piglit_init(int argc, char **argv)
	bool pass = true;
	GLuint pipe;
	GLuint vs_prog;
	GLuint active_prog;
	GLuint unlinked_prog;
	GLuint shader;
	unsigned glsl_version;
	char *source;


	glsl_version = pick_a_glsl_version();

	glGenProgramPipelines(1, &pipe);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;


	(void)!asprintf(&source, vs_code_template, glsl_version);
	vs_prog = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 1,
					 (const GLchar *const *) &source);
	pass = piglit_link_check_status(vs_prog) && pass;

	/* First, make a valid program active.
	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, vs_prog);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;

	/* Next, try to make an invalid program active and verify that the
	 * correct error is generated.  Also make sure the old program is
	 * still active.
	 * Section 7.4 (Program Pipeline Objects) under ActiveShaderProgram of
	 * the OpenGL 4.4 spec says:
	 *     "An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if program is not zero and
	 *     is not the name of either a program or shader object."
	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, ~vs_prog);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_VALUE) && pass;

	glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipe, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, (GLint *) &active_prog);
	if (active_prog != vs_prog) {
		printf("glActiveShaderProgram with an invalid program name "
		       "changed the active program state.\n");
		pass = false;
	} else {
		glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, vs_prog);

	/* Try the same thing with a valid shader object (that is not part of
	 * a linked program).  Verify that the correct error is generated, and
	 * make sure the old program is still active.
	 * Section 7.4 (Program Pipeline Objects) under ActiveShaderProgram of
	 * the OpenGL 4.4 spec says:
	 *     "An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if program is the name
	 *     of a shader object."
	shader = piglit_compile_shader_text(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, source);
	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, shader);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION) && pass;

	glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipe, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, (GLint *) &active_prog);
	if (active_prog != vs_prog) {
		printf("glActiveShaderProgram with a shader object "
		       "changed the active program state.\n");
		pass = false;
	} else {
		glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, vs_prog);

	/* Finally, try the same thing with a valid program that is not
	 * linked.  Verify that the correct error is generated, and make sure
	 * the old program is still active.
	 * Section 7.4 (Program Pipeline Objects) under ActiveShaderProgram of
	 * the OpenGL 4.4 spec says:
	 *     "An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if program is not zero
	 *     and has not been linked, or was last linked unsuccessfully."
	unlinked_prog = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 1,
					       (const GLchar *const *) &invalid_code);

	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, unlinked_prog);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION) && pass;

	glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipe, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, (GLint *) &active_prog);
	if (active_prog != vs_prog) {
		printf("glActiveShaderProgram with an unlinked program "
		       "changed the active program state.\n");
		pass = false;
	} else {
		glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, vs_prog);

	piglit_report_result(pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL);
	bool validate(GLuint const & ProgramName)
		bool Error = false;

		// Pipeline object validation
			GLint Status(0);
			GLint LengthMax(0);
			glGetProgramPipelineiv(PipelineName, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &Status);
			glGetProgramPipelineiv(PipelineName, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &LengthMax);

			GLsizei LengthQuery(0);
			std::vector<GLchar> InfoLog(LengthMax + 1, '\0');
			glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(PipelineName, GLsizei(InfoLog.size()), &LengthQuery, &InfoLog[0]);


		GLint ActiveAttributeMaxLength(0);
		GLint ActiveAttribute(0);
		glGetProgramiv(ProgramName, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, &ActiveAttributeMaxLength);
		glGetProgramiv(ProgramName, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &ActiveAttribute);

		GLsizei AttribLength(0);
		GLint AttribSize(0);
		GLenum AttribType(0);
		std::vector<GLchar> AttribName(ActiveAttributeMaxLength, '\0');

		for(GLint i = 0; i < ActiveAttribute; ++i)

			std::string NameString;
			NameString.insert(NameString.begin(), AttribName.begin(), AttribName.end());
			std::vector<GLchar> NameSwap(ActiveAttributeMaxLength, '\0');
			std::swap(AttribName, NameSwap);

			GLint AttribLocation = glGetAttribLocation(ProgramName, NameString.c_str());

			vertexattrib VertexAttrib;
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED, &VertexAttrib.Enabled);
			//glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &VertexAttrib.Binding);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE, &VertexAttrib.Size);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE, &VertexAttrib.Stride);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE, &VertexAttrib.Type);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED, &VertexAttrib.Normalized);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER, &VertexAttrib.Integer);
			glGetVertexAttribiv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR, &VertexAttrib.Divisor);

			glGetVertexAttribPointerv(AttribLocation, GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER, &VertexAttrib.Pointer);

					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_INT ||  
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_INT_VEC2 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_INT_VEC3 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_INT_VEC4 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4))
					return true;

