Esempio n. 1
int MultidimensionalRootFinder(const int                dimension,
                               gsl_multiroot_function  *f,
                               gsl_vector              *initial_guess,
                               double                   abs_error,
                               double                   rel_error,
                               int                      max_iterations,
                               gsl_vector              *results)
    int status;
    size_t iter = 0;

    const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type * solver_type = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_broyden;
    gsl_multiroot_fsolver * solver = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_alloc(solver_type,

    gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set(solver, f, initial_guess);

    do {
        status = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate(solver);

        if (status == GSL_EBADFUNC){
            printf("TwodimensionalRootFinder: Error: Infinity or division by zero.\n");
        else if (status == GSL_ENOPROG){
            printf("TwodimensionalRootFinder: Error: Solver is stuck. Try a different initial guess.\n");

        // Check if the root is good enough:
        // tests for the convergence of the sequence by comparing the last step dx with the
        // absolute error epsabs and relative error epsrel to the current position x. The test
        // returns GSL_SUCCESS if the following condition is achieved,
        // |dx_i| < epsabs + epsrel |x_i|

        gsl_vector * x = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_root(solver); // current root
        gsl_vector * dx = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_dx(solver); // last step

        status = gsl_multiroot_test_delta(dx,

    } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE
             && iter < max_iterations);

    // Save results in return variables
    gsl_vector_memcpy(results, gsl_multiroot_fsolver_root(solver));

    // Free vectors

    return 0;
static int
				   REAL8Vector * initConds,	/**<< OUTPUT, Initial dynamical variables */
				   const REAL8 mass1,	/**<< mass 1 */
				   const REAL8 mass2,	/**<< mass 2 */
				   const REAL8 fMin,	/**<< Initial frequency (given) */
				   const REAL8 inc,	/**<< Inclination */
				   const REAL8 spin1[],	/**<< Initial spin vector 1 */
				   const REAL8 spin2[],	/**<< Initial spin vector 2 */
				   SpinEOBParams * params	/**<< Spin EOB parameters */

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG
	if (!initConds) {

	int	debugPK = 0; int printPK = 0;

	if (printPK) {
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Inside the XLALSimIMRSpinEOBInitialConditionsPrec function!\n");
    "Inputs: m1 = %.16e, m2 = %.16e, fMin = %.16e, inclination = %.16e\n",
      mass1, mass2, (double)fMin, (double)inc);
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Inputs: mSpin1 = {%.16e, %.16e, %.16e}\n",
      spin1[0], spin1[1], spin1[2]);
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Inputs: mSpin2 = {%.16e, %.16e, %.16e}\n",
      spin2[0], spin2[1], spin2[2]);
	static const int UNUSED lMax = 8;

	int		i;

	/* Variable to keep track of whether the user requested the tortoise */
	int		tmpTortoise;

	UINT4		SpinAlignedEOBversion;

	REAL8		mTotal;
	REAL8		eta;
	REAL8		omega   , v0;	/* Initial velocity and angular
					 * frequency */

	REAL8		ham;	/* Hamiltonian */

	REAL8		LnHat    [3];	/* Initial orientation of angular
					 * momentum */
	REAL8		rHat     [3];	/* Initial orientation of radial
					 * vector */
	REAL8		vHat     [3];	/* Initial orientation of velocity
					 * vector */
	REAL8		Lhat     [3];	/* Direction of relativistic ang mom */
	REAL8		qHat     [3];
	REAL8		pHat     [3];

	/* q and p vectors in Cartesian and spherical coords */
	REAL8		qCart    [3], pCart[3];
	REAL8		qSph     [3], pSph[3];

	/* We will need to manipulate the spin vectors */
	/* We will use temporary vectors to do this */
	REAL8		tmpS1    [3];
	REAL8		tmpS2    [3];
	REAL8		tmpS1Norm[3];
	REAL8		tmpS2Norm[3];

