Esempio n. 1
int intsplin(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len)
    int minrhs = 2, maxrhs = 4, minlhs = 1, maxlhs = 1;

    int mx = 0, nx = 0, lx = 0, my = 0, ny = 0, ly = 0, mc = 0, nc = 0, lc = 0, n = 0, spline_type = 0;
    int *str_spline_type = NULL, ns = 0;
    int ld = 0, i = 0;
    int mwk1 = 0, nwk1 = 0, lwk1 = 0, mwk2 = 0, nwk2 = 0, lwk2 = 0, mwk3 = 0;
    int nwk3 = 0, lwk3 = 0, mwk4 = 0, nwk4 = 0, lwk4 = 0;
    double *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *d = NULL, *c = NULL;

    CheckRhs(minrhs, maxrhs);
    CheckLhs(minlhs, maxlhs);

    GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx, &nx, &lx);
    GetRhsVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &my, &ny, &ly);

    for (i = 1; i <= minrhs; i++)
        SciErr sciErr;
        int *piAddressVar = NULL;
        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, i, &piAddressVar);
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, i);
            return 0;

        if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddressVar))
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real matrix expected.\n"), fname, i);
            return 0;

    if ( mx != my  ||  nx != ny  ||  (mx != 1  &&  nx != 1) )
        Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: Vector of same size expected.\n"), fname, 1, 2);
        return 0;

    n = mx * nx;    /* number of interpolation points */
    if ( n < 2 )
        Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Must be %s.\n"), fname,1,">= 2");
        return 0;

    x = stk(lx);
    y = stk(ly);
    if (! good_order(x, n))  /* verify strict increasing abscissae */
        Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Not (strictly) increasing or +-inf detected.\n"), fname,1);
        return 0;

    if ( Rhs >= 3 )   /* get the spline type */
        GetRhsScalarString(3, &ns, &str_spline_type);
        spline_type =  get_type(SplineTable, NB_SPLINE_TYPE, str_spline_type, ns);
        if ( spline_type == UNDEFINED )
            Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong values for input argument #%d: Unknown '%s' type.\n"),fname,3,"spline");
            return 0;
        spline_type = NOT_A_KNOT;

    if ( spline_type == CLAMPED ) /* get arg 4 which contains the end point slopes */
        if ( Rhs != 4 )
            Scierror(999,_("%s: For a clamped spline, you must give the endpoint slopes.\n"),fname);
            return 0;
        GetRhsVar(4,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mc, &nc, &lc);
        if ( mc*nc != 2 )
            Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: Endpoint slopes.\n"),fname,4);
            return 0;
        c = stk(lc);
    else if ( Rhs == 4 )
        Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s).\n"),fname); 
        return 0;

    /*  verify y(1) = y(n) for periodic splines */
    if ( (spline_type == PERIODIC || spline_type == FAST_PERIODIC)  &&  y[0] != y[n-1] )
        Scierror(999,_("%s: Wrong value for periodic spline %s: Must be equal to %s.\n"),fname,"y(1)","y(n)");

    CreateVar(Rhs+1,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mx,  &nx,   &ld); /* memory for d (only argument returned) */
    d = stk(ld);

    case(FAST) : case(FAST_PERIODIC) :
        nwk1 = 1;
        C2F(derivd) (x, y, d, &n, &nwk1, &spline_type);

    case(MONOTONE) :
        nwk1 = 1;
        C2F(dpchim) (&n, x, y, d, &nwk1);

    case(NOT_A_KNOT) : case(NATURAL) : case(CLAMPED) : case(PERIODIC) :
        /*  (the wk4 work array is used only in the periodic case) */
        mwk1 = n; nwk1 = 1; mwk2 = n-1; nwk2 = 1; mwk3 = n-1; nwk3 = 1; mwk4 = n-1; nwk4 = 1;
        CreateVar(Rhs+2,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk1,  &nwk1,   &lwk1);
        CreateVar(Rhs+3,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk2,  &nwk2,   &lwk2);
        CreateVar(Rhs+4,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk3,  &nwk3,   &lwk3);
        lwk4 = lwk1;
        if (spline_type == CLAMPED)
        { d[0] = c[0]; d[n-1] = c[1]; };
        if (spline_type == PERIODIC)
            CreateVar(Rhs+5,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &mwk4,  &nwk4,   &lwk4);
        C2F(splinecub) (x, y, d, &n, &spline_type, stk(lwk1), stk(lwk2), stk(lwk3), stk(lwk4));
    LhsVar(1) = Rhs+1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
types::Function::ReturnValue sci_splin(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)
    // input
    types::Double* pDblX    = NULL;
    types::Double* pDblY    = NULL;
    types::Double* pDblDer  = NULL;