					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_BYTE || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_SHORT || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_INT || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT))
					return true;

				//if(AttribSize > 1)
			else if(VertexAttrib.Long == GL_TRUE) // OpenGL Spec bug 
				if( VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_VEC2 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_VEC3 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_VEC4 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT2 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT3 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT4 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x3 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT2x4 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x2 ||
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT3x4 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x2 || 
					VertexAttrib.Type == GL_DOUBLE_MAT4x3)
					if(VertexAttrib.Type != GL_DOUBLE)
						return true;
				else// if((VertexAttrib.Normalized == GL_TRUE) || (GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_FLOAT == GL_TRUE))
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT ||  
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_VEC2 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_VEC3 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_VEC4 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT2 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT3 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT4 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2 || 
						VertexAttrib.Type == GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3))
						return true;

					// It could be any vertex array attribute type

			printf("glGetActiveAttrib(\n\t%d, \n\t%d, \n\t%d, \n\t%d, \n\t%d, \n\t%s)\n", 
				i, AttribLocation, AttribLength, AttribSize, AttribType, NameString.c_str());

		return Error;
Esempio n. 3
    String logObjectInfo(const String& msg, const GLuint obj)
        String logMessage = msg;

        // Invalid object.
        if (obj <= 0)
            return logMessage;

        GLint infologLength = 0;

        GLboolean isShader = glIsShader(obj);
        GLboolean isProgramPipeline = glIsProgramPipeline(obj);
        GLboolean isProgram = glIsProgram(obj);

        if (isShader)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetShaderiv(obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength));
        else if (isProgramPipeline &&
            //FIXME Crashes on NVIDIA? See GL3+ GSoC forum
            // posts around 2013-11-25.
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramPipelineiv(obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength));
        else if (isProgram)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(obj, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &infologLength));

        // No info log available.
        // if (infologLength <= 1)
        if (infologLength < 1)
            return logMessage;

        GLint charsWritten  = 0;

        char * infoLog = new char [infologLength];
        infoLog[0] = 0;

        if (isShader)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetShaderInfoLog(obj, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog));
        else if (isProgramPipeline &&
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(obj, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog));
        else if (isProgram)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramInfoLog(obj, infologLength, &charsWritten, infoLog));

        if (strlen(infoLog) > 0)
            logMessage += "\n" + String(infoLog);

        delete [] infoLog;

        if (logMessage.size() > 0)
            // Remove empty lines from the end of the log.
            while (logMessage[logMessage.size() - 1] == '\n')
                logMessage.erase(logMessage.size() - 1, 1);

        return logMessage;
Esempio n. 4
dumpShadersUniforms(JSONWriter &json, Context &context)
    GLint pipeline = 0;
    GLint vertex_program = 0;
    GLint fragment_program = 0;
    GLint geometry_program = 0;
    GLint tess_control_program = 0;
    GLint tess_evaluation_program = 0;
    GLint compute_program = 0;

    if (!context.ES) {
        glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING, &pipeline);
        if (pipeline) {
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, &vertex_program);
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, &fragment_program);
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, &geometry_program);
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, &tess_control_program);
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, &tess_evaluation_program);
            glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, &compute_program);

    GLint program = 0;
    if (!pipeline) {
        glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &program);

    if (pipeline) {
        dumpProgram(json, vertex_program);
        dumpProgram(json, fragment_program);
        dumpProgram(json, geometry_program);
        dumpProgram(json, tess_control_program);
        dumpProgram(json, tess_evaluation_program);
        dumpProgram(json, compute_program);
    } else if (program) {
        dumpProgram(json, program);
    } else {
        dumpArbProgram(json, GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB);
        dumpArbProgram(json, GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB);
    json.endMember(); // shaders

    if (pipeline) {
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, vertex_program, "GL_VERTEX_SHADER");
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, fragment_program, "GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER");
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, geometry_program, "GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER");
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, tess_control_program, "GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER");
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, tess_evaluation_program, "GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER");
        dumpProgramUniformsStage(json, compute_program, "GL_COMPUTE_SHADER");
    } else if (program) {
        dumpProgramUniforms(json, program);
    } else {
        dumpArbProgramUniforms(json, GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, "fp.");
        dumpArbProgramUniforms(json, GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, "vp.");
    json.endMember(); // uniforms

    if (program) {
        dumpTransformFeedback(json, program);
    json.endMember(); // buffers
Esempio n. 5
piglit_init(int argc, char **argv)
	GLint vs, fs, gs, tcs, tes;
	GLint ver;
	GLuint pipe = 0;
	GLint param = 0;
	char *version = NULL;
	const char *shader_source[2];