	REAL8Vector	qCartVec, pCartVec;
	REAL8Vector	s1Vec, s2Vec, s1VecNorm, s2VecNorm;
	REAL8Vector	sKerr, sStar;
	REAL8		sKerrData[3], sStarData[3];
	REAL8		a = 0.;
	//, chiS, chiA;
	//REAL8 chi1, chi2;

	 * We will need a full values vector for calculating derivs of
	 * Hamiltonian
	REAL8		sphValues[12];
	REAL8		cartValues[12];

	/* Matrices for rotating to the new basis set. */
	/* It is more convenient to calculate the ICs in a simpler basis */
	gsl_matrix     *rotMatrix = NULL;
	gsl_matrix     *invMatrix = NULL;
	gsl_matrix     *rotMatrix2 = NULL;
	gsl_matrix     *invMatrix2 = NULL;

	/* Root finding stuff for finding the spherical orbit */
	SEOBRootParams	rootParams;
	const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type *T = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrid;
	gsl_multiroot_fsolver *rootSolver = NULL;

	gsl_multiroot_function rootFunction;
	gsl_vector     *initValues = NULL;
	gsl_vector     *finalValues = NULL;
	INT4 gslStatus;
        INT4 cntGslNoProgress = 0, MAXcntGslNoProgress = 5;
        //INT4 cntGslNoProgress = 0, MAXcntGslNoProgress = 50;
        REAL8 multFacGslNoProgress = 3./5.;
	//const int	maxIter = 2000;
	const int	maxIter = 10000;

	memset(&rootParams, 0, sizeof(rootParams));

	mTotal = mass1 + mass2;
	eta = mass1 * mass2 / (mTotal * mTotal);
	memcpy(tmpS1, spin1, sizeof(tmpS1));
	memcpy(tmpS2, spin2, sizeof(tmpS2));
	memcpy(tmpS1Norm, spin1, sizeof(tmpS1Norm));
	memcpy(tmpS2Norm, spin2, sizeof(tmpS2Norm));
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		tmpS1Norm[i] /= mTotal * mTotal;
		tmpS2Norm[i] /= mTotal * mTotal;
	SpinAlignedEOBversion = params->seobCoeffs->SpinAlignedEOBversion;
	/* We compute the ICs for the non-tortoise p, and convert at the end */
	tmpTortoise = params->tortoise;
	params->tortoise = 0;

	EOBNonQCCoeffs *nqcCoeffs = NULL;
	nqcCoeffs = params->nqcCoeffs;

	 * STEP 1) Rotate to LNhat0 along z-axis and N0 along x-axis frame,
	 * where LNhat0 and N0 are initial normal to orbital plane and
	 * initial orbital separation;

	/* Set the initial orbital ang mom direction. Taken from STPN code */
	LnHat[0] = sin(inc);
	LnHat[1] = 0.;
	LnHat[2] = cos(inc);

	 * Set the radial direction - need to take care to avoid singularity
	 * if L is along z axis
	if (LnHat[2] > 0.9999) {
		rHat[0] = 1.;
		rHat[1] = rHat[2] = 0.;
	} else {
		REAL8		theta0 = atan(-LnHat[2] / LnHat[0]);	/* theta0 is between 0
									 * and Pi */
		rHat[0] = sin(theta0);
		rHat[1] = 0;
		rHat[2] = cos(theta0);

	/* Now we can complete the triad */
	vHat[0] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(0, LnHat, rHat);
	vHat[1] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(1, LnHat, rHat);
	vHat[2] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(2, LnHat, rHat);


	/* Vectors BEFORE rotation */
	if (printPK) {
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" LnHat[%d] = %.16e, rHat[%d] = %.16e, vHat[%d] = %.16e\n",
        i, LnHat[i], i, rHat[i], i, vHat[i]);

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" s1[%d] = %.16e, s2[%d] = %.16e\n", i, tmpS1[i], i, tmpS2[i]);

