Esempio n. 1
double LegendreMomentShape::Moment(const int l, const int i, const int k, const int j, const double mKK_mapped, const double phi, const double ctheta_1, const double ctheta_2)
	if(j < k)
		return 0;
	if(std::abs(mKK_mapped) > 1)
		return 0; 
	double Q_l  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (l, mKK_mapped );
	double P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i, ctheta_2   );
	double Y_jk = gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, ctheta_1);
	if(k != 0)
		Y_jk *= sqrt(2) * cos(k * phi);
	return Q_l * P_i * Y_jk;
double Bd2JpsiKstar_sWave_Fs_withAcc::angularFactor( )
    return 1;
    double returnValue(0.);
    #ifdef __RAPIDFIT_USE_GSL
    double P_i(0.);
    double Y_jk(0.);
    for ( int i = 0; i < i_max+1; i++ )
        for ( int k = 0; k < k_max; k+=2) // limiting the loop here to only look at terms we need
            for ( int j = 0; j < j_max; j+=2 ) // must have l >= k
                if (j < k) continue;
                P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i,    cosPsi);
                // only consider case where k >= 0
                // these are the real valued spherical harmonics
                if ( k == 0 ) Y_jk =           gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta);
                else          Y_jk = sqrt(2) * gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta) * cos(k*phi);
                returnValue += c[i][k][j]*(P_i * Y_jk);
    return returnValue;
Esempio n. 3
//Calculate the function value
double DPBackground::Evaluate(DataPoint * measurement)

    // Observables
	m23       = measurement->GetObservable( m23Name )->GetValue();
	cosTheta1 = measurement->GetObservable( cosTheta1Name )->GetValue();
	cosTheta2 = measurement->GetObservable( cosTheta2Name )->GetValue();
	phi       = measurement->GetObservable( phiName )->GetValue();
    double m23_mapped = (m23 - 0.64)/(1.59 - 0.64)*2. + (-1); // should really do this in a generic way


	double returnable_value(0.);
    double Q_l(0.);
    double P_i(0.);
    double Y_jk(0.);
    for ( int l = 0; l < l_max+1; l++ )
        for ( int i = 0; i < i_max+1; i++ )
            for ( int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j+=2 ) // limiting the loop here to only look at terms we need
                    //cout << "likj" << l << " " << i <<  " " << k << " " << j << endl;
                    if (j < k) continue; // must have l >= k
                    Q_l  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (l,    m23_mapped);
                    P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i,    cosTheta2);
                    // only consider case where k >= 0
                    // these are the real valued spherical harmonics
                    if ( k == 0 ) Y_jk =           gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1);
                    else          Y_jk = sqrt(2) * gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1) * cos(k*phi);
                    returnable_value += c[l][i][k][j]*(Q_l * P_i * Y_jk);
    if( std::isnan(returnable_value) || returnable_value < 0 ) return 0.;
	else return returnable_value;
    return 0 ;
double Bd2JpsiKstar_sWave_Fscopy::angularFactor( )
    double returnValue(0.);
    #ifdef __RAPIDFIT_USE_GSL

    double _cosPsi(0.);
    double _cosTheta(0.);
    double _phi(0.);
    if( useHelicityBasis() ) {
        _cosTheta = helcosthetaL;
        _phi = helphi;
        _cosPsi = helcosthetaK;
    else {
        _cosTheta = cosTheta;
        _phi = phi;
        _cosPsi = cosPsi;

    double P_i(0.);
    double Y_jk(0.);
    for ( int i = 0; i < i_max+1; i++ )
        for ( int k = 0; k < k_max; k+=2) // limiting the loop here to only look at terms we need
            for ( int j = 0; j < j_max; j+=2 ) // must have l >= k
                if (j < k) continue;
                P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i,    _cosPsi);
                // only consider case where k >= 0
                // these are the real valued spherical harmonics
                if ( k == 0 ) Y_jk =           gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, _cosTheta);
                else          Y_jk = sqrt(2) * gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, _cosTheta) * cos(k*_phi);
                returnValue += c[i][k][j]*(P_i * Y_jk);
 	return returnValue;
/// Legendre Polynomial \f$ P_l(x) \f$
inline double legendrePl(const int l, const double x)
   return gsl_sf_legendre_Pl(l, x);
//Calculate the function value
double DPTotalAmplitudePDF_withAcc_withBkg::Evaluate(DataPoint * measurement)
	// Observables
	m23       = measurement->GetObservable( m23Name )->GetValue();
	cosTheta1 = measurement->GetObservable( cosTheta1Name )->GetValue();
	cosTheta2 = measurement->GetObservable( cosTheta2Name )->GetValue();
	phi       = measurement->GetObservable( phiName )->GetValue();
	//m13       = measurement->GetObservable( m13Name )->GetValue();
	//cosZ = measurement->GetObservable( cosZName )->GetValue();
	//cosPsiZ = measurement->GetObservable( cosPsiZName )->GetValue();
	//phiZ       = measurement->GetObservable( phiZName )->GetValue();
	//alpha      = measurement->GetObservable( alphaName )->GetValue();
	pionID    = measurement->GetObservable( pionIDName )->GetValue();
    double m23_mapped = (m23 - 0.64)/(1.59 - 0.64)*2. + (-1); // should really do this in a generic way
    //double m23_mapped = (m23 - 0.64)/(1.68 - 0.64)*2. + (-1); // should really do this in a generic way


