inline void ImplicitCapillarity<GI, RP, BC, IP>::initObj(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
        residual_.initObj(g, r, b);
        Dune::FieldVector<double, GI::Dimension> grav(0.0);
        psolver_.init(g, r, grav, b);

void SingleSupportModel::doInverseDynamics(bool normalize, DataSource source)
	if(m_coeff == 0 && normalize)

	double coeff = m_normalizedCoeff;
		coeff = 1.0;


	tf::Vector3 grav(0, 0, -9.81);
	grav = tf::Transform(m_model->robotOrientation()).inverse() * grav;

	// Transform grav to base coordinates
	if(m_trunkJoint != -1)
		const Math::SpatialTransform X = X_base[m_trunkJoint];
		gravity = X.E.transpose() * Math::Vector3d(grav.x(), grav.y(), grav.z());

	RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamics(*this, m_q, m_qdot, m_qdotdot, m_tau, 0);

	for(size_t i = 0; i < m_joints.size(); ++i)

		m_joints[i]->feedback.modelTorque += coeff * m_tau[i];
Esempio n. 3
/** Fills a vector with the Q values calculated from the wavelength bin centers from the input workspace and
*  the workspace geometry as Q = 4*pi*sin(theta)/lambda
*  @param[in] specInd the spectrum to calculate
*  @param[in] doGravity if to include gravity in the calculation of Q
*  @param[in] offset index number of the first input bin to use
*  @param[out] Qs points to a preallocated array that is large enough to contain all the calculated Q values
*  @throw NotFoundError if the detector associated with the spectrum is not found in the instrument definition
void Q1D2::convertWavetoQ(const size_t specInd, const bool doGravity, const size_t offset, MantidVec::iterator Qs) const
  static const double FOUR_PI=4.0*M_PI;
  IDetector_const_sptr det = m_dataWS->getDetector(specInd);

  // wavelengths (lamda) to be converted to Q
  MantidVec::const_iterator waves = m_dataWS->readX(specInd).begin() + offset;
  // going from bin boundaries to bin centered x-values the size goes down one
  const MantidVec::const_iterator end = m_dataWS->readX(specInd).end() - 1;
  if (doGravity)
    GravitySANSHelper grav(m_dataWS, det);
    for( ; waves !=end; ++Qs, ++waves)
      // the HistogramValidator at the start should ensure that we have one more bin on the input wavelengths
      const double lambda = 0.5*(*(waves+1)+(*waves));
      // as the fall under gravity is wavelength dependent sin theta is now different for each bin with each detector 
      const double sinTheta = grav.calcSinTheta(lambda);
      // Now we're ready to go to Q
      *Qs = FOUR_PI*sinTheta/lambda;
    // Calculate the Q values for the current spectrum, using Q = 4*pi*sin(theta)/lambda
    const double factor = 2.0* FOUR_PI*sin( m_dataWS->detectorTwoTheta(det)/2.0 );
    for( ; waves !=end; ++Qs, ++waves)
      // the HistogramValidator at the start should ensure that we have one more bin on the input wavelengths
      *Qs = factor/(*(waves+1)+(*waves));
Esempio n. 4
* Calcule le centre de gravité
ofPoint ARModule::makeGravCenter(vector <ofPoint> pts){
    ofPoint grav(0,0);
    for(int i=0;i<pts.size();i++){
        return grav;
Esempio n. 5
void ArenaLocker::Setup(InputManager* Input,GraphicsManager* Graphics,GUIManager* Gui,SoundManager* Sound)
	_scene = Graphics->createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_INTERIOR,"arenaLocker");
	_rootNode = _scene->getRootSceneNode();

	_camera = _scene->createCamera("arenaLockerCam");
	_camera->setAspectRatio(16.0f / 9.0f);
	_view = Graphics->getRenderWindow()->addViewport(_camera);
	std::cout << "Arena Locker - scene manager and camera/viewport created" << std::endl;

	_physics.reset(new PhysicsManager());
	btVector3 grav(0.0f,-9.8f,0.0f);
	std::cout << "Arena Locker - physics setup" << std::endl;

	//list of physics-based entities and such
	std::cout << "Arena Locker - models loaded" << std::endl;

	std::vector<LevelData::Waypoint> waypoints;
	LevelData::LevelParser parser;
	std::cout << "Arena Locker - parser finished" << std::endl;

	Ogre::Entity* levelEnt = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(_pairs.begin()->ogreNode->getAttachedObject(0));

	_AIManager.reset(new AIManager());
	std::cout << "NPCs loaded" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Sounds loaded" << std::endl;

	_pauseMenu.reset(new PauseMenu(State::GAME_LOCKER));
	std::cout << "Pause menu initialized" << std::endl;

	_oldCameraPositionTarget = Ogre::Vector3(-7,1.0f,-8.0f);
	_cameraPositionTarget = LuaManager::getVectorFromLua(LuaManager::getSingletonPtr()->getLuaState(),1);
	Ogre::Vector3 startingLook = LuaManager::getVectorFromLua(LuaManager::getSingletonPtr()->getLuaState(),2);
	_oldCameraLookTarget = startingLook;
	_cameraLookTarget = startingLook;
	_oldCameraOrientation = _camera->getOrientation();

	_sphere = Graphics->createSceneNode(_scene,object("resource/xml/test_sphere.xml").get(),_rootNode);
Esempio n. 6
// 布の形状の更新
void updateCloth(void) {
    // ★ 次の手順で質点の位置を決定する
    // 1. 質点に働く力を求める
    // 質点のfの定義
    for(int y = 0; y < POINT_NUM; y++) {
        for(int x = 0; x < POINT_NUM; x++) {
    for(int i = 0; i < cloth->springs.size(); i++) {
        Vector3d nowlength(cloth->springs[i]->p0->p - cloth->springs[i]->p1->p);
        double gap = nowlength.length() - cloth->springs[i]->restLength;
        double strpower = Ks * gap; 
        Vector3d attraction(cloth->springs[i]->p1->p.x - cloth->springs[i]->p0->p.x,
                            cloth->springs[i]->p1->p.y - cloth->springs[i]->p0->p.y,
                            cloth->springs[i]->p1->p.z - cloth->springs[i]->p0->p.z);  
        cloth->springs[i]->p0->f += attraction; 
        cloth->springs[i]->p1->f += attraction;
    for(int y = 0; y < POINT_NUM; y++) { 
        for(int x = 0; x < POINT_NUM; x++) {
           Vector3d grav(Mass*gravity.x,Mass*gravity.y,Mass*gravity.z);
           cloth->points[x][y].f +=  grav;
           Vector3d airresister(Dk*cloth->points[x][y].v.x,Dk*cloth->points[x][y].v.y,Dk*cloth->points[x][y].v.z);
           cloth->points[x][y].f -= airresister;

            // 2. 質点の加速度を求める
            // 3. 質点の速度を更新する
            // 4. 質点の位置を更新する
    for(int y = 0; y < POINT_NUM; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < POINT_NUM; x++) {
                Vector3d accel(cloth->points[x][y].f.x/Mass*dT,cloth->points[x][y].f.y/Mass*dT,cloth->points[x][y].f.z/Mass*dT);
                cloth->points[x][y].v += accel;
                Vector3d xx(cloth->points[x][y].v.x*dT,cloth->points[x][y].v.y*dT,cloth->points[x][y].v.z*dT);
                cloth->points[x][y].p += xx;
Esempio n. 7
//todo: allow to create solver, broadphase, multiple worlds etc.
static int gCreateDefaultDynamicsWorld(lua_State *L)
    btVector3 grav(0,0,0);
    grav[upaxis] = -10;
	lua_pushlightuserdata (L, sLuaDemo->m_dynamicsWorld);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 8
int main () {
   double pos[3] = {0, 0, 0};
   double mass = 1;
   particle part;
   pointMass p (mass, pos, &part);
   gravity grav (&p, 9.8);
   applied app (&part, 5, {1});
   jEng jamie ({&p}, {&grav, &app}, 0.1);
   for (unsigned i=0; i < 10; i++) {
Esempio n. 9
void	RobotControlExample::initPhysics()
	///for this testing we use Z-axis up
	int upAxis = 2;