	/* Allocate and compute the rotation matrices */
	XLAL_CALLGSL(rotMatrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3));
	XLAL_CALLGSL(invMatrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3));
	if (!rotMatrix || !invMatrix) {
		if (rotMatrix)
		if (invMatrix)
	if (CalculateRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, invMatrix, rHat, vHat, LnHat) == XLAL_FAILURE) {
	/* Rotate the orbital vectors and spins */
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, rHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, vHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, LnHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, tmpS1);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, tmpS2);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, tmpS1Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix, tmpS2Norm);

	/* See if Vectors have been rotated fine */
	if (printPK) {
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("\nAfter applying rotation matrix:\n\n");
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" LnHat[%d] = %.16e, rHat[%d] = %.16e, vHat[%d] = %.16e\n",
                i, LnHat[i], i, rHat[i], i, vHat[i]);

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" s1[%d] = %.16e, s2[%d] = %.16e\n", i, tmpS1[i], i, tmpS2[i]);

	 * STEP 2) After rotation in STEP 1, in spherical coordinates, phi0
	 * and theta0 are given directly in Eq. (4.7), r0, pr0, ptheta0 and
	 * pphi0 are obtained by solving Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9) (using
	 * gsl_multiroot_fsolver). At this step, we find initial conditions
	 * for a spherical orbit without radiation reaction.

  /* Initialise the gsl stuff */
	XLAL_CALLGSL(rootSolver = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_alloc(T, 3));
	if (!rootSolver) {
	XLAL_CALLGSL(initValues = gsl_vector_calloc(3));
	if (!initValues) {

	rootFunction.f = XLALFindSphericalOrbitPrec;
	rootFunction.n = 3;
	rootFunction.params = &rootParams;

	/* Calculate the initial velocity from the given initial frequency */
	omega = LAL_PI * mTotal * LAL_MTSUN_SI * fMin;
	v0 = cbrt(omega);

	/* Given this, we can start to calculate the initial conditions */
	/* for spherical coords in the new basis */ = omega;
	rootParams.params = params;

	/* To start with, we will just assign Newtonian-ish ICs to the system */
	rootParams.values[0] = scale1 * 1. / (v0 * v0);	/* Initial r */
	rootParams.values[4] = scale2 * v0;	            /* Initial p */
	rootParams.values[5] = scale3 * 1e-3;
  memcpy(rootParams.values + 6, tmpS1, sizeof(tmpS1));
	memcpy(rootParams.values + 9, tmpS2, sizeof(tmpS2));

	if (printPK) {
    XLAL_PRINT_INFO("ICs guess: x = %.16e, py = %.16e, pz = %.16e\n",
      rootParams.values[0]/scale1, rootParams.values[4]/scale2,

	gsl_vector_set(initValues, 0, rootParams.values[0]);
	gsl_vector_set(initValues, 1, rootParams.values[4]);
  gsl_vector_set(initValues, 2, rootParams.values[5]);

	gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set(rootSolver, &rootFunction, initValues);

	/* We are now ready to iterate to find the solution */
	i = 0;

  if(debugPK){ out = fopen("ICIterations.dat", "w"); }
	do {
		XLAL_CALLGSL(gslStatus = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate(rootSolver));
		if (debugPK) {
      fprintf( out, "%d\t", i );

      /* Write to file */
      fprintf( out, "%.16e\t%.16e\t%.16e\t",
        rootParams.values[0]/scale1, rootParams.values[4]/scale2,
        rootParams.values[5]/scale3 );

      /* Residual Function values whose roots we are trying to find */
      finalValues = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_f(rootSolver);

      /* Write to file */
      fprintf( out, "%.16e\t%.16e\t%.16e\t",
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0),
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1),
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2) );

      /* Step sizes in each of function variables */
      finalValues = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_dx(rootSolver);

      /* Write to file */
      fprintf( out, "%.16e\t%.16e\t%.16e\t%d\n",
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0)/scale1,
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1)/scale2,
        gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2)/scale3,
        gslStatus );

    if (gslStatus == GSL_ENOPROG || gslStatus == GSL_ENOPROGJ) {
        "\n NO PROGRESS being made by Spherical orbit root solver\n");

