Esempio n. 1
gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf (const size_t K,
                           const double p[], const unsigned int n[])
  size_t k;
  unsigned int N = 0;
  double log_pdf = 0.0;
  double norm = 0.0;

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      N += n[k];

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      norm += p[k];

  log_pdf = gsl_sf_lnfact (N);

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      log_pdf -= gsl_sf_lnfact (n[k]);

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      log_pdf += log (p[k] / norm) * n[k];

  return log_pdf;
Esempio n. 2
void calc_sum_fact(struct detector *det, struct dataset *frames) {
	int d, t ;
	struct dataset *curr = frames ;
	frames->sum_fact = calloc(frames->tot_num_data, sizeof(double)) ;
	while (curr != NULL) {
		if (curr->type == 0) {
			for (d = 0 ; d < curr->num_data ; ++d)
			for (t = 0 ; t < curr->multi[d] ; ++t)
			if (det->mask[curr->place_multi[curr->multi_accum[d] + t]] < 1)
				frames->sum_fact[curr->num_data_prev+d] += gsl_sf_lnfact(curr->count_multi[curr->multi_accum[d] + t]) ;
		else if (curr->type == 1) {
			for (d = 0 ; d < curr->num_data ; ++d)
			for (t = 0 ; t < curr->num_pix ; ++t)
			if (det->mask[t] < 1)
				frames->sum_fact[curr->num_data_prev+d] += gsl_sf_lnfact(curr->int_frames[d*curr->num_pix + t]) ;
		else if (curr->type == 2) {
			for (d = 0 ; d < curr->num_data ; ++d)
				frames->sum_fact[curr->num_data_prev+d] = 0. ;
		curr = curr->next ;
Esempio n. 3
gsl_ran_multinomial_lnpdf (const size_t K,
                           const double p[], const unsigned int n[])
  size_t k;
  unsigned int N = 0;
  double log_pdf = 0.0;
  double norm = 0.0;

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      N += n[k];

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      norm += p[k];

  log_pdf = gsl_sf_lnfact (N);

  for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
      /* Handle case where n[k]==0 and p[k]==0 */

      if (n[k] > 0) 
          log_pdf += log (p[k] / norm) * n[k] - gsl_sf_lnfact (n[k]);

  return log_pdf;
Esempio n. 4
double* genLogFactList(int size){
    double* logFactList = (double*) calloc(size, sizeof(double));

    for (int i = 0; i<size; i++)
        logFactList[i] = gsl_sf_lnfact(i);

    return logFactList;
Esempio n. 5
gsl_ran_poisson_pdf (const unsigned int k, const double mu)
  double p;
  double lf = gsl_sf_lnfact (k); 

  p = exp (log (mu) * k - lf - mu);
  return p;
Esempio n. 6
rcount nulldist::rand()
    if( gsl_ran_bernoulli( rng, a ) ) return 0;

    /* This uses a rejection sampling scheme worked out by Charles Geyer,
     * detailed in his notes "Lower-Truncated Poisson and Negative Binomial
     * Distributions".
    rcount x;
    double accp;
    while( true ) {
        x = gsl_ran_negative_binomial( rng, p, r + 1.0 ) + 1;

        accp = gsl_sf_lnfact( x - 1 ) - gsl_sf_lnfact( x );

        if( gsl_ran_bernoulli( rng, exp( accp ) ) ) break;

    return x;
Esempio n. 7
  Partition H
PartitionHMB_OD(struct group *part, double linC, double *HarmonicList)
  struct group *g1=part, *g2;
  int r, l;
  int ng=0;      /* Number of non-empty groups */
  int nnod=0;  /* Number of nodes */
  double H=0.0;

  H += linC * NNonEmptyGroups(part);

  while ((g1 = g1->next) != NULL) {
    if (g1->size > 0) {
      nnod += g1->size;
      r = g1->size * (g1->size - 1) / 2;
      l = g1->inlinks;
      H += log(r + 1) + LogChoose(r, l);
      /*H -= log(HarmonicList[r + 1] - HarmonicList[l]);*/
      g2 = g1;
      while ((g2 = g2->next) != NULL) {
	if (g2->size > 0) {
	  r = g1->size * g2->size;
	  l = NG2GLinks(g1, g2);
	  H += log(r + 1) + LogChoose(r, l);
	  /*H -= log(HarmonicList[r + 1] - HarmonicList[l]);*/

