Esempio n. 1
GimpLayer *
gimp_image_merge_down (GimpImage      *image,
                       GimpLayer      *current_layer,
                       GimpContext    *context,
                       GimpMergeType   merge_type,
                       GError        **error)
  GimpLayer *layer;
  GList     *list;
  GList     *layer_list = NULL;
  GSList    *merge_list = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_LAYER (current_layer), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (current_layer)), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL);

  for (list = gimp_item_get_container_iter (GIMP_ITEM (current_layer));
       list = g_list_next (list))
      layer = list->data;

      if (layer == current_layer)

  for (layer_list = g_list_next (list);
       layer_list = g_list_next (layer_list))
      layer = layer_list->data;

      if (gimp_item_get_visible (GIMP_ITEM (layer)))
          if (gimp_viewable_get_children (GIMP_VIEWABLE (layer)))
              g_set_error_literal (error, 0, 0,
                                   _("Cannot merge down to a layer group."));
              return NULL;

          if (gimp_item_is_content_locked (GIMP_ITEM (layer)))
              g_set_error_literal (error, 0, 0,
                                   _("The layer to merge down to is locked."));
              return NULL;

          merge_list = g_slist_append (NULL, layer);

  if (! merge_list)
      g_set_error_literal (error, 0, 0,
                           _("There is no visible layer to merge down to."));
      return NULL;

  merge_list = g_slist_prepend (merge_list, current_layer);

  gimp_set_busy (image->gimp);

  gimp_image_undo_group_start (image,
                               C_("undo-type", "Merge Down"));

  layer = gimp_image_merge_layers (image,
                                   gimp_item_get_container (GIMP_ITEM (current_layer)),
                                   merge_list, context, merge_type);
  g_slist_free (merge_list);

  gimp_image_undo_group_end (image);

  gimp_unset_busy (image->gimp);

  return layer;
Esempio n. 2
layers_actions_update (GimpActionGroup *group,
                       gpointer         data)
  GimpImage     *image          = action_data_get_image (data);
  GimpLayer     *layer          = NULL;
  GimpLayerMask *mask           = NULL;     /*  layer mask             */
  gboolean       fs             = FALSE;    /*  floating sel           */
  gboolean       ac             = FALSE;    /*  active channel         */
  gboolean       sel            = FALSE;
  gboolean       alpha          = FALSE;    /*  alpha channel present  */
  gboolean       indexed        = FALSE;    /*  is indexed             */
  gboolean       lock_alpha     = FALSE;
  gboolean       can_lock_alpha = FALSE;
  gboolean       text_layer     = FALSE;
  gboolean       writable       = FALSE;
  gboolean       children       = FALSE;
  GList         *next           = NULL;
  GList         *next_visible   = NULL;
  GList         *prev           = NULL;

  if (image)
      fs      = (gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image) != NULL);
      ac      = (gimp_image_get_active_channel (image) != NULL);
      sel     = ! gimp_channel_is_empty (gimp_image_get_mask (image));
      indexed = (gimp_image_base_type (image) == GIMP_INDEXED);

      layer = gimp_image_get_active_layer (image);

      if (layer)
          GList *layer_list;
          GList *list;

          mask           = gimp_layer_get_mask (layer);
          lock_alpha     = gimp_layer_get_lock_alpha (layer);
          can_lock_alpha = gimp_layer_can_lock_alpha (layer);
          alpha          = gimp_drawable_has_alpha (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer));
          writable       = ! gimp_item_is_content_locked (GIMP_ITEM (layer));

          if (gimp_viewable_get_children (GIMP_VIEWABLE (layer)))
            children = TRUE;

          layer_list = gimp_item_get_container_iter (GIMP_ITEM (layer));

          list = g_list_find (layer_list, layer);

          if (list)
              prev = g_list_previous (list);
              next = g_list_next (list);

              for (next_visible = next;
                   next_visible = g_list_next (next_visible))
                  if (gimp_item_get_visible (next_visible->data))
                      /*  "next_visible" is actually "next_visible" and
                       *  "writable" and "not group"
                      if (gimp_item_is_content_locked (next_visible->data) ||
                          gimp_viewable_get_children (next_visible->data))
                        next_visible = NULL;


          text_layer = gimp_item_is_text_layer (GIMP_ITEM (layer));