      /* Print Residual Function values whose roots we are trying to find */
      finalValues = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_f(rootSolver);
      XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Function value here given by the following:\n");
      XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" F1 = %.16e, F2 = %.16e, F3 = %.16e\n",
          gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0),
		       gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1), gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2));

      /* Print Step sizes in each of function variables */
      finalValues = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_dx(rootSolver);
//      XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stepsizes in each dimension:\n");
//      XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" x = %.16e, py = %.16e, pz = %.16e\n",
//          gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0)/scale1,
//	       gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1)/scale2,
//          gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2)/scale3);

      /* Only allow this flag to be caught MAXcntGslNoProgress no. of times */
      cntGslNoProgress += 1;
      if (cntGslNoProgress >= MAXcntGslNoProgress) {
        cntGslNoProgress = 0;

        if(multFacGslNoProgress < 1.){ multFacGslNoProgress *= 1.02; }
        else{ multFacGslNoProgress /= 1.01; }

      /* Now that no progress is being made, we need to reset the initial guess
       * for the (r,pPhi, pTheta) and reset the integrator */
      rootParams.values[0] = scale1 * 1. / (v0 * v0);	/* Initial r */
      rootParams.values[4] = scale2 * v0;	            /* Initial p */
      if( cntGslNoProgress % 2 )
        rootParams.values[5] = scale3 * 1e-3 / multFacGslNoProgress;
        rootParams.values[5] = scale3 * 1e-3 * multFacGslNoProgress;
      memcpy(rootParams.values + 6, tmpS1, sizeof(tmpS1));
      memcpy(rootParams.values + 9, tmpS2, sizeof(tmpS2));

      if (printPK) {
        XLAL_PRINT_INFO("New ICs guess: x = %.16e, py = %.16e, pz = %.16e\n",
                rootParams.values[0]/scale1, rootParams.values[4]/scale2,

      gsl_vector_set(initValues, 0, rootParams.values[0]);
      gsl_vector_set(initValues, 1, rootParams.values[4]);
      gsl_vector_set(initValues, 2, rootParams.values[5]);
      gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set(rootSolver, &rootFunction, initValues);
    else if (gslStatus == GSL_EBADFUNC) {
      "Inf or Nan encountered in evaluluation of spherical orbit Eqn\n");
		else if (gslStatus != GSL_SUCCESS) {
			XLALPrintError("Error in GSL iteration function!\n");

    /* different ways to test convergence of the method */
		XLAL_CALLGSL(gslStatus = gsl_multiroot_test_residual(rootSolver->f, 1.0e-8));
    /*XLAL_CALLGSL(gslStatus= gsl_multiroot_test_delta(
          1.e-8, 1.e-5));*/
	while (gslStatus == GSL_CONTINUE && i <= maxIter);

  if(debugPK) { fflush(NULL); fclose(out); }

	if (i > maxIter && gslStatus != GSL_SUCCESS) {
	finalValues = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_root(rootSolver);

	if (printPK) {
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Spherical orbit conditions here given by the following:\n");
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" x = %.16e, py = %.16e, pz = %.16e\n",
           gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0)/scale1,
		       gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1)/scale2,
           gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2)/scale3);
	memset(qCart, 0, sizeof(qCart));
	memset(pCart, 0, sizeof(pCart));

	qCart[0] = gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 0)/scale1;
	pCart[1] = gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 1)/scale2;
	pCart[2] = gsl_vector_get(finalValues, 2)/scale3;

	/* Free the GSL root finder, since we're done with it */

	 * STEP 3) Rotate to L0 along z-axis and N0 along x-axis frame, where
	 * L0 is the initial orbital angular momentum and L0 is calculated
	 * using initial position and linear momentum obtained in STEP 2.