    // output
    types::Double* pDblOut  = NULL;

    int iType   = 0; // default value = not_a_knot
    int one     = 1;
    int iSize   = 0;

    double* rwork1 = NULL;
    double* rwork2 = NULL;
    double* rwork3 = NULL;
    double* rwork4 = NULL;

    // *** check the minimal number of input args. ***
    if (in.size() < 2 || in.size() > 4)
        Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d to %d expected.\n"), "splin", 2, 4);
        return types::Function::Error;

    // *** check number of output args according the methode. ***
    if (_iRetCount > 1)
        Scierror(78, _("%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "splin", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    // *** check type of input args and get it. ***
    // x
    if (in[0]->isDouble() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A matrix expected.\n"), "splin", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    pDblX = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>();
    iSize = pDblX->getSize();

    if (pDblX->isComplex())
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), "splin", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (iSize < 2)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d : At least a size of 2 expected.\n"), "splin", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (good_order(pDblX->get(), iSize) == false) /* verify strict increasing abscissae */
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Not (strictly) increasing or +-inf detected.\n"), "splin", 1);
        return types::Function::Error;

    // y
    if (in[1]->isDouble() == false)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A matrix expected.\n"), "splin", 2);
        return types::Function::Error;

    pDblY = in[1]->getAs<types::Double>();

    if (pDblY->isComplex())
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: Real matrix expected.\n"), "splin", 2);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if ( pDblX->getCols() != pDblY->getCols() ||
            pDblX->getRows() != pDblY->getRows() ||
            (pDblX->getCols() != 1 && pDblX->getRows() != 1))
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: Vector of same size expected.\n"), "splin", 1, 2);
        return types::Function::Error;

    if (in.size() > 2)
        if (in[2]->isString() == false)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : string expected.\n"), "splin", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

        wchar_t* wcsType = in[2]->getAs<types::String>()->get(0);

        if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"not_a_knot") == 0)
            iType = 0;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"natural") == 0)
            iType = 1;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"clamped") == 0)
            iType = 2;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"periodic") == 0)
            iType = 3;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"fast") == 0)
            iType = 4;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"fast_periodic") == 0)
            iType = 5;
        else if (wcscmp(wcsType, L"monotone") == 0)
            iType = 6;
        else // undefined
            char* pstType = wide_string_to_UTF8(wcsType);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong values for input argument #%d : '%s' is an unknown '%s' type.\n"), "splin", 3, pstType, "spline");
            return types::Function::Error;

        if (iType == 2)
            if (in.size() != 4)
                Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "splin", 4);
                return types::Function::Error;

            if (in[3]->isDouble() == false)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d : A matrix expected.\n"), "splin", 4);
                return types::Function::Error;

            pDblDer = in[3]->getAs<types::Double>();

            if (pDblDer->getSize() != 2)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d : A matrix of size 2 expected.\n"), "splin", 4);
                return types::Function::Error;
        else if (in.size() == 4)
            Scierror(77, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n"), "splin", 3);
            return types::Function::Error;

    // verify y(1) = y(n) for periodic splines
    if ((iType == 3 || iType == 5) && pDblY->get(0) != pDblY->get(pDblY->getSize() - 1))
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for periodic spline %s: Must be equal to %s.\n"), "spline", "y(1)", "y(n)");
        return types::Function::Error;

    // *** Perform operation. ***
    pDblOut = new types::Double(pDblX->getRows(), pDblX->getCols());

    switch (iType)
        case 6:
            C2F(dpchim)(&iSize, pDblX->get(), pDblY->get(), pDblOut->get(), &one);
        case 5:
        case 4:
            C2F(derivd)(pDblX->get(), pDblY->get(), pDblOut->get(), &iSize, &one, &iType);
        case 3:
        case 2:
        case 1:
        case 0:
            rwork1 = new double[iSize];
            rwork2 = new double[iSize - 1];
            rwork3 = new double[iSize - 1];
            rwork4 = rwork1;

            if (iType == 2)
                pDblOut->set(0, pDblDer->get(0));
                pDblOut->set(iSize - 1, pDblDer->get(1));

            if (iType == 3)
                rwork4 = new double[iSize - 1];

            C2F(splinecub)(pDblX->get(), pDblY->get(), pDblOut->get(), &iSize, &iType, rwork1, rwork2, rwork3, rwork4);

            delete[] rwork1;
            delete[] rwork2;
            delete[] rwork3;
            if (iType == 3)
                delete[] rwork4;


    // *** Return result in Scilab. ***

    return types::Function::OK;