int stub_bidder::init(OBJECT *parent)
	new_bid_id = -1;
	next_t = 0;
	change = 1;
	lastbid_id = -1;
	lastmkt_id = -1;
	if (market==NULL)			
		throw "market is not defined";
	thismkt_id = (int64*)gl_get_addr(market,"market_id");
	if (thismkt_id==NULL)
		throw "market does not define market_id";
	return SUCCESS;
int refrigerator::init(OBJECT *parent)
	OBJECT *hdr = OBJECTHDR(this);
	hdr->flags |= OF_SKIPSAFE;

	// defaults for unset values */
	if (size==0)				size = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,20,40); // cf
	if (thermostat_deadband==0) thermostat_deadband = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,2,3);
	if (Tset==0)				Tset = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,35,39);
	if (UA == 0)				UA = 0.6;
	if (UAr==0)					UAr = UA+size/40*gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,0.9,1.1);
	if (UAf==0)					UAf = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,0.9,1.1);
	if (COPcoef==0)				COPcoef = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,0.9,1.1);
	if (Tout==0)				Tout = 59.0;
	if (load.power_factor==0)		load.power_factor = 0.95;

	pTout = (double*)gl_get_addr(parent, "air_temperature");
	if (pTout==NULL)
		static double default_air_temperature = 72;
		gl_warning("%s (%s:%d) parent object lacks air temperature, using %0f degF instead", hdr->name, hdr->oclass->name, hdr->id, default_air_temperature);
		pTout = &default_air_temperature;

	/* derived values */
	Tair = gl_random_uniform(RNGSTATE,Tset-thermostat_deadband/2, Tset+thermostat_deadband/2);

	// size is used to couple Cw and Qrated
	Cf = size/10.0 * RHOWATER * CWATER;  // cf * lb/cf * BTU/lb/degF = BTU / degF

	rated_capacity = BTUPHPW * size*10; // BTU/h ... 10 BTU.h / cf (34W/cf, so ~700 for a full-sized refrigerator)

	// duty cycle estimate for initial condition
	if (gl_random_bernoulli(RNGSTATE,0.1)){
		Qr = rated_capacity;
	} else {
		Qr = 0;

	// initial demand = Qr * KWPBTUPH;

	return residential_enduse::init(parent);
Esempio n. 3
int refrigerator::init(OBJECT *parent)

	if(parent != NULL){
		if((parent->flags & OF_INIT) != OF_INIT){
			char objname[256];
			gl_verbose("refrigerator::init(): deferring initialization on %s", gl_name(parent, objname, 255));
			return 2; // defer
	OBJECT *hdr = OBJECTHDR(this);
	hdr->flags |= OF_SKIPSAFE;

	// defaults for unset values */
	if (size==0)				size = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,20,40); // cf
	if (thermostat_deadband==0) thermostat_deadband = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,2,3);
	if (Tset==0)				Tset = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,35,39);
	if (UA == 0)				UA = 0.6;
	if (UAr==0)					UAr = UA+size/40*gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,0.9,1.1);
	if (UAf==0)					UAf = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,0.9,1.1);
	if (COPcoef==0)				COPcoef = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,0.9,1.1);
	if (Tout==0)				Tout = 59.0;
	if (load.power_factor==0)		load.power_factor = 0.95;

	pTout = (double*)gl_get_addr(parent, "air_temperature");
	if (pTout==NULL)
		static double default_air_temperature = 72;
		gl_warning("%s (%s:%d) parent object lacks air temperature, using %0f degF instead", hdr->name, hdr->oclass->name, hdr->id, default_air_temperature);
		pTout = &default_air_temperature;

	/* derived values */
	Tair = gl_random_uniform(&hdr->rng_state,Tset-thermostat_deadband/2, Tset+thermostat_deadband/2);

	// size is used to couple Cw and Qrated
	Cf = size/10.0 * RHOWATER * CWATER;  // cf * lb/cf * BTU/lb/degF = BTU / degF

	rated_capacity = BTUPHPW * size*10; // BTU/h ... 10 BTU.h / cf (34W/cf, so ~700 for a full-sized refrigerator)

	start_time = 0;

	if(compressor_off_normal_energy==0) compressor_off_normal_energy=15*45*60; //watt-secs
	if(compressor_off_normal_power==0) compressor_off_normal_power=15; //watt

	if(long_compressor_cycle_energy==0) long_compressor_cycle_energy=120*100*60; //watt-secs
	if(long_compressor_cycle_power==0) long_compressor_cycle_power=120; //watt

	if(compressor_on_normal_energy==0) compressor_on_normal_energy=120*35*60; //watt-secs
	if(compressor_on_normal_power==0) compressor_on_normal_power=120; //watt

	if(defrost_energy==0) defrost_energy=40*550*60; //watt-secs
	if(defrost_power==0) defrost_power=550; //watt

	if(icemaking_energy==0) icemaking_energy=300*60; //watt-secs
	if(icemaking_power==0) icemaking_power=300; //watt

	if(ice_making_probability==0) ice_making_probability=0.02; //watt
	if(DO_Thershold==0) DO_Thershold=24; 	
	if(long_compressor_cycle_threshold==0) long_compressor_cycle_threshold=0.05;

	if(FF_Door_Openings==0) FF_Door_Openings=0;

	if(door_opening_power==0) door_opening_power=16;

	if(delay_defrost_time==0) delay_defrost_time=28800;	

	if(defrost_criterion==0) defrost_criterion=DC_TIMED;	
	refrigerator_power = 0;

	return_time = 0;

	no_of_defrost = 0;

	total_compressor_time = 0;

	if(door_open_time==0) door_open_time=7;
	door_energy_calc = false;

	ice_making_time = new double[1,2,3]; 

	icemaker_running = false;
	check_defrost = false;

		case RS_DEFROST:
			if(energy_needed==0) energy_needed = defrost_energy;
			cycle_time = ceil((energy_needed - energy_used)/defrost_power);
			if(energy_needed==0) energy_needed = compressor_off_normal_energy;
			cycle_time = ceil((energy_needed - energy_used)/compressor_off_normal_power);
			if(energy_needed==0) energy_needed = compressor_on_normal_energy;
			cycle_time = ceil((energy_needed - energy_used)/compressor_on_normal_power);

	run_defrost = false;

	if (is_240)
		load.config = EUC_IS220;
	} = Qr * KWPBTUPH;

	return residential_enduse::init(parent);