Esempio n. 1
 * In AIM 3.5 protocol, the first stage of login is to request login from the 
 * Authorizer, passing it the screen name for verification.  If the name is 
 * invalid, a 0017/0003 is spit back, with the standard error contents.  If 
 * valid, a 0017/0007 comes back, which is the signal to send it the main 
 * login command (0017/0002). 
int aim_request_login(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *sn)
	aim_frame_t *fr;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl = NULL;
	if (!sess || !conn || !sn)
		return -EINVAL;

	if ((sn[0] >= '0') && (sn[0] <= '9'))
		return goddamnicq(sess, conn, sn);


	aim_sendflapver(sess, conn);

	if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x02, 10+2+2+strlen(sn))))
		return -ENOMEM;

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(sess, 0x0017, 0x0006, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	aim_putsnac(&fr->data, 0x0017, 0x0006, 0x0000, snacid);

	aim_addtlvtochain_raw(&tl, 0x0001, strlen(sn), (guint8 *)sn);
	aim_writetlvchain(&fr->data, &tl);

	aim_tx_enqueue(sess, fr);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
 * In AIM 3.5 protocol, the first stage of login is to request login from the
 * Authorizer, passing it the screen name for verification.  If the name is
 * invalid, a 0017/0003 is spit back, with the standard error contents.  If
 * valid, a 0017/0007 comes back, which is the signal to send it the main
 * login command (0017/0002).
int aim_request_login(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, const char *sn)
	aim_frame_t *fr;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	aim_tlvlist_t *tl = NULL;
	struct im_connection *ic = sess->aux_data;

	if (!sess || !conn || !sn) {
		return -EINVAL;

	if (g_ascii_isdigit(sn[0]) && set_getbool(&ic->acc->set, "old_icq_auth")) {
		return goddamnicq(sess, conn, sn);


	aim_sendflapver(sess, conn);

	if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x02, 10 + 2 + 2 + strlen(sn)))) {
		return -ENOMEM;

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(sess, 0x0017, 0x0006, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	aim_putsnac(&fr->data, 0x0017, 0x0006, 0x0000, snacid);

	aim_addtlvtochain_raw(&tl, 0x0001, strlen(sn), (guint8 *) sn);
	aim_writetlvchain(&fr->data, &tl);

	aim_tx_enqueue(sess, fr);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 * Subtype 0x0006
 * In AIM 3.5 protocol, the first stage of login is to request login from the
 * Authorizer, passing it the username for verification.  If the name is
 * invalid, a 0017/0003 is spit back, with the standard error contents.  If
 * valid, a 0017/0007 comes back, which is the signal to send it the main
 * login command (0017/0002).
aim_request_login(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, const char *sn)
	FlapFrame *frame;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	GSList *tlvlist = NULL;

	if (!od || !conn || !sn)
		return -EINVAL;

	if (aim_snvalid_icq(sn))
		return goddamnicq(od, conn, sn);

	frame = flap_frame_new(od, 0x02, 10+2+2+strlen(sn)+8);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_AUTH, 0x0006, 0x0000, NULL, 0);
	aim_putsnac(&frame->data, SNAC_FAMILY_AUTH, 0x0006, 0x0000, snacid);

	aim_tlvlist_add_str(&tlvlist, 0x0001, sn);

	/* Tell the server we support SecurID logins. */
	aim_tlvlist_add_noval(&tlvlist, 0x004b);

	/* Unknown.  Sent in recent WinAIM clients.*/
	aim_tlvlist_add_noval(&tlvlist, 0x005a);

	aim_tlvlist_write(&frame->data, &tlvlist);

	flap_connection_send(conn, frame);

	return 0;