	double angularAcc(0.);
    double Q_l(0.);
    double P_i(0.);
    double Y_jk(0.);
	if ( useAngularAcceptance )
        for ( int l = 0; l < l_max+1; l++ )
        for ( int i = 0; i < i_max+1; i++ )
            for ( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
                for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j+=2 ) // limiting the loop here to only look at terms we need
                    if (j < k) continue; // must have l >= k
                    Q_l  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (l,    m23_mapped);
                    P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i,    cosTheta2);
                    // only consider case where k >= 0
                    // these are the real valued spherical harmonics
                    if ( k == 0 ) Y_jk =           gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1);
                    else          Y_jk = sqrt(2) * gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1) * cos(k*phi);
                    angularAcc += c[l][i][k][j]*(Q_l * P_i * Y_jk);
    else {
        angularAcc = 1.;//0.0195;
    //if (angularAcc <= 0.) cout << "angular acc " << angularAcc << " " << m23 << " " << m23_mapped << " " << cosTheta1 << " " << phi << " " << cosTheta2 << endl;

    // Calculate the Z angles
    //DPHelpers::calculateFinalStateMomenta(massB, m23, massPsi,
	//cosTheta1,  cosTheta2, phi, pionID, 0.1056583715, 0.1056583715, 0.13957018, 0.493677,
	//pMuPlus, pMuMinus, pPi, pK);
    DPHelpers::calculateFinalStateMomentaBelle(massB, m23, massPsi,
                            cosTheta1, cosTheta2, phi,
                            0.1056583715, 0.139570, 0.493677,
                            pMuPlus, pMuMinus, pPi, pK);

        double belle_m23(0.);
        double belle_cosKPi(0.);
        double belle_cosPsi(0.);
        double belle_phiKPiPsi(0.);
        double belle_m13(0.);
        double belle_cosZ(0.);
        double belle_cosPsi_Z(0.);
        double belle_phiPsiZ(0.);
        double belle_phiZPsiPsi(0.);
        const TLorentzVector myMuPlus(pMuPlus);
        const TLorentzVector myMuMinus(pMuMinus);
        const TLorentzVector myPi(pPi);
        const TLorentzVector myK(pK);
        DPHelpers::Belle(myMuPlus, myMuMinus, myPi, myK
            , belle_m23
            , belle_cosKPi
            , belle_cosPsi
            , belle_phiKPiPsi
            , belle_m13
            , belle_cosZ
            , belle_cosPsi_Z
            , belle_phiPsiZ
            , belle_phiZPsiPsi

    //cout << "K* ntuple " << m23 << " " << cosTheta2 << " " << cosTheta1 << " " << phi << " " << pionID << endl;
    //cout << "K* calcul " << belle_m23 << " " << belle_cosKPi << " " << belle_cosPsi << " " << belle_phiKPiPsi << endl;
	//cout << "Z  ntuple " << m13 << " " << cosZ << " " << cosPsiZ << " " << phiZ << " " << alpha << endl;
	//cout << "Z  calcul " << belle_m13 << " " << belle_cosZ << " " << belle_cosPsi_Z << " " << belle_phiPsiZ << " " << belle_phiZPsiPsi << endl;

	double result = 0.;
	TComplex tmp(0,0);

	// This deals with the separate Kpi components
	unsigned int lower = (unsigned)(componentIndex - 1);
	unsigned int upper = (unsigned)componentIndex;
	unsigned int lowerZ = 0;
	unsigned int upperZ = 0;

	// And this switchs things to deal with the Z components.
    if ( (unsigned)componentIndex > KpiComponents.size() )
		lower = 0;
		upper = 0;
		lowerZ = (unsigned)(componentIndex - KpiComponents.size() - 1);
                upperZ = (unsigned)(componentIndex - KpiComponents.size());


