static EAddrConduitCfg * addrconduit_load_configuration (guint32 pilot_id) { EAddrConduitCfg *c; GnomePilotConduitManagement *management; GnomePilotConduitConfig *config; gchar *address, prefix[256]; g_snprintf (prefix, 255, "/gnome-pilot.d/e-address-conduit/Pilot_%u/", pilot_id); c = g_new0 (EAddrConduitCfg,1); g_assert (c != NULL); c->pilot_id = pilot_id; management = gnome_pilot_conduit_management_new ("e_address_conduit", GNOME_PILOT_CONDUIT_MGMT_ID); g_object_ref_sink (management); config = gnome_pilot_conduit_config_new (management, pilot_id); g_object_ref_sink (config); if (!gnome_pilot_conduit_config_is_enabled (config, &c->sync_type)) c->sync_type = GnomePilotConduitSyncTypeNotSet; g_object_unref (config); g_object_unref (management); /* Custom settings */ gnome_config_push_prefix (prefix); if (!e_book_get_addressbooks (&c->source_list, NULL)) c->source_list = NULL; if (c->source_list) { c->source = e_pilot_get_sync_source (c->source_list); if (!c->source) c->source = e_source_list_peek_source_any (c->source_list); if (c->source) { g_object_ref (c->source); } else { g_object_unref (c->source_list); c->source_list = NULL; } } c->secret = gnome_config_get_bool ("secret=FALSE"); address = gnome_config_get_string ("default_address=business"); if (!strcmp (address, "business")) c->default_address = E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_WORK; else if (!strcmp (address, "home")) c->default_address = E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_HOME; else if (!strcmp (address, "other")) c->default_address = E_CONTACT_ADDRESS_OTHER; g_free (address); c->last_uri = gnome_config_get_string ("last_uri"); gnome_config_pop_prefix (); return c; }
static void load_session (gboolean use_factory, GNOME_GThumb_Application app, CORBA_Environment *env) { int i, n; gnome_config_push_prefix (gnome_client_get_config_prefix (master_client)); n = gnome_config_get_int ("Session/locations"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { char *key; char *location; key = g_strdup_printf ("Session/location%d", i); location = gnome_config_get_string (key); if (uri_scheme_is_file (location) && path_is_file (location)) open_viewer_window (location, use_factory, app, env); else open_browser_window (location, TRUE, use_factory, app, env); g_free (location); g_free (key); } gnome_config_pop_prefix (); }
void gmdb_load_recent_files() { GtkWidget *menuitem; GtkWidget *menulabel; char menuname[100]; char cfgname[100]; int i; gchar *text, *text2; for (i=4;i>=1;i--) { sprintf(menuname, "menu_recent%d",i); sprintf(cfgname, "/gmdb/RecentFiles/menu_recent%d.basename",i); menuitem = glade_xml_get_widget (mainwin_xml, menuname); menulabel = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(menuitem)); text = gnome_config_get_string(cfgname); if (!text) { gtk_widget_hide(menuitem); } else { text2 = g_malloc(strlen(text)+4); sprintf(text2,"%d. %s",i,text); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(menulabel),text2); gtk_widget_show(menuitem); g_free(text2); } g_free(text); } }
void main_window_update_reopen_menu(void) { gchar *full_filename; GString *key; //gchar *short_filename; guint entry; GtkBin *bin = NULL; for (entry=0; entry<NUM_REOPEN_MAX; entry++) { key = g_string_new("gPHPEdit/recent/"); g_string_append_printf(key, "%d=NOTFOUND", entry); full_filename = gnome_config_get_string (key->str); g_string_free(key, TRUE); //g_print("Recent DEBUG: Entry %d: %s\n", entry, full_filename); if (strcmp(full_filename, "NOTFOUND")!=0) { bin = GTK_BIN(recent_menu[entry].widget); if (bin) { gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(gtk_bin_get_child(bin)), full_filename); gtk_widget_show(recent_menu[entry].widget); } } else { gtk_widget_hide(recent_menu[entry].widget); } } }
