Esempio n. 1
static void editorprint(control m)
    printer lpr;
    font f;
    textbox t = getdata(m);
    const char *contents = gettext(t);
    char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128];
    char *linebuf = NULL;
    int cc, rr, fh, page, linep, i, j, istartline;
    int top, left;

    if (!(lpr = newprinter(0.0, 0.0, ""))) return;
    f = gnewfont(lpr, strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont") ? fontname : "Courier New",
		 fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1);
    top = devicepixelsy(lpr) / 5;
    left = devicepixelsx(lpr) / 5;
    fh = fontheight(f);
    rr = getheight(lpr) - top;
    cc = getwidth(lpr) - 2*left;

    linep = rr; /* line in printer page */
    page = 1;
    i = 0;
    while (i < strlen(contents)) {
	if ( linep + fh >= rr ) { /* new page */
	    if (page > 1) nextpage(lpr);
	    snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128, "Page %d", page++);
	    gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(cc - gstrwidth(lpr, f, msg) - 1, top),
	    linep = top + 2*fh;
	j = 0;
	istartline = i;
	while (contents[i] != '\n' && contents[i] != '\0') {
	    ++i; ++j;
	linebuf = realloc(linebuf, (j+1)*sizeof(char));
	strncpy(linebuf, &contents[istartline], j);
	linebuf[j] = '\0';
	gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(left, linep), linebuf);
	linep += fh;
    if (f != FixedFont) del(f);
Esempio n. 2
static void changeFont(control c)
    char fontname[LF_FACESIZE+4];
    if (samplefont) delobj(samplefont);
    if(ischecked(tt_font)) strcpy(fontname, "TT "); else strcpy(fontname, "");
    if (sampleFontNum >= 0) {
    	strcat(fontname,  FontsList[sampleFontNum]);
    } else 
    	strcat(fontname, gettext(f_font));
    samplefont = gnewfont(NULL, fontname, sampleStyle, samplePointsize, 0.0, 1);
    settextfont(guisample, samplefont);
    clickColor(c, getlistitem(guicolor));
Esempio n. 3
void applyGUI(Gui newGUI)
    rect r = getrect(RConsole);
    ConsoleData p = (ConsoleData) getdata(RConsole);
    int havenewfont = 0;
    struct structGUI curGUI;


    if(!has_changed(&curGUI, newGUI)) return;

    if(newGUI->MDI != curGUI.MDI || newGUI->toolbar != curGUI.toolbar ||
       newGUI->statusbar != curGUI.statusbar)
	askok(G_("The overall console properties cannot be changed\non a running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply them.\n"));

    if(strcmp(newGUI->language, curGUI.language)) {
	char *buf = malloc(50);
	askok(G_("The language for menus cannot be changed on a\n running console.\n\nSave the preferences and restart Rgui to apply to menus.\n"));
	snprintf(buf, 50, "LANGUAGE=%s", newGUI->language);

/*  Set a new font? */
    if(strcmp(newGUI->font, curGUI.font) ||
       newGUI->pointsize != curGUI.pointsize ||
	char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128];
	int sty = Plain;

	if(newGUI->tt_font) strcpy(fontname, "TT "); else strcpy(fontname, "");
	strcat(fontname,  newGUI->font);
	if (!strcmp(newGUI->style, "bold")) sty = Bold;
	if (!strcmp(newGUI->style, "italic")) sty = Italic;
	pointsize = newGUI->pointsize;
	fontsty = sty;

	/* Don't delete font: open pagers may be using it */
	if (strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont"))
	    consolefn = gnewfont(NULL, fontname, fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1);
	else consolefn = FixedFont;
	if (!consolefn) {
	    snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128,
		     G_("Font %s-%d-%d  not found.\nUsing system fixed font"),
		     fontname, fontsty | FixedWidth, pointsize);
	    consolefn = FixedFont;
	/* if (!ghasfixedwidth(consolefn)) {
	   G_("Font %s-%d-%d has variable width.\nUsing system fixed font"),
	   fontname, fontsty, pointsize);
	   consolefn = FixedFont;
	   } */
	p->f = consolefn;
	FH = fontheight(p->f);
	FW = fontwidth(p->f);
	havenewfont = 1;

/* resize console, possibly with new font */
    if (consoler != newGUI->crows || consolec != newGUI->ccols || havenewfont) {
	char buf[20];
	consoler = newGUI->crows;
	consolec = newGUI->ccols;
	r.width = (consolec + 1) * FW;
	r.height = (consoler + 1) * FH;
	resize(RConsole, r);
	snprintf(buf, 20, "%d", ROWS); settext(f_crows, buf);
	snprintf(buf, 20, "%d", COLS); settext(f_ccols, buf);
    if (p->lbuf->dim != newGUI->cbb || p->lbuf->ms != newGUI->cbl)
	xbufgrow(p->lbuf, newGUI->cbb, newGUI->cbl);

/* Set colours and redraw */
    for (int i=0; i<numGuiColors; i++)
    	p->guiColors[i] = guiColors[i] = newGUI->guiColors[i];
    drawconsole(RConsole, r);
    if(haveusedapager &&
       (newGUI->prows != curGUI.prows || newGUI->pcols != curGUI.pcols))
	askok(G_("Changes in pager size will not apply to any open pagers"));
    pagerrow = newGUI->prows;
    pagercol = newGUI->pcols;

    if(newGUI->pagerMultiple != pagerMultiple) {
	if(!haveusedapager ||
	   askokcancel(G_("Do not change pager type if any pager is open\nProceed?"))
	   == YES)
	    pagerMultiple = newGUI->pagerMultiple;
	if(pagerMultiple) {
	    check(rb_mwin); uncheck(rb_swin);
	} else {check(rb_swin); uncheck(rb_mwin);}

    setWidthOnResize = newGUI->setWidthOnResize;
    consolebuffered = newGUI->buffered;

    Rwin_graphicsx = newGUI->grx;
    Rwin_graphicsy = newGUI->gry;
    p->cursor_blink = newGUI->cursor_blink;