    // just plot the background
    if ( componentIndex == 13 )
		lower  = 0;
		upper  = 0;
		lowerZ = 0;
		upperZ = 0;

    if ( componentIndex == 100 ){
		lower  = 0;
		upper  = (unsigned)KpiComponents.size();
		lowerZ = 0;
		upperZ = 0;

    // Finally, for the total of all components
	if ( componentIndex == 0 ) {
		lower  = 0;
		upper  = (unsigned)KpiComponents.size();
		lowerZ = 0;
		upperZ = (unsigned)ZComponents.size();

	// Now sum over final state helicities (this is not general code, but
	// knows about internals of components
	for (int twoLambda = -2; twoLambda <= 2; twoLambda += 4) // Sum over +-1
		tmp = TComplex(0,0);
		for (int twoLambdaPsi = -2; twoLambdaPsi <= 2; twoLambdaPsi += 2) // Sum over -1,0,+1
			    for (unsigned int i = lower; i < upper; ++i) // sum over all components
				    tmp += KpiComponents[i]->amplitude(m23, cosTheta1, cosTheta2, phi,
						twoLambda, twoLambdaPsi);
			    // Now comes sum over Z+ components and lambdaPsiPrime
			    for (unsigned int i = lowerZ; i < upperZ; ++i)
                    //tmp += ZComponents[i]->amplitudeProperVars(belle_m13, belle_cosZ, belle_cosPsi_Z, belle_phiPsiZ, pionID, twoLambda, twoLambdaPsi);
                    tmp += TComplex::Exp((0.5*TComplex::I())*(twoLambda*belle_phiZPsiPsi))*(ZComponents[i]->amplitudeProperVars(belle_m13, belle_cosZ, belle_cosPsi_Z, belle_phiPsiZ, pionID, twoLambda, twoLambdaPsi));
                    //std::cout << TComplex::Exp(0.5*TComplex::I()*twoLambda*belle_phiZPsiPsi) << " " << TComplex(cos(belle_phiZPsiPsi), 0.5*twoLambda*sin(belle_phiZPsiPsi)) << std::endl;
		result += tmp.Rho2();

	//momenta are defined on eq 39.20a/b of the 2010 PDG
	const double m1 = 0.493677;    // kaon mass
	const double m2 = 0.139570; // pion mass
	const double MB0= massB; // B0 mass

	double t1 = m23*m23-(m1+m2)*(m1+m2);
	double t2 = m23*m23-(m1-m2)*(m1-m2);

	double t31 = MB0*MB0 - (m23 + massPsi)*(m23 + massPsi);
	double t32 = MB0*MB0 - (m23 - massPsi)*(m23 - massPsi);

	double p1_st = sqrt(t1*t2)/m23/2.;
	double p3    = sqrt(t31*t32)/MB0/2.;

	//std::cout << result << " " << angularAcc << " " << p1_st << " " << p3 << " " << result*p1_st*p3 << std::endl;

    double returnable_value = result * angularAcc * p1_st * p3;

    double background(0.);

    if ( (componentIndex == 0 || componentIndex == 13) && fraction > 0. )
    for ( int l = 0; l < l_max_b+1; l++ )
        for ( int i = 0; i < i_max_b+1; i++ )
            for ( int k = 0; k < k_max_b+1; k++)
                for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j+=2 ) // limiting the loop here to only look at terms we need
                    //cout << "likj" << l << " " << i <<  " " << k << " " << j << endl;
                    if (j < k) continue; // must have l >= k
                    Q_l  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (l,    m23_mapped);
                    P_i  = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl     (i,    cosTheta2);
                    // only consider case where k >= 0
                    // these are the real valued spherical harmonics
                    if ( k == 0 ) Y_jk =           gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1);
                    else          Y_jk = sqrt(2) * gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm (j, k, cosTheta1) * cos(k*phi);
                    background += b[l][i][k][j]*(Q_l * P_i * Y_jk);
    //cout << background << " " << fraction << " " << returnable_value << endl;
    //returnable_value = background;
    returnable_value = returnable_value + fraction*background;

	if( std::isnan(returnable_value) || returnable_value < 0. ) return 0.;
	else return returnable_value;


    return 0.;
Esempio n. 7
/* See Remark 2.17 */
double pkd_eval_square( int j, int k, point p) {
  double leg = gsl_sf_legendre_Pl( j, p.x);
  double pwr = gsl_pow_int( (1.0-p.y)/2.0, j);
  double jac = jacobi( k, 2.0*j+1.0, p.y);
  return leg*pwr*jac;