#define SET_VISIBLE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_visible (group, action, (condition) != 0)
#define SET_SENSITIVE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, action, (condition) != 0)
#define SET_ACTIVE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_active (group, action, (condition) != 0)
#define SET_LABEL(action,label) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_label (group, action, label)

  SET_VISIBLE   ("layers-text-tool",        text_layer && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-edit-attributes",  layer && !fs && !ac);

  if (layer && gimp_layer_is_floating_sel (layer))
      SET_LABEL ("layers-new",             C_("layers-action", "To _New Layer"));
      SET_LABEL ("layers-new-last-values", C_("layers-action", "To _New Layer"));
      SET_LABEL ("layers-new",             C_("layers-action", "_New Layer..."));
      SET_LABEL ("layers-new-last-values", C_("layers-action", "_New Layer"));

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-new",              image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-new-last-values",  image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-new-from-visible", image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-new-group",        image && !indexed);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-duplicate",        layer && !fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-delete",           layer && !ac);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-select-top",       layer && !fs && !ac && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-select-bottom",    layer && !fs && !ac && next);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-select-previous",  layer && !fs && !ac && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-select-next",      layer && !fs && !ac && next);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-raise",            layer && !fs && !ac && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-raise-to-top",     layer && !fs && !ac && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-lower",            layer && !fs && !ac && next);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-lower-to-bottom",  layer && !fs && !ac && next);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-anchor",           layer &&  fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-merge-down",       layer && !fs && !ac && next_visible);
  SET_VISIBLE   ("layers-merge-group",      children);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-merge-group",      layer && !fs && !ac && children);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-merge-layers",     layer && !fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-flatten-image",    layer && !fs && !ac);

  SET_VISIBLE   ("layers-text-discard",             text_layer && !ac);
  SET_VISIBLE   ("layers-text-to-vectors",          text_layer && !ac);
  SET_VISIBLE   ("layers-text-along-vectors",       text_layer && !ac);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-resize",          writable && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-resize-to-image", writable && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-scale",           writable && !ac);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-crop",            writable && sel);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-add",       writable && !children && !fs && !alpha);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-remove",    writable && !children && !fs &&  alpha);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-lock-alpha", can_lock_alpha);
  SET_ACTIVE    ("layers-lock-alpha", lock_alpha);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-add",    layer    && !fs && !ac && !mask && !children);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-apply",  writable && !fs && !ac &&  mask && !children);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-delete", layer    && !fs && !ac &&  mask);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-edit",    layer && !fs && !ac &&  mask);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-show",    layer && !fs && !ac &&  mask);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-disable", layer && !fs && !ac &&  mask);

  SET_ACTIVE ("layers-mask-edit",    mask && gimp_layer_mask_get_edit (mask));
  SET_ACTIVE ("layers-mask-show",    mask && gimp_layer_mask_get_show (mask));
  SET_ACTIVE ("layers-mask-disable", mask && !gimp_layer_mask_get_apply (mask));

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-selection-replace",   layer && !fs && !ac && mask);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-selection-add",       layer && !fs && !ac && mask);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-selection-subtract",  layer && !fs && !ac && mask);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-mask-selection-intersect", layer && !fs && !ac && mask);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-selection-replace",   layer && !fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-selection-add",       layer && !fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-selection-subtract",  layer && !fs && !ac);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("layers-alpha-selection-intersect", layer && !fs && !ac);

#undef SET_LABEL
Esempio n. 3
channels_actions_update (GimpActionGroup *group,
                         gpointer         data)
  GimpImage   *image     = action_data_get_image (data);
  GimpChannel *channel   = NULL;
  gboolean     fs        = FALSE;
  gboolean     component = FALSE;
  GList       *next      = NULL;
  GList       *prev      = NULL;

  if (image)
      fs = (gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image) != NULL);

      if (GIMP_IS_COMPONENT_EDITOR (data))
          if (GIMP_COMPONENT_EDITOR (data)->clicked_component != -1)
            component = TRUE;
          channel = gimp_image_get_active_channel (image);

          if (channel)
              GList *channel_list;
              GList *list;

              channel_list = gimp_item_get_container_iter (GIMP_ITEM (channel));

              list = g_list_find (channel_list, channel);

              if (list)
                  prev = g_list_previous (list);
                  next = g_list_next (list);