	//todo: create a special debug drawer that will cache the lines, so we can send the debug info over the wire
	btVector3 grav(0,0,0);
	grav[upAxis] = 0;//-9.8;
	bool allowSharedMemoryInitialization = true;
	m_physicsServer.connectSharedMemory(allowSharedMemoryInitialization, m_dynamicsWorld,m_guiHelper);
	if (m_guiHelper && m_guiHelper->getParameterInterface())
		bool isTrigger = false;
		createButton("Load URDF",CMD_LOAD_URDF,  isTrigger);
		createButton("Step Sim",CMD_STEP_FORWARD_SIMULATION,  isTrigger);
		createButton("Send Bullet Stream",CMD_SEND_BULLET_DATA_STREAM,  isTrigger);
		createButton("Get State",CMD_REQUEST_ACTUAL_STATE,  isTrigger);
		createButton("Send Desired State",CMD_SEND_DESIRED_STATE,  isTrigger);
		createButton("Create Box Collider",CMD_CREATE_BOX_COLLISION_SHAPE,isTrigger);
		createButton("Set Physics Params",CMD_SEND_PHYSICS_SIMULATION_PARAMETERS,isTrigger);
		createButton("Init Pose",CMD_INIT_POSE,isTrigger);
	} else

	if (!m_physicsClient.connect())
		b3Warning("Cannot eonnect to physics client");

    inline ImplicitCapillarity<GI, RP, BC, IP>::ImplicitCapillarity(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
	: residual_(g, r, b),
        Dune::FieldVector<double, GI::Dimension> grav(0.0);
        psolver_.init(g, r, grav, b);
Esempio n. 11
static void GravityChanged_Callback(IConVar *var, const char *pOldString, float)
    ConVarRef grav(var);
    if (gpGlobals->mapname != NULL_STRING)
        IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent("gravity_change");
        if (event)
            event->SetFloat("newgravity", grav.GetFloat());
Esempio n. 12
void	PhysicsServerExample::initPhysics()
	///for this testing we use Z-axis up
	int upAxis = 2;

	//todo: create a special debug drawer that will cache the lines, so we can send the debug info over the wire
	btVector3 grav(0,0,0);
	grav[upAxis] = 0;//-9.8;
	m_isConnected = m_physicsServer.connectSharedMemory( m_dynamicsWorld,m_guiHelper);
Esempio n. 13
void ParticleParameters::ApplyChanges()
	math::vec2f pos(ui->PosXSpin->value(), ui->PosYSpin->value());
	math::vec2f grav(ui->GravXSpin->value(), ui->GravYSpin->value());
	double frequency = ui->FrequencySpin->value();
	int numParticle = ui->NumPartSpin->value();
	if (numParticle == -1 && frequency == 0) numParticle = 1;

	m_parameters.setAngle(ui->ApertureSpin->value() * DEG2RAD);
	m_parameters.setDirection(ui->DirectionSpin->value() * DEG2RAD);
	m_parameters.setParticleColor(toRGBA(StartColor), toRGBA(EndColor));
	m_parameters.setParticleLive(ui->MinLiveSpin->value(), ui->MaxLiveSpin->value());
	m_parameters.setParticleSpeed(ui->MinSpeedSpin->value(), ui->MaxSpeedSpin->value());
	m_parameters.setParticleSize(ui->StartSizeSpin->value(), ui->EndSizeSpin->value());
/* ------------------------------------- main program-----------------------------------------*/
void main()                                  

 back();                         /* draw the background (platforms and ladders) */
 data_arary();                   /* create the collision detection array */
 updwn=6;                        /* first up and down tile number */
 current=0;                      /* first left right tile number */
 x=15;                           /* x cordinate to start at */
 y=16;                           /* y cordinate to start at */

 SPRITES_8x16;                     /* sets sprites to, yep you guessed it, 8x16 mode */
 set_sprite_data(0, 16, bloke);    /* defines the main sprite data */
 set_sprite_tile(0, current);
 move_sprite(current, x, y);       /* puts the first sprite on screen */

  while(!0)                        /* infinate game loop */
   grav();                         /* check we are stood on something and fall if we are'nt */
   player();                       /* player movement and collision detection routines      */
                                   /* returned values have no meaning here, just for tests  */
  }                                /* end of infinate loop */

}                            /* end main */
Esempio n. 15
void ad_grav_wall::update_attrs(){
    // gravity
    if( 1 ){
        btCollisionObjectArray& objs =>getCollisionObjectArray();
        for( int i=0; i<objs.size(); i++ ){
            btTransform &trans = objs[i]->getWorldTransform();
            btVector3 &bpos = trans.getOrigin();
            ofVec3f pos(bpos.x(), bpos.y(), bpos.z());
            gvWall * gl = static_cast<gvWall*>( objs[i]->getUserPointer() );
            if( gl == NULL )

            ofVec3f grav_dir = ad_geom_util::vec_pl(pos, gl->p1, gl->p2 );
            btVector3 grav(grav_dir.x, grav_dir.y, grav_dir.z );
            btRigidBody* body = btRigidBody::upcast(objs[i]);
            body->applyCentralForce( grav * impulse * 400 );
Esempio n. 16
//test intersection using a rudimentary physics simulation
//this drops a particle onto the terrain and it bounces around a bit
int main()
    Mercator::Terrain terrain;
    terrain.setBasePoint(0, 0, 2.8);
    terrain.setBasePoint(1, 0, 7.1);
    terrain.setBasePoint(0, 1, 0.2);
    terrain.setBasePoint(1, 1, 14.7);

    Mercator::Segment * segment = terrain.getSegment(0, 0);

    if (segment == 0) {
        std::cerr << "Segment not created by addition of required basepoints"
                  << std::endl << std::flush;
        return 1;

    WFMath::Point<3> pos(30.0,30.0,100.0); //starting position
    WFMath::Vector<3> vel(0.0,1.0,0.0); //starting velocity
    WFMath::Vector<3> grav(0.0,0.0,-9.8); //gravity

    WFMath::Point<3> intersection;
    WFMath::Vector<3> intnormal;
    float timestep = 0.1;
    float e = 0.2; //elasticity of collision
    float totalT = 20.0; //time limit 
    float par = 0.0;
    float t = timestep;

    while (totalT > timestep) {
        vel += t * grav;
        if (Mercator::Intersect(terrain, pos, vel * t, intersection, intnormal, par)) {
            //set pos to collision time, 
            //less a small amout to keep objects apart
            pos = intersection - (vel * .01 * t); 
            WFMath::Vector<3> impulse = intnormal * (Dot(vel, intnormal) * -2);
            std::cerr << "HIT" << std::endl;
            vel = (vel + impulse) * e; //not sure of the impulse equation, but this will do
            if (vel.sqrMag() < 0.01) {
                //stop if velocities are small
                std::cerr << "friction stop" << std::endl;
            totalT -= par*t;
            t = (1.0-par)*t;
        else {
            pos += vel*t;
            totalT -= t;
            t = timestep;

        std::cerr << "timeLeft:" << totalT << " end pos" << pos << " vel" << vel << std::endl;
   return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    const double PI(3.141592653589793);

    if (argc != 4) {
        std::cout << "usage:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "package_scene path_scene output" << std::endl;
        return 0;
    ros::init(argc, argv, "dart_test");

    ros::NodeHandle nh_;

    std::string package_name( argv[1] );
    std::string scene_urdf( argv[2] );

    ros::Rate loop_rate(400);

    ros::Publisher joint_state_pub_;
    joint_state_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 10);
    tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
    MarkerPublisher markers_pub(nh_);

    std::string package_path_barrett = ros::package::getPath("barrett_hand_defs");
    std::string package_path = ros::package::getPath(package_name);

