static void test_delete( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char *data = (char*)bson_malloc( 1024 ); const char *testFile = "test-delete"; INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; CONN_CLIENT_TEST; GFS_INIT; ASSERT( gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data, 1024, testFile, "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ) == MONGO_OK ); ASSERT( gridfs_find_filename( gfs, testFile, gfile ) == MONGO_OK ); gridfile_destroy( gfile ); ASSERT( gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, testFile ) == MONGO_OK ); ASSERT( gridfs_find_filename( gfs, testFile, gfile ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bogus-file-does-not-exist", gfile ) == MONGO_ERROR ); ASSERT( gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bogus-file-does-not-exist" ) == MONGO_ERROR ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); bson_free( data ); }
EXPORT int mongo_gridfs_store(struct gridfs_* gfs, mxArray* data, char* remoteName, char* contentType) { uint64_t size; void* p; if (mxIsComplex(data)) mexErrMsgTxt("GridFS:store - Complex values not supported"); p = calcSize(data, &size); return (gridfs_store_buffer((gridfs*)gfs, (char*)p, size, remoteName, contentType) == MONGO_OK); }
void test_streaming( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char *medium = (char*)bson_malloc( 2*MEDIUM ); char *small = (char*)bson_malloc( LOWER ); char *buf = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE ); int n; if( buf == NULL || small == NULL ) { printf( "Failed to allocate" ); exit( 1 ); } srand( (unsigned int)time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_client( conn , TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 3\n" ); exit( 1 ); } fill_buffer_randomly( medium, ( int64_t )2 * MEDIUM ); fill_buffer_randomly( small, ( int64_t )LOWER ); fill_buffer_randomly( buf, ( int64_t )LARGE ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "medium", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, medium, MEDIUM ); gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, medium + MEDIUM, MEDIUM ); gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile( gfs, medium, 2 * MEDIUM, "medium", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "large" ); gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); for( n=0; n < ( LARGE / 1024 ); n++ ) { gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, buf + ( n * 1024 ), 1024 ); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile( gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html" ); gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( buf ); free( small ); free( medium ); }
SEXP mongo_gridfs_store(SEXP gfs, SEXP raw, SEXP remotename, SEXP contenttype) { gridfs* _gfs = _checkGridfs(gfs); const char* _remotename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(remotename, 0)); const char* _contenttype = CHAR(STRING_ELT(contenttype, 0)); int len = LENGTH(raw); SEXP ret; PROTECT(ret = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1)); LOGICAL(ret)[0] = (gridfs_store_buffer(_gfs, (char*)RAW(raw), len, _remotename, _contenttype) == MONGO_OK); UNPROTECT(1); return ret; }
void test_basic( void ) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; char *data_before = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); int64_t i; FILE *fd; srand((unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if ( mongo_client( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) { printf( "failed to connect 2\n" ); exit( 1 ); } gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs ); fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); for ( i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA ) { /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html" ); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen( "input-file", "w" ); fwrite( data_before, sizeof( char ), (size_t)i, fd ); fclose( fd ); gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html" ); gfs->caseInsensitive = 1; gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, i, "inPut-file", "text/html" ); } gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( data_before ); /* Clean up files. */ _unlink( "input-file" ); _unlink( "output" ); }
int main(void) { mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; gridfs gfs[1]; char data_before[UPPER]; size_t i; FILE *fd; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; /* strncpy(, TEST_SERVER, 255);*/ strncpy(, "", 255);[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )){ printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); for (i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i+=DELTA) { fill_buffer_randomly(data_before, i); /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen("input-file", "w"); fwrite(data_before, sizeof(char), i, fd); fclose(fd); gridfs_store_file(gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html"); } gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_cmd_drop_db(conn, "test"); mongo_destroy(conn); return 0; }