	static const char vs_source[] =
		"#if __VERSION__ > 140\n"
		"/* At least some versions of AMD's closed-source driver\n"
		" * contain a bug that requires redeclaration of gl_PerVertex\n"
		" * interface block in core profile shaders.\n"
		" */\n"
		"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"in vec4 position;\n"
		"varying vec4 position;\n"
		"void main()\n"
		"    gl_Position = position;\n"
	static const char fs_source[] =
		"void main()\n"
		"    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
	static const char gs_source[] =
		"/* At least some versions of AMD's closed-source driver\n"
		" * contain a bug that requires redeclaration of gl_PerVertex\n"
		" * interface block in core profile shaders.\n"
		" */\n"
		"in gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"} gl_in[];\n"
		"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"layout(triangles) in;\n"
		"layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;\n"
		"void main() {\n"
		"    for(int i = 0; i < gl_in.length(); i++) {\n"
		"        gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;\n"
		"        EmitVertex();\n"
		"    }\n"
		"    EndPrimitive();\n"
	static const char tc_source[] =
		"/* At least some versions of AMD's closed-source driver\n"
		" * contain a bug that requires redeclaration of gl_PerVertex\n"
		" * interface block in core profile shaders.\n"
		" */\n"
		"in gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"} gl_in[];\n"
		"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"} gl_out[];\n"
		"layout(vertices = 3)  out;\n"
		"void main()\n"
		"    gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;\n"
		"    gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 1.0;\n"
		"    gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 1.0;\n"
		"    gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 1.0;\n"
		"    gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 1.0;\n"
		"    gl_TessLevelInner[1] = 1.0;\n"
	static const char te_source[] =
		"/* At least some versions of AMD's closed-source driver\n"
		" * contain a bug that requires redeclaration of gl_PerVertex\n"
		" * interface block in core profile shaders.\n"
		" */\n"
		"in gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"} gl_in[];\n"
		"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
		"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
		"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
		"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
		"layout(triangles, equal_spacing) in;\n"
		"void main()\n"
		"    vec4 p0 = gl_in[0].gl_Position;\n"
		"    vec4 p1 = gl_in[1].gl_Position;\n"
		"    vec4 p2 = gl_in[2].gl_Position;\n"
		"    vec3 p = gl_TessCoord.xyz;\n"
		"    gl_Position = p0*p.x + p1*p.y + p2*p.z;\n"
	const bool has_gs = piglit_get_gl_version() >= 32;
	const bool has_tess = piglit_get_gl_version() >= 40
		|| piglit_is_extension_supported("GL_ARB_tessellation_shader");


	pass = true;

	if (piglit_get_gl_version() >= 43) {
		ver = 430;
	} else if (piglit_get_gl_version() >= 32) {
		ver = 150;
	} else {
		ver = 110;

		 "#version %d\n"
		 "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects: enable\n\n",

	shader_source[0] = version;
	if (has_tess) {
		shader_source[1] = tc_source;
		tcs = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, 2,
		pass = piglit_link_check_status(tcs) && pass;

		shader_source[1] = te_source;
		tes = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, 2,
		pass = piglit_link_check_status(tes) && pass;
	} else {
		tcs = 0;
		tes = 0;

	if (has_gs) {
		shader_source[1] = gs_source;
		gs = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, 2,
		pass = piglit_link_check_status(gs) && pass;
	} else {
		gs = 0;

	shader_source[1] = fs_source;
	fs = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, 2, shader_source);
	pass = piglit_link_check_status(fs) && pass;

	shader_source[1] = vs_source;
	vs = glCreateShaderProgramv(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, 2, shader_source);
	pass = piglit_link_check_status(vs) && pass;

	glGenProgramPipelines(1, &pipe);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;

	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, fs);
	glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipe, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, &param);
	if (param != fs) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get Active Program.\n");
		pass = false;
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;

	use_stage_and_check(pipe, vs, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, true);
	use_stage_and_check(pipe, fs, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, true);
	use_stage_and_check(pipe, gs, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, has_gs);
	use_stage_and_check(pipe, tes, GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, has_tess);
	use_stage_and_check(pipe, tcs, GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, has_tess);

	glActiveShaderProgram(pipe, vs);
	glGetProgramPipelineiv(pipe, GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, &param);
	if (param != vs) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get Active Program.\n");
		pass = false;
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;

	glUseProgramStages(pipe, GL_ALL_SHADER_BITS, 0);
	pass = piglit_check_gl_error(GL_NO_ERROR) && pass;

	check_stage(pipe, 0, GL_VERTEX_SHADER, true);
	check_stage(pipe, 0, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, true);
	check_stage(pipe, 0, GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, has_gs);
	check_stage(pipe, 0, GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, has_tess);
	check_stage(pipe, 0, GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, has_tess);


	piglit_report_result(pass ? PIGLIT_PASS : PIGLIT_FAIL);