	/* Now we can calculate the relativistic L and rotate to a new basis */
	memcpy(qHat, qCart, sizeof(qCart));
	memcpy(pHat, pCart, sizeof(pCart));


	Lhat[0] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(0, qHat, pHat);
	Lhat[1] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(1, qHat, pHat);
	Lhat[2] = CalculateCrossProductPrec(2, qHat, pHat);


	XLAL_CALLGSL(rotMatrix2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3));
	XLAL_CALLGSL(invMatrix2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3));

	if (CalculateRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, invMatrix2, qHat, pHat, Lhat) == XLAL_FAILURE) {
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, rHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, vHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, LnHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, tmpS1);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, tmpS2);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, tmpS1Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, tmpS2Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, qCart);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(rotMatrix2, pCart);


        if (printPK) {
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("qCart after rotation2 %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", qCart[0], qCart[1], qCart[2]);
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("pCart after rotation2 %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", pCart[0], pCart[1], pCart[2]);
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("S1 after rotation2 %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", tmpS1Norm[0], tmpS1Norm[1], tmpS1Norm[2]);
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("S2 after rotation2 %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", tmpS2Norm[0], tmpS2Norm[1], tmpS2Norm[2]);
	 * STEP 4) In the L0-N0 frame, we calculate (dE/dr)|sph using Eq.
	 * (4.14), then initial dr/dt using Eq. (4.10), and finally pr0 using
	 * Eq. (4.15).

	/* Now we can calculate the flux. Change to spherical co-ords */
	CartesianToSphericalPrec(qSph, pSph, qCart, pCart);
	memcpy(sphValues, qSph, sizeof(qSph));
	memcpy(sphValues + 3, pSph, sizeof(pSph));
	memcpy(sphValues + 6, tmpS1, sizeof(tmpS1));
	memcpy(sphValues + 9, tmpS2, sizeof(tmpS2));

	memcpy(cartValues, qCart, sizeof(qCart));
	memcpy(cartValues + 3, pCart, sizeof(pCart));
	memcpy(cartValues + 6, tmpS1, sizeof(tmpS1));
	memcpy(cartValues + 9, tmpS2, sizeof(tmpS2));

	REAL8		dHdpphi , d2Hdr2, d2Hdrdpphi;
	REAL8		rDot    , dHdpr, flux, dEdr;

	d2Hdr2 = XLALCalculateSphHamiltonianDeriv2Prec(0, 0, sphValues, params);
	d2Hdrdpphi = XLALCalculateSphHamiltonianDeriv2Prec(0, 5, sphValues, params);

	if (printPK)
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("d2Hdr2 = %.16e, d2Hdrdpphi = %.16e\n", d2Hdr2, d2Hdrdpphi);

	/* New code to compute derivatives w.r.t. cartesian variables */

	REAL8		tmpDValues[14];
	int UNUSED	status;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		cartValues[i + 6] /= mTotal * mTotal;
		cartValues[i + 9] /= mTotal * mTotal;
    UINT4 oldignoreflux = params->ignoreflux;
    params->ignoreflux = 1;
	status = XLALSpinPrecHcapNumericalDerivative(0, cartValues, tmpDValues, params);
    params->ignoreflux = oldignoreflux;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		cartValues[i + 6] *= mTotal * mTotal;
		cartValues[i + 9] *= mTotal * mTotal;

	dHdpphi = tmpDValues[1] / sqrt(cartValues[0] * cartValues[0] + cartValues[1] * cartValues[1] + cartValues[2] * cartValues[2]);
	//XLALSpinPrecHcapNumDerivWRTParam(4, cartValues, params) / sphValues[0];

	dEdr = -dHdpphi * d2Hdr2 / d2Hdrdpphi;

	if (printPK)
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO("d2Hdr2 = %.16e d2Hdrdpphi = %.16e dHdpphi = %.16e\n",
            d2Hdr2, d2Hdrdpphi, dHdpphi);

	if (d2Hdr2 != 0.0) {
		/* We will need to calculate the Hamiltonian to get the flux */
		s1Vec.length = s2Vec.length = s1VecNorm.length = s2VecNorm.length = sKerr.length = sStar.length = 3; = tmpS1; = tmpS2; = tmpS1Norm; = tmpS2Norm; = sKerrData; = sStarData;

		qCartVec.length = pCartVec.length = 3; = qCart; = pCart;