    // Load the Skeleton from a file
    dart::utils::DartLoader loader;
    loader.addPackageDirectory("barrett_hand_defs", package_path_barrett);
    loader.addPackageDirectory("barrett_hand_sim_dart", package_path);

    boost::shared_ptr<GraspSpecification > gspec = GraspSpecification::readFromUrdf(package_path + scene_urdf);

    dart::dynamics::SkeletonPtr scene( loader.parseSkeleton(package_path + scene_urdf) );

    dart::dynamics::SkeletonPtr bh( loader.parseSkeleton(package_path_barrett + "/robots/barrett_hand.urdf") );
    Eigen::Isometry3d tf;
    tf = scene->getBodyNode("gripper_mount_link")->getRelativeTransform();

    dart::simulation::World* world = new dart::simulation::World();


    Eigen::Vector3d grav(0,0,-1);

    GripperController gc;

    double Kc = 400.0;
    double KcDivTi = Kc / 1.0;
    gc.addJoint("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, true, false);
    gc.addJoint("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint", Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, true);
    gc.addJoint("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint", Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, true);
    gc.addJoint("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint", Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, true);

    gc.addJointMimic("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint", 2.0*Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, true, "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", 1.0, 0.0);
    gc.addJointMimic("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint", 2.0*Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint", 0.333333, 0.0);
    gc.addJointMimic("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint", 2.0*Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint", 0.333333, 0.0);
    gc.addJointMimic("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint", 2.0*Kc, KcDivTi, 0.0, 0.001, 50.0, false, "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint", 0.333333, 0.0);

    gc.setGoalPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", gspec->getGoalPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint"));
    gc.setGoalPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint", gspec->getGoalPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"));
    gc.setGoalPosition("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint", gspec->getGoalPosition("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint"));
    gc.setGoalPosition("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint", gspec->getGoalPosition("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint"));

    std::map<std::string, double> joint_q_map;
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint"] = gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint"] = gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"] = gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint"] = 0.333333 * gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint"] = gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint"] = 0.333333 * gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint"] = gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint");
    joint_q_map["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"] = 0.333333 * gspec->getInitPosition("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint");

    for (std::vector<std::string >::const_iterator it = gc.getJointNames().begin(); it != gc.getJointNames().end(); it++) {
        dart::dynamics::Joint *j = bh->getJoint((*it));
        j->setPosition(0, joint_q_map[(*it)]);

    int counter = 0;

    while (ros::ok()) {

        for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it = joint_q_map.begin(); it != joint_q_map.end(); it++) {
            dart::dynamics::Joint *j = bh->getJoint(it->first);
            it->second = j->getPosition(0);


        // Compute the joint forces needed to compensate for Coriolis forces and
        // gravity
        const Eigen::VectorXd& Cg = bh->getCoriolisAndGravityForces();

        for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it = joint_q_map.begin(); it != joint_q_map.end(); it++) {
            dart::dynamics::Joint *j = bh->getJoint(it->first);
            int qidx = j->getIndexInSkeleton(0);
            double u = gc.getControl(it->first);
            double dq = j->getVelocity(0);
            if (!gc.isBackdrivable(it->first)) {
                j->setPositionLowerLimit(0, std::max(j->getPositionLowerLimit(0), it->second-0.01));

            if (gc.isStopped(it->first)) {
                j->setPositionLowerLimit(0, std::max(j->getPositionLowerLimit(0), it->second-0.01));
                j->setPositionUpperLimit(0, std::min(j->getPositionUpperLimit(0), it->second+0.01));
//                std::cout << it->first << " " << "stopped" << std::endl;
            j->setForce(0, 0.02*(u-dq) + Cg(qidx));

        for (int bidx = 0; bidx < bh->getNumBodyNodes(); bidx++) {
            dart::dynamics::BodyNode *b = bh->getBodyNode(bidx);
            const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf = b->getTransform();
            KDL::Frame T_W_L;
            EigenTfToKDL(tf, T_W_L);
//            std::cout << b->getName() << std::endl;
            publishTransform(br, T_W_L, b->getName(), "world");

        int m_id = 0;
        for (int bidx = 0; bidx < scene->getNumBodyNodes(); bidx++) {
                dart::dynamics::BodyNode *b = scene->getBodyNode(bidx);

                const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf = b->getTransform();
                KDL::Frame T_W_L;
                EigenTfToKDL(tf, T_W_L);
                publishTransform(br, T_W_L, b->getName(), "world");
                for (int cidx = 0; cidx < b->getNumCollisionShapes(); cidx++) {
                    dart::dynamics::ConstShapePtr sh = b->getCollisionShape(cidx);
                    if (sh->getShapeType() == dart::dynamics::Shape::MESH) {
                        std::shared_ptr<const dart::dynamics::MeshShape > msh = std::static_pointer_cast<const dart::dynamics::MeshShape >(sh);
                        m_id = markers_pub.addMeshMarker(m_id, KDL::Vector(), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, msh->getMeshUri(), b->getName());



        if (counter < 3000) {
        else if (counter == 3000) {
            dart::dynamics::Joint::Properties prop = bh->getJoint(0)->getJointProperties();
            dart::dynamics::FreeJoint::Properties prop_free;
            prop_free.mName = prop_free.mName;
            prop_free.mT_ParentBodyToJoint = prop.mT_ParentBodyToJoint;
            prop_free.mT_ChildBodyToJoint = prop.mT_ChildBodyToJoint;
            prop_free.mIsPositionLimited = false;
            prop_free.mActuatorType = dart::dynamics::Joint::VELOCITY;
            bh->getRootBodyNode()->changeParentJointType<dart::dynamics::FreeJoint >(prop_free);
        else if (counter < 4000) {
        else {

    // generate models

    const std::string ob_name( "graspable" );


    // calculate point clouds for all links and for the grasped object
    std::map<std::string, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr > point_clouds_map;
    std::map<std::string, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PrincipalCurvatures>::Ptr > point_pc_clouds_map;
    std::map<std::string, KDL::Frame > frames_map;
    std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<KDL::Frame > > > features_map;
    std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointNormal> > > grids_map;
    for (int skidx = 0; skidx < world->getNumSkeletons(); skidx++) {
        dart::dynamics::SkeletonPtr sk = world->getSkeleton(skidx);

        for (int bidx = 0; bidx < sk->getNumBodyNodes(); bidx++) {
            dart::dynamics::BodyNode *b = sk->getBodyNode(bidx);
            const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf = b->getTransform();
            const std::string &body_name = b->getName();
            if (body_name.find("right_Hand") != 0 && body_name != ob_name) {
            KDL::Frame T_W_L;
            EigenTfToKDL(tf, T_W_L);
            std::cout << body_name << "   " << b->getNumCollisionShapes() << std::endl;
            for (int cidx = 0; cidx < b->getNumCollisionShapes(); cidx++) {
                dart::dynamics::ConstShapePtr sh = b->getCollisionShape(cidx);
                if (sh->getShapeType() == dart::dynamics::Shape::MESH) {
                    std::shared_ptr<const dart::dynamics::MeshShape > msh = std::static_pointer_cast<const dart::dynamics::MeshShape >(sh);
                    std::cout << "mesh path: " << msh->getMeshPath() << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "mesh uri: " << msh->getMeshUri() << std::endl;
                    const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf = sh->getLocalTransform();
                    KDL::Frame T_L_S;
                    EigenTfToKDL(tf, T_L_S);
                    KDL::Frame T_S_L = T_L_S.Inverse();

