Esempio n. 1
void CProjectile::Launch(const Vec3 &pos, const Vec3 &dir, const Vec3 &velocity, float speedScale)
	Matrix34 worldTM=Matrix34(Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir(dir.GetNormalizedSafe()));

	//Must set velocity after position, if not velocity could be reseted for PE_RIGID
	SetVelocity(pos, dir, velocity, speedScale);

	m_initial_pos = pos;
	m_initial_dir = dir;
	m_initial_vel = velocity;

	m_last = pos;

	// Attach effect when fired (not first update)
	if (m_trailEffectId<0)

	IAIObject* pAI = 0;
	if ((pAI = GetEntity()->GetAI()) != NULL && pAI->GetAIType() == AIOBJECT_GRENADE)
		IEntity *pOwnerEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_ownerId);
		if (pOwnerEntity && pOwnerEntity->GetAI())
			pe_status_dynamics dyn;
			pe_status_dynamics dynProj;
			if (pOwnerEntity->GetAI()->GetProxy() && pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics() 
				&& pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics()->GetStatus(&dyn) 
				&& GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetStatus(&dynProj))
				Vec3 ownerVel( dyn.v);
				Vec3 grenadeDir(dynProj.v.GetNormalizedSafe());

				// Trigger the signal at the predicted landing position.
				Vec3 predictedPos = pos;
				float dummySpeed;
				if (GetWeapon())
					GetWeapon()->PredictProjectileHit(pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics(), pos, dir, velocity, speedScale * m_pAmmoParams->speed, predictedPos, dummySpeed);
/*				bool res = pOwnerEntity->GetAI()->GetProxy()->GetSecWeapon()->PredictProjectileHit(
					pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics(), GetEntity()->GetPos(), grenadeDir, ownerVel, 1, predictedPos, speed);*/

				gEnv->pAISystem->GrenadeEvent(predictedPos, 0.0f, AIGE_GRENADE_THROWN, GetEntity(), pOwnerEntity);

				// Inform the AI that sees the throw
/*				IAIObject* pOwnerAI = pOwnerEntity->GetAI();
				AutoAIObjectIter it(gEnv->pAISystem->GetFirstAIObjectInRange(IAISystem::OBJFILTER_TYPE, AIOBJECT_PUPPET, predictedPos, 20.0f, false));
				for(; it->GetObject(); it->Next())
					IAIObject* pAI = it->GetObject();
					if (!pAI->IsEnabled()) continue;
					if (pOwnerAI && !pOwnerAI->IsHostile(pAI,false))

					// Only sense grenades that are on front of the AI and visible when thrown.
					// Another signal is sent when the grenade hits the ground.
					Vec3 delta = GetEntity()->GetPos() - pAI->GetPos();	// grenade to AI
					float dist = delta.NormalizeSafe();
					const float thr = cosf(DEG2RAD(160.0f));
					if (delta.Dot(pAI->GetViewDir()) > thr)
						ray_hit hit;
						static const int objTypes = ent_static | ent_terrain | ent_rigid | ent_sleeping_rigid;
						static const unsigned int flags = rwi_stop_at_pierceable|rwi_colltype_any;
						int res = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->RayWorldIntersection(pAI->GetPos(), delta*dist, objTypes, flags, &hit, 1);
						if (!res || hit.dist > dist*0.9f)
							IAISignalExtraData* pEData = gEnv->pAISystem->CreateSignalExtraData();	// no leak - this will be deleted inside SendAnonymousSignal
							pEData->point = predictedPos;
							pEData->nID = pOwnerEntity->GetId();
							pEData->iValue = 1;
							gEnv->pAISystem->SendSignal(SIGNALFILTER_SENDER, 1, "OnGrenadeDanger", pAI, pEData);

Esempio n. 2
void CProjectile::Launch(const Vec3 &pos, const Vec3 &dir, const Vec3 &velocity, float speedScale)
	m_destroying = false;

	GetGameObject()->EnablePhysicsEvent(true, eEPE_OnCollisionLogged);

	// Only for bullets
	m_hitPoints = m_pAmmoParams->hitPoints;
	m_hitListener = false;

		//Only projectiles with hit points are hit listeners
		m_hitListener = true;
		m_noBulletHits = m_pAmmoParams->noBulletHits;

	Matrix34 worldTM=Matrix34(Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir(dir.GetNormalizedSafe()));

	//Must set velocity after position, if not velocity could be reseted for PE_RIGID
	SetVelocity(pos, dir, velocity, speedScale);

	m_initial_pos = pos;
	m_initial_dir = dir;
	m_initial_vel = velocity;

	m_last = pos;

	// Attach effect when fired (not first update)

	IAIObject *pAI = 0;

	if((pAI = GetEntity()->GetAI()) != NULL && pAI->GetAIType() == AIOBJECT_GRENADE)
		IEntity *pOwnerEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_ownerId);
		pe_status_dynamics dyn;
		pe_status_dynamics dynProj;

				&& pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics()->GetStatus(&dyn)
				&& GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetStatus(&dynProj))

//			Vec3 ownerVel(dyn.v);
			Vec3 grenadeDir(dynProj.v.GetNormalizedSafe());

			// Trigger the signal at the predicted landing position.
			Vec3 predictedPos = pos;
			float dummySpeed;

				GetWeapon()->PredictProjectileHit(pOwnerEntity->GetPhysics(), pos, dir, velocity, speedScale * m_pAmmoParams->speed, predictedPos, dummySpeed);

			// Associate event with vehicle if the shooter is in a vehicle (tank cannon shot, etc)
			EntityId ownerId = pOwnerEntity->GetId();
			IActor *pActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(ownerId);

			if(pActor && pActor->GetLinkedVehicle() && pActor->GetLinkedVehicle()->GetEntityId())
				ownerId = pActor->GetLinkedVehicle()->GetEntityId();

			SAIStimulus stim(AISTIM_GRENADE, AIGRENADE_THROWN, ownerId, GetEntityId(),
							 predictedPos, ZERO, 20.0f);
