Esempio n. 1
int main(){
	int latitude = 32;
	int longitude = -64;
	go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
	printf("Avast! Now at: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main() {
	int latitude = 32;
	int longitude = -64;
	go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
	printf("Stop! Current position: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main()
  int latitude = 23;
  int longitude = -64;
  go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
  printf("停止!現在位置:[%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
	int lat = 32;
	int lon = -64;
	go_south_east(&lat, &lon);
	printf("Avast! Now:at [%i, %i]\n", lat, lon);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main()
  int latitude = 32;
  int longitude = -64;
  printf("latitude lives at %p, longitude lives at %p\n", &latitude, &longitude);
  go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
  printf("where: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main(){
	int latitude = 32; 
	int longitude = -64; 
	printf("%p\n", &latitude); //%p if pointer formatter, this line prints out the location in memory for latitude variable
	go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude); //addresses of these variables are passed into the function
	printf("Ahoy! Now at: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int main() {
    int lon = -64, lat = 32,*ptrLon;
    ptrLon = &lon;
    char cook[] = "Hello Cookie";
    printf("lon: %i , lat: %i, ptrLon: %p\n", lon, lat,ptrLon);
    printf("lon&: %p\n",&lon);
    printf("@: %p\n",cook);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int main ()
	//Stores 32 as an int type in memory
	int latitude = 32;
	//Stores 64 as an int type in memory
	int longitude = -64;
	//Retrieves the new values of the latitude and longitude variables
	go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
	//Inserts the latitude and longitude value into the output string
	printf("Avast! Now at: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
	return 0;
int main()
	/* Variables are allocated storage in memory. */
	/* Local variables live in the stack. */ 

	/* x is stored in the stack */
	int x = 4;
  printf("x is stored at %p\n", &x);
	/* Global variables live in the globals section. */
	/* y is a global variable. see above. */
	printf("y is stored at %p\n", &y);
	/* Let's set sail. */
	int latitude = 32;
  int longitude = -64;
  go_south_east(latitude, longitude);
	/* Arrr! We haven't moved. */
  printf("Avast! Now at: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude);
	printf("x lives at %p\n", &x);

	/* Pointers are just variables that store memory addresses.  */
  /* The & operator finds the address of a variable.  */

	/* Get the address of x */
	int *address_of_x = &x;
	printf("address_of_x = %p\n", address_of_x);
	/* The * operator can read the contents
      of a memory address.
	/* Read the contents of an address. */
	int value_stored = *address_of_x;
	printf("read address_of_x contents = %i\n", value_stored);
	/* The * operator can also set the
      contents of a memory address.
	/* Change the contents of an address. */
	*address_of_x = 99;
	int new_value_stored = *address_of_x;
	printf("read address_of_x contents after change = %i\n", new_value_stored);

	/* Wind in the sails now, cap'n! */
	fix_go_south_east(&latitude, &longitude);
  printf("Avast! Now at: [%i, %i]\n", latitude, longitude); 

  char quote[] = "Cookies make you fat";

  /* The sizeof operator returns the
      space taken by a piece of data.
	/* You can also call sizeof for a data
      type, such as sizeof(int).
  printf("size of int = %i\n", sizeof(int));
	printf("size of string = %i\n", sizeof("Turtles!"));
	/* The array variable points to the first 
      element in the array. 
  printf("The quote string is stored at: %p\n", quote);
	printf("The quote string stored: %i bytes of data\n", sizeof(quote));
	printf("The quote string stored: %s at location %i\n", quote[sizeof(quote) - 1], sizeof(quote));

  int contestants[] = {1, 2, 3};
  int *choice = contestants;
  contestants[0] = 2;
  contestants[1] = contestants[2];
  contestants[2] = *choice;
  printf("I'm going to pick contestant number %i\n", contestants[2]);

	char s[] = "How big is it?";
  char *t = s;
	/* sizeof is different for array and 
      pointer variables. 
	printf("size of s = %i\n", sizeof(s));
  printf("size of t = %i\n", sizeof(t));
	int doses[] = {1, 3, 2, 1000};
	 /* An array variable can be used as a pointer. */ 
	/* ...but array variables are not quite the same. */
  printf("Issue dose %i\n", 3[doses]);
	/* doses[3] == *(doses + 3) == *(3 + doses) == 3[doses] */

  int drinks[] = {4, 2, 3};

	printf("1st order: %i drinks\n", drinks[0]);
  printf("1st order: %i drinks\n", *drinks);
	printf("3rd order: %i drinks\n", drinks[2]);
  printf("3rd order: %i drinks\n", *(drinks + 2));

  char *msg_from_amy = "Don't call me!";

  int nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
  printf("nums is at %p\n", nums);
  printf("nums + 1 is at %p\n", nums + 1);

  /* Array variables can't point to
      anything else.
  /* This will give a compile error. */
  /* s = t; */
	char name[40];
  printf("Enter your name: ");
	scanf("%39s", name);
	int age;
  printf("Enter your age: ");
  scanf("%i", &age);


	return 0;