                    const aiScene *sc = msh->getMesh();
                    if (sc->mNumMeshes != 1) {
                        std::cout << "ERROR: sc->mNumMeshes = " << sc->mNumMeshes << std::endl;
                    int midx = 0;
//                    std::cout << "v: " << sc->mMeshes[midx]->mNumVertices << "   f: " << sc->mMeshes[midx]->mNumFaces << std::endl;
                    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloud_1 (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
                    uniform_sampling(sc->mMeshes[midx], 1000000, *cloud_1);
                    for (int pidx = 0; pidx < cloud_1->points.size(); pidx++) {
                        KDL::Vector pt_L = T_L_S * KDL::Vector(cloud_1->points[pidx].x, cloud_1->points[pidx].y, cloud_1->points[pidx].z);
                        cloud_1->points[pidx].x = pt_L.x();
                        cloud_1->points[pidx].y = pt_L.y();
                        cloud_1->points[pidx].z = pt_L.z();
                    // Voxelgrid
                    boost::shared_ptr<pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointNormal> > grid_(new pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointNormal>);
                    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr res(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>);
                    grid_->setLeafSize(0.004, 0.004, 0.004);
                    grid_->filter (*res);
                    point_clouds_map[body_name] = res;
                    frames_map[body_name] = T_W_L;
                    grids_map[body_name] = grid_;

                    std::cout << "res->points.size(): " << res->points.size() << std::endl;

                    pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>);

                    // Setup the principal curvatures computation
                    pcl::PrincipalCurvaturesEstimation<pcl::PointNormal, pcl::PointNormal, pcl::PrincipalCurvatures> principalCurvaturesEstimation;

                    // Provide the original point cloud (without normals)
                    principalCurvaturesEstimation.setInputCloud (res);

                    // Provide the point cloud with normals

                    // Use the same KdTree from the normal estimation
                    principalCurvaturesEstimation.setSearchMethod (tree);

                    // Actually compute the principal curvatures
                    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PrincipalCurvatures>::Ptr principalCurvatures (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PrincipalCurvatures> ());
                    principalCurvaturesEstimation.compute (*principalCurvatures);
                    point_pc_clouds_map[body_name] = principalCurvatures;

                    features_map[body_name].reset( new std::vector<KDL::Frame >(res->points.size()) );
                    for (int pidx = 0; pidx < res->points.size(); pidx++) {
                        KDL::Vector nx, ny, nz(res->points[pidx].normal[0], res->points[pidx].normal[1], res->points[pidx].normal[2]);
                        if ( std::fabs( principalCurvatures->points[pidx].pc1 - principalCurvatures->points[pidx].pc2 ) > 0.001) {
                            nx = KDL::Vector(principalCurvatures->points[pidx].principal_curvature[0], principalCurvatures->points[pidx].principal_curvature[1], principalCurvatures->points[pidx].principal_curvature[2]);
                        else {
                            if (std::fabs(nz.z()) < 0.7) {
                                nx = KDL::Vector(0, 0, 1);
                            else {
                                nx = KDL::Vector(1, 0, 0);
                        ny = nz * nx;
                        nx = ny * nz;
                        (*features_map[body_name])[pidx] = KDL::Frame( KDL::Rotation(nx, ny, nz), KDL::Vector(res->points[pidx].x, res->points[pidx].y, res->points[pidx].z) );

    const double sigma_p = 0.01;//05;
    const double sigma_q = 10.0/180.0*PI;//100.0;
    const double sigma_r = 0.2;//05;
    double sigma_c = 5.0/180.0*PI;

    int m_id = 101;

    // generate object model
    boost::shared_ptr<ObjectModel > om(new ObjectModel);
    for (int pidx = 0; pidx < point_clouds_map[ob_name]->points.size(); pidx++) {
        if (point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc1 > 1.1 * point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc2) {
            // e.g. pc1=1, pc2=0
            // edge
            om->addPointFeature((*features_map[ob_name])[pidx] * KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RotZ(PI)), point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc1, point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc2);
            om->addPointFeature((*features_map[ob_name])[pidx], point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc1, point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc2);
        else {
            for (double angle = 0.0; angle < 359.0/180.0*PI; angle += 20.0/180.0*PI) {
                om->addPointFeature((*features_map[ob_name])[pidx] * KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RotZ(angle)), point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc1, point_pc_clouds_map[ob_name]->points[pidx].pc2);

    std::cout << "om.getPointFeatures().size(): " << om->getPointFeatures().size() << std::endl;
    KDL::Frame T_W_O = frames_map[ob_name];

    // generate collision model
    std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair<int, double> > > link_pt_map;
    boost::shared_ptr<CollisionModel > cm(new CollisionModel);
    cm->setSamplerParameters(sigma_p, sigma_q, sigma_r);

    std::list<std::string > gripper_link_names;
    for (int bidx = 0; bidx < bh->getNumBodyNodes(); bidx++) {
        const std::string &link_name = bh->getBodyNode(bidx)->getName();

    double dist_range = 0.01;
    for (std::list<std::string >::const_iterator nit = gripper_link_names.begin(); nit != gripper_link_names.end(); nit++) {
        const std::string &link_name = (*nit);
        if (point_clouds_map.find( link_name ) == point_clouds_map.end()) {
        cm->addLinkContacts(dist_range, link_name, point_clouds_map[link_name], frames_map[link_name],
                            om->getPointFeatures(), T_W_O);

    // generate hand configuration model
    boost::shared_ptr<HandConfigurationModel > hm(new HandConfigurationModel);
    std::map<std::string, double> joint_q_map_before( joint_q_map );

    double angleDiffKnuckleTwo = 15.0/180.0*PI;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo*0.333333;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo*0.333333;
    joint_q_map_before["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"] -= angleDiffKnuckleTwo*0.333333;

    hm->generateModel(joint_q_map_before, joint_q_map, 1.0, 10, sigma_c);

    writeToXml(argv[3], cm, hm);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 18
void GraphNodeParameters::decrementGrav() {
  grav(grav() - gravIncrement);
Esempio n. 19
void GraphNodeParameters::incrementGrav() {
  grav(grav() + gravIncrement);
void PhysicsComponent::applyGravity() {  
    Vec2 grav(0.0, gravity);
    force += grav; 
Esempio n. 21
UZRectMollerup::tick (const GeometryRect& geo,
		      const std::vector<size_t>& drain_cell,
		      const double drain_water_level,
		      const Soil& soil, 
		      SoilWater& soil_water, const SoilHeat& soil_heat,
		      const Surface& surface, const Groundwater& groundwater,
		      const double dt, Treelog& msg)

  daisy_assert (K_average.get ());
  const size_t edge_size = geo.edge_size (); // number of edges 
  const size_t cell_size = geo.cell_size (); // number of cells 

  // Insert magic here.
  ublas::vector<double> Theta (cell_size); // water content 
  ublas::vector<double> Theta_previous (cell_size); // at start of small t-step
  ublas::vector<double> h (cell_size); // matrix pressure
  ublas::vector<double> h_previous (cell_size); // at start of small timestep
  ublas::vector<double> h_ice (cell_size); // 
  ublas::vector<double> S (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_vol (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_macro (cell_size);  // sink term
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size, 0.0); // matrix-> macro -> drain flow 
  std::vector<double> S_drain_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // For large timestep
  const std::vector<double> S_matrix (cell_size, 0.0);  // matrix -> macro 
  std::vector<double> S_matrix_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // for large timestep
  ublas::vector<double> T (cell_size); // temperature 
  ublas::vector<double> Kold (edge_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum (edge_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kcell (cell_size); // hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kold_cell (cell_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum_cell (cell_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> h_lysimeter (cell_size);
  std::vector<bool> active_lysimeter (cell_size);
  const std::vector<size_t>& edge_above = geo.cell_edges (Geometry::cell_above);
  const size_t edge_above_size = edge_above.size ();
  ublas::vector<double> remaining_water (edge_above_size);
  std::vector<bool> drain_cell_on (drain_cell.size (),false); 