#define SET_SENSITIVE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, action, (condition) != 0)

  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-edit-attributes", !fs && channel);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-new",             !fs && image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-new-last-values", !fs && image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-duplicate",       !fs && (channel || component));
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-delete",          !fs && channel);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-raise",           !fs && channel && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-raise-to-top",    !fs && channel && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-lower",           !fs && channel && next);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-lower-to-bottom", !fs && channel && next);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-selection-replace",   !fs && (channel || component));
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-selection-add",       !fs && (channel || component));
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-selection-subtract",  !fs && (channel || component));
  SET_SENSITIVE ("channels-selection-intersect", !fs && (channel || component));


  items_actions_update (group, "channels", GIMP_ITEM (channel));
Esempio n. 4
vectors_actions_update (GimpActionGroup *group,
                        gpointer         data)
  GimpImage    *image        = action_data_get_image (data);
  GimpVectors  *vectors      = NULL;
  GimpDrawable *drawable     = NULL;
  gint          n_vectors    = 0;
  gboolean      mask_empty   = TRUE;
  gboolean      visible      = FALSE;
  gboolean      linked       = FALSE;
  gboolean      locked       = FALSE;
  gboolean      can_lock     = FALSE;
  gboolean      locked_pos   = FALSE;
  gboolean      can_lock_pos = FALSE;
  gboolean      dr_writable  = FALSE;
  gboolean      dr_children  = FALSE;
  GList        *next         = NULL;
  GList        *prev         = NULL;

  if (image)
      n_vectors  = gimp_image_get_n_vectors (image);
      mask_empty = gimp_channel_is_empty (gimp_image_get_mask (image));

      vectors = gimp_image_get_active_vectors (image);

      if (vectors)
          GimpItem *item = GIMP_ITEM (vectors);
          GList    *vectors_list;
          GList    *list;

          visible      = gimp_item_get_visible (item);
          linked       = gimp_item_get_linked (item);
          locked       = gimp_item_get_lock_content (item);
          can_lock     = gimp_item_can_lock_content (item);
          locked_pos   = gimp_item_get_lock_position (item);
          can_lock_pos = gimp_item_can_lock_position (item);
          vectors_list = gimp_item_get_container_iter (item);

          list = g_list_find (vectors_list, vectors);

          if (list)
              prev = g_list_previous (list);
              next = g_list_next (list);

      drawable = gimp_image_get_active_drawable (image);

      if (drawable)
          GimpItem *item = GIMP_ITEM (drawable);

          dr_writable = ! gimp_item_is_content_locked (item);

          if (gimp_viewable_get_children (GIMP_VIEWABLE (item)))
            dr_children = TRUE;

#define SET_SENSITIVE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, action, (condition) != 0)
#define SET_ACTIVE(action,condition) \
        gimp_action_group_set_action_active (group, action, (condition) != 0)

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-path-tool",       vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-edit-attributes", vectors);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-new",             image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-new-last-values", image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-duplicate",       vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-delete",          vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-merge-visible",   n_vectors > 1);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-raise",           vectors && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-raise-to-top",    vectors && prev);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-lower",           vectors && next);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-lower-to-bottom", vectors && next);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-copy",   vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-paste",  image);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-export", vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-import", image);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-visible",       vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-linked",        vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-lock-content",  can_lock);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-lock-position", can_lock_pos);

  SET_ACTIVE ("vectors-visible",       visible);
  SET_ACTIVE ("vectors-linked",        linked);
  SET_ACTIVE ("vectors-lock-content",  locked);
  SET_ACTIVE ("vectors-lock-position", locked_pos);

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-to-vectors",          image && !mask_empty);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-to-vectors-short",    image && !mask_empty);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-to-vectors-advanced", image && !mask_empty);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-fill",                          vectors &&
                                                          dr_writable &&
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-fill-last-values",              vectors &&
                                                          dr_writable &&
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-stroke",                        vectors &&
                                                          dr_writable &&
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-stroke-last-values",            vectors &&
                                                          dr_writable &&

  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-replace",      vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-from-vectors", vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-add",          vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-subtract",     vectors);
  SET_SENSITIVE ("vectors-selection-intersect",    vectors);
