// listuj katalog i dodawaj pliki w nim zawarte, ktróre s± mp3 static void listAddFolder(const char *fullname) { DIR *dir = opendir( fullname ); struct dirent *ent; if ( dir == NULL ) return; while ( (ent = readdir( dir )) != NULL ) { char *buf = NULL; if ( goc_stringEquals( ent->d_name, ".." ) ) continue; if ( goc_stringEquals( ent->d_name, "." ) ) continue; buf = goc_stringCopy( buf, fullname ); if ( fullname[strlen(fullname)-1] != '/' ) buf = goc_stringAdd( buf, "/" ); buf = goc_stringAdd( buf, ent->d_name ); if ( goc_isFolder( buf ) ) listAddFolder( buf ); else checkAddFile( buf ); buf = goc_stringFree( buf ); } closedir( dir ); }
static struct AlsaMixerCard* createMixerCard(int cardId) { struct AlsaMixerCard* pMixerCard = alsaMixerCardAlloc(); snd_card_get_name( cardId, &pMixerCard->name ); pMixerCard->physicalName = goc_stringAdd(pMixerCard->physicalName, "hw:"); pMixerCard->physicalName = goc_stringAddInt(pMixerCard->physicalName, cardId); return pMixerCard; }
char *goc_isReadLine(GOC_IStream *is) { int c; char buf[128]; char *tmp = NULL; int i; if ( is == NULL ) { GOC_ERROR("NULL input stream"); return NULL; } if ( is->readChar == NULL ) { GOC_ERROR("readChar function not implemented"); return NULL; } i = 0; memset(buf, 0, 128); while ( (c = is->readChar(is)) >= 0 ) { // linux end line if ( c == 0x0A ) break; buf[i++] = (char)c; if ( i == 127 ) { i = 0; tmp = goc_stringAdd(tmp, buf); memset(buf, 0, 128); } } if (( tmp == NULL ) && ( buf[0] == 0 ) && ( c < 0 )) return NULL; tmp = goc_stringAdd(tmp, buf); return tmp; }
static int hotKeySelectFolder( GOC_HANDLER uchwyt, GOC_MSG wiesc, void *pBuf, unsigned int nBuf) { char *element = goc_stringCopy(NULL, goc_filelistGetFolder(uchwyt)); element = goc_stringAdd(element, "/"); element = goc_stringAdd(element, goc_listGetUnderCursor(uchwyt)); if ( goc_isFileExists( element ) ) { if ( goc_isFolder( element ) ) { listAddFolder( element ); } else { // a wiec to plik checkAddFile( element ); } char *tmp = goc_stringAdd(goc_stringCopy(NULL, "Dodano: "), element); goc_labelSetText(nStatus, tmp, 0); tmp = goc_stringFree(tmp); goc_systemSendMsg(nStatus, GOC_MSG_PAINT, 0, 0); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // zak³ada siê, ¿e ramka zawiera próbkê, w której // jest d¼wiêk beat-u i cisza do nastêpnego beatu // // // ramka //char *pFrame; // licznik int i; // goc_termInit(); printf(GOC_STRING_WHITE); // Procedury inicjuj±ce GOC_DEBUG("Initializing libao"); ao_initialize(); GOC_DEBUG("Initializing libao Device"); aodriverid = ao_default_driver_id(); if ( aodriverid == -1 ) return -1; openOutputDevice(); params = allocParameters(); if ( argc > 1 ) { if ( interpretArgs(argc, argv, params) < 0 ) endProgram(-1); } GOC_DEBUG("Allocating buffer"); generateBeat(params, BEAT_BASE); generateBeat(params, BEAT_ACCENT); generateBeat(params, BEAT_INTER); generateBeat(params, BEAT_QUIET); // pFrame = malloc(nFrame); // memset(pFrame, 0, nFrame); GOC_BINFO("Tempo: %d Rate: %d Channels: %d Bits: %d", params->tempo, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, SAMPLE_BITS); // GOC_BDEBUG("Allocated %d at 0x%X", nFrame, (unsigned int)pFrame); if ( params->flags & FLAG_PRINTCOUNT ) { goc_clearscreen(); goc_gotoxy(1,1); } printf("Playing ... \n"); if ( params->pattern ) printf("Use pattern: %s\n", params->pattern); fflush(stdout); { // to nie do koñca jest liczba ramek - to jest liczba // podstawowych beatów jakie maj± zostaæ zagrane - nie // s± liczone beat-y po¶rednie int nFrames; int imeasure = 0; int iinter; int patternPosition = 0; int patternLen = 0; char *prevString = goc_stringCopy(NULL, ""); char playedPattern = '.'; if ( params->pattern ) { patternLen = strlen(params->pattern); } if ( params->tacts ) // na podstawie liczby podanych taktów nFrames = params->tacts * params->measure; else // na podstawie podanego czasu nFrames = params->tempo * params->pdur / 60; NEXTPATTERN(); // goc_saveXY(); for (i=0; i<nFrames; i++) { if ( imeasure ) { if ( params->flags & FLAG_PRINTCOUNT ) { goc_gotoxy(1, 5); printf("%s%s%s%d%s", GOC_STRING_YELLOW, prevString, GOC_STRING_BWHITE, imeasure + 1, GOC_STRING_YELLOW); prevString = goc_stringAddInt(prevString, imeasure+1); prevString = goc_stringAdd(prevString, " .. "); fflush(stdout); } if ( playedPattern == '.' ) ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_BASE].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_BASE].nFrame); else ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].nFrame); NEXTPATTERN(); } else { if ( params->flags & FLAG_PRINTCOUNT ) { goc_gotoxy(1, 5); printf("%s%s", GOC_STRING_YELLOW, prevString); goc_gotoxy(1, 5); printf("%s%d%s", GOC_STRING_BWHITE, imeasure + 1, GOC_STRING_YELLOW); prevString = goc_stringFree(prevString); prevString = goc_stringAddInt(prevString, imeasure+1); prevString = goc_stringAdd(prevString, " .. "); fflush(stdout); } if ( playedPattern == '.' ) ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_ACCENT].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_ACCENT].nFrame); else ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].nFrame); NEXTPATTERN(); } if ( (iinter = params->inter) ) { while ( iinter-- ) { if ( params->flags & FLAG_PRINTCOUNT ) { goc_gotoxy(1, 5); printf("%s%s%si%s", GOC_STRING_YELLOW, prevString, GOC_STRING_WHITE, GOC_STRING_YELLOW); prevString = goc_stringAdd(prevString, "i .. "); fflush(stdout); } if ( playedPattern == '.' ) ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_INTER].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_INTER].nFrame); else ao_play(aodev, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].pFrame, params->pBeat[BEAT_QUIET].nFrame); NEXTPATTERN(); } } imeasure++; imeasure %= params->measure; } if ( params->flags & FLAG_PRINTCOUNT ) { goc_gotoxy(1, 5); printf("%s%s", GOC_STRING_YELLOW, prevString); } prevString = goc_stringFree(prevString); } printf("%s\nFinish\n", GOC_STRING_WHITE); if ( params->tacts ) { GOC_BINFO("Played %d frames in %d tacts", i, params->tacts); } else { GOC_BINFO("Played %d frames in %d seconds", i, params->pdur); } endProgram(0); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { GOC_IStream *wordStream = NULL; GOC_IStream *fileStream = NULL; GOC_Properties *props = NULL; GOC_Iterator *propIt = NULL; char *line; char *pos = NULL; if ( argc < 3 ) { GOC_BINFO("Usage: %s wordconvert.properties filetochange", argv[0]); GOC_INFO("\tApplication changes word in file to another"); return 0; } wordStream = goc_fileIStreamOpen(argv[1]); if ( wordStream == NULL ) { GOC_BERROR("Cannot open file %s", argv[1]); return -1; } fileStream = goc_fileIStreamOpen(argv[2]); if ( fileStream == NULL ) { GOC_BERROR("Cannot open file %s", argv[2]); return -1; } props = goc_propertiesAlloc(); props = goc_propertiesLoad(props, wordStream); while ( line = goc_isReadLine(fileStream) ) { char *bline = NULL; char *last = line; pos = NULL; while ( pos = findNextWordBegin(line, pos) ) { char *word = getWord( pos ); char *v = goc_propertiesGetValue( props, word ); *pos = 0; bline = goc_stringAdd(bline, last); if ( v != NULL ) { bline = goc_stringAdd(bline, v); } else { bline = goc_stringAdd(bline, word); } pos += strlen(word); word = goc_stringFree(word); last = pos; } bline = goc_stringAdd(bline, last); puts(bline); line = goc_stringFree(line); bline = goc_stringFree(bline); } free(propIt); goc_isClose(wordStream); goc_isClose(fileStream); return 0; }