = state->clown_x - 1;
	dst_width = 16;
	dst_height = 16;
	edx = 1;

	gfx = machine->gfx[1];
	src_lineptr = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, code);
	src_pitch = gfx->line_modulo;
	dst_pitch = bitmap->rowpixels;

	dst_lineptr = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, sy, 0);
	dst_pixend = (sx + dst_width) & 0xff;
	dst_lineend = dst_lineptr + dst_pitch * dst_height;

	// draw sky diver and check collision on a pixel basis
	collision = 0;
		src_pixptr = src_lineptr;
		dst_pixoffs = sx;

			eax = *src_pixptr;
			if (eax)
				eax = machine->pens[eax];
				collision |= dst_lineptr[dst_pixoffs];
				dst_lineptr[dst_pixoffs] = eax;
			dst_pixoffs += edx;

		} while((dst_pixoffs &= 0xff) != dst_pixend);

		src_lineptr += src_pitch;

	} while((dst_lineptr += dst_pitch) != dst_lineend);

	// report collision only when the character is not blank and within display area
	if (collision && code != 0xf && state->clown_x > 0 && state->clown_x < 240 && state->clown_y > -12 && state->clown_y < 240)
		cpu_set_input_line(state->maincpu, 0, ASSERT_LINE); // interrupt accuracy is critical in Ripcord
		cpu_set_input_line(state->maincpu, 0, CLEAR_LINE);