void main_window_add_to_reopen_menu(gchar *full_filename) { guint entry; gchar *found; GString *key; guint found_id; // Find current filename in list found_id = -1; for (entry=0; entry<NUM_REOPEN_MAX; entry++) { key = g_string_new("gPHPEdit/recent/"); g_string_append_printf(key, "%d=NOTFOUND", entry); found = gnome_config_get_string (key->str); g_string_free(key, TRUE); if (strcmp(full_filename, found)==0) { found_id = entry; break; } } // if not found, drop the last one off the end (i.e. pretend it was found in the last position) if (found_id == -1) { found_id = NUM_REOPEN_MAX-1; } // replace from found_id to 1 with entry above for (entry=found_id; entry > 0; entry--) { key = g_string_new("gPHPEdit/recent/"); g_string_append_printf(key, "%d=NOTFOUND", entry-1); found = gnome_config_get_string (key->str); g_string_free(key, TRUE); key = g_string_new("gPHPEdit/recent/"); g_string_append_printf(key, "%d", entry); gnome_config_set_string (key->str, found); g_string_free(key, TRUE); } // set entry 0 to be new entry gnome_config_set_string ("gPHPEdit/recent/0", full_filename); main_window_update_reopen_menu(); gnome_config_sync(); }
unsigned long gmdb_prefs_get_maxrows() { gchar *str; str = gnome_config_get_string("/gmdb/prefs/maxrows"); if (!str || !strlen(str)) return 1000; else return atol(str); }
static EMemoConduitCfg * memoconduit_load_configuration (guint32 pilot_id) { EMemoConduitCfg *c; GnomePilotConduitManagement *management; GnomePilotConduitConfig *config; gchar prefix[256]; g_snprintf (prefix, 255, "/gnome-pilot.d/e-memo-conduit/Pilot_%u/", pilot_id); c = g_new0 (EMemoConduitCfg,1); g_assert (c != NULL); c->pilot_id = pilot_id; management = gnome_pilot_conduit_management_new ("e_memo_conduit", GNOME_PILOT_CONDUIT_MGMT_ID); g_object_ref_sink (management); config = gnome_pilot_conduit_config_new (management, pilot_id); g_object_ref_sink (config); if (!gnome_pilot_conduit_config_is_enabled (config, &c->sync_type)) c->sync_type = GnomePilotConduitSyncTypeNotSet; g_object_unref (config); g_object_unref (management); /* Custom settings */ gnome_config_push_prefix (prefix); if (!e_cal_get_sources (&c->source_list, E_CAL_SOURCE_TYPE_JOURNAL, NULL)) c->source_list = NULL; if (c->source_list) { c->source = e_pilot_get_sync_source (c->source_list); if (!c->source) c->source = e_source_list_peek_source_any (c->source_list); if (c->source) { g_object_ref (c->source); } else { g_object_unref (c->source_list); c->source_list = NULL; } } c->secret = gnome_config_get_bool ("secret=FALSE"); c->priority = gnome_config_get_int ("priority=3"); c->last_uri = gnome_config_get_string ("last_uri"); gnome_config_pop_prefix (); return c; }
GtkWidget * gmdb_prefs_new() { GtkWidget *prefswin, *button; GtkWidget *entry; gchar *str; /* load the interface */ prefswin_xml = glade_xml_new(GMDB_GLADEDIR "", NULL, NULL); /* connect the signals in the interface */ glade_xml_signal_autoconnect(prefswin_xml); entry = glade_xml_get_widget (prefswin_xml, "maxrows_entry"); button = glade_xml_get_widget (prefswin_xml, "cancel_button"); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gmdb_prefs_cancel_cb), prefswin_xml); button = glade_xml_get_widget (prefswin_xml, "ok_button"); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gmdb_prefs_save_cb), prefswin_xml); button = glade_xml_get_widget (prefswin_xml, "help_button"); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (gmdb_prefs_help_cb), prefswin_xml); str = gnome_config_get_string("/gmdb/prefs/maxrows"); if (!str || !strlen(str)) { str = "1000"; gnome_config_set_string("/gmdb/prefs/maxrows", str); gnome_config_sync(); } gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), str); prefswin = glade_xml_get_widget (prefswin_xml, "prefs_dialog"); return prefswin; }
