Esempio n. 1
void cPlayer::giveGold( quint32 amount, bool inBank )
	P_ITEM pCont = NULL;
	if ( !inBank )
		pCont = getBackpack();
		pCont = getBankbox();

	if ( !pCont )

	// Begin Spawning
	quint32 total = amount;

	while ( total > 0 )
		P_ITEM pile = cItem::createFromScript( "eed" );
		pile->setAmount( wpMin<quint32>( total, static_cast<quint32>( 65535 ) ) );
		total -= pile->amount();

		pCont->addItem( pile );
		if ( !pile->free )

	goldSound( amount, false );
Esempio n. 2
	Reduces the specified \a amount of gold from the user
	and returns the amount reduced. If it was successfull, it will return
	the same value passed on \a amount parameter.
Q_UINT32 cPlayer::takeGold( Q_UINT32 amount, bool useBank )
	P_ITEM pPack = getBackpack();

	Q_UINT32 dAmount = 0;

	if ( pPack )
		dAmount = pPack->deleteAmount( amount, 0xEED, 0 );

	if ( ( dAmount > 0 ) && useBank )
		P_ITEM pBank = getBankbox();

		if ( pBank )
			dAmount += pBank->deleteAmount( ( amount - dAmount ), 0xEED, 0 );

	goldSound( amount, false );

	return amount - dAmount;
Esempio n. 3
	Reduces the specified \a amount of gold from the user
	and returns the amount reduced. If it was successfull, it will return
	the same value passed on \a amount parameter.
quint32 cPlayer::takeGold( quint32 amount, bool useBank )
	P_ITEM pPack = getBackpack();
	P_ITEM pBank = getBankbox();

	// Count total gold
	unsigned int totalGold = 0;

	// Change useBank if we have "Pay from pack only" enabled
	if (Config::instance()->payfrompackonly())
		useBank = false;

	// Lets try global IDs
	QString idthird = Config::instance()->defaultThirdCoin();
	QString idfirst = Config::instance()->defaultFirstCoin();

	// Lets try values
	if (Config::instance()->usenewmonetary()) {

		// Lets Assign Region
		cTerritory* Region = this->region();

		if (Config::instance()->usereversedvaluable())
			// Region Assignment
			if ( Region )
				idthird = Region->thirdcoin();

			// Get Amounts
			totalGold = pPack->countBaseItems( idthird );

			if (useBank && totalGold < amount) {
				totalGold += pBank->countBaseItems( idthird );
			// Region Assignment
			if ( Region )
				idfirst = Region->firstcoin();

			// Get Amounts
			totalGold = pPack->countBaseItems( idfirst );

			if (useBank && totalGold < amount) {
				totalGold += pBank->countBaseItems( idfirst );
		totalGold = pPack->countItems(0xEED, 0);

		if (useBank && totalGold < amount) {
			totalGold += pBank->countItems(0xEED, 0);

	if (totalGold < amount) {
		return 0;

	// Amount to Delete
	quint32 dAmount = 0;

	// Lets Delete
	if (Config::instance()->usenewmonetary())
		if (Config::instance()->usereversedvaluable())
			dAmount = pPack->removeItem( idthird, amount );

			if (useBank && dAmount > 0) {
				pBank->removeItem( idthird, dAmount );
			dAmount = pPack->removeItem( idfirst, amount );

			if (useBank && dAmount > 0) {
				pBank->removeItem( idfirst, dAmount );
		dAmount = pPack->deleteAmount( amount, 0xEED, 0 );

		if (useBank && dAmount > 0) {
			pBank->deleteAmount( dAmount, 0xEED, 0 );

	goldSound(amount, false);
	return amount;