Esempio n. 1
static void
html_write_border_style_40_for_merged_cell (GsfOutput *output, GnmStyle const *style,
					    Sheet *sheet, gint row, gint col)
	GnmBorder *border;
	GnmRange const *merge_range;
	GnmCellPos pos;
	pos.col = col;
	pos.row = row;

	border = gnm_style_get_border (style, MSTYLE_BORDER_TOP);
	if (!gnm_style_border_is_blank (border))
		html_write_one_border_style_40 (output, border, "border-top");
	border = gnm_style_get_border (style, MSTYLE_BORDER_LEFT);
	if (!gnm_style_border_is_blank (border))
		html_write_one_border_style_40 (output, border, "border-left");

	merge_range = gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos (sheet, &pos);
	if (merge_range != NULL) {
		style = sheet_style_get (sheet, merge_range->end.col, merge_range->end.row);
		if (style == NULL)

	border = gnm_style_get_border (style, MSTYLE_BORDER_BOTTOM);
	if (!gnm_style_border_is_blank (border))
		html_write_one_border_style_40 (output, border, "border-bottom");
	border = gnm_style_get_border (style, MSTYLE_BORDER_RIGHT);
	if (!gnm_style_border_is_blank (border))
		html_write_one_border_style_40 (output, border, "border-right");
Esempio n. 2
 * write_row:
 * @output: the stream
 * @sheet: the gnumeric sheet
 * @row: the row number
static void
write_row (GsfOutput *output, Sheet *sheet, gint row, GnmRange *range)
    char const *text = NULL;
    char *formatted_string = NULL;
    GnmCell *cell;
    GnmStyle const *style;

    GODateConventions const *date_conv = sheet->workbook ? workbook_date_conv (sheet->workbook) : NULL;

    gint col;
    for (col = range->start.col; col <= range->end.col; col++) {
        GnmRange const *merge_range;
        GnmCellPos pos;
        pos.col = col;
        pos.row = row;
        merge_range = gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos  (sheet, &pos);
        if (merge_range != NULL) {
            /* If cell is inside a merged region, we use the
               corner cell of the merged region: */
            cell = sheet_cell_get (sheet, merge_range->start.col, merge_range->start.row);
        } else {
            cell = sheet_cell_get (sheet, col, row);

        if (cell != NULL && cell->value) {
            text = value_peek_string (cell->value);
            pwcsv_print_encoded (output, text);

            style = sheet_style_get (sheet, col, row);
            GOFormat const *format = gnm_style_get_format (style);
            // set col_width to 16-something. This works around gnumeric quirk
            // where, in wider cells, it formats 9,3 as 9,300000000000001
            formatted_string = format_value (format, cell->value, 16, date_conv);
            pwcsv_print_encoded (output, formatted_string);
            html_write_cell_content (output, cell, style, formatted_string);

            g_free (formatted_string);

            /* Without this, we're accumulating lots of heap memory
               on big spreadsheets. */
        } else {
            gsf_output_puts (output, ",,,");

    gsf_output_puts (output, "\n");
Esempio n. 3
 * write_row:
 * @output: the stream
 * @sheet: the gnumeric sheet
 * @row: the row number
 * Set up a TD node for each cell in the given row, witht eh  appropriate
 * colspan and rowspan.
 * Call write_cell for each cell.
static void
write_row (GsfOutput *output, Sheet *sheet, gint row, GnmRange *range, html_version_t version)
	gint col;
	ColRowInfo const *ri = sheet_row_get_info (sheet, row);
	if (ri->needs_respan)
		row_calc_spans ((ColRowInfo *) ri, row, sheet);

	for (col = range->start.col; col <= range->end.col; col++) {
		CellSpanInfo const *the_span;
		GnmRange const *merge_range;
		GnmCellPos pos;
		pos.col = col;
		pos.row = row;

		/* Is this a span */
		the_span = row_span_get (ri, col);
		if (the_span != NULL) {
			gsf_output_printf (output, "<td colspan=\"%i\" ", the_span->right - col + 1);
			write_cell (output, sheet, row, the_span->cell->pos.col, version, FALSE);
			col = the_span->right;

                /* is this covered by a merge */
		merge_range = gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos	(sheet, &pos);
		if (merge_range != NULL) {
			if (merge_range->start.col != col ||
			    merge_range->start.row != row)
			gsf_output_printf (output, "<td colspan=\"%i\" rowspan=\"%i\" ",
				 merge_range->end.col - merge_range->start.col + 1,
				 merge_range->end.row - merge_range->start.row + 1);
			write_cell (output, sheet, row, col, version, TRUE);
			col = merge_range->end.col;
		gsf_output_puts (output, "<td ");
		write_cell (output, sheet, row, col, version, FALSE);
Esempio n. 4
/* NOTE : Make sure to set up any merged regions in the target range BEFORE
 * this is called.
static void
paste_link (GnmPasteTarget const *pt, int top, int left,
	    GnmCellRegion const *cr)
	GnmCellPos pos;
	GnmCellRef source_cell_ref;
	int x, y;

	/* Not possible to link to arbitrary (non gnumeric) sources yet. */
	/* TODO : eventually support interprocess gnumeric links */
	if (cr->origin_sheet == NULL)