/* Module Initializer */ char * module_init (int major_version, int minor_version, int patch_version, C2DynamicModule *module) { /* Check if the version is correct */ if (major_version < REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION) return g_strdup_printf ("The plugin %s requires at least Cronos II %d.%d.%d.", information[PLUGIN_NAME], REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MINOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MICRO_VERSION); if (major_version == REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION && minor_version < REQUIRE_MINOR_VERSION) return g_strdup_printf ("The plugin %s requires at least Cronos II %d.%d.%d.", information[PLUGIN_NAME], REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MINOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MICRO_VERSION); if (major_version == REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION && minor_version == REQUIRE_MINOR_VERSION && patch_version < REQUIRE_MICRO_VERSION) return g_strdup_printf ("The plugin %s requires at least Cronos II %d.%d.%d.", information[PLUGIN_NAME], REQUIRE_MAJOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MINOR_VERSION, REQUIRE_MICRO_VERSION); /* Check if the module is already loaded */ if (c2_dynamic_module_find (information[PLUGIN_NAME], config->module_head)) return g_strdup_printf ("The plugin %s is already loaded.", information[PLUGIN_NAME]); /* Set up the module information */ module->name = information[PLUGIN_NAME]; module->version = information[PLUGIN_VERSION]; module->author = information[PLUGIN_AUTHOR]; module->url = information[PLUGIN_URL]; module->description = information[PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION]; module->configure = plugin_fortune_configure; module->configfile = NULL; /* Load the configuration */ cmnd = gnome_config_get_string ("/plugins/fortune/cmnd=fortune"); /* Connect the signals */ c2_dynamic_module_signal_connect (information[PLUGIN_NAME], C2_DYNAMIC_MODULE_COMPOSER_INSERT_SIGNATURE, C2_DYNAMIC_MODULE_SIGNAL_FUNC (plugin_on_composer_insert_signature)); return NULL; }
int main (int argc, char *argv []) { GtkWidget *label; GnomeClient *client; gnome_score_init("same-gnome"); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, GNOMELOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); gnome_init_with_popt_table ("same-gnome", VERSION, argc, argv, options, 0, NULL); gnome_window_icon_set_default_from_file (GNOME_ICONDIR"/gnome-gsame.png"); client= gnome_master_client (); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (client), "save_yourself", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (save_state), argv[0]); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (client), "die", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (client_die), NULL); if (GNOME_CLIENT_RESTARTED (client)){ gnome_config_push_prefix (gnome_client_get_config_prefix (client)); restart (); restarted = 1; gnome_config_pop_prefix (); } srand (time (NULL)); app = gnome_app_new("same-gnome", _("Same Gnome")); gtk_window_set_policy(GTK_WINDOW(app), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(app), "delete_event", (GtkSignalFunc)game_quit_callback, NULL); appbar = gnome_appbar_new(FALSE, TRUE, GNOME_PREFERENCES_USER); gnome_app_set_statusbar(GNOME_APP (app), GTK_WIDGET(appbar)); gnome_appbar_set_status(GNOME_APPBAR (appbar), _("Welcome to Same Gnome!")); gnome_app_create_menus(GNOME_APP(app), mainmenu); gnome_app_install_menu_hints(GNOME_APP (app), mainmenu); vb = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); gnome_app_set_contents (GNOME_APP (app), vb); if (!fname) { fname = gnome_config_get_string ("/same-gnome/Preferences/Scenario=stones.png"); } create_same_board (fname); label = gtk_label_new (_("Score: ")); scorew = gtk_label_new (""); set_score (score); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(appbar), label, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(appbar), scorew, FALSE, TRUE, 0); if (!restarted) new_game (); g_free (fname); gtk_widget_show (vb); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(label)); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(scorew)); gtk_widget_show (app); gtk_main (); return 0; }