  H -= gsl_sf_lnfact(nnod - ng);
  H -= LogDegeneracy_OD(ng);

  return H;
Esempio n. 8
double logFact(int key, int size, double* logFactList){
    if (size<key)
        return gsl_sf_lnfact(key);
        return logFactList[key];
Esempio n. 9
 * \brief The log likelihood function
 * This function calculates natural logarithm of the likelihood of a signal model (specified by a given set of
 * parameters) given the data from a set of detectors.
 * The likelihood is the joint likelihood of chunks of data over which the noise is assumed stationary and Gaussian. For
 * each chunk a Gaussian likelihood for the noise and data has been marginalised over the unknown noise standard
 * deviation using a Jeffreys prior on the standard deviation. Given the data consisting of independent real and
 * imaginary parts this gives a Students-t distribution for each chunk (of length \f$m\f$) with \f$m/2\f$ degrees of
 * freedom:
 * \f[
 * p(\mathbf{\theta}|\mathbf{B}) = \prod_{j=1}^M \frac{(m_j-1)!}{2\pi^{m_j}}
 * \left( \sum_{k=k_0}^{k_0+(m_j-1)} |B_k - y(\mathbf{\theta})_k|^2
 * \right)^{-m_j},
 * \f]
 * where \f$\mathbf{B}\f$ is a vector of the complex data, \f$y(\mathbf{\theta})\f$ is the model for a set of parameters
 * \f$\mathbf{\theta}\f$, \f$M\f$ is the total number of independent data chunks with lengths \f$m_j\f$ and \f$k_0 =
 * \sum_{i=1}^j 1 + m_{i-1}\f$ (with \f$m_0 = 0\f$) is the index of the first data point in each chunk. The product of
 * this for each detector will give the full joint likelihood. In the calculation here the unnecessary proportionality
 * factors are left out (this would effect the actual value of the marginal likelihood/evidence, but since we are only
 * interested in evidence ratios/Bayes factors these factors would cancel out anyway. See \cite DupuisWoan2005 for a
 * more detailed description.
 * In this function data in chunks smaller than a certain minimum length \c chunkMin are ignored.
 * \param vars [in] The parameter values
 * \param data [in] The detector data and initial signal phase template
 * \param get_model [in] The signal template/model function
 * \return The natural logarithm of the likelihood function
REAL8 pulsar_log_likelihood( LALInferenceVariables *vars, LALInferenceIFOData *data,
                             LALInferenceTemplateFunction get_model){
  REAL8 loglike = 0.; /* the log likelihood */
  UINT4 i = 0;
  REAL8Vector *freqFactors = *(REAL8Vector **)LALInferenceGetVariable( data->dataParams, "freqfactors" );

  LALInferenceIFOData *datatemp1 = data, *datatemp2 = data, *datatemp3 = data;

  /* copy model parameters to data parameters */
  while( datatemp1 ){
    LALInferenceCopyVariables( vars, datatemp1->modelParams );
    datatemp1 = datatemp1->next;

  /* get pulsar model */
  while( datatemp2 ){
    get_model( datatemp2 );

    for( i = 0; i < freqFactors->length; i++ ) { datatemp2 = datatemp2->next; }

  while ( datatemp3 ){
    UINT4 j = 0, count = 0, cl = 0;
    UINT4 length = 0, chunkMin;
    REAL8 chunkLength = 0.;
    REAL8 logliketmp = 0.;

    REAL8 sumModel = 0., sumDataModel = 0.;
    REAL8 chiSquare = 0.;
    COMPLEX16 B, M;

    REAL8Vector *sumDat = NULL;
    UINT4Vector *chunkLengths = NULL;

    sumDat = *(REAL8Vector **)LALInferenceGetVariable( datatemp3->dataParams, "sumData" );
    chunkLengths = *(UINT4Vector **)LALInferenceGetVariable( datatemp3->dataParams, "chunkLength" );
    chunkMin = *(INT4*)LALInferenceGetVariable( datatemp3->dataParams, "chunkMin" );

    length = datatemp3->compTimeData->data->length;

    for( i = 0 ; i < length ; i += chunkLength ){
      chunkLength = (REAL8)chunkLengths->data[count];