void test_streaming() { mongo_connection conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char *buf = malloc( LARGE ); char *small = malloc( LOWER ); if( buf == NULL || small == NULL ) { printf("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); } int n; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if (mongo_connect( conn , TEST_SERVER, 27017 )){ printf("failed to connect 3\n"); exit(1); } fill_buffer_randomly(small, (uint64_t)LOWER); fill_buffer_randomly(buf, (uint64_t)LARGE); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html"); for(n=0; n < (LARGE / 1024); n++) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buf + (n * 1024), 1024); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile(gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_destroy(conn); free(buf); free(small); }
void test_streaming() { mongo_connection conn[1]; mongo_connection_options opts; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile gfile[1]; char buf[LARGE]; char small[LOWER]; int n; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; strncpy(, "", 255);[254] = '\0'; opts.port = 27017; if (mongo_connect( conn , &opts )) { printf("failed to connect\n"); exit(1); } fill_buffer_randomly(small, (int64_t)LOWER); fill_buffer_randomly(buf, (int64_t)LARGE); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, small, LOWER, "small", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "large", "text/html"); for(n=0; n < (LARGE / 1024); n++) { gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, buf + (n * 1024), 1024); } gridfile_writer_done( gfile ); test_gridfile(gfs, buf, LARGE, "large", "text/html"); gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_destroy(conn); }
void test_basic() { mongo_connection conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; char *data_before = malloc( UPPER ); if( data_before == NULL ) { printf("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); } uint64_t i; FILE *fd; srand(time(NULL)); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; if (mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 )){ printf("failed to connect 2\n"); exit(1); } gridfs_init(conn, "test", "fs", gfs); fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); for (i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA) { /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html"); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen("input-file", "w"); fwrite(data_before, sizeof(char), i, fd); fclose(fd); gridfs_store_file(gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html"); test_gridfile(gfs, data_before, i, "input-file", "text/html"); } gridfs_destroy(gfs); mongo_disconnect(conn); mongo_destroy(conn); free( data_before ); }
static void test_random_write(void) { mongo conn[1]; gridfs gfs[1]; gridfile* gfile; char *data_before = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); char *random_data = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER ); char *buf = (char*) bson_malloc( UPPER ); int64_t i; FILE *fd; srand((unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); INIT_SOCKETS_FOR_WINDOWS; CONN_CLIENT_TEST; GFS_INIT; fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER ); fill_buffer_randomly( random_data, UPPER ); for ( i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA ) { int64_t j = i / 2 - 3; gridfs_offset bytes_to_write_first; int n; /* Input from buffer */ gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); if ( i > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ) { n = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 3 + 6; memcpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with bytes crossing multiple chunks bytes_to_write_first = 10; } else { n = 6; memcpy(random_data, "123456", n); strncpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with a few some bytes bytes_to_write_first = 0; } gfile = gridfile_create(); ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "input-buffer", gfile) == 0); gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); gridfile_seek(gfile, j); // Seek into the same buffer position within the GridFS file if ( bytes_to_write_first ) { ASSERT( gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, random_data, bytes_to_write_first) == bytes_to_write_first ); // Let's write 10 bytes first, and later the rest } ASSERT( gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, &random_data[bytes_to_write_first], n - bytes_to_write_first) == n - bytes_to_write_first ); // Try to write to the existing GridFS file on the position given by j gridfile_seek(gfile, j); gridfile_read_buffer( gfile, buf, n ); ASSERT(memcmp( buf, &data_before[j], n) == 0); gridfile_writer_done(gfile); ASSERT(gfile->pos == (gridfs_offset)(j + n)); gridfile_dealloc(gfile); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-buffer", "text/html" ); /* Input from file */ fd = fopen( "input-file", "w" ); fwrite( data_before, sizeof( char ), (size_t) (j + n > i ? j + n : i), fd ); fclose( fd ); gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT ); test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-file", "text/html" ); } gridfs_destroy( gfs ); mongo_disconnect( conn ); mongo_destroy( conn ); free( data_before ); free( random_data ); free( buf ); /* Clean up files. */ gridfs_test_unlink( "input-file" ); gridfs_test_unlink( "output" ); }