  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above_size; i++)
      const size_t edge = edge_above[i];
      remaining_water (i) = surface.h_top (geo, edge);
  ublas::vector<double> q;	// Accumulated flux
  q = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);
  ublas::vector<double> dq (edge_size); // Flux in small timestep.
  dq = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);

  //Make Qmat area diagonal matrix 
  //Note: This only needs to be calculated once... 
  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Qmat (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
  for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Qmat (c, c) = geo.cell_volume (c);
  // make vectors 
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
      Theta (cell) = soil_water.Theta (cell);
      h (cell) =  soil_water.h (cell);
      h_ice (cell) = soil_water.h_ice (cell);
      S (cell) =  soil_water.S_sum (cell);
      S_vol (cell) = S (cell) * geo.cell_volume (cell);
      if (use_forced_T)
	T (cell) = forced_T;
	T (cell) = soil_heat.T (cell); 
      h_lysimeter (cell) = geo.zplus (cell) - geo.cell_z (cell);

  // Remember old value.
  Theta_error = Theta;

  // Start time loop 
  double time_left = dt;	// How much of the large time step left.
  double ddt = dt;		// We start with small == large time step.
  int number_of_time_step_reductions = 0;
  int iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;

  int n_small_time_steps = 0;
  while (time_left > 0.0)
      if (ddt > time_left)
	ddt = time_left;

      std::ostringstream tmp_ddt;
      tmp_ddt << "Time t = " << (dt - time_left) 
              << "; ddt = " << ddt
              << "; steps " << n_small_time_steps 
              << "; time left = " << time_left;
      Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_ddt.str ());

      if (n_small_time_steps > 0
          && (n_small_time_steps%msg_number_of_small_time_steps) == 0)
          msg.touch ();
          msg.flush ();
      if (n_small_time_steps > max_number_of_small_time_steps) 
          msg.debug ("Too many small timesteps");
          throw "Too many small timesteps";
      // Initialization for each small time step.

      if (debug > 0)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	  tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      int iterations_used = 0;
      h_previous = h;
      Theta_previous = Theta;

      if (debug == 5)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "Remaining water at start: " << remaining_water;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      ublas::vector<double> h_conv;

      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell)
        active_lysimeter[cell] = h (cell) > h_lysimeter (cell);

      for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size ; ++edge)
          Kold[edge] = find_K_edge (soil, geo, edge, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
          Ksum [edge] = 0.0;

      std::vector<top_state> state (edge_above.size (), top_undecided);
      // We try harder with smaller timesteps.
      const int max_loop_iter 
        = max_iterations * (number_of_time_step_reductions 
                            * max_iterations_timestep_reduction_factor + 1);
      do // Start iteration loop
	  h_conv = h;

          std::ostringstream tmp_conv;
          tmp_conv << "Convergence " << iterations_used; 
          Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_conv.str ());
          if (debug == 7)
            msg.touch ();

	  // Calculate conductivity - The Hansen method
	  for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              Ksum[e] += find_K_edge (soil, geo, e, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
              Kedge[e] = (Ksum[e] / (iterations_used  + 0.0)+ Kold[e]) / 2.0;

	  //Initialize diffusive matrix
	  Solver::Matrix diff (cell_size);
	  // diff = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  diffusion (geo, Kedge, diff);

	  //Initialize gravitational matrix
	  ublas::vector<double> grav (cell_size); //ublass compatibility
	  grav = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  gravitation (geo, Kedge, grav);

	  // Boundary matrices and vectors
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);

	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq); //for calculating drain fluxes 

	  //Initialize water capacity  matrix
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Cw (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
	  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
	    Cw (c, c) = soil.Cw2 (c, h[c]);
          std::vector<double> h_std (cell_size);
          //ublas vector -> std vector 
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std.begin ());

          for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
              S_macro (cell) = (S_matrix[cell] + S_drain[cell]) 
                * geo.cell_volume (cell);

	  //Initialize sum matrix
	  Solver::Matrix summat (cell_size);  
	  noalias (summat) = diff + Dm_mat;

	  //Initialize sum vector
	  ublas::vector<double> sumvec (cell_size);  
	  sumvec = grav + B + Gm + Dm_vec - S_vol
            - S_macro

	  // QCw is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw
	  Solver::Matrix Q_Cw (cell_size);
	  noalias (Q_Cw) = prod (Qmat, Cw);

	  //Initialize A-matrix
	  Solver::Matrix A (cell_size);  
	  noalias (A) = (1.0 / ddt) * Q_Cw - summat;  

	  // Q_Cw_h is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw * h
	  const ublas::vector<double> Q_Cw_h = prod (Q_Cw, h);

	  //Initialize b-vector
	  ublas::vector<double> b (cell_size);  
	  //b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Qmatrix * Cw * h + Qmatrix *(Wxx-Wyy));
	  b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Q_Cw_h
				      + prod (Qmat, Theta_previous-Theta));

	  // Force active drains to zero h.
          drain (geo, drain_cell, drain_water_level,
		 h, Theta_previous, Theta, S_vol,
                 dq, ddt, drain_cell_on, A, b, debug, msg);  
          try {
            solver->solve (A, b, h); // Solve Ah=b with regard to h.
          } catch (const char *const error) {
              std::ostringstream tmp;
              tmp << "Could not solve equation system: " << error;
              msg.warning (tmp.str ());
              // Try smaller timestep.
              iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

	  for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++) // update Theta 
	    Theta (c) = soil.Theta (c, h (c), h_ice (c)); 

	  if (debug > 1)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Time left = " << time_left << ", ddt = " << ddt 
		  << ", iteration = " << iterations_used << "\n";
	      tmp << "B = " << B << "\n";
	      tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	      tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());
          for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++)
              if (h (c) < min_pressure_potential || h (c) > max_pressure_potential)
                  std::ostringstream tmp;
                  tmp << "Pressure potential out of realistic range, h[" 
                      << c << "] = " << h (c);
                  msg.debug (tmp.str ());
                  iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

      while (!converges (h_conv, h) && iterations_used <= max_loop_iter);

      if (iterations_used > max_loop_iter)
	  if (number_of_time_step_reductions > max_time_step_reductions)
              msg.debug ("Could not find solution");
              throw "Could not find solution";

          iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	  ddt /= time_step_reduction;
	  h = h_previous;
	  Theta = Theta_previous;
          // Update dq for new h.
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq);

          // update macropore flow components 
          for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
              S_drain_sum[c] += S_drain[c] * ddt/dt;
              S_matrix_sum[c] += S_matrix[c] * ddt/dt;

          std::vector<double> h_std_new (cell_size);
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std_new.begin ());

	  // Update remaining_water.
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above.size (); i++)
	      const int edge = edge_above[i];
	      const int cell = geo.edge_other (edge, Geometry::cell_above);
	      const double out_sign = (cell == geo.edge_from (edge))
		? 1.0 : -1.0;
	      remaining_water[i] += out_sign * dq (edge) * ddt;
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (edge)));

	  if (debug == 5)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Remaining water at end: " << remaining_water;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());

	  // Contribution to large time step.
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (dt));
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (ddt));
	  q += dq * ddt / dt;
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));

	  time_left -= ddt;

	  if (iterations_with_this_time_step > time_step_reduction)
	      iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	      ddt *= time_step_reduction;
      // End of small time step.