	/* TODO : support relative links ? */
	source_cell_ref.col_relative = 0;
	source_cell_ref.row_relative = 0;
	source_cell_ref.sheet = (cr->origin_sheet != pt->sheet)
		? cr->origin_sheet : NULL;
	pos.col = left;
	for (x = 0 ; x < cr->cols ; x++, pos.col++) {
		source_cell_ref.col = cr->base.col + x;
		pos.row = top;
		for (y = 0 ; y < cr->rows ; y++, pos.row++) {
			GnmExprTop const *texpr;
			GnmCell *cell =
				sheet_cell_fetch (pt->sheet, pos.col, pos.row);

			/* This could easily be made smarter */
			if (!gnm_cell_is_merged (cell) &&
			    gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos (pt->sheet, &pos))
			source_cell_ref.row = cr->base.row + y;
			texpr = gnm_expr_top_new (gnm_expr_new_cellref (&source_cell_ref));
			gnm_cell_set_expr (cell, texpr);
			gnm_expr_top_unref (texpr);
Esempio n. 5
static void
html_read_row (htmlNodePtr cur, htmlDocPtr doc, GnmHtmlTableCtxt *tc)
	htmlNodePtr ptr;
	int col = -1;

	for (ptr = cur->children; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
		if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("td")) ||
		    xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("th"))) {
			GString *buf;
			xmlBufferPtr a_buf;
			xmlAttrPtr   props;
			int colspan = 1;
			int rowspan = 1;
			GnmCellPos pos;
			GnmStyle *mstyle;
			GSList *hrefs = NULL;
			GnmHLink *lnk = NULL;

			/* Check whether we need to skip merges from above */
			pos.row = tc->row;
			pos.col = col + 1;
			while (gnm_sheet_merge_contains_pos (tc->sheet, &pos)) {

			/* Do we span across multiple rows or cols? */
			props = ptr->properties;
			while (props) {
				if (xmlStrEqual (props->name, CC2XML ("colspan")) && props->children)
				    colspan = atoi (CXML2C (props->children->content));
				if (xmlStrEqual (props->name, CC2XML ("rowspan")) && props->children)
				    rowspan = atoi (CXML2C (props->children->content));
				props = props->next;
			if (colspan < 1)
				colspan = 1;
			if (rowspan < 1)
				rowspan = 1;

			/* Let's figure out the content of the cell */
			buf = g_string_new (NULL);
			a_buf = xmlBufferCreate ();

			mstyle = gnm_style_new_default ();
			if (xmlStrEqual (ptr->name, CC2XML ("th")))
				gnm_style_set_font_bold (mstyle, TRUE);

			html_read_content (ptr, buf, mstyle, a_buf,
					   &hrefs, TRUE, doc, tc);

			if (g_slist_length (hrefs) >= 1 &&
			    buf->len > 0) {
				/* One hyperlink, and text to make it
				 * visible */
				char *url;
				xmlBufferPtr h_buf = xmlBufferCreate ();

				hrefs = g_slist_reverse (hrefs);
				htmlNodeDump (
					h_buf, doc, (htmlNodePtr)hrefs->data);
				url = g_strndup (
					CXML2C (h_buf->content), h_buf->use);
				if (strncmp (url, "mailto:",
					     strlen ("mailto:")) == 0)
					lnk = gnm_hlink_new (
						gnm_hlink_email_get_type (),
					lnk = gnm_hlink_new (
						gnm_hlink_url_get_type (),
				gnm_hlink_set_target (lnk, url);
				gnm_style_set_hlink (mstyle, lnk);
				gnm_style_set_font_uline (mstyle,
				gnm_style_set_font_color (mstyle,
							  gnm_color_new_go (GO_COLOR_BLUE));
				g_free (url);
				xmlBufferFree (h_buf);
			if (g_slist_length (hrefs) > 1 || buf->len <= 0) {
				/* Multiple links,
				 * or no text to give hyperlink style,
				 * so put them in a comment */
				GSList *l;

				for (l = hrefs; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
					htmlNodeDump (a_buf, doc,
					xmlBufferAdd (a_buf, CC2XML ("\n"),
			g_slist_free (hrefs);
			if (buf->len > 0) {
				GnmCell *cell = sheet_cell_fetch (tc->sheet, col + 1, tc->row);
				sheet_style_set_pos (tc->sheet, col + 1, tc->row, mstyle);
				gnm_cell_set_text (cell, buf->str);
			} else
				gnm_style_unref (mstyle);

			if (a_buf->use > 0) {
				char *name;

				name = g_strndup (CXML2C (a_buf->content), a_buf->use);
				cell_set_comment (tc->sheet, &pos, NULL, name, NULL);
				g_free (name);
			g_string_free (buf, TRUE);
			xmlBufferFree (a_buf);

			/* If necessary create the merge */
			if (colspan > 1 || rowspan > 1) {
				GnmRange range;
				GnmRange *r = &range;

				range_init (r, col + 1, tc->row, col + colspan, tc->row + rowspan - 1);
				gnm_sheet_merge_add (tc->sheet, r, FALSE, NULL);

			col += colspan;