		//chi1 = tmpS1[0] * LnHat[0] + tmpS1[1] * LnHat[1] + tmpS1[2] * LnHat[2];
		//chi2 = tmpS2[0] * LnHat[0] + tmpS2[1] * LnHat[1] + tmpS2[2] * LnHat[2];

		//if (debugPK)
			//XLAL_PRINT_INFO("magS1 = %.16e, magS2 = %.16e\n", chi1, chi2);

		//chiS = 0.5 * (chi1 / (mass1 * mass1) + chi2 / (mass2 * mass2));
		//chiA = 0.5 * (chi1 / (mass1 * mass1) - chi2 / (mass2 * mass2));

		XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaKerr(&sKerr, mass1, mass2, &s1Vec, &s2Vec);
		XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaStar(&sStar, mass1, mass2, &s1Vec, &s2Vec);

		 * The a in the flux has been set to zero, but not in the
		 * Hamiltonian
		a = sqrt([0] *[0] +[1] *[1] +[2] *[2]);
		//XLALSimIMREOBCalcSpinPrecFacWaveformCoefficients(params->eobParams->hCoeffs, mass1, mass2, eta, /* a */ 0.0, chiS, chiA);
		//XLALSimIMRCalculateSpinPrecEOBHCoeffs(params->seobCoeffs, eta, a);
		ham = XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBHamiltonian(eta, &qCartVec, &pCartVec, &s1VecNorm, &s2VecNorm, &sKerr, &sStar, params->tortoise, params->seobCoeffs);

		if (printPK)
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: hamiltonian in ICs at this point is %.16e\n", ham);

		/* And now, finally, the flux */
		REAL8Vector	polarDynamics, cartDynamics;
		REAL8		polarData[4], cartData[12];

		polarDynamics.length = 4; = polarData;

		polarData[0] = qSph[0];
		polarData[1] = 0.;
		polarData[2] = pSph[0];
		polarData[3] = pSph[2];

		cartDynamics.length = 12; = cartData;

		memcpy(cartData, qCart, 3 * sizeof(REAL8));
		memcpy(cartData + 3, pCart, 3 * sizeof(REAL8));
		memcpy(cartData + 6, tmpS1Norm, 3 * sizeof(REAL8));
		memcpy(cartData + 9, tmpS2Norm, 3 * sizeof(REAL8));

		//XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: starting FLux calculations\n");

		flux = XLALInspiralPrecSpinFactorizedFlux(&polarDynamics, &cartDynamics, nqcCoeffs, omega, params, ham, lMax, SpinAlignedEOBversion);
		 * flux  = XLALInspiralSpinFactorizedFlux( &polarDynamics,
		 * nqcCoeffs, omega, params, ham, lMax, SpinAlignedEOBversion
		 * );
		//XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas flux = %.16e \n", flux);
		flux = flux / eta;

		rDot = -flux / dEdr;
		if (debugPK) {
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas here I am 2  \n");
		 * We now need dHdpr - we take it that it is safely linear up
		 * to a pr of 1.0e-3 PK: Ideally, the pr should be of the
		 * order of other momenta, in order for its contribution to
		 * the Hamiltonian to not get buried in the numerical noise
		 * in the numerically larger momenta components
		cartValues[3] = 1.0e-3;
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			cartValues[i + 6] /= mTotal * mTotal;
			cartValues[i + 9] /= mTotal * mTotal;
        oldignoreflux = params->ignoreflux;
        params->ignoreflux = 1;
        params->seobCoeffs->updateHCoeffs = 1;
		status = XLALSpinPrecHcapNumericalDerivative(0, cartValues, tmpDValues, params);
        params->ignoreflux = oldignoreflux;
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			cartValues[i + 6] *= mTotal * mTotal;
			cartValues[i + 9] *= mTotal * mTotal;
        REAL8		csi = sqrt(XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBHamiltonianDeltaT(params->seobCoeffs, qSph[0], eta, a)*XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBHamiltonianDeltaR(params->seobCoeffs, qSph[0], eta, a)) / (qSph[0] * qSph[0] + a * a);