  // Mass balance.
  // New = Old - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error =>
  // 0 = Old - New - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error
  Theta_error -= Theta;         // Old - New
  Theta_error -= S * dt;
  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Theta_error (c) -= (S_matrix_sum[c] + S_drain_sum[c]) * dt;
  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      const int from = geo.edge_from (edge);
      const int to = geo.edge_to (edge);
      const double flux = q (edge) * geo.edge_area (edge) * dt;
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (from))
        Theta_error (from) -= flux / geo.cell_volume (from);
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (to))
        Theta_error (to) += flux / geo.cell_volume (to);

  // Find drain sink from mass balance.
  std::fill(S_drain.begin (), S_drain.end (), 0.0);
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < drain_cell.size (); i++)
      const size_t cell = drain_cell[i];
      S_drain[cell] = Theta_error (cell) / dt;
      Theta_error (cell) -= S_drain[cell] * dt;

  if (debug == 2)
      double total_error = 0.0;
      double total_abs_error = 0.0;
      double max_error = 0.0;
      int max_cell = -1;
      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
          const double volume = geo.cell_volume (cell);
          const double error = Theta_error (cell);
          total_error += volume * error;
          total_abs_error += std::fabs (volume * error);
          if (std::fabs (error) > std::fabs (max_error))
              max_error = error;
              max_cell = cell;
      std::ostringstream tmp;
      tmp << "Total error = " << total_error << " [cm^3], abs = " 
	  << total_abs_error << " [cm^3], max = " << max_error << " [] in cell " 
	  << max_cell;
      msg.message (tmp.str ());
  // Make it official.
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
    soil_water.set_content (cell, h (cell), Theta (cell));
  soil_water.add_tertiary_sink (S_matrix_sum);
  soil_water.drain (S_drain_sum, msg);

  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q[edge]));
      soil_water.set_flux (edge, q[edge]);

  soil_water.drain (S_drain, msg);

  // End of large time step.
Esempio n. 22
/* Returns a vector of length N corresponding to each link's qdd */
ckbot::chain_rate::base_tip_step(std::vector<double> s, std::vector<double> T)
    int N = c.num_links();

    std::vector<double> q(N);
    std::vector<double> qd(N);
    std::vector<double> qdd(N);

    for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
        q[i] = s[i];
        qd[i] = s[N+i];

    Eigen::VectorXd grav(6);
    grav << 0,0,0,0,0,9.81;

    Eigen::Matrix3d R_cur;
    Eigen::Vector3d r_i_ip;
    Eigen::MatrixXd phi(6,6);
    Eigen::VectorXd alpha(6);
    alpha = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(6);

    Eigen::VectorXd alpha_p(6);
    Eigen::VectorXd G(6);
    Eigen::VectorXd a(6);

    Eigen::VectorXd H_b_frame_star(6);
    Eigen::VectorXd H_w_frame_star(6);
    Eigen::RowVectorXd H(6);

    for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
        module_link& cur = c.get_link(i);

        /* 3x3 Rotation matrix from this link's coordinate
         * frame to the world frame
        R_cur = c.get_current_R(i);

        /* Vector, in world frame, from this link's inbound joint to its
         * outbound joint
        r_i_ip = R_cur*(cur.get_r_ip1() - cur.get_r_im1());

        /* 6x6 Spatial body operator matrix that transforms spatial
         * vectors from the outbound joint to the inbound joint in
         * the world frame
        phi = get_body_trans(r_i_ip);

        /* Transform the spatial accel vector from the inbound
         * link's inbound joint to this link's inbound joint
        alpha_p = phi.transpose()*alpha;

        /* These are calculated in tip_base_step */
        int cur_index = 0;
        for (int k = (6*i); k <= (6*(i+1)-1); ++k, ++cur_index)
            G[cur_index] = G_all[k];
            a[cur_index] = a_all[k];

        /* The angular acceleration of this link's joint */
        /* TODO: 6DOF changes here...This gets a whoooole lotta broken */
        qdd[i] = mu_all[i] - G.transpose()*alpha_p;

        /* Joint matrix in body frame.  Check tip_base_step for the definition */
        /* TODO: 6DOF changes here a plenty */
        H_b_frame_star = cur.get_joint_matrix().transpose();

        Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_6x6(6,6);
        tmp_6x6 << R_cur, Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(),
                   Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(), R_cur;

        /* Joint matrix in the world frame */
        H_w_frame_star = tmp_6x6*H_b_frame_star;
        /* As a row vector */
        H = H_w_frame_star.transpose();

        /* Spatial acceleration of this link at its inbound joint in
         * its frame (ie: including its joint accel)
        alpha = alpha_p + H.transpose()*qdd[i] + a;
    return qdd;
Esempio n. 23
void PhysicsServerSharedMemory::processClientCommands()
	if (m_data->m_isConnected && m_data->m_testBlock1)
        ///we ignore overflow of integer for now
        if (m_data->m_testBlock1->m_numClientCommands> m_data->m_testBlock1->m_numProcessedClientCommands)
            //until we implement a proper ring buffer, we assume always maximum of 1 outstanding commands
			const SharedMemoryCommand& clientCmd =m_data->m_testBlock1->m_clientCommands[0];
			//no timestamp yet
            int timeStamp = 0;

            //consume the command
			switch (clientCmd.m_type)
					b3Printf("Processed CMD_SEND_BULLET_DATA_STREAM length %d",clientCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_streamChunkLength);
					btBulletWorldImporter* worldImporter = new btBulletWorldImporter(m_data->m_dynamicsWorld);
					bool completedOk = worldImporter->loadFileFromMemory(m_data->m_testBlock1->m_bulletStreamDataClientToServer,clientCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_streamChunkLength);
                    if (completedOk)
						SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_BULLET_DATA_STREAM_RECEIVED_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
                    } else
						SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_BULLET_DATA_STREAM_RECEIVED_FAILED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
                case CMD_LOAD_URDF:
					//at the moment, we only load 1 urdf / robot
					if (m_data->m_urdfLinkNameMapper.size())
						SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_URDF_LOADING_FAILED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
                    const UrdfArgs& urdfArgs = clientCmd.m_urdfArguments;
                    b3Printf("Processed CMD_LOAD_URDF:%s", urdfArgs.m_urdfFileName);
					btAssert((clientCmd.m_updateFlags&URDF_ARGS_FILE_NAME) !=0);
					btVector3 initialPos(0,0,0);
					btQuaternion initialOrn(0,0,0,1);
					if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & URDF_ARGS_INITIAL_POSITION)
						initialPos[0] = urdfArgs.m_initialPosition[0];
						initialPos[1] = urdfArgs.m_initialPosition[1];
						initialPos[2] = urdfArgs.m_initialPosition[2];
					if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & URDF_ARGS_INITIAL_ORIENTATION)
						initialOrn[0] = urdfArgs.m_initialOrientation[0];
						initialOrn[1] = urdfArgs.m_initialOrientation[1];
						initialOrn[2] = urdfArgs.m_initialOrientation[2];
						initialOrn[3] = urdfArgs.m_initialOrientation[3];
					bool useMultiBody=(clientCmd.m_updateFlags & URDF_ARGS_USE_MULTIBODY) ? urdfArgs.m_useMultiBody : true;
					bool useFixedBase = (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & URDF_ARGS_USE_FIXED_BASE) ? urdfArgs.m_useFixedBase: false;

                    //load the actual URDF and send a report: completed or failed
                    bool completedOk = loadUrdf(urdfArgs.m_urdfFileName,
                                               useMultiBody, useFixedBase);
                    SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->m_testBlock1->m_serverCommands[0];
                    if (completedOk)
						if (m_data->m_urdfLinkNameMapper.size())
							serverCmd.m_dataStreamArguments.m_streamChunkLength = m_data->>m_urdfLinkNameMapper.size()-1)->m_memSerializer->getCurrentBufferSize();
						SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_URDF_LOADING_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
                    } else
						SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_URDF_LOADING_FAILED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

                case CMD_CREATE_SENSOR:
                    b3Printf("Processed CMD_CREATE_SENSOR");
                    if (m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getNumMultibodies()>0)
                        btMultiBody* mb = m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getMultiBody(0);
                        for (int i=0;i<clientCmd.m_createSensorArguments.m_numJointSensorChanges;i++)
                            int jointIndex = clientCmd.m_createSensorArguments.m_jointIndex[i];
                            if (clientCmd.m_createSensorArguments.m_enableJointForceSensor[i])
                               if (mb->getLink(jointIndex).m_jointFeedback)
                                   b3Warning("CMD_CREATE_SENSOR: sensor for joint [%d] already enabled", jointIndex);
                               } else
                                   btMultiBodyJointFeedback* fb = new btMultiBodyJointFeedback();
                                   mb->getLink(jointIndex).m_jointFeedback = fb;
                            } else
                                if (mb->getLink(jointIndex).m_jointFeedback)
                                    delete mb->getLink(jointIndex).m_jointFeedback;
                                } else
                                     b3Warning("CMD_CREATE_SENSOR: cannot perform sensor removal request, no sensor on joint [%d]", jointIndex);

