int ggiGraphTextCharheight(ggi_visual_t vis, const char c) { int w, h; ggiGetCharSize(vis,&w,&h); /* until we have some font management. */ return h; }
static void perf_GETCHARSIZE(TeleUser *u, TeleEvent *ev) { TeleCmdGetCharSizeData *d = (TeleCmdGetCharSizeData *) ev->data; T_Long reply_sequence; reply_sequence = ev->sequence; tserver_new_event(u, ev, TELE_CMD_GETCHARSIZE, sizeof(TeleCmdGetCharSizeData), 0); ev->sequence = reply_sequence; ggiGetCharSize(vis, &d->width, &d->height); tserver_write(u, ev); } /* perf_GETCHARSIZE */
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { ggi_visual_t vis; ggi_mode mode; int i, j, cx, cy, c; char buf[80]; /* Set up the random number generator */ srandom((unsigned)time(NULL)); /* Initialize LibGGI */ if (giiInit() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize LibGII!\n"); return 1; } if (ggiInit() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize LibGGI!\n"); giiExit(); return 1; } vis = ggNewStem(NULL); if (!vis) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open create stem!\n"); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } if (giiAttach(vis) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach LibGII!\n"); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } if (ggiAttach(vis) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach LibGGI!\n"); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } /* Open default visual */ if (ggiOpen(vis, NULL) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open default visual!\n"); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } /* Set visual to async mode (drawing not immediate) */ ggiSetFlags(vis, GGIFLAG_ASYNC); /* Set default mode, but with multiple buffering */ if (argc > 1) { ggiParseMode(argv[1], &mode); } else { ggiParseMode("", &mode); if (mode.frames < 2) mode.frames = 2; } if (ggiSetMode(vis, &mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set mode!\n"); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } ggiGetCharSize(vis, &cx, &cy); /* Setup palette */ if (GT_SCHEME(mode.graphtype) == GT_PALETTE) { ggiSetColorfulPalette(vis); } /* Write something into each frame */ for (i = 0; i < mode.frames; i++) { if (ggiSetWriteFrame(vis, i)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set write frame!\n"); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 1; } ggiSetGCBackground(vis, ggiMapColor(vis, &white)); ggiSetGCForeground(vis, ggiMapColor(vis, &white)); ggiFillscreen(vis); } /* Clip a small border so that clipping can be verified. */ ggiSetGCClipping(vis, 5, 5, mode.virt.x - 5, mode.virt.y - 5); /* Write something into each frame */ for (i = 0; i < mode.frames; i++) { ggiSetWriteFrame(vis, i); ggiSetGCBackground(vis, ggiMapColor(vis, &black)); ggiSetGCForeground(vis, ggiMapColor(vis, &black)); ggiFillscreen(vis); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Hello World #%d!", i); for (j = 0; j < mode.virt.y; j += cy) { ggi_color col; int x = random() % mode.virt.x; int h = (random() & 0x7fff) + 0x8000; int l = (random() & 0x7fff); /* Use different colors for different frames */ col.r = ((i + 1) & 1) ? h : l; col.g = ((i + 1) & 2) ? h : l; col.b = ((i + 1) & 4) ? h : l; ggiSetGCForeground(vis, ggiMapColor(vis, &col)); ggiPuts(vis, x, j, buf); } /* Flush commands before proceeding to the next frame */ ggiFlush(vis); } /* Cycle through frames */ i = 0; j = 0; do { if (ggiSetDisplayFrame(vis, i)) { ggPanic("Cannot set display frame!\n"); } /* Wait */ c = GIIK_VOID; do { struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; int key; /* Flush command before waiting for input */ ggiFlush(vis); key = giiEventPoll(vis, emKeyPress, &tv); if (key & emKeyPress) c = giiGetc(vis); ggUSleep(50000); animate(vis, &mode, j); j++; } while (c == GIIK_VOID || GII_KTYP(c) == GII_KT_MOD); i = (i + 1) % mode.frames; } while (c != 'q' && c != 'Q' && c != 'x' && c != 'X' && c != GIIUC_Escape); ggiClose(vis); ggDelStem(vis); ggiExit(); giiExit(); return 0; }