      /* skip section of data if its length is less than the minimum allowed chunk length */
      if( chunkLength < chunkMin ){

      sumModel = 0.;
      sumDataModel = 0.;

      cl = i + (INT4)chunkLength;

      for( j = i ; j < cl ; j++ ){
        B = datatemp3->compTimeData->data->data[j];

        M = datatemp3->compModelData->data->data[j];

        /* sum over the model */
        sumModel += creal(M)*creal(M) + cimag(M)*cimag(M);

        /* sum over that data and model */
        sumDataModel += creal(B)*creal(M) + cimag(B)*cimag(M);

      chiSquare = sumDat->data[count];
      chiSquare -= 2.*sumDataModel;
      chiSquare += sumModel;

      logliketmp -= chunkLength*log(chiSquare) + LAL_LN2 * (chunkLength-1.) + gsl_sf_lnfact(chunkLength);

    loglike += logliketmp;
    datatemp3 = datatemp3->next;
  return loglike;
Esempio n. 10
 * \brief Merge adjacent segments
 * This function will attempt to remerge adjacent segments if statistically favourable (as calculated by the odds
 * ratio). For each pair of adjacent segments the joint likelihood of them being from two independent distributions is
 * compared to the likelihood that combined they are from one distribution. If the likelihood is highest for the
 * combined segments they are merged.
 * \param data [in] A complex data vector
 * \param segments [in] A vector of split segment indexes
void merge_data( COMPLEX16Vector *data, UINT4Vector **segments ){
  UINT4 j = 0;
  REAL8 threshold = 0.; /* may need to be passed to function in the future, or defined globally */
  UINT4Vector *segs = *segments;

  /* loop until stopping criterion is reached */
  while( 1 ){
    UINT4 ncells = segs->length;

    UINT4 mergepoint = 0;
    REAL8 logodds = 0., minl = -LAL_REAL8_MAX;

    for (j = 1; j < ncells; j++){
      REAL8 summerged = 0., sum1 = 0., sum2 = 0.;
      UINT4 i = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0, nm = 0;
      UINT4 cellstarts1 = 0, cellends1 = 0, cellstarts2 = 0, cellends2 = 0;
      REAL8 log_merged = 0., log_individual = 0.;

      /* get the evidence for merged adjacent cells */
      if( j == 1 ) { cellstarts1 = 0; }
      else { cellstarts1 = segs->data[j-2]; }

      cellends1 = segs->data[j-1];

      cellstarts2 = segs->data[j-1];
      cellends2 = segs->data[j];

      n1 = cellends1 - cellstarts1;
      n2 = cellends2 - cellstarts2;
      nm = cellends2 - cellstarts1;

      for( i = cellstarts1; i < cellends1; i++ ) { sum1 += SQUARE( cabs(data->data[i]) ); }

      for( i = cellstarts2; i < cellends2; i++ ) { sum2 += SQUARE( cabs(data->data[i]) ); }

      summerged = sum1 + sum2;

      /* calculated evidences */
      log_merged = -2 + gsl_sf_lnfact(nm-1) - (REAL8)nm * log( summerged );

      log_individual = -2 + gsl_sf_lnfact(n1-1) - (REAL8)n1 * log( sum1 );
      log_individual += -2 + gsl_sf_lnfact(n2-1) - (REAL8)n2 * log( sum2 );

      logodds = log_merged - log_individual;

      if ( logodds > minl ){
        mergepoint = j - 1;
        minl = logodds;

    /* set break criterion */
    if ( minl < threshold ) { break; }
    else{ /* merge cells */
      /* remove the cell end value between the two being merged and shift */
      for( UINT4 i=0; i < ncells-(mergepoint+1); i++ ){
        segs->data[mergepoint+i] = segs->data[mergepoint+i+1];