                    } else
                        b3Warning("No btMultiBody in the world. btRigidBody/btTypedConstraint sensor not hooked up yet");

#if 0
                    //todo(erwincoumans) here is some sample code to hook up a force/torque sensor for btTypedConstraint/btRigidBody
                     for (int i=0;i<m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getNumConstraints();i++)
                     btTypedConstraint* c = m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getConstraint(i);
                     btJointFeedback* fb = new btJointFeedback();
                    SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
                case CMD_SEND_DESIRED_STATE:
                            b3Printf("Processed CMD_SEND_DESIRED_STATE");
                            if (m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getNumMultibodies()>0)
                                btMultiBody* mb = m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getMultiBody(0);
                                switch (clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_controlMode)
                                case CONTROL_MODE_TORQUE:
										b3Printf("Using CONTROL_MODE_TORQUE");
                                        int torqueIndex = 0;
										btVector3 f(clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_desiredStateForceTorque[0],
                                        btVector3 t(clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_desiredStateForceTorque[3],
                                        for (int link=0;link<mb->getNumLinks();link++)
                                            for (int dof=0;dof<mb->getLink(link).m_dofCount;dof++)
                                                double torque = clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_desiredStateForceTorque[torqueIndex];
                                        b3Printf("Using CONTROL_MODE_VELOCITY");
										int numMotors = 0;
										//find the joint motors and apply the desired velocity and maximum force/torque
										if (m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getNumMultibodies()>0)
											btMultiBody* mb = m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getMultiBody(0);
											int dofIndex = 6;//skip the 3 linear + 3 angular degree of freedom entries of the base
											for (int link=0;link<mb->getNumLinks();link++)
												if (supportsJointMotor(mb,link))
													btMultiBodyJointMotor** motorPtr  = m_data->m_multiBodyJointMotorMap[link];
													if (motorPtr)
														btMultiBodyJointMotor* motor = *motorPtr;
														btScalar desiredVelocity = clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_desiredStateQdot[dofIndex];

														btScalar maxImp = clientCmd.m_sendDesiredStateCommandArgument.m_desiredStateForceTorque[dofIndex]*m_data->m_physicsDeltaTime;

												dofIndex += mb->getLink(link).m_dofCount;
                                        b3Printf("m_controlMode not implemented yet");
							SharedMemoryStatus& status = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_DESIRED_STATE_RECEIVED_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
	                    b3Printf("Sending the actual state (Q,U)");
						if (m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getNumMultibodies()>0)
							btMultiBody* mb = m_data->m_dynamicsWorld->getMultiBody(0);
							SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_ACTUAL_STATE_UPDATE_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

							serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_bodyUniqueId = 0;
							int totalDegreeOfFreedomQ = 0;
							int totalDegreeOfFreedomU = 0; 
							//always add the base, even for static (non-moving objects)
							//so that we can easily move the 'fixed' base when needed
							//do we don't use this conditional "if (!mb->hasFixedBase())"
								btTransform tr;
								//base position in world space, carthesian
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[0] = tr.getOrigin()[0];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[1] = tr.getOrigin()[1];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[2] = tr.getOrigin()[2];

								//base orientation, quaternion x,y,z,w, in world space, carthesian
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[3] = tr.getRotation()[0]; 
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[4] = tr.getRotation()[1];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[5] = tr.getRotation()[2];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[6] = tr.getRotation()[3];
								totalDegreeOfFreedomQ +=7;//pos + quaternion

								//base linear velocity (in world space, carthesian)
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[0] = mb->getBaseVel()[0];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[1] = mb->getBaseVel()[1];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[2] = mb->getBaseVel()[2];
								//base angular velocity (in world space, carthesian)
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[3] = mb->getBaseOmega()[0];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[4] = mb->getBaseOmega()[1];
								serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[5] = mb->getBaseOmega()[2];
								totalDegreeOfFreedomU += 6;//3 linear and 3 angular DOF
							for (int l=0;l<mb->getNumLinks();l++)
								for (int d=0;d<mb->getLink(l).m_posVarCount;d++)
									serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQ[totalDegreeOfFreedomQ++] = mb->getJointPosMultiDof(l)[d];
								for (int d=0;d<mb->getLink(l).m_dofCount;d++)
									serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_actualStateQdot[totalDegreeOfFreedomU++] = mb->getJointVelMultiDof(l)[d];
                                if (0 == mb->getLink(l).m_jointFeedback)
                                    for (int d=0;d<6;d++)
                                } else
                                    btVector3 sensedForce = mb->getLink(l).m_jointFeedback->m_reactionForces.getLinear();
                                    btVector3 sensedTorque = mb->getLink(l).m_jointFeedback->m_reactionForces.getLinear();
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+0] = sensedForce[0];
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+1] = sensedForce[1];
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+2] = sensedForce[2];
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+3] = sensedTorque[0];
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+4] = sensedTorque[1];
                                    serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_jointReactionForces[l*6+5] = sensedTorque[2];

							serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_numDegreeOfFreedomQ = totalDegreeOfFreedomQ;
							serverCmd.m_sendActualStateArgs.m_numDegreeOfFreedomU = totalDegreeOfFreedomU;
						} else

							b3Warning("Request state but no multibody available");
							SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd = m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_ACTUAL_STATE_UPDATE_FAILED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

                case CMD_STEP_FORWARD_SIMULATION:
                    b3Printf("Step simulation request");
					SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_STEP_FORWARD_SIMULATION_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

					if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags&SIM_PARAM_UPDATE_GRAVITY)
						btVector3 grav(clientCmd.m_physSimParamArgs.m_gravityAcceleration[0],
						b3Printf("Updated Gravity: %f,%f,%f",grav[0],grav[1],grav[2]);

					SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);
				case CMD_INIT_POSE:
					b3Printf("Server Init Pose not implemented yet");
					///@todo: implement this
					SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);


                case CMD_RESET_SIMULATION:
					//clean up all data
                    SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

                        btVector3 halfExtents(1,1,1);
                        if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & BOX_SHAPE_HAS_HALF_EXTENTS)
                            halfExtents = btVector3(
						btTransform startTrans;
                        if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & BOX_SHAPE_HAS_INITIAL_POSITION)

                        if (clientCmd.m_updateFlags & BOX_SHAPE_HAS_INITIAL_ORIENTATION)

						btBulletWorldImporter* worldImporter = new btBulletWorldImporter(m_data->m_dynamicsWorld);

						btCollisionShape* shape = worldImporter->createBoxShape(halfExtents);
						btScalar mass = 0.f;
						bool isDynamic = (mass>0);
						SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

                    b3Error("Unknown command encountered");
					SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd =m_data->createServerStatus(CMD_UNKNOWN_COMMAND_FLUSHED,clientCmd.m_sequenceNumber,timeStamp);

Esempio n. 24
ckbot::chain_rate::tip_base_step(std::vector<double> s, std::vector<double> T)
    int N = c.num_links();

    std::vector<double> q(N);
    std::vector<double> qd(N);

    for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
        q[i] = s[i];
        qd[i] = s[N+i];

    Eigen::Matrix3d Iden = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
    Eigen::Matrix3d Zero = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();