		dHdpr = csi*tmpDValues[0];
		//XLALSpinPrecHcapNumDerivWRTParam(3, cartValues, params);

		if (debugPK) {
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Ingredients going into prDot:\n");
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("flux = %.16e, dEdr = %.16e, dHdpr = %.16e, dHdpr/pr = %.16e\n", flux, dEdr, dHdpr, dHdpr / cartValues[3]);
		 * We can now calculate what pr should be taking into account
		 * the flux
		pSph[0] = rDot / (dHdpr / cartValues[3]);
	} else {
		 * Since d2Hdr2 has evaluated to zero, we cannot do the
		 * above. Just set pr to zero
		//XLAL_PRINT_INFO("d2Hdr2 is zero!\n");
		pSph[0] = 0;

	/* Now we are done - convert back to cartesian coordinates ) */
	SphericalToCartesianPrec(qCart, pCart, qSph, pSph);

	 * STEP 5) Rotate back to the original inertial frame by inverting
	 * the rotation of STEP 3 and then  inverting the rotation of STEP 1.

	/* Undo rotations to get back to the original basis */
	/* Second rotation */
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, rHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, vHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, LnHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, tmpS1);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, tmpS2);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, tmpS1Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, tmpS2Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, qCart);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix2, pCart);

	/* First rotation */
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, rHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, vHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, LnHat);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, tmpS1);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, tmpS2);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, tmpS1Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, tmpS2Norm);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, qCart);
	ApplyRotationMatrixPrec(invMatrix, pCart);


        /* If required, apply the tortoise transform */
	if (tmpTortoise) {
		REAL8		r = sqrt(qCart[0] * qCart[0] + qCart[1] * qCart[1] + qCart[2] * qCart[2]);
		REAL8		deltaR = XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBHamiltonianDeltaR(params->seobCoeffs, r, eta, a);
		REAL8		deltaT = XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBHamiltonianDeltaT(params->seobCoeffs, r, eta, a);
		REAL8		csi = sqrt(deltaT * deltaR) / (r * r + a * a);

		REAL8		pr = (qCart[0] * pCart[0] + qCart[1] * pCart[1] + qCart[2] * pCart[2]) / r;

		params->tortoise = tmpTortoise;

		if (debugPK) {
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Applying the tortoise to p (csi = %.26e)\n", csi);
			XLAL_PRINT_INFO("pCart = %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", pCart[0], pCart[1], pCart[2]);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			pCart[i] = pCart[i] + qCart[i] * pr * (csi - 1.) / r;

    /* Now copy the initial conditions back to the return vector */
	memcpy(initConds->data, qCart, sizeof(qCart));
	memcpy(initConds->data + 3, pCart, sizeof(pCart));
	memcpy(initConds->data + 6, tmpS1Norm, sizeof(tmpS1Norm));
	memcpy(initConds->data + 9, tmpS2Norm, sizeof(tmpS2Norm));

    for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
        if (fabs(initConds->data[i]) <=1.0e-15) {
            initConds->data[i] = 0.;

	if (debugPK) {
		XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" %.16e %.16e %.16e\n%.16e %.16e %.16e\n%.16e %.16e %.16e\n%.16e %.16e %.16e\n", initConds->data[0], initConds->data[1], initConds->data[2],
		       initConds->data[3], initConds->data[4], initConds->data[5], initConds->data[6], initConds->data[7], initConds->data[8],
		       initConds->data[9], initConds->data[10], initConds->data[11]);