Esempio n. 1
static int extract_ponder_from_tt(RootMove *rm, Pos *pos)
  int ttHit;

  assert(rm->pvSize == 1);

  if (!rm->pv[0])
    return 0;

  do_move(pos, rm->pv[0], gives_check(pos, pos->st, rm->pv[0]));
  TTEntry *tte = tt_probe(pos_key(), &ttHit);

  if (ttHit) {
    Move m = tte_move(tte); // Local copy to be SMP safe
    ExtMove list[MAX_MOVES];
    ExtMove *last = generate_legal(pos, list);
    for (ExtMove *p = list; p < last; p++)
      if (p->move == m) {
        rm->pv[rm->pvSize++] = m;

  undo_move(pos, rm->pv[0]);
  return rm->pvSize > 1;
Esempio n. 2
static bool check_draw(Pos *pos, Move m)
  do_move(pos, m, gives_check(pos, pos->st, m));
  bool draw = is_draw(pos); // 64
  undo_move(pos, m);

  return draw;
Esempio n. 3
static uint64_t perft_helper(Pos *pos, Depth depth, uint64_t nodes)
  ExtMove *m = (pos->st-1)->endMoves;
  ExtMove *last = pos->st->endMoves = generate_legal(pos, m);
  for (; m < last; m++) {
    do_move(pos, m->move, gives_check(pos, pos->st, m->move));
    if (depth == 0) {
      nodes += generate_legal(pos, last) - last;
    } else
      nodes = perft_helper(pos, depth - ONE_PLY, nodes);
    undo_move(pos, m->move);
  return nodes;
Esempio n. 4
uint64_t perft(Pos *pos, Depth depth)
  uint64_t cnt, nodes = 0;
  char buf[16];

  ExtMove *m = pos->moveList;
  ExtMove *last = pos->st->endMoves = generate_legal(pos, m);
  for (; m < last; m++) {
    if (depth <= ONE_PLY) {
      cnt = 1;
    } else {
      do_move(pos, m->move, gives_check(pos, pos->st, m->move));
      if (depth == 2 * ONE_PLY)
        cnt = generate_legal(pos, last) - last;
        cnt = perft_helper(pos, depth - 3 * ONE_PLY, 0);
      nodes += cnt;
      undo_move(pos, m->move);
    printf("%s: %"PRIu64"\n", uci_move(buf, m->move, is_chess960()), cnt);
  return nodes;
Esempio n. 5
Value name_NT_InCheck(qsearch)(Pos* pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, BETA_ARG
                               Depth depth)
  assert(InCheck == !!pos_checkers());
  assert(alpha >= -VALUE_INFINITE && alpha < beta && beta <= VALUE_INFINITE);
  assert(PvNode || (alpha == beta - 1));
  assert(depth <= DEPTH_ZERO);

  Move pv[MAX_PLY+1];
  TTEntry *tte;
  Key posKey;
  Move ttMove, move, bestMove;
  Value bestValue, value, ttValue, futilityValue, futilityBase, oldAlpha;
  int ttHit, ttPv, givesCheck, evasionPrunable;
  Depth ttDepth;
  int moveCount;

  if (PvNode) {
    oldAlpha = alpha; // To flag BOUND_EXACT when eval above alpha and no available moves
    (ss+1)->pv = pv;
    ss->pv[0] = 0;

  bestMove = 0;
  moveCount = 0;

  // Check for an instant draw or if the maximum ply has been reached
  if (is_draw(pos) || ss->ply >= MAX_PLY)
    return ss->ply >= MAX_PLY && !InCheck ? evaluate(pos) : VALUE_DRAW;

  assert(0 <= ss->ply && ss->ply < MAX_PLY);

  // Decide whether or not to include checks: this fixes also the type of
  // TT entry depth that we are going to use. Note that in qsearch we use
  // only two types of depth in TT: DEPTH_QS_CHECKS or DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS.
  ttDepth = InCheck || depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS ? DEPTH_QS_CHECKS
                                                : DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS;

  // Transposition table lookup
  posKey = pos_key();
  tte = tt_probe(posKey, &ttHit);
  ttValue = ttHit ? value_from_tt(tte_value(tte), ss->ply) : VALUE_NONE;
  ttMove = ttHit ? tte_move(tte) : 0;
  ttPv = ttHit ? tte_is_pv(tte) : 0;

  if (  !PvNode
      && ttHit
      && tte_depth(tte) >= ttDepth
      && ttValue != VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
      && (ttValue >= beta ? (tte_bound(tte) &  BOUND_LOWER)
                          : (tte_bound(tte) &  BOUND_UPPER)))
    return ttValue;

  // Evaluate the position statically
  if (InCheck) {
    ss->staticEval = VALUE_NONE;
    bestValue = futilityBase = -VALUE_INFINITE;
  } else {
    if (ttHit) {
      // Never assume anything on values stored in TT
      if ((ss->staticEval = bestValue = tte_eval(tte)) == VALUE_NONE)
         ss->staticEval = bestValue = evaluate(pos);

      // Can ttValue be used as a better position evaluation?
      if (ttValue != VALUE_NONE)
        if (tte_bound(tte) & (ttValue > bestValue ? BOUND_LOWER : BOUND_UPPER))
          bestValue = ttValue;
    } else
      ss->staticEval = bestValue =
      (ss-1)->currentMove != MOVE_NULL ? evaluate(pos)
                                       : -(ss-1)->staticEval + 2 * Tempo;