    /* Declare and initialized all of the loop variables */

    /* TODO: Can we allocate all of this on the heap *once* for a particular
     * rate object, and then just use pointers to them after?  Would this be fast?
     * Re-initializing these every time through here has to be slow...
    Eigen::MatrixXd pp(6,6);
    pp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6,6);

    Eigen::VectorXd zp(6);
    zp << 0,0,0,0,0,0;

    Eigen::VectorXd grav(6);
    grav << 0,0,0,0,0,9.81;

    Eigen::Matrix3d L_oc_tilde;
    Eigen::Matrix3d R_cur;
    Eigen::MatrixXd M_cur(6,6);
    Eigen::MatrixXd M_cm(6,6);
    M_cm = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(6,6);
    Eigen::Matrix3d J_o;

    Eigen::Vector3d r_i_ip(0,0,0);
    Eigen::Vector3d r_i_cm(0,0,0);

    Eigen::MatrixXd phi(6,6);
    Eigen::MatrixXd phi_cm(6,6);

    Eigen::MatrixXd p_cur(6,6);

    Eigen::VectorXd H_b_frame_star(6);
    Eigen::VectorXd H_w_frame_star(6);
    Eigen::RowVectorXd H(6);

    double D = 0.0;
    Eigen::VectorXd G(6);

    Eigen::MatrixXd tau_tilde(6,6);

    Eigen::Vector3d omega(0,0,0);
    Eigen::Matrix3d omega_cross;

    Eigen::VectorXd a(6);
    Eigen::VectorXd b(6);

    Eigen::VectorXd z(6);

    double C = 0.0;
    double CF = 0.0;
    double SPOLES = 12.0;
    double RPOLES = 14.0;
    double epsilon = 0.0;

    double mu = 0.0;

    /* Recurse from the tip to the base of this chain */
    for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; --i)
        module_link& cur = c.get_link(i);
        /* Rotation from the world to this link */
        R_cur = c.get_current_R(i);

        /* Vector, in world frame, from inbound joint to outbound joint of
         * this link
        r_i_ip = R_cur*(cur.get_r_ip1() - cur.get_r_im1());

        /* Operator to transform spatial vectors from outbound joint
         * to the inbound joint
        phi = get_body_trans(r_i_ip);

        /* Vector from the inbound joint to the center of mass */
        r_i_cm = R_cur*(-cur.get_r_im1());

        /* Operator to transform spatial vectors from the center of mass
         * to the inbound joint
        phi_cm = get_body_trans(r_i_cm);

        /* Cross product matrix corresponding to the vector from
         * the inbound joint to the center of mass
        L_oc_tilde = get_cross_mat(r_i_cm);

        /* 3x3 Inertia matrix of this link about its inbound joint and wrt the
         * world coordinate system.
         * NOTE: Similarity transform of get_I_cm() because it is wrt
         *       the module frame
        J_o = R_cur*cur.get_I_cm()*R_cur.transpose() - cur.get_mass()*L_oc_tilde*L_oc_tilde;

        /* Spatial mass matrix of this link about its inbound joint and wrt the
         * world coordinate system.
        M_cur << J_o, cur.get_mass()*L_oc_tilde,
                -cur.get_mass()*L_oc_tilde, cur.get_mass()*Iden;

        /* Spatial mass matrix of this link about its cm and wrt the
         * world coordinate system.
         * NOTE: Similarity transform of get_I_cm() because it is wrt
         *       the module frame
        M_cm << R_cur*cur.get_I_cm()*R_cur.transpose(), Zero,
                Zero, cur.get_mass()*Iden;

        /* Articulated Body Spatial inertia matrix of the links from
         * this one all the way to the tip of the chain (accounting for
         * articulated body spatial inertia that gets through each joint)
         * pp is p_cur from the previous (outbound) link.  This is the
         * zero vector when we are on the farthest outbound link (the tip)
         * In much the same way that we use a similarity transform to change
         * the frame of the inertia matrix, a similarity transform moves
         * pp from the previous module's base joint to this module's base joint.
        p_cur = phi*pp*phi.transpose() + M_cur;

        /* The joint matrix, in the body frame, that maps the change
         * in general coordinates relating this link to the next inward link.
         * It essentially defines what "gets through" a link.  IE:
         * H_b_frame_star = [0,0,1,0,0,0] means that movements and forces
         * in the joint's rotational Z axis get through. This is a single
         * DOF rotational joint.
         * H_b_frame_star = eye(6) means that forces in all 6 
         * (3 rotational, 3 linear) get through the joint using
         * 6 independent general coordinates.  This is a
         * free 6DOF joint.
         * H_b_frame_star = [0,0,2,0,0,1] is helical joint that rotates twice
         *     for every single linear unit moved.  It is controlled by a single
         *     general coordinate.
         * (NOTE/TODO: Using anything but [0,0,1,0,0,0] breaks the code right now.)
        H_b_frame_star = cur.get_joint_matrix().transpose();

        /* To transform a spatial vector (6 x 1) from one coordinate
         * system to another, multiply it by the 6x6 matrix with
         * the rotation matrix form one frame to the other on the diagonals
        Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_6x6(6,6);
        tmp_6x6 << R_cur, Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(),
                   Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(), R_cur;

        /* Joint matrix in the world frame */
        H_w_frame_star = tmp_6x6*H_b_frame_star;

        /* As a row vector */
        H = H_w_frame_star.transpose();

        D = H*p_cur*H.transpose(); /* TODO:Could use H_w_frame_star..but..clarity */

        /* TODO: This needs to be changed to D.inverse() for 6DOF
         *       and D needs to be made a variable sized Eigen Matrix 
        G = p_cur*H.transpose()*(1.0/D); 

        /* Articulated body projection operator through this joint.  This defines
         * which part of the articulated body spatial inertia gets through this joint
        tau_tilde = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(6,6) - G*H;

        /* pp for the next time around the loop */
        pp = tau_tilde*p_cur;

        omega = c.get_angular_velocity(i);
        omega_cross = get_cross_mat(omega);

        /* Gyroscopic force */
        b << omega_cross*J_o*omega,

        /* Coriolis and centripetal accel  */
        a << 0,0,0,

        /* z is the total spatial force seen by this link at its inward joint
         *   phi*zp = Force through joint from tip-side module
         *   b = Gyroscopic force (velocity dependent)
         *   p_cur*a = Coriolis and Centripetal forces
         *   phi_cm*M_cm*grav = Force of grav at CM transformed to inbound jt
        z = phi*zp + b + p_cur*a + phi_cm*M_cm*grav;

        /* Velocity related damping force in the joint */
        /* TODO: 6DOF change.  epsilon will be an matrix when the joint
         *       matrix is not a row matrix, so using C in the calculation
         *       of epsilon will break things.
        C = -cur.get_damping()*qd[i];

        /* Cogging force which is a function of the joint angle and
         * the motor specifics.
        CF = cur.get_rotor_cogging()*sin(RPOLES*(q[i]-cur.get_cogging_offset()))
             + cur.get_stator_cogging()*sin(SPOLES*(q[i]-cur.get_cogging_offset()));

        /* The "Effective" force through the joint that can actually create
         * accelerations.  IE: Forces that are in directions in which the joint
         * can actually move.
        /* TODO: 6DOF change.  Epsilon will not be 1x1 for a 6DOF joint, so
         *       both T[i] and C used here as they are will break things.
        epsilon = T[i] + C + CF - H*z;

        mu = (1/D)*epsilon; /* 6DOF change: D will be a matrix, need to invert it */
        zp = z + G*epsilon;

        /* base_tip_step needs G, a, and mu.  So store them in the chain object.*/
        mu_all[i] = mu;
        int cur_index=0;
        for (int k=(6*i); k <= (6*(i+1)-1); ++k,++cur_index)
            G_all[k] = G[cur_index];
            a_all[k] = a[cur_index];