      segs = XLALResizeUINT4Vector( segs, ncells - 1 );
Esempio n. 11
 * \brief Find a change point in complex data
 * This function is based in the Bayesian Blocks algorithm of \cite Scargle1998 that finds "change points" in data -
 * points at which the statistics of the data change. It is based on calculating evidence, or odds, ratios. The
 * function first computes the marginal likelihood (or evidence) that the whole of the data is described by a single
 * Gaussian (with mean of zero). This comes from taking a Gaussian likelihood function and analytically marginalising
 * over the standard deviation (using a prior on the standard deviation of \f$1/\sigma\f$), giving (see
 * [\cite DupuisWoan2005]) a Students-t distribution (see
 * <a href="">here</a>).
 * Following this the data is split into two segments (with lengths greater than, or equal to the minimum chunk length)
 * for all possible combinations, and the joint evidence for each of the two segments consisting of independent
 * Gaussian (basically multiplying the above equation calculated for each segment separately) is calculated and the
 * split point recorded. However, the value required for comparing to that for the whole data set, to give the odds
 * ratio, is the evidence that having any split is better than having no split, so the individual split data evidences
 * need to be added incoherently to give the total evidence for a split. The index at which the evidence for a single
 * split is maximum (i.e. the most favoured split point) is that which is returned.
 * \param data [in] a complex data vector
 * \param logodds [in] a pointer to return the natural logarithm of the odds ratio/Bayes factor
 * \param minlength [in] the minimum chunk length
 * \return The position of the change point
UINT4 find_change_point( gsl_vector_complex *data, REAL8 *logodds, UINT4 minlength ){
  UINT4 changepoint = 0, i = 0;
  UINT4 length = (UINT4)data->size, lsum = 0;

  REAL8 datasum = 0.;

  REAL8 logsingle = 0., logtot = -INFINITY;
  REAL8 logdouble = 0., logdouble_min = -INFINITY;
  REAL8 logratio = 0.;

  REAL8 sumforward = 0., sumback = 0.;
  gsl_complex dval;

  /* check that data is at least twice the minimum length, if not return an odds ratio of zero (log odds = -inf [or close to that!]) */
  if ( length < (UINT4)(2*minlength) ){
    logratio = -INFINITY;
    memcpy(logodds, &logratio, sizeof(REAL8));
    return 0;

  /* calculate the sum of the data squared */
  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    dval = gsl_vector_complex_get( data, i );
    datasum += SQUARE( gsl_complex_abs( dval ) );

  /* calculate the evidence that the data consists of a Gaussian data with a single standard deviation */
  logsingle = -LAL_LN2 - (REAL8)length*LAL_LNPI + gsl_sf_lnfact(length-1) - (REAL8)length * log( datasum );

  lsum = length - 2*minlength + 1;

  for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
    dval = gsl_vector_complex_get( data, i );
    if ( i < minlength-1 ){ sumforward += SQUARE( gsl_complex_abs( dval ) ); }
    else{ sumback += SQUARE( gsl_complex_abs( dval ) ); }

  /* go through each possible change point and calculate the evidence for the data consisting of two independent
   * Gaussian's either side of the change point. Also calculate the total evidence for any change point.
   * Don't allow single points, so start at the second data point. */
  for (i = 0; i < lsum; i++){
    UINT4 ln1 = i+minlength, ln2 = (length-i-minlength);

    REAL8 log_1 = 0., log_2 = 0.;

    dval = gsl_vector_complex_get( data, ln1-1 );
    REAL8 adval = SQUARE( gsl_complex_abs( dval ) );
    sumforward += adval;
    sumback -= adval;

    /* get log evidences for the individual segments */
    log_1 = -LAL_LN2 - (REAL8)ln1*LAL_LNPI + gsl_sf_lnfact(ln1-1) - (REAL8)ln1 * log( sumforward );
    log_2 = -LAL_LN2 - (REAL8)ln2*LAL_LNPI + gsl_sf_lnfact(ln2-1) - (REAL8)ln2 * log( sumback );

    /* get evidence for the two segments */
    logdouble = log_1 + log_2;

    /* add to total evidence for a change point */
    logtot = LOGPLUS(logtot, logdouble);

    /* find maximum value of logdouble and record that as the change point */
    if ( logdouble > logdouble_min ){
      changepoint = ln1;
      logdouble_min = logdouble;

  /* get the log odds ratio of segmented versus non-segmented model */
  logratio = logtot - logsingle;
  memcpy(logodds, &logratio, sizeof(REAL8));

  return changepoint;
Esempio n. 12
double mygsl_binomial_coef(unsigned int n, unsigned int k)
  return floor(0.5 + exp(gsl_sf_lnfact(n) - gsl_sf_lnfact(k) - gsl_sf_lnfact(n-k))); 