    // Stand pat. Return immediately if static value is at least beta
    if (bestValue >= beta) {
      if (!ttHit)
        tte_save(tte, posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss->ply), ttPv,
                 BOUND_LOWER, DEPTH_NONE, 0, ss->staticEval,

      return bestValue;

    if (PvNode && bestValue > alpha)
      alpha = bestValue;

    futilityBase = bestValue + 128;

  ss->history = &(*pos->counterMoveHistory)[0][0];

  // Initialize move picker data for the current position, and prepare
  // to search the moves. Because the depth is <= 0 here, only captures,
  // queen promotions and checks (only if depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS) will
  // be generated.
  mp_init_q(pos, ttMove, depth, to_sq((ss-1)->currentMove));

  // Loop through the moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
  while ((move = next_move(pos, 0))) {

    givesCheck = gives_check(pos, ss, move);


    // Futility pruning
    if (   !InCheck
        && !givesCheck
        &&  futilityBase > -VALUE_KNOWN_WIN
        && !advanced_pawn_push(pos, move)) {
      assert(type_of_m(move) != ENPASSANT); // Due to !advanced_pawn_push

      futilityValue = futilityBase + PieceValue[EG][piece_on(to_sq(move))];

      if (futilityValue <= alpha) {
        bestValue = max(bestValue, futilityValue);

      if (futilityBase <= alpha && !see_test(pos, move, 1)) {
        bestValue = max(bestValue, futilityBase);

    // Detect non-capture evasions that are candidates to be pruned
    evasionPrunable =    InCheck
                     && (depth != DEPTH_ZERO || moveCount > 2)
                     &&  bestValue > VALUE_MATED_IN_MAX_PLY
                     && !is_capture(pos, move);

    // Don't search moves with negative SEE values
    if (  (!InCheck || evasionPrunable)
        &&  !see_test(pos, move, 0))

    // Speculative prefetch as early as possible
    prefetch(tt_first_entry(key_after(pos, move)));

    // Check for legality just before making the move
    if (!is_legal(pos, move)) {

    ss->currentMove = move;
    ss->history = &(*pos->counterMoveHistory)[moved_piece(move)][to_sq(move)];

    // Make and search the move
    do_move(pos, move, givesCheck);
#if PvNode
    value =  givesCheck
           ? -qsearch_PV_true(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth - ONE_PLY)
           : -qsearch_PV_false(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth - ONE_PLY);
    value =  givesCheck
           ? -qsearch_NonPV_true(pos, ss+1, -beta, depth - ONE_PLY)
           : -qsearch_NonPV_false(pos, ss+1, -beta, depth - ONE_PLY);
    undo_move(pos, move);

    assert(value > -VALUE_INFINITE && value < VALUE_INFINITE);

    // Check for a new best move
    if (value > bestValue) {
      bestValue = value;

      if (value > alpha) {
        bestMove = move;

        if (PvNode) // Update pv even in fail-high case
          update_pv(ss->pv, move, (ss+1)->pv);

        if (PvNode && value < beta) // Update alpha here!
          alpha = value;
          break; // Fail high

  // All legal moves have been searched. A special case: If we're in check
  // and no legal moves were found, it is checkmate.
  if (InCheck && bestValue == -VALUE_INFINITE)
    return mated_in(ss->ply); // Plies to mate from the root

  tte_save(tte, posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss->ply), ttPv,
           bestValue >= beta ? BOUND_LOWER :
           PvNode && bestValue > oldAlpha  ? BOUND_EXACT : BOUND_UPPER,
           ttDepth, bestMove, ss->staticEval, tt_generation());

  assert(bestValue > -VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < VALUE_INFINITE);

  return bestValue;
Esempio n. 6
// 利きのある場所への取れない近接王手からの3手詰め
Move Position::weak_mate_n_ply(int ply) const
	// 1手詰めであるならこれを返す
	Move m = mate1ply();
	if (m)
		return m;

	// 詰まない
	if (ply <= 1)
		return MOVE_NONE;

	Color us = side_to_move();
	Color them = ~us;
	Bitboard around8 = kingEffect(king_square(them));

	// const剥がし
	Position* This = ((Position*)this);

	StateInfo si;
	StateInfo si2;

	// 近接王手で味方の利きがあり、敵の利きのない場所を探す。
	for (auto m : MoveList<CHECKS>(*this))
		// 近接王手で、この指し手による駒の移動先に敵の駒がない。
		Square to = to_sq(m);
		if ((around8 & to)

			// toに利きがあるかどうか。mが移動の指し手の場合、mの元の利きを取り除く必要がある。
			&& (is_drop(m) ? effected_to(us, to) : (attackers_to(us, to, pieces() ^ from_sq(m)) ^ from_sq(m)))

			// 敵玉の利きは必ずtoにあるのでそれを除いた利きがあるかどうか。
			&& (attackers_to(them,to,pieces()) ^ king_square(them))
			&& (is_drop(m) ? effected_to(us, to) :
					board_effect[us].effect(to) >= 2 ||
					(long_effect.directions_of(us, from_sq(m)) & Effect8::directions_of(from_sq(m), to)) != 0)

			// 敵玉の利きがあるので2つ以上なければそれで良い。
			&& (board_effect[them].effect(to) <= 1)
			if (!legal(m))




			// この局面ですべてのevasionを試す
			for (auto m2 : MoveList<EVASIONS>(*this))
				if (!legal(m2))

				// この指し手で逆王手になるなら、不詰めとして扱う
				if (gives_check(m2))
					goto NEXT_CHECK;

				This->do_move(m2, si2, false);


				if (!weak_mate_n_ply(ply-2))
					// 詰んでないので、m2で詰みを逃れている。
					goto NEXT_CHECK;


			// すべて詰んだ

			// mによって3手で詰む。
			return m;

	return MOVE_NONE;